Boys' School Suits. When you start in to buy your boy's School Clothing, you want to got all for your money that it will bring. You know that prices everywhere are not alike. There's an opportunity to do double justice to your self and boy. Boys' all-wool blue, black and gray Cheviot Suits always neat and serviceable, strongly and neatly made, reinforced through out in fact everything double about these suits except price Just Two Shoes. DOUBLE SEAT. DOUBLE KNEES. DOUBLE ELBOWS. lioinforced throughout. With patent elastic waistbpnd. War ranted hold-fast buttons. N. B. Wo carry the largest and best selected stock of Youths' and 1 Joys' Clothing in Eastern Oregon. SEB WINDOWS. Children's Kangaroo Calf, but ton and lace. Children's Kid, button and lace. Heavy Soles plump stock. Sizes 6 to 8 $1.15 Sizes 8 1-2 to 11, - $1.35 Sizes 11 1-2 to 2, - $1.65 Excellent School Shoes. Your money's worth in every pair. Pease & Mays' Shoe Department. Fall Dress Goods.. PLAID BACK GOODS for rainy-day skirls in all tho latest cloths. NEW PEBBLE SERG-ES in navy and black. . VENETIAN CLOTHS for tailor suits. Suit and Skirt Department. In our Suit and Skirt Depart ment tho stock is now complete, and we have some startling bargains to t)ffer. Have you seen our RAINY DAY SUITS and SKIRTS? The correct thing for Fall wear. Give the department a call. FREEH ! ooc aso,a an(' Bat or a 1900 Daisy Air Rifle with an' boy's suit or overcoat. All Goods Marked In Plain Figures. PEASE &, MAYS The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY SEPT. 11, 1000 ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA At Andrew Keller's. . . ( WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Suae o1 Tennessee At thi; Vogt opera house tonight. Crook county ie redeeming nil war rants indorsed prior to January 12, 1899. Girl wanted to do general housowoik in u family of two; no children. May attend school or otherwise. Bll-lw Members of Columbia Chapter O. E. will please observe that this is their regular meeting night. Mrs. Phillips is prepared to furnish cut (loners and all kinds of floral de signs nn fihort not ice. Phone number 307. alO-lm The ladies of St. Paul's Guild will meet at the residence of Mrs. C. J. Crnndttll tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Ayent James Irelnnd, of tho 0. K. & X. Co.. has purchased tho D. V. Maun residence on the corner of Kelly avenue nnil Sixth street. Tho price is said to be$IOt)0. The ordinance of baptism will be ad ministered nt the Christian church tliis evening. Everybody ie invited to be present. Rev. Paul Kruger will con tinue services for the balance of the week. The body of a man was fouud on thi tank of the river at Biggs yesterday. It was recognized as that of a man who was drowned nonr that place on tlio eecoml Instant, lie had been a laborer on u work train. At noon today an incident happened lo the wheel of a car belonging to a Kuwel train, on the main track at Cehlo, which resulted in tearing up the track 'or several hundred yards and deloying Hie westbound passenger over an hour, Two Indiana, one from Celllo and the otlior from Warm Springe, got Uniting "unk hist night and were placed in the cooler by Marshal Driver. They were ""alined this forenoon beforohie honor, Jutlgo Gates, who fined them $6 each, which they will have to work out on the BtrcotH. The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Nav igation Company has leased the steamer G.iimcock to be placed on the run bo tweon here and Portland. She will be ued exclusively as a freight carrier and HI bo In command of Captain John Hone, who has been master of tho "learner Reliance. The Gamecock was to make her first trip from Portland to- 0. N. Burnett arrived this afternoon 'oinShaniko wjlh the remains of the We Francis Ross, who died suddenly of appoph-xy last Sunday. The funeral will take place from the residence of Mrs. Maud Eddon, on Fourth etreet, at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, and the interment will be in