e I) c Ualles VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 01, 1900. NO. 208 FIVE THOUSAND THEY MAY BE I 5- Tlio Kind You Ilavo Always Bought and which has hccu in iiho i'or ovr 30 years, has homo the Blfrnatnr of mid has boon niodo under hin pcr- l&HWf-flf, Honal (supervision since its infancy. Y, Allow no one to deceive you in this. AH Counterfeits, Imitations and ' Just-as-Rood" are but Ilvprrimciits that trlilo with and endanger tlio hcaltli of Inl'mits and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Cnstoria is a harmless substitute i'or Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic MiiltHtanee. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm jtiid allays Feverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy ami natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Sears the Signature of . SURRENDERED British Commanders Only Terms Were Unconditional Surrender. C.M'i: Towk, .Inly :)0. General Prinsloo, with000 men, has surrendered unconditionally to the liritieli. The following of been received from S7 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC OtNTAUII COUMNV, TT MUHKY TI1ECT, NEW YOUR CITY. HOW THE KING OF ITALY DIED Hrcssi's Attack- on the Kinjj Wns Un c.vpccled World Shares Italy's brief. Mo.vv, July !lll. After the shooting of King Humbert lust night, thu king, uh euonas Hih Miiji'Hty'H uttundutit could reuli.H w luit Imil happened, was placed i" bin carriage and driven as rapidly as liSHdiU) to the palace. He wan, how ever beyond all huiiiau aid. huppuarH that when King Humbert wan wounded he explained, "Jt ih noth g." The royal carriage covered the distance between tho Gymnuetic Society eliib-lidtiue, whure the eiiiiin was eom mitted, mid the royal villa at full Bpeed, '"'Wiring hut three minutec. The king expired on thu way, ,Uul, although I'l'iced in u l,ed, wua dead when thu doctors arrived. The expression of the dead kitig'e face Ie trHtiijutl, and even Hiuiling. The orpbe vm1H hleHHud Immediately after ientli. It will l,u embalmed. The assassin's name In variously given a8 Alliitiln imil f:,i..i.. ll-..! ii.. . yiniiiir, tall and swarthy. Me waa horn l'rato, November 10, 1801), and in a weaver by irii,l,.. ii HUyH thllt ho com. milted t10 .i,.,.,! ia.l!llUHH of hlltrml of iwonarehtal itiHtitutioiiH. He reached ..uiy 7 from Milan, whero s'ayu'd a (Uw (y8i It ,,,,, llt, "Mi tour daye In Pruto. and laye at llologno, after which he iitae, When Queen Marghorltii arrived at w villa it Wun Htlll hoped that tho king ld tmrvlve, and when the truth wan ',r(Keu to lior a heart-rending scene oiiauotl. Bunting Into tears, she ex- alined; "It Ih the crime of "nuiiry. Humbert wHn good ami "Hhful, No parson could have loved 8 peoph, more. JIo WH8 ono wh0 b()u, '"will to none." Taotui Sheng yesteulny mnde public a telegram, teceiveil July 1!), confirming the murder of thu foreigners who re mained in Pao Tim: Pn and the burning of all the fotclgn premises. Ho brazenly stated that hu had kept this news bacl: since the liUh. Chinese hordes nre now deluding the province of Chi Li with Christian blood. Mote than 2000 persons have already been butchered. The Catholic Cathedral at Huh J'ung ICow is besieged and the inmates are doomed. Yu bien, governor of Shan Si, has ordered that all mission aries ami converts be massacred. The China inland mission at YIng Chow, Ngan Wh'i province, has been burned. A orisin is fast apptoaching hero. War ships are concentrating. Great activity is manifest among thu Chinehe. Orders have- been sent to all the forts and garn sons to bo strictlv on their guard. It is rumored that 10.000 troops have been secretly moved to tho vicinity of Shang hai and Woo Sung. The arsenal in Nan kin h s been ordired to supply lrgo quantities of swords and axes. Num bers of Iloxers from Nankin aro spread ing over thu Yang Tso valley, many go ing to Shanghai and the neighborhood disguised as coolies and priests. he re. two came tl,, nV "K' Ju,y ao-A dispatch to Herald from Shanghai says: A telo ,, '" M revived yesterday from Mis H... iryc Mornt t Shliinu Fti, Btatiug J hl,a" fil lVoviuoe thenntivea and "verts were hoing mussHored and that 0 mote 'urolgwero hud been murdered. 'I'liiiiiHHUiU llutvhurtKl, Unlil Hleel tu- Dentil, "There is but ono small chance to save your life and that is through an oneration," was tho awful prospect set before Mrs. I. 11. Hunt, of Lime Hidge, Wis., by her doctor after vainly trying to euro her of a frightful case of stomach trouble and yellow jaundice. Ho didn't count on tho marvellous power of Elec tric Bitters to euro stomach and liver troubles, but alio heard of it, look seven bottles, was wholly currtl, avoided snr uuou.s knife, now weighs more and feels better than over. It is positively guar anteed to euro stomach, liver, ana kid ney troubles and never dissapointe. Price 50o at Ulakeley's druif store. 