BOILS CARBUNCLES These unwelcome visitors usually appear in the spring or summer, when the blood is making nn extra effort to fret itself from the many impurities that have accumulated during the winter months. f K95mng3bfM B aWaX7C0S0 Basis Ir. tt. M. Trait, Cae S. C. vrritcs . "I'or twenty years I was sorely afflicted vrlth boil and carbuncle'? caused by impure blood. It i impos sible to i(ecribc niv suffering ; part of the time beiufimable toworli orsleep. Several ilociers treated me, and 1 tried all the so-called blood remedies, but nothing seemed to do mc any good During the-summer of iSSS I a per suaded to trv S. S.S., and after taking reveral bottles was entirely cured, and have had no return of these painful pests np to the present time." and any information or advice wanted will whatever for this service. Send for our The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Chang r.ughiuhig ii Slintv Mis Hntiil. New Yoiik, Ju'y HO. A dispatch to tln Herald from Sinuighni e.y?: Li Hung Chan was questioned tod.iv. He eays lie is very much gratified hy the amicable at'itttde shown by Anmricr, and believes a friendly settlement with the allies is pos.ll3. He explains that the inteiiso lie.U prevents him from con tinuing the journey northward. He de clares that the emperur, emi'ress dowa-1 ger and foreign ministers are all eafe, but he has no more compunction thau , bi'tita nn Oriental for tjie condition of . the women and children in Pekin. He is nnablj to explain why, if the' ministers are safe, he cannot produce ' eucli proofs as would satisfy liie powers, but he stronaly favors holding the min isters as hostages, so as to secure favor-1 nble terms fur the empress dowager and ' the rebel government. He does not ste ' that holding t lie envoys as hoatnitea wou'd be only a less crime than killini: : them. It is obvious now that the oh ' j.'d of Li Hung Chang's visit here ie to sow dUcortl arnoiiK the allies through tlii ennnls Vrlm vi r ln.,11 v ,.1Mr.lolin, represent i their governments, but with success as vet. he has not met A NIrIk of Ttirror. "Awful ansiety was felt for 1,10 widow of the brave General liurnham of Machias. Me when the doctors said she could not live till morning," writes 11.. c II t: ! ... , anB. c. xi. Liiicum, u no ntteuueu ner that fearful nigiit. "All thought she must soon die from Pneumonia, but she, begued for Dr. King's New Discovery, saying it had more than onca saved her life, and had clired lier of Consumption. After three small doses she slept easily j all night, nnd its further use completely I cured her." This marvelous medicine' is guaranteed to cure all' Throat, Chest ! and Lung Diseases. Only 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakelev'a ' drug store. 1 ! BUSINESS LOCALS. Clark A Falk's dru fresh and complete. Ladies tan low shoes only 00 cents the New York Cash store. at I niarlro Pt'lr lmec nn ailo n full !!,! UiarKe cv r a.K nave on sale a lull lilie of paint and artist's brushes. You will not have boils if vou take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. A full line of Eastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke & Full;. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Aek your erocer for them. Ladies' tan oxfords siz?s .' to 5 only 90 cents nt tho New York Cash Storn. . . , , . r , , . . I '"- 'imhv,ij uiieeiiuii uefosi uie uoi, A Ireali sunply of Lowney'e chocolates ' 'o:n on the iiuoof tn uesent fence to rods - i ... ti. ., , I thence west K rods- thence nor I laws t Hi tcmIh: cl.eie.i luuiij- i nuiKeioy s pnarniacy. j See our west window for bargain e in ladies low ohoes. Tlie Now York Cath store. Floral lotion will euro wind chapping and sunhurn. ManufactureiThy Clarke & Fit k. Paint your house with paints that nre fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior painta when you can buy Jamea E Patton'e Btin proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Falk, agent e. in 17 Fur the convenience of parties want ing ico in the afternoons, the Stadelman Ice Co. will carry stock nt their store, comer Third and Washington streets, Phone No. 107 j long dislunco 183. "King 'em up." ISni-tf C'Htarrh tuiinoi lie Cured with local applications, as they cannot reach the eeat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure It you must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is Carbuncles, which are more painful and dangerous, come most frequently on the back of the neck, eating great holes in the flesh, exhaust the strength and often prove fatal, lloils are regarded by sonic people as blessings, mid they patiently and uncomplainingly endure the pain and inconvenience under the mistaken idea that their health is being benefitted, that their blood is too thick anyway, nnd this is Nature's plan of thinning it. The blood is not too rich or too thick, but is diseased is full of poison and unless relieved the entire system will suffer. The boil or carbuncle gives warning of serious internal troubles, which are only waiting for a favorable opportunity to develop. Many an old sore, running ulcer, even cancer, is uie resuu 01 u uugiecicu non. t Keep the blood pure, and it will keep the .j.:,, ..1...,,. nf nil tho irritittiiiit iiiiniirities Hint cause these painful, disfiguring diseases. S. S. S. cures boils and carbuncles easily and pcrnuneutlv bv reinforcing, purifying and building up the blood and ridding the system of nil accumulated waste matter. S. S. S. is made of roots and herb which net directly on the blood, and all poisons, no matter how deep-seated, are soon overcome and driven out by this powerful purely vegetable medicine. b. b. b. is not a new, untried remedy, but for fifty years has been curing all kinds of blooil and skin diseases. It has cured thousands, and will cure you. It is a pleasant tonic as well as blood purifier im proves the appetite and digestion, builds up your general health and keeps your blood in order. Our physicians have made blood and skin dis eases a lite study write them fully about vour case. be cheerfully given. -aWe make no charcc book on Blood and Skin Diseases free. taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine, It was was prescribed by unn of the host physicians in this country for yec-s, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood puritiois, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect i combination of the two ingredients is , what produces sucli wonderful results in , curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, j free. j F. J. Cheskv it Co., Props., Toledo 0. : Sold by drrnggists, price 7"ic. I Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12 i Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat ment by Ely 'is Cream llaliu, which is agree ably ftromatic. It is received through the. nostrils, cleanses and heals tho wholo sur face over which, it diffuses itself. Druggists sell the SOc. sizo ; Trial sizo by mail, 10 i cents. Test it and you are sure to continue) tho treatment. Aiinminccniciit. To aceoiumodato those who nro partial to tho use of atomizers