rKOI'LE COJIINO AND GOING Mrs. Martillie Mid children left on the noon train on a short visit to friends in Portland. Attorney Hosford, of Moro, passed thromrh tovn tod.iy on his way home from Portland. Mr. 13. A. Giflorii, the photographer, left on the noon train on a business trip to Chbago to be gone a couple of weeks. Mrs. D. P. Ktftchum and child and Mrd. Ketehum's sister. Miss Hall, were pass.snuera on this uiorning't) boat for Portland. Mrs. Lome Horden and daughters, Mis?es Dorothy, Nettie and Myrtle, were passengers on this morninc'a boat for Portland. Miss Maude Michell left on the noon tealn for Grade, Wheeler county, where she has accepted a po3ition to teach a term of school. Mrs. O. P. Cre.'ap and daughter, M:ss Clara Cresap, of Canvon City, spent vesterday in the city, the euests of Mrs. Cresap's brother, Mr. J. A. Douthit, and left for Portland on this morn'ng'e boat. CHIEF BEAT EN TO DEATH Foul Murder of a Yakima Brave by an Indian who Coveted His Property and Position. North Yakima, Wash., Sept. C An old Indian chief known as Ah-le, was brutally murdered at a point near Relief, iu the eastern end of this county last Snnday. His slayer was Indian John nie, the next in line of power to be the chief. It is alleged that he became jealous of the old man, and desired to have him out of the way. The attack wa'J.vitliout piov cation, and the means of disposing ot the chief was by beating him to death with atones. The murder er has escaped in the brush along the banks of the Columbia river. The Yakima county officers are searching for him and wiil hrin him to this city for trial if he is arrested. The murder is described by eye wit nesses as one of the most cruel and bar biric assaults ever known to the savagia of the Yakimas in earlv days. The old chief has been the recognized leader of a band of Indians residing on the banks of the Yakima river for many years. They recognize the head chief, White Swan, as the big ruler, but do not ac cept his civilized notions. The band over which Ah-le has presided live in the primitive manner of the race, dress ing and acting much as their forefathers. They perform the dances and incanta tions of the olden times and are more of the original Indian disposition. They donot feend their children to the mission Echools and have nothing to do with the mission churches. Indian Johnnie is a young brave who would bfl the recognized chief of this local band in case old Chief Ah-le should die. He has been waiting for this event for many years, but Ah-le did not die. Last Sunday, it is alleged, without any immediate canse for the assault, John nie procured some stone's and litterally mauled the head off the old chief, muti lating the body beyond recognition. Tho deed was witnessed by several by standers who claim it was equal in cruel ty to the days of a quarter of a century ago, when the whites were being treated in such manner. The county coroner visited the place as eooii as notified and summoned a jury for an investigation. The verd'et wai that the chief came to his death by stones in tho hands of Johnnie. Some members of tho Himcoo band were interviewed this afternoon anil were verv earnest in their demands for the arrest of Johnnie. They say ho is cnltiis, or no good man, who has always been trifling and lazy. He wanted to become chief in order that his worthleis life might be made pleasant in tho grat ification of his ambitions to be