: i i Sore Hands Red, Rough Hands, Itching, Burning Palms, and Painful Finger Ends. ONE NIGHT Soak the hands on retiring in a strong, hot, creamy lather of CUTICURA SOAP. Dry, and anoint freely with CUTICURA, the great skin cure and purest of emollients. Wear, during the night, old, loose kid gloves, with the finger ends cut off and air holes cut in the palms. For red, rough, chapped hands, dry, fis sured, itching, feverish palms, with shapeless nails and painful finger ends, this treatment is simply wonderful, nnmnintn External and Internal Treatment for Everv Humor. f-cales and soften the thickened cuticle; Ccticuka Ointment (50c.). to lustantlv allay Itching, lnuArnmuon, and irnuiion, ana tootno ana heal; and "Cuticcra Hssoltsnt (50c.)! to cool and cleante the blood ivmr fjrr la rift An mm W Mont tn mm til, mnat Jnrtllrint?. dl.tlffUrlnff. TUP CET CI OR and hnmllUttnc kln, ecalp, and blood humor., with loss of hair, when Ink Ob 1 1 4M.4.U all else fall.. Porrsn Daco and Cusm. Cobi, Sole l'ropa., Boston. (uticura FEUl'LE COJtINO AND GOING, Wm. Kmtz i9 in the city from Mosier. A. A. Bonnpy is in the city from Tygb valley. Mrs. L. E. Crowe went to Portland on the noon passenger. Miss Hattie Cram went to Portland on this morning's boat. Ed Williams left on the noon train to join lu 9 wife at Portland. Deputy Sheriff E. B. Wood was in town last night from Mosier. Coroner Butts went on a business trip to Portland on the noon train. at the Vogt opera house Monday, Sdpt. ' 10th. Mr. Crawford is introducing what is commonlv known in the eastern hail brought this (treat undertaking to o successful an Issue. A Good Cough Medicine. Many thousands have been restored to health and happiness by the use of Chamberlain's Cotuli ilumedy. If af flicted with any throat or hint; trouble, give it a iri.tl (or it is certain to prove beneficial. Coughs that have resisted alt other treat uieut for years, have yielded to this teuiedy and perfect health been restored. Cases that seemed hopeless, that the climate of famous health resorts failed to benefit, have been permanently cured by its use. For rale by Ulakeley & Houghton. l ml of l'er.lun ltrvolt. Cnic.Uio, Sept. 4. A dispatch to tlio Record from Moscow says: A report comes from Teheran that, after a desperate light, Ali Mulionut l!ey, the rebel who, at the head of a few hundred tolluwers. has b.'i'ii trying to gat possession of the throne, has been defeated by the cassccks hastily sum moned to oppose his march on the capi tal, and has been thrown into an under ground dungeon. When captured, he emphatically denied that he had har bored any intention of usurping the Shah's throne. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures them ; also old, running and fever eorcs, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Hume, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold at Blakeley's drug store. U BUSINESS LOCALS. Clark & .Falk'e drug stock is new, fresh and complete. