1'KOI'I.R OOMINtt ANI GOING. llle Duller arrived here.on the boon train from Hood River. Clyde Dontiey waaa passenger ou the noon trnin from Hood Hlver. Maiahnl T. J. Driver left on the noon train to attend the Portland carnivnl. A. Mower, of Dufur, loft on the noon train for Portland to take In the carnival. Jeff Mosier was In town lat night Iro.ii Mosrier and left for home on this morning's boat. Miss Myrtle Smith, of Heppner, was n passenger on this mornlng'e train for the Portland carnival. Mrs. William Neabeck.of Tjgh Illdpp, and four children left on thU morning's boat on a visit to friends in Albina. Attorney V. B. Presby, of Golden dale, left this morning for Boston, Mass., in response to a dispatch Informing him of the serious illness of his mother. Henry Stefman and wife, of Hartland, nnd Mrs. Stegtnan's sister in-law, Mrs. J. B. Melleker, of Iowa, were passengers on this morning's boat for Portland. G. B. Small, editor of the Baker City Democrat, accompanied by Mrs. bniall, passed through town this morning on his wav to Portland to attend the c.ur.i val. Judgo Blakeley and Commissioner Evans and wife went to Portland htst night to attend the cnrnival. The judge and Mr. Evans are expected bacic to night so as to resume county court in the morning. Among the passengers who left on the special train tins morning to attend the Portland carnival wero the following Joe Vogt, Bert Baldwin-, Horace Scott, H Grant, Mrs T J Driver. Mr and Mrs Hans Hansen, Mr and Mrs J P Benton, Will Juhnston, Archie McCully. Miss Melva Dawson, Misses Anna nnd Lena Thompson, A R Thompson and son, Grant Mays, E'nest Slierar, Leo Schan no, John Little, Dr and Mrs Hugh Logan, Mr and Mrs Tom Kelly and son, Gilbert, Judge V L Bradshaw, Louis Heppner, W Vogt, Tom Haslam, Mr and Mrs C L Phillips, A Keller, Will Crosseu, Mr and Mrs Chas Stubling, Jcrtin Hampshire, Mr and Mrs J Blake ney and diughter, Luia, Gus Bonn, H J Liebe, Ur bturuevant, Mr nnu Mrs J A McArthur and daughter, Mm J F Moore and son, Mr nnd Mrs C F Steph ens, Mrs Dawson nnd two children, H D Parkins, Miss Lay, Fred Weigel, Mrs A Urquliart, Miss L;na Liebe, hirl Sanders, Emile Schanno, Mrs J Mel- quist. son and daughter, Mrs A Nelson, .Mrs A Anderson, Miss Nellie Vteoerg, Vic Schmidt. Mr and Mrs Sam Wilkin son, Mrs J 0 Mack, Mrs T A Hudson, Miss Martha Schooling, J A Blondin, Joe Stadelman, Carl Hansen, Julius Fisher, A Henderson, Jne Kouler, A Sandvic, J T Lynch, C F Allison, Mrs J B Crosseu and Miss Emily Crossen, .Mrs L F Sandoz, Mr and Mrs E Bononi. Itedncetl ltate to tho Carnival. Tor the Elks' Carnival and Street Fair to be held at Portland Sept. 4th to 15th, the Regulator Line will make special excursion rates as follows: Round trip tickets, limited to the carnival dates, $2.00. On Sept. 6th a epecial excursion will be made, leaving The Dalles at G:30 a. m., arriving in Portland at 1 p. m. Fare $1.50. W. C. Allaway, Gen. Agent. Fur Sulr. The two buildings owned by Mrs. E. Julian, on Court street, between Second and Third, now occupied as a lodging house and dressmaking shop. The buildings will be sold, furnished or un furnished, cheap for cash. Apply to .Mrs. E. Julian. (3-lmd We have just received our first ship ment of boys' and youths' clothing for fall. We are able to give you your choice of all the new and neatest pat terns. Call early while the assortment is complete. No trouble to show goods at the New York Cash Store. BUSINESS LOCALS. Clark & Falls's drug stock is new, fresh and complete. Clarke & Fall: have on sale a full line of paint and artiet's brushes. A full line of Eastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke & Falk. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Paint your house with paintj that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk 'have them. Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celobratid Janie E. Patton strictly pure liquid paints. Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E. Patton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. C ark & 1 Ita tr minntfl MT v uin it lui ml Volcanic bruptluu Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life ofjuy. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve cures them ; also old, running and fever sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and .aches. Only 25 eta. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold at Blakeley's drug store. 2 I.uxurlc. Healthful drinks are not luxuries, (hey are necessities. A full line of cool and refreshing porter, ale, mineral water and beers kept on ice. Take a bottle home .for .lunch. C. J. Stubling. Phone 234, "Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday TXio't forget this. ELECTION RETURNS FROM VERMONT Republicans Have a Plurality of Least 32,250. and a .Majority Over 31,000. White Riveii Junction-, Vt., Sept. 5. The republicans of Vermont elected their state nnd congressional ticket by a plurality of at least 3?,250, nnd n ma jority of over 31.C0O. If the towns yet to be heard 'from give vote correspond ing relatively to the vote of the towns reporting today, the figures mentioned will be about right. The stnto senate is solidly re pit b i can and the republican representation in the general assembly will be substantially 100 out of a mem bership of IMG. Tiie various county 1 tickets ure, as usual, Republican. Returns from 2:i9 cities and towns 111 the state, leaving only seven to be heard from, uive Stickney, rep , 47.87G; Sent er, dem., 15.S12; all others, 1273. The same cities nnd towns in IS'JG gave Grout, rep., 53,021; Jackson, dem., 14, 929; nil others, 1632. Sticknej'a plu rality in these cities and towns is 32,031, and iiis majority over 30,761. It is claimed by the democratic lead ers that the will Uaye n. slight increase in the general assembly over 1S9S, 'when there were 42, while the representation will be more that double that of lS9d, when there were 2t democratic repre sentatives. t As a result of the fight for representa tives in the iuteiest of four candidates for United States senator to till the un expired term of the late Senator Morrill, returns from 17G towns show republi cans elected with preference as follows: Dillinghan, 53; Grout, 3G; Ross, 9; Prouty, 2. The remaining members are democrats non-committed or unpledged Two republican candidates for con gress were elected by figures generally with the votefor governor. Shtflleld elected H. C. Simpson, re publican, for representative. He favors Grout for senator. Morristown, with a total vote of about 600, showed a gain of twenty-one per cent for the democrats. Morristown elected S. G. Fleetwood, republican, as representative. He fa vore Dillingham for senator. Whitting ham and Worcester, while giving plural ities for Stickney for governor, elected democratic nominees for representatives. Whittinguam elected a democrat in 1S9S. Sheffield, which two years ago elected a prohibitionist as tepresenta tive, now sends a republican. A Oooil Cough Medicine. Many thousands have been restored to health and happiness by the use of Chamberlain's Couli Remedy. If af flicted with any throat or lung trouble, give it a trial for it is certain to prove beneficial. Coughs that have resisted oil other treatment for years, have yielded to this remedy and perfect Jiealth been restored. Cases that seemed hopeless, that the climate of famous health resorts failed to benefit, have been permanently cured by its use. For rale by Blakeley