1 SAVE YOUR HAIR Dryinpr preparations simply dovel op dry catarrh; thoy dry up tho secretions, which ndlicro to tho mctubrnno nud decom pose, causing rtfnr more serious trouble thnn ! tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry 1 itig inhalants, funics, smokes nuil smith nud uso that which cleanses, Eoothes and ' heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such n remedy l ami will euro catarrh or cold in tho head easily and pleasantly. A trial size "will bo , mailed for 10 conts. All druggists sell tho 50c. stzo. Klyllrothors. 50 Warren St., K.Y. The Balm cures without pain, does not . irritato or cauao sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surface, roliev iag immediately tho painful inflammation. With FJy's Cream Ualui you tiro anuod against Nasal Catnrrli and Hay Fovcr. 1 ! EE: I WW JLM I I h a. ' iaaH : WITH SHAMPOOS OF 1 I'll".! Mull li io p, n IU,.1t I ..l-A T. ... Hal .... ; ... ... . In-i u.n !3S! C IiIciiro mid Kust. " i i l lis, k it Atlimtlc i .. .. Unit iJika. Denver, Ft.! i. Worlli. Omi.hu, kni!: I i.ui.n, if iiillltl. Knh.l IB. ,S:.Vi a. m. jiii. City, fit. Uml,, hi iiii.ii- iiiiiuiifu iiiui i;ust. I ' hmwut ! timb neiumri.it And light dressings of CUT1CURA, purest of emollient skin cures. This treatment at once stops falling hair, removes crusts, scales, and dandruff, soothes irritated, itching surfaces, stimulates the hair folli cles, supplies the roots with energy and nourishment, and makes the hair grow upon a sweet, wholesome, healthy scalp when all else falls. Complete External and Internal Treatment for Every Humor. ConsUtinrof Ccticubi SoAPtlic.). to c!aDo the skin of crnl and PJL" ! and toften the thickened cuticle; Ccticuiu O.'KTMEXT 0c.). Ill f Pllrjl to tn'tantlv allay itchtne, inflammation, and irritation, and ecolho and JAftjlliw&l& U heal; and'CtTlcuiu Resolvent (SOc.).to cool and cleanse the Mood. A Sinqle Set U often incident to cure the racwt torturing, dUtairtne, THC OCT CkI Vn and hamiliatine skin, scalp, and bkxxi humon, with Iom of hair, nhen I nL Ok 1 , 4l,k) oil eke falls. Porrsn Disco and C-E. Cobp., Bole Props., Boston. "All About the Sto, Kearp, and Hair," free. ! BUSINESS LOCALS. J Clark it Falk are never closed Sunday t Han't forcm this. Clark & Falk's drw dock is new, i fresh uud complete. ClRrkc it Fa!k have on Fale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. ! You will not have boils if vou take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. A full line of Eastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke & Falk. Clarke it Fulk'e fiavorinc extracts are the best. Ask your crocer for them. i j Paint your house with paints that are , fully guaranteed to last. Clarke it Falk j have thetn. t Clarke & Falk have received a carload 'of the celebrated Jame E. Pat ton ' strictly pure liquid paints Tor Hale. The two buildings owned bv Mrs. E. Julian, on Court street, between Second ! and Third, now occupied as a lodging I house and dressmaking shop. The buildings will be sold, furnished or un furnished, cheap for cash. Apply to Mrs. E. Julian. flMnul 6 8 3H I The Delicti, Of. The Chronicle, dob Printers. I Kb: 'Si: ---rr i 1? t as, f as 3-1 .36. -. 1H, 3S llllUIU, IMI'LULl, XIlIIIIIltTlIIITTITIIXlIXIIITTl?rt1tfITirTtIIWIItlflIIllJXirIT II fir iiiiii-niie Si ni i iiihI 0:'J.f i. in a p. m. 8 p. m, Wnlln "nun, Huikaiie (in,i, ' iiiiniin1.iiihMiiike;, Chlrueo mill Kimt.vlii EjSLs firil:iiiMik(l lluiuliie. 