A QUEER RAILROAD. !Santackrt Han One Eight Miles Lo and Bat One Pcrsnn Carrie I n l'mi. "A rather curious nnl very econom ically manajret! railrnai! is the Nan tucket Centra:, which runs between Kantuoket and Hiaheoiiset. a distance of aln.u eitrht mile." remarked an old resident of .Martha's- Vineyard to n Washington Star writer recently. "A roumJ-trip ticket on this road cost SO cents for the passenger and SO cents j lor his trunk. A seconfl trust; is car ried for 3C cents ami a third for 2" cents, but as tie schedule allows for only three trunks the conductor has on set eral occasion ruiw that at the fourth trunk he must begin over again at S3 cent. "Only one pass is issmed on the Nan tucket Ventral, and that is used by the proprietor of the road The conductor is the ceaeral ntar.aeer of the road, trujn dispatcher ant! div;sion superin tendent. The eniriiveer i master me chanic, ehief of transportation and overseer of the road bed and track. The fireman drives the express wagon and keps the books between trips. Last year some 2i0 round trips were made, and a novelty introduced during the summer season was. the entire aboli tion of the steam whistle, partly be cause of its waste of steam and partly because it frirhened the blue and other fish off shore. "The rolling stock of the road con sists of two iornniotives and six or seven antiquated passenger cars. The earnings of the Central Inst -year amounted to ubnut S1G.CC0 and the op erating expenses were a little over SC.OOfl." . MISFORTUNE CAME IN CLOUDS. Nesv Jenc)' Family AVim Vlalteil ly an nxtrnortllunr)- Series of Mishit!. ' Francis Fielder, who lives at Turkey, a small village near New Brunswick, X. J., is wondering why misfortune is persistently pursuing him and his family, says the New Vork World. Ilecently his sou Kdward fell from a scaffolding at Long Branch and was so badly hurt that for a long time his life was despaired of. Then Mrs. Fielder slipped from the stoop of her home, breaking her collar bone and several ribs. The next day Mr. Fielder slipped on some Ioojc hay and fell out of the mow. He was shaken up so badly that he had to keep in his bed for several days. Next a favorite horse died of glanders and all his live stock had to be quaran tined and the outbuildings disinftcted. M'hile this was bRng done a message was received from a son, at Asbury Park, announcing that he had lost a horse by theft. The younger son, Garfield, was the next vicitim of the family Nemesis. He was riding his wheel to work when he ran into a chicken and was thrown against a poot, having n collar bone broken and a shoulder dislocated. Now that all the members of the family and most of the live stock have been welinirs of misfortunes in one way or another, Mr. Fielder hopes the fates have been satisfied and that brighter days are about to dawn. TEN AGES OF WOMEN. Thr Van Throuicli Stages of Seven Yeara and Then Aivult ; tlie Mud, It is held by a recent writer on wom an that the seven stages of her life may be reckoned as composed of multiples of seven. The first seven years are in fancy, the second st-ven childhood, the third sever, girlhood, the fourth seven brings a fully developed womanhood. From 2.S to 33 the fifth seven might be called the infancy of age, for in those years one learns to exercise the fnculties and perceptions that have been developed in the previous groups. Up