Everlastingly Sawing Wood... Wo mean advertising when wo say ' rawing. wood." That's a term a ehbrat(!(l adwvitorgnvo thoavt some yours ago. We advertise more than 'ever hceauso we are receiving a larg er slock than we ovor hart hol'ore and expect to have a larger trade than any previous season. With us the quality of our adver tising is not strained hut dropped a the gentle rain from heavon upon the place beneath ; into the public, mind it twice doth service, it bless eth him who prints and him who reads. Aside from reading our ads we want you to investigate our stock and trade with us, Pease & Mays' Gents' Furnishing Dep't. Your Pick for $1.00 Misses' heavy solo Kid Button or Lace, sizes 12 to 2. - New Stock. Ladies' Kid ih and 4. .Boys' Calf New Toss. Button; sizes 3, Congress (elastic sides); sizes 2h to U. Ladies' Brown Kid Oxfords; sizes 1 to 7. Pease & Mays' Shoe Department. Pretty, New Things. Our Fancy Goods counter is he ginning to make a good showing with good things for Fall wear. In Ladies' Neckwear, wo are showing some exquisite novelties. Cushion Covers in the latest designs. Our complete stock of Ribbons are now on our counters. Our French Flannelettes at 18c per yard are proving .to be the great est sellers of the season. Have vou seen our Fall Jack ets? They are pronounced by every one to he the finest over shown in town. Our Silk Waists just arrived this morning. Dry Goods Department. All GnotlR Marked In Plnln Fitfiirou.. PEASE & MAYS The Dalles Daily Chronicle, - skit, l, inoo TI'KSDAY ()- ( ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA At Andrew Keller's. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Girl wanted to do houeo work. Apply to Mrs. J. P. Hunton. ii fit Buy a meal ticket at tlio Umatilla H01130 restaurant; $5.51) for $. fil -tf Thu ladles of St. Paul's Guild will meat with Mrs. Hugh Logan WedneH iliiy afternoon, Tlio regular monthly meeting of the city council will ho held tonight In the city council chamber at 8 o'clock, That hoya' school suit saloiof A. M. Williams & Co. 'a should captnro the town. Two days, Friday and Saturday. William Horruig, n fonnur clerk nt ilie Ivjinond Uotol, Portland, lias nc cpled a position on tint Htonntcr Dalles :ity. A complete lino of fall and winter street hutu now ready for inspection nt Jlies Haven's, tiuecessoi to Mrs. 0. L. l'hillipe. A. M, Willi.uns A Co, uro prepared to show nilvaucu styles In man's fall suits, overcoats, fancy veste, smoking JdckutB and hath robes. We have a nnmhor of good bargains i'i city properly for sale from $100 up. l or terms, location, etc., apply to Hud son ii llrownhill, Tho Dalles, Or. We have an unlimited amount of money to Io nt a reasonable rate of Interest on good real estate. Applv to Hudson A Brownhlll, Tho Dalles, Or. We print on another page the thrilling account of tint loss and finding in tho wilds of Ariama of Mr. Norman Wilson, limtlior of Mrs. 15. S. Huntington of this City, 0. L liquet, of Wapinitia, brought Into town yesterday thirteen hend of beeves which ho sold to the Columbia lucking Company nt !fll,fl.ri for steers !f:.10 for eowe. N'wct Saturday A, M. WillianiB A Co. will ollVr all their odds and ends In lino Ircss skirts at from n lialf to a third of I'" regnlnr price. In this lot will be no tided skirts worth to 13. Full pur tiiilars in tomorrow's ad. 'Hie t-'.0 round-trip tickets to Port Will for tho special train leaving Thu ""Ics at 8 a. in. Sept. (ltd arc now on jo nt tho 0. U. A N. depot and Unm- ll,,u Hoiieo ticket nilli-iiH. Plnnim null efy for your tickets and avoid tho "isii, Now iB tliq tlmo to bo purchasing you 7. ' 'oinuig tor solioul. Wo aro lle Position to offer you the best baf- m tno city, We would be please o nave you call and examine our Urn Jieniombcr wo carry tho largest nnd twist complete lino of clothing in the city. Come early and avoid thu rush. he Now York Cash Store. Mrs. McDonald, of Clionowoth Creek, died this morning between S unti f) o'clock. She was tho mother of the McDonald brothers who used to keep n saloon on tho corner now occupied by Joo Worsley'a grocery. She had been tied. ridden for yearn. A' Y Wo .have liint received our firnt ship- ment of boys' and youths' clothing for fall. We nro nhlo to give you your choice ol nil tho now nnd neatest pat terns. Call early while the assortment is complete. No trouble to show goods at tho New York Cash Store. This nftornoon Marshal Driver Bold in front of his office, on Court street, two impounded animals of tho horse per suasion. One was a yearling colt, owuer unknown, and was knocked down to u porty by the name of Johnson for $2.50 Tlio other was n horse belonging to a squaw, who refused to redeem it for the charges of $1.00. It waa knocked down to ar. Carnaby