Boys' Sehool Suits. When you start in to buy your boy's School Clothing, you want to got all for your money that it will bring. "You know that prices everywhere are not alike. There's an opportunity to do double justice to your self and boy. Boys' all-wool blue, black and gray Cheviot Suits always neat and serviceable, strongly and neatly made, reinforced through out in fact everything double about those suits except price $2.35. DOUBLE SEAT. DOUBLE KNEES. DOUBLE ELBOWS. Koinforood throughout. With patent elastic waistband. War ranted hold-fast buttons. N. B. Wo carry the largest and best selected stock of Youths' and Boys' Clothing in Eastern Oregon. SIEtlEZ WINDOWS. Just 1 wo Shoes. Children's Kangaroo Calf, but ton and lace. Children's Kid, button and lace. Heavy Solos plump stock. Sizes 6 to 8 $1.15 Sizes 8 1-2 to 11, - $1.35 Sizes 11-1-2 to 2, -$1.65 Excellent School Shoes. Your money's worth in every pair. Pease & Mays' Shoe Department. Fall Dress Goods.. PLAID BACK GOODS for rainy-day skirts in all the latest cloths. NEW PEBBLE SERGES in navy and black. VENETIAN CLOTHS for tailor suits. Suit and Skirt Department. In our Suit and Skirt Depart ment the stock is now complete, and we have some startling bargains to offer. Have you seen our RAINY DAY SUITS and SKIRTS? The correct thing for Fall wear. Give the department a call. FREE ! A g0CK Basol)a11 an(1 Kat or a 1900 Daisy Air . - J -Rifle with any boy's suit or overcoat. All Goods Marked In Plain Figures. PEASE & MAYS The Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY SEPT. 10, 1000 ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA At Andrew Keller's. ' WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. "A Truo Kentuckian" At tliu Vogt opera house tonight. School books, Blntee uud nil kinds of school supplies at Jucobsen's Book and Music Co. Mre. l'liillipfi !b prepared to (urnieh cut flowers and ull kindt) of floral do-sit-ns on short notice. Phone number HOT. BlO-lm A meeting of all purlieu interested in The Dalles harvest carnival -will be hold in tiie council chambers tonight at 8 o'clock sharp. Mrs. E. Julian has bought the Gates wood saw. Parties wanting wood sawed will please leave ordeis at the Julian lorigiiiK house, or communicate with 'phone '101. f10-1w A. II. Cnrtise of the Diamond flouring mill, who was Injured a week ago by falling from a platform back of the mill, was much bettor tins morning and, it is hoped, is on tho way to recovery. Hbv, Paul Ktuger, who preached in the Christian church of this city yester day, will preach there tonight ut tho usual hour and may, probably, hold services every night during the present Auek. Frank Longworth, a brakeman of the 0. It. & N. Co., (ell from the cars laBt night in tiie neighborhood oftho Union strcut crossing and dislocated his right ollow. Tho injnrcd member was set fight by tho company's physician, Dr. Hugh Logan. William Sylveslor lias returned from Shaniko, where ho spent six weeks working at his trade of carpenter. He eays the town is building up rapidly, and that it has already a number of buildings and others in course of erection that would be a credit to a town of 0000 Inhabitants. Hirum Chittenden brought Into town this morning, from his ranch on Dutch Flat, an ll-months-old hog, which weighed 3(10 pounds gross, and which hu sold to Ohrlsiuttu Bros, for $18, or five cents u pound. It wob raised prin cipally on milk and wasof tho Ohestor Whito variety. Tiie census buieau announces that tho population of Portland is 00,420, as utfultist 40,385 in 1800. an increase of 44. UU, or 01.05 per cent. It is only fair to ay, however, that tho last census rep resents the consolidated uitv aud in dudes u large territory not covored by mo census, of 1800. John Cradlebaugh, formerly editor of "us papor, now a plutocratic Greenhorn miner, objects to the statement made in Saturdny'B Ciiitoxici.n anent DalleB peacheB measuring J 1 1 .V inches in cir cumference. He insists that the waitf men sure of the Dalles peaches in his times was anywhere from 18 to 22 inches. The recorder of Prineville ond the county judge of Crook county are