. S SPRING HUMORS Complete External and .!ipan Will ot Uelire. L' M' ' -rt 1 "an Lc'J L nia Fr.Jay, vei--piiiei'.t5 n the bnrv w,. retain t i .. u j. .. nhimit tlfnition are f-s:rif.c!iJ. Beyond Japan's reply, sbosviag her intention to continue to o-cnpr Pekin, there is little to thrjw further ifcbi. From Sbansiiai coiups a report that Li Hcdjt Chang: has dispatched an crsrent te'.ecraai to the empress upwager at Tai Yuan Fc. snnocnctn the pcrpo-e of the allies :o advance to Pao Tii.sir Fo, a id perhaps eve.i further. The Tien Tsin rorre? pondeut tnc Standard asserts tint everyone in Prkin is livins; on ''buller beef an-1 hard tack. Hrai f Jim Fall Victims to stomach, liver ar.d kidney roubles as well as vromen, and all feel the results in loss of appetite, poisons in She blood, backache, nervousness, head- At&eand tired, listless, ran down eel- inc. Bdt llirf'a nn nfctrl fo f..,.t til-n -t1a:. Listen to J. VV. Gardner. Idaville. ' Ind. He savs: "Etctrio Bttters are , jnt the thing far a man when he is all - run d jxn. fi.i?'r irV.tIif.r . .. 1 , , -i,rui u.v. . j- ui-i mtre 10 uive me Ii5tt strenelh errl gow! appetitt than aurthinc I cjnld take. I can now eat anythinE and have a nw leaw on iiie." Only 50 cents, at J!ake!tv' drua store. Every bottle inaranleeri. 3 jfaiud F..rcn a Happy -Tonitlr. sniNOKAi, ept. iu. i (lexaitu tieaiu- er,-wMch has arrived here brui2s re- , Doris of the latest event in Pekin. . These advices are to the fleet thit the ! preattfit harmcay prevails amonsr tne ofScers of the allies, who treat each other with extreme courteev, and that the soldiers are l.ving as though mem bers of one army. "Late anivais say that if nnv clash recurs during the oc cupation of Pekin, i' viM be broustht on by the diplomats in Enroje end not by ' the Boldiers in the field. Drj-insj preparations eimpiyaevei- op dry catarrh; fP" ! which adhere to tho membrane and decom- poae.causingafarmoref.erioastroublethan ' the ordinary form of catarrh- Avoid all dry- tng iiumlauta, inmes, BiuufcCT. UuUo and uss that trhich cleanstE, soothes and heals. Elv's Cream Balm ia nuch a remedy and -snll cure catarrh or coldtn tne neaa SdTorIJ Air dtaa'oU the ! OOc.stzc. Ely Brothers, GGWarren St.,K.Y. , The Balm cures without pain, does not irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads iteelf over en irritated and angry surface, reliev. , iflg immediately tho painful inflammation. 1 why, f'roo.n Tlilm mn fro nnnftd Wth Hy scream jsatmyouannea pmstJtasal Catarrh and Hayi ever. . .against h'eial for Hale. , The two buildine owned by Mrs. E Julian, on Court street, between Second 1 and Third, now occupied as a lodging hocee and Urestmitking snop. ine: buildings will be sold, furnlebed or uu-: lurnlsnni, cueap lor can. Mrs. E. Julian. Imd Working Night and Day The busiest and mightiest little thin that ever was made is Dr. King's New" : .. . . ..... ..,i , Idle t ills. r.very pill ia n oujaiajnmu 1 globule of health, that changes weakness into strength, listlessness into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25 cents per box. Sold by Blakeley, the druggist. 