Blight and Shining opfint tutitt !ch to snve 'money in SUMMER SUITS. Von can't wear them out now during I ho rent of tint hot ppell, but lit the price it will pay von to put them on now mid llnish them next. .Summer. You can !'.ll':nl to curry them over, hut. we ciin't. tint were $'J(),()0, $18.00 nnil (JT u fio.oo. sow 13.05 soils t int wore sio.tiu. siu.ou unit Ji, ... 0 $Z ."ill, NOW H s thut were $10.00, $0.00 and H 0 vsSO, NOW 55 MiPt Hint, weio $7 50, $(! 50 and cfi Q s.,00, NOW 3-0 jJjS? Knelt now acquaintance moans 11 new friend linn'. lor the Little Boy that he can tumble around in, anil though .hcy il ) not look quite us well us heforo the tumble, r'l,, he will look respectable until il'e time to get I nn another. He might just an well wear it out having a good time an to outgrow it trying to pr "i rve the Hiiit. -nitH that uero$:!.00, $12.50 nnil $2 25, , NOW )J.(J What wo say wo do, wo 1)0 do. Children's Straw Hats A vast assortment of weaves in to-date straw goods for Misses' Children; all now, the majority of them have not been in the house for more than one month. Your choice for up- and 5o& There are hundreds of other bargains that we are offering. This is a big store and our welcome to you is big ger. We suppose you come just now mainly lo buy, and so wo make buying as easy as possible. But, if you come to look, it's all the same, looking is easy, too. The Warm W d V I 3 suggests cool, comfortable clothing. Keep your feet cool by wearing Russet SHOES They are cool and dressy this hot weather and wo are making prices that is rapidly closing them out. Men's $4.00 RUSSET Shoes for 43U Men's $3.00 RUSSET - Shoes for 2.00 Ladies' $.f).00 RUSSET -Shoes for 2. (JO Ladies' $2.00 RUSSET T Shoes for 1 Misses' and Children's at half price. Alt Goods Mnrkecl In Plain PlKiirea. PEASE & MAYS I'KOl'MC COAMNO AM) GOING, J. B. Munlev was in town tnil.iv from Dafnr. .. F, IJ.-own U reistcrel at the U'nn tlllu House from Moro. Ike Mooro was a pincnjcer on the noon Irnm for Portland. .Mrs. .1. P. Lttc.n returned last night rotn camping at!). irom cam pin Kev. O. I). ( tlie inon trai Dalies Daily Chronicle, Telephone No. I. Tn:siv .... july iTmo ( ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA At Androw Kollor's. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. A bum I clip of wool wiiB cold yester iluv iifternoon at twelve cents u nound. Tim regular monthly meeting of the water coiiiniiHHioners will bu held tliitj evening at 8 o'clock. I -li ii K. Jaeobsen, of White Salmon with in town yesterday trying to diBpoi 01 iuu tons of green prunes, tint without success. I-fiigiics are being formed in Porllniid to liutit tliU eigarotle. Jt uhould he I nmilii hot for it generally, the nasty Mt- Ilocollin mill, without u redeeming fell ttiru about it. I rom Mr. l'aul Mohr Tiih Cintosiui, lnrna that tlie damage to the steamer Billings iu not mnterial,,niid that the! Uuiltal Navigation Company expects to have tier Ibatcd oil' the roeka at Qttiun'n tomorrow, Agent V. C. Alhuvay writos to tlie Astoria Itegattu committee thnt his com I'any liaa arranged to send h boat to Aatorm with a dlHtliiguiflhed party and to iiinke rules lo Portland in connection with the trains and hoato. An exchange Nayu the run of salmon tx.:H the capacity of the faoilitien for 'fiiitling t,q Hah on tlie lower Colum hin. And tin. nin 0f ealmon on the mlilillo river taxes the capacity of the wheelmen to know where thoynrogo. "ik to get thu money to pay their em Jiloyoa. William Stuigia, u lad of Hi years, w.ta arre-ted hero this morning by Mar shal IlugheB in i espouse to a telephone message from thu Boys' mid Girls' Aid Society. Tin, lad had boon placed with a Multnomah family, but, to use hin jvn expression, struck for higher wages. I" will l)U returned to the Boys and "'"' Aid .Society. '1'ho temporary ehnlrman of tlio No """"ska niiddle-of-the-road populist con