c J. E. FALT & CO. Proprietors GommeFCial Sample floOIDS. Purest Liquors for Family Use Delivered to any part of tho City. T 858 liUim Distance. 173 Second Street. v ONE-LEGGED BALL PLAYER. ; POLITE IN FACE OF DANGER. ElKhl-Yenr-Olil liny Uiiiin IIiikon With out Mil- Alii of. 1IU Crtitt-li. Members of (lit' Kenwood Country club have a niaseot in Willie Howard, the ont'-leifgcfl baseball player, says n Chicago paper. The little fellow, eljht years of ajjo. is considered one of the most expert amateur ball play ers on the south side. Ho manages to run the bases on one lop-. Of late the young man has frequently been iisked to appear on the tennis rounds. It is said that whatever side he champions is sure to be vic torious in the tennis contests. Any fine afternoon when there is a tennis game in progress Willie Howard is very conspicuous. He is regarded by some of the best tennis experts as the forerunner of good luck. One day lately Willie was in great demand. It is said his services were bid for long before the champion tennis con tests began at the Kenwood Country club. Little Willie, as he is familiarly called by his many friends, takes a prominent part in baseball games when there are no games of tennis in progress. As a hatter he is said to be the equal of anyone on the Ken wood grounds. Of late the young fel low has discarded hi habit of run ning the bases with a crutch in hand. It is said that Willie believes it un dignified to run the bases in his for mer way. The result is the youthful ball player now coers the bases in a hop, skip and jump fashion. Extrnorilliinr Cm1iim of n tietitle m nil IlurliiK a Vlrv Antnii lahvtl the Firemen. "The coolest man 1 ever met," said n New York fireman, relates Collier's Weekly, "1 met at a tire in a 'dwelling house on Fifth avenue. We found him in an upstairs front room,' dressing to go out. The tire by this time was surg ing up through the house at a great rate. '"Holloa, there!' we hollered at him when we looked in at the door, 'the house is alire!' "'Would it disturb you if 1 should ( remain while you are putting it out'.'' he said, lifting the comb from his hair and looking round at us. He had on a white evening waistcoat, and his dresseoat lay across a chair. "Seeing us staringat him, he dropped his comb into his hair again and went on combing. Hut, as a matter of fact, he was about ready. Jie put down the comb, put on his coat and hat, and picked up his overcoat. " 'Now I'm ready, gentlemen,' he said. "We started, but the stairway had now been closed up by fire. We turned to the windows. The boys had got a ladder up to the front of the houe. "'.Vow, then,' we said to him, when we came to the window. " 'After you, gentlemen,' be said, standing back. And I'm blessed if we didn't have to go down the ladder first." OUTS WIN FROM BOOKIES. llnuc Truck llnnnern-on Describe Hon- They CiniKlit On to a Gooil ThlnK. "It was just like this, you see, me and Mickey came to Chicago to be on hand for the opening season of the races at Washington park from De troit," said a short man with a sandy mustache and wearing clothes that had seen better days around a race track, who was standing near the grand stand in Washington park the other day talking to a tout who was going to give him a good thing, relates the Chronicle. "When Mickey and I hit the town we didn't have a cent, .