The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 06, 1900, Image 3

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vacation will Sooq lie O'ei.
And Iho boy must bo ready for school. Every parent should
study economy in Boys' Clothes. Economy at the oxponse of
comfort, neatness and stylo is an unsatisfactory thing.
mid nil of those desirable features are combined in the &LOTHES
Boys' Heavy Tweed, doubie-breasted suits; ,
ages '1 to 14; your money back if not satisfactory tpl.OU
Boys' Blue and Black, double- breasted
cheviot suits; 4 to 15; your money back if not satisfactory. JC.50
Boys' All-Wool, 3-pieco school suits; ages 8 to wk
10; your money back if not satisfactory t3. tO
Youths' All-Wool school suits; ages 14 to 20 years; in
cheviots, worsteds, cassimorcs and tweeds; suits that are WE A R-
II MS J STING; at prices ranging from $3.50 tO $12.50
Our Suits are built for boys,
Who givo clothing the HARDEST TEST. They are neat and
.stylish, and will remain so for an unusual length of time because
they contain an unusual amount of GOOD QUALITY.
Misses' heavy sole Kid Button
or Lace, sizes 1 2 to 2.
New Stock. New Toes.
Ladies' Kid Button; sizes 3,
3 and 4.
Boys' Calf Congress (elastic
sides) ; sizes 2 to 4.
Ladies' ' Brown Kid Oxfords;
sizes 4 to 7.
Pease & Mays'
Shoe Department.
Our Fancv Goods counter is be
ginning to make a "'good showing
with good things for Fall wear.
In Ladies' Neckwear, we are
showing some exquisite novelties.
Cushion Covers in the latest
Our complete stock of Ribbons
are now on our counters.
Our French Flannelettes at 18.c
per yard are proving to be the great
est sellers of the season.
Have you seen our Fall Jack
ets? They are pronounced by every
one to be the finest ever shown in
Our Silk Waists just arrived
this morning'.
Dry Goods Department.
TpT TgJ J A good Baseball and Bat or a 1
Rifle with any boy's suit or ovo:
900 Daisy Air
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures.
The Dalles Dally Gtooiriela,
SEPT. 0, 1901
At Andrew Keller's.
(o) . W
Girl wanted to do liouao work. Apply
to Mrs. J. P. Itunton. 4b Gt
liny ii meal ticket at the Umatilla
House restaurant ; $5,50 for $5. Bl-tf
School suite at specially reduced
priceu tomorrow nnd next duy ut A, M.
William? & Co.'a.
A three-dollar school anit will coit
yqu only $2,25 tomorrow at A. M. Will
iams & Co.'e.
Mr. A. II. dirties, ot Htckland, spont
a restful night Inst niKlit nnd wns fuel
ing butter this morning.
The ladies of the W. C. T. U. will
meet in the Congregational church to
morrow i Friday) afternoon at 2 o'clook.
Othiiiitn Muller, a citizen of the Swiss
republic, was admitted to American
cltizjiialiip in the county court on the
A fu-acro field of fall wheat, belonging
to Tom Karghor, of Tygh Ridge, waB
threshed a fuw dava nuo and violded
over forty-six bushels to the acre. H
Wheat is arriving at The Dalles waio
bouses at the rato of from 0,000 to 10,
000 bushels a day. Possibly a third or
more is sold on arrival and the rest
stored. Tho price for No. 1 was today
Kldur I'rtul Krnasr. of Huntavlllc,
Wash., will hold BorvlcoB hi the Chris
tian cluuch liuro next Sunday, to whicli
all are invited. Mr. Krugor la a cousin
oI tho famous president of tho late
Transvaal republic.
The northoBt wing of Good Samaritan
hospital in Portland was almost totally
destroyed by firo at noon yesterday.
The damage is estimated at about 1)2000,
which in fully covered by insurance. A
defective flue Is assigned an the cause,
All the patients were removed rapidly.
The Portland carnival Is making live
y;tlinea for the 0. R, AN. At 7 o'clock
lt evening n train of soventeen pas
enuor cars pnssod through here. At
15 this morning another train of four
tuen cars passed. At 4 a. in. another
train of twelve cart, and at 8 the Dalles
pcciui of nine care,
TIiIr city la sorely In need ol soir.e
enterprising man with a little capital to
I'liilp u fow good daolllng liousea, near
t'wn and eohoola, that would ront for
reasonable figure. Messrs. Hudson &
llfownlilll, ot this eity, are reoelving ap
plications and inquiries in reference to
jli" renting and purchasing of city and
'riu property. Anyone wlehlng to aell
or find a good tonant cannot do better
'ian to place their property in the
'hands of the above firm. Money to
Mrs. A. W. Hart left at this office yes
terday afternoon two peaches, one of
which measured 11 inchee in circumfer
ence and the other Wn. They were
grown on her lot on the north side of
Alvord street, in the Laughlin Itlu II' ad
dition, and without irrigation. The
flood River Glazier will please notice
that we grow peaches up Hub way.
