0.R.&H I THE CLEANSING AND HEAI-IN'G citke rem CATARRH CATARRH y CLERKS' INSURANCE. ft Soecrful Operation of Ieprtmmt al Aid Aoelatln In Ki em inent 0(tlce. 6 1 lis 5 POODLE PUFFS AT CIGARS. A trT rrrforralns !": 1 Adopted by 3inr Hj-de 1'ark Re.l dmt, A ftra.v poodle that dances on itf two hind ftft and holds a lirhted ciyrr in month ha apjieared fre quent ij- in th ii-ipJiborhood ol the Hyde 1'ark jlice ntSon of late. say a Cbtcaeo pafter. I: is thoncht :hat the animal na escaped from wne s-bow. Almost erery moraine th- doz may lx- wta on I.afce avenue, near PKty-lhird Mreet. doinc a niitniwr of antic for swim children. 'Vht- doc uo l&BKasw, but it is- thont'ht tba ini1e of a .short while some rbootrht ial jwrMm will adnpt the canine. It can waltz )eintif ully. In fact, the animal will always start to raeve it letft at the sound of music. Many n! the loliremen of the Hyde I'arfc Mation have taken a creat fasiry in the animal and frtjuently triven it food ont of their own lunrh cans. The dor is known by the name of Jack and eter hinee the little fellow has made its apparaw. in the neii'h iorhood Jack Jta ljcome a household word. As -oon af a Hyde Parker liv ing tn the vicinity of Lake nvejwe and nfty-third street hpsakn of Jack everybody know what he or she is talking about. Every morning Jack makes a round of all the boiivs. When the dor ap X;ared in Hyde Park one day lately Tie was very thin, but already a no ticeable change if apparent in his con dition. Jack can with en.e hold a lighted ciirar in its mouth for five minutes. Soine of the boys have made a habit of giving the animal bits of cigarettes to hold between its sharp teeth. DOES NOT LIKE ELECTRICITY. I'ciet Qrn iif ItouniBiiln Will Not Have Her fiitllerlen Properly I,l(l.tt-1. Elizabeth, the poet queen of Kou mania, better known to the reading world as Carmen Si.'va. shares with Queen Victoria a diniike for electric lightR. and opposed their use in her apartments unti! quite reeently. Her boudoir was lighted by frystsl Dow ers, in the heart of which gleamed pale, colored lights. The place is filled with panel pictures and verses, all written by the queen or painted by one of her gifted eourt ladies. The great dining hall is ornamented with tall panels illiintratiiiL' the principal works of Carinti nilva's novels, ro mances and poems. The room is very somber, being furnished with black oak and cordovan Jeather and lighted only by stiiin-d glass windows, bril liant in color' and representing court balls, wedding bouquets and other roya. festivities, but never! hcJo.-s they jjrevent the sun from penetrating the Ifloomy irrandeur of the apartment. And this is why the queen, who loves beauty and harmony, striety forbids the wearing of black or dark dresses at her table. She prefers a uniform to conventional evening dress and does not s-hrink from any fancy dress if it be gay ami pretty. Lt Wamif un American E'cort. Lokod.v, Sep. 7. i special dispatch Jroin Shanghai say Li Hung Chang has made a rec.ii 'at f ir an Amtr'.can eicort to accompany tiiru on hi" Journey to Pekin, and that United States Consul Goodnow is considering hie request. Now that u proposal more iu conform ity with the original American recom mendation has apparently rnet with the approbation of at leaat a majority of the powers, the British foreign office ha? allowed it to become definitely known that the Krittah government Is of the opinion that it ib advisable (or the hi lied forces to remain at 1'ekin until sat isfactory arrangementf! for peace, etc., nre concluded with the Chinese govern ment. Volcanic tiuptluiia Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life ol j'iy. Uucklen's Arnica Salve cures them ; aUo old, running and fever hores Ulcers, Iioils, Felons, Corns, Warts, CutB, Bruises, Bums, Scalds, Chapptd Hand?, (Jhillilaliiij. Beat Pile euro on earth. Drive out pains and aches. Only L'octe. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold at Blakeloy'a drug store. !i C'rNU In ManclinMei . Lo.vno.v, Sept. 8. The morning pa. pern coniment upon the seriousness ol the crisis which has nriaen nt Manches ter, where suffering Is likely to be caused by the idleness of operatives, and es pecially if, hs U possible, tiie stoppage continues iuto October. The prospects of a satisfactory American cotton crop are regarded as slender. A Powder Mill Kxjilo.lon, ltenioveu everything in tight ; so do drastic mineral pills, but both are mighty dangerous. Don't dynamite the delicate uiachinury of your body with calomel, croton oil or aloes pills, when Dr. King's Now Life Tills, which tire gentle as a Hammer breeze, do the work perfectly. Cures Headache, Constipation. Only 25c at lllukeloy'a drug store. 2 Advertise in Tiik Ciiiio.mci.k, -A few rear ago." saiO the vcref arr 1 aui iiv-rn-ist ion. re- port Xht obhir.gicc Star, '"one of the abuses of tJeparttntntal Ufe was the al most coniAant pasit::r around of the bat for collections to aid the widow and fatnih of a clerk who had died in strv- "Very often the deceased had been for many years in the service of the government and at his dtath it tvould Ik found that be left scarcely enough ' to bury him, and onutime not that. And titii would be true of clerk in the bicher grades. It made a clerk appear mean to refus? to cootribut with the 'Uliers, though he may bae had but, a .-peaking ncqnaiiitance with the de fi'itA. To tboe on the outride it would not seem that tiiese contribu tions would be made siimcienlly often to amount to a drain, bnt they tere,1 and I have known of three clerks dying within a month in one large iMvision. 1 recall the chief clerk of a bureau dying suddenly, and his widow did not le enough money to pay for his laying out. The word was passed urouud in the bureau that the chief expected the clerk to contribute liberally, and most of them handed in from 52 to Sj, but there was a btrong undercurrent of lucking. 1 "In all of the departments the solicit ing of money for any purpose is strict ly forbidden now. All have their own lienevolent iissociations, which art en couraged by the chief. These asso ciations have by-laws, constitutions and officers. Their object is So furnidh to the clerks who are members an iu- snrance which will be immediately available on death. In fact, the money is turned over to the heirs on the same day that the association is notified of the death of the memln.r, and this ready money is often all that the widow or the heirs have in the world. "The Pension Bureau association' publishes a complete pamphlet report annually; others render a report to the board of directors only. The annual receipts from the assessments of the Pension Bureau association are nbout SO.r.OO, and 5250 is paid on death to the beneficiary. Last year it Inst about 2.", members, and 530,000 has been dis bursed Bince its formation in la.91. The assessment is 23 cents, and the mem bership i l.QCO. Clerks do not lose their membi-rsdtip in these associations if, they retire from their respective de partments, voluntarily or involuntar ily, as long a? they pay their assess-' inents. The assessments range from 'JLl cents to SI. "In the post office department the as sessment is SO cents, and the amount ' paid varies from 5200 to5275,nccording to the number of members. i "The treasury department has two nid associations, one of which pays 5250 on the dentil of a member and the assessment is SI. "The interior departments, associa tion numbers nbout 000, und it was or-' ganized in ls&5. About 100 members have since died, eacb receiving at death 52Wi, while over 