-o we had to beg our chuck and banner money from people on the street. The next day we were in for it good. No money, j Hum t know anyiioiij, only a few touts, who only had eating money for them selves and had a good thing that would win in a walk and the odds were big. Miekey says: 'l'al, I tink I can get a fe.w bucks to bet on a good thing,' so he did. How he got it I don't know, but in three days after he got it we walked out of the track with $:.:J0 in our pocket-; of the hookies' easy money." That is the story overheard by a man who was standing near the two alleged touts who were telling of their good luck since tlieop-ning of the Washington park track. Tin- I.utrmii Pink. It is, reported in lioston from a for eign source that the famous pink which the Boston broker. Thomas W. haw son, bought for $,l.V--'0 ai:d named the "Mrs. Thomas W. Lawson pink," after his wife, has been sold again. The lat est purchaser, the report says, is no less a personage than the khedivo of Kgypt, now sojourning in London, who mad? the purchase through an agent. The price he is supposed to have paid is not included in the storv. " BROKE THE NEWS SUDDENLY. .C'oiulcnl Kplxoilt- In the .Meeting- nl iiOiiK-Sliiriliil Ill-other In HiikIiiiiiI. A curious little story reached us tho other day from the lips of an ofllcor invalided home from .South Africa, says the Liverpool I'ost. The eldest son of a well-known duke had a younger brother in Ladysniith and wa naturally anxious and eager for his safety. He himself was serving with the forces of (Jen. Iliiller and was through all the long and arduous campaign which preceded the relief of that place. When it became known Unit the road was at last open, the young nobleman was sent forward witli the first forces to enter the town. Ho soon found his brother, whom his eyes had been yearning to heu for so many long and weary mouths. "Hullo, .lack!" lie shouted, arid then, in his excitement and pleas ure, for the life of him lie couldn't think of what to say next. At last lie blurted out with: "Old Tom, the gardener, is dead," An auti-ellmax which, in spite of the apparently -mournful character of the news, caused both the brothers to roar with laughter. Such was the first item of home news which the younger one heard after u sickening period of anx ious waiting. Paint your nouve with paints that are fully iniaraiiteed to luet. Clarke & Fulk have them. Clark & Fulk are never closed Sunday jDjii'i foritet (hie. His I, I re W.ih Savtd. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful deliverence from a frightful death. In telling of it he saye: "1 was taken with Tvphoid fever, that ran into Pneumonia. My lunga became hardened. I was eo weak I couldn't even eit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of Consumption, when I heard of Dr. Kinc'ti Now Discovery. One bottle gave great relief. I continued to use it, and now am well and strong. I can't say too much in its praise." This marvellous medicine is the surest and quickest cure in tho world for all Throat and J.nns Trouble. Iieiiulars'zis 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Illakeloy's drug store; every bottle guaranteed. 2 The 0. R. & N. Co. will run a special train from Tho Dalles to Portland on Thursday, September lith, to accomo date visitors to the Elks' carnival. The train will leave Tim Dalles at S n. m. Fare for round tiip lickets, good for three days, not including day of sale, $2 CO. a29tf DlniiDnlllnn of Aiiinlcati.i, Tikn Thin-, Aug, 9, via Taku, Aug. SO Orders received from Washington direct that the 5000 American troops be divided between I'ekin, Tien Tain and Taku for the winter. Abundant sup plies are now arriving and all tint is ntctssary is being rapidlv forwarded to I'ekin. During last May an infant child of our neighbor was suffering form cholera in fantum. The doctors had (liven up all hopes of recovery. I took a bottlfi of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy to the house, telling them I felt sure it would do uood if used ac cording to directions. In two days lime the child had fully recovered. The child is now vigorous and healthy, I have re commended this remedy frequently and have never known it to fail. Mrs. Curtis Baker, Hrookwaller, Ohio. fiold by