The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 12, 1900, Image 3

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'When you start in to buy
your boy's School Clothing, you
want to got all for your money
that it will bring. You know
that prices everywhere aro not
There's an opportunity to
do double justice to your
self and boy.
Boys' all-wool blue, black and
gray Cheviot Suits always neat
and serviceable, strongly and
neatly made, reinforced through
out in fact everything double
about these suits except price
Reinfor.ced throughout. Willi patent elastic waistband. War
ranted hold-fast buttons.
N. B. Wo carry the largest and best selected stock of Youths'
and Boys' Clothing in Eastern Oregon.
Children's Kangaroo Calf, but
ton and lace.
Children's Kid, button and lace.
Heavy Soles plump stock.
Sizes 6 to 8 $1.15
Sizes 8 1-2 to 11, - $1.35
Sizes 11 1-2 to 2, - $1.65
Excellent School Shoes. Your
money's worth in every pair.
Pease & Mays'
Shoe Department.
Dress Goods..
rainy-day skirts in all the latest
nav' and black.
tailor suits.
Suit and Skirt
In our Suit and Skirt Depart
ment the stock is now complete, and
we have some startling bargains to
Have 3Tou seen our RAINY
correct thing for Fall wear.
Give the department a call.
' FREE ! A socl BilPobau an1 Bat or a 1900 Daisy
--'-Rifle with any boy's suit or overcoat.
Al! Goods Marked
In Plain Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
WEDNESDAY . - - SEPT. 12, 1000
At Andrew Keller's. I
"Our Irish-American Cousin"
At the Vogt opera house tonight.
United ArtiBans nro requested to bo
present tonight nt tho social meeting.
Ice cream und cuke.
Girl wanted to do general houBewoik
in 11 fatuity of two; no children. May
attend hcIiooI or otherwise. sll-lw
Mra. Phillips io prepared to furnish
cut flowers mid nil kinds of floral de
eigne on short notice. Phone number
307. liBliu I
The fnnerul of tho late Francis Boss,
of this city, took place from the reei-
ilenco of Mrs. Maude Eddon this fore-(
noon. 'T
All moinherB of the Degree of Honor
are requested to attend the regular
meeting tonight, as business of import
ance will ho transacted.
Mine l'ittinan, one of Portland's most
'xperienced and beBt ti limners, arrives
this evening to be with Miss Haven
luring the millinery season.
The trial of Mcado Hughes, who iH
confined In the county jail, charged with
assunlt with a deadly weapon, line been
postponed until Fridoy morning.
The hoard of fire delegates met last
"ight in Hie recorder's ofllce nnd, after
trammeling the usual routlno business,
Kfanted an exemption certificate to J.
I'. Mcluerny.
Mrs. White, of Mosier, died at that
place yesterday after u lingering illness
ami was hurled today. She wbb aged
about CO years, nnd leaves u husband
and three children.
The members of Tho DalleB M. E.
'Iiiireh nnd the cltizenB of this town,
Kenerally, will bo pleased to learn thut
tt'o conference lately held in North
Yakima has reappointed Rev. U. F.
'lawk for another year's Hervice at this
Homember the Oregon state fair opens
"fcJtt Monday, Sept. 17th, and will eon
"nuo six days. It will be the biggest
ami best fair ever held on the grounds,
and every farmer should make a strong
"fort to attend at least one day 11 not
'lie wholo week.
('m Valley held its first city elec
tion last Monday, when the following
oncers were chosen: Mayor, 0. VV.
Moore; aldermen, J. ij, Wilcox, Alex.
;C(tt, K. II. King, J.O. Elrod, G. li.
ivl'"1, J' Hltrvey ?mlti; recorder,
K. Woaterfleld; treasurer, A. O.
tr"!t; marshal, O. French.
Auuual fall and winter opening of
roillloery will take place at tho Camp
bell & Wilson millinery parlors Tues
day and Wednesday, Sept. 18th and
19th. Everyone cordially invited to
call nnd inspect an elegant display of
pattern hats, ladies' and children's
trimmed hats, street hats nnd tarn o'
shanters. 12e-18
The marshul has a chain gang of seven
drunks nnd hobos, including two In
dians, working on the streets. Tr,ey
are today In charge of Frank Connelly.