520,000 has been dis bursed. ' "The beneficial association of the war department has recently been re organized, having been in existence 1-1 years. It has a membership of 430, the assessment is 31, tiie amount paid at deatli 5250, and about 55,(100 has alreadv been disbursed." DISCARD THE CORSET. IMillnileliililti Glrla Fulton the Ad vice tit tlir Clilneae Mlnlaler, Wu Tlnir Fang, The coriui hni, ln-pn rpf cntid tn nl. icurity by many of the most fashion.' able young1 women of Philadelphia 1 -Mine. Goches Snrrante, who believer ' that women wearitifr the unhygienic! thing Bhould be punished by law, hat' rauieu a Host of followers from 1'hila delphia nroiind her llajr, It'ft 111 fit r.rnrtf V,!i.fpfl .f !.. ... trial sicliool, many of the young t;irh of Philadelphia are bandinff together I against thih article of feminine wear,' They consider it not mildly unhygien-l ic, lint jiotlvely harmful. i)r. Siiiegel'.-i opinionb on the question are: j "JI is really wicked for women, and1 especially growing girls, to force! themselves into such strait jackets.1 They need free play of muscles to give! them the best- physical and mental: health; they need Ioowi clothing to allow free play of muscle. Jo need, as' some think, of a girl's looking untidy j because she does not weur cor.se t to (Worm her natural figure. She can I be neatj carry herself properly and feel happier without them." "Wll Time f'nnif (lif, f!litnuw. rt,t,itu. .... - ...n r)f W,.,, IKtlHO j tcr, putH the wearing of corsets on nar with fnoUbindintr." kuWI h ini.ni. her of the Society of the Philadelphia Woman's Medical College tin- other day. She knows, because she has been assisting in th entertnlnmerit of the distinguished foreigner during his recent visit to that city. "In hi ad dress to our alllliillliir." onntlminil tin. rrnf?lrri! tvntimri .tW,,! fl,,, Mildcc.. I (Ir(s lis line murk nf thi Kiiiiiiintiintlriii ' . . -. ; ' ot me women ot nib country aim tneir superiority over Americans." For Hale. Kubbor-tire btiKity, at I'orter'p stable ; nearly new; good condition, sepOl'w u y JJgjjj ggjjj i rT Rr.il -A3r,i la 1 t!. Gunta.cs no In-1 .i-T3! arc;. J: tt 7nkt j- alwrbcd. It Opcrs ird Cleanses COLD lh HEAD SkJi-3 jui-saisteju. - IImIi and ITottets the Membrane Restores the i-ra" of Tate and smcIL Larje Sn, to cent a Drarrfcu or it nn'; T?.i' S:ze, I0n? 'j mail. ELY BUOTHEia, S6 WirrcaSsrwt, Kew York. BUSINESS LOCALS. Clarfc A Falfc are never cio?ed Sunday Oyn't foreet thi. Clark & Falk'e drug Ptocr h new, freth and complete. Clarke A Falk have jju sale a full line of paint and artist's brushef. You will not have boils if vou uke Clarke & Falk's sure cure for bolls. A full line of Eastman filtus and sn; plles just received by Clarke A Falk. Clarke A Falk's flavoring Fxtrscts are the beat. Ask your grocer for them. Paint yonr house with paint; that are lully guaranteed to last. Clarke A Falk have them. Clarke A Falk have received a carload of the celebrated Jame E. Patton E rictly pure liquid paints For Slr. The two buildince owned by Mrs. E. Julian, on Court street, between Second and Third, now occupied as a lodging house and dressmaking shop. Tiie bnildings will be sold, furnished or un furnished, cheap for cash. Apply to Mrs. E. Julian. tIJ-lnid ltfmcmber 1 That Chas. Stubling is still doing a retail business at his new place. He' sells in quantities to suit all customer.', from one bottle to a barrel. Family ' orders delivered promptlv. F r the convenience of parties want' inc ice in the afternoons, the Stadelman Ice Co. will carry a stock at their store, corner Third and WeBhinKton streets. Phone No. 107; long distance 183. "fting 'em np." IStn-tf "Meet us on the Midway" Event of the Times The Great Street Fair and Carnival! Occupying many solid blocks, taking