v,'i'tlou, hoM j (j Jiryan'Bown eapltul e"mH tl,al "tlio hogoy man of Imperialiflm will not Irighten the popullHle." The man of iuiperlnllHm will not 'hten anybody else In particular, hough that is the minion of the Haiti lmgey nuin. A J'-ngllslunnn Iiub recontly boon uuncood out of $125,000 on u luluiiu "Ml in Duwgon City. Tho tnon who i the minu ,vout t0 thfl commBBiour " told him ho wanted to pay tlie roy ly of 100,000 that he had taken out of claim, and paid the necoieary 0000( r 1,1,9 1,0 rocelvod a receipt, with the nid of which ho induced the IJritieher to buy. Then ho ekipped, and when the Britisher found out that he had been "done," the miner was not to be found. C. V. flaight yepterdny hot a twenty dollar gold piece against -00 pounds of pork with .lohn lloth, of Kingsley, that McKiniey would tucceed liiniHolf. Char ley ia ho confident that ho is going to win that he tin h contracted to furnish nil tlie pork puus.igo the Ciino.vici.i: man niav need for tlie coining winter. Charles Brune, son of tin' late Charles Hrune, of North Dalles, died yesterday afternoon of a fever contracted while herding cheep in the mountains north west of Klickitat county. Tlie deceased had been ill (or nearly a month ami his death was not unexpected. Jlis age was about 'JO years, lie was buried thin iifternoon on the Bruno ranch, beside ,Wto grave of his father. ivil Engineer Oscar Hubor, Judge Bennett and J. P, Molncrny returned at noon today from a roconnnisnnoo of the Uehchutee river between the free bridge and Trout creek, Crook county. The object ot the trip was to determino the feasibility of a railroad between this city and Klamath county by way ot the Deschutes, at leaet as far as Crook county. An Astorinn dispatch of tho."0lh says: "The run of fish still continues excellent land the gillnettera and feigners are reapiugu great harvest." Which prompts The Ciiiioxtfi.i: to suggest that the gill nottern and seigners should be stopped, once and for ever, from destroying the salmon industry at Astoria and only the wheels and traps on thu Upper river, that catch nothing, because there is nothing to cut eh, be allowed to operate. There were ten or twelve of us, and we were gathered iu front of the Suit mills I u) olllcti from Germany, Ireland, England, Scotland, the Isle of Man, Dutchland, and possibly somewhere oleo. Triu'liiTf' nxnmlfintliitifc. Notice is hereby civen that the county superintendent of W.isco county will hold the regular examination of appli cants for state and county papers at The 1 IXillcs, Orecon, as follows: j roit sr.vrn i'.U'uks. Commencing Wednesday, August 8, PERTINENT PRESS COMMENT Taylor was a pasiengcr on un for Portland. Captain Wliitcomb i registered at the Umatilla Ilouo from Portland. J. E. Adkins returned last niL'ht from a ten ilayHojinrn at Wind rlvr. Or. Hugh Login went on a sick call oh tins morning's Uoat to hpnigue. Mrs. Ed Williams left on this morn Ink's bout for the camp at Cascade Locks. Prof. and Mrs. I). C. Ail.ird curie in from Dnfur today on their w.iy to the sea const. ' Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Huntington re turned homo last night after a month's visit, in California. Mr. ami Mrs. .John Weigel returned last night after a short visit at the dish ing camp at Cascades. John Davin and Alexander Ejealle. i two prosperous Crook county sheepmen, ! are registered at the Umatilla House. ! Ike Buford, an extensive Sherman ; county wheat raiser, is in tin! city try I ing to secure help to harvest his crop. J. B. Ilavely, a prosperous fnimer 'from tlie Boyd neighborhood, camu iu t today for a load of harvest supplies. j Mr. and Mrs. E. J. ColIin3 returned yesterday from attending the funeial of ' Mrs. Collins' father at Brooks, Marion county. Miss Pearl Eates, who has been visit i ing in The O.illes fur a short time, re , turned on the boat this morning to her home at Cool: s Landing. Dr. Belle