The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 31, 1900, Image 2

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    Tor VicsWIout
or Ohio.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle. n0 ' c i"j f
xnv tt I dangerous political heresy will dis-j
TUESDAY hil at, iuu credit and Insure its defeat, 'ine
... i
outloolc of the South and all her
creat and lush hopes and enterprises
j call for every uitizen to place him-
1 self upon the side of pence ami (
'sound principles, growth and pro-!
luress, against piovincialisni and.
: sectionalism, and slavery to tradi
tions from dead leadeis and vanished
! conditions."
T. G. IJush, of liiruiingham, Ala., j
i'nr Vlee-rreMtlrnt
OT Sow York,
Repudiation of the Kansas City
platform is going on at every " j presiilont of the Shelbv Iron Coin
Uusttial center ot ine sown. ,.,, ,i,n .n,hnn, rnnsnlidnintl
Hvinley Democrats" arc declaring
Coal and Iron Company, says:
1 . I
themselves in numner, am. wmi Whatovcr may be my political
freedom and fotcofulness. It is a ,.,,,,., .,." i i,nifnt.mrK-.
i Uliviuu m ,. - """' '
Uia ' i,.,. .,.,. .1.1. ... . li.m. In rllln.wtn
aunt; wu. io nu mm; iu
the administration of William Mc-
revelation of sentiment which
not count so much in votes where it
is manifested, but which can not fail
to have its bearing on the general j
situation. j
The character of this expression is ;
shown by the action of the Maim-1
facturers' Record, published at Haiti-1
more and devoted to the business !
and industrial growth of the South. '
Kinley for ore under the reign of
William .1. Bryan."
And so they write from Texas,
from Georgia, from cveiy southern
state, putting in various forms whatj
an Atlantic man concisely expresses'
as follows: j
"The worst possible calamitv that !
This publication, of wide circulation . . . b , . ' t
and influence, declared prompt and j of comUiy W0lh, bc tho succcss j
emphatic dissent from the latest )f Krynmsmi 1(! t0 j am1 0llicrt
utterance of Jkyanism. It has taken i .
the ground that "the Kansas Citv . i
H. ' Wanted, liiinieliutly ,
icy represents i
, 41 I A good linrnes-iii.d:er. Apply lu tut: uiu i TT , ...
1 ! n kr.infin nf Wncnn Or.
joruy ot ice uusmcss men oi me '
South, men who have never known
what it is to bc other than democratic ' Notice of Sheriff 's Sale.
in their atliliations." It says these; m-virtue or nn execution .iuivi!.uci i- the
, ., ,. , , i cler of tin- circuit court of the County of Was-
men "realize the time has come to j0o, state of ouson. dtc.i the -.'nil any of June.
, ., iiii .1 : ' HAW, in n certain action In the cltctilt court for
SllOW the world the courage of their s.iui comity nnd state wherein W. A. Scocst" a
declaration of
nothinc which
One of Pittsburg's Most Estimable Business
Men Certifies to the Wonderful
Efficacy of Cuticura.
I was a sufferer for eight venrs from that mint of all .Hpnscs,
Eczema. I tried some of the best physicians In the country, hut they did mo
little good. The palim ot my mum m iu
eredraml would become Inflamed; little white
blisters at first would appear, then they would
peel otV, leaving a red, smooth surface which
would burn like the, and Itch; well, there Is no
name for It. On the Inside of the upper part of
both my limbs, great rod blotches, not nullke
hives, would appear, and n soon as 1 became
warm, the burnim: and Itching would begin.
Night after night 1 would lie awake till night and
. 1 1 ..1 .1 .... ...It.t I iflll !! llOV (if
seraieii mi iuiuuji ; r-
Wi Cfncun.v. Ointment, a bottle ot umouitA
liiaonvKST, and gave them a thorough trial,
Wtf' (' and after a few applications I noticed tne reu
'''F ts ... .. ...... ,...f i
noss anil in animation oin iptNit , www '
used one box thero was not a sign of Eczema left. J can truthfully assert
that 82.00 worth of Ccticl'KA l!ian:ims cured me.