A couple of hobos arrested in the East
End last night refused to work, denying
the jurisdiction, as they put it, of Judge
Gales' "hydrophobia court," and de
manding a trial .
The Gamecock left this morning for
Portland with n cargo of 4000 sacks of
grain. On tho way up yesterday she
brought a party of emigrants, who were
on the wuy from the Eugene neighbor
hood to the Grande Ronde valley. They
had eight prairie schooners and twenty
two head of horses, and proceeded over
land from here.
Messrs. Hnight, Bolton and Kelsay,
who were on the bonds of the tub-contractor
of the mail route between Hepp-
tier anu uanyon Uity when tne latter
failed, mul was compelled to abandon
the contractor, liavo made a settlement
with the original contractor, who lias
taken charge of tho route und relieved
the bondsmen of all further responsibil
ity. It is understood their loss was not
nearly so great as they, nt one time,
supposed it would be.
"Our Irlxli-AiiUTlcun C'uunIu."
The above will be tho title of the play
at the Vogt tonight.
The audience last night was not so
large as on Monday night, although
"Stie o' Tennessee" was produced in a
more creditable manner than tho per
formance of the night before. The
characters wero well bundled, Effie
Darling as "Sur.e," Miron Lifllngwell as
"Dick Grafton," and Tom Walch as
"Mlggs" being tho best. Tho specialty
of Chas. Burch was the life of tho per
formance. As a populnr priced organization the
Crawford company ranks among the
best that has ever played in The Dallee.
The members of the company havo
found that by not speaking so loud and
slower they ure heard more distinctly
from the front. This was noticed last
night by the audience.
Misa Eiuiuii Jlonney, of Tvgh vallov,
la registered at the Umutillu House.
George Summers, the postmaster of
Prluevllle, was in town laatuight on his
way home from Portland.
Perry Head, a posporons stockman of
tho Hay Stack, Crook county, country,
was in town today, accompanied by his
wife and daughter. Tho party came
here to purchase supplies.
James Frailer, a wealthy sheepman
formerly of Sherman county, now of
Yakima county, Wash., urrlved here on
the noon train from Portland, accom
pauld by his wife anil children, und reg
istered nt the Umatilla House.
Buy a meal ticket at the Umatilla
House restaurant j 5.50 for $5. sl-tf i
It Wan fo Decided LaatMght No Effort
Will He Spureil to Slake It the
Itlggext Thine or the Kind
l-vor Seen In The Dalles.
The Dalles is to hold n harvest fair
and carnival. This much is certain.
shouldered. Davis is about 5 feet eight
inches and as straight as an arrow.
Macey was squint-eyed ; Davis has a de
fect in one visual organ, which Deputy
Sheriff Sexton, who is Bkll'ed in all mat
ters pertaining to visual delects in
orses, deecribeB as "wall-eyed." Ma-
fcey's mustache was "shaved ofT;"
iDstta hao a lirvlif mtifltonriu anil a tiaanl
The committee, appointed Monday night (, . , ... ..
, ... ' ... . . 'pf about a month's growth. Both men,
liowever, had lost a finger, and it is
presumed the authorities up at La
to confer with the citizens and come to i
a final decision, met in the council
chambers last night and reported favor
ably. It. B. Sinnott took the chair and an
nounced that snfucint funds had been
pledged, together With what might be
reasonably expected from parties who
bad not yet been asked to subscribe, to
make it certain that sufficient money
could be raised to Iqsure the success of
the undertaking, llle believed the fair
would prove one of the most profitable j
ventures The Dalle9 has ever under
taken. It would attract thousands of
peopln from the surrounding country
who have not been able to take in the
Portland carnival and who will not at
tend the fair at Pendleton. It would be
worth to the business men of The Dalles
many times its cost. This was the pre
vailing sentiment of the meeting.