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. A full line of Eastman films' and sup- cities a. a continuous performance. All PUes Just received by Clarke & Falk Will VanBebber left this morning Portland to attend the carnival. for the j vaudeville acts are presented between I nets, making one long continuous piny. M uid.iy night sis new spec'a'ti'B will be- given, one of the most entertaining being the Edison's movirg picture machine, reproducing a number of the late war scenes. Monday one lady and gentleman or two ladies will be admitted on one paid oO-cent reserved seat ticket. Standing room only is the sign nightly displayed whenever a ladies' night is given. The best way to do is to secure your seats in advance, which can be done without extra charge. By this method you avoid the inevitable ciowd at the doore at night, but instead you can remain at home until nearly S o'elcck, theu go the theater and be sure of a good seat and enjv an entertain ment of the highest order of excellence. Prices have been reduced to 25, 35 and 50 cents. Tickets on sale at Clark's dru? store. IS A GRAND SUCCESS. Donald McKay is registered at Umatilla House from Antelope. Miss Maud Atwood, of Sbaniko, left on this morning's boat for Portlind. A! Bettingen left on this morning's boat to attend the Portland carnival. Mrs. T. Baldwin, son and daughter -left on the morning's boat for Portland. Mrs. A. B. Mauley, of Wapinitia, went to Portland on the morning's boat. Mrs. Will Moody and b.r two chil dren went to Portland on this morning's boat. Mrs. H. A. Stanicls, of Shaniko, was j Tiioinanci of i'opi Attend the i-oit-a passenger on this morning's boat for' latui uaruii. Portland. I Hon. T. H. McGreer, of Antelope, ar-' Tbe opennS day of the Portland rived in town yesterday with his little j street fair and carnival was a triumph, daughter, who is a pupil at St. Mary's says todav's Oregonian. From the time .Academy. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Mac Allister left -on this morninz'a boat to attend the Portland carnival. Mrs. Otis Patterson aiid daughter, Miss Zoe, went to Portlami this morn ing to attend the carnival. when the first screeches of tlie Harvest Queen's whistle announcing the arrival of the king and queen, throuzh the brilliant street pageant and the impres sive speclacle'of the coronation scene to the opening of the carnival gates in a ltl-i7. nl lftrtit tn tlin ni'Aninff uvapulli'mrt uiii .. unci v ..- x auu uauuiiKi 1.11. t.ti 11 1 Genevieve, were passengere on this j temk(1 t0. mako llie da' 'eme and morning's ooat tor ruriiauu Pat Walsh, of Antelope, and Ted Han uafin, of Kent, 1-ft on the noon train to take in the Portland carnival. Misses Imiss and lone Ituch left on the carnivsl a success. Thousands of visitors thronged thestreetsof Portland. There was a carnival spirit in the air. Everyone was looking for enjoyment, and founil it. The greatest crowd in the this morning's bsat lor Portland, where j history of the city witnessed the parade and 20,000 people passed the main car they will remain till next Mondav Mrs. H. L. Kuck and sister, Miss Nellie Anderson, were pa-senuers on the Regulator this morning for Portland. Mrs. Chaa. Johnson, of Wallace. T.lnLr. la n ill. ..tolllrw. ...Il! I . inf. line irtta tirill.ant n Ita eilitnaea blie is accompanied by her son, Al-1 " " bert. 1 In the evening,, when the carnival gates were thrown open along Sixth street, one could easily believe that he had been mysteriously transported to nival gates last evening, and 15,000 spectators witnessed the various won ders of ihe midway, from the streets of Cairo to the German village. The open- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelly retnrned yesterday from Tygh Ridge, where Mr. Kellv bagged some thirty or forty prai rie chickens. Charleg Nye and wife, of Walla Walla, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Far ley last night, and with Mr. Farley and family left today on the noon train to attend the Portland carnival. the land of the Arabian Nights. The glamorous sparkle of thousands of elec tric lights showed dainty, curious and useful wares from every clime, from the priceless Persian piayer rug to the mod- Frank Egan left on this morning's 1 ern au,omobile' 0nB couId wi,h e('unl boat to take in the Portland carnival. 