1 Keiiieuilier That Ohas. Stubling is still doing a retail business at his new place. He sells in quantities to suit all customers, from one bottle to u barrel. Family orders delivered promptly Notion. All persons are requested to glvo credit to no one on my account without nn order from me. M. Tiioumuoukn jl8-lw Clarke & Falk hayo received u carload of the celebrated Jaiui E. Patton etrlctly pure liquid paints London, July 110 fid a! dispatch has Lord KobertB : "Pretoria, July '29. On July 20 Mac Donald fought a rear guard action with tho enemy from early morning until dark, nine miles outside of Naanwpoort, in the I'ethlehetn bills, resulting in his effectually blocking Naauwpoort Nek to the Boer wagons. Hunter reports that the enemy twice checked his advance by holding strong positions on two neks, one of which was taken before daik by j the Scots, the Royal Irish, the Wiltshire and the Leineter regiments. Our casu j allies were only five or six. Thu second j nek was taken during the fight by the Scots and Guards without opposition, the enemy retiring closely toNaanwpoort. "Prisoners taken elated that. 1200 burghers would surrender if guaranteed that they would he treated as prieoners of war, and not as rebels. To this 1 had aseented. As a result of these operations. Prineloo, commanding the Boere, atked, under a flag of truce, this morning, a four days' armistice for peace negotia tions. Hunter replied the only terms he could accept were unconditional sur render, and until theee were complied with hostilities could not cease. I ex pressed my approval and told Hunter on no account to enter into negotiations. "As I am writing word has come from Huuter saying that Prineloo had wiitlen a second letter expressing willingness to hand over himself, with his men, rifles, ammunition and other firearms, upon condition that the horeee, saddles, bridles and other possessions of the burghers be guaranteed tliem, and they be free to return to their homes. 1 have replied that the sunonder must bo absolutely unconditional, that all rifles, ammuni tion, horses and other posseeseons must be given up and that the burghers will bo considered prisoners of war. I added that Prineloo's overtures will not be al lowed in any way to interfere with Hunter's operations, which must be continued until tho. enemy is defeated or hue surrendered." "A later dispatch from General Hoherls dated Julv 20 confirms tho surrender of Prinsloo with 5000 Boere. Illume the Vatican. London, July 30. Some evening pa pers here attempt to establish a connec tion between the assassination of King Humbert and tho rancorous piopaganda that the Vatican is alleged to have con ducted against tho supremacy of the sovereign. Theso journals point out that the assassination occurred in the vicinity of Milan, whero, it is alleged, tho recent insurrection was largely fomented by the Human Curia. The Globu editorializes aB follows : "As long as thu Vatican persists in its anti-national attitude it will bo in vain to hope for re-establishing thu temporal powf.r of thu pope, and so long will fools and fauatica be provided with the fear fully potent reason for eedition and worse." STILL ALIVE The Russian Admiral Alcxicfl' Says the Foreign Minister Were Out of Danger Yesterday. Bi:kmn, July .10. Thu German consul at Tien Tsin has telegraphed under date of Satutday, July 2S. to the foreign office, as follows : "The German secretary of legation at Pekin, Ilerr Gelow, writes July 21 : "Thanks for your news. July 19 the condition of Cordes satisfactory. The remaining members of thu legation all right. The detachment of the guards lost ten killed and fourteen wounded. The houses of the legation, much damaged by cannon lire aie held by the guard. The attack of the Chinese troops on us ceased July 10. Speediest possible advance u' relief troops urgently neces sary. " 'According to trustworthy report, the boilv of Bdron von Ketteler lias been buried by the Chinese government.' " The Cordes mentioned in the above dispatch is the second interpreter of the German legation. He was with Baron von Ketteler when the latter was mur dered, and himself was wounded. He escaped to the legation. BnussKLs, Julv 30. A dispatch from the Russian Admiral Alexieff, dated at Tien Tsin, July 30, and communicated to the foreign office, states that the latest news confirms the report that the foreign ministers at Pekin are out of danger. During last May an infant child of our neighbor was snll'ering form cholera in fantum. The doctors had given up all hopes of recovery, I took n bottle of Chamborlttln'e Colic, Cholera und Diar rhoea Kemedy to the house, telling them felt sure it would do ood if used ac cording to directions. In two days time tho child had fully recovered, Thu child is now vigorous and healthy. I have re commended this remedy frequently and have never known it to fail. Mrs. CurtiB Baker, Brookwalter, Ohio. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. Cut-eit ileHducltu (Julckly, Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel ery Soda. A harmless and effective cure for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, bralu fatigue, 10 and 25 cents, Sold by Clarke & Falk, druggists. jat24 tiw Clark k Falk are never closed Sunday Don't forget this. i Optimum Auln 1'revalln. Washington, July 30. The view which the Washington cabinet has taken from the beginning, that with the ex ception of Baron von Ketteler, the Le- gationers at Pekin were alive there after the date which was said to have marked their massacre, Is beintr slowly but sure ly confirmed. Tho most important con tribution in support of our government's position eince the receipt of the Conger autograph letter, representing the for eign ministers to have been alive on July 4th, came today from United State Consul Fowler at Che Foo. The letter referred to by tho consul as coming from tho German legation at Pekin is sap. posed here to have been an autographic letter, and as such absolutely removed from tho purslliilily of fraud. The Japanese report is also understood to have come down to tho sea without hav ing passed through Chinese hands. It was one of the first results of the private meeeenger system, inaugurated by tho commanders of tho allied forces. Taken in conjunction, the two reports submit ted by Mr. Fowler added overwhelming ly to the weight ot testimony in favor of tho existence of the legationers. General Cliaflee, w hose arrival is re ported by cable this morning from Che Foo, certainly has madu remarkable time in going from Nagasaki tu Taku in two days, showing thtH tho transport Grant must have been pressed to her ut most. The general's horses are ex pected to arrive therein about a week, when tho forward movement on Pekin probably will begin. GOING EAST If you intend to take a trip F.ast, ask your ticket agent to route you via The Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-date railroad in every particular. Through trains from Chicago, Ksnsas City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York and New England points. All trains run via Niagara Falls andjyery through train has free reclining chair cars, sleep ing and dining cars. Mop over allowed on all tickets at Ni agara Falls, Ross C, Ci.iNi:, Pacific Coast Puss, Agt,, Los Anuelee, Calif. O, S. Cuank. fi. V.h St. Louis, Mo. A Mounter Devil VM Destroying its victim, is a typo of con stipation. The power of this murderous maledy is felt on organs and nerves and muscles and brain. There's no health tlil it's overcome. But Dr. King's New Life Pills are a safe and certain cure. Best in the world for stomach, liver, kidney, nud l.owels. Only 25 cents at Blakeley'e drug store. 1 , Subscribe for Tint Cuuomok. t 6 t t t Bartenders' Vests WITH SLEEVES Made of pure white dock, with four pockets, detachable white but tons, strap and buckle in back. The correct thing for bar wear in summer. All sizes $1-25 fetifing from Business. Closing out. my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, at much lees than wholesale prices. Will sell in bulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers. Entire stock must be closed out before thirty days. All goods will be sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fitting Coisets and Butterick Patterns. Your prices will bo mine. Call early and secure baigains. J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sts. ...Geo. C. Blakeley... Successor to Blakeley & Houghton. Wholesale : and : Retail : Druggist 2 Largest Stock of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries 4 m Eastern Oregon I Country and - JVIail Ovdevs J Will Receive PROMPT ATTENTION. 175 Second St. THE DALLES, Phone 30O. OREGON. r THE DALLES, - - - OREGON. t fvA A A , A, A , AAA jA A -- A A , VAAsAAAAAA,A. !j Hr-u'iy j. yr.t : r.tV i y.i.y.iy-LYm iTiYiYi.YjyiVi-i,y iyiy i.f-l- tV.TtYr 1st i riV. J CLiOUD CAP INJM NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON. Magnificent Scenery. Pure Air and Water. Perfect Rest A MANSION IN THE SKIES. Buy your tickets from tho MOUNTAIN STAGE & LIVEUY COM PANY, Hood Hlver, Oregon. jlyl'J Advertise in the Chronicle