it.Houghtonj Arthur Sewull Detail. IJata, Me., Sept. 5. Hon. Arthur Sewall died of apoplexy at 8:30 a. m. today at his summer home, Small Point, about twelve miles from this city. He was 04 years of age. , Mr. Sewall bad not been in good health for some time, although he was not considered to bo seriously 111. He had been advised by his physician to rest ue early as last June, and he at tended the democratic national conven tion July 4th againet the advice of hi doctor. He appeared to havo suffered no ill effects from the journey, however, and was passing the summer quietly at Small Point, when the fatal etroke at tackeu him last hunday. iiie uncon sciousness which followed the attack continued until death came. ' Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat, ment by Ely's Cream Halm, which in agree ably aromatic. It is received through the nostrils, cleanses nnu heals tne wnole sur- a ov -l.;l, it ,l!(Tiiooti ifiiolf nn,m,li.lil oil i.n f.n t. 'ivini dr. i.v mnti in ceuta. Test it and you are suro to continue ...... . ' . .' tuo treatment. Announcement. To accommodate- those who aro partial to the uso of atomizers in applying liquids into tho naval passages for catarrhal trou bits, tho proprietors prepare Cream Balm in liquid form, which will be known as Ely's Liquid Cream Balm. Price including tho spraying tube is 75 cents. Druggists or by mail. The liquid form embodies the med icinal properties of the solid preparation. STRAYED From the East End feed yard, one small blue mare, branded soniothlog like a man's bead on left 'Shoulder. Liberal reward for her recovery, or information leading to her recovery. When last een .bad a short rope around, her neck. 4 ..,., J. '1MII'B, . a27-2tw The Dalles, Or. ENJOYS A GOOD CIGAR. Thrr la No Mrnna of Dlieoneartlasr the Girl Who Slta I Bmitkf m Srnta. 'Men who wish to enjoy 11 smoUe when coming downtown after breakfast arc often "put out" by the feminine pn tronis of the street cars who persisfin getting in the .'.eats reserved for smok er, oven, though the rest of the enr may be empty. One stilYerer from tills pro pensity on the part of the fair sex de clared' the other day that the only way to cure (hem of the habit. was to 'smoke them out. says the Chicago Chronicle. The yotiup man took his place on one of the scats, cigar in mouth. At I.oomis street u young woman and escort entered the car. Many vacant seats were ahead, but she calmly took 11 scat beside the afore said smoker. The o&eort clung to the strap and chatted in small talk. "Here is my chance." thought the smoker. Instantly tlwre issued from his. lips enough smoke to remind one of the power-house smokestack. The move ment of the car blew it all in her face. Looking up at her escort she said, tjwcetly: "I'm in a smoker's scat, ain't I?" He agreed. The smoker was overjoyed. He felt thnt he was doing u kindness to nil puffers of the weed. "She's weakening," he thought, "and she'll move in n moment." Still she sat. The smoker puffed and puffed till he was nearly black in tho face. "Do you know," s.he suddenly said to her escort, "I do love the odor of a good cigar?" with a cruel emphasis on the word "good." The puffing censed and the puffer kept, his eyes on the floor as she left the car. Caturrh Cannot lie Cured, with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and : n.,l. I . t.i . t (rtl.n itttnm- ' nal remedies. Halt's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acta directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for yeers, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O Sold by drrnggists, price 7rtc. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12 For the convenience of parties want ing ice in the afternoons, the Stadelman Ice Co. will carry a stock nt their store, corner Third and Washington streets Phone No. 107; long distunco 183. "Ring 'em up." 18m-tf House Painting... The undersigned has taken possession of R. A. Spivey paint shop, next door to the Vogt opera house, und has pur chased the tools and ladders. Ho has good mechanics working for him, and will guarantee all work to give satisfac tion. S. K. KELLY. GROCERIES.... A FINK LINK OF Staple and Fancy Groceries -AT- Fhono No. fiO. Third St., near Court. DUNCAN'S CORD WOOD.... Good Piiionnil Kir Wood delivered tonnypart inui'ii m eu.uii yur cum. Third Bt.. near Court. DUNCAN'S augClmo The Weekly Oregonian and Twice-a-Week Chronicle for $2.00 a year. All subscribers to the Weekly Chron icle, who pay one years' subscription In advance), will be entitled to the above liberal offer. , CHRONICLE PUB. CO., The Dalles, Oregon, 't r 't f t f f 'f r f f f M'liciltllo uithont Str. Regulator Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. DOWN. , I.v Dalles nt 7 a. M. ' Tuesday , ThiHNlay .. Saturday . ' Arr. Portland , at 1:30 v. k. ur. fortl.md I.v lit? A. M. .Monday .Wednesday . . .Friday Arr. Dulles ato I'. K. FOR COMPORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel by the Steamer ot tho Itosulator Line. rons the best teivlw possible. , Portland Ofllcc, Oak-Street Dock. W. 7d ""T,',''w'VVvVirSrVVVVVv -A ...Geo. C. Blakeley... Successor to Blakaloy & Houghton. Wholesale : and : Retail : Druggist Largest Stock of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries in Eastern Oregon Country - and - fflail Orders Will Receive PROMPT ATTENTION. 175 Second St. THE DALLES. - ' Advertise in the Chronicle BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE in trade Marks Copyrights Ac. Anyono ienninit n keirii and at acrlvtlon mv qiilcklr lurorlniii our opinion free wliclliur a i liivontlon Is probahly patentable.. Cnminuiilcf. tionsttrlctlyconHdantlal. II and book on I'alenti tout freo. oldest nuency fursecurlnir ualtnu. 1'HteuU taken tlirousli ilunn & to. rccc-U tptelal notice, without cbrc, In tbo Scientific Jlmericati. A lundeomelr Illustrated iroeklr. Iinrsost dr l'U atlon tit nnr srlenlldn loiirn&l. 'rnn. I.i .-, ,ear i 'iir montl, . Bold brail tiatdanu &uo.30,DroNew York t. Offlo., ea V Bt. Woshinnton. l. r FRENCH c& CO., BANKERS. TltANUAUT A KNKBALUANKINO HUyiNEa Letters of Credit issued available in the tvastern utatea. Biitht Exchange and Taleirnntm Tranifera sold on New York, Chicago, St. LoqIb, Ban Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Oregon and Washiniiton. iColleetionn made at all points on fay orable terme. 4 The Chronicle, Tho Dallas, Ot. Job Printers. REGULATOR LINE. 1 I)ALLEST0IITUN1) & HA M COMPANY Hteamcri! of tliii UcKiilator Line will ran nh )er the lot- 'Jl owing fchcdule, the Cnniiuiuy rckcrvtiiR the riKht to chiuiKe 'i notice. . Str. Dallos City. .a DOWN I.v. Dalles at 7 A h. .Monday Wrilnesday.. , Friday Arr. l'ortlumt ur, i. , i or i mini (. Ut 7:00 A. M. 1 . .. TueMlay 'i ,. Tlnimilny A . ...Kattirilay j Air. Dulles J nt.r r. H.,' i nt I :.Mi-. k. The Coniiiany wilt endeavor to give Its twit- A For further Information udilress 3 C. ALLAWAV. Com. Ant. Phono 300. - - nRFr.nw . . W IV. Hf- 8TUF1DEVANT, Iioiitist. Olliej (icr Krcnch & Co.'k llniik ' l,hn" G TIIK DA1.I.KB, OttKdON C. F. Stephens ...Doalor In.,. tpy Goods, Clothing, Gents' Fufniahings. Hoots, aimes. tliitH, Cups, Notions. AKt. Telonhnno No. WJ. 13tbvcoml Ht The Dalles, Or, yv3iivrrrvrM B H IIUHTINUTON TJUNT1NUTON & WIIJION. II B WIUOK IX AT10KNKV8 AT LAW, OHlo, over irirst HilJZ'' 0Rttuuf'' Pliyaician aud Surgeon, Bpoclsl attention givu to turrr. KoomiSlandW, Tel. 338 VogtBlwk T1MK RCIIKDUI.K, FKOM Uaurs. Knit Mult