the Odd Fellows' cemetery. Open hostilities between the con tractors and union lubor were resinned Saturday in Chicago when at noon about iiOOO union carpenters quit work. They demanded a half holiday Saturday. The contractors refused to accede, save during the summer. Tiie carpenters had returned to work for tiie contractors under special permits from their unions, although the big building trades strike Btill continues, afleeting 40,000 men. Here ie a bargain for any one looking for u pleasant little home in one of the most desirable locations in the city; quiet und nice neighborhood ; no dust: near to Echool ; well finished; newly painted; fonr-roomed house. Fine lot; bearing fruit trees; good garden spot; small barn ; chicken houee, etc. Purty must have the money, mid we are in structed to tako any reasonable ofTer. For further particulars call or write to Hudson & Brownhill, The Dallos, Or. A denizen of the tenderloin district started in to hold an Irish wake in that part of the town last night and succeed ed in getting arrested by Nightwatch man Like. Kite was booked as a drunk and disorderly, but aa she had no money and the marshal could not well put her to work on the streets, und in the event of imprisonment would lie worse than an elephant on the hands of tho city authorities, she wub discharged this afternoon after she had sobered tip. Iu the shindy last night she hud one of her aniis badly chewed ami got a pair of as handsome black eyee aa you would tee in a fair. James McLane, aged 03, was roasted a, a prune drier on the farm of Samuel McLuno, noar Philomath, last .Sunday. He was alone nt the drier, which he was attending. Smoke from the drier brought his brother to the Bcene, when the vic tim was found lying at the mouth of the furnace in which there was a very hot (Ire. He was lying on his back, and was dead. The flesh on his neck, shoulder, right breast and right side, as far as the apino and as low as the hip, was literally cooked. The coroner's jury returned a verdict of accidental death, with indications that the eaueo might haye been an epileptic fit. George Mncey, alias Dill Davis, was arrested yesterday at La Grande under information sent from here by Marshal Driver, charging him with obtaining money under false pretenses. Last Fri day Macey succeeded in obtaining f'10 from nob Halm ou a check for fbO, bear ing the forged name of J. T. Armstrong, who llvos ou the old Jensen ranch above tho Judlan Tillage on the other aldu tho river. Mr. Hahn had cashed other checks of Mr. Armstrong and supposed this ono was all right. He was unde ceived when he presented it at French's bank for payment. Meanwhile Macey bad skipped, He wae traced by Mar thai Driver to Arlington, from thence to Pendleton, and from Pendleton to La Grande, where he was captured. Con stable Hill went up to La Grande last night to bring Macey here for trial. MisB Laura T. Sharp, of Salem, who ImB been visiting relatives at Klamath Fails, has returned home and is the possessor of a very peculiar and un usual trophy which she captured during hersoourn there. It ia a two-headed snake, about fourteen inches long, of the water enake variety, perfectly de veloped and healthy in every way, except in tho matter of the extra head. The two heads siart from the neck on even termB and grow out clearly inde pendent of each other. Sometimes they lie close together and parallel, and again they diverge to an obtuee angle. His suakeship is a great curiosity, and Miss Ktiarn linn Itupn nfTpicit nnitn 11 nrtpu fnr It. Meade Hughes was arrested here yes 'terday for a crime he ie alleged to have committed on the Sth of last July. On that day Hughes and another man whose whereabouts is not known drew a pistol each on a number of fellow car penters who refused, ut the bidding of Hughes and his companion, to stop work on one of the D. P. & A. N. Co's. boats because of a misunderstanding with the captain. After the alleged of fense Hughes and his companion skipped the town. Hughes