1 freedom study the growth of the Oregon This will be the third time Frank has hop industry, or have hia fortune told "somlT ! ,b' rhi,-0bJ;d astrologer, or .1 iuok into itie winning eyes 01 a duck Airs. Geo. A.Liebe went to Portland . gL-ineil cannibal from the nililo of Africa on the Regulator this morning. She ! 'n , , the wllus of Africa, was accompanied by her niece. Missi1 con,d ,ake a wostory lido on a Fleie Liebe, of Portland, who has been camel 's back, or hold converse in Chi Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Clarke it Falk have received a carload of the celebrated Jame E. Patton trictly pare liquid paints. Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E Patton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Falk, agents. ni I Ileductd nates to the Caruiral. For the Elks' Carnival and Street Fai to be held at Portland Sept. 4th to loth the Regulator Line will make special excursion rates as follows: Round trip tickets, limited to the carnival dates $2.00. On Sept. 0th a special excursion will be made, leaving The Dalles at 0:30 a. m., arriving in Portland at 1 p. m Fare $1.50. W. C. Au.away, Gen. Agent. For Hale. The two buildings owned by Mrs. E Julian, on Court street, between Second and Third, now occupied as a lodging honee and dressmaking shop. The 1 buildings will be sold, furnished or un furnished, cheap for cash. Apply to Mrs. E. Julian. t.Mmd It em em tier That Chae. Stubling is etill doing a retail business at his new place. He sells in quantities to suit all customer?, from one bottle to a barrel. Familv orders delivered promptly. Luxuries. Healthful drinks are not luxuries, they are necessities. A full line of cool and refreshing porter, ale, mineral water and beers kept on ice. Take a bottle home for lunch. C. J. Stubling. Phone 234. I 'al 'Se I :3c .31. 3F .3c NC '31 5 31 Mi St- 3E 3 7 't f 'A 3B m Tho Oattots, Oi. The Chronicle, Job Printers 0.R.&R IIKlUnT run l"nt Mall !.':() I . m, tikk Kcimmait, a..... FnoM UAU.K.,. j JjW Hn ,:?'"'J "vcr, l't.' r..." Worth, Onmlui, k.in f,, win uity, Kt. luii, in.?!,"' UHlcniio iwl Kant. ' UP Wnrlh. L'.,. '".la. .... '"I. Atlniillr Hull IjUs. Donvcr VliMn.m.i huh City, HI. ImiIs VIk 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 ClilcAKu mul Kiint, llVttnn, Hjikiinc Mull mul lixnrcss ? 25 . in 8 . m. Will In Will U, HH)!tiuK. MIlllll'llpollM. Hi, I'lltll, iMi luth, Jlllttnuliiv.i ClilcjiBo mul Hnat, via Hpoknnunliil lliiiHlni; ton; nlsn till ixiliilH hi Wiislilntttnii mul Knst ctn OrcKOM. KaoM I'or.TtAND. (Jct'iin Htriiinliiii, for Kan FruucUeo Kvery Klvc Dnvs. Bppkans Mill ml p. m. 8 '" In m Kx.MUiiiliiy(.MHimDl Uv. Hhaimcre. Ki hundu , To Astoria mul Wny ' Suiitiliiy I Iuiillng. 10 p. m. I 1. . m. W11.1.AMKTTR HivKn. ;a)r u . l.i.hiiit(liiyU)ri(m City, Newlwrif.iEx.ijundii ; Salem A: Wny JjuiilV 1 ! 7 a. m, WiLtAMtTlK and Yah i Tuc,Tliiir. 11 ill llivuus. mul put. 1 Drctrou City, JMytoti, ' Hiid Wiiy.iinlhiR, 3:3) ti. u. lon.,WM and Ftl. I.v Itlititlal itiiliy .1 :!'