in an entire street, frotx curb to curb : : : : Under the auKplces ol the Port land Klfci, surpns.ilnif In ijimkiiI turlc und Krundeur anything of the kind ever attempted on the i'avillc Count. Hie Ktrentfi fit Cairo! The Orifiiitnl TheHtr ! The Geriuau Vlllajte ! The Itaticliic Hlrla I An Arabian raeKiit ! Orowttlug the (jueeu I Ktx, Kliicr of Hie Carnival, At' teuUeit by HIh Masiiifi cent Court, The Great Pitiodeof the Klkn and other orders. The Ibillan Park and Konnraln. Tho ilimntll. cent Triumphal Aieh and Grand Midway lilted with wonderful attractions. Minim;, Mercan tile, Agricultural, Horticulture und other In dustrial cxhlblta. The Wiiinun'a I'avillion, do siKiieil by women, built by women inid deco rated by women for tho exhibit of women's industrial work. The drain J'xlate, built of OrcKou iiinl WashlnKton uralns and grasici. MUHIC, rVti ANI tiAYKTY, NllillT TUHNKIJ INTO JiAY, 0T UiwuhI rail and water rates over kIvcii biT'ortland from nil parts of the 1'iiclllo North-went. aaaaaaaa r.aaaaai iPortaL ennt JPi jOrep.... 0Dll. 10 Mica I hcljm tltc team. Saves wear mtl I exjcue. Sold everywhere M WUM ma us wr 8TANBARB OIL OO. i 4 t 1 1 , ipa CWi i.i i-i ui . ;! .. . "r"'1 i tjtiij ttiTiTrn iminri Str. Regulator Ship your Freight rr Lv 1'ortl.iud at 7 a. . Mondn . Wtdnciday . Friday Arr. Palled at 5 1'. v. Lv Palic HtT A. K. Tneaday Thui'dar . haturdy . Arr Portland p. at i.M r. x. r i FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, p Travel by the Steamers nt the I'.etnilntor Line. The Company will endeavor to give it! pnt jj rons the ist tetvicr possible. For iurlhur iiiformutlon adiinws j, Portland Oflice, Oak atreet buelt. W. C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Agt. i5 ST.' ...Geo. C. 15' ianccessor to iJlazeley & Houghton. I Wholesale : and Largest Stock of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries in Eastern Oregon Country - and I' 175 Second St I THE DALLES LLES, Advertise in the Chronicle 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE mm trade Marks JE8IGNS COPVRIQHTS A.C. Anynnosenrtlmr a akelrh and description rr.a- nulcklr lucartain our opinion frea InTnnilon Is prnbnblr piiturituhlo. nutiior a' i lloiiasirlctlrcoiiUdoiitral. Handbook on I'atenla umi ircn. iiiaesi e. Illfiesl nvonrv rnmf-nrliitf tn onry Tor lecurluirjiateiiu. iwu. isaeii mrouiiu Alunn ,Cj. ScteMific American. A handiomcly lllimtrntwl weekly. I-irnest rlr riilatlon of any acloiitltln J.dirmil. Terms, f 3 a VmSJj.'iS" S."iJllbt' Ko'Jbyall newsdHalor. MUHN & Co New York Branch onicii, o& V ht, Wnslilinitoii, V.V FRENCH &CO. BANKERS. rilANHAOTA K.SKKAnUANKlNU IIUH1NEB Lettere of Credit iwued available In the caauirn HUiea, ....... pw WWH AUIHKinLllirj Trent-fere sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Ban Francinco, Portland Ore- iron, heattle Wash,, anil various pointe In Oregon and WBsliitijjton, Collectlone made at all points on fu? orable term. 3Z if ' IS i ! aS 1 sjr The Chronicle, The DSlltB, Or. 3.-.I Job Printers :-js 'HS ; I u- 5S .Is 2i 3S aS HS J 4 REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASIOMA KAY. COMPANY -3 oteamem o! thi- Ittvulator Line wilt run a ir the lol ow.ns schedule, the L'irany reMtrvltig the right to chnRe schedule nithout notice. Str. Dalles City. rmw.v Lv. Unlltd i"r. 1.; l'nrtiand HtT A. to. Via .Monday Wtdiitiday Regulator Line, "fotiana at I r. M. ut7:(fl A. Ji. , . Tuesday . . . TliUfMluy ,J Siiturdnv I Atr. i)alle. i utar K.,! ' ? .1 Blakeley... : Retail : Druggist j - JVIail -.Ordeps :!. Phone 300. - - - OREGON. C. F. Stephens ...Dealer In. Dry Goods, Clothina. Hoots, Btiocs. Hutu, CHjia. Notloiia. AKt. for W. U HoiiBian aiioe. Tcloplionc No. HH. i:il feccDiid Ht., Tne Dalles. Or. House Painting... The underalKned ima tnken poeaenalon