to the age of 4'J the lessons. go on. Character i Iwing matured and fixed, the definite trend of life established. After that few cliange.vare made in the renl person. Slight variationsand mod ifications of opinion there may be, but nothing deep or vital is likely to trans form the life. The common phrases, "a confirmed old bachelor," and "a confirmed old maid," applied to unmarried mm and women oer j are tacit admissions of that fact, intimating that mental and phynical habits ure so strongly rooted that the adaptability of earlier years has ceased to exist, and the person is incapable of adjustment to a new en vironment. The tale goes on. Fifty six, n sturdy middle life; 03, the en crouch went of age; 70, the span of ex istence the decade of sevens, beyond which lie a mere waiting for the end. Murderer of German Minister Arretted. New Yokk, Kept. 10. A dispatch to the Tribune from London says: Chung Li, military commandant of I'ekln, who is responsible for the murder of the German minister, has been arrested and ie confined under German jurisdiction, Mrs. E. Julian has bought the Cates wood saw, Parties wanting wood tawed will pleaee leave ordeia at the Julian 1 'dging home, or communicate with 'phone 201. rlO-lw For Hale. Rubber-tire buggy, at Porter's stable; nearly now ; good condition. eepOl w GOING EAST- If you intend to take a trip East, ask rmir tieket ncent to route vou Via The Great Wabash, a modem und up-to-date ., , . ... railroad tu every particular. , , ' Tltroneh trams from Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York ' and New England points. All trains i . t m i i run via Niagara Falls and every through train has Iree reclininc chair cars, sleep-. ing aud dining cars. Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni-', ' ,,,.P n,,,,, aunra rails. oss ti. l'acinc Uiast t ass. Act.. ; C. S.Cto G. P? A ,"su Louis , Mc. Wauled. Four or five hoyE, goinc to school during winter, to board. $12 a month with room and plain wasliinc. Across street from High school. Apply at Ciino.viCLL office. thtwlui I.umrle. Healthful drinks are not luxuries, they are necessities, a iu.i nr.e oi coo. , refreshing porter, ale, mineral water and 1 1 . nn '. n , t . I . . lmi.tf. for lunch. C. J. Stubling. Phone '2M. Itenl i.stute fur Sale. Twenty-three lota, located from Sev- enth street to lwelttn, tor sale at irom $o0 up. Inquire at the Columbia n29-tf Hotel. Wnnted A large room furnished or unfurnished, in a private family. Ap-1 ply at the mil'inery store on Washington ) e;reei, oetween seconu anu niiru. tS 9 STRAYED ! From the East Eud feed yard, one small i blue m.ire, branded something like a man's head on left shoulder. Liberal reward for her recovery or information leading to her recovery. When last seen had a short rope around her neck. T. J. Dr.irs, n7-2tw The Dalles, Or. Advertise in The Cuno.vici.E. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lvnd Office j.t Vancouver, Wash.) aur. to, noo. ( Notice Is herelty Riven tlitit the following nanurt settler ha filed notice of his Intention to make iitiat proof in support of hl clniir, and that snid proo: will be mude before W.11. 1'rmby. Tnltcd states fommlfsioner for District til Washington, at his oflice in Goldondiile, Wash ington, on October 1, 1'aX), viz: TiiUii WutKitn, 1". O. nddrcss Ccntervlilc. Wash., who made homi-stf ad application No. 