Hlakeluy & Houghton. Financial PhiiIv hI -lianuliiil. Shanghai, Sopt 2 Therons a finan cial panic in Chinese business circles here. Probably an important factor hi the money rate, which is now 30 per cent per month. The traders are trying to get tho ear of the officials. Wauled. Four or five hoys, Kl"tf o eehoo during winter, to board. $12 a in on I h with room And plain washing. Across ttreet from High school. Apply at CilKO.NlCLK Office. dAH'lOl 1 BUSINESS LOCALS. Clark A Kalk's drug stock is now, fresh and complete. Clarke & Fatk have on sale a full line of paint and artist's brushes. You will not have bolls if von take Clarke A Fulk's sure euro for bolls. Clarke & Falk's flavoring oxtractH are the beat. Ask your crncer for them. A full lino of E.istman films and sup plies just received by Clarke A Falk. Why pay $1.76 pur gallon for inferior paints when you can buy .lames E. Patton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark A Falk, agon Is. ml Hilton to Street Fair mill Carnival. Tickets form L-20 will be sold by the i O. 11. A N. Co. for trains Nos. 5 ant! H, leaving Dalles at 51:35 a. in. and 1:50 a. m., September 51, 4, II, 10 and Kith, limited to continuous passage going and limited to three days after date of sale. Fare for tho round trip, $o.50. Tickets will not be good on train No. 1. Limit of tickets will not bo extended beyond three days alter date of sale. These tickets must be stamped by tiie agent at Portland before they will bo honored for return passage. Tickets should be pur chased in ample time to allow descrip tion of passenger to be punched on tho tickets. 830-sepO Carnival Kxciirslun. For the street carnival to he held at Portland September 1th to 15th, agenta of tiie Columbia Southern Railway Co. will issue excursion tickets to Higgs and return September III, 6th, lOtli and Kith at one and one-third fares for the round trip. Tickets uood returuinu three dins after date of sale. C. E. Lyti.i:, G. P. A. i i i 't 't i fa fa fa t t f Tho. Dalian, on. The Chronicle, dob Pointers. iHninminiiTTiiiiuimyniniTimnwiiiiiiimnnii 0.R.&R IlKl'.VHT run Fiut I.);I0 1 1. 111. Atlantic K xii rend l'2:r0u. in, Via Hunt- llijttmi, Hpoknuu Mull unit 'J.2." p. in h p. m. 8 p. m. K.x.Hiiailav Hiuurilny 10 1. in. Time nciikmn.R, r'uou Dai.i.kb. Aiir:vi r0K Kt, Unit fjilfK II..,,,.... ...... , .'U,,,la F woitli. Oiaiilni, Kim hiim City, Kt. builn uiiiciikii nun IviihI. ,,MU Halt Ijlku. Dt'llWr. I.'i i Wnrth. (Inuiliii. ' '""SI. pun City, Ht. Ijiuh, ClituiiRo mill Kust, Walla Walln, HiHiknue,, MlnneiiiollH. Ht. I'mil, i)ii lu tli, MUwitiikiv' CIiIi'iiko mid Hunt, v In Hi'okiuiuiikit limiting toil; iiIkiiiiII iiiiiI In WnittiliiKtnn uinl l:,i, urn OrcK'iii. From 1'oi-.ti,ani. Ocean Hteainslilio, for Ban Krannlvrn Kvery l'ivo Hay. Milt mid p.m. IColumoU llv. Htciiineri.. Kxajundii l'o Ahtouia anil wnv ouuu"l LuulliiK. till. m. ! WlLLAURTTK ItlVRH. i'Mxt B h.bii inlay Orcsrmi City, NmvUrK, I'.i.Hmulii rialcm iSt Way IjiiiiI'm. ' 7 a. m, 'WtLl.AMTTTK and Vam 3:30ti.n Tncs.-l liur,' mix ItiVKiu. Mon.,Wot anil fat. i otcmin City, Dayton, mid Krl, i anil Wiiy-IiiulliiKs. I.v ItllMrlM1 dully a. in. HNAKR HlVKll, ICIinrlti tiilowlNiDu. l.IATI UWISTO.1 "tuilr 'J.W)tt.m. I Kills' Sieuial Kxciirslun Sept. llth. hnr th.i ni'i-nriitiil-it tin nl I hi II. il nu u Jilks and their friends tho O. li. AN.,g' Co. will run a special train to Portland (J, for tho street fair, leaving Dalles nt'jj, S a. in. Sept. 0th. Round-trip fare for'S this train only, $2.00, tickets limited re turning to three dayo alter date of sale, Tickets on sale at Umatilla House and depot ticket offices. 