. ai. 1 Hnaxk Kiv. Utxu Hlnrhi to Iwlalon. tLrtrtos 9.00 a. a, ivisitiug here for the past couple of Duncan Chisholm, a prosperous Sher tnan county sheepman, who has been in town for some time looking after the sale of his wool, left today without ef feeling a sale, for the summer range of his sheep in Crook county. Theatrical be win Opens SlouiUy, The vaudeville features come thick and fast and every specialty is absolute ly now with the Crawford Stock Coin iiany, which opens a week's eugagment nook with an Indian squaw over her wigwam fire, or investigate Ihe move merits of the poisonous Gila monster, or watch a aword combat between fierce looking Turks in red fer and bag trous ers. There were about 10,000 different ex presilons of wonder on the face that one meets in tbe surging mass of hu manity that passed through tbe gates, And from every side one beard pleasant comments on the public spirit and fine administrative ability of tbe Elks that House Painting... The undersigned has taken possession of It. A. Spivey paint shop, next door to the Vogt opera house, and has pur chased the tools and ladders. He has good mechanics working for him, and will guarantee all work to give satisfac tion. S. K. KELLY. GROCERIES.... A KINE U.S'E OF Staple and Fancy Groceries -AT- Phone No. i0. Tlilnl St., near Court. DUNCAN'S CORD WOOD.... Good PI 110 and Kir WWjd dcllvrrri tn inv nart ot the city at U3.00 par cord. 1 Str. Regulator f C, I.v. Dalles M lit 7 A.M. k' Tuesday. . . B, ThuiMlay .... H .Saturday. .. Arr. Portlami , at i:30 r. m. REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASTORIA NAY. COMPANY- nf th,. Itr... t .. . I ...Ill ..... . ... .1... f..l 4 .vu.i.v..-. J. ittv itKoin' nil! illll in M IIIU 1WI J owinj; tchcilule, llic Cominy rccrvliiK the light to change j tlietlulc without notice. 4 9 Ship your Freight via Str. Dalles City. ui. I.v. Portland lit" A. M. . . . Monday ..Wcdnewl.y i Afr."Di.; Regulator Line. at 5 1'. M. 1X1WN I.v. Diillc lit" A. H. Momlny Vlni-stliiy.. . Friday Arr. I'ortliuul at 1 :SU v. m. . Portlnnil ,3 FOR OOMFOET ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel by the Steamers ol the IteRiilatnr Muc. The Comnany will endenvor to clve Hi pat rons the U-st etvlco poMlblo. For further Information address i i urunnu umce, uas-sircct i;ock W. C. AULA WAY, Con. At. nr. it 7:00 a. u . . . Tlmrwlay ,9 .baturility M Atr. Kiilltji 'H nt 0 r. H.Z 3 l'arliea lletctin: in bo to licnnnpr m iniiuin tin illinium! rniiinvrn via lilitir-, IQ0U14 i iikf No. j, lenvlnjr '1 hp jinlhn nt 11; p. b, i iimkliiK direct L'liniieotliiiiK nt I leppucr Junction 1 hiicI llltrK llctuniliiK niiikltiKillnrtcmiiwetion ' nt I leppucr Junction nuil lllk'si with Uv. Uv ritlnj nt Tbe Dallcn nt i .i p. m, For lull particular nl. 1. O. . A .V. re.'i njtent The lMlle. ni i..i.i. . II IM irl.llI'RT, I'll, I'ii- .H" I ii lUnJ.Or. 'i is. 5' i- ? X 9 r ...Geo. C. Blakeley... Successor to Blakeley & Houghton. Wholesale : and : Retail : Druggist Largest Stock of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries in Eastern Oregon Country - and - JVLail - Orders Will Receive PROMPT ATTENTION. 5 175 Second St. Phone 300. THE DALLES, - - - OREGON. 'I 5; i (4 i Ii I ii s in Fa Yellowstone Park Line. TIIK DINING (UK KOUTK FUDJI TOUTUMl TO TIIK KAHT. TUK ONLY DIItKCT MNK TO TIIK YKLLOW- HTONK t'AUK I.KIVK. No. 2. Union Depot, Firm aod I Sts . Knst mull (or Tucnnin, I K-attlc, ulympiii, drny llntboriind Koiith lleml points, Hpiikimc, llo.'