C. Ferguson left on the eirly train tine morning for ban I-rancisco, where her son, W. S. R'niehart, expects to enlist in the United Mates navy. k- e. b. Hamilton, of Ashwood, and I fTcm L'.follette, of Prineville, left today for Ohio, where they go to buy sheep to improve the grade of their Hocks in Crook countv. FIST YOU fMD DJIflDljliFF Win Corniest Alxint It. Now Vnu IjOnU I.llio 'Ilit. LSi MARK TRADE That spot will grow unless you attend to it. Dandruiris the disagreeable scurf that lormn on the head as a natural ex c.ietion ; it di ies, ami comes oil' In small scales. It causes irritation, which i, sojnetimes unconsciously, followed by constant scratching of the hen J in public, and private. Jt is annoying to people who wear dark clothes, and it graduaby it fleet b the hair, causing it to fall out. Keep the air inside tlie hat from get ting foul by weaiing Eld rod's Anti septic Hat Pad. and nature will do tlie rest. Th heat of the head votaHzea the antiseptics anil disinfectants in the pad, making the impure air pure. Price, 50 cents each. For sale exclusively by Pease & Mays Plays & Giowe e don t find gold democrats gomi about in Lane conntv with a 10 to 1 tn can tied to the tail of their politial principle. Eugene Register. Mrs. J. P. Kuark and family and Del- wyn Allaway were passengers on the boat this morning for Cook's Landing, where they will camp during the re mainder of tlie cummer. rVugust 11th, at our The republican party places before the i T . tlTMU f Ct I-. !.. .1... I American people for their consideration city in tlie interest of the Northwest la Scotch-Irishman and a Dutchman I Home Finder, a paper devoted to the i rnilnnuml. puroose of lindiug lionn'S lor neglected or abused children and youths. ti... m r.,.., .,,;., ,i .:r f t?i (lema"'ts ; leneburg, were at the Umatilla House irn." Wejlast night on their way to attend the J he Oregon will be an ugly custoiAer Mrs. Anna Johnson, widow of tin; to handle even If she gots into a figh , late C. B. Johnson, accompanied by her with a patch on her hull instead 0f three children arrived on the boat last at nine o'clock a. in., and continuing ! permanent repairs.-Globe-Demccraf. Z t f in Vu m,,V 1 until batunlav, o'clock. Wednesday Penmanship, history, al gebra, reading, school law. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, book-keeping, physics, civil government. Friday Physiology, geography, men tal arithmetic, composition, physical geography. Satuulay Botany, plane geometry, general history, English literature, psychology. rot: I'oi'NTV I'Ai'nuM. Commencing Wednesday, August Sth, atnlno o'clock a. in., and continuing I we ,)lt,nHed witn the exigting condi until Friday, August 10th at four tione A hot caim)aig? Nit! CrI o'clock. tt,riflI)i 1st, "ni asm) oi) (titAHu t'i:i:-ni':cAii:s two clean men. Woodbnrn Independ cut. Boss Bryan's silver plank "an A itiurinnn linunnin I oi'crrjm have it by order of tho 0,101,779 people ! funeral of Mrs. Cummins' brother, who voted for McKiniey in S; Journal. A bet campaign? No. The people are satisfied with the present condition of aflairs and are seeking no change. For a hot campaign it needs a dissatis fied people. I tie American people are history, Wednesday Penmanship, orthography, reading. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, school law. Friday Geography, mental arith metic, phyeiology, civil government. I'llIM Al! Y cmiTiriCATKK. Wednesday Penmanship, "orthogra phy, reading. Thursday Art of questioning, theory of leaching, methods. The New York World, the leading democratic newspaper in New York, says in relation to the 10 to 1 folly which Bryan peremptorily ordered into the democratic platform, that "no mat ter wiiat any politicians from this state may say to the contrary, New York is not in favor of free coinage at 1G to 1, and cannot be carried on that issue thrust aggressively to the tront as it