J. U. l'OKTK, -I2S lth Ave, I'lttsliurg, Pa.,
Comploto External and Internal Troatmont for Evory Humor,
coui,r of Ctrneui "so!t (4V., to tho .-.Kin of .-nuts wale tmi M.ften
the thickened cuticle. Cimci'ltA Ointment (50c. to ill.iv lU'Miu. tr1H.1tt.111, an.l iill.iiiinm.
tion, nml soothe anil heal, ami C'LTU tlltA Hkmilvknt Mt , to cool ami the l.loml.
A cinale set Is often eufliclont to cure tho most tortuiln.-, illliKurlnw fln ami -c.ili hu.
mors, rashes, Itching, ami Irrimtlons, with lo-s of hair. c.tvlalU of ami v
when the let physician nml all oilier rcmc.lles fall, tsohl throushouttlic orM. 1 orri.n
Paco AN l) fliwi. Coat'., Sole I'rops., lloston. " How to tme I.utj llniiior, free.
1SA1) COSIl'I-KXIONS, pimpK's, blotch(-J, blackhcaJ, nil, louh, oily niiln,
ml. rouah hands with b.itelenall, dry, Ihtii.aml falling lulr, with Itchlnif, ncaly,
' irritated scalp, prevented by CcTtcitiu McmciNAt. ani Toilet Soai-, the niont
. . . . .... ... i . i . ... ...-II -
E effective akin purUylDg and Uciuuiyinu to.ii id me i. . -
Two maim combined in onontouv price, -c.
Of the prinbict of 1 1 n wt'll n brei"V the United StntcB llcitlth
Honoris for .tunc is. Hum. Miyi . ' A mire nupoilor brow never miturutl
llu'labratorv of the rmtcil Smto" Ilcnltb repmtH. It la absolutely (uvnti
of tbn Hliwhti'Ot tinco of iiiluileratioM, hut on tho other hand in eompoHi-d 0j
tho best of mult nml choiivfd u( hops. ItH Itiinti (luiditien uro of tlm lnK,.
ct and it ttiin be lined with the greatest litinelH and cntlHfnetinn by old mul
ouii" Its use can cnneeientioiiely be prt'8i:ribt)d by the phyHic.iiwiH with
ihc ccrenintv that a better, purer or mom wboleHCimi bevernco could not
nossiblv be found."
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
!; .
I have re-opened this woll-known Bakeiy,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCK, Pioneer Grocer.
Wasco Wareh
ouse Company
Sustaining its conviction
planum reoveiM judgment aeiiinst w . al-
i lace, fleteuuaiit, lor ine sum oi ninety-tiiree tioi
, laund twenty-one cents ilaunw, which judc
l"e t nient wfl3eurollcil and docketed in theulcrk'sof-
ISSUC Of llie campaign IS "be- xiie .econddaynf June. HUM. hv an ordeniuly
. . .... i 1 iade and entered on said court nnd caute, .Mr.
twecil poverty and prosperity, the jiargnrtt .. scogBln executrix of the last
-r , . ,11 it i will and testament ami estate o the said V. A.
JSIanUfactlirerS KeCOrd lias begun,, bco?irin. deceased, was MibstitutcU for the said
N . A. fceog?lu in ald cause, notice is hcrehy
Rien that I will on Monday, the 27thdavof
August, linu. at tne county court house uoor in
Dalles City, in faid Wasco County, Orecon at i
o'clock in the alternoon of said day, sell at pub
lie auction to the hlsheil bidder for cash, the
following described property, to-wlt.
The southeast quarter of southwest quarter;
south half of southeast quarter, nnd the mirth-ea-t
nuarter of the southeast nuarter in section
twenty-eight f-S), towuship seven (7) south,
range seventeen "i east, V. M., also
the printing of letters from repre
sentative democrats in" the South who
share thi feeling.
In his letter, John C. Latham, a
Kentuckian, and member of a New
York house which has placed mill
c..i! . . . i- i i lot number three (.) In block number three
ions m Southern investments, asks : 0i) in i.a,IRbiiir.s addition to the town of Ante-
.V1. cnll o Ir,., o ,...,,1 f lUI- ' . COUMiy. BMIS 01 UrCROU, IIKC 1
lij .. lull Jl V.w, 4, J .till UL i ailli
vied uiion as the tirot'erty of the said
V. Wiillrtee. or si limh therpnf n niv he lien
or an j eary to sutl-fy the said judgment in favor of
1 11 , i W. A. hcoggin agai' st sa'd .S'. W. Sullflc, with
(lOliais i interest tl creon at tlie rato of eight ier rent tier
A Difficult Problem. !
