BOILS CARBUNCIES These unwelcome visitors Usually appear in the spring or summer, when the blood is m.ikinn an extra effort to ffef itself from tlieinanv impurities that have accumulated during the winter months. Carbuncles, which are more painful and dangerous, come most frequently on the back of the neck, eating great holes in the flesh, exhaust the strength and often prove fatal, Iloils are regarded by some people as blessings, nnd they patiently and uncomplainingly endure the pain and inconvenience mulct the mistaken idea that their health is being benefitted, that their blood is too thick anyway, and this i Nature's plan of thinning it. The blood is not too rich or too thick, but is diseased is full of poison and unless relieved the entire system will suffer. The boil or carbuncle gives warning of serious internal troubles, which arc only waiting for a favorable opportunity to develop. Many nu old sore, running ulcer, even cancer, is the result of a neirlected bod. Baneful ,kill .lilIvili uti Dangerous mm cause these painful, disfiguring diseases. 0 B gfO&iS S. S. S. cures boils and carbuncles eu.sih SitH&i HiCM&S and permanently by reinforcing, purifying anil C mite nmiiuiig up uie uiuou ami ruining uie svsiein 01 an uccumuiaicu waste mauer Mr. K. M. rratl. Cm "?or tvrcntV enrs hwas sorelv R S i iiiniln nf mntunlul linrlwxvlitnli nrl 1itvitl mi tlli idrw-wl .'ittil nil timt.niiu ..... ....M..., nfflicteu with boils mul carbuncles ,.. .,. " ...,,., : . i .!.:.... i... ;i,:. r..i "i " 'J ..... Li ... "X .: caused ty impure blood. It is impo. - m.ij.-.-i..i.ivt) w un.ii.umv mm uintii utu uijun.m imitij uuiuuiv ii ii:u iuui:. sibic to describe my uu"eriiis; part of ; S. S. S. is not a new, untried remedy, but for C3 ,w t 1 . i ''v.vaiK lias Deeu curing all kimisot blood ami skin h-everalitcclcrs treated me. and I trictl T. , i , nil the so-called Mood remedies, but diseases. It has cured thousands, and will cure you. jiothiug seemed to do me nnv pood ' It is a pleasant tonic as well as blood purifier im Duriiic the summer of isss 1 wa-tjer.; j,roves the appetite and digestion, builds up vour c3ci& general health and keeps your blood in order! ' have had n.-- return of thee painful ; Our phvsicians have made blood and skin dis pests up to the present time." I eases n ijfc study write them fullv about your case, and anv information or advice wanted will be cliecrfullv given. s'e make "no charce whatever for this service. . Send for our look on Blood and Skin Diseases free. Address, Tho Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, 6a, sss The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WEAJiEJilCHINttEMS .Every Kind But One Is Found in the United States. I'liN Country Has TnUvu l'roiifr J'laef Ainnnu tho Xu tlon. Tliitt I'rtiiluuf l'ri rliiiiv Stone. II- The United Stntes have never taken their proper place among the gem-pro-during countries, principally, it would nppear. bet-aut- of the .superior gain offered in the metal mines says tho Itrooklyn Kagk. Patient and .skillful working of the gem mines, however, would appear to prnmi.-e as well as many of the metal Industrie:--. There are in .Montana sapphires of beauty and value. True, they are light in color, but they have more brilliancy than the Asian fcnppliires, and often exhibit diehroUm, or double color, un der different lights. The supposition that a sapphire should be dark blue is possibly responsible for the slow ness of their acceptance in the mar ket, hut, as a matter of fact, sapphires are not of necessity blue; they are green, yellow, purple, white, and when they are red we call them rubies, for the ruby and sapphire are identically the same, save for a fraction of a per cent, of the coloring matter. Every gem known to the lapidary has been loiind within our borders, except that form iff ehrysoberyl known