. - ' iJMliiiissi - i 1 . FALLING Save Your Hair with Shampoos of aticura T And light dressings of CUTICURA, -purest of emollient skin cures. This treatment at once stops falling hair, removes crusts, scales, and dandruff, soothes irritated, itching surfaces, stimulates the hair follicles, supplies the roots with energy and nourishment, and makes the hair grow upon a sweet, wholesome, ' healthy scalp when all else fails. Millions of Women Use Ccticuiia Soap exclusively for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the akin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales, anil dauilruli', anil the stop ping of falling hair, for softening, whitening, anil healing, red, rough, ami Bore hands, in the form of baths for anuoyiug irritations ami dialings, or too free or offensive perspiration, in the form of washes for ulcerative weak nesses, and for many antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women, and especially mothers, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. No amount of persuasion can induce those who have once used it to use any other, especially for preserving and purifying the skin, Kcalp, and hair of infanta and children. Cutiouka Soap combines delicate emollient.properties derived from Cuticuka, the great skin cure, witli the purest of cleansing ingredients, and tlio most ref resiling of flower odors. No other medicated soap ever compounded Is to be compared with it for prc fierviug, purifying, and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and liautU. No other foreign or domestic toilet soap, however expensive, is to be compared with It for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Thus it com bines, in One Soap at Oni; Pitioi:, viz., Tvi:ntv-five Cunts, the iii:.st skin and complexion soap, the mist toilet and iiest baby soap in the world. All that lias been said of Cuticuka Soap may bo said with oven Kroator emphasis of UuxieuitA Ointment, tlio most delicate, and yet most effective or emollients, and ftro'-itost of skin euros. Its uso in connection with CuncuitA Haw (sis per diicctlons around each package), in tlio " O.vn Niuitr Cuius I'oit Soai. Hands," in tlio " Instant Kkmkf Turatmisnt fou Disnotmi.vo Itcihnos and Iiuutations," and in many uses too numerous to mention, is Mtlliclent to prove its superiority over all otlr-r preparations for tlio skin. ii4ifuv& Complete External and Internal Treatment for every Humor,- Mil I, "ft till aH tODblMlogof Ciiticcha Sow (2'ic). lo clu'itn tlio n of ci iihtH and 8-a!l)H bcii 80fu. ,(, tUlckeno ! CUtltle, UUTICl'IU Ol.NTilE.ST (60c). Tha Rat- fill O"? tolmtantly Ml-iy Itching, inflammation, and Irritation, and Kiolbo and G no ool) Wl .J lioul, nnd I.'uticUHA IiE90i.Yl.NT Wo. , lo cool mid cloauei! tlio blood. A Single Hut U oftim Htifllcirut to euro tlio mom torturing, Uunifurlri, mn liiimllUlliiK ultln, scalp, and blood humor, with lo'i of hiir, when all elno falk. Potteii Ifr.ua AND C'iiem. Colli'., Holo I'ron., Ituvtiri " All about tlio fjkln. Brain, ami Il.dr," free During