in applying liquids into tho nasal passages for catarrhal trou ble, the proprietors prepare Cream liahniu liquid form, 'which will bo known as Ely's Liquid Cream lialm. Price including tho spraying tuba is 7. cents. Druggists or by 1 Iia- The hipua form eiuboilios tlio uictl- inujiutue!, ui iuu soi.u ineimuuiuii. A CimmI Umisli .lilieiii(;. Many thousands have been restored to health ami happiness by tin; use of I Chamberlain's Couuh Remedy. If nf. ' flicted with any throat or luni; trouble. llvo if il trinl fnr II iq pfttllri tn nrnra j )eneficiai. Coiiylis that have resisted nthpr. rP:,I,.., fPVBnra ..,. v:i,i0,i .,u, v. to this remedy and perfect health been restored. Cases that seemed hopeless, that the climate of famous health resorts failed to benefit, have been permanently cured by its use. For rale by Ulakeley & Houghton. Knr hale. A gootl second hand threshing ma chine for sale ut L. Lane's blacksmith hop, on Third streot. j-l.d&wlin T. BROWNHILL, JUSTICK OFTHK PI5ACE. Notarv 1 I'limic. Collections promptly attended stock ie new, to. Monov to loan. C. E. Ilavard's of ' fice, The Dalles. Oregon. Guardian's Sale. Notice Is hereby siven Hint pursuant to a li. cense mu order of sale made ai d lulled tn in., as Kuurdian oi the i-ersoiis and estate of Ina ! Mooie and (iarfich 1 Moore, minors, by tho County Court of the State nf Oregon fur Wasco j County on the Gth davof June, itw, I will, on mu -in uy in mi), r.v.', in mu court house , door In Dalies City, at the hour of o'clock p. in. ol siiid day, sell to the hlirhcst bidder for ! cash In hand, all of the Interest of said minors in aim ui mo icai property nereiiialtur de seillK'd: said interest U'liiu a roiitlnc-nt two' i sevenths interest in mid to the W'... of the Hlil',-. the oK4 of tho tiW'A, and Ut I of Htc. 11, mid Lots 1 mid '.'of Sec. l., mid that certain parcel of land bounded us follows: Commeiicimr at n stuko on iho north lino of tho Victor Trevltn IJoiiatlon Land Claim, where It crosses a dltcht thence along said lino w irods. to uie place of Iku'IiiiiIiil'. helm' a ..,-irt nf tin. VlntorT ritvi f t Donation J.und claim, in ftc. 11, all said binds beliiR in 'Iii. 1 N, K la i;, W. M. Aiton like In terest in and to Lot 12, and lJa feet oil1 tho west side of Utt 11 In block (j of IjiUKliIin'x IlluM' Ad dition to iMlk City, Or. JU I1 HOJlfiu W. MOOItK, (iuurdian. EXEOUTOH'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby Klven that the underslirned have been duly appointed by tho honornblo county court, of tho state of Oregon, for Wasco county, executors of the eslnt3 of Horatio Cor son, deceased. All K-rtons having claims aijiiiiist said estato are hereby notilled to present Ihosiiine, proiwrly veiliieil, to the uiidersiKiietl UiuJes I., Corton, at Wasco, Sherman county, fee A Wilson, ut Tho Dalles, Oreuou, witnln six months from the date of this notice. Dated July H, ujo. oitAiti ns j:. coiison, WU.I.IAM K. COKSON, hxeculors of the estato of lioiatio Coison, do W'L JljJlil EXEUUTOU'S NOriOK. Notice Is hereby Klven that tho uiiderslKiied tins been ilulv nnooi iinicu uy trio honorable court of tho statu of Oreiron, for Wasco eonotv. i ecutor of tho estate of Aumiit Uachmaii, do. ceuseil. All persons IiiiyIuk claimu sKilnst miu estate are hereby notified to present Iho same, promriy verified, to tho uuderslKiied Oeorgo D. Heed, at Tho Dalles. Wasen cniiniv. in,.,, at. ' h ttorUB. ileiiefeo .V WlUon, itt'ihc Dalles, OrcKnn, within six months (rom the data of this notice. Dated this 11th day of July, WOO. .... . OEOUOi: I. HI'.IJD, Kxetutor ol ihe estato oi August llaclimaii, deceased. lly'Jl-li Dangerous sss Address, Tlio Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga, SOUTH and EAST via MP FdGIIiC i. Shasta Route Trains leave The ba'.les for Portland and way tlnUon- at u. m. nun p. m. Iamvc Portland S.tWnm " Albany u m Arrive Alit,iml 12:i u m " Sacramento .'i:0O i m " .San Francisco 7:15pm ::C p in 1 ID., j m ' It: 30 n m 1 ,:t'i n in h I t a in ! Arrive ORdon " Denver " Kimsis l.Tty. " Cliieattii ... 