as alexandrite, n stone most commonly found in the I'rnls, and showing green by day and red by tirti liehvl light. We have also found but lew cf the cari-colored garnets of which Jlussla furnishes such remark able and beautiful examples, and nom have their briltianey, though the ret I .garnets of Arizona and contiguous territory are unsurpassed in richness. We have several gems, ntoreowr, i.'m.t are almost peculiar to this country, and that should be used more exteii sively because of their intrinsic henuty. Such are the golden beryls . of Connecticut, that are of a brilliant .yellow, full of light and sparkle, and j the curious ehlorastrolite.s and thorn- sonites of Lake Superior, that are use- i ful as green or mottled grounds in tin making of designs. Among the lesser known but inter- ' e.sting and often beautiful mineral" that are found in this country n-id that lend themselves to purposes f , ornament are the grassgreen hidden- ' ite, the superior of emuriihl in vi vacity; the duller green diopside, the , utahite, which is n rival of turquoise, ' if it can be made to keep its color ami ' texture; the zircon, of red nnd brown, 1 and vspeciully the tourmaline, which presents a wide range of color, from ! jet black to almost water white, and doe1- tint fade, a t lie stunt- i: -elf i apt to do. There has been a,i atltlitim. tr i 'if, semiprecious Miui"s of a new ,i riei.v of garnet known as rhodolite, o" it pule rose ml. bill not many speei men- have be.-n brought to lie- eitie anil ii ha- no: appeitv"d to any exteiii in jewelry. U would seem to be wortii our while to work one gem ileptr-u -more thoroughly, for. aeeoi'iing to the report for IM'S Uy .Mr. (ienrge I' Ktinz. the expert, there continues it be a profitable activity in the miikiuL' of jewelry. This country has im ported 'is much as Sl4."(i."0ii worth ot jjvjius anil item material in a single year, while the home production has, always been relatively slight, albeit there is a gain. In ISDs1. for instance, the production of precious stones in I he lnit"d Stales represented aboui $161. (Mil), as against .sl.'fi,(ni;i in the year before, and S'.ls.Oni) in the year before that. The indications are that we have mineral veins and deposit that will, when adequately winked, offer rewards far in excess of these figures. CASTOR 8 A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought SOUTH mm 19 1 I i3ii I ? Si h 'Mi ! 11 ? I '31 1 ' ? HI 1 U ? V ' n v i and EAST via 1 ? ; A J ' '3 j j uOJ I i '3t iV , i IK h h 3 i i I I h m - IlfTjJ in ujoxi mill n ' i in V 'uu uiuiu S::x)nm -.() inn .l'J.SOll 111 lO.-XfJUll .U:Sluin 1 1 . Ji n m itM m -I ii m p - I lmmmmtmmm. C:eOi'm K IHSBHI .. . C:IX)um (',;. am f. I5BBSBS9BBSI 'jiMii m y .im ni ? l:ei)n in -l:Oil n in H .. nril h in ti.'J) in i ...:-::$$2l iS-ij'JIS li' Str. HBulator IE r. i ii,.,,.... i . lit 7 .1 Tiii-nliiy I hm.Mt.iv to to, Tho Dallun, Ot. rn uamnn Shasta Route Trains U-iive Tito billies tor I'ortlanil uttil way t;itii)tis nt l.S) a. m. nurt i. m. Uvivo l'urtliiail " Albiiar Arrive Alilnur . " Siicniiiioiila .. " ban rauchco . Anlve Osdiin " Denver.... " Kiiumis 1,'liy " Clile.iso ... Arrive Ijim AukcIo El IMmi " Kort Worth.. ' City of Mexico " Hointon " New Orle.uib " Wii-liiiicton " New York... . t The Chronicle, Job Printers. i Di:r.r.T Tiur. I run . j l'ttoM DAi.i.r.8. , I'ltUt .Miltl 1J:I0 i, in D..II I ..I... 1. Ve .. I "v-i'vur. I t, p,,. fie. City, Bt Jms Is,5 Ulilt'iiuii mill Krsi "Pi I Alliiutlf ."nit Luke, Denver, n i ,i, llxiitont World, (liiiiihn, Kn w' V'i.vo ii. in. kiih t:iu-. ki I,.,, vin iiiuii- t uifiiKn (inn t i ii; tun. Kpokiiiii- Mull mul Cxpre-is jv in n i. m. WhIIii Wtillii, HpoUiitif Mtuiu-iiuilU, st. Plan, nu lu t Ii, Jlllwmiku', Clilt'iiirn mul Kimt, vlii bl-tikimuiiLiI HlilltiiiK Inn. iilmniti imliit ni WiiDliliiKtiui ttntl l.ust etn (Iteijoii, 