The prospect of a DalleB harvest car
nival is daily brightening. Messrs.
Michclbach, Frank and Wilson spent a
part of yesterday soliciting subscrip
tions, with tho ro3ull that $1,050 was
pledged, which, with tho sums already
pledged, makes upwards of $2000. So
licitors will contiuuo tho work tomor
row in the hope that a sufficient sum
will be subscribed to make the matter a
Tho street fair, as being held In Pert
land, had a singular origin, In an un
pretentious city in Northern Ohio a
Shylock foreclosed a mortgage on the
local agricultural fair grounds. It was
his purpose to extort from the managers
of the fair association several times the
rental valnu of the grounds for use as an
exposition, They rebelled and called a
council of war. It was decided to hold
the fair in the streets of tiie city. It
proved singularly successful.
A certain farmer at country fair for
several years always took the prizo for
tho fattest hog, When asked how he
did it, he would reply that he mude him
eat more than his other hoge, yet would
novor toll how ho did it. Ono day, how
ever, soma of his neighbors hid near tho
pen where tho prize pig was kept,
When the farmer went to feed the pig he
took three times as much feed as the
ordinary hog would eat and put it Into
tliu pen. Tho hog ate about half of it
and then laid down. The fanner then
went to another pen and brought a lean
and hungry razor-back and put him in
the pen with the prize pig. When tho
prizo pig spied him ho was calmly eat
ing the balance of the feed. Then tho
prize pig got up and began to eat. He
consumed the rest of tho feed to keep
the razor-back from getting it. That
was tho secret of the fanner's succee.
He had played on the nature of n hog,
which is to gel all you can to keop some
one else from getting it. Query : Is it
because the hog has human nature or
because tinman nature has hog Y Cor
respondent InToxnaFnrme
School Ojioiih Next Monday.
Now qlassos in tho first primary are
organized only at the beginning or tho
term. Ohlhlren 0 yours of ago, or those
who will be 0 by the first of November-,
may enter these classes.
The entrance examination for pupils
pffthe more advanced grades will be
hold at the high actiool building on Sat
urday, Sept. 8tli, beginning at 0 o'clock
a. m. The preliminary teachers' meet
ing will convene at 4 p. m. Saturday.
A. M. Williams & Co.'a school auits
are made double at the seat and knees.
That Is partly why tliey wear so loug.
Till Hen Has s llecord.
W. W. Bailey, of Brownsville, Ore.,
takes objection to the Alsea hen, which
continued her work of incubating while
the threshing machine in which siie had
hidden her neet was in operation, being
styled the grittiest hen in America.
He says he has a little brown Leghorn
hen which this summer stole a nest out
hy an old bed of the Calapooia river,
near hie house, in a patch of thick
underbrush. Knowing a Leghorn's
preference to a nest of her own choice,
he "supplied her with fiesh eggs during
her temporary absence," and allowed
her to proceed witii her incubation busi
ness. The day her chickens were due,
Mrs. Bailey visited the nest to see if she
was all right and discovered a polecat
lying flat beside it with its head appar
ently under her, and the hen paying no
attention to it.
She waB alarmed for the safety of the
unhatched chickens, and also the hen,
and as there was no dog and no man
around she ran to her bouse for a re
volver, and came back to hid die's
assistance with the shooting iron and a
long pole. She was afraid to shoot at
the polecat while it was bo close to the
hen, for fear of killing her, and she did
not care to take hold of or kick an
animal having the unsavory leputation
of the polecat. Hence the long pole
was provided,
Mrs. Bailey cocked the revolver,
placed tho pole under the polecat, and,
closing her eyes, throw the animal into
the air and discharged the revolver,
She is a good shot with a revolver, es
pecially when she has her eyes shut,
but she was just a little surprised when
she opened her eyes to find that the
polecat was stone dead. Examination
showod the little lien had defended her
nest against the intruder the night be
fore, and had pecked It to death. Next
day she "came off" with eleven chick
ens, which are all alive and doing well,
In view of the unparalled courage dis
played by both tho hen and his wife,
Mr. Bailey Is truly proud ol them both,
and is of the opinion that when the title
Of "grittiest hen" or ."grittiest woman"
is bestowed, that honor should come to
Incident of Karly Dallea l.lfo.
President James R. Day, of the Syra
cuse, N. Y., University, spent the past
two days in the city on a visit to scenes
that wero familiar to his early boyhood.
He ia a well-preserved gentleman of 06
ye ire and more, and was accompanied
by his wife and daughter, Miss Emo
gene. In tho oarly 'CDs President Day's
father was the leading spirit of tho Peo
ple's Transportation Company, which
was organized in opposition to tho old
O. S. & N. Co. In 1804 President Day's
father made an offer to buy out the old
Umatilla House, then conducted, as
it waB for nearly forty years after
wards, by Handley & Sinnott. The
letter containing the offer was probably
misdirected, but at any rate went to
Dallas, Texas, and Handley St Sinnott
never hoard of It. Mr, Day had sold
out his interests in the People's Trans
portation Company, and not hearing
from Handley & Sinnott, concluded they
did not want to Bell, and took his family
back East, where be died many years
ago. Thus the misdirection of a letter
changed the whole history of a caravan
sory that, more than any other institu
tion in The Dalles, has been identified
with the rise and progress of the city.