1,01 ton: niMi.ii, i,iiu,i Wni.liliiKtiiiiiiii(iKnit-is,' FKOX 1'OIITI.ANII. Oceiiii HtciiniHhln, For fiini rrimclM .. Kvery I'lve l).tvs. ip.a, CnlumnlH Uv. Bte.in.cn.iEu'unlir To AdToitiA mifj Wavi ' I-.mllnev r...wuKlaj-Coluiiit)li Uv. Bteiimcn. Siutir.lny 10 p. in. i. n. m. WtLiauKTrr.Utvr.il. i:a)t.B. I.i.Mlli(ly,()reKim City. .NowIh.tr, Ex.snnjV. i riuleiii A Whj- IjiiiiI',. ' . Tueti.TJiur., kill Kivkks, Jlon..VTM nnilh.it. OrcRim City, Duvton, andFrl : nud Viiy-.:iuUliigk. l.v Ulpuiin iliiliy 1 it. in. I K.VAKt: Uivr.it, Ulpurlii lo IxjwlHton. LSiTI UWIJTM lilllj 9;00.n. I'UOI'LK tillJtlSO AM) GOING. J. P. Isaacs is registered at the Uma-! tilla House from Walla Walla. Miss Annie Dietzsl left on this morn-jj ing'e boat to visit friends in Portland, Tom Haslam left on this morning's boat to spend a week at St. Martin's Springs. Luxuries. Healthful drinks nre not luxuries, tl ey Itenieinhnr That Chas. Stubling is still doing a are necessities. A full line of cool and retail business at hie new place. He 1 sells in quantities lo suit all customer?, from one bottle to n barrel. Family orders delivered promptly. AlAlA'A ! Tjn. AIA ATA - A riTAm.- ATAT -rA.TJk-lATJCTA"! ATATA-JCTJ CTM't refreshing porter, ale, mineral water and beers kept on ice. Take a bottle home f jr lunch. C. J. Stubling. Phone L'34. tleul Litatu fur .Sale. Twenty-three lotslocated from Sev- Eecorder Gates returned home this . enth street to Twelfth, for sale at from morning from u visit to the Portland ! i50 Pi Inquire at the Columbia Hotel. a29-tf carnival. Mrs. F. P. Maye, son and daughter were passengers on this morning's boatl for Portland. 1 nuher't're huggy, at Porter's stable; Mrs. T.nnn Ron.lnan. of Klncalpv. Ml nei,r,-v neVV: l-'00(J condition. Sef.Glw on this morning's boat to place her two children in the bisters school p.t an couver. M. E. Gerow anil Jay F. Stroud, of Prineville. arrived bete on their way home from attending the Per land carnival. Wanted A large room furnished or utiiurniehed, in a private family. Ap ply at the mil'inery store on Washington street, between Second and Third. sS-O Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured bv Clarke Frank Malone, of Antelope, is in the !& Falk. , city accompanied bv his daughter, Mis9 r , .. . " 7 TT Mav Malone, who will attend St. Mary'e ! Bu-V a n,eal t,cket at tl,e Umnt,11a Academv during the current term. v Houe restaurant ; $5 50 for sl-tf J. H. Cradlebaugh returned here yes A full line of boys' clothing at the New York Cash Store. terday from a'short sojourn at Portland,' where he received medical treatment that has greatly improved his health. Every day is bargain dav at the New Miss Jessie Kent, of Los Angeles, re- York Cash Store. turned here Saturday from a week's , , visit with the family of Rufus Patterson, Advertise in The OnBosici.it. of Mosier. She was accompanied by : Mrs. Brittain. f NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. Mr. and Mrs. B. Kelsay, of Fossil, are land Office at The Dalle.,. Oi-.eook, in the city on their way to their old . August , vjw. i stamping ground at Eugene, where thev , Notice is hereby given that the following irtpn.l tnsr.Pr.fi th pnaninw n.nntl.' uatned settler ha? tiled notice of his intention to rni . : 7 , , : muke tlnal proof in eupwirt of his clntm, una Their daughter accompanied them here that aid proof will be iiia.iu tx'fore the iti-cUter toipend a term at the SiBtere' academy. na ueeeiver nt tub Dalies, Oregon, on batiir r J , day, October C, JtW). viz : The Misses Huber. having spent the it..!.ert k. iM.uii., ..f .m.dr, r., past two months with the family or ii e. Xo. j&oior theSEi nv.'I, kwk nku their aunt. Mrs. B. Sinnott, left for Sec. o, and s seu. Seel, Tp.'j.v., it. r. E. tl.nl. In r . A ..,.! Tl..., I . 