The committee were in favor of having
as many free entertainments hb their
means would afford, and it was de
termined to avoid tiie objections raised
by many against the management of
the Portland fair for allowing charges to
be collected liowever email each might
be at almost every turn. If we treat
our visitors generously we will insure
their friendship and appreciation, and
even if it cost a little more at the time
The Dalles will be the gainer in the
long run.
On motion the chair appointed the
following gentlemen to act with himself
as au executive committee, with full
power to do all that may be deemed
necessary to promote the success of tho
undertaking: E. O. Pease, C. L. Phil
lips, Ben Wilson, Chas. Stephens.
The committee met again this morn
ing and appointed a subcommittee of
three to go down to Portland und see
what can bo done along the line of pro
curing entertainment and other attrac
tions. t'nught the Wrong .Mali.
Constable Hill returned from La
Grande this morning, whither lie went
Monday to bring here one Georgo Ma
coy, alias Bill Davis, who nbtained $30
from Bob Halm, of tho California chop
house, n few days ago on a forged check.
Marshal Driver had supposed he hud
traced Mucoy to Arlington, and from
there to Pendleton, and from Pendleton
to Walla Walla, und from Walla Walla
to La Grande, but events prove he must
have been on the wrong scent. Tho
mau brought here by Mr. Hill is not the
man wanted, and only faintly answers
the description given of Macey. He
gives his name as George Davis, and
says he had just arrived at La Grande
when arrosted and had procured work
with a telephone company. Macey was
at least six feet in height and stoop
Lfirsnd thought that was all the identity
Davis claims mileage back to La
Grande, and ought to get it. Bob Hahn
is out the $30 be advanced on the check
land $7.25 which he paid for telephone
messages inquiring after Macey, and
has not even the poor satisfaction of
having the check, for that, being a
forged instrument, is in the hands of
the sheriff. Bob, however, has had
some experience, the value of which has
not yet been definitely determined.
At last accounts "Coin" Harvey was
farming a farm, having made ail the
money that he could farming the farm
ers. St. HelenB Mist.
So far tho gentleman in charge of the
democratic spell-binding have been un
able to announce any appointments for
the Hon. Grover Cleveland.
It is no juke or dream, but a hard,
cold fact that many of the Filipinos
think that Aguinaldo is running on the
ticket with Bryan. Snmpter American.
No democratic editor has succeeded in
explaining how Uncle Sam can have a
"secret alliance" with I'ussiu and Eng
land at the same time. Globe-Democrat.
ThoBe who vote for Bryan vote to
abandon a condition more prosperous
than any ever before enjoyed by any
nation, for the purpose of trying a flu
naucial experiment condemned by all
nations. Blue Mountain American.
Four years ago Eugene V. Debs was
one of the trusted Bryan managers.
This year the democratic national com
mittee has taken alarm at the prospec
tive injury to the Bryan ticket through
Debs' candidacy on u socialistic ticket.
Bryan encouraged Dubs' socialism to his
own inj'iry. Buffalo Express.
For Infauts and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Signature of
Mr?, E. Julian has bought the Gates
wood saw. Parties wanting wood sawed
will please leavu unlets ut Iho Julian
lodging house, or communicate wtth
phone 201. flO-lw
Why pay $1.76 per gallon for Inferior
paints when you can buy James E.
Pat ton's sunproof paints for $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years, Clark A
Va!k, agents, ml
Wonder or the Age Coming Here l'uz-
zles All Mauklnd.
Thos. Edison's animated picture ma
chine, operated under patent of May 11,
1900. This machine is in operation at
runs exhibition oetore multitudes oh
people nightly. The company appears
here at thn Baldwin opera house, com
mencing Friday, Sept. 17th, at 8:4
p. m. iney carry s;j,-U0 worth o
pictures. The one showing the burnin
oi me iNortn uerman l.iovu steamer in
New York some weeks ago, when 30
lives were lost, made n big hit in New
York theater.' The beauty of the ma'
chiuo this company uses is that theV
vibration heretofore characterizing such
exhibitions has been overcome, the
pictures showing with n clearness not to
be excelled, and causing you to think
you are gazing at the real thing and not
a counterfeit presentation.