still is by Mr. Bryan." It is the esteemed Jacksonville Times LV.1.1 1 ...... Ill no ann ttin iir.ll Oil 111 H ...ll... ..a in. ...v , ,1,,. I ! ,1... f,l(l.. I,,. nun I' IIch of thlo crowd. I 11 bet tluy ro till nk0ley, at the old stand. F. L. republicans but one, that Irishman." j Houghton will collect all account e and Said the lone newspaper man in the ! my all liabilities of said film. ..r.uwl "I'll l.nt Hint. Irishman ia all 1 u "'"-" v u. ,. Dated The Dalles, Or., July L'7, ltiOO. whose editor helped twice to nominate C. L, Giuiukt, Bryan, which makes this profound ob-j'.'7-lOt School Snpt. Wasco Co., Or. j eervation : "The price of tea was raised uiHHoitiuuii Miiirr. I three cents a pound last week. Thus The copartnership business heretofore110 the cost of every necessary of life conducted at 1 70 Second Ftreet, under j Incieaso in these piping times of repub tho tlrm name and style of Blakeley A lican prospeiiTv, without nn adequate Houghton, is this day dissolved hy , ,nt j ; )e 8 of the m -,)r. mutual consent, l, L. Houghton retir-1 ;i , . , . . J. , nnirl llrm. Tim bnsincas will I itv of those who are in the least able right." Then the lone Irishman an aweied: "Gentlemen, 1 voted for Bry an four vears ago, but you bet your life 1 won't do it again. McKiniey in good enough for me. I a in going to vote thlo Gno. C. Bi,AKiai:v, K. 1j. IIouoiitox. Cliaries Brune, of Grand Dulles Charley Don, of Antelope, is In tlie city after spending a protracted period at St. Martin spring. He leaves the springs perfectly restored' to health, after a severe attack of rheumatic and kidney troubles. GUNS PLACED ON SKATES. Xovi'l Con t rl Miiii't' nl' War I il ii' S ill It'll In W'inli y Climate I himI Ii) tin Ciiiiiiilliin Ai'llllcry, to endure it." Well, if the partial fail ure of the tea crop in Japan and the war iu China have nothine to do with tlni i-lcii in tlin iifl.n rt tna lint it iu ti I bel 1IIV1 llbW ... 1 IVK W. IV.., Wl.l J 1W 1 i... i..:.i ... i... .1 t .1... - l I 1 ll t iv lain ui I mi injur ui int' uiniwiiuaii mi- ministration, tlien in all fairness the Jacksonville editor shonltl not criticise the republican organs for ascribing largo time to let well enough alone.' Notll'i', At 7 p. m. thin TueBdav evoninc all thu lire alarm loses In the city will be ' healthy babies to tlie same t.irmiil In lis n tnst. OltizmiH Mini I SOlirce. lie Id 111 CVCIl 11 WOISO UOat CASTOR I A For Infants aud Children. Thy Kind You Have Always Bought Boura tuo Signature of 1 Hiinrlrokti Unkiiuwii llere. Mrs. J. Stownrt. wife of Editor Stew art, of the Fossil Journal, wuh prostrated by heat ou the 24th. Oaseaof auuetroke aie very Infrequent In that country, Oregonian. So they are. Mrs. Stewart, if Thu Ohuonioi-e rometnbera rightly, wae atrlckeu on the Btreeta of Portland. Sunstroke is unknown up this way. -jwill iomomber the hour and govern j themselves accordingly. OlIAK. LAUIJlt, 2Sjly IU Ciiief Fire Department. I.UXIII'ltlH. Healthful drinks are not luxuries, they mi. npiTtPfiltfHu. A full linn of cool unit &jt& j refreshing porter, ale, mineral water and for lunch. O. J. Stubliug. Phone 'JUL 1'iir Kent. Two rooms, furnished or unfurnished, in a privato dwelling, near the Umatilla House. Also furnished rooms in a pri vate dwelling. Apply at this ofllce. j31-2t To Cure a Void iu One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggist! refund the money. than they. Telegram. A I'riKtitrul Itliiiiilor I Will often o.iuse a horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica (Salve, the best in tlie world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils(corns, felons and all skin eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. Only 2b eta, a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by (LC. Blake- I ley druggist . 