3 A full line of boys' clothing at the Kew York Cash 'Store. Internal Treatment $1.25 Consisting ol CLT1CURA SOAP 25c , to cleanse the akin of crusts an J scale and soften the thickened cuti cle, CimCURA OlNTflENT SOe.), to instantly allay itching, Irritation, and inflammation, and soothe and beat, and CUTKURA RESOLVENT ,30c. , to cool and cleanse the blood. A single set is often sufficient to cure the most torturing, disfiguring skin, scalp, and blood humors, rashes, Itchlngs, and irritations, with loss of hair, when the best physicians and all other remedies fail. Sold throughout the world. POTTER DRUG AND CHEM. CORP., Sole Props., Boston. "How to Cure Baby Humors," free. X BBaB'H GOING EAST- ke i. tr r Last, s-k rmr t.-ket aser.t c n nle joc via TLe Great WabasL, a modern and up to-dite railroad m everr particu'ar. Through trains from ChtcaiJ, Kansas City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York ' and Nen ."Sncbnd points. All trains , run via Niagara Falls and every through Irain has free reclining chair cars, sleep- inr and dining car. j Stp over allowed on ail tickets at Ni i agara Falls. P.css C. Cline, PaetSc C-jas Pa?s. Act., Los Aretes, Calif. C. S. CuaXE, G P A , St Louis, llo. Nasal In tli lu stijM there should be cican.iness. Ely's Cream Balm cremjes.fxjtfce! er.dhcals Uie diseaed raaafarsae. It cnr:s catarrh, and driTea I "A '3 tM ta,d Cream Balm U plsced uto the oostrile, epreids STer the nisbrisc and is aluorbcd. I5e!lef is Irn inediate and a czze follovrj. J: Is cot drying does Hot produce sneezJa. Large Size, 50 ceau ot Drus or by raail; Trial SS2?, JO eeats by nut. Zt't IS.rStllZRs, Warren Street, Xetr Tork STRAYED From the East Eutf feed yard, one small blue mare, branded comething like a man's head 03 ieft shoulder. Liberal reward for her recovery or information he- rf.riivt.rr IVhm lie. recinery. v lien iai jeaditi to eeen la(j s til0t roi,e around her neck, T, J. Dairo. n2c2tw The-Dalles, Or. For the coo-jenieuceof parties vrant tnj: ice in the afternoons, tae Jrtadelinan left Co. will carry a stock at their etoreP ' corner Third and Washington etreete. I Phone No. 10"; loni: dixance Ibi ' "King 'em up." ISm-tf Wmtrd. Four or five hoys, "joing ro school , daring winter, to board. 12" a month with room an(i ,ia:n washinst. Acroes- street from High school. Apply at CueoyiCLB office. dwlro i.ux&rie. ..,,.. k ,1 the- HeIllUUl drinKS are not intones, iney are necessities. A full line of cool and rirpShini? norter. ale. mineral Kr and kept on ice Take a b3t home for lunch. C. J. fetublmg. Psoae ; Jteineiuuer That Chas. Stubling ia still ooing a " He retail business at his new place ... " . . ,1 . . geiis in quantities to smt U customer, ini n n h-rr-l FamiW from one bottle to a barrel, family orders delivered nrornptlv. u GROCERIES.... A FINE LINE OF Staple and Fancy Groceues -AT . ,r DUNC AN S w v-. h Pnrme No. oa. Tcird ot., near Court. CORD WOOD.... Good Pine and Kir Wood dellvertd to any jrt ot the city at j3.5t par cord. at Phone No. CO. Third Bt., near Court. DUNCAN'S BUfrO-lmo BUSINESS LOCALS. Clnrk & Ftk's drni; stock is new, fresh and complete. Clarke & Fu'.k hnve ou sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. You will not have boils if voti take Clarke A F-i'k' snre cure for baits. A fall line of Eastman alms an.l sup I lies just received by CUrke A Fn'.k. C'arke A Fa!ts SavoriDC extracts are the best. Ask yonr grocer for them. Paint yonr house with paints that are fu:ly guaranteed to Inst. Clarke A Falk have