The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, September 01, 1900, Image 1

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    VOL. XII
NO. 320
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 30 years, has borne the sifmatnro of
and has been made under his pcr-
jyfcfejfyy sonal supervision since Its infancy.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-ns-good" are but
FiVicriinuutH that trifle with and endanger the health of
lul'iMits and Children Experience against Experiment.
G'nMorlu is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, limps and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
jrontulns neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nnrootic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
jtnil allays Feverishucss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tiit! Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Tlic lonvietiiiii Grows Unit the With
drawal (if the Allies from the Im
perial City is the Only Practical
1.0NIIHX, Auf. 111. The afternoon
papers tudiiy appear to liu perplexed nt
AmeriMii-UuH'ian accord to secure tliu
prompt evacuation of I'elun. They
P'lint ciiit how completely this upsets
I'rccoiia'rted notions of the Krouplnu of
tlm powers on thu Uhinoae question and
the consensus of London's oclitorial
ujtlniou iH that tho proposals are an
Knklet.i British Interests, and that
tlm iil'Ics Hhould remain in Pelt in until
tlie CliinuHM i-overiununt is re-establish-ed
and tlm rhiRleadurB of tho prebcnt up
fishil! ar punched.
The Ulolw seizes tho opportunity to
Indulnu in unfriendly eritieieuiB, mens
"K thu I'nltod Stutes of broakiui tho
concord of tin, powers and playing into
lie hands of ttuebla aualnst Great Lirlt
! hy supporting tlm suKitOHtiou of tho
'iiiployuimit of hi Hung Cliimn. who,
1 1" paper deolarep, is notoriously hos
HI" to Great Brltian and fiiondlv to
The Ulolio urt-ns that tho government
;poso to the uttermost tho idea of tho
"vaeimtiou of I'okin, in which course,
puper nihil-, H W l0 aupportml hv
l'iiiM'ror Willhvin of Germany.
Io.niion, Aug. Ill, Tlm Associated
resu Iiiih authority for announcing that
Amerleo-nuHHlaii proposal in favor
01 the withdrawal of tho allied forces
lro"i IVklu with the view of hmiLting
"WiutloiiH for the conclusion of peace,
" not only mot with considerable
vor ut Kuroneo.ii chuuuollnrlef, hut It
8 linon certain to ho adopted. In the
''leaiiwlitl,., the question of employing
'" (Jhiwg ufl iutormeidarv la
ua.l ' Wfl'' "10r0 ,U,a m0r0 ,nVOr- 1111,1 '
io Associated Press hna intimated in
"win dispatches, will in all probability
' settled alllrmmlvely as rood hb Li
'"'lit Ohnng la ahlo to obtain the necoB-
my authority.
riiu recent statement that tho u
iiwSotlhupoHorHli CUbww W(Uti.fl
weilatw detaining Lh Hung Chru.g
at Th k u in devoid of foundation. Li
1 In (it-1: Chime: will remuui nt Shanghai,
endeavoring to thu utmoBt to open com
muuicitiou with hit) colleagues of the
Ohint'fie iroverr.ineiit. There is a grow
ing conviction in ollicial circles hero that
tho withdrawal of tho allies from IVkin
!b the only practical procedure under
the exiating ciionmstniicee, and it iu be
lieved the retention ot the allied forces
at I'ekin it liahlo to raieo further oom
plicatioiiB of a dangerous character and
and uneccEBurily irritate the Cineso pop
ulace. '1'liere 1, however, no doubt in ofllcial
circles that It w ill be necessary for t lie
powers to maintain their hold ontlie
Taku forte and certain other strategical
points until eatiufnctorv terms are ar
ranged and anipUi guarantees given by
.China for her future good behavior.
No UIkIiI t UuUiichk.
Tho woman who U lovely in face,
form and temper will always have
(Monde, but one who would be attractive
must keep her health. If she ia weak,
sickly and till run down, she will bo
nervous and iiritable. If bho has con
stipation or kidney trouble, her impuio
blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin
eruptions and tv wietuhed complexion.
Electric Bittere is the befl medicine in
tho world to regulate stomach, liver and
kidneys and to puiify the blood. It
gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth,
velvety fkln, rich complexion, It will
make a good-looking, charming woman
of a rtin-do.ui invalid. Only 00 cents
at Wakeloy's drug atore. 2
IIiiitm Sllll on tlm unreal.
London, Auu. Ul. L'ml Huberts, un
der date of lirdfust, AuijUbt "2lHh, reports
to thu war otlice as follows:
" Holier telegraphs from llalvetia that
only a (ow o( tho enemy am there, and
that thiB morning Fieneh's and Pole
Carow's (orceB will move on their think.
