The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 12, 1900, Image 1

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DciIIcg mgte Chronicle.
NO. 335
As t'gctablePrcparaiionror As
similating HieFoodandRcgula
img the Stomachs andBowcls of
Promotes DigcsHon-ChecrPuF-nessnnd
Rest .Contains neillier
Opium.Morplunc nor Mineral.
lixh.tli SUs -jitiUc
Srrfl t
hintnytrm nanr.
A perfect Hcmetly rorConslipa
lion . Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca
Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish
ness iiml Loss of Sleep.
lac Simile Signature or
cwct copy OF WRAPPER.
Marge Loads of Galveston Dead Given
Hasty Burial in the Gulf of
Houston, Tex., Sept. 11, G. L. Rubs,
passenger conductor on tliu Inlernatlon
al k Grout Northern railroad was among
a party of refugees who reached this city
nt midnight. Mr. Kuaa eaid to n re
porter :
"I will net attempt to describe, tho
liorror of it nil ; that la impossible When
I left Galveston men armed" with Win
chesters were standing over burying
equiulH and at the point of rifles com
pelling thorn to load tho corpses on draya
to bo hauled to the barges on which they
aro lowed into the Gulf by lugs unci
tossed into the sea. Aa I left I saw a
barge freighted with dead on ite journey
to the Gulf.
"Tlila manner of. burial ia Imperative;
the living must be protected now."
Mr. Hush' story waa confirmed. Ad
jutant General Scurry, who ia now in
Houston, states it ia lila oninion that
the Htatu militia will be called out and
8(3Dt to Galveaton to prevent looting,
vandalism and other lawless n-jts.
Daliah, Tex., Sept. ll.-Adjutant-Jjfiioral
Scurry, who reached Galveaton
hurt evening by boat from Houston, to.
sent a courier to Houston to notify
te militia companies of the alute that
''o would call on them for details for
eervlcu in Galveaton. Captain Roadie,
o'oiio of tho Dallaa Infantry compauiea,
was notified to have his men in roadlnras
or ordure.
Information leaks out that the horrors
of vandalism and general looting have
"een started by the vlcioua and criminal
b "intuit at Galveaton. Jt Is expected
"at the city will be plesed under
martial law.
"My baby waa terribly sick with the
jwrhuM Mays J. II, Doak, Williams,
Oregon. Wa were unable to cure him
with the doctor's assistance, and hs a
' resort no tried Chamberlain's Colic,
J'Mlwa und Dlarrl.ota Remedy. I am
"Py to say it gave immediate relief
n a complete cure." For sale at
Iwkeley'a drug store.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
rs jjP In
hi Use
Jf For Over
Thirty Years
THC eiNTAUR OOMPOWT. mw Town crrr.
Wnrnt Not Yet Known.
IJoukton, Tex., Bept. 11. The dread
ful fatality of Galveston is looking worse
in the face of the latest facts brought
out. Three men who reported here tell
of po many dead bodies being found in
a single house or yard or one block that
the conclusion is almost irresistable
that n greater number than a thousand
lives have been lost. They tell that
twenty or forty or more were loet by the
collapse of a single largo house, the vie
tims haviug gathered there for safety,
but they are unable to eay anything
about hundreds of small houses that
wero swept away, some vacant, but
many occupied, but without a mark or
sign or a memory to recall the lost.
The minute details are wanting, and
no list of names approncbing complete
ness can be had for weeks, and it is al
most sure that a complete list will never
lie found. As time wears along the
namea of different persons will be re
called by thoeo who were neighbors,
and they will be set down in the great
death roll that will be made up, but
those who do not know their neighbors
can never call their names, and tho
identity of the lost will be paseed to
eternity without remembrance.
Tho city of Galveston and her people
are industriously devoting IheniBelvee
to relieving the distressed people. Her
business men aro losing not a momont.
Two boats and two teams containing
supplies and disinfectants have gone
forward from Houston. Lust night
large wagons jostled along the streets
with boxoa of prepared food to load
them on boata or cars. Tho mayor has
sent out calls to the larger cities of the
state for Immediate help.
Million Glren Away.
