The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 05, 1900, Image 3

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    Vacation wHl Soon tie O'ei.
And Iho boy must ho ready for school, ftvcry parent should
study economy in Boys' Clothes. Economy at the expense of
comfort, noatness and stylo is an unsatisfactory thing.
PEAS 15 & MAYS SELL SATISFACTION in every garment,
mid all of those desirable features are combined in the CLOTHES
Boys' Heavy Tweed, doubio-brooaiod suits; tsi
ages '1 to 14; your money back if not satisfactory ;. tpl.DU
Boys' Blue and Black, d o u b 1 o - breasted
cheviot suits; 4 to 15; your money back if not satisfactory. tp&.OO
Boys' All-Wool, H-pioce school suits; ages 8 to Wlr
1(5; your money back if not satisfactory tj)3. T O
Youths' All-Wool school suits; ages 14 to 20 yoars; in
cheviots, worsteds, cassimeros and tweeds; suits that are WEAB
RttSISTING; at prices ranging from . ..$3.50 to $12.50
Our Suits are built for boys,
Who give clothing the HARDEST TEST. They are neat and
stylish, and will remain so for an unusual length of time because
they contain an unusual amount of GOOD QUALITY.
Misses' heavy sole Kid Button
or Laco, sizes 12 to 2.
New Stock. New Toes.
Ladies' Kid Button; sizes 3,
3 and 4.
Boys' Calf Congress (elastic
sides); sizes 2 to 4h.
Ladies' Brown Kid Oxfords;
sizes 4 to 7.
Pease & Mays
Shoe Department.
Our Fancy Goods counter is be
ginning to make a good showing
with good things for Fall wear.
In Ladies' Neckwear, we are
showing some exquisite novelties.
Cushion Covers in the latest
Our complete stock of Ribbons
are now on our counters.
Our French Flannelettes at 18c
per yard are proving to be the great
est sellers of the season.
Have you seen our Fall Jack
ets? They are pronounced by every
one to be the finest ever shown in
Our Silk. Waists just arrived
this morning.
Dry Goods Department.
THREE ! 00t aso'm a,1(J -al or a I'WO Daisy Air
Riflo with an' boy's suit or overcoat.
All Goods Marked
in Plain Figures.
The Dalles My Chroniele.,
- SEPT. 5, 10
At Anrlrnui Knllnr'R.
Girl wanted to do houau work. Apply
toMrH. J. P. Heiiton. 4a Bt
liny u meal ticket at tho Umatilla
House restaurant; $5.50 for $5. sl-tf
No, 1 wheat was advanced nt The
Ihllea warehouses yesterday to 52 cents.
All wash shirts and shirt waist will be
ofloreil nt half-price next Saturday at
A. M. Williams & Co'b.
A complete lino of fall and winter
street hats now ready for inspection at
Miss Haven's, Hticceasor to Mrs. C. L.
See A. M. Williams & Co'a show
windows, nnd notice their special .Satiny
day oll'eriiiga now on display.
The bar bud wire telephone line, coi
Meeting Condon with several of the
rnuches in the neighborhood liao bee1
fOliinleted nnd iironounccd u iireat sue
The C. U. Simiad fruit dryer at Mo
eier Ima heon in operation tor ubot a
weak. It umploys twolvo men and has
ft capacity of twolvo tons every twenty
four hours.
If you fail to visit Pease & May's
juvenile department before buying your
W clothing you will surely mies it for
tliy give a baseball bat or 11)00 air rille
with a boy's suit.
What kind of a boy have yon? A gen
tle, quiet house boy, or a scrambling,
climbing, out-door aortV Never mind,
I'tMeo Maya are showing clothing for all
eorts mill conditions of boya, and at way
lawn prices, too.
Uuttluinun on the eouth fork of .lohn
ly have sold 800 dry cows and three-yeur-old
steers to the Pacific Meat Com
puny, of Tacoma. Tho steers brought
3 cents per pound. Tho Block is to be
delivered at Pendleton this mouth.
Tho $2.00 round-trip tickets to Port
land for tho special train leaving The
Dalles at 8 a. in. Sept. 0th are now on
sale at tho O. H. & N. depot and Umn
IHI House tickot ofllcoB. Please call
ea'ly for your tickets nnd avoid the
I'easu & Mays have clothes for tho
"We fellows that are so nearly "llko
papa's," tUoy njuUo tho youngster feel
tt he Iibb all the grown up dignities
ft'l their prlcoa will please you a9 much
"8 the clothes will please the boy. Seo
tp windows.
lleinico Moore, daughter of Mr. and
J'f. J. F. Moore, of this city, gave a
iParty yesterday afternoon to about a
Joen of her little friends on the occa
sion of her seventh birthday. Tt is
hardly necessary to eay that the little
folka hud buahela of fun.
Wo have just received our first ahip-
meut of boys' and youths' clothing for
fall. We are able to give you your
choice of all the new and neatest pat
terns. Gall early while the assortment
is complete. No trouble to show goods
at the New York Cash Store.
