Retiring from Business. Glcsizg ou: n Entire Stock Begardisss of Cost. Dw Oacfianr. S.mtf -ait Sh. .t? atft una ?ritiw. WW w a Sms&ec fa Ate, or la? v-w m nut 5tr.fci.wo. Enure s-c-cfe stist b c:cc otii brfore 30 gets. ' tufisr iftiet.i t!Mt w jic, far tt i , ! Vxtit ill sffe criaa at tint aitatrj urt , jlSic Eryux.. Claoia SkatcS. ?au-uutiwt i; a jcmpurtjr s -it tH6, GuiM'?! 3c. " toe ft! iwrtt jonflttfua sc Har Cartas Sfttte ubui-m tbt Mintae? $1.00 per month. yHfTtt'r ft J-a! ml lung o 0S erc'f-SiJV. Ycr cms Lac? Emua: Iaucaitil. jojm ca rifjijr at thirty tlirt rris FlCiriC STATES TILIrHOSE COS. X.? rw8 vftl lit twrjfe'tt . - . i . j . j. i r 1 -i J. P. McINEHNY, Cor- -t --'A aa t tilt jvsos. Aaf tartrl Jttty sita t .,-4Kn.'.--3isir s Ssui4wr i&us-iir rtrstt- Cie.UJSil M u. writ. a. $KV.y zifA tr 5K.i&c l&. tj$A tul -uitxii i Ukz to' cmJfi Was .'.-tii'? llai, lt. Uj & trs-rfc .v2 huaa u.tu, ftb 1 tkifrftfrst fcXijetiTfe frbiKty. Hit Jwtty vjejf.-j.t gfrtt fcioj Uos'bV;, H tbfikt a iM&g, tar sy ' it, wltiifAJt AVvpjArjg to fiarfc ooi, t'ht tl: hHiaI 1H l;. If twUic , 7VV)n why s.1! tL.'; worW .houW not karr it, fn thu ht fsti wore; htjwai IhiiU iimuy Uidti mho jrot a jATKgtjtit jjittivnl virtue, Ifc i. fcLtirt-Jy rjtjot3t frflU or oriutobuU, ylrtut..' MT. ANGEL COLLEGE. I; Conducted by the Benedictine Fathers. The Ideal Place for Your Boys Will Reopen on Sept, 5th. 1900. - QNfd LASS of Baldwin's Celery Soda tt mnKr.U, K"f''.7 tisvttM tfe Cirrrm ui Tt'cmmt im it csrw aick ks zjrT9tu bt.'.iJtv Msusnlruati Mid ns li UViTV: 10c, 20c 90c. lrOO A Difncuk Problem. It it ur.vj- tvt av5 itfxt- yriA- 4 ilit- KStSIK iiT t'4SS( fsjitrt ji nfTtTA. .'jfr.i. J. E- JtAsjx A J. - i-issx i x;-vrt -cxiti- La. n opMsxz. it vr r Ufci. rtu:.-ii.f. jtr-:rr -rarV ui trt prt-pvr w da o:'r ir. ti st-rtrtl a S'M:. Work ir nth tr txprs rt-?v-prvi.'i-: ttijtivs. "B:,f Ei Col. 0. C. SaMo, vho I- OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON RESTAUHAJIT And CAFE, J. E. Crossen & Co., Props. 87 Second Street. St. Rlam's Under the direction of the of the Holy Nai Jesus and Mary. OREGON. orgihszed tin; h'thbr KutgbU of America in Mill t:AiU: their organ, btt &MtUn Kryauhm and coxie out lor JAcK'tntey uutl lixiuvisll. Hfc aid of tifc ;rt,rjt ccrnpafgo: "Ax to tl(i! cry of irjfcriftiiea:, th&t is all iMtllcrdtmh. Anybody who known hvitory know, thai the republican party ba ever b'seu i faro! of those politics which have 4 tendency to upbuild the country. The only question upon nblch I have ever differed with the republicans wu the (jucoUon of money, and 1 am aathsfied that the resulu proved that the leaders of tint party are right, and we who went for mlver are wrong. 