Jt is certainly gratifying to tho public
to know of one concern in the land who
are not afraid to bo generous to the
needy and suffering, The proprietors
of Dr. Klng'd New Discovery for con.
sumption, coughs and colds, have given
iiwavover ten million trial bottles of this
great medicine; and have the satisfac
tion of knowing It has absolutely cureu
thousands of,1 hopeless cases. Asthma,
bronchitis, hoarseness and all diseases
of the throat, cheat and lunge ure surely
cured by It. Call on Blakeley, the
Druggist, and get a free trial bottle.
Kfuular alr.0 50c. and $1. Every battle
guaranteed, or price refunded. 3
Kinral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
rt f ullc,
Nothing to Encourage the Hope That
the Number of Dead is Over
estimated. Houston, Tex., Sept. 11. Details
from tho storm-swept district of Texas
hourly disclose more heartrending
features and confirm early rumors of one
of the greatest eastrophea of late years.
No wire communication is yet possible
with the city of Galveston, and the only
definite news obtained so far has come
by tug-boatB and refugees.
Thftre seems to be no ground for the
hope that fuller details would enow a
reduction in the number of lives lost,
and a conservative estimate is given at
1000 dead, all told. The property loss is
perhaps, even higher than bt first given.
In the city of Galveston the dead are
being gathered upas rapidly as possible,
taken to sea on bargeB and there con
signed as their last reBting places. This
action ia necessary to protect the sur
vivors from pestilence, and the ground
is too wet to permit of digging graves.
Ghouls have begun their work, and
bodies are being stripped of their valu
ables. Relief trains are hurrying forward
with supplies as rapidly as possible.
Outside Galveston, smaller towns ore
beginning to send reports as telegraphic
communication improves, and many ad
ditions to the list of dead and property
losses are received. Richmond and
Hitchcock each report 102 lives lost.
Taloma, Arcadia, Vela6co, Seabrooke,
Belleville, Areola and many other townB
from one to eight dead.
In most of these places many houees
have been totally destroyed, and thou
sands of head of livestock killed.
The railroads alone will suffrr millions
of dollars in actual damage, to say noth
ing of the loss from the stoppage of busi
ness. The International & Great Northern
and Santa Fee have miles of track wash
ed out, and the bridges connecting Gal
veston with the mainland must be en
tirely rebuilt.
Catarrh Cannot lie Cured.
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the diseaee. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter-
nal remedies. Hall's Uatarrn uure is
taken Internally, and acta directly on
tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients ie
what produces such wonderful results iu
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Chunky A Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggists, price 7fic.
Hall's Family .Pills are the best. 12
Legation Lenvlue China.
Washington, Sept. 10. The following
dispatch has been received at tho war
da part men t:
"Taku (no date) Adjutant General,
Washington afternoon 4th. Evidence
accumulates that diplomatic relatioua
will not be resumed here for a long time.
Russian legation leaves very soou for
Tien Tela. Appears to me certain that
tho Chlueso government will not return
here whilst foreign army reamaina, and
if this ie true, our legation can transact
no business. My opinion Pekin to be
merely a camp of the foreign army
pending settlement by the powers at
other points.
lted Hut From the Ouu
Was the ball that hit G. B. Steadman
of Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. It
caused horrible ulcers that no treat
tuent helped for twenty years. Then
Buckleu'a Arnica Salve cured him. It
cures cuts, bruiaea, burns boils, felons,
corns, skin eruptions. Beet pile cure on
earth. Twenty-five cents a box, Cure
guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley, the
druggist. 3
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday
Don't forget this.
What GalveMon Ncciln.
Gai.vkston, Tex., Sept. 11. The fol
lowing statement of conditions at Gal
veston and appeal for aid is issued by
the local relief committee:
"A conservative estimate of tho loes of
life is that it will reach 3000; at least
5000 families are shelterless and wholly
deatititue. The entire remainder of tho
population is suffering in a greater or
less degress. Not a single church,
school or charitable institution, of which
Galveston had so many, is left intact.
Not a building escaped damage, and
half of the whole number were entirely
obliterated. There is immediate nted
of clothing, food and household goods of
all klnde. If nearby cities would open
asylums for women and children the
situation would be greatly relieved.
Coast cities should send us water as
well as provisions, including kerosene
oil, gasoline and candles.