It is ainoiiK tie niot difficult prob-
leiiia of mutual science for one to becomo
expert in suverul lines. J. E. Adeox o; i
Co., by their combination, have over- .
come tide difficulty in a practical man
ner. J. E. Adco.x is an expert watch-1'
maker and ia rood on jwclry, optical
work and engraving;, vvliilo Tbeo. H. !
Liebf is an expert optician and is good
on watch repairing, jewelry work and
eimrnvini!. Their price is as low aa con
sistent with good workmanship. They
are prepared to do ail work in their
several lines, on short notice. Work
sent by mail or express will receive
prompt atteation. Sign. "Ib'g lied
cloth, a pound 'of cotton,
mm on rf ilin .ifi n (.in i 1 . .i ..
uunn ui lumubu, mi giKui viuiuii c i interest tt creon at the rato oi eight ier rent jer
.,,, , ,,; , p , , annum iicm ine -a nay oi June, jsiw, togetner
Coined at the false ratio of 10 to l,)TTith nil costs and disbursement that have or j
nrlinn ni'nri' nnmntAililt ninnlinnml ' 'J Ut-CTIK', ........ !
will command gold anywhere in the j j,11 Wasco county, oregmi,
civilized world, and that gold will .
pass at its face value wherever there B' -- - " -a
is trade and commerce." ' '3
Col. J. B. Klllcbrew, of Nashville, ; La LFlG
nuo i l unt: uuiu UUUHllIsalUIIUI Ot
agriculture of his state, and has been
a leader in the agricultural up
building of the South. He was for
free silver and voted for lirvnn in
1890. jil
"I can not surrender at the dicta- Jjj'
tion of the new democracy," he'l
writes," "my old democracy that waslB"
the exponent and embodiment of R'
expansion, sound money and con-X
servativc progress. I am no poli-ij
tician, I never ran for a political , K'
office in my life, but like thousands '1-,,
of others who think for themselves
business men, prosperous farmers
and mechanics of the South, whoso '
interest in nnlilins is mMsnmil In-'
their patriotic duty to increase the I SlfS ?8?'
ni.i ,TO Pimple. PrMenl
moral and social elevation of the
people, encourage their mental ini-iSS
provementnnd build up their ma-; TOaWMteffi
3 I
J. B. Orossen & Oo., Props.
87 Second Street
Wagon nnd Carriage Work.
Fish Brothers' Wagon.
Piione 159 $
tcrial prosperity I can not vole for j --
the establishment of those principles j J-J STURDEVANT,
which I verily believe would lead to; IJeilUfil.
weakness, decay and death."
t , ,lr . . . i Otllesnttr Trench i Co.'d Hank
John W. I-ries. of .vi em. N. P.. i '
1 ' Ihf. , Till. fit! T i"2 iifni'
F. Stephens
...Dealer In...
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Gents' Furnishings.
Hoots, Shoes. Hate, t aps, Nollons.
for V. I.. Honshu- Hhov.
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
I Headquarters for Feed Grain oipiikin
! Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds
I Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, m5.":!Kd
i Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOTl -flOUr Thif Mmir ip nmnufueturetl expreeHly (or family
ou ' nee: everv naek i imranU't'd lo pvo BtUiafactioD,
Wo eeli our izoods lower than any lionso in tlie trade, and if yon don't think m
call anil cut our pricee nnd be convineed,
Highest Prices Paid for Whoa.t, Barley and Oats
Telephone No. 88.
Wl Second St.,
Tlie Dalles, Or,
L 1
leading cotton nianulnuturcr, is an
other of the notable southern demo
crats who contribute to the sym. i
yoiiium. JJeclaring that events have
auown the free-silvcr advocates four'
years ago were "clearly wrong," Mr. I
Williams adds:
"As to the 'paramount issue," im- j
permlism, clear-headed business men I
regard this as simply quixotic. Of!
course, nobody wnuls imperialism.
and there is not even the remotest
possibility of an emperor being
crowned in this country. Why, then,
breuk a lance on such a windmill?"