at outB over certain fees that the recorder claims, and the county judge refuses to pay. As a result of the trouble the re corder announces that in future he will perform marringe ceremonies free gratis. The recorder and tiie judge were oppo nents in the contest for the judgship in 18!)S. lllnc lllx lacrimtv. Apropos of the controversy in the Oregonian over tomatoes, which the early Oregon settlers culled love apples, und which were, by many, considered poisonous, S. L. Brcokp, of thiB city, re members using tomatoes in his old home in Illinois ub far back as 1839. They were not there considered poisonous and were eaten with Bait and vinegar as many of them are eaten now. Francis Itoss, an old and respected resident of this city, and father of Geo. Boss, agent of tho Columbia Southern at Shaniko, died suddenly of apoplexy at the latter place yesterday. C. N. Burget, of this city, left on the noon train for Shaniko to prepare the re mains for shipment to this city, where tho interment is expected to take place in Odd Fellows' cemetery Wedneaday. W. P. Keady and Frank Aholt have u Btore at Howard, the poetofllco ut the Oclioco mines, just across the Wheeler line in Crook county, where quite a lit tle town is being built up, The McAl lister boys have made a conditional sale of their mine there to a Portland com panj consisting of Keady, Cotton Camp bell and others, for $100,000, 3,000 down, tho balance to the paid in install ments within five years. Groon River, "tho whiskey without a headache," the most noted of Ken tucky, itself famous for producing the HnoBt whiskey In the world, is prescribed in all tho leading infirmaries of the country for its purity, suporior excel lence and medicinal eillcucy. Green Iliver Ib the official wiiiskey used in all the naval hospitals of the United States government. C. J. Stubllng, distributor. Phono 234, The Dalles, Oregon. Griflln Chamberlain, of Klickitat county, Wash., died at Downie, Calif.. Aug. 30th. The body was brought to his home on Chamberlain Flat and burled lust Tuesday. Mr. Chamberlain was an Oregon and Washington pioneer, coming to Oregon In tho eamo troln with ex-Senator Dolph, and Iiob been one of tho prominent men of Washing ton for sevoral years. He wob aged 74 years, and left a wife, two sons and a daughter. Tho biggest boars in tho world are to bo found on Kadiak island, in the Gulf of Alaska, soutli of the great shoulder of territory that stretches out into the Pa cific, and Dr. Frank Baker, of the Smith onian Institution, has sent Klwood Ho for, a well known guide and hunter of the Yellowstone Park. The Kadiak bears are of the polar breed, perfectly white, with long, heavy fur, and at full growth are twice as large as the ordi nary black bear. Ellas Davis, prominent sheepman of Crook county, disappeared from his Crooked river ranch on .Augi'Et 17th, and up to this time no trace of him Iibb been found, although the sheriff and a number of friends of the missing man haye been riding for days in search of him. ThiB mysterious disappearance completely bailies every attempt at a solution, as not even the slightest clew can be found. The miesing man, who was known as "Shorty Davie," was un usually popular, and had no enemies that are known of. As no money was token from the rauch, robbery was evi dently not tiie motive which prompted the murder, if he woe killed. His friends are sparing no effort to solve the mystery, and we are informed that if 1000 reward has been posted, for infor mation of Davis' whereabouts. Ante lopo Herald. Commenting on President McKinley's letter of acceptance, today's Oregonian 6aye: "The money question is the is sue. 