them. Clarke A Falk hare received a carload ' of the celebrated .lame E. Patton , strictly pure liquid paints "Meet us on the Midway"! i Event of th e Ti m es j The Great Street Fair and Carnival! Occupying many s id blocks, taking in an entire street, frrx curu tc curb : : : . S. 4-15 fJrPiTnjl t'nder the nuspiees of the Tort .and Etks. surpaislnp in inajiu tude and crandeur anything of th? kind eve: attempted oa ihv i'aciOc Coast. j "J he street of Cairo! Tle Oriental Theatre f Tin- German Vlllacr I Thr Dancing r.lrli '. Alt Aralilan 1'accaut ! CriiM utng till Qurcn I lies, Kmc r the Carulral, At tended by III Magnifi cent Court. The Oreat Patadcof the !ka and other orderj. The 'tallnn I'ttrS and Fountain. The Jlacnltl cent Triumphal Arch und Grand Midway-tilled with wonderful attractions. Mining, Mercan tlie. Agricultural, liortirulture and other in dustrial exhibits. The Woman's I'avililon, de sicned by women, built by women and deco rated by wnineii for the exhibit of women's industrial wtrrt. The Grain Hata'-e, bui!: of Orsgou and Woahlngtou gruins nttd grnssei. MISIC, ri'S A"I OAVETV. NIGHT TUKNEU INTO UAV. W" I,.Tfit rail nd water raten ever jrtieii .Portland from all parts irf tne 1'acf tic North- I to J west. NOTICE FOIi PUBLICATION. Office at 7e pAUZf. OKi:oorr, Angtmt 'Si, luxi. I Notice Is hereby cive that tire following named nettl-.T has filed nolke of hi iuienliuu to make hum prsol In support of hi claim, Hnd tbal tail! proof will be raatfc befofc Jne I'.grlster rt R , - Th b ,, , j day, October 0, vtti, viz obert e. l-hiiiipn, of io4er, r irtc JJ. and (rtU. fcec 1. 1o. U N.. K. ti E.. vr.M. lie names tne fo3winK tritneric tocure hi continuous leaideatrr ujn aad culti:iii oi !M land, riz- James Ijewla, Dolfy JtMicr, I-a F.i-ano, John Jilkr, lt of .Mosier, Wregon. JAT1. Ltrcis, aaz-l i:egas;r. SOTJCE FOK PUBLICATION. LarbOrncc jThe Djuxs, Omc, July 2, 1 NotW j lieieby tliat the foliowins- named settler haj riled notice of her intention to corr.ainte and make Jnul prooF ui. Bii;)irt of her eWisi, and tDat nalcHproof will bo inadv be fore the rrtrl.ter and rweiier ac Tbe Duiit, yregon.n Tlmrduj-, epteral;raJ VjhO, vij; A. Helm, )Wi Uallirr.. H. E. N.C13u. for the SW MX, f.K g.Wf, ano swjs, onu, nee. a J. lie., k-e. js., n.-u. f 3beiumett,fcfollo-iB-.ltno.ttoiiroher it(HjnW)n, residence ujo, and tultlvatico ol d laiwt ri: 1 v ,,1 Th naii,-. or JAY Si LtrtAS, lt;liiter EXEOUTOIi'S UOT3CE. Nrdite Is herebv clven that tb- iliMied have been dul7-apioicid by rae honorable ' county court, of tbe autv-of Oreyiu. lor Wjco ' touiiir. executor ui tai-estate k Hufalio Cor- , Veawd. All jnon iaYinn claim!. Kalnt aid eaUtearoharebyi.uUlied u. present ,J;eMme, ,,r0jrly ver!iid. to thtr ui.derlBi.ed ! ChaIi E, Corson, at ttiweo Stwrnan county, I On-Kun, or nt tbe ofticvot our attornc?, Meue , fee iV WIIjoii, at The CtUe. Oitm, wltbln six I month Irom the dati-oi tbU lxAlet. Uattil July 11, VMS OHAKIXS K. CORSON, WILLIAM K. COUaON, Lxicutoraoi thewtute of Horatio Cotton, de- ceaed. )ly'.'l U NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LsB Of me at Va.ncouvbr. Wahh.J AUK. lf, I'J'W- I Notir:c in herebr Klven that the following. . Iiamtu J,i.,tvi t.iu m ..... ... ..... to make llual proof In auponrt of hia clalo', and ! t U I'too! will be made before V. 11, 1'rtoby. tolled fiutea :ommlloner for luitrlel of I Vtt.lilnKt)ii, at hit onice in Ooldeiidale, Wash- ington, 011 October 1, ivm, viz John Wataon, 1'. 