IK VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1900. NO. 330 BOER WAR IS NOT ENDED YET Hurdlers tlnvc Lad band in Dire Straits Again. Roberts Has Sent liclicf. Nr.w Vouk, Sept. 5. A dispatch to tho Tribune from London Hays: Lord Huberts' annexation of tho Trunevmil is general ly regarded ne proof tlmt in the opinion of tho military authorities both lit lionu! ti till in South Africa, the war is pnictiivilly over. The war o 111 re has received a diapatch from Lord Roberts (riving mi account of a elitilit engagement north of Pretoria in which the liners wore driven ofT, losing 100 rillua and a eiipply of ammunition uml a few prisoners. About the same time a party of Boors made an uiiHiib ceeaftil attack, on tho Johannesburg water workB. More eeriuus fighting took place on Monday in tho muiiuiaiii parses near Lytluiihure, wiiero Oeuoral Bnllor was lighting. Tlie burghers wuro 2000 strong with several guns, and they seem to lmvetiuld tho Uritiflh in eheck, since the position was not carried by nightfall and a column was sent by General Rob erta to assist Buller. It is thought, however, that Botha's army was fight ing to cover thu removal of his transport nml etipp'k's from Lydeutmrg and that he will rotiro to tho mountains fnrti.er north, whero the next stand will be made. The effect of tho proclamation will bo to cause Transvaal huruhers now in arms to be treated as rebels and forfeit belligeiont rights. It is hoped by this means the hopelessness of further resist anco will be brought speedily homo to the lloers. Hut the experience of tho Orange Itivor colony is not altogether eneourag big. After six mouths of annexation, the burghers are still in arms in the Eastern Free -State and in HufUciuut force to put a British garrison in danger ot surrendering. Telegrams from tiio llasutolnnd frontier ehnw that tho Doer commandoes liuvo surrounded Lady brand and reduced tiio defenders to such straits that they have burned all tliuir etoreu in thu market place to prevent 1 1 1 fin from falling into tho enemy's AWrjclaUe Preparalionfo'r As similating lucFoodandReduIa ling (itc Stomachs arclBowels of ILHHWMlllimill Promotes Digeslion.CheerfuF- cas anaitest.coniains nenner Opuim.Moi-pliine nor Mineral. Nox Narcotic. afttUJIrSAHVamQKit staite Sttfl c Apeifccl Remedy forConsUpa Hon , Sour 3loawh,Diarrhoa oml Loss or SLEEP. FacSinjilo Signature oP EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. I pp 1 hands. General Hunter is hastening to the relief ot . the garrison and it hoped that ho may bo in time to save it. . Uracil, CoiiviuhIiiii IIhh llovii Annulled. Managua, Niccaragna, Aug, 13 (Cor respondence of tho Asaociated Press.) El Coniercin, daily semi-ofllcial news paper published here, in its iatuo of August 12th contained an editorial an nouncement that the government o! Nicaragua had informed the Inter Oceanic Canal Company that its conces sion had been annulled August 3 of the present year, becauee of tho failure of the company to depoaite .$400,000 in American gold in the treasury of Nic aragua within four months of the or ganization the company, as required by article 38 of the canal concession, granted to Messrs. Eyro and Cragln October 30, 1808. This apparently leaves tho Nicaragua canal route free from any complications other than the demand for the sum which the Caribbean & Pacific transit company may ask for its concession, ob tained in 1897 or early in 1898, granting to it, the company declares, tiio sole ni.Mii tor unriy years ot Bteam naviga tion on the Itio San Juan and Lake Nic aragua the canal route qualified, how ever, by the reserved right of Nicaragua to in tho mcniiwhil.o .grant a canal construction concession to any one whom it saw fit. It was agreed tiiat tho receivers of such a concession should pay to the Caribbean & Pacific Transit Co. for the Lake Sillciu and San Juan River Railroad (a few miles in length,) fur such improvements us it made in deepening the San Juan river, and for their steamboats, lighters, etc., referred to in the concession they received. This company is an offshoot of and a feeder to the Atlas Steamship Company, of Liverpool, England. A J'nwiler Mill Kxilulun. Removes everything in eight ; eo do drastic mineral ftills, but both are mighty dangerous. Dou't dynamite thedelicato machinery of your body with calomel, croton oil or aloes pills, when Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are gentle as a summer breeze, do the wotk perfectly Cures Headache, Constipation. Only 123c ut Blakcloy's drug store. 2 Kmucmlier That Chas. Stunting is still doing a retail business at ids new place. He sells in quantities to Rtiit all customer.' from one bottle to n barrel. Family orders delivered promptly. GftSTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years AAff CASTORA 1 m In this sale are included- Regular .00 Suits Will go at 5.25 Double-Breasted Suits, Regular 8.00 Suits will go at 6.00 reefer suits, Regular 9.00 Suits will go at 6.75 VES jUNiOR'suits. Regular 10.00 Suits will go at '. 