last May an u lant child of our neighbor was sud'urlm: form djoleia in fantum. Tin-1. ctom bad liiven up all lopes o' recovery. I look a bottlfi of Chamberlain'.! Colic, Cholera ami Diar rhoea Itemed' to the house, tellinif them I felt mro it would do food if used ac cordiriL' to ilireetiotip. In two days time the child had fully recovered. The child is now vigorous and healthy. I iiavore commended this remedy frequently and have never known it to fall, Mrs. Curtis llaker, Urookwalter, Ohio. Bold by Ulakeley & Houghton. 1 ! The O. It & X. Co. will inn a Bp-cial j train from The I). tiles to Portland on I Thursday, September tlth, lo m-como- date visitors to tlio ICIkn' carnival. Tim train will leave The Dalits at 8 a. m. Faro for round ttio ticket c, good for three days, not including day of Hale, L'.GO. ' u'.MJtl WltUtlllt. Four or Ave hoys, Koinu lo ?eho o during winter, to board, if 12 a month with room nnd plain washing. Across street from High school. Apply at Cjiuo.nici.k office. dAwlui BUSINESS LOCALS. Clark & Falk's drtiR ftock is now, fresh and complete. Clarke & Falk Imvo on sale n full line of paint und artist's brushes. You will not have bolls if voti lako Clarke & Falk's sure cure for bolls. Clarke & Falk's iluvorinu extracts aro tlto beat. Ask your erorer for them. A full lino of Eastman tllnis and sup plies juet received by Clarke & Falk. Why pay $1.75 per gall on for Inferior paints when you can buy James H. Tattoo's sun proof paints for ifl.RO per gallon, guaranteed' for 5 years. Clark & Falk, ngonts. ml Kates to Strt-ot I' all- inul Cimltvul. Tlckele form L-20 will bo sold by the 0. lJ. N. Co. for trains Nos. fi and ',), leaving Dalles at IS :33 a. m. and 4:50 a. in., September II, d, G, 10 and l.'ltb, limited to continuous passage coin: and limited to three days after date of sale. Fare for the round trip, ifli.RO. Tickets will not he good on train No. 1. Limit of tickets will not be extended bovoud thitu days after date of sale. These tickets must be stamped by the agent at Portland before they will bo honored for return passage. Tickets should bo pur chased in ample time to allow descrip tion of passenger to be punched on the tickets. itHO-sepO Carnival Kxcuralou. For the street carnival to bo held at Portland September 4th to loth, agentB of the Columbia Southern Railway Co. .will issue excursion tickets to Higgs and return September lid, 6th, 10th and Kith atone and one-third fares for the round trip. TicketB itood returninc three days after date of sale. C. E. Lytu:, G. P. A. Kile' Special Kxcuralun .Sfit. (ltd. For llio accomodation of The Dalles Elks and their friends the 0. It. & K. Co. will run a special train to Portland for tlio street fair, leaving Dalles at S a. m. Sept. 6th. Uounil-trip fare for this train only, $2.