Tlie Antelope Kepuulican, wluc i
wants a county Beat at Antelope, buys t
would hurt Wheeler county very littlt ,
If any, if it lost a small portion of it i
territory. It would certainly hurt ou;
feelings, Bro. Kirchheiner, and to as)
fnr it irnnlfl uwrv tirnlmltll' armnrl tin
" ' ' f ""11
death-knell of your proposed newN
county. FosbiI Journal.
Now IB the time to be purchasing your
boys' clothing for school, We are in
tho position to offer you tho best bar
gains in the city. We would bo pleased
to have you call and examine our line.
Remember we carry the largest and
moHt complete line of clothing in the
city. Come early and avoid the rush.
The New York Cash Store.
Wo are sorry to learn from Mr. James
Snipes that his father-in-law, Mr. A. H.
Curtiss, is not near as well aa wo were
Wtil in linllnve a cnnnlti of duvs nuo. Ha'
sutlers much and constantly from pains'
in Ida head, and his legB fail him aa if
li worn tin rt lull v nnrnlvlnil. Mr. SninpR
very much fears that Mr. Curtieo will
lever be himself again.
Although Fossil's lino gravity water
syatoin was completed only last month,
already there are no Icsb than eight
bith tubs in town, lilted with hot and
cold water, and more on the way. In
consequence, tho complexion of eight of
our eitizona is lighter by several shades,
and the atmosphere as thoy paoa by
amclla not now like Portland's crema
tory. The progressive peoplo of Fossil
are fast getting "next" to godliness.
Fossil Journal.
it. M. Brown, postmaster nt?d store
keeper at Kent, Sherman county, wbb
in town today purchasing supplies. Mr.
llrown snys the wheat crop In tho Kent
neighborhood is tho beat ever known.
Heading is still in full blast, with
thousands of acres years uncut. The
Columbia Southern pooplo are sinking
a well at tho Kent station that is al
roadv down 238 feet without finding a
sufficient supply of water. Tho experi
ment is of great interest to the settlers,
as the Kent rldgo is the highest eleva
tion in Shorman county and the settlers,
most' of whom have to haul their water,
are Interested In knowing how far they
must sink to find It at their own homes.
Some 400 men nro at work for the O.
It, & N. Co. In tho neighborhood of Mo
aler, strengthening the road bed und
making other improvements, and it is
expected that atleast tlireo times that
number will bo omployed there before
tho snow flies. Tho improvements con
templated aro said to include a tunnel
between Hood River and Master about
a mile long. When nil the Improve
ments are completed It is expected that
trains wilhnako Hie run from The Dalles
to Portland in two hours. Hosier will
be a lively place for the next six months.
Foley BroB. & Larsen have opened a
comrniBBary store near the depot, with a
stock of some $10,000 worth nf general
Y About thirty members of The DalleB
Gesang Verein met last night in the
K. of P. hall to bid what they hope will
only prove a temporary good-bye to one
of tho membirs, Mr. Carl Gottfriod,
who left on the noon train today on a
visit to his old home in Itegensburg,
Bavaria. This will be the second visit
Mr. Gottfried has paid to the old coun
try since he came here a mere lad,
eighteen yeara ago. He has a host of.
friends in The Dalles who will be de
lighted to see him back, or, if he should
eventually conclude to remain in the
fatherland, will alwaya be pleased to
hear of his welfare. The night wae
largely devoted to vocal music, and after
only such a time as our German fellow
citizens can have when they half try,
the gathering broke up at a few minutes
before midnight. One result of the
moeting waa that the society concluded
to hold meetings at regular intervals
during the coming fall and winter.
Rev. U. F, Hawk and Presiding Klder
Warner left Monday night for North
Ynkimn to attend the annual session of
the Columbia River conference. Last
Sunday closed Mr. Hawk's year of labor
Nil Tho Dalles M. K. church, during
iiliinli rlin ..nrnuaF miufrpr.tlirl lilpt.v rtnil
amiability that are marked features of
his character have won him a host of
friends outside hie own denomination as
well as within it. The church la work
ing very harmoniously. The member
ehip only lacks a few of 200, a marked
increase duriug the year. The chinch
debt has been practically wiped out,
largely through Mr. Hawk's instru
mentality. The attendance at all the
meetings haa shown an increase that
manifests the appreciation of the church
and congregation for tho pastor's ser
vices. And all this and more has been
accomplished at a time when tho paetor
has been burdened with the care and
anxiety incident to the prolonged and
dangerous illneae of his only child. It
is tho dealre of tho church that Mr.
Hawk be returned to aerVe it for another
year, and this desire is earnestly sec
onded by a boat of friends to whom Mr.
Hawk and hia amiable wife have en
deared themselves during their residence
among us.
New Store, Now Vrleta,
I have my goods marked down to bed
rock prices in view to closing out my
stock of millinery. Call and see me one
door east of Racket store. Also ordera
for Delsarte corsets taken.
Mhs. Javxk.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Havi Always Bough!
Bears the
We May Hare City Park ami llace
Track. Alio Street Lights.
The regular monthly meeting of the
city council wbb held last nitht. All
the members were preeent except
Andrew Keller.