1 Straw hats. Nobby, stylish, natty hats for a little money. Wear one of our straw hats and you will be cool as well as itylish. Pease & Mays. It iK proverbial that necessity is the mother of invention, and certain it is that out' Canadian cousins are not wantm;'- in the hitter capacity. Iu no direction is this fact more .strongly iu evidence rhaa ill their method of mounting' their held batteries for win ter line, s.i.vs the Loudon Mull. Diiriii;.' i he winter months, when ihe whole country is frequently covered lo Ihe dipth of several feet with u bed of treiieherous Minw, it is, ot coure, imp'.s-lble to move wheeled artillery iiiul ituiiiiunilion wagons, As, however, inwiidiuy inwtdors lire by no menus piviu In confining' their c Hurts lo Milliliter campaigns, it became nee-is-sary to deiise some means of get-ijjip-ovfi' the dlllieulty. Ifaiqilly, Can ada had In the person of Artillery Mitj. It, W. liutherford n soldier of no little resource. I!,v n most iii'eniotis design he lilts made it possible to mount the gnus eun-llmbers, wiigons and wagon-liin- upon a species of "bobsleigh,'' svlioh' iirraugemeiit being joined up by traces iu tlie ordinary way bv I an operation occupying at the outside. under five minutes. The change front summer to wlnL-r guise can thus be made immediately a full of snow lias rendered the mails linpusMihlo for wheeled tnillle, while lite itdvniittige iu superior mobility iver mi unprepared enemy would he enormous, its the practically uoisele.-s mot ion of ihe sleighs would bring Ihe guns well into range withovt betray ing: the slightest hint of their ap proach, I'l iililliltiiiiL of Cli eulii i'n,' A new ordinance In Philadelphia prohibits tlie placing of loose circu lars under doors, in vestibules, on doorsteps, front porches, or around doorknobs,-Chicago Inter Ocean. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mch26-ti Ontti tii Hour tir.uuii. All county warrants regit tered prior to Aug. 1, 1890, will be paid at my office, Interest ceases after June 110, 1000. J. F. Hami'iiii;u, County Treasurer. The only store ii this city whero the Genuine Imported StranskyStecl Ware is sold A little higher in price, but outlasts a dozen piecesof so called cheap enani eled ware. BEWARES Other wares look likeit.butthogenu ino has the name St mushy Steel Ware on each piece. Do not be deceived First prize at 1C International Exln bitions. Highest award at World s Columbian Exlubi tion, Chicago Pre ferred by tho best cookingnuthonties, certified to by the most famous chem ists for purity and durability it; is cheapest because BEST. Remember this celebrated enam eled ware is special' ly imported for and sold in this city ex clusively by us. si It does not rust nor absorb grease, does not discolor nor catch inside; is iiotatTectedbyucids in iruits or vegetables, will boil, btew, roast and bake with ou t inipnrtiug flavor of previously o o o k o il food and will last for years. Wo cau. tion the public against iuututioLui I'lillilinn fur Ail iit lull , Twin girl babes 5 mouths old; one girl babe, 1 month; one girl!! vents; ono boy 1 year; one boy -'years; onu boy 9 years. Apply lo 1, F. Toboy, superintendent Children'a Home Soci ety. Tho superintendent will bo In Thu Dalles this week and will receive written applications at this ofllce. The Hunt lltinimly fur Stumiiuii ami llllUIll Tl'lllllllllH. '1 have been in tlie drug business for twenty years and have sold most all of the proprietary medicines of any note. Among the entire list I have never found anything to equal Chambsilain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea lietuedy for all stomach and bowel troubles," siys (.). W. Wukelleld, of Columbus, Oa. "This remedy cured two severe cases of cholera morbus in my family and I have recom mended and sold hundreds of bottles of it to my customers to their entire satis faction. It afl'irds a quick and sure euro in a pleasant form," For sale by BUkeley & Houghton. 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