for sf4- Tin: Ciino.s'K'i.K is pleased to learn that Mr. A. II. Curtiss, who was severe ly Injured n fow days ago by falling from a platform'tit tho back of his flouring mill in tho liast'Kiid, is very much butter this morning than he has been at any time since thu accident, IIo spent a restful night last night and was able this morning to drees himself and cat breakfast with his family. W. T. Gobon died yesterday of paralysis, at tho resido'neo of ii is son-in-law, Mr. firoen, on tho W. If. Steel ranch, near Fire-Mile creek, aged 70 years. The deceased eamo horo from Iowa about n year ago. Ho was very highly esteemed by the people surround ing his now home. IIo leaves n wife and one daughter. The remalnB wero iuteired this afternoon in tho Odd Fol lows cemetery. The driiiiiinoifl aro scurrying to Port land like geese to tho north in spring, taye the Fossil Journal. Over two dozen passed through Fossil this woek, all bound to take a hand in tlio Klks' rarniyal. One uhap, U W. VnuAm rlnge, Coblonz A Levy's man, had a col lection of Bovoral hundred elk teeth in his grip, and his manly bosom nnd wrists worostuddod with thorn, mounted In wolrd, fantastic shapes. F. J. Graham, master mechanic of tlio 0. ;K. A N. Co., Portland, K. H. IMrds nil nnd K. K. Simmons, Portland drug gists, passed through town today on their way homo from a prairio chicken hunt on' tho Tygh ridgo, where thoy were tlio guests of Patrick ilolton. They succeeded In bagging fifty-three chick ens, and, far tho linio thoy wero on tho hunt, iwornged closely up to tho legal limit of fifteen n day each. Died, nt Kufws, Sherman county, September 1st, Mrs. Jessie Macnnb, wife of William Macnab, aged 02 yoars and i!2 days. Mrs. Muonab was a na Uvo of Scotland, Tho remains were embalmed by Messrs Nlteohke and Crandall, ol this city, and shipped for interment to Ash Creek, Minn. The deceased leaves a husband nnd one con, tho latter aged about 22. Tho cause of death wnu parnlysis. Mrs. Macnab was a very estimable woman nnd was much beloved by u large circle of neighbors and acquaintances. The exclusion of sheep from the forest reserve has many eideB to it. Said a wealthy Tygh Riiigo sheepman to the Ciiiionicm: man this morning: ".My sheep are ranging nine miles west of Dnfur when they ought to be, and I wish they were, twenty miles from that place. WeBt of mo is the reservation line which I am not permitted to cross, whore there is n vast range that is of no practical use to anybody, and where sheep, if thoy do any injury to anybody or anything, would be lees injurious to the interests of the Eottlere on the prairie than where I am compelled to keep them." The published report that the forest reserves wero closed to sheep was the first intimation that Yakima sheepmen have had that they would not be allowed on tho reserves hereafter. No oOicial orders have been received, nnd tl.e flocks are still on tho ranges. In csc tho report should provo to be true, no hardship would be worked on Central Washington sheepmen this year, ns the season is about over, and tho sheep will soon bo driven down to the valley for tlio winter. If the reserves are closed next year, owners of 230,000 oheep who reside there will .uillior havo to go out of the business or move their flocks olee whoro in aenrcli of ranges. John Flock, who has been in the bar noes and bee bueinees in Mitchell for several years, passed through Fossil Wednesday en route to Walla Walla with his family, with the intention of locating and engaging in bee culture in that vicinity. Mr. Flock's harness busi ness was small, and to augment the meagre income from that he purchased a few hives of beea sonio years ago, which grew to a hundred hives, from which lie sold $1500 worth of honey during tho pnst year. Ho sold his har ness business to J. W. Boone, ol Priuo villi, who will run it as a brunch estab lishment, and his bees to Jas. Payne, who has sinco sold them to Jas. Prov ince. FoesU Journal. The Dalles A Columbia Southern rail road company is now engaged In making a survey up the Deschutes nnd on the south towards Klamath county. A corps of surveyors under Civil Engineer C. Anderson, nro now camped at the Cove, near T, F. McAllister's place on lower Crooked rirer, tho purvey having been completed to within two or three miles of that place. Our informant,!). W. Harnett, elates that bo far the route has been found perfectly feasible and practicable. The route iB by the way of Dnfur, Tygh valley, then down White river to a point near the falls, theuco up the Deschutes canyon to some point above the mouth of Crooked t Ivor, whore it can be run out on to tho general love), The Corvallis A Eastern, which will en ter tlio "promised land" over the Cas cades from tho west, Is