'Jo-', for the Si SE.i ice i-2, Tli 3 X, K 14 E, W. 31. Who iiamea the followlnc witnesses to prove hie coniinuous residsnce upon and culiivation of taid lund, viz.: Charles ritraubc, William Wilkin'oi., Jame C. Dalv nnd Patrick liagger'.y, nil ot Cuutcrvlllo f. O., Wushinctou. alt-I W. It. DCXBAK, Register. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION, Land CrrtCE atTun Dalle?, Orb., August 31, 1!0. Xotice is hereby given that the following-! named wittier has Hied notice of his intjiit:ou to I make final proof in support of his claim, und that siid proof will be made before the I!c;:lstcr and Idecciver nt The Dalies, Oregon, on Wednes day, Octobe10, 1500, viz.: GKiirc VV. .Tolunton, of The Dalles, Dr., H. E. Xo. old, for the NWfcJ KE4 uud XE'j X Wif Sec Is, 1 1 1 X, B 11 E, W. M. lie names the following witne-s-es to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz. F. H. Tnylor, Wm. Sharp, J. W. Johnston nnd R. E. Twgue, all of The Dalles, Oregon. to I JAV P. I.rCAS, Ucgliter. . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. La'i Office at The Dalles, Or.Efio.v.f August 'St, VjOO. Xotice Is hereby given tbnt the following named settler has lllcrt notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his -claim, nnd that said proof will be made before the Ucgliter : day, October 6, 1M0, Viz : lloliert . riillllp, of ill oil or, Or., n.E. Xo. 0.-.-0 for the XEi.i XW, XW!1 XElv fcec. 9, and S,' SE, Kec I, Tp. u X., It. 12 E St. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon nnd cultivation ot said land, viz: James Lewis, Dolly Hosier, I.ea Evans, John Jlllcr, all of Coaler, Oregon. JAV P I.UOA6, nug20-l lleglster. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. Lash Office at The Dalles, Okc, j July ik, im ( Xotice Is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of her Intention to commute und make llnul proof in support of her clilm, and tnat said proof will be made be fore the reKl.ter and receiver at The Dalies, Oregon, on Thursday, September 'JJ, l'JJiJ, viz: I.nlM A , IIbIiii, iifTliH I)u1k, nr., II. E. Xo. C1W, for the XWM HE!, KA SW, und BV'A SWtfi Sec. 3 T. 1 e., It. 11 K . 31. fihe tiamcM tne following witne-ses to prove bcr continuous residence upon, und cultivation ot said land viz: Peter Fngan. G. Wetmore, Charles ilHtney, V. Fox, all of The Dalles, Or. JAY P. I.UCAS, 1-1 itc-.istcr EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Xotice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly uppoiuted by the honorable court of the atuto of Oregon, for Wasco county, ex ecutor of Hie estate of August Uachman, de feated. All persons having claims against saio esUite are hereby uotllied to present the same, properly verified, to the unduislgued Ueorge D. Heed, at The Dalles, Wasco county. Oregon, or at the iilflco o( his attorneys, JleneftcA Wilson, at The Dalles, Oregon, within six mouths from the date of this notice. Duted this lltb day of July. 1900. UEOHOi: I). P.EEIl, Executor of the estate of August lluchinan, deceusetl. .1ly21-l EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Xotice is hereby given that the undersigned have been duly appointed by tho honorable, county court, of the state of Oregon, for Wasco county, executors of the esiato of lloratlo Cor son, decerned. All perious having claims against said eatato are hereby uotllied to present the