1 REGULATOR LINE, j DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA SAY. .COMPANY jj .'j StcaiiicrN of tlx- IH'unlatur l.lue will rim ns .it the fol- fi ou.iiK .eii(iiiuo, Hie uumpany rcervuiK nu iikiiv hi L-nuiiKu f bclieilulu witliotit notice. Nasal CATARRH In all its eta;'C3 there thuuld bo clcanliuess. Ely's Cream Balm clcanecj.soothesandlieala tlio diseased membrane. It cure a catarrh and drives a way a cold la the head quickly. Cream Halm is placed Into the nostrils, spreads over the membrane and is absorbed. Relief Is 1m nicdlato and a euro follows. It is not drying does not produce sneezing. I-aro Size, 50 cents at Drui; Sisturliymail; Trial Size, 10 cents by mall. U.Y IXWTMEKS, 5J Warrtu Street, New York. I a.'JO-sopO , b' S' Str. Regulator h wiu'x. C, I.v Dalle." M nt 7 A. M. T.iiCMlny Tliuinlay .. H Hatnrday. .rr. I'ortlaail at l.: v. m. I.V. I'nrtl.md lit" A. M. . . Monday . . WoliieMiity . ...Kridiiy Arr. Dalles at 5 r. M. Sliip your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dnlluu Ctty DOWN I.v. Dalles at; A. i. Monday Wiitneday .. , Friday Arr. rortlnud at I :M I-, M. a I nr. I, I'nrtlaiiil ,q Ht7:lIA M. i Tueiclay 'riinr.iiiiv- 1 Halmilay M Air. Dulles "J ' at. I r. M. ,7, t 3 For the convenience of parties want ing ice in the afternoons, the Stadelmau Ice Co. will carry a stock at their store, corner Third and Washington streets Phone No. 107; long distance 1SI5 "KiriK'em up." 18m-tf STRAYED From the Kist Knd feed yard, one small blue mure, branded something like a man's head on left shoulder. Liberal toward for her recovery or informntion leading to her recovery. When last seen hail a short rope around her neck. T. J. Djiips, . a27-2tw The Dalles, Or. Heal hstntu fur Sale. Twenty-three lots, located from Kev enth street to Twelfth, for sale at from $50 up, Inquire at the Columbia Hotel, a'JO l( House Painting... The uudvraiVticd lias taken possession of It. A. Spivey paint shop, next door to the Vogt opera holm;, and has pur chased the tools and ladders, lie has good mechanics working for him, and will guurnnteo all work lo ulve satisfac tion. S. K. KELLY. GROCERIES. A FINK LINK OK staple ana Fancy groceries AT- I'liono No. IV). Third Ht., ueur Court. DUNCAN'S CORD WOOD. (iood 11 it u ami Fir Wood dellvernl tn iinv imrt of the city at H3.no per curd. FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel by the Steumeri. ot the Kcttillutor Mue. The Company will endeavor to kIvi- Its put rons the be-it teivico possible. Kor lurthur Information iiddrcsi l'orllnnd OHice, Oak-Strcct Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Gun. Ak't. D -T T 01 11 INSTRUCTOR OK r rOl. JclS. VIlclpp6llj mai?dolii7ai?d Qtiitar Will give iiistriiction on either-tlie .Mandolin or Guitar, I ! .1 I II , " 1 mm, ii ueaireu, win can at your lioiuo. CLUB MEETING ovary Thursday Evening Respectfully eolicit your patronage and guarantee per fect satisfaction. i;ki:.ms 75c a Lesson or 8 Lessons for $5. OO. 1 1 JO A H Q U A I I'V K It S Tho Jacobnon Book & Music Company. State fioftnal School, MONMOUTH, - . OREGON. Fall Term Opons September 18, 1900. Kradiutloi".,K'UU 01 "IC V"rl'"'al Sc,"Gl 1'r,'l'lrt,1 "' ,,,ku Ht,lt0 fertlllcato Im.m.lhilelv on finuluatoiruHilily Mjcnroguocl posltloim. Lxpcimu of year from Iflai ti ti.i. Wol&Aunuf ,:m"tv3- SvW S'td"1 "l,",r",ro '" Tf'"'"K Tor catalogue eontaliilng full aiiiioiuicemcntii uihlress 1'. LruAJU'llKLL, I-rcildcnt. or W A, ANN, Hecretury of Faculty. I'arlli'M lli-olnne to irn In llrniinr nr points mi I'oliinihla himtlii'rn vl i Ilium, iboulil lake .So. .', U-iivIiik Tim lialli'i at li ii p. n. nmkliic Olriiit l oiiiivolliinn at lli-pptivr junction unit ItlcKt Id'tiirnliiK niiiMiiRillrii'tenniiwHCiti at lli.