John L. Williams, bead of the
banking bouse of J. I,. Williams eV
Sons, of Hicumond, says:
"The ready assimilation of tlie
J)lt. K. K. Fl;it(5IJ.SI.V,
Pliysicitiu und burgeon,
Oillw, Vot Jllook (over I'ostofllcc),
a,liao-dv Till; DAI.I.US, O'llilJON.
Chicken Lice Cornered
Carbolineum : Avenarius.
Tlio inuit clllclcnt Wood 1'rcicrvliiK
1'alnt ulnoa Kadlcal Ut-medy uttalnM
Ulilclicn J.k'.'. lt.i application to In
title walls of poultry liouKon will rcr.
inonenlly exterminate all lice. He-
Jos. T. Peters & Co.,
nilts- heallliy clilckeiib, plenty of
eirg. rito for circulars und prlcen.
.Mention llil paper.
and Fafmefs
Keeinon draught tho celebrated
COl.L'MlliA HKi:K, iicxnov;
edxwl tlie liest Ix-er In The Dalles,
at trio usual price. Conio In, try
It and be ronvlwcvi. Alto tins
Fliimt brand of Wines, Liquor
and CJicnrs.
of all Kinds nhvayn on hand.
Just What
You uuant.
New ideas in Wall I'aner hum. Kiwi.
( wide variety its we nre allowing never bo.
i foru (raced a einiIe atouk. lal iniita.
- tion ereton eireeta at ordinary priced.
I Good pa port) at cheap paper prices.
, kk'Kttut designs, taatedii colorinB, youm
' for u Hinall price, at our store on TJiird
, street. Also a full line of houae pulnts.
;D. W. VAUSE, Third St.
$1 .oo per month.
.Strictly first elasa local nnd Ioiik
didtuiieu tuluplmnu turvico within
yotir home.
Lines do not crost-lalk. Your con
versation will Im kpt a secret.
No CDHt for IriTtnlllnt;.
Von cut tin. Btmulurcl Iliinnin
Loni; Uiatant Inetrnment.
Continuous day and nighl Hurvice.
NVe will ncucpt vonr contract for
tun yuan) und allow you to ciineul
snine on I'ivini; ua thirty days writ
lun notice,
n.r,rsA "KTr f
Good News
"$ to Crnnr "n-psjcoTJo
4.T 1 ,.vtii.,,1 n.,i.i :........!.... . i . . ... .i
.......... .. i ii in i u, u u, HIHllUUl 11IU Hllllipni." m
MR linn. Mm niHUVV 'I'l n ilnn'i ,,. , ... r .,a. 3
u . , " i .-Minn iiiviiiiiion to an to inspect mo mim m-i m
W rua"n lrom tl,u CHOWN TAII.OIUNCi CO., Chleatro'e fuinmiH Cua.
buits to Measure, $8.75 up.
Kit, wurkmaiiBhip and untire eatiHfaetlou Kiiarnntecd.
f JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, Agent.
! J. 8. HUHKtiCK,
I l'ruldent.
H. W. HliAl.I,,
C. S. Smith,
I tlp-to-dateQroeer
; Fresh Kgas and Creamery
l !.... I . I .
uuuer a upcciiiity.
2d Street.
'Phone 270.
Offlw over Vint UaU Dunk
j First Rational Batik.
I A General Banking Business tranaaeted
i;oposiiH roceiveu, subject to Bight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on dav of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, Ban Francisco and orl.
D. P. Thompson. Jno. B. Bouimok,
Ed. M. Williakb, Qxo. A. Liasi.
H, M. BuALh.
oaicc oti Ktnt Nt. UsnK.
I) E AM? 1 18 IS
All kinds of
Funeral Supplies
Gratidali & Burget
Tho Dallos, Or.
Bufial Shoes
State ioi?mal School,
Fall Term Opens September 18, 1900.
rmSwMon.',enU "'" Nor"!'" Bo"U('1 l'Wrl to Hike the HUU Cerllflenlo luu..f.ll.Hdr
For ctaloac coMUIiilng tu annoMncemenU addran
I'. CAiU'HKI.L, l'rliit. or W A. WANN, SwreUry F"'"'