'It ifl a 80UrCe Of gratification and Joy tuiilwl Waver tte VmMn inUnmn. KWrtlw wIIUa fMiuniu) Turd?7, i-n, lmAuiH im rut" f.n ll iBllrr(aK, f(r ' ' deMfrA UitnrtnaUmi apply tf; w ui iiiui in(Jii",innr, m uiu nnvcr lijcrf.iurn ui men arc nor coming out in favor of the republican party, and the stand ard of money which that party hag eatablffchcd." Complete of at SAY! Lend Me Your Ear! 13 toi V3 ttit J ia PuLtfc. tbt tailor, is it for Uooi tbr t -cas: UjSorini K-sci In Amtr.c? Do tea tai ti.u si'! Hr'.J too sell, iside to Tctrr order, u A patria'.t-t i at or no Hi' f I rw iMt th: he bf khearlr oa hand !cr t'.e ma!rf Ill d .te"r ud the tid Sat-i. lice of eais:e tt: taowa A JOHN PASHEK Merchant Tailor, Agent. Hcaaemy M. Z. DONNELL, TH DRUCCIST. Orep STITE FAIR SALEM, OREGON. September 17 to 22, 1900. BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE. ! Sisters of the Holy Names of, jQst "What repaireu arm rsno7ittea, hi tsi:tc nana- bijf thoronjfhljr difeinfeeted ; everything 'THE DALLES, - in un!!-mif (ujnriitifjn lor tne largest : and ljt Live .Stc-.Snrw and Agncnlt' , , , . . ' tir I P'-r-fkAiMnt. fxr tit-lil nn tin. nrvaa ' T';" IntltOtlon I Jilfa.writl' ltnati! near , ari r.xfition er nem on trie oraM.. . th;iomt,iAn the line of the o. v.. & u. Co.. I tberute It l ea7 ol hw Uir all Uiom; who d- i t sire tii MfHut nirrjfottihlfc utmt. enrl k TtTrit'n. ; $20,000 ir; Premiuns Por5e5ifrtr,!?irei S"! the inoiit h?hlthj' on the raclfir: nloji';, tbl por PIONEER BAKERY, I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to snpply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Good Ttuiiny ttvury afUirrioon, Mtiblr; si rid fan at niht. AtKitlon unUt'it llHAlrsX vrlll maluo lw3 ill', imtuj'i. All JlT'iU- niifl other ezhlMU Jn liif. letter of acceptance eight year ago, Adlat Sluveiiaon vrotij: "To the plain and unequivocnJ dec Juration of the convention In favur of ound, houciil money, J HUbHcribe without reservation or quuIlficaUon." Mr, StcvetiHoii will doubtless explain that biu paramount Ikhuch are apt to ct inverted. Our esteemed IJryanlte contempor ttrlCH are not remnrkably extatlc over the rctuniB from the Vermont elec tion, The republican vote wan up to the high. water murk of 1HU8, and that wu high for anybody, while the democratic vote fell hliort of the vote of thut year about 5i,fi00. It in cHtlmulcd thai tit the present time the United Ktuteu produce M per cent of the world'H wheat, (50 pur dent of it i) cotton mid 75 per cent of Jin corn. And, comparatively speak' lug, the country Is Just gotting h tar led, (y'olouol Uryau la mounted on his wild ostrich Calamity ugaln, mill it Is running uwuy with him. In his Topekn talk ho at otico accounted for prosperity and denied that there in Htiy, Wow York Sun. ,I.T1 ... t.ltl Ti.flOu.lil I ... ....... weter, hriurlr? nlr, iinrl pletHri:V)ne Miencry. ! The Acnilemy U Incfff imu-ti mul authorltl by . the Htaln V confer Aiiulemlrr fannom. i iMwru urn: tnltiou jt ehola."ilir: yir, vti. ! rriterihcr. ith : to the Hlnter tiierr.lurn ilt mirt other information mlati-AH ; nvvnuz. atifjo ini W. II. Vi'KlIltl'JJO, J'ilrI.-tJt. HllUfxjo, Or, ! f ft U IJI.Jtf 12 f,.l..,4 .. 1 I The Weekly Oregonian and Twice-a-Week Chronicle for $2.00 a year. All BiihscrlhorH to the Weekly Chron icle who pay one years' Htihteriptiou In advunco, will he entitled to the above lihurnl offer, aimoNicLR j'ljj.. co., Tiie Dulles, Oregon. 'I F r Y Y PERTINENT PHEHB COMMENT. 