of It. A. Splvuy paint uhop, next door to tlio Vot(t opera liotuo, und Jiuh pur ehaied the tools and ladders. He liua Kocd ineohnnica working for liim,and ill t'Uttrnnteo all work to give satitfau lion. S, K. KELLY. rmr. frtimi'tr. KttOSt lULLKV rnK lion rl ilitt Ikr, I)cnvc. I't, t. MbII I Worth. Ornnhn, Km' i, ' ChlCHgo mid Kt, 3S A Untitle Suit 1-nkp. Denver I t. KxjitCM ; Worth. Oinalm, Kim 1 l2-n m. in. I VI Hunt ' Inxtou. I 1 1 nim 1,1 ly, ri. uittls, Clih'ngo Mild Tuit, Bwiknnc ,ttlla Walla, Hjokatic,', brmkix. Mill Exires! I Uhlcaao anil Kant, via bpnVnncakd Hutttliit; j tun: nUuat! ltiti iu U:' p. ai I WathluRtim alid Knst and tjpttti S :31a. a I eru urvROii. i 6 p. m. From 1'oivti.ajoi. Ocean Htcumnlilps. For fin Kraneli Every Hvc I)V!. Ex.SuadayjColumMa Kr. Bteamen. ExJanaii 8 p. m To Abtoria end War Haituday 10 p. m. iMDlllllgl. f. a. m. 1 Millaxr-tj; Rtvi.6. 4:nta. F.r.buiidy. Oregon Cltr. Ncwlivre, ExJaMn Salem ii way ljnd', , 7 a.m. WiLLAarrrE and Vam 3:p.m, Tutu,! hur. hill Ktvrii. Mon.,Wel 1 andbttt. Orecnn City, Pnyton, andFtl. ! and Way-I andlUKv I K.VARK 1UVIK. UlTI l.v lUjintln Rljir.rln to Icwlttnti. Lr.wijTo.1 dally dally s.Mn. tn. 9;C0a.o. ttp- J'nrtKi ncl:uiK to ko to llcpuncr ot l-uiitM)ii Coluiilliln noiitbcrn via Hires, ibcrjia tnke Nn. 2, lenvtui: The l)nin at li:) p. n. innkliiK alrii.-t I'linticrtlimii nt llcpiiner Junction pin! hlcKn. ItcumiliiK uiaVlnicitlrwtCDiiinclwii at lit'ppuer Junction mid Jtlcctt wltli No, l.ir rtvlns at The Dalles nt Vj :i ji m. For full tnrtlcular r nccutThe Djllci. or hi., ii O . ft X. Co.'i 4 - ii ii' ni.ni'RT, r,t. I'.irtlaud.Or, Yellowstone Park Line: THE II1NINC CAK KOl'TK FliO.M I'OHTLIND TO TUK I'.AST THE O.VI.V DIKKCT LINK TO THE YELLOW. hlONE I'AKK leavk. 'Union Depot, nribaad I sis .umiTt. Ko. Knt mull for Tiiconia, No. poiittlc. Olymiiln.Cirn)' Hnrlior and Houtti Hond tHiiuth, Knikuni!, l!ot land, II. C, I'ullmnii, Mmcovr, 1 laton, llnf 11:15 A. JI. f nloJI Hill J lilllllDK cntili S.Ml'.Mi ' try, llulvna, MlmiciiiMi Hi!, St. l'nul, Omiilia, Kansas City. fit. liuln. Clilcngo und oil !nl! Kl) I. VllAt Hlld hOUtlllllHt. hO.i. i I'UKCt Sound Express . 11;30 KM. for Tacomii mid fccuttlc 7.WA.M. and intcrrnvdintu ixiinti l'ullman llrnt clnfcs and tonrl t hlwpe' l'1 MliineaiKills.tit. l'uul and MImoiuI rlvcrpolnti without cIihuku. ., Vustllmlwi trniim. Union dint I'oiiiiectloai "in all principal cities. , , HiiRKastt' clie-ckcd todoitlnatioii of tlckcu. r'or tinndsoiucly illuatiulwlilescrlptlvi'mstier. tlrkut.i, alvt-pltig-car reservation, etc , call on or wrlli A. D. CHARLTON, AMixtaut Oencnil raMtcniter Awnt. i" Jlortl non Ktreet.oorner Third, l'ortliind Oregun. SOUTH and EAST via Shasta Route Trains leave Tho Dnllcs for l'cirtlniid im way HtutlouH ut l:'l it. tn, aud.u p, m. Leave rortland 8:S0am " Alhuny 12:30 nm Arrive ANhlanit 12:1 n nt " Haeraiuento B:ou p in " Hun Kraiiclsco 7:Mpm 7:ii p iu: I'M lliiinnm h 15 a n Arrive Oitdon " Denver " KiiUkaKiaty... " Chleago ... 7j5iiiu y:SDw Arrive Los Angeles . . , " Kl l'no " Kort Worth " (Mty of Mexico , . " lloiintnu, , " New OrlemiH ... " WnshliiKtoii ... " New York ,,, l:?0pm ,, 0;oopm ... inMniii ... l;W)a m .. ii:'.'5n in . . (i: U a m . .l.'iiapm 7;00am ll:0Op fi;:iiw ;0iH rn :'.! pw (, Wnm li-Vi p , l'liUmitn and Tourlat earn on botli .'"' Clmlream Haeramuuto to Ogdon "' ' n,. nud tourlat mira to Clilongo, fit toiiln. MsUI leaua aud Wubliigion, Cmnieotliig nt Han KrauoUco with wvewt xtciuiialilp lliiua for Honolulu, Jum. """' I'hlllppliicj), Ueutrul imd South Amerlcft. Bee nguitt at The Dnllea-atatloii, or ucliltl" C. H. MARKHAM, General I'auengcr Agent, IVrtlMl' ot jyu UKiHKNiiquriraii Wiysiciau and Surgeon, hlcolal attention gtvou to sitrvcry. llooms 21 and '!, Tel. !HS Vol!' l""0 Southern Pacific Ho.