a bad man. The Indian ie said to be about 35 years of ago and fond of liquor. He does not like tho white people and has no love for the Indians who will be ruled by the agent. Ho will probably bo cap tured and brought to justice, as all the Indians appear to be much incensed over ths murder. A Ureat Hliow lly -Great I'eople. No doubt the street fair and Elks' carnival at Portland will attract a great crowd, but nothing will be seen there that will equal or be more entertaining than the Hoy Crawford Stock Company that appearo at the Vogt opera house Monday, Sept. 10th, nnd week, includ ing Saturday matinee. This company comes highly recommended by the press and public, and from what can be learned from the press accounts in eastern cities, tins compaoy ranks as first among many. The plays to be presented here are selected front the metropolitan suc cesses produced in New York and Uoston last season, and will be glyen with the same superb and magnlflceut scenic effects as was used in the original productions. Some of tho plays to be presented will be selected Irnm the fot lowing: "A True Kentuckian," "Faust," "Friends," "Suze 0' TenneMei'," ".Ala bama," "D.tmrers of a Great City," "Sappho," "Camille," "Sowinir the Wind," "The Ileal Widow Iirnwn," and others. Monday will be ladies' free niehl. One l.tdy and centluman or two J ladies will be admitted on one paid 50- c?nt reserved seat ticket. Prices for this engagement have been i educed to 25, 23 and 50 cents. Catarrh Cannot lie Cured. with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not n quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the beat blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo Sold by drrniruiits, price Inc. Hall's Family Pills are the be?t. 12 Slewed VenJ. Heat one tablespooniul of butter, fr- m it a tsiulespoonnil of chopped onion until a golden brown, add n pound of lean veal cut into inch piece.-;, season with salt nnd paprika, add u table- spoonful ot Hour and stir until slijrhtlv browned.; then add one cupful of pood stock, cover closely and let sunnier for one hour. Add one cupful of diced' raw- potato, cook 20 minutes and serve Good Iloiif-ekeepinp. StrnwIicrrlcM nml nice. Tloil !, cupfuls of rice, being careful to keep the kernels whole, adding, when it is about half done, the juice of two lemons, urain thoroughly. Cover the bottom ot ji fruit dish with tin' rice. then add n layer of strawberries and sprinkle generously with sugar. Con- tinue until it is all used. Serve witl cream. N. Y.'Tribune. One- ot Chlnn'n Snperatltlona." ninck do"s and black cats are the favorites in China in the line of food, because when eaten in midsummer .they will insure health and strength. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of BUSINESS LOCALS. Clark & Falk'a drug stock is new, fresh and complete. Clarke & Falk have on eaie a full line of paint and artist's brushes. A full line of Eastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke & Falk. Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated J a trie E. Patton strictly pure liquid painte Wanted. Four or five boys, going to school during winter, to board. $12 a month with room and plain washing. Across street froin High school. Apply at Chkoxici.es office. dawlm Nasal CatttiTU quickly yields to treat ment by Ely's Cream JJalm, which is agree ably aromatic. It is received through tho uostriltf, cleanses and heals tho whole sur face over which it diffuses itself. Druggists sell tho 50c. mzo; 'J. rial tize by mail, 10 cents. Test it and you are suro to continue tho treatment. Announcement. To accommodate those who aro partial to tho use of atomizers in applying liquids into tho nasal passages for eUtarrutl trou ilea, tho nronrietors prermro Cream Halm iu liquid form, which will no known an Ely's j.iquiu urcam iiaim. mce including too spraying tube is 75 cents. Druggists or by moil. Tho liquid form embodies tho med icinal properties of tho solid preparation. 4, New Store, New l'rtces. I have my goods marked down to bed rock prices in view to closing out my stock of millinery. Call and see me one door east of Racket store. Also orders for Delearte corsets taken. Mas. Jaynk. Iteal fcstate for Hale. Twenty-three lots, located from Sev enth street to Twelfth, for tale at from $50 up, Inquire at the Columbia Hotel. a2(Mf STRAYED From the East End feed yard, one small blue mare, .branded something like a nan's ihead on left shoulder, . Liberal re ward' for her, recovery or information leading to her recovery. When last teen had a short rope around her neck. T. J. Dun, o27-2tw The Dalles, Or. "Meet us on the Midway" Event of the Times The Great Street Fair and Carnival! Occupying many eolid blocks, taking in nn entire street, from curb to curb : : : : Portland SejU-15 Oreion.... Under tho auspices of the Port lur.d Klks, surpnsjIiiK In niaRiil tmle nnd sjrandeur anything of the kind ever attempted on tho 1'aclGc Coast. 1 lit Street it Cnlrn! TIib Oriental Theatre ! The German Vlllnge ! The Iauclii filrld ! Au.Arahlnu I'liRCHnt ! C'rowiiltiK the Queen: Ilex, Kiiir r the CarnUnl, At tended tiy His Magulll cent Court. Tho Great I'aradcof the Klks and other orders. The Italian I'ark and Fountain. The Jlacnltl cent Ttluraphal Arch and Orand Midway tilled with wonderful attracllons. Mining. Merean tile, Agricultural, Horticulture nnd Either In dustrial exhibits. The Woman's Pnvllllon, de signed by women, built by women and deco rated bv -women for the exhibit of women s industrial work. The (Jrain 1'alace, built of Oregon and Washington grains and grasses. MUSIC, FUN ANB GAYETV. NIGHT TUllNKD INTO MAY. inn-nut rail nnd water rates ever given to I'ortlaud from all parts of the Pacific North west. 8 S HOSTINOTON H S WILSON HUNTINGTON WILSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, THE lM.Ll.Kb, OK KIK.N. Office over First Nat Bank GROCERIES.... A FINE LINE OF Staoieanfl Fancy Groceries Phone No. CO. DTTNC AN'S Tlilrrt St.. tie.ir Court. tJ CORD WOOD.... Good Pine and Fir Wood delivered to any part of the city at isa.no iter corn. AT- Phono No. CO. Third St., near Court. DUNCAN'S augS-lmo The Weekly Oregonian and Twice-a-Week Chronicle for $2.00 a year. All subscribers to the Weekly Chron icle who pay one yeara' subscription in advance, will bo entitled to the above liberal offer. CHRONICLE PUB. CO., The Dalles, Oregon For Hale, The two buildings owned by Mrs. K. Julian, on Court street, between Second and Third, now occupied us a lodging house and dresemaking shop. The buildings will be sold, furnished or un furnished, cheap for cash. Apply to Mrs. E.Julian. iS-lmil Volcanic feruptluus Aro grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen'a Arnica Salro cores, them ; also old, running and fever sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Beit Pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only 25cts. a box, Cure guaranteed, Bold at Blakeloy'a drug store. ' I.uiurlas. Healthful drinks are not luxuries,- they are necessities. A full line of cool and refreshing porter, ale, mineral water and beers kept on ice. Take a bottle home for lunch. 