A Mliilntei'e fiooil Work.
"I had a severe attack of bilious colic,
got a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Choler and Diarrhtea Remedy, took two
doses and was entirely cured," Eaya Rev.
A. A. Power, of Emporia, Kan. "My
neighbor across the street was sick for
over a week, had two or thrfe bottles of
medicine from the doctor. He used
them three or four days without relief,
then called in another doctor who treat
ed him for some days and gave him no
relief, bo discharged him. I went over
to eee him the next morning. He Eaid
his bowels wero in a terrible fix, that
they had been running off so long that
it was almost Moody fins. I aeked bim
if he bad tried Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhwi Remedy and hd
said, 'No.' I went home and brought
bim my bottle and gave him one dose;
told hitn to take another dose in fifteen
or twenty minutes if he did not find
relief, but he took no more and was en
tirely cured." For sale at Blaketey's
drug store.
Fire Thousand Dead.
Houston, Tex., Sept 11, 10:45 p. m.
The Post correpondent was instructed
to forward the following address to the
people of the United States:
"Galveston, Sex., Sept. 11. It is my
opinion based upon personal informa
tion that 5000 people have loBt their lives
here. Approximate,!. one-third of the
residence portion of the city has been
swept away. There are several thou
sand people who are homeless and des
titute; how many there is no way of
finding out. Arrangements are now be
ing made to have the women and child
ren sent to Houston and otber places, but
the means of transportation are limited.
Thousands are still to be cared for here.
We appeal to you for immediate aid.
"Waltkk C. Jonks.
"Mayor of Galveston."
Opera House
F. J. CLARKE, Manager.
Engagement Extraordinary.
Opening of the Season.
Six Nights, Commencing
Monday, Sept. 10th.
Roy Crawford
Stock Co....
A True Kentuckian.
Dangers of a Great City.
Suze o' Tennessee.
A great company of Players.
A ton of scenery.
A dozen new specialties.
Opening with a Ladlea' Free Night,
Prices 25, 35 and 50o.
Seats ou sale at Clarke & Falk's,
fra ClvfnrA C h reverse
Vjlay vaIUIU 3U.IV., brocade,
- Suit
Baldwin Opera House,
If you don't laugh, eee your doctor at once something is wrong with you.
Edison's Latest EleeMeal Pietwe Jffaehine,
Never before seen here. Wonder of 20th Century.
Operated under patents May 11, 1900 Films from 50 to 300 feet in length.
Don't fail to see the female wrestling match. Chine Ling Foo outdone. Uncle
Josh in sporty hotel. Strange adventures of a New York drummer. The new
kiss. Cakewalk. 1 he hypnotist mesmerizeB the man. Spanish bull fight.
Admission, Adults 2Sc; Children under 10, 15c.
X J. E. FALT & CO., X
1L Pranrlatora v. w 4 Y
.... uommerciai sample Hooms.
9 Purest Liquors for Family Use V
Delivered to any part of tho City.
i hones. 5i Local, D1(jiancei 173 Second Street,
r rOI. J aS. Uiappell, mandolin and qultar
Will give instruction on either the Mandolin or Guitar,
ana, it uesireu, win can ui your noiue,
CLUB MEETING every Thursday Evening
Respectfully solicit your patronage aud guarantee per
feet eatiifactton.
75c a Lesson or
8 Lessons for $5.00.
and one minute's inspection
of our newest
pallai?d Uii)ter
arrivals, you will know the
foundation and ground-work of
our success. Our growth is easily
explained we cherish the confi
dence of the people that we have
earned through quality linked
with style, and price joined to
Here are Dame Fashion's latest-style
thoughts of the world.
Now is the occasion which all styl
ish, well dressed men await with
intense interest.
Our assortment is rapidly
nearing completion, and in but a
day or two morewe will be satis
fied to say to you
Come and look to your hearts'
content. Our stock is complete."
side of double-breasted vest a rich
making two vefits in one. fr,-, rr
How pleasing to the ear.
How easy in action.
How grand and beautiful
in appearance are tho now
"Lindoll," "United Makers" and
"Kimball" Pianos at
Jacobsen Book & Music Co.
The Jacobson Book
& Music Company.