It was ordered that a post be erected
alongside the city fire plug on the
corner of Second and Taylor streets, as a
guard to protect the plug from injury
from passing teams,
Councilmen Liebe, chairman of the
committee on health and police, re
potted that the quarantine that the city
had ettabliehed against certain districts
in Klickitat and Skamania counties,
Wash., on account of the preeence of
smallpox, had been raised and that no
further epread of the disease is antici
pated. J. A. Douthit appeared before the
council and made the request that a
committee on street lights be appointed
to confer with The Dalles Electric Light
Company with a view of securing lights
for the public streets, Mr. Douthit as
suring the council that better terms
could be obtained from the company rt
this time than at any previous time.
The request was acceded to and the fol
lowiug committee was appointed : H.
C. Liebe, James L. Kelly and W. A.
Councilman Kelly, chairman of the
finance committee, introduced an ordi
nance traurferring $2000 from the gen
eral fund into the sinking fund. In
cluding this sum there has been
transferred from the city revenues into
the sinking fund since February 21,
1899, a total of $10,500.
On motion of Councilman Kelly a
committee, consisting of Messrs. Johns
ton, Liebe and Kelly, wae appointed to
look into the matter of securing land,
adjacent to the city, for a public park
and race track and to report thereon to
the next council meeting.
It was ordered that a light, for the
purpoee of sigualing the policeman in
tho night, bo placed on First street in
addition to tho one at Nielson's corner,
on Second street.
The marshal was instructed to order
property owners to repair the sidewalks
opposite their property where euch re
pairs are needed.
'I'ltEASUItKlt's ItKI'OKT.
Aug. 1 Cash In gen. fund fl'fU 10
Receipts for August 473 07
Total 52(J4 211
Aug. 4 By warrants Issued. ... 074 05
Sept. 1 Bill, in gen. fund 4589 58
Dalles Klectrlc Light Co, lights. .$ 15 55
W A Johnston, scabs 4 50
Dr Hudson, medical services.... 2 50
ICNlckelsen, stationery..,,... 100
J T Peters, lumber ' 27 41
S & C Tel Co, rent of 'phoueo. . . 4 50
Chas F Conn, sawing wood 50
It G Brooks, oak wood 5 00
Mrs Juliau, meals, prisoners..,. 2 00
Chae F Conn, revenue stamp. ... 50
W Conley, labor 1 00
T Murphy, labor 1 00
Frank Stone, labor 1 00
Frank Stone, labor 00
Ernest Pat ton, labor 00
T J Driver, marshal 05 00
Geo Brown, engineer 75 00
Jas Like, nightwatchman 60 00
C J Crandall, treasurer 20 00
Ned Gates, recorder 50 00
Tlie Beat lleinedy lor Stomach and
llowel Troubles.
'I have been in the drug business for
twenty yearB and have sold most all of
the proprietary medicines-of any note.
Among the entire liet I have never found
anything to equal Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for all
stomach and bowel troubles," says O.
W. Wakefield, of Columbus, Ga. "This
remedy cured two severe cases of cholera
morbuB in my family and I have recom
mended and eold hundreds of bottles of
it to my customers to their entire satis
faction. It affords a quick and sure cure
in a pleasant form." For sale by
Blakeley & Houghton.
Ileal tale for Sale.
Twenty-three lots, located from Sev
enth street to Twelfth, for ealo at from
$50 up. Inquire at the Columbia
Hotel. a29-tf
mfwcatt't, w ,
HbSaaaaaaaaaam s
mags 4 Gfowe
Tho only store ft
this city where tin
OeHulne Imported
Yi stransKy-steei
if Ware is sold.
A little higher in
price, but outlasts
a dozen piecea of so
called cheap enani
cled ware.
Other wares look
ino has the name
Stransky Steel
Ware on each piece,
Do not be deceived
First prize at 1C
International Exhi
bitions. Highest
award at World s
Columbian Exliibi
tion, Chicago Pre
ferred by tho best
certified to by the
most famous chem
i8ts for purity and
durability it is
cheapest because
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled ware is special
ly imported for and
sold in this city ex
clusively by us.
It does not rust
nor absorb grease,
does not discolor
nor catcli inside; is
in fruits or
will boil,
stew, roast
and bake
flavor of
food and
will last
for years.
We cau.
tion tha
again ft
Opera House
F. J. CLARKE, Manager.
Engagement Extraordinary.
Opening of the Season.
Six Nights, Commencing
Monday, Sept. 10th.
Roy Crawford
Stock Co....
A True Kentuckian.
Dangers of a Great City.
Suzo o'Tennessee. .
A great company of Players.
A ton of scenery.
A dozen new specialties.
Op ning with a Indies' Free Night.
Prices 25, 35 and 50c.
Seats on sale at Claike & Falk's.
Ice Cream and
Oyster Parlors..
Mrs 11. L. Jones lias opened iro
cream and oyster parlors in Carey
lard'a old etand. She carries
A full line of Candies,
Nuts and Cigars.
The nlaco has been thoroughly ron-
ovated, and a thareof the publlu patron
age is solicited,
Physician and Surgeon,
Olllce, Vogt Block (over I'odtoBlce),
aOspluio-dw THE DAI.I.E3, OSEUON.