3: I'm m u.) a in Ti'ii a m "Mill m II I ) n hi y.ota in H in J M a in i Arrive l.os Anireles . . .. l:V0pm O:li0 p in .. fiiiiOll in . . O.'o.'i n m .. l:0oaiii . Ci-.'Si a m .. fi:Ka m .12: lit pin I .in it lu 0:oo p ni i:;X)a in (i " n in I :IH) a in ti a n m 12-1.: pin hi Pit m " l'ort Worth... " City of Mexico . " llouiton I " New Orleans . " WiishiiiKton ! " New York I l'lllliiinu ami Tourist cars on both trnliis. (Jhalrears Kaeramento to Oirden and VA l'ao and tourist ears to ("hleaijo, bt lmis, New Or leans and Washington. CoiinectliiK at San Kranelsco with several steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Central and hfouth America. Sec a-jciit at The Dalles station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, (ieneral I'assjuer Afrcnt, I'urr.iiiiil, Or Qll- CKlSKN'nilHFPEIi Physician and Surgeon, cipeclal attention Riven lo surgery. I Uooms2laud2-, Tel. Sis Vuirt lllock DISSOLUTION KOTIOK. Notice Is hi'reby given that the artiierhlp heretofore existing hctween K. II. Dufur ami Krank Menefee, at The Dalles, Oregon, iinilor the lirm natne and style ol Dnlnr A Jlenclee, l this ila ilissolMil by iniiluul consent, K. II. Dufur retlrlni; from said linn. All uiiliriiihul cases in which sahl linn is intereslul us nt- tornuvs, Ill bo attcinlctl to anil eompleteii h i both nartners thi siimn hk tlimif.h tin ftu.iiliitlnii hail occurred. Frank Menefee will retnln the books and no I counts of the lirm, mid will pay all debts mid 1 claims against said tlrni.mid all partlei Indebted to uie nrm oi muiir tv Jieneiec are requestiu lo 6C!" tnc ,ln"- with him nt mi early date. Dated at Thu Dalles, (ircirnn. this 1st i!,,v nf July, WOO. K. 11. Dl Fl'H. JlyT-w FilA.NK JUINKrKK. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. laNi OrncE at Tub I)au,ki, Okk.,) July '.'0, l'.Knj, I Notice is hercbv clven that the fnlliiwlm. named settler lias tiled notice of his intention to liiiiKennai prooi in support of his claim, and that ssld proof will bo made before the iteglsier mm uecciver at - ne uaiies, Oregon, on Thurs' day, august M, I'jOO. viz,: ilolin . .Iiiliiintoii, or Tin. I)hlli, fir,, II. K. No. 0170, for the HliJi Hcc 'JO, Tp U N, it li 1'.. 1. Ho iiiimes tho followliii; vilthciH-sto prove his taiiitliiuous resideiico upon, and cultivation ot sain nnd, viz; J. W. .M'irqiils, G. W. Johnston, Frank Fried ley, (ieo. i:. Johnston, till of The Dalles, Oiejjou -'I JAY I'. LUCAS, Iteglster. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice i hereby Klven that tho undersli'iHil has been diilyappol. ted hy the county court, of mu ouuu i,i wieoii, uxeciuor oi mo lust will mid testament of Kvallnu Kvans, deceased. All persons havliin claims axaliut tho estate in mo shiii i.vmi iu i. vans are hereby rciiulrcd to present tho tamo to him, nroierly verllied, s by law ieiilred,iit Mosier, Orexuu, within six mouths from the date hereof, Dated this 10th day of June, 1900. , , I.KANDKIt KVAN8, hxecutor of the last will and testament ol I. valine Kvuns, deceased, JnnlG ll NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. Land Ofkick at Tub Dallhs, Oiikoon,! Intv 'I liam I Notice Is hereby elvcn lhat tho fnllnwitiu. mimed settler has lllcd notice of his Intention to mane final proof In support of his claim, and that said prool will be inado before tho KeHltr nnd Iteceiver ut TIiu Dalles, Oregon, on Tues. day, Auiflut'Jl, 11)00, vise. Iloraeo If. l'Htt-rsn, nt Tlie lialli-s, ()r., H K. No. ul for tho 8WJf 8WK, Bee, :, and N5s NW. Bee. 31, Tp. S N. 