The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 05, 1900, Image 1

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    : , , f
)c Dalles
NO. 329
Eiiiicror William Said to Have Declared
He Will Mobilize the Whole Ger
man Army Rather Than Have His
Troops Leave I'ckin.
Jtr.w Yokk, Sopt. 4. A dispatch to
the Iluriihl from Dorlln says:
It ie learned Irom a tlinrouglily well
informed source thut boforu Count von
Billow left for Norderney ho hud Hn in-
:.i f. i ...... .1...
cn, Ituesian iimbiiBHiidor to the Berlin
court, in thu course of which ho inform
ed th hitter confidentially in regard to
Ucrmmiy'H uttitudo in the Chinese
question. The St. Petersbury govern
ment therefore is thoroughly informed
in regard to tho inteiTtioiiB ol Germany.
Tliu Weltiuu Hontag, which ia often ex
tremely well informed, states that it
le.irns from u weU-informed source timt
nt a dinner given to the oflicers of tho
corpu of gourde, thu mipuror (luclHred
that uiiilnr no eiroumstnnceB would thu
German troopB louvu Pekin, not oven if
he had to mobilize every corps in tho
German army.
Thu Chinese legation hue received h
telegram from Li Hung Chung, accord
ing to which the empress bus asked him
to associate with himself with a viuw to
peace negotiations Prince Chiug, Gen
eral Yung Lu and two viceroys of the
southern provinces. Of tho lattor, one
is known to be unfriendly to foreigners.
Itnm.iN, Sept. 4. An official dispatch
from Taku announces tho itreipt of a
telegram from Pukin dated August "5,
saying the German troops had taken
possession of a hill within the imperial
city. Tho dispatch nays that 2000 ad
ditional Italian troops have reached
Atuui lean l'olioy Aiiplauilrtl,
Siia.noiiai, Supt. 4. Dispatches an
nomi'jiiig that tho Amoricnn government
refuses to agreo with tho withdrawal of
tho troops from Pekin before satisfaction
for the outrages upon and tho losses of
ite Hiiiijects is given, have born received
here and applauded bv the entire for
eign colony in Shanghai. Any other
policy, according to the business men
and missionaries with whom tho Associ
. M,.i,'WMlM,WHIIMWiHrMII,.llllipl,iliiiimiii
ft. .iVTTT UiuTT tTi.TTii"fl7i'.TT7Htir'iT.'
AVctfelable Preparotionfor As
similating the Food andRcgula
img the Stomachs nndBowels of
Promotes Digc3tion.CheerluP
ness nndRest.Contains neilher
Opttim.MorplUne nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
Aperfecl Renwdy forConsUpa
J on , Sour Stomach.Diarrlioca
'ii'SS flntt JLOB8 OF SLEEP.
Fc Simile Signature or
ysw york:
faiTTfriiiiiii.i'iiiTiilTitl UH
ated Press represontutivo has tnlked,
would be n vital blow to tho prestige of
foreigners, und would weaken thoir
status in China. The local English pa
pers fiercely denounce the proposals to
evacuate Pekin and say that tho Chinese
would interpret evacuation ai defeat.
The masses of Chinamen now believe
that tho Chinese arms are victorious.
The Chinese papers printed in Shang
hai contain lung ciicumstantial accounts
of ulleged Chinese victories at Pekin,
riou TbIii, and Tung ditto, and the
shops in tbo native q.iurler display for
sale lurid pictures of the celestial army
driving tho European soldiers into the
sea ut Taku, and cutting them to pieces
at Tien Tsin. They also show pictures of
the foioigu admirals being tortured in
the presence of the viceroys. Vice-Ad-mirsls
Seymour is represented with his
arms pinnioned, kowtowing before the
throne. The people accept these reports
and pictures as correctly representing
tho situation, and consider the reports
of tho English pres ns "merely foreign
Ak fur Kiiiir,iir' ICi'Kturatliiu.
Chicago, Sept 4 A dispatch to the
Record from Shanghai says: The
American Association here has just met
and agreed to request Special Commis
sioner liockhill to ask President Mc
Kiniey not to give his consent to the
withdrawal of the American troops
from Pekin, to refiiBO to recognizu the
empress dowager and LI Hung Chang,
and to lend Ids infiuenco toward the
restoration of the emperor. Mr. liock
hill remain for the present in Shanghai
until he can communicate with the ad
miral ot the United States cquadron.
Ill I.ifn Wai Saved.
Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of
Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful
deliverenco from a frightful death. In
telling of it lie says: "1 was taken with
Tvphoid fever, that ran into Pneumonia.
My lungs became hardened. I was so
weak I couldn't even Bit up in bed.
Nothing helped me. I expected to eoon
die of Consumption, when I heurd of Dr.
King's New Discovery. One bottle gave
great rulief. I continued to use it, and
now am well and strong. I can't say
too much in its praise." This marvellous
medicine is the surest and quickest cure
in thu world for all Throat and Lung
Trouble. Regular sixes 50 cents and $1 00.
Trial bottles free nt Blakuley's drug
store; every bottle guaranteed. 2
Clarke & Fulk's flavoring extracts aro
tho best. Ask your grocer for them.
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
W 1 UP
In this sale are included ItegUiar f.UU OUlls Will go ill O.iSO
Double-Breasted Suits, Regular 8.00 Suits will go at 6.00
reefer Suits, Regular 9.00 Suits will go at 6.75
JUNiOR'sults. Regular 10.00 Suits will go at 7.50
A Grand Aggregation of
Kearly FIVE HtWDHED Boys' and Children's SUITS
To select from and every suit is fully worth the regular price. Our
make of BoTs' Clothing is too well known to Dalles parents to need
any further comment. Remember the dates
ldilU'f Ciime Just lu Time.