(30, tickets limited re turning to three dayc after date of saie, Tickets on sale at Umatilla House and depot ticket ofliees, RSasal aoO-BopO in mi its etudes tuero urrr'or . BJ Q. W Bilk I thould bo cleanliness. fc"f"rwuf 1J Ely's Cream Balm elesufee, soothe-? and heals tlio diseased membrane. It cured catarrh and drives away n cold In the head quickly. Cream Itulin is placed Into the nostrils, spreads over tlio membrane and is absorbed. Keliof lslm iucdlato and a euro follows. It Is not drying does not produce enccdns. Largo Size, 50 cents at Dru;; gUts or by mall; Trial Slue, 10 cents by mall. LMY IXXraiKUd, 5J Warroi (?trcct, New York. For the convenience of parties want ing ice in the afternoons, the fStadclnian Ice Co. will carry a stock at their store, corner Third and Washington sticete. Phono No. 107; long distance 1S!J. "Iting'em up." lSm-tf STRAYED From the East End feed yard, one small blue mare, branded something like a man's head on left shoulder. Liberal reward for her recovery or information leading to her iccovery. When last seen bad a short rope around her neck. T. J. Diups, n27'2tw The Dalles, Or. lteul Kstalii for Sato. Twenty-three lots, located front Sev enth street to Twelfth, for eale at front $50 up. Inquire at the Columbia Hotel. n'JO if House Painting... The undersigned has taken possession of It. A. Bpivey paint shop, next door to the Vogt opera homo, nnd has pur chased the tools and ladders. He has good mechanic) working for him, and Mill guurauteeall work lo give satisfac tion. S. K. KELLY. GROCERIES. A I'l.S'i: LINK OK I'Iioik) No. m. TiTTlirn A W.Q mini ht., near court. ww,i t CORD WOOD. (Jood l'lueiitiil Kir Wood dtllvvrul to any part of tlio city lit WU.50 ier cord. 'Child fit., iiviir Court, DUNCAN'S aiigG-luio Staple ana Fancy Groceries f t 'l 't 13 'i I ISE, bp '31 i s! '31 ! 1 St j 8 5 3 iSpi i 3E' HCI .5El ell t:l irK f t . iyjIIItITTlTIlltIIfifltlIXfIII1IlI!lII"l,II,trVXlLt Hti'iimcri owiiiR ndiidiile, I- HliCdulo i itlioitt Str. Regulator Ship your Preiglit via Jv imw.v. H, I.v l.illo H t 7 A. M. 5 Tui'Nliiy i:, Tliiltnlay . . .f Vlilrilfiv- ur. I.v l'ortl.ind a' V .1. ;i. Momliii . WcdiiuMiity Arr. J)'i'lk RGgUlatOl LillB. ; Arr'o'rVlHiiil " A'jial'lti 2 Arr. rorlland p, ut I .! r. M. at 3 i". M. FOR COMPORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, S Travel by the Steamers 0! tlio Itcsiulator I.Inc. k rons the best nrvkv potsiblc. g, Portland Ofllce, Oak-.Street Dock. W. 7") T T l 11 INSTiiUCTOI! OK r TO!. JaS. diappell, maolip a9d Qoltar Will j-ive instruction on either lliu Matululin or Cluititr, and, if deiireil, will call at your homo. ii PI MR M PPTI Mf! Ke.'pectfully eolie'tt your imtrouau ami imnrunteo per fect satiifaction. TKUMS 75c a Losson or 8 Lossons for $5.00. State fiormal Sehool, MONMOUTH, - . OREGON. Fall Term Opons September 18, 1900. Kraduuioi'1,K"tS0' "'U N"r,':"1 Sc,10(jl ,,rc' prepared to luke the Htato Curtlllciitu Immidlalely on (imduatoi readily fceouroKood posilliiim. lApcmuor year dom ?lai ti ?uvj. u- nlro.'.1,'? A,'"!Fm,10, '""A ''fofvl"""! Conrtes. New ripcclal Diparture in .M.iiiual TriilnliiK Well iiUlpjn-il I'mlnliiK I'epartuieiit. ' For cataloguo toiitalnlni; full iiniioiinremenls iiildroso I'. I. CAMl'llKI.L, I'mldeut. or W A. ANN, Sirretary uf rutiiPy. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE TnACE MAflKO JEUIGNS COPYniQHTS Ac. A nyono eiu1lu n okrldi mid ilccrlitli.ti mn rguldlilr iuhtImIu our opinion rrc-o hIicIIkt ii IiivciiOkii Ii rolmliljr imli'iitablo. 1-oiiiiuiinlcf lliiinHrKllyiniillJciillnl. Handbook on I'atuiili jeiii iii-u. wiiivsi iiuunur lorniTuruiL' uuivn a. I'ntvi.U taken throm-h .Mumi & to. rccclvu tftcUtl notice, nil bout diurco, la tim 4 T V' T A hnndvmiply llhintralPil 7tfklr. I.nmcit rlr. rulalliai of nny nrlcnilU" Joiirnul. 'i'rrr.is. f..'i a yuan four inontba, $1, Bolit byiill nuWKlMleri. MUNH&Co.80""" New York llruuili onico. tra V PC. Wimlilamon, II. f FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TUANI1ACTA KNKKAIiHANKINO JIUtlNllri Lettere of Credit leaned available in the Kaitern fitatea. Sltfht Exchange und TeleKraphi, Transfers sold on Now York, ChicaKO, fit, Louie, Ban FrAiicisco, Portland Oro- fon, Seattle Wash,, and various points n Oregon and Washington, Collections male at ail points on fav orable term. i she HI IV The Dullun, oi. The Chronicle, Job Printers iini'i VViVi r REGULATOR LINE. DALLES. PORTLAND k MWW SAY. COIIPASY-S ol Hit Iti'Kulntur I.Inc will inn iih k.t the fol )i tlio fonip.my roervini: the rilit to cdinno notice. 1 Str. Dalluo City. a ImiWN III'. '2 I.v. DalloH l, , rortlimd ,g nt 7 a. M. nt 7:1") A. M. y Monilny ... Tuod.iy H W.iIhomIuv Tliiirnluy .fl . ut I :A) I'. M. III.') I'. M. 3 The t'oinpany will enilo.ivor to jjlvo H11 I"11- fl Kor Iiitther inlormatiou udilni )j C. ALLAWAY, Gun, Ant. ,!) HUADQUAIITUKS Tho Jncobson Book & lYluoic Company. a IJ. 8TUHDEVANT, lion list. Ollic-jour I'reneli & Co.'h Hank 1'1'"'l TIIK DAI.MCri, OltlidON C. F. Stephens ...Doalor In... Dtty Goods, Clothing; Gents' Furnishings. Hoots, HIjocs. Until, Ciiim. Notlotiij. ,L-t. for W, I,. DoiikIhh hliov. Telephone No. t8 1.1 1 bt voiid Ht., The Dalles, Or, U M IIUNTINOTON r.lUNTINOTON li WllaOH. M H WILSON - Al tuKNKYK AT LAW, 0. oer Kirst N XUUi J)H. K. . riCIKJIIHON, I'liyHioirtu tunl Surgeon, Olllte, Vot lllock (over I'oitofllci-), Wapliao dw TIIK 1AI.I.E), OHICtJON. hi Ml I51COIIII Ht., IIKfAItT run TIMK HOIM'.IIUI.K, i llOM D.M.I.KH. Aniuvi ! uom Knst Mall 12:10 )i. m Molt l.nki', Denver, Kt. Vt MMl !'!:) ji w Wortli. (Iiniihii, Kim mh City, Kt. nU, ClilriiKu and ICnit. Atlitulle HxtltCfS Hull Ijike, Duitvur, 1 lio.ui, iiriii, iMiiiinii, Kim V:W ii. tn, Kiii City, Ht. Uiiils,, CIiIviiko iilitl lliiHt. VI. i Hunt Initial. iliioUiine Mull unit KxpruHi Mllllifiipiill.Ht. Pnul 19 ilultltli, Mllwmtkw, ChlriiEii nnd KhM, via i:ii,r,, HpiikiiiiiinkillltititiiiK 1 tf in x iiImi nil piilntH In Wiisliliiitton mill Kmt ;i:.n m em Oreipm. J.A'i ii. m 8 ). m, Fmm 1'or.Ti.ANii. Oreiili Hk'iiMislilps. For ban Kmiiid'cn livery I'lve Pays, p.m. 8 li. in Ux.htitiday Cnliimhln Kv. HteiimcrK. Kx.Bund.t To A ATOM a mill Wiiy. ' IllHllll)S. Hiulirdny 10 p. in. WII.I.A1IKTTK IttVIUl. I 'Mr. n Kx.biiiidiiylOrcKiui City, NiuvbLrir, Kx.HuniliT j Kiiluiit A way ljuid'n. 7 11. in, Wu.LAHitTTK anii Yam .'l.son.m, Tiifs.Tliur. iiiLi.ltivr.ii!'