0. J. Stabling. Phone 234. Clark & Falk aro never cloted Sunday Dan'tforBet tlili. i Snj I 2Si "31 3 I K 21 3 f f f f 31 f f f 5s I 3, .TTTTTTTITTTTTTlTTTTrrl t TI riXI n JXT I mil Btcnmerf owihb EChvdiile, cehidule without Str. Regulator S v , , , Ship your Freight ' DOWN. , I.v Dalles ur. I.v. I'ortlaud at 7 A. M. Monday ..Wtilnewlny Friday Arr. Dallei atS r. x. t T A. M. ' Tuesday , inn i suay sAiurnny. . . .rr. I'lirtladil , at t:0Q r. x. FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, . Travel by the Steamers ol the Ucxtitator I.lnc. roin uiu ixii teivieo possiuie. , I'ortlaud Oflice, Oak-3treet Hook. W. ...Geo. C. Blakeley... Successor to Blakoloy & Houghton, Wholesale : and Largest Stock of Drugs Country - and - JVIail odetts Will Receive PROMPT ATTENTION. 175 Second St. THE DALLES, - Advertise in the Chronicle 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE trade marks Debionb Copyrights Ac. Anronftnendliitr nikeleh and docrlntlnn ma Illicitly aacertaln our opliiton free wiictlivr ft'i Invciitlnii H probably patentable. Communion Uona strictly conttdontlal. Handbook on i'atenle tunt froo. (lldot uiiency for KccurlnRpatenta. 1'atin.W taken throuih Jlunn ft Co, recelru tfeelalMtUt, without cuareo. In too Scientific Jlmericam A handsomely lllndrated weekly, tarneit clr. lulatlnn of uny acieiitltln lournal. Terun. 1 a Tunn inurmontuB,!. boiu oyaii neirdealeri. GQ36tBro.dway.NllW YOfk Hraui ffloe. IBS V et, Waihlomon. V. C FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. riUNHAOT.V .KNEUALi BANKING BUH1NKB Letters of Grwlit iaeaed available in the eastern btates, flluht KvAhanoM nil Talaaranliw Tranileri sold on New York, Ohlcauo, Bt, Loola, San Francisco, Portland Ore n Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on (a7 orable terms. HrauebW I I AS fa Is The Chroniele, The DdIIob, Op. dob Printers. I i-js: I fa. I Ok 3D V 1 X X 1 1 fTII I tXTt IXX f tlX XUj t XJtj tl I f fl REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA KAY. COMPANY of tho Itcsulntor Une will run ns per the ful-'j the Cominny roervliiK the rlfjlit to change'! nnticu. Str. Dalles City. DOWN i I.v. Iiallcs nr. l. .I'nrtlaml , ! nt 7 A. h. Vj.a I. Monday ! Wnlnvjiday Regulator Line, fa at I :ta r. (. at 7:W1 A. M. Tuesday . ... Thurday . ...Haturdnv Arr. Dallei ' at 5i'. a.. This Company wilt endeavor to give Its pat- ! i-or limner inlormatloii address M C. ALLAWAY, Con. Agt. 3 : Retail : Druggist and Druggists' Sundries 5 Phono 300. - - OREGON. ffjrv1 7 C. F- Stephens ..Doalor In... Diy Goods, Clothing, Oents' Fupoiahtngs. Hoots, HIiocm. Ilntx, fai, Notions. AKt, lor Vi . I.. Douglas Hliog, Tcltplionc No, 88, Tiie Dalles, Or, 101 bvcoiiu HI,. House Painting... Tho undersigned Ims taken possession of It. A. fiplvey paint shop, next door to t ie Vogt opera lioueo, and Iiub pur chased the tools and ladders. Ho has good mechanics working for him, and will guurautee all work to give satlifac tlon, S. K. KELLY. 0.R.