Nnw Yokk, Spt. 4. A dispatch to the
Tribune from London save: No precise
news of the state ot affairs at Pekin is
yet forthcoming, although telegrams re
ceived lust night give some indication of
the situation down to a week ugo.
Several m jmbers of the customs staff
at Pekin arrived at Shanghai yesterday.
They state that the relief of the lega
tions was effected most opportunely, as
it was afterwards discovered that prob
ably with the co-operation of some traitor
a mine had been driven through one
small section of the boundary, and that
this mine the Chinese intended to fire
on the allowing diy .
The same correspondent says its is im
possible to exaggerate the feeling of
amazsment and disgust in Shanghai at
Russia's proposal to withdraw from Pe
kin. The Times' correspondent in Pe
kin has received from a friend holding a
high diplomatic position, a letter in
which it is stated that the origin and
motive of Russia's recent action are to
bo found in a desire to correct tho im
pression provided by Emperor William's
statement that the appointment of Von
Waldersee to the chief command of the
allied armies was largely due to the in
itiative of the czir,
This statement was not in accordance
with the facts, and cou'd not be formally
contradicted, so Russia adopted the ex
pedient of proposing evacuation of Pekin
sb an indirect method of frustrating
Germany's schemes.
Clark Comity J'ruuegroweri.
Vancouvkh, Wash., Sept. 4. Prune
buyen are making au active canvass of
the Clark county orchardlste. The rul
ing price now offered for the season's
crop of Felleuberg prunes is cents
for 40s and 60s, and 4Z and cents
for larr sizes. A number af contracts
have already beeu secured at these
prices, but as a rule fruitmen are alow
to contract their crop in advance. A
number of orchardists in this viciulty
began picking their Fellenberg pruuea
Next Friday and Saturday,
Notice our east window; see the many styles of
Boj's' and Children's good, well-made Suits and
there are plenty more upstairs. Suits that will give
their full-measure of honest wear, for every cent you
expend in the buying; and our guarantee goes with
every suit (short pants) worth $2.50 or more, and
with every long-pants suit worth $5.00 or over. This
guarantee is good for a new suit or your money
back, if not as represented.
During this Sale .
Regular $2.00 Suits will go at $1.50
Regular 2.50 Suits will go at 1.88
Regular 3.00 Suits will go at 2.25
Regular 3.50 Suits will go at 2.63
Regular 4.00 Suits will go at 3.00
Regular 5.00 Suits will go at .' ? 3.75
Regular 6.00 Suits will go at 4.50
ti i n rn ei...'i ill j. e er?
this week, the crop of French orunes
having been pretty well harvested.
Uallon Trip Oyer KukIInIi.
New, Yokk, Sept. 4. A dispatch to
the Herald from Paris says :
M. Jacques Faure, treasurer of the
Aero Club, has successfully crossed the
channel in a balloon. He left the
Crystal Palace, London, at 8 o'clock
Saturday night and arrived at Alette
Pas de Calls at 3 o'clock yesterday
morning. The crossing of the channel
occupied four hours. During this time
the aeronaut kept his ballon at a height
of 700 meters.
During laet May an infant child of our
neighbor was suffering form cholera in
fantum. The doctors had given up all
hopes of recovery. I took a bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy to the house, telling them
I felt sure it would do good if used ac
cording to directions. Iu two days time
the child had fully recovered. The child
Is now vigorous and healthy. I have re
commended this remedy frequently and
have never known it to fail. Mrs. Curtis
Baker, Brookwalter, Ohio. Sold by
Blakeley & Houghton.
Uomtartlug U Hr)U!i Cauii.
Ckocodji.k Rn'Kit Vaixuv, Transvaal,
Sunday, Sept. 2, General Buller today
reconnoitered the Boer position in the
mountains overlooking Lydenburg.
General Botha and 2000 burghers had
previously joined the forces holding the
pass. The Boers opened with three
long toms and fired continuously all day
long. The British had few casualties.
A l'owcler Mill Kxploiion.
Removes everything in sight; so do
drastic mineral pills, but both are mighty
dangerous. Don't dynamite the delicate
machinery of your body with calomel,
croton oil or aloes pills, wheu Dr. King's
New Life Pills, which are gentle as a
summer breeze, do the work perfectly.
Cures Headache, Constipation. Only
25c at Blakeley's drug store. 2
X J. E. FALT & CO., X
V proprietors CommeFeial Sample ljooms. p
y Purest Liquors for Family Use
Delivered to auy part of tho City.
Phones: 51 Local,
858 Long Distance.
JrrOI. J aS. Vnappell, magdolipandquitar
Will give instruction on either the Mandolin or Guitar,
auu, u uesireu, win can at your homo.
CLUB MEETING every Thursday Evening
Respectfully solicit your patronage and guarantee per.
75o a Lesson or .a
8 Lessons for $5.00.
A Thorough
Clearance Sale of
Made.,. SKIRTS
SKIRTS worth from $8.00
to $12.00,
SKIRTS worth from $4.50
to $7.50,
This is the most liberal offering
we have yet made in this line of
goods, and no doubt will receive its
due share of the public's apprecia
tion; therefore be on band early to
avoid the rush. You will find plaid
skirts and ekirta of plain goods jtrim
tned and untriwmed. Come and look.
a. m. Williams & co.
We like to make you happy by show
ing you our new styles in
Mandolins, Guitars and Violins.
Superior to any before handled.
Jacobsen Book & Music Co.
4 .
i o oeconu street. J
The Jaoobson Book
& Music Company.