7.50 A Grand Aggregation of 4early FIVE iJfHDHBt) Boys' and Children's SUITS To select from and every suit is fully worth the regular, price. Our make of Boys' Clothing is too well known to Dalles parents to need any further comment. Remember the dates NEXT FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. Kmperor Not the Ituler. New Youk, Sept. 5. A dispatch to the Tribune from London says: The edict addressed to Li Huug Chang in the name of the Chinese emperor, and dated August 10th, en route to Tai Yuen Fu, explains that although tho foreign powers have given assurance that their only object in bringing troops to the capital is the suppression of disorder and that no harm is intended to the imperial house, the emperor has felt it his duty, in view of the dangers appre hended from tho assault on I'ekin, to comply with the wishes of the empress dowager and accompany her westward after instructing Yung Lu, Hsu Tung and Tsung Chi to remain in the capital and carry on the government. The Times, commenting upoii this news, which is reported by its corres pondent in Shanghai, says tlmt if it he genuine, it shows that the movements of tho .titular sovereign are still di rected by tho imporious will of tiie dowager empress to whoBe initiative and support the outbreak of the Boxer movement is attributed. The Standard's correspondent in Tien Tsln sends an account of the first party of refugees from Pekin. Most of thetu were American missionaries. Tho jour ney to Tien Tsln by boat occupied four dare, jno Hostile vnniese were en countered on the way, but it was inv possiblo for the refugees to take a rest and all the party seemed completely worn out. From tho stories told by theso refugees it would soem that the reports which hud been circulated regarding the suffer ings ox the inmates of the legations during the siege were exaggerated. No body actually went huugry, and the chief strain on the besieged was the constant fear lest the enemy should rush the defenses. You will not have bols if vou take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. Clarke & Falk'a Savoring extracts are the bait. Ask your grocer (or them. Next Friday and Saturday, A SALE OF SGflOOIt SUITS Notice our east window; see the many styles of BoTs' and Children's good, well-made Suits and there are plenty more upstairs. Suits that will give their full-measure of honest wear for ever' cent you expend in the buying; and our guarantee goes with every suit (short pants) worth $2.50 or more, and with every long-pants suit worth $5.00 or over.' This guarantee is good for a new suit or your money back, if not as represented. During this Sale . Regular $2.00 Suits will go at $1.50 Regular 2.50 Suits will go at 1.88 Regular 3.00 Suits will go at 2.25 Regular 3.50 Suits will go at 2.63 Regular 4.00 Suits will go at 3.00 Regular 5.00 Suits will go at 3.75 Regular 6.00 Suits will go at 4.50 Ills Life Was Saved. Mr. J. . Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful deliverance from a frightful death. In telling of it lie eaye: "1 was taken with Typhoid fever, that ran into Pneumonia. My lungs became hardened. I was so weak 1 couldn't even eit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die ot Consumption, when I heard of Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle gave great relief. I continued to use it, and now am well and strong. I can't say too much in its praise." This marvellous medicine is the surest and quickest cure in the world or all Throat and Lung Trouble. Regular sizes 50 cents and $1 00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley's drug store; every bottle guaranteed. '2 Tuikey l'ieiarlit fur War. New York, Sept. 5. A special to the Herald from Washington says: Turkey evidently intends to be prepared to re sist nny attempt which tuny be made by foreign governments to collect indem nities by force, Consul-General Dickin son, of Constantinople, has cabled to the state department announcing that the Sublime Porte has awarded a contract for the construction of two torpedo boats to a ship. building firm at once. Tho department baa also beeu in formed that the Turkish naViil depart ment has completed the plans and spec ifications for the cruiser which ie to be built in tho United State;. During last May an infant child of our neighbor was suffering form cholera in fantum. The doctors had given up all hopes of recovery. I took a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Kemedy to the bouse, telling them I felt sure it would do good if used ac cording to directions. In two days time the child had fully recovered. The child is now vlgorouB and healthy. I have re commended thir remedy frequently and have never known it to fall. Mrs. Curtis Baker, Brookwulter, Ohio. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. Advertise In This Chuoniom. I C CM 9 Proprietors of Purest Liquors for Family Use Delivered to any part of tho City. hones: 51 Local, 858 Long Distance. T) T 11 INSTRUCTOR OF rrOI. J aS. Liiappeil, mandolin and qui tar Will give instruction on either the Mandolin or Guitar, ana, u aesirea, win can at your nome, CLUB MEETING every Thursday Evening Repectfully solicit your feet satisfaction. TERMS 75c a Lesson or 8 Lessons for $5.00. Saturday. A Thorough Clearance Sale of Tailor Made... SKIRTS SKIRTS worth from $8.00 to $12.00, reduced to $4.50 SKIRTS worth from $4.50 to $7.50, reduced to $2.50 This is the most liberal offering we have yet made in this line of goods, and no doubt will receive its due share of the public's apprecia tion ; therefore be on hand early to avoid the rush. You will And plaid skirts and skirts of plain goods ;trim med and untriuinied. Come and look. a m. Williams & co. Music Brings Happiness. We like to make you happy by show ing you our new styles in Mandolins, Guitars and Violins. Superior to any before handled. Jacobsen Book & Music Co. T p. V Commercial Sample fyooms. 173 Second Street. patronage and guarantee per HEADQUARTERS The Jacobson Book & Music Company. V