51. ..Uu.c ... a, fc,c lUu. . a..c, Ie nnmes tne foiiowiiiB witnesses to prove his have made many friends among our continuous residence uion and cultivation of young peopie, wno win neartuv welcome """J. v: them on anv futnre visit to' our little ! ...).ames..Lelv.1?- Dolly Mosier, Lea Evans, John s... ' - Juror, For the convenience of parties want ing ice in the afternoons, the Stadelman Ice Co. will carry a stock at their store, corner Third and Washington streets. Phone No. 107; long distance 1S3. "King 'em up." ISm-tf l:IHifWM8M .i.n'iniM D1?n.TTT A rnTD T TTVTTP DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA NAY. COMPANY I i HteamcrM of the lleuulatur Line will run ns ier the fol- j. iiw.uk kehcdule, the Company reserving the rl?ht to clmtiKV $ sclieilule without notice. 136r- l'arlim tlcxtritie tn no to IImtoiw m ' 1 .iiitit on t:iilutiihl.i iioiitlicrn via HlKi.iiovll tniiv .No. 2, Icuvlnc 'I he Dalles ut L!: p. n. 1 niMkliii; illicctc.iiuicutli.il!) at Hepptier Junctioa , nnil IiIkrs. ISeturnltiK iniikiiiKillrecicnimecUoa nt ileppner itiiictloii unit 1IIxk ullli No. 1 rtvlMR nt The Dulles al 1.' M p. m. For full particular, en HRciitTliu DhIIls. or ml- Str. RoBUlator , all of iloslcr, Oregoii. Volcanic Kruptlons JAY 1 LUCAS, JteKister. Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, of j y. Bucklen'tt Arnica Sa ve cures LAsnOrncE at The Dallks, Okh.,1 them j also old, tunning anil fever sores, :,ntiee u hereby Kiven that'h' ffi.wiL U cers, Bo s, Fe ons, Corns, WartB, med settler has n ei notico of her intention i iii "iu.1,, vuius, imin to commute und make tlnal proof in support of Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped ber cUlm, and that mid proof will be made (jo TTnn.io r'l,lll,ln;,.a rtoai p:ia nn ' f"rc ,he Msl'let and receiver at The Dalles, ilantis, dnlibla-ns. liesttile cure on ,oresou, on Thursday, gcptemUTVo, uxw, viz; eartti. Drives out pains ana aches.. t.oin a. Helm, of The Duiio, nr., OnlySKct,. a Lor Cure guaranteed. ( bold at Blakeley'o dm Btor.'. 52 i She names tne following witne-ses to prove her coiiilimoiH residence upon, and cultivation of s.uu iiiiiu viz; A J'owder Mill Kxploslon. j I'eter FaRiin. 0. Wctmore, Charles Matney, Removes everything in sight; eo do jay i. i.ucab, (Ir.-iotli. ininur ,1 .illla t til f.ntlt uva mlnlittf I 1-1 . ItUilltCr dangerous. Don't dynamite the delicate machinery of your boJy with calomel, EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice la hercbv given that the iinilcrslLT.e.1 croton oil or aloes pills, when Dr. King's 1 ,lul' appointed by the honorable court ew Life Pill?, which are gentle as a ecu tor of the estate of Aiuum Jiachman, do summer breeze dn Hi wurk iiprfntlv teaed. All K'rsons liitvini; claims aKaliut sula Bummer nreee. uo tne work, perlectl). t-suteure hereby notified to present Hie same, Cures Headache, Constipation. Only I properly vetilled, to the undeitiitiied Ueore D. . ,M ,., , , . . , Mee.1, at The Dalles, Wasco county, Oregon, or Sac at Blakeley's drug Store. 2 at the office of hlsattorne5s, ileiieee & Wilson, , uv me I'Miii-s, urexou, iviiuiii six iiionins irom - j the date of thh notice. uuwi mis iitn ouy oi juiy, vjih. UEOKUK D. HEED, Kxecutorot the citate of August liaclimnn, deceastd. ly2Pl GROCERIES.... A FINE LINE OF staple antf Fancy eroceries I'houo Ko. CO. Third Ht., near Court. DUNCAN'S CORD WOOD.... i Good I'ino nd Kir Wood delivered to any part of the city ut 3.50 per cord. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. I hntlce Is hereby Klven tht tho underaliicd i have been duly appointed by the honorable I county court, of tho state of Oregon, for Wosco county, executors of the estate of Horatio Cor son, defeased. All tiertons havlne claims uiraiiist said estate arc hereby notified to preieut the same, properly verified, to the undersized i;o nries r.. uorson, ai nasco, nnerman couiiiy, OreKoii.orattheotUco of our attorneys, ileno fee a Wllion, at The Dalle. Orexon, within six months from tho date of tbls notice. Dated July II, 1W0, CHARLEB K. CURHOK, Executors of the estate of UoratloCorson.de. Jiy.il 11 AT- Phono No. CO. Third St., near Court. augC-lmo DUNCAN'S ceased. U WIUOM B HONTINOrOX TTUNTINQTON ii WlfJiON. JLX ATfOKNEVB AT LAW. THK DALLKB, OREUUK, Office ovr First Mat. Uank "Meet us on the Midway" Event of the Times The Great Street Fair and Carnival! Occupy inf many solid blocks, taking in an entire street, frorr curb to curb : : : : Sen. 4-15 now;;. Lv Dalles nt 7 A. M. Tuortay Tlmisday . . . Saturday . Arr. I'ortlaml ut 1:3) f. M. UT. Lv. 1'ortt.intl lit T A. . Mouilai . Wednesday . . .Frlil.iy Arr. Dalles at " v. M. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dallou City. imw.v Lv. Dalle", at T A. ii. Monday Wednesday . . Friday Arr. I'ortlaml at !:.' r. M. ur. Li . I'lirtland at 7:1) A. M. Tuesday Thursday . . Saturday Arr. Dalles nt .'i I', ii. FOR COMPORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel by the Steamers of the IteRiilator Line. Tho Company will endeavor to ejvc its pat rons the best service possible. For further liilormatlon addrers Portland Ollice, Oak-Street Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. Atft. 1 J 1 Orep.... Under the auspices of the Port land i:iks, sutpasiliiK in iiihrmI tude nud grandeur nnytliitiK of the kind -ever attempted on tho Pacific Coast. The (Streets ot Culr.i! TUfi Orlontul Tlinntrn ! The German Village ! The IlHI.cll.i; Olrls 1 An Arabian I'liRount ! Crowiilne the yueeii ; ltez, Klntr r U.n Carnival, At tended liy Ilia .Hue. III tei.l Vuurt. The (ireat Faindeof the Klki and other orders. The Italian Furk und Fountain. The Magnifi cent Triumphal Arch and (iraud JIIiIwhv tilled with wonderful attractions, illiiiiiu, llercan tile, Aitiiculturul, Korticulture und other in dustrial exhibits. The Woman's I'avllllon. de signed by women, built by women nud deco rated by women for the exhibit of women' Industrial work. The Grain l'nlace, built of Oregon and Washington grains and grasses. MIJHIC, FUN ANIJ UAYKTY. NIGHT TURNED INTO IJAV. j JCJ',J-",A'''I1A'I' lA'IAIA'TA'IAf AIATA1A1ATATATAflA-AIA fA'T5vIjf.fl 'i ...Geo. C. Blakeley... Successor to Elakoley h Houghton. Wholesale : and : Retail : Druggist 1 jg. Largest Stock of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries d k m iuastern Oregon '3. I Country - and - JVIail - Orders ' .vwwwxy J. AW ATA A A All Jimi ilUH, Phono 300. i, 175 Second St IK THE DALLES, - - - OREGON. -S 'c '3 1 Advertise in the Chronicle iMMAi 60 YEARS' .yHL EXPERIENCE mm Anronaenl1lll, askctrh hii.1 description ma1 niitckly iiseertaln nnr onlnioii frut. Mlieilmp iiTciitlo.ii Is prohablr patentable, f.'miiiuiilc. tlons itilctlr eonU.toritlal. Trade Marks Jcsiqns Copvriqhts &c. pi km ma' lietbur a i iinn....ilr. Handbook on I'atcnU ie.it free. OIf..t bl'oiiov forscciirliiunatoiits, r.'iiai.u uuen tlir.iUHli .llumi & (;0, rccclvw ftf" Invost rail and water rates ever given toT'ortlatid from all parts of tho l'aciflc Northwest. Mica J Axle J IOrcase 1 H helps the team. Saves wear and expente. Sold every where STANOARS OIL 00. jB Vtiai notice, without chanm. Inihn Scientific HmcrkaH. A handsomely Ultintratod weekly. Iirvest clr filiation of any iclontltln lournal. 