said to be also locating grade stakes and getting a com plete right of way for immediate ac tion. Crook County Journal. A contract has been entered into and filed in the county clerk's oflicu between W. II. Van Bobber and wife and C. V. Champlin and wife, parties ot the first part, and P. L. Kretzer, George T. Parr and A. M. Keleay, parties of the second part, whereby Messrs. VanBebber and Champlin grant to Messrs. Kretzer, Parr and Keleay the right to"go upon certain lands owned by them in the neighborhood of Chenoweth creek for the purpoee of prospecting for "coal, oil, iron nnd all other minerals of whatso ever kind or nature, including nntural gas, by boring or any other means that moy be deemed proper or advisable." In case the parties of the second part diecover on the premises in question sufficient quantities of coal orother min erals mentioned to warrant the develop ment of such discoveries, they bind themselves to convey to the parties of the first part an undivided half interest in such coal or other minerals, and also full rights of way to and from such places upon such premises aB may be selected for earning on of work of pros pecting and developing said mines, to gether with such tract of land, not ex ceeding ten acres, ns may be necessary for tho development of said mines nnd for dumping giounds. Messrs. Kretzer, j Parr nnd Keleay are to commence pros pecting within one year and to continue the saino without interruption for a lon ger period than threo months under penalty of cancellation of contract. PBUPf.B COMINO AND GOlNO. Otla Patterson left on tho noon train for Heppner, Ilev. W. B. C'ifton and wifo wero pas sengers on this morning's boat for Port land. Mr. and Mrs. Kirby left on this morn inc's boat to take in the Portland ear nival. Mrs. A. Kaiser and Miss Bishop, of Blockhouse, Wash., wero paseengers on this morning's boat for Portland. L. II. Humphrey, who has been work ing for some time for Julius Fisher, left on this morning's boat to accept n posi tion in Portland. N. Harris returned last niirht from a two weeks' sojourn at Ocean Park. Mrs. Harris nnd children stopped over for a few days at Portland. Mies Edna Driver returned last night from a two weeks' visit with the family of D. R. Cooper, in tho upper end of the Hood River valley. Mips Hattie Gnnn, of Blockhouse, Klickitat county, was a passenger on this morning's "boat for Seattle, where she goes to visit friends. Hon. M. A. Moody and the Misses Annie and Bessie Lang returned on the noon train from n trip that, took in the Astoria regatta and San Francisco. James G. Cieighton, son of I). Creiph ton, of Three-Mile, who has been clerk inn for the pa6t year in the drug store of Martin Donnell,has gone to San Fran cisco to take a course at the college of pharmacy. naplriltlit "It low Holes." Hie Dalles correspondent of tho Tele gram recently wrote a very interesting and quite truthful article on the "blow bole" on the Keily ranch, near Wapini tia; reciting the instance of a well 110 feet deep that blows out and sucks in wind with the regularity of the tides land maintains a temperature that has been turned to useful account for dairy purposes and is practically uniform the year through. But the -correspondent, born and reared in the environment of city life, more than forty miles from the "Kelly blow hole," is excusable fjr not knowing everything connected with this interesting phenomenon. Ho forgot to mention, o", what is more probable, did not know, that the Kelly "blow hole" for a long time furnished a species of Eolian music for the Wapinitia neigh borhood. Tho original owner of the "blow bole," now, alae! gone the way of all the earth, bethought himself of adjusting a French harp ul the mouth of tho hole so a3 to catch the wind "a cotnin' and a goin', " as it were, with the astonishing result that in days of republican prosperity it sang "Yankee Doodle," "America," "The Star Span gled Banner" and "Come ye that love the Lord, and let your joys be known." But as long as the curse of Bryanism overehadowed the Wapinitia land, its only refrain was "Come ye calamities, where e're ye wander. Down on your marrow bones fervently kneel." Nor is the "Kelly blow hole" the only one in the Wapinitia country. There are probable a dozen more, although none but the Kelly hole has ever been adjusted to music. There is one on the L. M. Woodside ranch ; one on the old Enfield Farris ranch ; one on the Chris Confer ranch, nnd the biggest of tiie lot is on tho West Ray ranch, which is ap propriately located near the big sheep ranch of Frank Gabel, on Wapinitia creek, where a "blow hole" that would not sing the praises of McKinley pros- j perity, an honest dollar nnd protection I to American inuustry wouiu oe