&N I nst'Aivr ruR Tiur. fciiRtiULx Knox Iuuki, nit l.ltr. Denver. Ft, W.ltth, Omnlia. Kn- MhII 1J:I0 . in, Atlantic KxiirwH SU lika, Denver. Fi. Will, vtnnn, umului, Kon. ;' t:u-v i-uij CIiIciiko nnd Vmi i W.Mn. III. VIh Hunt liiitton. Ui-oViitiu Mnll nnd Kxjucss Wnlln Wnlla, fiimlianc, iiiiniii'HKiii. m. t'ntil,! iMllutli, MllH(iiik(V, CIiIciiko nnd Hast, via Hpoknticnkri HnniliiK ton; nldo ult )HiltiM In WnnliltiKtnn unU Knit ' rrn OruKon. Nil! 0 ffii p. m 8 p. m. From I'dctlakh, ! Ocemi Hteunii)ilj. For Ban KmncUro i Every Five IMyt, I fi ti. in. ColnniDln llv. SteiiracM. To Astoria mid Wy UuulliiK's. Inn amrdn 10 p. in. (ill. m. Wll.f. iXtWTTV llft'Vt. ,. nx.biinUHylOrojon (Jltv. NewbVrir..v; f,!r. I Hilli.m .L- Wav IjituC. . T. m, IWlLLAMtTTK AND Vau- 3:3)tl.H. liu-..TIiiir,' iuli. ISlVKiLt. Jlon.VlM nml hut. :t)rcK0ii City, Imyton, wATA unU VHy-liuilliiK. , RNAKT. IttVKIt. I.v llhmrlii Klimriii to lwl.itnn. (Inlly 3 'M n. in. i UlTI Umno.1 dally , 9:00 t.m. I 1'iiritcs (leilriiie to iro to Ilcntmu on iMiiinotii ronuiern vii iiictd, idojh tnki) No. B. leavlntr Tilt- Dulles nt L!:M r. b. .t,4.l, mi v.ifc .Hl llli.lWlin ll , I ll.'IIVr JUUVUU3 ml IIIitkh. KutiirnliiK imiMncMlrnHcounecHoa nt Heppiicr (miction unU IIIkkh Kith No, l.u- KiHt-l.in llf..wit i.nt.irtll ... IT....... . I....-.! rivi.-iK hi ino uaiicsm i ji p. m, t.'.iF full .nirllniiliirk ..... . II V P.'. ' ngem luv imiicj. or mi e H IM IM.11URT, (en. I n-. .t l -llan,0r. lilsra Pi Yellowstone Park Line. TIIK OININCI CAK HOL'TK I'ltOM t'OitTLAJP 10 THE EAST. THE ONLY DIKECT LINK TO TIIE itUAln KIOSK l'AHK LKAVK. Union Denot, Firihand I sis No. Kiit mull for Tiicoma, Ko. Fvnttle, Olympla, drny' llnrlior nnd Hoiilh Ik-ml poitit.i, Kpokiuic. lto-i IhiiiI, II. C' I'lillmim, M,......,.. I,,l.lnii till r U;I5 A. M.'iHlolliimpliilnliiKOinn ' 5;Ml'.. try, iiuicnn, .iiiiiiii-iiihi' Us, Ht. Paul, Omnli.i, Kihishk Cltv. Ht. I.imli. ChicHiro nnd nil Milnts iO. 1. - cnii nun unuini-uii. So. 3. I'lmct bound hxprws , lt;S0 1'. M.Ifor Tacomn Hinl bvatllo 7;00A.M mid intermvdittto puinLi I'llllinnn llrst cliids nml tourist slecpeii JJ Jllmiciipolht. Ht. l'nulaiiil JIImoiiiI rlvtr pottu without elniiiKU. Vustlbiiletl trains. Union deK)t connetuom In all principal cities'. , , IIiikkiikv ulicuktHl t destliiiillon of tickets. Kor linniUomcly lllusttntiil ilict IptlvciatiM; tickets, HleupliiK't-iir reecrviitlons, etc., call on m write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant (ieneml rasxenuer AKCiit. '4' M?nl son Htrect.forner Tlllrd, I'orthmiti Oregon. SOUTH and EAST via J aa t"f. IIP Shasta Route Trains lciivc Tliu Dulles for l'ortlanJ niid.wr stations at li.'j it. m. and 3 p. in. Ja'iivu Portland " Albany Arrive Aslilimil " Kaeriiini.'iito . .. " Hail FrtinoUt-o , 8i)nm im p.'.aiitia 10;W1B twwam n-so.w .... r.;t)pm 7; up m a:w ArilvoOKdnii " Denver " Kansas City.. " CIltuaKO 7-nam :B Arrive Los Aiigclos ljvnpm " Kll'ano . fi;W) m " Fort Worth (liiMiun " (Jlty of Mexico ....... OlMam " Houston 4:1 ii m " New Orleans,,.. .... fit. in " WiisllllJKtOIl 0:12 a m " New York 12:Wpm 8:00 p"1 Ojaoaw 9:Mi lidos'11 6:!!ipP fl.tjsia l'ljUinim and Tourist cars on boll i lhalrcara Hncramciito to Ogden 'V"1 ior ind tourist oars to Chicago, Bt 1-oiils, Oha and leans and Washington CoimcclItiK at Ban Francisco wit 5;g5, stoainshlp lines for Honolulu, Japaii. ww I'lilllpplnes, central ud Houtli Awirlw- Bco agent at The Dulles station, or addrt" C. H. MARKHAM, General Passenger Client, I'urtland, Or .i TJK- UHIHBNDOHrrKK Physician and Snreou, Special attention given to surgery. . nlMlk Souinern Pacific Co ttoomiaUndW, Tel. IBS vogn-