. JI)ii.,Vei niidriit. j orcKiiu City, Dnytoii, and FtL und Wiiy-LimdliiK!.. Hnaki: IttvKtt. Kipnriii to l-owlHtin. Ia'avi l.KWHTOH ilallr 0:00 a.n. I.v Itliurlii iliihy :i in, I I CSF" rnrllf.i di'Hlritii; to o to tlepimcr or I'.uul" on t'oluiiiliiii Soiillinni vli lllxm, lioull tnki' No .', leuvliiK 'I hi' Dulles Ht li 10 p. a. iiinktiii; illnel roiiiirclloiiH nt Hcppucr junction nnd niio: lieltiriiliu,' tiiiiHiitMllrii'troiincctlon nt llrppnur junction mill 1 -t lth o. J,t' rivl.'u ut TtlU OilllV.HII 111, Kor full particulars r 1, n ,V N. (V.'i ni;eiit The DiiIIld. or 1 11 1 1 !ii 1 ' ItT, ii 11 I uf .' ' , I id, Or, 1 1 Yellowstone Park Line. Tin; iiiNiNd cut itot'Ti: ntoM puktlvnu to Tin: KAKT. TIIK ONLY DIltKCT I, INI". TO Till- YKI.l.OVV. KlONi: l'AKK Union Berot. Firtband I sts aiuuyk. No. '. l-'imt tit nit lor Tiieonm, No. t-'nitlle, Olymplii, (imy iniilior inn hoiiiii iienii ipllllltH, hp.lklllll', ltl.IN ilaiid, ll. (',, Pullman l-MllU'OlV, l)lHtllll, lint 11 .1.1 A. M.'iiiloHuinpmltiinKemm 'l'. M. I try, lluicnii, .Mliini-iipn Ills, Ht. Paul, Omaha, Kantas City, Ht. IjiiiIi, ICbli-ajfo unit nil points No. I. eait unit ollthi'iiit. Nu. I Piiitet Hound Kxnri'vs ll;M) P. SI. (or Taeoniii nnd Seattle 7.WA.M. and liitvriiiidliito poiuli l'ullinan llrnt r.Usx unit tourist aU-eporij t Mlniieiipiills.Ht. Paul mid ill.ssourl ilvcrpolnti without chaiiKe. Voillbuliil traliiH, Union depot eimm-ctloni In nil prlnelpal cltlec IIiikuiiko clitiikiii to destination ol tickets, or liandnomuly lllii!itiiitiililoi:ilitlviMimtwri tloketa, kleepliiK ear reurviitli)iis, etc , call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Axilslaut (icnuriil lWi-iwr Aurilt. l,)rt' Mm Hliict.eoriier Tlilril, Portland, Own. SOUTH and EAST via Scumern Pacific I Shasta Route Traliis U-iivo The Dalles for Portland "'id HtatloiiH at l-.i'i n. in, unit !1 p. in. Leave Portland. " Albany.. . fltMlii in .H'.liUii in 7:00 p p lOiWl' l" Arrive Ashland . .,, " Haeraini.'iito . ,. " fc-an 1'raiieUoo .Uiaiiua II .fiWlpm ; ,7: .i pin .LlJi"1 Aillvu OkiIoii " Denver " Kiiiuas City. " Chleaijo .... ftilMiia II Jj uainm 'Ja,";" 7 . u 111 I .''"' 7-V.ain 9J Arrive Ijis Aiutelu.1 ... " I'd Pami " I'orl Worth... . " City of Muxlco , " IIiiiibIoii " New orleiiUN .. " WimhliiKtou . . . " New York , . 1 :'.'0 p in . nam p in ,. ll:ia in .. il.'.Vm nt 1:1X1 ii in ,. ll;'A'.u m .. ft: 12 a m ,li!ii:lpi'i 7 ;00 li W li.10 pl'l (,,: a l y.'Aiilii 1 ; CM) II Ht it urn 12' W pw I'lilliunn ntiil TourM enr.s on 1"VV! ffi (Jbalr cnrii Haermiiento to Oltden and I. ' M mid louiliiteiirH toClileiiKO, Ht J-oiiln, L" I K-iiiih mid WinhliiKton. I Ommntlim at Him Krmiolaeo with e'J1 1 HU'iimslilp llnus for Honolulu, Jul"""' I'lllllmiliiCH. Cuotnil mill Houtli Allli'lK'H- five iiKont at Tim DalU-. Htatlou, or mldri" C. H. MARKHAM, (Jeueral I'tuwiiger Agent, I'mna"'1" J. r. moohk. " " jiijin uvm MOOUK & (jAVIN, ATTOUNKYH AT LAW ItooniH 8.1 nnd W, over U. B, iJind (Mla .i ill uibi ii i Lull Advertise in Tick Oiihonici.k,