'Anti-imperialism' is not the 'paramount' issue. It is not an issue at all. There is no issue about it. No is sue can be made out of it. Order must be retored in the Philippines. Bryan demands It; McKinley is doing it. Foreign nations muet be kept off. Bry an demands it ; MoKinley is doing it. Tho largest possible, measure of self-government must be accorded. Bryan de mands it; McKinley is doing it. All possible constitutional rights must be extended to the Filipinos. Bryan de mands it; McKinley ban done it. If Bryan were inaugurated president to morrow, he could not withdraw out army and navy till order had been es tablished. When this is done, congress will act. Bryan Bays he will call con gress together in March, 1001. It will be in session December, 1000, ready for action the moment the insurrection is ended and disposition of tho Islands is In order." Wedcllug; Uelli. DALLES ELKS WELL PLEASED. They Were Treated Royally and Were Awarded the Only I'rlrfe In Their Clan. The following incident of tho Colum bia River conference, which met last week at North Yakima, will be of in terest to Dalles people, It is copied from a dispatch to tiie Spokane Spokesman-Review : "One feature of the conference today was the wedding of Rev. John Wood, of this city, and Miss Ella HolUs, of The Dalles, Or. The ceremony was per formed in tho parsonage at 6 o'clock. ISlthop Andrews ofticiated. The only witnesses were- Rev. U. F. Hawk, Pre siding Elder Uren and the ladies of the families. Many preachers wero on the outside anxiouB to witness the ceremony, but dared not intrude without an invita tion." Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paitita when you cau buy James E. Patton's sun proof paluts (or $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 6 years, Clark & Fttlk, agentB. ml The members of Cascade Lodge,' No. 303, B, P. O. E., who took part in the recent festivities in Portland, in connec tion with the carnival, have returned with possibly a few exceptions and all repot t a splendid fraternal reunion and a jolly good time. - Caecade Lodge made a splendid show ing, taking with surprise not only the general public, but their "many Dalles triends who witnessed the parade. Readers of the Oregonian, Telegram and The Dalles papers are familiar witli the general features of the parade, but only a few of them know that the Dalles lodge received the first and only prize in its class, that of uniqueness and origin ality, the amount being $200 cash. Tiie Dalles lodge was not in the same claes as Salem, that received tho mounted elk, nor with Aetoria, that received $100. The Dalles Elks are well satisfied, hav ing received ono of the leading prizes. In addition they feel that they have done their whole duty towards the com munity in which they live, as well &b in assisting Portland Lodge, No. 142. Salem lodge had no competition in the matter of uniform. They were neatly and appropriately dressed, and eacli carried an umbrella, composed equally of the colors of the order, purple and white, arranged in alternate stripes, and as they marched went through a drill that had a most pleasing effect, and formed one of the distinctive features of the parade. Cascade lodge and the entire body of Elks who were in attend ance at Portland, feel tiiat the commit tee did its full duty in bestowing the mounted elk upon the Salem brothers. Wasco has the only county exhibit at the carnival, which bespeaks much for the enterprise of our citizens. Our Dalles Elks return their thanks to the Portland brethren for their kind treatment, and are under especial obli gations to their brother, Conductor Burns, for refreshments furnished the boys immediately after the parade. "A'Tmn Keuturklun." Roy Crawford's Stock Company will open a week's engagement at tho Vogt opera house tonight presenting Aliron Lefflngwell's great New York success, "A True Kentuckian." A'Jphiyof the people and for the people, it will freeco melancholy faces with smiles and chase the blueB back to indigo. Constructed on a high plane, the acmoof refinement, appealing to the intelligent theater goers, pleasing the patrons of the gal lery, balcony, oicliestra and boxes alike; a play that pleases everybody. The vaudeville features come thick aud fast, and every specialty Is absolutely new. One of the most interesting things in the vaudevillo this evening will be the American mutoscopo aud biograph, Ed ison's latest aud greatest motion picture machine, reproducing all tho great bat ties and crushing blows of war given to Spain during the late strife between these two nations. They