Tho adviinco of IJundonald'H mounted
troojiH on their front caused them to
abandon a very strong position. The
country thus cleared, our troops moved
eastward. Tlio South African Light
lloreo, after little opposition, entered
Watei valhoven and drove the lemiiant
of tho enemy through the town,
French's column reached JJoornuoeK,
overlooking Watervalouder, with slight
opposition. Dundonuld, with Strath-
couo'h Horse, IB lurtnor near moon
Gudncht. Wo have occupied aterval-
hovon and Watorvaldon. Buller reportB
tliut Nooit Gadaclit la apparently do-
eerted, except by HrltlBh priBoners, who
aro pBssing in a stream up the hno tow
ord Watervaldonder. o Boors aro vis
ible. The nativeB report that Kruger
and all the commandoes left yeaterday
for Pilgrim's Rest.
"French reports the railway intact as
far as Watervalonder, except (or a email
hridgo near tho station, which has been
Will lliiil.l n UnlverMty.
Ciiicaoo, Aug. 31. With asaeta and
pledges amounting to upward o( $300,
000, the Sons o( Veterans are makiDg
activo preparations to begin work on a
national colledge which is to be dedi
cated to the Grand Army of the Repub
lic and in commemoration of the men
and women of the Civil war. The col
lections and pledges were secured alter
one year's actual work, but (ours years
of planning preceded the vigorouB cam
paign resulting in the collection.
While the money has been raised for
the erection of the buildings and the en
dowment of the institution, tiie location
lias not been selected. William T.
Church, n member of tho committee,
said that tho movement had outstripped
the intentions of the (ounders to such
an extent that the college idea was to be
abandoned and a university founded in
stead. "The university will be unique among
educational institutions," suid Mr.
Church. "In addition to regular scien
tific and claeeical courees wo have u
chair epecially for the teaching of Amer
ican history, another (or patriotic
courses, and a third for military instruction."
Cuturrli tiuunut lie Cured
with local applications, ae they cannot
reach the seut of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
iu order to cue it vou must tuke inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and actB directly on
tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of thu best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous suriaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredieuts is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send (or testimonials,
F. J. Chkn-ky & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggists, pi ice "Ac.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
Killed illx Father.
Pendmhon, Or., Aug. 31. Arthur
Kelly, who is not quite 12 years old, was
brought here yesteiday by Deputy Slier
ill' lllakeley, for the murder of his lather,
45 miles northeast of Milton, early Tues
day morning. Frank Kelly, the mur
dered man, was about 50 years old and
lived a (ew miles from Milton. He and
Arthur bad been in the mountains (or a
week. Arthur returned homo Wednes
day and said that his father had left
him. Blood was found on the blankets
which the boy had brought back witli
him, and an invettigaliou was made.
The boy then said that his father had
killed biuiself with a revolver. Deputy
Sheriff lllakeley got the boy at his home,
brought him to Milton, and at o'clock
this afternoon he confessed that he
murdered his father by shooting him
with a rifle. Arthur said his (atlier
abused him and threatened to kill him.
The killing occurred near the bound
ary line between Union and Umatilla
counties. The remains of (lie murdered
man v ill be brought home. Mr. Kelly
left a wife and nine children. The boy
told the details of the crime, evincing
neither emotion nor callousness. Ap
patently he does not realise his position
and the enormity of his crime.
The lleHt Itemed)' for .Stumucli und
Itnwel Trouble.
'I have been iu the drug business for
twenty years and have sold most allot
the proprietary medicines of any note.
A mom: the entire list 1 have never found
anything to equal Chamberlain's Colic,
Chulera and Diarrhoea Remedy (or all
stomach and bowel troubles," Bays O,
W. Wakefield, of Columbus, Ga. "This
remedy cured two severe cases o( cholera
morbus in my family and I have recom
mended and sold hundreds of bottles of
it to my customers to their entire satis
faction. It atfurds a quick and sure cure
In a pleasant form." For eale by
lllakeley & Houghton,
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday
Dju't (oruet this.
As Soon as Order is Established, She
Will Retire Her Troops.
Washington, Aug. 31. The State de
partment has just made public tho text
of the Russian proposal and its own re
sponse ns follows :
"Purposes of Russia in China, Aug.
29. Telegraphic instructions seut to the
representatives of the United States in
Berlin, Vienna, Paris, London, Tokio,
and St. Petersburg.