had no sooner re turned than he found himself in the jail. He was urraigned before Justice Brown hill this morning and, on pleading not guilty, his trial was fixed for tomorrow morning at 10" o'clock. In default of $2o0 bonds Hughes was remanded to the county jail. The play nt the Vogt opera house laBt night was well attended and gave gen eral satisfaction. The pity Is that when wo have a respectable company like the Crawford?, we have not a house fit to give an entertainment in. The acous tics of the Vogt cuuld not be worse if it had been specially built with the sole object of having no sound or articula tion heard so as to be understood. It is impossible to hear one-fourth of what is said. To three-fourths of tho audience at any play the playing ia simply a pan tomime and nothing more. There were at one time wires strung across the building that surely mitigated the evil to some extent, but these have been taken down. The situation Is such that if nothing is done to remedy the evil we complain of, players will avoid the town, or should they come, the' people will avoid playing that under existing con ditions it la impossible to enjoy, At the meeting held iu tho council council chambers last night to luke measures for holding u street fair nud harvest carnival in this city, some time in the opening days ol October, the fol lowing gentlemen were appointed as a genoral committee to meet tonight at the same place and come to a final de termination iu the matter: R. B, Sin nott, E. C. Pease, G. C. Dlakeloy, H. W. French, Ghas, F, Stephens, J. P. Mela eruy, Den Wilson, J. M, Tooiaey, J. O. Hosteller, N, Whealdon, H. J, Muier, E. Schanno, J. A. Douthit, C. L. Phil lips, Chas. Key, F. W. L. Skibbe. It was the general opinion that no great difficulty will be experienced in raising the necessary funds. The committee will be pleased to have the preeence and counsel of all who are interested in the matter. The committee will convene at 8 o'clock and a large attendance of mem bers and citizens is earnestly solicited. Claim Agatont the County. Following is a continuation of the bills allowed at the September term of the county court : H Herbring, blankets for jail Maier & Benton, supplies Jacobsen Book & Music Co, sta tionery I C Nickelsen, stationery C H Crocker, stationery. Irwin Hodsou Co, stationery .... L B Thomas, deputy assessor . . . Frank Menefee copy of opinion. . Victor Doyne, lumber Glaes & Prudbomme, typewriter J E Adcor, care of court house clock Mays & Crowe, eupplieB G L Phillips, groceries pauper. . . M M dishing, board pauper .... Chionicle Publishing Company, supplies J W Blakeney, hauling Drs Ferguson, medical attend ance J M Tootney, board ChaB M Cluike, medicine St Vincent's Hospital, care John Conner I)r Logan, medicine, etc R B Hood, Jr, hauling A A Brown, groceries Stadelman Commission Com pany, Ice Robert Kelly, board of prison ers, Frank Hill, clerical services..... Times-Mountaineer, printing. . . . C L Gilbert, meals pauper A E Lake, lumber Mrs R Mathews, board S E Bartmess, catiins for two paupers Dalles Water Works, water European House, board J F Watt, M D, professional ser vices Mt Hood Hotel, meals Sam McAferty, meals Mrs Thompson, room E S Olinger, nurse ,' J B CroBEcn, meals Hixon Bros, team hire Ward & Robertson, buggy hire,. John Dalrymple, work on county road 1 50 9 58 G 35 80 124 70 3 50 15 00 3 50 43 30 175 00 10 00 2 55 2 35 02 28 29 50 2 00 15 00 3 00 5 45 75 00 11 00 1 00 2 00 8 03 !)2 18 12 00 8 25 2 25 17 08 30 85 40 00 12 70 2 00 5 00 1 75 4 50 5 00 2 00 75 2 50 1 50 8 00 The Iloyd 1'ubllo Schools. The Eoyd public schools will open on Monday, Oct. 1, 1900. All grades, with ninth inclusive, will be taught. We wish to call special attention to the eighth and ninth grade work: Eighth grade Arithmetic, written and mental, physiology, civil govern ment, literary reading, grauniar, his tory, spelling and penmanship. Ninth grade Algebra, rhetoric, liter ary reading, general history, physical geography, book-keeping and penman ship. Tuition $4 per quarter. Good board and rooms can be furnished at reasona ble rates. For particulars call on or ad dress C. R. Deems, principal, or II. C. Southern, clerk. rEOl'MC COMING AND GOINO. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Green River, "the whiskey without u headache," the niOBt noted of Ken tucky, itself famous for producing the finest whiskey in the world, ie prescribed in all tho leading infirmaries of the country for its purity, superior excel lence' and medicinal elllcjcy. Green River is tho official whiskey used in all the naval hospitals of the United States government. O. J. Stubllng, distributor. 'Phone 234, The Dalles, Oregon. Buy a meal ticket at the Umatilla House restaurant; $0.50 for $5, el-tf Miss Merrill, of- Portland, is visiting the family of W. G. Wood. Hon. F. N. Jones, of Bakeoven, ie reg istered at the Umatilla House. John C. Hertz, late a well-known merchant of this city, now of Salem, is iu town. Miss Bertha Butts and Miss Maggie Bolton went to Portland on this morn ing's boat. Mrs. Emile Schanno and daughter, Miss Alma, went to Portland on this morning's boat. Mrs. Isaac Perry, son and daughter went to Yakima "yesterday to spend a month visiting friends. Eugene Looney, a wealthy Wheeler county sheepman, ia in the city looking after the sale of his wool. Mrs. Simeon Bolton and daughter, Mies Eflie, went to Goldendale yoitor day to spend a few days with relatives. George A. Young, wife mid daughter, Mibs Georgia, and Fred Young, wile and children nro in tho city on their way home from the Portland carnival. Through the months of June and July our baby was teething ami took a run ning oil' of the bowels and sickness of the stomach," says O. P. M. Holliday, of Demiug, Ind. "His bowels wou'd move front five to eight limes a day, I had a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Chnieni and Dianhim Remedy in tho house and gavo lilm four drops in u tea spoonful of water ami he got better at once. Sold at Blnkelej 'a drugstore. A full line of boys' clothing ut thu Now York Cash Storo. GROCERIES.... A l'MXi: LINK Ol' Staple anil Fancy 6 AT Third St., near Court. DUNCAN'S CORD WOOD.... (iix)J 1'lno mill I'lr WoiclMellveiul to any part of ttiu city tit ir com. mays 4 Crowe Tho only store ft this city whero tin Genuine Imported Stransky-Steel Ware is sold, A little higher in price, but outlasts n dozen piecesof so called cheap enam eled ware. BEWARE! Other wares look has tho name Stransky - Steel Waro on each piece. Do not be deceived First prize nt ie International Exhi bitions. Highest award at Worlds Columbian Exhibi tion. Chicago Pre ferred by tho best cookingauthorities, certified to by the most famous chem ists for purity and durability ifc is cheapest because BEST. Remember this celebrated enam eled ware isspecial y imported for and sold in this city ex clusively by us. a It does not rust nor absorb grease, does not discolor nor catch inside; is notaffectedbyacids in fruits or vegetables will boil, roast Phone No. 00, TliliU Bt.i near Court MUgG-lUlQ DUNCAN'S --sassB. stew previously c o o k o u food nnd wit! last for years. We cau tion thu public, imaiust imitutio -i Tho largest and yjost complete line of fall and winter millinery ever displayed in the city at the Campbell & Wilson millinery parlors. The prices will sell the goods. tStf Lost Bunch of keys. Finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving at this office. f.9 3t School Shoes for Girls and Boys, that stay together, Ut all over and don't coat much, are the kind j ou Und here, and HERE ONLY. A. m. Williams & go. j Ice Cream and Oyster Parlors Mrs H. L. Jones haa ope nod ice cream nnd oyster parlors in Carey Bal lard's old stand, bla cirriui A full line of Candies, Nuts and Cigars. The nlnco litis been thoroughly ren ovated, and a share of the public patron- age is solicited. J)lt. K. K, riCIUIUHMN, Physician und Surgeon, Office, Vogt Mock (over I'oitoMce), 20lmo-dw TJ1K IMI.MHi OHBUON.