are so realistic and life-like tbat it makes your blood boil with excitement. The Crawford Company comes enthu siastically endorsed by the press, and are prepared to give elaborate scenic productions. There is a large advance sale today, and undoubtedly there will be standing room only tonight. One ehould secure their seats as early as pos sible. Thie will be ladies' free night, one lady and gentleman or two ladies being admitted on one paid 50-cent ticket. Seats on sale at Clark & Folk's. Proceeding or County Court. The county county court which ad journed Saturday, Sept. 8th, transacted the following business : In the matter of the Harriman road, the viewers having failed to send in their report, the application was con tinued until report is received. It appearing to the court that no supervisor was elected in road district No. 18 at lust election, John Dalrymple was appointed. George A. Young was appointed road supervisor of road district No. 33. The application of Sheriff Kelly for a rebate of $5.02 on account of double collection of taxes from Jim Gihuore, was allowed aud the amount ordered to be returned. The application of C. L. Schmidt, of Caecade Locke, for a liquor license, was allowed. The county clerk was ordered to placo his warrant on the tax roll for tho im mediate collection of tho delinquent taxes of 1890. Tho following aro the claims allowed, other than those where the salary or compensation is fixed by statute: C H Crocker, supplies $ 8 10 Asa Stogedill, deputy assossor. . . 35 00 C I) Henrich, deputy assessor. .. 135 00 M M Cushiug, board Thomas Kelly 30 00 Dr Shackelford,- medical services 25 00 F A Ohriet, collecting road tolle. 2 50 Craudall & Bmgett, burial of Jaj 20 00 Crundull & Burgett, burial of un known man... 20 00 Irwin Hodson Co, pens 1 50 Perry & McFurlaud, digging grave 2 50 Hugh Glenn, colli n for Indian.. , 3 00 White Salmon Boom and Imp. Co, lumber 5 13 Oregon Tel & Tel Co, lights for cleik's ofllce 4 GO Oregon Tel & Tel Co, lights for sheriff's office 3 50 Glacier Pharmacy, medicine .... 510 Dr M F Shaw, medical services. . 23 50 Crandall & ISurget, burial pauper 20 00 R B Hood, Jr, hauling ludian to grave 2 00 W A Johnston, groceries 5 00 L Rorden, gioceries 2 50 Chronicle Publishing Co, print ing, etc 25 05 (Continued tomorrow. CASTOR I A For Infants aud Children. Tie Kind You" Have Always Bought mays I Crowe mo 3hB The only store ft this city where thi Genuine Imported Stransky-Steel Ware Is sold. A little hichcrin price, but outlasts a dozen pieces of so called cheap enam eled ware. BEWARE! Other wares look has tho name Stransky - Steel Ware on each piece. Do not be deceived First prize at 1C International Exhi bitions. Highest award at Worlds Columbian Exhlbi tion. Chicago Pre ferred by tho best cookingauthoritiep, certified to by the most f amou3 chem ists for purity and durability it le cheapest because BEST. Remember this celebrated enam eled ware is special ly imported for and sold in this city ex clusively by us. a It does not rust nor absorb grease, does not discolor nor catcli inside; is not affected by acids in fruits or vegetables, will boil, stew, roast and bake w i t h o'u t imparting flavor of previously cooked food and will last for years. o4o.- Wo cau tion thj public ntciiinr-t imitation Tho largest and most complete line of fall and winter millinery ever displayed in the city at the Campbell & Wilson millinery parlors. The prices will sell the goods. Eotf Lost Bunch of keys. Finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving at thiB O flee. s0 3t Bears the Signature of School Shoes for Girls and Boys, that stay together, fit all over and don't cost much, are the kind yon find here, and HERE ONLY. i pi. Williams & co. j Ice Cream and Oyster Parlors Mrs H. L. Jones has opened ice cream and oyster parlors in Carey Bal lard's old stand, bhe c.irriea A full line of Candies, Nuts and Cigars. The place bus been thoroughly ren ovated, and a share of the public patron ago is solicited. jyt. K. IS. FKUUIIBON, Physician and Surgeon, Oftlce, Vogt Mock (over 1'ottofflce), aoapjmo dw TilK 1M1.UH, OHKUON.