Halt Iaikc, Denver, Ft, Worth. Omaha, Kan. ana City, Kt. 1ini,, 12M0 p. Ill, Atlantic Kxprenti Hint Lnks, Denver. VtA Worlh, Oiunliii, Kim. City, Ht. Unit,,! f'ttlnntvit .!.) t....i ' liUs.a, rcifioa. in. vm limit IllStOII. Hpnknlio Mull tOIlt Kxprmx Walla Wnlln, Hpokatic, MluiienpullK. at. I'mil J) 11 In tli, Mllwniikw. Chlrugo 11 ml Knst, via 8Mklt Mil! -Eiprcii nroKiinunKii lliintliiK. tnli: iilso nil unlnt. in 9:itf p. m WuslllllKtou Hint East-! ' 3:3a.a rrn ureRDii. R . m. FnOM I'OKTI.ANl). Ocvhii Htcnmstilpi, t-'nrhnii Krniichro--Kvery 1'lve Dny, 8 11. m Xx.Hiitiduy (Irtlii'nihlu ltv. Bteiimcr.iBiftS'ii To Astohia unit Way l-llllllllKl. Kiumdiiy 10 p. m. ti.Hini.lnylOreeoii City. Nowln-rn, Euuto I hulom i Way 1jiih1'. ' 7 . m, rui'H.Tliur, mid Kilt. WlLLAMtTTK ANIi YAH- JiJOd.b. hill Itivnns. Mon.,at Oreuon City, Day ton, tadFri. una Wny.Imilliiic. a I.v Itliwrln! ilnliy , :i::im. m. I Hnakk Uivnii. itlparlu tu Icwltoii. UiTI , IllT 9:00i. a Piirlli'K ilO.iirilie to ua to llennnor inxnin uii iiiiiiiiiii rrmiiiCTii via lllri(9, IH00.1 l.iki-Nn. 2, IuhvIiir 'ihc DnlUn nt li:40 p. b. mnkiiiK illrwit ti)ii:!collon at Heppner junction nnd HIkkh. Ht'turuliiK innkliiKillrcctcotinKttin hi Ileppncr Jiini'tloii mid HiKxt with No, In rlvliiK at '1 lie Dalles in I. . nm, Knr lull linrtlculur i itgciitThulhillun. in j,- "li 0. . & N, CCi II 111 I I IIOKT. I. 'ImJ.Or. lien l it Yellowstone Park Line. TIIK DINING CAR ItOtJTK KIIOJ1 l'OKTUSD TO THE EAKT. TIIK ONLY IllltKCTIilNK TO TIIE YELLOW. HI ONE l'AKK .i:. (union Df3pot. rifthancl I Sts UAV A RSI VI. No. 2. Kast mr.ll (or Tiiranm, Hciittlt.', Olyinphi, (iniy ' Ko. ; lliirlMir iinil Hoiitn nemi iMiints, Bpiikuni', Kixs lliiml, .11. C, I'lillinniii 'Mnvcmv, U.'ton, 1 lit f U;15 A. M, fiilolltiiiipiiiliilniri'Diin . try, Iloli'iiii, JllnnciiiK) 11a, Ut. l'mil, Omnliii, KnnmiH City, Ht. Unlit, Iti'lilcnito unit nil point No, 1, ! cant mill miuthciist. SiMI'.M. I 1'iiect Bound ExprvMi IV.'M V. M.ifor Tacoinii mill hciitllu 7;t A. H. nnu Intermediate poliiui I'lillniiin llrst clHsa mill tourist slwpen to Mlnnfiipolls.tit. I'uttliiud Missouri riverpomu wltliiint ohniiKi'. ., Vontlhiileii tniliis. Union ilcpot eountcUoni In nil principal cltlev. , , , llHKKHK" ohcckwl to destination ol tickets, t Kor hiuiilwiincly lllinitiiitc-ililiuMjrlpllvcmitW, tlckuta, sleeping eur rcscrvntlnns, clcesllonor write A. D. CHARLTON, A.i.ilittntit (icuuriil russciiicr Aitent. aM JlorrI win Htrcut.unrner Third, I'nrllauil, Oregon. SOUTH and EAST via Shasta Route Trains Iwiva Tho Ilille fur 1'ortluiiiJ and J sinuous ut l:ii ii. in. nnu a p. in. U-iivo l'nrtlHiul " Albniiy Arrive. AMiliiuit " Kaorinni.'iito ... " Hun Krnuclscu . H!:itm 7:00pm .12:3()iim 10:W-H . fl:(ii) p in ;? . TM'ipi" s:I3a w Arrive OKdnii " Dunver " KuinuiaClty. " UhleHKO fi-IS u in U:n 7-i'inm 7SlB .-.V Tiliii in Arrive Lon AiircIus UW p m " Ktl'nw fijuopm " Kurt Worth Giiioam " C'ltyoIJIcxIco : " Houston tiooiim " New Orleuns o-X m " WiuhlUKtoit CMJuin " New York I'.Miapm C:o0 p m maoum J!5il" 1:00 6:25 pW O'-Uata l'lllltti.,11 a ml ff.,,pla, i.rfl on b"th trln dun mid Kliw unniri'ars oaetBinentn to ukuwii ui nnd tourist enrii to Chicago, Bt UmU, effl" leans and Wasliluetoii. . ...in, ueverll ........... N..1. UHIa. v." , , , nliux.,.1.1.. IT... . II,...,.l.il,i .lillllllli lUi"" uoiineuiiiiir at nan vthiiuiuuii ....in.. i iiiuppiues, uuuirm nuu douhi aiv Hce aitcnt at Tlio UaUca station, or addrtss C. H. MARKHAM, General Passenger Agent, l,orllod"0f t WW HHMW . n i ..trw, In iChOpI during winter, to board. $12 on ...i.i. " . ... .li...,. AcroH nnu ruuui siiu plain wssun'i" . treat from Hloh anhofll. Al'P'l' r, m lUWlOl HKi'AnT run U 1 A? Fst Soutnero PaGific Co uimfiNmi.Ei nmnA. "