0. addrek Centervlllc, Wa.li., who made houuattad application No. UIL', for tbe V,i hY.i eet- I ! 3 it 11 t. n . M. Who uainc the following wltneMca to provi, til continuous residence- upon and culllrallui o! ald laud, viz.; Charles Htraulie, William Wllklntor., Jame C. Daly and I'atrfr Uaggerty, all of Cctiterville V. O., Wasblittiti, elvl W, B. UfNJJ.VH, (trgUUr, or Se as !3? I A 2 t t 5rri m i t ti 1 1 t t t ri"f 1 1 t i t i tt 1 1 ui r ji j tt 1 3 n IBS Str. Regulator Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. DOWN. l.V I)SllC! at 7 A. H. Tuesday ThUMday .. Saturday . Arr. I'orllaad at 1.20 r. M. vr. Lv. i'ortlund At 7 A. M. Monday Wedno-Cay Friday Arr. Dulles at 5 r. X. FOR COMPORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, S . .... 'i runs ihc Ust rvict- poaaltili:. J5 Portland Office, Oa -trtet Doc W. fifty 1 1 rtTi.rt.riTt.T uu rr t r.-T 1 rljclxlr'i.r i r'i rlxlxlxLxi xlriiri rlfi xlwi ycXwXi rw-- ...Geo. C. Blakeley... Successor to Blakeley & Houghton. Wholesale : and : Retail : Druggist Largest Stock of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries in Eastern Oregon & '?r '5 ,& 5' Ef f Country - and - flflail - Orders Will Receive PROMPT ATTENTION. 175 Second St. THE DALLES, - Advertise in the Ohronicle NlCArl Axle J IOrease 1 helps the teaai. Saves wear asd B v .expense. Sold every where. M (B HAD BY jpL tambmho oil co. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TliANHACTA KNEUALBAMXIMO BUtlNEB Letter ol Credit Issued available In the Eastern KUUs. Sight Exchange aad Teleeraphi. Traasfers sold on New York, Chicago, Bt. Louis, San Fraaeiaeo, Portland Ore ion, Seattle Wash,, and varioue poiaU in Oregon and WaahiBgton. Collections iaa4e at all points oa (av arable terms. IpBEIJ. W, wilhon, ' JLTQn-SKlf AT uw, THE UAUtfa, 0RKUOS i : ; US' l ill :f , 3S' ,35' , $ '21 The Ocllon, Op. The Chronicle, !'5iH Job Printers ' If IS 1 C" A! r i x i Tixi 1 1 tr'i r tTtt i if i I fxxfv t i ti ttf tiii.? REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA SAY. COMPANY bb-amers of the IUvulnti.r Une vrlll run a -t the lu! w re bchedule, the C"02iwuiy rerviug the right to ehs!:e " -It' Kitnout notice. Str. Dalles City. 1'' I.v. Dalle? at 7 a. n. Monday WVdiiexduy . . Frldy.. . . Arr. Portland at I 1'. x. IT. L . Portland 2 nt 7:00 A. M. Ttu-Mlay 'H . . . Titurjiday ,3 . .euturday i Arr. Dalles 'J oi .i r. m . Tor iurther Information address m C. ALLAWAY, Cen. Afft. ...... . ...... 4 3 -5; 14 '3 i 'i 44 Phone 300. OREGON. - j C. F. Stephens ...Dealer In... Dry Goods, Clothing, l; IlCKiln, Shots. liat, Cnj, Notion. Aet. Jor W', L. DouglhH tihoc. Tulejihone No, 88, 131 f..tiU bt., Till Dalles, Or, "infy1 w 'tnpif asj 1 1 House Painting... The undersigned has taken tin.,,..!,,,, of R. A. Splvey paint j)hop, next door to the Vogt opera house, and has pur chased tho tools ap.d ladders. He lias gooa tnecuatilca working for him, and will IfuamRUtt nil Work to give satisfac tion. S. K. KELLY. HKK FCHKM IT,, l-'KOX lt.vu.ru. row t lox Vint Mnll IMS p. m. 