same, properly verified, to the undersigned Charles E. Corson, at Wasco, Sherman county, Oregon, or ut the olllco nf our attorneys, Menu fee & Wilson, at The Dalles, Oreguii, within six mouths from the date of Ibis notice. Dated July II, 1'JOJ. CHAItl.KS E. COKSON, ' WILLIAM K. COKdOX. Executors of the estate ot lloratlo Corson, de ceased. . jly21 li B V HUNTINOTOX H 8 WIUOM HUNTINGTON A WILSON, ATTOKNKYB AT LAW, Offloe over First Kit. bank Irylnpr preparations simply devel op dry catarru; uiey ury tip mo , which auhero to tno mcraunmo mm u.uu.. . pose, cansmg a far more serous trouble than tkoordiuarvformof catarrh. Avoid all dry- , omnfccB and annua IUL tUUdlMUIU. ....... , ' n.i ,n i t ,vi,:cu cleanses, soothes aud beala. Ely's Cream Balm is Bitch a remedy and will euro catarrh wW J.jy?J ensilv mid nleasantlv. A trial bizo win do oS. ' All druggists Bell the rj. K,, r.lvltrothors. BO Warren, St., N.Y. i The Balm cures without pain, does not ; irritate or cause sneezing. It spreadsi self , lover an irritated and angry Furfaco, rehev- . :nm,.i:ntev tho tiaiuful inflammation. I VHh Elv,g Crcam younro armod Cata"h d Hn T BUSINESS LOCALS. Clark & Ftilk are never closed Sunday Don't forcet this. Clark & Falk's drug stock is new, fresh aud complete. Clarke Jc Falk have on sale n full line of pa;nt Mxi .miei's brushes. ym wiU not ,mve von tukp Q fe p ,fe,9 for baj,g A full line of Eastman films and enj I plies just received by Clarke & Falk. ! niiirl-n Fult's fivnrinp ertractE are . . . , Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke it Fulk have them. Clarke x Falk have received a airload of the celebrated Jauie E. Patton gtricty purJJ ,.qud pnnt. I'nr Snlr, The two buildincs owned by Mrs. L. Julian, on Court street, between Second und Third, now occupied as a lodging house and dressmaking shop. The buildings will be sold, furnished or un-j furnished, cheap for cash. Apply to sU-liud i Mrs. E. Julian. ltcuieinbvr That Chas. Stubling is still doing a retail business at his new place. He ' sells in quantities to suit nil customer.', , irom one bottle to a barrel. Family orders delivered promptly. Far the convenience of parties want ine ice in the afternoons, the Stadelman ' Ice Co. will carry a stock at their store, i corner Tiiird and Washington etreets. ' Phone No. 107: lone distance 183. 1 "Kinc'em up." 18m-lf 1 "Meet us on the Midway" Event of the Times The Great Street Fair and Carnival! Occupying many solid blocks, tukiiic in an entire street, froir curb to curb : : : : Sell. 4-15 Orepi... Under the auspices of the Fort land Elks, surpassing in magni tude and grandeur anything of the kind ever utternpted on the l'acitic Coast. Hie Streets ot Culm! The Oriental Theatre t The German Vlllugw ! The Dancing Olrlai An Arabian I'ageant ! Crowning the yuneii '. Itex, King nf the Carnival, At tended by IIIh .Miignlll cetit Court. ThcOreat I'aiadeof thu Ellia and other orders. Tho Italian l'urfc und Fountain. Thu MiiKnll cent Triumphal Arch uud Orand Mldivay tilled with wonderful uttracllons. Jllnlng, Mercan tile, Agricultural, Horticulture nnd other in dustrlal cxhlhlls. 'J ho Woman's 1'avilllou, de signed by women, built by women and deco rated, by women for the exhibit of women's Industrial work. The Oralu Palace, built of Oregon and Washington i;niins uud grasses. MUHIC, FUN AND UAYKTV. NIGHT TUItNKD INTO DAY. ttf lowest rail uud water rates over given toTortland from all parts of the 1'acillc Northwest. iMlCAri AXLE J (urease ;- 1 help tbc team. Saves wear nd I expense. Sold everywhere. m lBA MA LIB tjV STANSANB OU. OO. jM !