1 Butehers and Farmers ..Exchange.. KMpHon droiiKlit tho celehrnlMl coi.i;miiia hv.fa:, ncknow:. elKl the lt (m.t In The Dullcn, MtthetiHiiut price. Come In, try It mill )Hi convlneerl. Alto the fluent hmnttn of Wlnen, M-iuor mill ClKir. Sanduuiehes of nil Kliirth alvru jrx on hand. L. Lane, jj:ni:i;ai, Biacksraim , AND,, An Ortyou woman (ell athoiuaiid feet down prflclpltuu tnountuln cllfl arid if fxntcUd to neovtr, bo wonder the Horsesnoer Wagon ana Carriage Wark. Flh Brathara' Wagon. Tiiird and JetTn. Pbone 159 ,5 t . i i y m ml F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor Second & Laogblin, 'Fbone 157 fa AllgklkUiA u".nuiiiw Wasco Warehouse Compaq You rjaantJieaa(luarlers lor eea Urrain ofaiikinas. I TT J , . j? n a , xLetiuquaj't,t;rs ior jj eea vjrrain oi pii Jn Headquarters for Rolled Grain, n mm m . - , 11 t, Meaaquarters lor Bran, Shorts, of mill feed Headquarters for "Byers" Best" Pendle trTl 11 miT This Hour le manufactured exprtseBly for Uollj UVAJ- AAWU1 use; every sack is Rnaranteed to give etiiW W Bell onr poods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't thuuw can anu gei cur jiricce anu le convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. iff- fe"1 mm, fi New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stotik. Jteal imita tion ereton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. THE CELEBRATED Tliecoiuiia Packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKAOTUUKKS OV Fine Lard and Sausages (hirers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIKD BEEF. ETC. J.H. HCIIBNIIK, frtnldcnt. It. ii. IlKAM., UaaUKt ONI FOR A 0011. PILLS t.,,,"'" I'mPlM, rrtTtat firii-talth. First Jiational Bank. THE DALLE8 - - OREOON A Goneral Banking Business transacted Deposits racolvsd, aubject to Bight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remittee on uav oi collection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange iold oa New York, Ban Francisco and Port land. DZKKOTOH. D. F. THoareoM. Jxo. B. Sohimux, En. M. WiLUAua, Go. Liiaa. H. M. Bball. If ATJKNKf-AT LAW TltK DAI.I.K&, OKEUON AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of Mm tipnilil,,! n( tl.Iii ...,.11 I... I .1... tTt..l Clnti.a ltlllllh Kuporls for June 28. 1000. snvs: "A mora Himeiior brew nevor untctw the hibratory of tiie United States Health nipurts. It is absolutely devoid of the sliifhtest trace of itdulteratiou, but tin tiie other hand ie composed ol the best of malt and choicest ol hops. Its tonic qualities are of the liignj eat and it can be used with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old onji youiut. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed by the physicians vitu the cereainty that a bettor, purer or more wholesome boveruge could noi possibly bo found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. DEALERS IN All kinds of Funeral Supplies! Cfatidall&Biirget UNDERTAKERS tP EMBALMERS The Dallea, Or. flobes, Burial Shoes Etc State Jlotfttal School, MONMOUTH, - . OREGON. Fall Term Onens September 18. 1000. grUiiatloVi,.(ICnt!' ' t'' Nn"'!fll mwX nr0 Pful'' to tko tlio Htnto CortWcuto iminclltlr (IwdiiHtoi readily ouro good polllon. Kxpomo ol year (torn IliW to IW. laW or cutnluguv conUliiliig lull HimnuiicomeiitH mldrcmi V. U CAMPHKLL, I'rcUUent. nr W A. WANK, Swretury ol fcu