'lt. YiM , W. Ji.' He iiamos tno following witnesses to prove his continuous resiiienco upon und cuHlyatlou of said laud, vizi It. I. I'Htlerson, I). J. Itobertf, A. T. llobcrls, L. K. llolerU, all of iiosler, Oreicoii. ,, , JAV 1'. MHM8, JIvlM ltwilster. , r. mcobc. JOHN 04.VIN M00KE & GAVIN, ATTOHNKYB AT LAW Bootni 39 and 40, over U. S. Land OUIcc. r 't 1 f 'A j i 'i r 3 I I 21 f SI !3I f TittiTtiTiittTfTrftiiitrtimnitirTiiti iiijuniu'iiiiiiji ;jJUituiiL( "A I." r. -A 'A' ' XTJT:i:r A A"VL.'"A-'ir! A A , ( ! 2 IT M J Str. Reuulator Sliip your Freight via Kegulator Line. ' DOWN Ia Dalles at T a. M. ' Tuesihiy , ThiiiMhry Hitturiiay. Arr. I'ortlautl , at 1:) r. M. 111'. I'ortl.incl lA a' 7 A. M. Jlouility Weilneoiiy ... Kriclay Arr. Dalles at." i: m. FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel hy the Steamers of the lleirillator I.lue. The Compaliv will eiuleavor lo elve IIn tint tons tlie best service po'slhle. For further information mhlress rorll'tncl OOlce, Oak-Street Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Grin. Ant. : SINGERS!! Stop and see them. iWacluno on the nuirkol for the loust price. For cash or on lime. : : ; The Jacobsen Book & Music Co. VIt. Angel Gollege and Seminacy, Conductod by tho Bonodictino Fathers. Located 10 1 m br sot tl. of I'.irtln I on nno of thu moit lumlthful nnd attriKitivu Willa.netlo Valloy Tho ideal pHCn for yunr boyn. l'rnparat. y ininorclal and Mentiilc Courst;. MuhIc a np't:iilty. f"l''""r . HnotH of till) Classical, Coiniiiorcial For nirticulars ajiply lo tho rresidont. CO YEARS EXPERIENCE I VJMM TnncE rviArms Designs COPVniQHTB &.C.. AiiTono (ornlliiR n sketch nnd description ma- nulckly ascertain our oimihui fr Invention U iimlmhlv ii'itonini.1 rco niiciner a' lloiismrlctjyioiiiliJcMillal. llaudbookon I'atcnu tent free. Oldost nirciiRy foraevurliiK patents, rat el. ta taken throuuh Alunii a Co. rccelvt- io, I'oniiiiiiiilrr. (ircuiiiiviicr, wiiriour. ciiarno, liillin Scientific Httiericatt. A handsomely lllnitrnted weekly. I-iruest er. iiilalliiii of nay scleiUIUo jiairnal. Terms, t.'l a irii!'ii'r tjollll'yl iiowKlciilors. MUNN&Co.'O'New York llruuch trrilco, iii 1' BU Waslilaaton. V.V FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. riUNSACTA KNKKALUANKINO J1UKINKH Letters of Credit issued available in the custern mates. Biullt Exchange nnd TalnornnliK TraneferB sold on New York, Ohicaao, St. Louie, Ban Francisco, Portland Ore Bon, Seattle Wash,, nnd various polnte In Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable term. its The Chronicle, Tho Oollcn, Ok. Job Pfintcfs. -A : A 'ATA .V ' A A'A'T A' AT Jr' A'VA'T A"l A '"A-; HWI REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, l'OIITLANI) & ASI0II1A KAY. COMPANY Steamers ot tin- Ilemil.itor Line will ran as per the lot im-iiiR cliiillllc, the Compai tonerving the right to change sihedulu vvlllumt nollee. Str. Dnllns City. DOWN l.v. Dalkn at 7 a. t. Moinlay W. ilnetilay .. . 1-rlilay. . Arr. rorllmiil at I ::m : h. ill-. I. I'ortliitnl at 7.10 a m. 