.s land, II. C.i l'lllliimn, l Jloxcnw, IaiwIdIoii, Hill 11:15 A. J!.' iiilolliintpinlnliiKcmin 'try, llclenii, M Ii iiilji ih I lis, 81. I'ullt, Oniuha, Kmnni (,'ltv. HI. Umls, CIiIcuko mill nil points en.t ami soiitlini.nl. i fiiitut Boiini) hxpto.i U;U I'. M. (or Tmomii mul toiltlu unit intvrmeiliHto (Hitiiu No. 1. ARltVf. No. SlMl'.N. N'o.. ';)..M. rmiiniiii (imt clnxK mul lonrltt K-.'it V Mlnnv()lls,Ht. I'attl nml lIIourl iierolnM without ohaiiRC. . VusIIIjiiIciI tralnii. Dulon itcpot conncctiooi in nil principal cltlo. , Hiikkuko Aliwktit tndcsllunllon o( tickets. lror hiiiiilsomoly IIHitiutiilihctlptlvciiutlCi tlcliclfl, alcvpliiK cur ruicrvutions, etc., Mil on or write A. D. CHARLTON, AMlnliint (icncrnl l'n.fmter Atrvnt Morrl ron Htrwt.coriierTlilril, I'orllnii'l Oregon. . - Advertise in the Chronicle BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE TrBr ... trace mark8 Jesiqne COPVRIQHTS &C. A nrona wndlni; a tkrlrh and detcrlptlon ma' 'orai Ml I Ml. Oldeit ikuntrr fur Api.nrlm. luim.i. 1'aUi.ta. Uken tbrouiili Munn & Co. recclvu quickly njcrtaln our opinion frvo lUTOiillon H probablr iiatentabln. C iiiiin.iriciiTroiiDueniul Ctbvr a' 'iininiiinlr& Handbook on l'alntt tprcialnotiu, without cbro, In tho Scientific American. A handtomclr lllu.tratpd treekly. Imet rlr. filiation of anr clntltlo Journal. Terms. 1 a rear: lour months, U BoW byall newKla!or. MUNN &Co.30'. New York Branch Oifkm, ta V tit, WaihlLisio". D.r FRENCH & CO.. BANKERS. niANHAOTA KNKKAIiHANKINO WJfclNKa Lettera of Credit iwaed available in the Biubt ExcbaDKe and Telearanhu Traoifera told on New York, GbicaRo, 8t. Louis, Ban Franciico, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Waih,. and variom poinU Third St., near Court. J- U JN O Gollectiona made at all points on lav ugs-imo orable terms. , U' STURDEVANT, I'eutist. OHlcaoicr yrcncli & Co.' Uaiilc l'h"l,e c" TIIK DAI.l.KS, Ol:i'.(iO.N . .Stephens ...Doalor In... Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents' Futtnighinga. Hoots, Shoes. Hat,, e,ip, Noiloim. lor . I. Douglas Hhoc. Telephone No. h8, Ml Second Ht Aut. The Dalles. Or, " - n n nil .1 H li WILSON B 8 HUNTINOTON TJUNTINdTON & WILSON. IX A rill KNKVU ITIIU' Om, over Klr.t N.t?'",i!UU'K'5' Y)H (IKIHKNItOHVFElt Physician and Suvgeou, Bpcclal atleutlon glvsu In urcry, Roomi2UndZ, TcI.ikw Vot Block SOUTH and EAST via A. bouinem Hacinc uu Shasta Route Traliu levo Tho DnHen for l'ortimul aud wJ aUIIons ut n. in, mid S i, in. Uvtvo t'orttaiut " Albany , Arrive Aslilunil " HucriuiK.'iilo , . , " Kan hrniiclst'o , .U;JUnm 10:Wp'n . fi;(Uim i;Jf! .7; IS I'I" AntveOKdnn " Dvuvor " Kmituia City . " Chicago . . , . iwioii m 9:ooj '" 11,11 ,',i'uiS 7.i-i it m a;"1" Arrlvo Loh AiircIuk ... . " KI I'hio " Kort Worth " (Jlty ol Mexico . . . " llouatoii ,. . " New Orleans. ... '' WiiihiliKtoil.... . " New York , , liVOnin r:Ui p in . (i:iu in ,, UiMil m . i :u) ii 111 . Cf.il II in ,r.!:i:i in 7:00 w 6:00 1"" fl;aow 9:55 tW 1:00 am (i:23pi" (! IJ-itp"1 l'lllliimn ami TourUt cars on botli Ohalr cars Baframeiito to Ok'Ich 5, 50,. and lotirUtcara toClilcaKo, Ht I-oiI. ',twu leans aud Wa.hlugtou. L'oiintatiiiK at Han Kranclncoivlt)1 fffi,, tcaimhlp iTnoa tor Honolulu, Jul"11- IMilllii.il.inu i'..,.i...l ...rf unntli AincllCll. - I'l'iuv.) vv.i.int OMU I7WI.I" ..... Beo agent at Tho Dalles station, or J!r C. H. MARKHAM. Oeucral I'Maeiiger Agent, I'orlUud.Or WHBlaU. Four or flvo boys, noinit to fchoo" UuriaR winter, to board. ' TZ with room and ulain wash UU. AU . street from Hlal. school. Ap'r ! UllHONlUhB OfflCD. dAWl"1 sts'sbtWPIZP