Instead of presiding at the hotel office,
with the conventional diamond in his
shirt front, or possibly at intervals
slinging amber cocktails across tho bar,
young Day went back East and becaue
a preacher and president of a leading
The Itoy Crawford Stock Company
opens a week's engagement and the sea
eon of the Vogt opera house Monday,
Sept. 10th, presenting a lepertoire of
plays never seen before at popular prices.
The company comes direct to the Pacific
coast from all the principal cities in the
East, and will give the theater-going
public of The Dalles an opportunity to
witness the same productions as could
be seen in the city. Tho company has
been selected with the greatest care and
consists of the pick of the theatrical
profession. Miss Effie Darling, the
leading lady, has been connected with
the Daniel Frohmau forces of the Ly
ceum theater in New York City, and is
one of the most versatile leading, women
ever seen on the Pacific coast.
The plays to be presented here will be
selected from the following : "A True
Kentuckian," "Suze o' Tennessee,"
"Alabama," "Friends," "Sappho,"
"Sowing the Wind," "A Real Widow
Brown," "In Old Kentucky," "Dangers
of a Great City," "Camille" and others.
Monday will he a ladies' free night. The
prices have beeu reduced to 25, 35 and
50 cents.
Tickets will go on rale Saturday at
9 a. in, at Clarke & Faulk's drugetore.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Aiguature of
Now is the time to be purchasing your
boys' clothing for school, We aro in
the position to offer you the beet bar
gains in the city. We would be pleased
to have you call and examine our line,
Remember we carry the largest and
most complete line of clothing in the
city. Come" early and avoid the rush.
The New York Cash Store.
Mew Store, New 1'rlcen.
I have my goods marked down to bed
rock prices in view to closing out my
stock of millinery. Call and see me ono
door east of Racket etore. Also orders
for Delsarte corsets taken.
Mits, Jayxk,
fur Hale.
Rubber-tire uggy, at Portei's stable;
nearly new ; good condition. aepOlw
The Bent ltemedy for Stomach and
lion-el Trouble.
'I have been in the drug business for
twenty years and have Sold most all of
the proprietary medicines of any note.
Among the entire list I have never found
anything to equal Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for all
stomach and bowel troubles," says O.
W. Wakefield, of Columbus, Ga. "This
remedy cured two severe cases of cholera
morbus in my family and I have recom
mended and eold hundreds of bottles of
it to my customers to their entire satis
faction. It affords a quick and sure cure
in a pleasant form." For sale by
Blekeley St Houghton.
Ileal Estate for Sale.
Twenty-three lots, located from Sev
enth street to Twelfth, for sale at from
$50 up. Inquire at the Columbia
Hotel. a29-tf
The more boys" clothing you buy to
morrow, the more money you save pro
viding you do your buying at A. M.
Williams & Co.'a.
tSn?TWaT e
mays & mm
The only store fi
this city where tin
Genuine Imported
-rm stratiBKy-steei
m Ware la unlet.
A little higher in
price, but outlasts
a pn
eled ware.
a dozen pieces of so-
called cheap onam
Other wares look
has tho name
Stransky Steel
Ware on each piece.
Do not be deceived
First prize at 1C
International Exhi
bitions. Highest
award at Worlds
Columbian Exhlbi
tion. Chicago Pre
ferred by the best
certified to by the
most famous chem
ists for purity and
durability it is
cheapest because
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled ware is special
ly imported for and
sold in this city ex
clusively by us.
It does not rust
nor absorb frrease.
does not discolor
nor catch inside; is
not affected by acids
in fruits or
will boil,
stew, roast
and bake
flavor of
food and
will last
for years.
"We cau
tion tha
Opera House
F. J. CLARKE, Manager.
Engagement Extraordinary.
Opening of the Season.
Six Nights, Commencing
Monday, Sept. 10th.
Roy Crawford
Stock Co....
A True Kentuckian.
Dangers of a Great City.
Suze o'Tennessee.
A great company of Players.
A ton nf scenery.
A dozen new specialties.
Opening with a Ladies1 Freo Night.
Prices 35, 35 and 50o.
Seats on sale at Clarke & Fulk's.
Ice Cream and
Oyster Parlors..
Mrs II, L. Jones has opened ice
cream and oyster parlors in Carey Hal
lard's old stand, She carries
A full line of Candies,
Nuts and Cigars.
The place has been thoroughly ren
ovated, and a share of the public patron
age is solicited.
Physician and Surgeon,
OUlco, Vogt Block (over 1'ostolUce),
SOapliao dw THIS IMM.K3, OHKao.N'.