'Snlt t.akr. Denver. Kt rt , tii, lira i a norm, uninnn, Kati w. City, M liU, ChloiRii and Liut. Atlnutlc ShU Lair. Denver, Ft Worth, OuihI.h, Kati f City, Bt. i.i.iu,, Chicago mid 1 an. i:ls.ti. 12:Bi n. in. 1 vu mint ; Inston. t bpolanv Sun 11 ud r.iprc4 Walla Walla, HjKikunr, Simi.M Mlntitupoiii. m iui "mJ?' iluluth, Mllttnutee,, ,Bj Cltlrutfo mid Kan. vl e.,,,-, Spokane aid Ilui'iinr 1 50 tun: nhoatl i t u Wnstillictoii h:.( Lat J,J)l a cm Oregon, ft 'Jj p. m S ji. m. Fr.osi 1'OMi.iKn, Ocean Steamship. For fcnn KriiiirlM'.v Every Tivc !. 4 p.m. Sp.n. ' ike, F.x.MindRy Colurritiia Hv. Steamers. KxAus'lis (To Astoria mid Way ra.urday j Landings. 10 p. in. j fi a. in. Y iiXiMUTTs: It:Vi.a, i 3)n.x. k..sutid Orccou Citr. Nt-wUrj. Ettundij aaii-ai it Way Uiud s. I T . m, WlLLAKCTTS JlND VlM 3Mp E. and Fa j Tut.Thur. hill i:ivr nd sat. . Urcrun WW. Ijii nud tVor-1 Midiiir. i VAsr. Uivck. illpiiria to dni'y 3.Xr. in. dallr 9:)a.a. gXV t'ar.jf let;inc to sn t- HepiinTr ot ;kiui:. on (olurabSa Southern via lllttn, itiau'A (ntf sit. J. Wartnir llic ImIIi- at 1.' W p. n. tiiaktiii; dlrwt rntccUotis at llepiiitt JunntMt I'M't I'ltrtrv l'f.uriilns iiiitkiticiI.ru'tcatinertlOD at lit'iT-ner unrtloti and HIcri u.th Xo. l.ii. rli;iR at Tlie Dalles nl lv M p IE F'or 'nil particulars ;. rirentThc Dalies, or nd'i it. X. Cc.'i ItLIUKT, I'lirtUtid.Ot. I M Nuthen Mi U 4 Yellowstone Park Line. THE 111 NINO t'Alt r.OCTE nio.M l-OETLASD TO TUB EAHT THE ONLY DHtEfrr LINE TO THE YEIXOff- STONE PA KK Dnioa Depot, nrtu zu ! sis asw. l.civr. No. 2. ' Kt mall for Tarnnia, , reattlc, Olyinpla.brar ilurbor mid South llrnd tiotutii, HrMkiine, Kosi Hand, Ji. C, TuUnaf Mokeow, U'ltoii, Bui It 15 A.M. fnlolItimjiniliiliiKcutin try, Helena, Jlinneajj liii, ht. i'aul, OuiHtia, Kantan City, St. Louln. iChlCBKO and til vkj1iiU No. I. ' eat and aoutbrnKt. No. ,50 KM. No.S. t'UKOt Kound Eipre- , 11:30 1. M. for Tucoma and health; 7;I0A.M. and Intcrmcdtute jwinw Pullman Orkt-elan and touriit lwrt .VInneaiK)liK,fct. Paul nud MIsour river jo'.nu without chatiKe. ,, . Vuotlbuled traltm. Uuloll dejiot coiiuwUom In all jirluclwil dtiei'. . , HaKirKe checked to destination of tiektW. f or haitdwimrly llltitiateddwer.ittvcrnatj;;, tlcketK. uli-otihiKcar rcacrvatlon. etc .call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, AitsUtant ficnernl I'asfceiiKcr AKnt, i Morri bou Street, corner Thltd, l'ortiaiid.OreRon. SOUTH and EAST via Souinero Padftc Co Shasta Route Tralm leave The Da'.lea for l'orliaw) awl " alatloua ut l.i a, m. and 2 p. m. iAuve Portland " Albany Arrive Ashland " Hiierunif nto .. " ban KrancUco . &aoam 'Mr ,ia:suui i.iPa .lltwam ll'Mjg . 7:tVi u i 15"tn Arrive 0don " Denver " Kiiimai City. . " Chleago ... S:l5in 11 IS"? Arrive Lot. Angclc .. . " Kl rao " Fort Worth.. . " City of MexJeo , " llouatoti, ' New Orleans. . . " WitahliiKtou " New York ... lt'.'Opm C:W p m .. 6:20 in u:Mhiu I:00 m ... 6:'i'a i -,) C:U0 1 O f,;30 a W t,:ini ;U0m I, K l'jtia p m l- uv u: 1 u Pullman aud TourUt cam on KVfAn, Cliulr cam MMCrainiuto to Ogden und fc , i nud tourist naralo Chicago, St LouU, leatia aud Washington. Coiiiicctlug at Sail KrancUco with ateaiiikhlp llnca for Uouolulu, 'l"'' lul I'taiipptiiea, Ceutral aud HoutU Atutiic. Bee agent at The Dalits atotlon, or ad ann C. H. MARKHAM, Oeueral Pauenger Agent, Port. jyU- UKIHBNDOKrr JCK Physician and Surgeon, BpocUl attenUon given (0 wti'T. Booms 2t and W, Tel. m Vogt Woe ni.r.iM ian u rtiann