"Department o( State, Washington,
Aug. 29. 19()0. The Russian charge yes
terday afternoon made to me an oral
statement respecting Russia's purposes
in China, to the following fifed. That,
as already repeatedly declared, Russia
lias no designs of territorial acquisition
in China : that equally with other pow
ers now operating there, Russia has
sought the saiety of the legations at Po
kin and to help the Chinese government
to repress the troubles ; that, incidentally
to necessery defensive measures on the
Russian border, Russia lias occupied
New Chwangtor military purpo-es, and,
as soon ns order is re-established, will
retire the troops therefrom if the action
of other powers be no obstacle thereto;
that the purpose for which the various
governments have co-operated for the
relief of legations in Pekin has been ac
complished; that taking the position
that, as the Chinese government lias
left Pekin, there ie no need (or her rep
presentatives to remain, Russia has di
rected the Russian minister to retire
with his official personnel from China;
that the Russian troops will be likewise
be withdrawn; and that when the gov
ernment of China shall regain the reins
of government and aflord an authority
with which tiie other powers can deal,
and will express a desire to enter into
negotiations, tiie Russian government
will also name its representative. Hold
ing these views and purposes, RuEsiaex
piesses the hope that the United States
will share the same opinion."
Ills Life V:is Saved.
Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of
Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful
delivereuco (rum a frightful death. In
telling of it he says : "1 was taken with
Tvphoid fever, that ran into Pneumonia.
My lungs became hardened. I was so
weak I couldn't even sit up in bed.
Nothing helped me. I expected to soon
die of Coi.sumption, when I heard of Dr.
King's New Discovery. One bottle gave
great relief. 1 continued to use it, and
now am well and strong. I can't say
too much in its praise." This marvellous
medicine is the surest and quickest.cure
in the world for all Throat and Lung
Trouble. Regular s!zes 50 cents and $1.00.
Trial bottles free at Ulakeley'a drug
store; every bottle guaranteed. 2
Talk In i; Meanly of Kn h Oilier.
Taku, Aug. 28, via Shanghai, Aug.
30. There is much recrimination be
tween the foreigners besieged in Pekin
and the members of the relieving force,
Oliicers say that ihe besieged sent out
alarmist reports und that the condition
of the foreigners was never one of such
extremities as the cfliclal dispatches
represented. The foreigners, they as
sert, could have lesieted, iudelinitely.
The besieged accuse the generals o' tim
idity and of exaggerating the Chinese
apposition. They think a much smaller
army might have made the mark and
relieved them months sooner.
Tho looting at Pekin proceeds indus
triously and openly. Officers of every
nation except the Americana ignore the
repressive order and all tho allies ridi
cule the Americans for their ahstenslon.
A flood Cmisli Meillelno.
Many thousands have been restored to
health and happiness by the use of
Chamb?rlaiu'8 Cough,, Remedy. If af
flicted with any throat or lung trouble,
give it a tiial (or it is certain to prove
beneficial. Coughs that have resisted
all other treatment (or years, have yielded
to this lemedy and perfect health beeii
restored. Gates that seemed hopeless,
that the climate of (anions health resorts
(ailed to benefit, have been permanently
cured by its use. For rale by lllakeley
& Houghtou,
Good news for the good people of Tho Dalles, who have chil
dren to send to school for this sale will be con
stituted principally of
A good, extra heavy libbed Cotton Hose, made
with a perfectly seamless foot, with double solo and
heel, full-length elastic tops; all sizes from 6 to 10; for
children from 5 to 15 years. Regular value, 25c a pair.
Saturday only,
This lot of hosiery is now on display in window.
Remember the day of sale, Next Saturday.
. mmrnmtm .-..
aiiEj ing you our new styles in
. xr ii - j iTri
aV T luantionns, u uitars ana viomis.
Superior to any before handled.
Jacobsen Book & Music Co.
...Geo. C. Blakeley...
Suocessor to Blakeley & Houghton.
Wholesale : and : Retail : Druggist
Largest Stock of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries
in Eastern Oregon
Country - and - JVIail h Ovdevs
?iyi"iYiT4Yiyivi:qy.i,T.i v yr.tiV.1 v;t;vj v.YaViYiri v l v ;,YiYtYiTtY iViV ;TiArojrj
175 Second St.
Phono 300.
Of the product of this well. know n brewery tho United States Health
Reports for Juno 28, 1000, says: "A more supeiior brow never entered
the labratory of the United States Health reports, it is absolutely devoid
of the slightest trace of adulteration, lint on tlm ntber hand is eomnnsed of
0 the best of malt and choicest of hops, Its totilu qiniliiea aro of the high
S est and it can be used with the -rottest beuelli and satisfaction hy old and
young. Its use can conscientiously he prescribed by tho physicians with
J the coreainly that a better, purer or mure wholesome beverage could not
J possibly be found."
S East Sflnnnd Strofit. THE DALLES. OREGON.
u ; . s
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