The company comes here very highly
spoken of by the press in other cities,
where they have been exhibiting to full
houses. Tho exhibition is claimed to
be the most mystifying ever put before
an audience. They will exhibit films
from 00 to 300 feet in length. Each one
has from 800 to 4000 different move
ments, being made at tho rate of -17 a
second, and are only ?B' inches in height ;
yet, on being run through the machine
and with the menus of electricity, nro
before the uudienco life eize. Thus en
tire fidelity to nature is secured, nnd
the illusion is perfect and presented to
you in living form. Tho company carry
403 different pictures. , i.,
The machiup, although exhibited in
New York but n Miott time ago, has
created more enthusiasm and has had
more press notices than any exhibition
ever given. This machine is nn Instru
ment by which unimato or inanimate
subject? ate illiimin.ited, magnified, and
displayed eo ns to be visible to thousands
at one time, life sl.e.
Dout fail to see the hypnotist mesmer
Iso the in it n. This one cost $900 to re
produce. Itead what the Boise Statesman says:
A lit subject for kings to witness are
the marvelous moving vitateopo pic
tures which are nightly being exhibited
in our city. By means of a 10,000-cnn-die-power
electric lump, life-like moving
nnd almost breathing occurrences from
life are cast on n vast white cauv.ts cur
tain. Tho subjects are almost Innum
erable, but one in particular, which has
amazed everybody by its life llkouoes
and action, is the "Spanish Bull Fight."
The pictures from which the scenes are
reproduced wero taken in Spain at the
scene of n genuine bull lijht. As the
scenes are cunt upon the canvas one can
utmost imagine they hear the enraged
boviuu snot t ns he rushes madly about
Hit) ring in pu 13(1 i t of the Heel-footed
toreador. Other great pictures are the
"Plckanlnnre-j ut Pluy," "Lady Watt
lers," "Genuine CHko Walk."
The exhibition is Inspiiing, Instruc
tive und amusing If you have the blues
and cannot' sleep. Don't fall to see it,
and bring tho children,
This exhibition is endorsed by the
clergy, the public and the press.
The exhlbiton company received a
telegram from headquarters assuring
them that they could rcproduco tho de
struction in Galveston, Texns, nnd show
It ns It nppeared after the storm, show
ing wreckage in street" nnd demolished
builditiBS, saying it would be shipped
with haste, trying to put It on here.
Men weru on the 8(ot in twenty-foil-hours
after the etonu to ant it sib it. w It
actually nppenred. If received in time,
it will be exhibited here in Tho Daliea
and show you the condiiion the storm
left Galveston in.
This exhibition will only be here a
few days. Don't full to sei! it and tint
work of tho greatest inventor of the day,
tho erjsw in theatern of New York City.
Iteal liMtnto for Sale.
Twenty-three lots, h ca'ed from Sev
enth street to Tw-Ofth, for sale at from
$50 up. Inquire at tin Columbia
Hotel. n29-tf
Advertise in The Ciihonici.k.
plays 4 Ciowe
The only store fi
this city where th
Oenuine Imported
Ware is sold.
A little higher in
price, but outlasts
a dozen pieces of so
called cheap enam
eled ware.
Other wares look
has the name
Stranslty - Steel
Ware on each piece.
Do not be deceived
First prize at 16
International Exhi
bitions. Highest
award at Worlds
Columbian Exhibi
tion, Chicago. Pre
ferred by tho best
certified to by the
most famous chem
ists for purity and
durability it is
cheapest because
Remember thi9
celebrated enam
eled ware is special
ly imported for and
sold in this city ex
clusively "by us.
It does not rust
nor absorb grease,
does not discolor
nor catch inside; is
m fruits or
will boil,
stow, roast
and bake
flavor of
food and
will last
for years.
We can
tion tlia
Tho largest und most complete line of
full and winter millinery ever displayed
in tlio city ut tho Campbell ,V ilsou
millinery parlors. Tho prices will sell
me goons. sail
Lost Bunch of keys. Finder will bo
suitably rownrded by leaving at this
ollico. t9 ol
that stay together,
lit nil over
and don't
oist much ,
aro the kind
you find hen-,
fl. Pi. Williams & Co.