-ppner jiini'tliiii unit I' vgn ulth No, l.ir ilvliiK nt 11m IlallcMiil I ii. in For full iiartlcnlarx n .V X, Co.'i Kent Tliu Pillion, in if . i i- li p 'M'UT, t.m I Hi U'l , I , ui'l,0r. Inia a Yellowstone Park Line. Till: UlNINti CAIt ItOUTK FHOM roUTU.NIJ TO TUK I:A8T. Till: ONLY DIltKCT LINK TOTIIh YKLLOff- HIO.N'K I'AUK , Union Depot. Firth and I sts No, '2. Knnt mull fur Tiicoma, t-'eattlo, Olympla, dray i lliirbnr mill Houth llcml Ipuiiilij, Kp-ikani!, H -- laud, II (,'., l'lilliniii), ! Mok-iiw, l'M Inlnii, Hill 1 1 : 1 .1 A. M,!falolliiiiipinlnliiK('uiiii try, llelviia, Mliitioapo flli), Ht. I'nlll, Omaliii 1 KaiiDiiH City, Ht. UtwU. i(;tiluiK mid all pulut.s No I, cat mid Miutlioait. i I'iikui Koiinil li.Npros 11;) r. SI. for Tiicoma anil hvnllli ami Intermi'illatu piiiutK ARRIVI. No. .MI', if. No. 3. ,00 A, M. l'llllman tlr.it elaiw mill tinirl't hIi-ck" 10 Miiilii-apoll.i, Ht. ratlliiliil SIUotul Uu'rpolnH without, I'liiume. VimtlhuKil iniiiifi. Union depot lonnvclloai In all principal cltluf. lliiKaKi' iilit-ekiil lo ilcstliiallim of lii-kctn. I'ur luiiiili'omfly UliiMtdititl tlrurl ptt vc iimtw-r, tli'kutB, uki-pliiK car reservation, etc cidlouor write A. D. CHARLTON, Avilitmit (liMieral l'asBcuircr Aueiit '' Mortl miii Htri'ut.cornorTliInl, l'orllaiid On'gou. SOUTH and EAST via Southern Pacific Co. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE I'llOllO No. CO. T"TTK1V" A "IVTJCI Tlilrd St., near Court. B augC-liao k TrirtCE Marks Jesiqnb rrv1TV Copyrights &c. Aiiyononciidlinr ntkclrh mid ilfscrlpt Ion ma quickly iwcerluiii our oplnloii fruo wfu'lhcr . Iiivcutimi Is piobnlily palt-iitahlo. '.'oimminlcf. i loin t rlcl ly ronllilui it lal. 1 1 nml Look on I'nt en ti sent lii o. i)lilist nuoucy for n'curiui: putents. I'aliii.iH taken tbrMuuli Munn A Co. rciflw H'rclal notice, without, chnrKO, III tbo ScicnliSitflmcrlcin. A jiand.imncly lllunt ral nil weotily, I.nriioat fir rulutloii of nnr ulcullllo Journal. Terms, t'l a iriiii,r "l0"""'f So'11 byrtl nowBiloalein, MUNN &Co.30,Brosd New York Bruueh UIHt-u, IJ2J I' BU Vahlnuton. I. " , FRENCH & CO.. BANKERS. rilANHAOT A KNKKALI1ANKINO IIUtlNKH Lettors of Credit iesued available in the hagt4jrn ritatee, Biizlit Exchanire and TeleiraDhi'. Transfers sold on New York, tfiilcaKO, 8t. Louis, Ban Francisco, Portland Ore gon. Beattte wasn,. and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections male at all points on (a?, orable terms, J'J' STURDEVANT, Iieutist. Ollluamur French A t'o. Hunk Wl0' r TUK DAI.I.K.S.OHKIiON C. F. Stephens ...Doalor In. Dtry Goods, Clothing, IlOotH, HllOVN. IhltB, Cups, .S-iiIIoub. lor W. I,. UoiikIiin Hhou. Tclc-phoiiii No. HH, l:il fiiicond Ht,, Ast. The Dalles, Or, Shasta Route Train k-avoTI'O Dallea for l'urtlali J ami itatloiiH at ll'i'i a, in, anil 11 1, in- U'avo Ciirtlaiul H!iam 'iW'!" " Albany U'.WJani lOiWl'W Arrlvo Ashland . . " Hiioiiimi.'iiti " Han hranuUon ,, . r;lKl p in M " ,7l--.p m f,IS Atllvo (kIoii " Dvnvur " KaiikahClty. " (Jlll0lllO Arrlvo Ijh AiikdIoh ,. . " Kl rami ,, " Fort Worth " City of Muxlco , . " llouatou " New OrU'aim ... " WaaliliiKton ... " Now York ruPiam II I5111 .Oiwiim .tiJ 1:'i."t II III ' 7; Wall! y.waw . ltvnpm p 111 , . li:;uin 111 ,, ii.vuim ,. 1:00 a m , njiBu m , fiil.'a 111 . I'J; 1:1 1 ni 7,(l0ttW 11:1) M t,;;Wiii V ,ViaW ;00lll'l li I3HIU pi-upm II 8 HUNTINOTON u HUNTINOTON ii WlIJiON. " M WIM0N ATTOKNF.YH AT LAW, Offim ov,r Kt Nt?'"unkAJ',K,J' 0,1 Kl" N' Jjlt. IC. K. KKUUI1HON, " riiyaiciiin and Surgeon, Olllcc, Vogt II lock (oyer rintoUlet), .Vpluio Uw TIIK HALLUX, OHKOON. I'lilliimn and TmirUt fara on ltl train. iChalrt'arH Hat'riiiiioiito to OKdeii anil m "; aipi ioutliiH!ar(ot:iiuiiK0, Hi wmhi " leans ami WitshliiKioii. ConiK-otliiR at Han FrnnclHCo with wvjJJ1 ti'aim.lili lliii'H for II111111I11I11, Japan. W,u" I'lilUpidncH, Cvutral ami Houth Ann-iUa. Bwj uifoiit at Tho Dallca utallon, or addrcH C. H. MARKHAM, Oeuoral lMiigvr AKt. rott'"1"1' J. . moohIc. -'" flAV"1 MOORE & GAVIN, ATTOHNKYB AT LAW Itooma an and 40, over II. S. Uml "lllc0. Advertise in Tim Ciiuoniclk,