'J'enns. 13 a Jjari ourmontlis.IL Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.36'8 New York Branch onto.. 625 V Ht . Wajhlnlto" 11. r FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. niANHACTA KNKKALBANKINO BUHINKH Letteru of Credit Issued available in the Eastern States. Rilfht Evnhanirn anil Ta1mnur.l.i Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav oraule terms. ...Doalor In... tpy Goods, Clothing, Gents' Fupnishings. Iloot.1, Hhocs. HatK, Capi, NotioiiH. Apt. forW.I.. DoiiKlaa Ulioe. Telephone No. Mi. 'il hecond Ht., The Dalles, Or, House Painting... The underslsned h of K. A. Splvey paint Hhop, next door to tho Vogt opero hoiifie, and 1ms pur. chased tho tools and Udders. He 1ms good .mechanics working for him. and or III mw. nt ..ii . . . : Kuainiiict nu woriC 10 glVO HUtlllac- tion. S. K. KELLY. tl 0 . ft S. C0.1 . if lanntT, ' v ruttlinJ.Or. NorOiem Pi Yellowstone Park Line. THK DINING CAU ItOl'TE I'KOM rOKTUSI) TO THK KA8T THK ONLY HIItKCT UNi: TO THE YKIXOW. K10NK l'AllIC evk. Union Depot, Fiiilianll sis un. No. 2. ! Kant mull for Tucoma, .No. f-'enttlu, Olynipla. (.my h Hatlior unit Konth Ileml IpolntH, rip.ikmie, llo'i' hind, II. ('., Pullman, ilo.icmv, Ia' iNton, lint 11:1SA.M. faloHninpiiilnlnKCoiiii S;M1'.2. i try, Halcnii. .Mlnuc.mO' llin, Ht. l'mil, Onmliii, Kaunas City, Ht. IjhiIh, IChliMKO and all points No I. 'eat and routlieait. o.3. l'nijut Hound I.xprev. U;SO 1. M. lor Tacoma mid Seattle 7;0OA.5!. land intermediate polnli. I'ullnian llrat-tflima und tourlrt k!eeri to MlmieapollH, Ht. 1'niilniid Missouri rlvcrfMiU without cliaiiHC. ., . Vuatllmled traius. Utilon dojiot coniicctlo" in all prluelpiil eltles. , , , HiiKKHRV checked to destination of tlckcti. Knr handsomely tlliiHtnitctl lecriiittve niaiwr. tleketH, HleepliiR-ear rcervatlou!, clc.calionor write A. D. CHARLTON, AMlataiit General I'ao.seiiKCr Acent. 2M Storrl mm Htrcut, corner Third, Portland, Oregon. SOUTH and EAST via CCD umero Pacifi Shasta Route Tralnn leave Tim Dallou for l'ortiaiid and wf Htntloiii. nt 1 :.'. u. in. and U p. in. Leavo Portland .. " Alhiiny..., Arrive AhIiIhuiI " Huerauiftuto ... " Han Krauelitco , Bis0'"11 .rsfins . 12:30 u in 10:WpB .Wisiam 1I!J5; . aiwp" iiS'2 , 7:15 pm baSHOi Anivo OkiIoii " Denver..... " KaubiutUty. " t'liluo .... k. is a in tlsW"1 .Uiioa'm ! 7:25 U m J g , 7: 15 n in yiJO81 Arrive 1ih Aimelea 1:20 p m " Kl Piiho (1:00 p in " Kort Worth. i 0::Jct i m " City of Mexico o:5am " Hoimtoii , l:W)iini " New Orleiina fi:25n m " Wiislilnutou.,.. ..... H2am " New York 12:i:)pm 7;00B .;l)aW fi:2il' 12'Up ...ii ...... n. . .. i, ..ii. trains. mi. . ...i.i ni.ti AuuriHi l'ib .... ""v... n-jo. OhalrearH Hacramento to OKdcn and t. u and tourlnt oara to Chicago, Ht Ixiuls, Mi""' icaiiauiiu lYnaniiigiou. Coiinentinir at Hun KranaUco wltll ""T.'l1 ftcaniKlilp tinea for Honolulu, Japan, wum rhllippluea, Centrul nud Houtli America. See agent at The Da I lea atatlon, or aildrs C. H. MARKHAM, Oonoral I'aineiiier Agent, rortland. Or jyH' UKIHKNDORrrKK Physician and Surgeon, Special alteution given to turcry. ttoomi21aud22, Tol.atS Vot Hioc