- " r .i ,21' 3E, ' SE' 1 ! ! 3t f Ill' !jMitLLi!LLlJLUill-JllJIllILlllllLl Jlll'ill'iilLLLlI n.irixriiTiTxiiixitTirirrnxmijTiiitiTl a t Htenmcrs ow.ug ehtdule, seliednle without Str. Regulator Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. H t' nov.'h J, Lv Dalle ur. Lv Portland II' T a. . . Monday . . Vcilin-ttj- Friday Arr. Dalles ntO r. x. lit 1 A. !. Tuesday 2 Thui'day . ., k batiirilny , . . 2 Arr. I'nrtland J, Ht r. m, FOR COMPORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, 3, Travel hy the bteamers nl the Ilcgulator Line. H tons the U-st ervleo poalljc. C, Portland Ofllcc, Oak Street Dock. W. ...Geo. C. & if buocQsaor to Ulakoley a Houghton. I Wholesale : and g Largest Stock of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries -3 jg' in Eastern Oregon j uoantpy - and V Will Receive PROMPT ATTENTION. 175 Second St. ' inn . . . Advertise in' the Chronicle 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE IS trade marks Debionb Copyrights Ac. Anrone scninnff a skolcli anil riMerlntlnn ma 'illicitly iiiciirialn our opiiiinii freo niicther a, InunnlUn la lirlml.l. w.ti .I.U ...... . ctlidr i .'oinmuiilcf iiuiisniriciireiMiiiiioiiiiai. iinnauonaon rateuu tontlroo. ((Most iivonrr for socurinir vatonis. ratm.ts taken tliroimh Munn ft Co. rccelvu iptelal notkt, without ehargo, In too A handsomely Illustrated weoslr. lasrsrest rlr. rillattlill of nnr srlentttln liiurii.il Terms, n a iiiiir niuniuo, i. duiu uj nnwtnraierx. &U0.3B1B' New York omc, 35 V BU Washlnato" D.T " FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ritANHACTA KNKBAbBANKIHOBUtilNEH Letters of Credit iwaed available in the Eastern Btatee, Bight Echange and Telegraphic Traneiere sold on New York, Chicago, St. Lonls, Ban Franoitco, Portland Ore' son, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and WasbiagtoB. Oolieations made at ail point on fav orable terms. ' r.v The Chronicle, The Dcllon, Or. Job Printers . .. --real iiriiirirrTtrnrfitiriajK,r,'t citr.5JJJJi REGULATOR LINE. DALLES. PORTLAND k ASIORIA KAY. COMPANY S ol tlio l'.egulator Uue will run us ir the fol- V the Company reserving the right to change i notice. 3 Str. DalUis City. 'd Lv . l'ortlaiid ,5 nt":UO a. M. i Tuesday 'fl Thursday ,3 . . . .haturday C Arr. Dalles "H uti'i r. u.Z down Lv. Dalleh ut 7 A. M. .Moliduy WvdnoAday . , Friday Arr. l'ortlund ut -1:30 r. . The Company will endeavor to give its pat- ,5 For further Inlormiitlon uiltlrcts i C. ALLAWAY, Con. Act. - - - - -a 3 Blakeley... : Retail : Druggist - yiail - Ordeps 5 X 4 i Phone 300. - - OREGON. C. F. Stephens ...Dealer In Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. Hoots, Hhocs. Huts, dips, Notions, Jor V. I,. DniiKlHh Hhoc. Tcluiihono No. 8S. 131 hcconil Ht., The Dalles. Or, House Painting... The nnileralgiied Iihh taken possession of It. A. Spivey paint shop, next door to the Vogt opera house, and has pur chased tho tools and ladders. He has Kood mechanics working for him, and will guarantee all work to give eutisfau tlon. S. K. KELLY. Afit. j 111 TIM: KCIIlUiULK. FllOM DALLKS. run 1'MKt : Mull l.'MO p. til. Suit l.nfcr, Dpiivcr. Vl 13 31 K " Atliuitlo Kxiitoss '"k!. KCIIVOT, Ft.l J.i,. orui, omiilin, Knti-i nun City, HI. IjuiIs,, in. Vln Hunt Chlcnpo nnd Knst, BiMikiinu Mull unil Kx proas JJtmteiiiM)Us. ht, I'mil PS!.!f iMllllOi.Mllwnuliw..; ,m Chlraen mill llns., via ij.SL, Inn; h1m ill I j.dIh tu In 1 WHNtiliiKtilll nliil Kust-i 3'jw era Oregon, tl.Ti p. m 8 p. 111. FllOM 1'OUTl.ASt). Otieiiti Stiiiiiiilil). for flan Krnclw Every Five Unvs. p.a. S p. in. Kx.Huiulny Hn.miliiy 10 p. in. Cnlunibln Uv. Steunicri. KxJumit To Ahtokia mid Whji ' I-niillngs. flu. m. WiLUStmn I'.ivr.n, 4:3).a. i:y..fcuiiiley ()n?nii City. NewliwicExAuniijj t Kuloin & Sy Ijuid'i, 7ll. m, IU.AMVTTK ANIlVAM 3.30B.B. rurs.Tliur,; juli. IUvi.rs, Jlon.,wtd iiiitl hi.l. i OreRdii 'lty, Dayton, amirti. I uml Wuy-J :imllix, Snake l:ivi:it. I.r l!liil Itljinrln to I'wlnton rtnlly X'jo. in. I I.rivi UwiJtM tally 3:00 i.q. I'arlirn dent'iiie to irn tu Ilenoncr t miimU on Columbia Hoiithem via lllzn.irimiLl T r. take Xu. ?, Ii-iivlng The Dalles at IS W p. a. mnlsiiig direct 'iiiiiieutlons at Ili'i'i'iier Jimclto Mini lllggs Kvturiilng iiiakliigillri'etciinlwo iitiluppiiur 'uimtloii uud HIkks with No, l.u riving Ht Tliu DhIIvh m 2 :ji p. in. For full pnrtlculurii ci agent The Dulles, or ml' n o . x. iwi ii '! MJICKT, rurtlut1,0r. Yellowstone Park Line. THE DtNlNCJ CAlt noUTE K110M l'OKTUXD TO TIIK EAST. THE ONLY MIHECT LINE TO THE VIIIXOW- HTONE l'AKK Onion Depot, rmband I sis ami. J.KAYK. No. Fast innll for Tuconm, Kcattlo, (Jlynilii.(iriiy's Ko. 1 llnrlior an (I bmitn iit-nn iHiintx, H"ikiinv. Hif.s land, II, C'., l'ulliinin, i Moscoiv, U' Iston, Hill 11:15 A. M. fnloIliinipmliitiiKciinii 'try, llulcnii, .MIiiiu-iiinj- I 11m, Ht, I'nul, Oninliii, KiinsiiN City. fit. lJ'Uli. siMi'.a. CIiIchkii nnl ull I'ulul" L'u.t nnd sotitliuiiHt. No I. Vo.J. I'liKtit riouiul hxjircss 11;:0 I. 31. for Tni:onin ntnl K'littlc .iOOA.il tinil Inturinedlntc (mints 1'iillmiin llrst olnss nml tonrl t slwiicn W MliiuvapullN.tlt. I'nul aud ilissimrl rlvcrpomn without uhntiRU. n,. Vostllmleil tmlns. Union depot connceuooi In nil prtnulpnl oltlcs. Hiirriikv oheckwt to destination of ' ckcU, Kor Imndsomcly llliiHtiutw! liriitlvemati. tlckutc, NlcvptiiK'Unr reserviitlons, etc., call onw wrltu A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant (icnumt 1'assmiKer Auent. '"' J',,ri son Htrcct, corner Third, 1'urtlund, Oregon. SOUTH and EAST via Shasta Route Trains Ienvo Tho PallfH for l'ort.'uml and wJ Ntallous ut I:'.',) ii. m. mid 3 p. w. Lcnvo I'ortlnnd., " Albany Arrive Ashliind " Kaoriiiiioiitn . ... " ban KrmiclsL'n , .l'j::juin 10;l" fl;"l''"" I fsJS . 7; 15 p in bilOS" .... 6:l5a m lligjg ..'.v. 7Ti5u.li v:a Arrlvo Ogdon i ... .. " Uunver " KurisaaUty. " UIiIuhko Arrive UmAngulCH li'.flpm El Paso fi;un p m " Fort Worth... r:: u m " (illy of Mexico o:65niii " Houstoi 4;0O inn " New Orlvims Csuftiiw ' WoshlllKton fiM'Jilln " New Vork , Ii:l3p l!:lXi' j:55i" Ci'JH"" l'lillmnn and TourUt oars on K1 Vi?i. Ctmlr earn Hueramento to Ogden .,ia vdwOl nnd tourist cara to tllilcago, Si IM" I,ew leans uud Washington. ConiicotluK ut Ban Francisco with "jWIjJ Htciimshlp ITiioK Inr Honolulu) Jmii I'hlllpplnes, cuutral and Uouth Auivrlvu. Beo agent at Tho Dailex sUtlon, or aUilreH C. H. MARKHAM, General I'sssongcr Agont, ruln JJB' UKIHBNIJOKrrKB Physiciau aud Surgeon, Bpcolal ottouUou glvsn to urorr. Kooms Vand 22, Tel. K Vost irfei m Souinera Pacific to.