'I'ueilay 'rj Tlnilxtiiv HiltlltlhlV Arr Dallei ut.i p. u jnlylK ocl.18 una mm PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKAOTl) HKItH OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIKI) IJUKF. KTO. The Ullllinilna PaRlrinnRn INiCA I shortens M Wrcase I bcljis the tcmn. Saves wenr aud fxjicnsc. Hold every where. A STANDARD OIL OO. timi: oiiriiui.ic, Fisnii 1ai.i,i:n, tV":v Ihoh Past Mull 10 p. 111. Salt laikr, Donvcr, I't, worth. (iniKhii, Kim as City, St. I.mii, Chk'nijo nini lcait. I8I9J p B Atlantic KXplOKK V!,:An. m. Ma limit liigtim. Hull IjiI.o, Hciivit ki Worth, Omaha, Km, NUN CUV, Ht I.0I1I' ('IiIi'iikii nini I ant. Hpnkiuie Sliilt unit Kxprcii MM p. in. Wiillii Walla, Hpukiiiiii .MIiiltciqinlK Ht. Pic, i. i)it I nth, Jllluiuil,!,., (UilciiKu and Knfct ,n Hi'iikiineiiKil 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1' tun : iilsn nil pnlulH in WhsIiIiikIiiii unit I n t Hpnlinue Mall I em uii'kiiii. 8 p. m. 1'HOM 1'OKTI.ANIl, (lei'iui HifiiiiiihipK, I'or Hmi rrmii'l('t Kvcry l'lvu iruw 4 1'. m. 8 p. in. 1 Kx.SiuidftyjCIiiimiihla Hv. Hteiini' .a I p. si. KLbiniJij to AwTOlUA mill V.ity luiilliiai. Kiiiunliiy iii .. in, n. in I'..tiiiiiiiii;.1 Wir.LAur.rrK ltivi:n, t ra OriKini tJlty. Nowhere,, Kx..ii1t halem & Way Im& a ' Ta. tn, 'ViM,ArTTn and Yasi lip ,'! Iiur. iiu.i, ltivi;iL mnlri.t. Orcpmi (Illy, linyi.m mul W'iiy-1 jiiiillii!,. 8.30 p. a. Mon.,Yol ami Kti. Rnaki: Itlpatln In l.'.nvlHtoii. l.KAV Lilly ";(n.a. I,v ltlirln dully s.a'.n. m. ' h T3T I'lirtU'" iIixItiiib to no lo lu-ppnn or iioiiits on -ilunihhi tfoiilherii in lllirm, ilimiM take Nn lenvlin; '1 he Dallis tit l'i 10 p. a. ninlviii)' itlri et I'oiuientloiis at lleppnorjiiiictloii mill Men He'.urnlni: liiillilllKillrii'tniiinwUon at llep r jtuintlim mul II'k with N. im'i at The Dulles in U p n: l or toll particular:, mil in o .. .N, fo.i Will The iialle. or iiihl-esi. w. ii iii I'iri i:t, den, I'ioi, Aiil I'm html, Or, Yellowstone Park Line. Tin: iiixi.vo cut uot'Ti: i hom rouTUSD TO Tin: V.AHT. TlIK ONLY DIIllitT KINK TO Till'. YKI.1.0W. HI (INK l'AltK lkavk. ' Union Detot, nilhand I sis awuyk. No. 'J. Knst mull for Tiirmmi, No, K-nttlu, Olymphi.Oriiy -llnrbor timl Houth lleud polnth, bpiikiiiii,l Itoss laud, II (',, I'ullinaii .Moscow, U-lstmi, lluf It 1'A il. fahilliihipmiuliiKCouu )!'. M try, llulena, Mluiieniio Us, Ht. I'atil, Oimthit, Kahiiis City, Ht. Uniis CIiIi'iiro mid nil points No. I eat and southeast. I'liiiut Kmiiid l.xpress II. J) I il, lor Thcoiuh mid l-eiitth' ,00., M. .mul Intermediate points rnlliimn llrst elass nnd tourltt sliv;rs ti Mliineiiimlis.Ht. I'ltul mid Jllssourl rlcr )inU without chauKC. Vostlbuled trains. Union depot coiiliccllou" in nil cities. IIiikkhko checKwI to dc.Htliiatloii of tlokets. for haudnimiily llliistialeililej-crlptlveiiiittwri tlekols, slecpliiBx'iir reservations, et(. , wll on or wnio A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant (icnoral l'Bseeuucr Aireitt. i Jlorrl- son tureet, corner Third, Portland. urw- F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor Second & Laueblin. 'Phone 151 jjlt. V. T. HM1TII, OstoopiiHi. Hlli nn h III nnil II el, The ),illri ""Klin, i lexiavh mill rrmavb. n n. nn liiaylH-lm CATARRH TlIK cm:anhin(i and hkai.1nu CATARRH Ety's Cream Bairn Kay nnil iiletuant to '). L'liilUlua 110 In. inrloim ilniL'. itUmilclilyah.orbed. (II von lUllefMtmice. II e Natal l'M,aiie, Ii!,?" lid t'mtecu Iho Meinhrano. Hcatoro tb UriiL'RloiH or hv ni u 1 1 'I'.i.i aii "tn rVnti hv nwi 1'LY UltOTUKKH' SO Vl'.rr.n Streut. NclV Y' IIIU'AIIT rou I Iribei'o PssSi