The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WEDNESDAY SEPT. 5, 1000 For 1'tMlitent WILLIAM M'KINLEY, or Ohio. For Vlce-l'realilent THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Of Now York. TERSE CHITTCISM OF BRYAS1SM "William L. Mitchell, tho imp pub lisher of Chicago, in a letter telling of bis position in this campaign, signs himself "A democrat who has voted for nine presidential democratic candidates, but who can not vote for Bryanism, Altgeldism, anarchism, socialism, populism, tho free riot doctrine and the rotten 1G to 1 plank of the present so-called democracy. I shall vote for McKinley." It is upon the Philippine policy that Mr. Mitchell finds a paramount issue for himself in this campaign. 'The United States," he writes, "holds the Philippines by conquest and by purchase. The title is not questioned by any other nation, What shall we do with them? A fatal moment colors a whole life. A blunder as to the Philippines could never be remedied. Mr. Bryan ad mits they are ours, and that we should hold them until a stable gov ernment is formed. He advised democrats to vote for the treaty of Paris. If the are not legally ours wc have no right to hold them a moment for any reason or purpose. 'Then comes the question : What shall we do with them? We have held New Mexico and Arizona fifty years as territories; no representation in the federal government. So, tco, the District of Columbia has no rep resentation. Let us hold the Philip pines. The United States has never been asked to, nor has it established a protectorate over the South Ameri can republics, as Mr. Bryan and others have stated. A protectorate has in it a hundred wars with foreign powers for the United States, caused by blunders, crimes and treachery of the natives. Betier one war at a time, even with the Philippines, than endless wars with the whole woild To abandon them would be a crime to the people ot those islands and to civilization. "Ma we Americans or our chil dren never contemplate the sad, humiliating sight of other and foreign Hags floating over that land abandoned by ns through political cowardice or idiocy." The grief of all Bryaniles over the oppression of Porto Kico must be doubled when they learn that the Porto Ricans are no longer free to die of smallpox, says the Inter Ocean. That malady killed 522 of them the year before the Americans came, and eighteen months ago 3,000 cases were known to exist. Then the McKinley carpet-baggers resolved to vaccinate the entire population. Out of some 900,000 persons, 790,000 are recorded as successfully vaccinated. No death from smallpox has occurred in the last eight months. The privi lege of having the disease has been taken away from the islanders "with out the consent of the governed," temporaries giving away nny nows of good import these ticklish days. 'Tho rain did good," says tho Salina Union, and then in fear lest some body might think tho farmers were prospering it adds, "but wheat stacks were Imtllj soaked." It takes n long head to steer a populist newspaper. Abeline, Kan., Uetleetor. Lazy Livers are uinnv times the cnuso of various d'seasos." Ninety per cent of tho American people ara said to be troubled with liver and stomach complaints uch as constipation, dizziness. IndlKestion, biliousness, sluggish liver, etc. Baldwins Health Tablets No. 25 overcome and cure these tils. Thse tablets act as a gentle laxa tive. They make the liver and Stomach do their duty a they should. The most obstinate cases yield to these little tablets. They oat 23c and can be procured at Clarke & Falk, The Dalles, Ortgon. No Right to Ugliness. The woman who is lovely in face, form and teiuoer will always have friend?, but one who would be attractive must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and all run down, she will be nervcue and irritable. If site has con stipation or kidney trouble, her impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. Electric Bitters is the beat medicine in the world to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to purify tho blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich complexion. It will make a good-looking, charming woman of a run-do An invalid. Only 50 cents at Blakeley's drug store. 2 You will not have boils if von take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boile. Oregon STATE FAIR SALEM, OREGON. September 17 to 22, 1900. BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE. Grounds greatly improved, bnildinzs repaired and renovated, all stock build ings thoroughly disinfected; everything in first-clasg condition for the largest and beat Live Stock Show and Agricult ural Exposition ever held on the Coast. 520,000 ir? premiums purses Good racing every afternoon. Music and fun at night. Auction sale of livestock will be niailen led IiiK feature. All livestock and other exhibits hauled free over the Southern Pad tic railroad. Ilcduced pasteneer rates on all railroad. Xar premium lift and other information address W. II. WKIIKUNG, President, lllllsboro, Or. M. D. WISUOM, Sec., l'ortlond, Or. That newspaper correspondent stationed at Baker City, who makes a specialty of building railroads, has been working over-time of late, says the Sumpter Miner, growing compli mentary. The acctedited sources of his information, generally a private letter from some railroad magnate to a peanut vender or an old school mate at Baker, is what gives the reader the jolt. L. Lane. (JENKUAL BlacKsmitn III fiiANDm HOfsesnoe r Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third and Mg:'od, Phone 159 9 Retiring fvom Business. Closing out my Entire Stook Regardless of Cost. Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, at much less than wholesale prices. Will sell in bulk or in lots, or nny way to suit purchasers. Entire stook must "be closed out before 30 days. All goods will be sacrificed excopt Thompson's Glove-fitting Corsets and Bntterick Patterns. Your prices will bo mine. Call early and secure J. P. McINERNY, Cornor Second and Court Sts. bargains. MT. ANGEL COLLEGE, Conducted by the Benedictine Fathers. The Ideal Place for Your Boys. Will Reopen on Sept. 5th, 1900. A Difficult Problem, j It Is among the most difficult prob lems of natural science for one to become ; expert in several lines. J. E. Adcos & Co., by their combination, have over-j come ibis difficulty in a practical man-; ner. J. E. Adcox is an expert watch maker anil is good on jewelry, optical work and engraving, while Theo. H. ; Liebe is an expert optician and is good ; on watch repairing, jewelry work and i engraving. Their price is as low as con- sisteut with good workmanship. They, are prepared to do all work in their ! several lines, on short notice. Work ' sent by mail or express will receive ! prompt attention. Sign, "Big Red Watch." I OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON ftESTAUWT And CAFE. J. B. Crossen & Co., Props. 87 Second Street. St. mam's mm Under the direction of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. THE DALLES, - OREGON. Complete of at M.Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. This Institution Is pleasantly situated near the Columbia on the Hue of the O. K. iV N. Co,; thence It Is easy ol access for all thoio who ile sire to Mxure n comfortable home and n progres sive heat of learning for their daughters or wards. The location of the Academy Is one of the most healthy on the l'aclliu slojc, this por tion of Oregon belns proverbial for Its pure water, brack p air, and picturesque scenery. The Academy is lucoriorntcd and authorized by the State to confer Academic honors. Boird and tuition per Kholaslio year. lift), itudles will be resumed Tuesday. September, Ith. For detailed information apply to the Sister Su erior. augiVim Just What You umnt. ..GflAS. PRAM- 1 Bute he ps and Fatmets ..Exchange.. Keeps on draught the celebrated COLUMBIA HKEK, acknowl edged the beat beer In The Dalles, at the Ufcuul price. Come in, try It and be convinced. Alto the Finest brands of Wines, Liquor and Clgiirs. Sanduiiehes f t nil L'lrtila Alioanu a. I- 4 Crease hortena i EJ reader the Jolt. i WUM WgWM lightens 'Us The volume of money in thclBJL HUJrw t each year since McKinley 's .election. It is n financial fact of the fir?t mag- nillirlft nnfl rnfntoa flin atlvnr nvmi 1 I You don't catch our populist coo The volume of money in the United States, gold valuation, has increased more than $100,000,000 each year since McKinley 's .election. It is a financial fact of the fir?t mag nitude and refutes the silver argu ment heard most frequently four years ago. helps the team. Saves wear and expeuse. bold everywhere. STANDAMI9H. AO. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor Second & LangtiliD, Tbone 157 i1 tl-'sis New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as wo are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Heal imita tion cretun effects at ortlinury prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full lino of house paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. ONI FAR A DOM. nil A - W by Omtuu. OR. 90UNK6 . WW d me CoiumDia PacKiog Co.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKACTURKK8 0F Pine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON )RIED BEEF, ETC. J.S. BCHRNCJC, President. U. M. HEAtl., t'aabiei First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREdON A General Banking Business transacted D posits received, subject to fiight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, 8an FrancUeo and port- and. DIHBOTOWa. D. P. TOOMPHON. JMO. 8. 80HINOS. En. M. Williams, Go. A, Liaai. u. M. Uball. $1.00 per mdhth. Strictly H ret clusa I oral anil long distiuiuo toluplioni) servluu within your liomu. Lines do not cros-tnllc. Yunr con versation will hu kept a secret. No cost for inntnlling. You get the standard Hunning Long DiRtunt Instrument. Coiitintious tiny and night service. Wo will accept your contract for tun years nnd allow you to cancel snm'e on giving us thirty days writ tun nntico. PACIFIC 8TATEB TELEPHONE 00B. SAY! Lend Me Your Ear! Do you know that John I'ashek. the tailor, is agent for two of the l.iruesl inert-hunt tailoring houses in America? Do you know that he will full you a suit, mndo to your order, ns cheap as the hand-me-down, ready-made, you buy in the stores, and guarantee a fit or no :ile V Do you know that he has already on hand for the romlng Ml and winter trade the handsomest and finest line of camples ever shown in Tho Dallee? t t & JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, Agent. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, aa kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, StffiSo Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOn FlOUr T',i0 'mur 18 manufactured expressly for family use ; every sack is (marantoed to give sntiafactlos. a sell our goods lower than any house in tho trade, and if you don't think eo call and uet cur jinces nnd m convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. F BHD, W. WIU80N. ATu.t K V-A.T UKW , TI1K PU,K&, OKKOON IHh CELEBRATED .. .GOItUjWBlA 6HEWERY.... AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-known brewery tho United States Health Kejiorts for Juno ffli, 1000, says: "A more supeilor brow novor entered tho hibratpry of tho United Htatos Health reports. It is absolutely devoid of the slinhtest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is composed of the best of ma t and choicest of hops. Its tonic (jualitiofl are of tho lifeb oat ami It can bo used with the greatest bonollt and satisfaction by old and young, its use can conscientiously bo prescribed bv the physicians with the ceren nty that a bettor, purer or moro wholesome boverago could not possibly ho found." Easf, Ronnnrl Rf.i'oof TIIE' riATT in a -rtnnrvM . wwu, ijtiiij u r 1 n mu, vavuuwai. DEALERS IN All kinds of Funeral Supplies Cratidall&Bwget UNDERTAKERS embalmers The Dalles, Qr. 3 Robes, Burial Shoes Ete. State floi?mal School, MONMOUTH, - . OREGON. Fall Term Opens J3ep1mbr m 1900. grmMlln'aenonh0?ornl?cUWlMnlrn auto Certificate luimrtUlrir on kSU.1T Tl,',l5, ,?C,,ro WM. Wiwo of yenr Itom !) to'llfio. Wei?Waa,;; .cll i)c,,,turo .,, Mn..u. t,.dI For catalogue MuttalnHiMjnQMnwenni M'iare ,l', l.CAMr,vUKI,b,rroiiJen,i)rv A. WANNi SwreUry ol FhciiI')''