piuggeu so quick that it would nover know that it had an existence. Vi'HI'k Kt-hiilt of Fort'Ht Supervision. Ueductd Kateg to the Carnival. For the Elks' Carnival and Street Fair to be held at Portland Sept. 4th to 15th, Hon. W. H. H. Dulur, fo.est super-1 tl,e Hegulator Line will make special visor of tho northern division of the I excursion rates as follows : Round trip Cascade and Bull Run .eserves, while j Mt:kH,s' 1,u'iled l tho M1rn'v1 dft,.e8' t2.00. On Sept. Gth a special excursion will be made, leaving The Dalles at 0:30 a. m., arriving in Portland at 1 p. in. Faro $1.50. W. C. Ai.i.awav, Gen. Agent. in town this afternoon informed Tin: Ciino.Nici.K that up to August Ulst, when he left the reserve for his oflice at Dufur, not a dollar's worth of timber had been destroyed by fire this season on tho por tion of the roservo under his iutisdic-1 I'm-Sulr. tion. This result of government super-, The two buildings owned by Mrs. E. vision is all the morn marked as tho I Juliet), on Court street, between Second present season on the reserve is said to ' ul Third, now occupied as a lodging be tho driest known to the oldest liihab-1 boneo and dressmaking shop. The itnnt. It must not be inferred that buildings will bo Bold, furnished or uu there were any fewer c.imp fires than j furnished, cheap for cash. Apply to usual. As a matter of fact there were Mrs. E. Julian. tll-lmd ..i t i ft! 1 " " "" more; out iney wore miner sucn a rigiu supervision that they wero never al lowed to spread. Besides, Mr. Dufur had offered a reward of $100 from his own private purse for the arrest and conviction of any party .who set out a fire maliciously, and $50 in case of any set out through carelessness. Xotico of this reward was posted in every part of ills jurisdiction, and undoubtedly con tributed to tho general result. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Havi Always Bought Bears tho Signature of T.itt tn.im linnm t..iU nalnta 1 1 m i- nro j luilllijviii ii wu s? w nun 'n i vo timk iwv fully guaranteed to last. Clarke A Fulk j hare them. Ice Cream and Oyster Parlors... 1 Mrs H. L. Jones has opened ice , cream and oyster parlors in Carey Bal I lard's old stand. She carries ' A full line of Candies, Nuts and Cigars. The place has boen thoroughly ren ovated, and a share of the public patron age is solicited. Itememher That Cnns. Stubllng is still doing a retail business nt his new place. He sells in quantities to suit all customer.-!, from one bottlo to n barrel. Family orders delivered promptly. Clarke & Fall: have r.eceived a cm loud of the celebrated Jamn E. Patton strictly pure liquid paints 1 Tlio only store ft this city wliero the Genuine Imported Stransky-Stecl Ware is eold. A little higher io price, but outlasts a dozen pieces of so called cheap enam eled ware. BEWARE! Other wares look Hkoit.butthegenU' ino has tho name Strnnslcy - Steel Waro on each piece. Do not be deceived First prize at 1C International Eslii bitiou3. Highest award nt Worlds Columbian Exlubi tion. Chicago Pre ferred by tho best cookingai'thonties, certified to by the most famous chem ists for purity and durability it is cheapest because BEST. Remember this celebrated enam eled ware is special ly imported for and sold in this city ex clusively by us. It does not rust nor absorb pjrease, does not discolor nor catch inside; is not affected by acids, in fruits or vegetables, will boil, stew, roast and bake w i t h o u t imparting flavor of previously cool: c d food and will last for years. oo. Wo cau tion tho public against imitation "Meet us on the Midway" Event of the Times The Great Street Fair and Carnival! Occupying many solid blocks, tnkiug in tin entire street, frotc curb to curb : : : : Sent. 4-15 Oregon.... I'mler tho nusiilees f thu I'ort- and Klks, btiriuit-biug In umtnil tiulu unit graswluur tmylhtiiK of t lio kind ever iittcmitcd on thu 1'ncillo Const. 1 lie Kti'uutH ol Cairo! The Oriental Tlivatrti I 'lliu Guriuun Vlllnuc I TUo llani lui; (lli lx I An Arabian I'ttguant I C'l invnlntf tlio Oiiumi ! llix, Ulni; or tlin C.i in I tn I, ,t U'liilml liy III" AliiKiitli ctiit (Joint. Tho (iioat I'liiiulenf tho I.Us nnd other unlets. Tho Italian 1'nrk ami Fountain. Tlio Miikiilll cont Tilumiihul Ah.'Ii ami (jraml Midway Idled with wonderful iittrnelionrf, Miiitnsr, Meivnu tilt), Asrlcultural, llortloultitru nnd other In dustrial exhibits. 'J he Woman's. I'uvllllnii, do slKiied by women, built by women and decn ratt'd by women for tho exhibit of women'.-. InUiiftiial work. Tho Uraln 1'alaee, built of Oii'Kon nnd Washington grains and giasei. MUSIl), t'l'N A N II OAYKl'Y. MtiUX IUKNEI) INTO ll.W. tWt- .owot rail and tvitter rates over given iTortlatiU from nil parts of the i'noillo Norllt- to WCfct.