1'IIOM I'Or.TI.ANll. (iL-enn Hleinnsliln. I'nr him rriiuelkco. l'.very five Dnvn Mall .and 3aii,B h !' '"' I tl B Kx-ftiniUiiyiColnmlilii It v. Stcmm-ft, Ki.hiitS'., I'o AnWlUA mitt V.ny r'MunlJ riiiuiiiit; ' iuuiiij;. ni ii. in. i A"A"SJrWA I A A'A"A 'AT A" llJ,''ril A ""A"" REGULATOR LINE. I DALLES, POHTLANIU ASFOIIIA iAV. COMIlwl HtciiniciK of t he- Uci;iilatiir Line will run ie er the fol p 1 ow.tit: telicotik-. the ('oniniinv rei-rvliiL the rli?ht hi rliimirii ? tllllr,,fil i, Mil Tniirlf Chair enr.s fcaer.iiiiento to Oplen nnd 1U l'iio lit -if. mi both train t I.oui(, New- or Bears the Signature of Catarrli L'unnot ISc Ciirl with local applications, ns thoy cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disea-ie, and in order to cure it you mint take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on .lm 1.1.1 .n n...r u..itf iiiw uiuuu uiiu iiiuv.uua ciuiui;ua. i.11111 M ( Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine, i It was was prescribed by one of the beat ii ml tourist riirs to CIiIchko. leans anil Washington. Coiinecllnir tit Pun Kranclsco with cvcrnl ste,im-hlp Hues for Hnimlulii, Japan, Ulilaa, I'hlllppliits, Central mul South America. See agent at The Dallci station, or itildros C. H. MARKHAM, ticucral I'ltsneugcr Agent, I'ort.iiiiil, Or JK- tiKiHKNKOItl KKI'. Physician and Surgeon, Special attention given to Minrery. I'.ooms 21 ami Tel. nin Vogt lilocfc Siat unlay . 5- Arr. I'ortltuul S at 1::jo i: i. rortlitnil a1 7 , m. Miimlay' Ucilne'O i'j . trlilay Arr Dalits at.i r. i. tclteilulu without ntitiee. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dnlloa City I (OWN I.v Dalles at V A. si. Monilay W.tlnenlay rrltlay Arr. I'ortlanil nt I :.10 l: M. FOR COMPORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel by the Stciimers til tho Uegnl.itor Line The Company will i-mlenvor to give ft pat K rous the best servieo possible tor further inlorimitlon aililreis I - DISSOLUTION NOTICK. tiyii J nr. I.v l'ortlatitl ,q lit A. H. i Tueilay 'y Thiirnlay ,5 .batiiitlay K Arr. Dalles at .", r. m. ,? s I in. i Vim,.vuktti: ltivini. 'ItWn b Ky.hinuliij'On-Roii city. Newbi-rg, lU.Sui'iiir biilum A Way Until , ' i - Til. ill, WlLLAlt IfTTK ANl! V.lll .'l:a)i.n nic.'l'hnr. nii.1, ItiVKii.s. lun.,W mul sat. Oregon t;ity, Diiyion, ntiiiKrl mill Wiij -I jiniliiiK.-i HKAKK IllVIUt. ,r.AVI I.v IMparlir Itlpnrlii to lowlnttm. I.Kwurrosi il'thy ilnlly I 3Au m. . y.tou, a. ew l'artliw ili-l:itig to go to llcinsc or I'linil" mi Coliiuibbi Hoiitln-rii via HIkki, ahoultt tiiki- No. J. leitvlns Tin- Dalles tit li 10 p. a, intiMiig tllrtrt -oiii'i?ullons at llrppner junction nut ItliiK" lli'llirlilng iiiiiklngtllrit-teiiiiuot-ttoo at lleppnt-r nilit'tloii mill i t'-s with Nu. l.u living nt Tlio Dulleit in I-. 'J' p. in l or lull pnrtiiMilar lull on O 1 N, C0.1 agent 'i'he Dallea. or inl'1 ' W, II III! 1 1 ' UT, (hii l'as. Ait , I' ii i4iu!,or llilta FisSb I'ortlanii Olllce, Oak-Htrcet Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Gun. Afjt. Yellowstone Park Line. T1IK DININCi t)All llOUTi: TIIOM rOltTU.NP to Tin: i;ast. Till; ONI.V DlltKCT LINK TO Till- YKI.I.0W KlONi: l'AKK lkivk. i Untoa Depot. Firthand I sts Aimivr. No. No. Noticed hereby given that the pirtiierslilp physicians in this country for yee-8, and , S'iweeV "!C SXuX is a regular prescription. It is composed j liS'SVXo of the best tonics known, combined with Dufur rutiiiug (nun said linn. AH unilnlshni the best blood puriHce, acting directly anevs:v;i.,.,'e' .fltcUUi'Nr aill.'S,, on the mucous surfaces. The perfect I haa'eum"" thu ta"l ns thoUKh 110 '"so'lil'' combination of the two ingredients in' rranL Meneree will retain the books a ml ac what produces such wonderful results in e'KgaK curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, , !2,ti1ri!,I,!.V!!.V.r':iJU'r,.e,t,0''rc. wi'tut to !H.t?i,r' Tll(-' VMei Oregon, Ihls 1st tiny of r.. ii, ni ri a, J'y"-"' KitA.NK iii;N'Kt"i;i;. SINGERS!! free. F. J. Chkxky & Co., I'rops., Toledo O. Sold by drrugRists, pi ice 7."ic. HaU'e Family Pills are the best. 12 Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat ment by Ely's Cream Balm, which is nyreo. ably aromatic. It is received through tho nostrils, cleanses and heals tho whole, fiur faco over which it diiTuses itself. Druggists soil tho 50c. bizo; Trial bizo by mail, 10 cent. Test it and you are sure to continue, tho treatment. Announcement. To accoiuniotlnto those who nro partial to tho uso of atomizers in applying' liquids into tho natal passages for catarrhal trou bles, tho proprietors proparo Cream Lalm in liquid form, which will be known as Ely's Liquid Cream Halm. Price iucludinu tho ineluilini,' pink, brow n, blue and nl- i-I'J'iK tube is 75 cents. Druggists or by . .. .. .. . . . .... n.nil ll'l.n l!!,1 f, ,.,1.,11 11.. 1 i ... ...a. Aliu I,III1V4 IU11II tlllUUUlVil illU IllUlL icinal properties of tho solid preparation. A Ofiuri Cough Medicine. Many thousands have been restored to health ami happiness by the uee of Cliamborlain's Couah Ilemedy, If af flicted with any throat or Iiwk trouble, give It a trial for it is certain to prove beneficial. CourIib that have resisted all other treatment for years, have yielded to this remedy and perfect health been NOTICE FOll PUBLICATION', I-anii OmcK nt Tun Oaixkh, obk.,1 July'.'O, lime. I Notice is heitby given that thu following iiainetl tcttler has lilctl uolloo of his intention to make 1 iml proof In support of Ills nlmiii, mul that sMil proof will be iniulu before tho lteglmer mul Iteceiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Thnrs tlay, ..ugnst CO, I'JOO vU.: iliilin . .Iiiliimi of Tim Ilnllni, Or., II. K. No. 3170. for the Rl'l-r '.-. t,... v ii m K. W.Jt. ' i--.., .... Ho names the following wltncHc.-t to prove bis eontlniioiis rtKltlcncc ujhjii, mul cultivation of altl liinl, viz J. V. .Maronlil, O. W. Jolumlou, Kriink KrK'H Icy, Geo. I,. Jobiislon, nil of The Dalles, Oiegon, - l JAY P. I.UCAti, Itegister, EXECUTOR'S NO HUE. i t t t J The Jacobsen Book & Music Co, fctor and. see them. Tho wvt fs AJaeliiiio on the market for the least price. For cash or on time. : : : fflt. fingel College and Seminary, Conductod by the Benedictine Fathers. HnoU'rt;! - " ..-...,. . i.i,,.. i nu Jin? ii i ill. ii,, iiir 1'iin, iiiiin, every shade of L'reeu. Thes tourninlines are more uppreeiatet abroad than they arc at homo, and whereas vvc buy snjiphires and rubies from Durmah, and diainond.s from Africa, and topazes from Japan and lirazil, and's from IVr.siu, vvi ri-niiiin iseemiiif,'ly iiulilVerent to the Kerns that conic front .Maine and Con nectletit. Collectors have known them for years, however, nnd have prized 1 hem at their value. Many of thr crystals show two and oven three colors, beiiif,' red at one end and recn nt tho other, or fjreeii without nnd deep pink within. Of these tournin lines 3,0(10 worth were mined last year at Afouiil .Mica, Me. Turquoise bus been known to the Indians of the MiiithwcHt for cen turies, and there Is ood reason to be lieve that it was mined by the Aztecs. Jlrooklyn capital bus beeii invested in one of the New Mexico mines, nnd il is bald that a superior ipmlity has Jieen produced. There Is probably no ornamental stone that, Is so extensive' ly imitated. Hundreds of people lire wearing what they suppose tq bo tur piolse, but is in reality .hiss or enam el or u composition that closely copleH its color and apparent texture, nnd restored. Canes that eeemed hopeless, that the climate of fainnim lin,ilili failed to benefit, have been permanently J ..imHiiieffl . Millet- u hereby given that tho iniili.rii.ii.ii bus licen duly Hppoi. teil by theeoiuity court, of ...v, .i.iiv if. wu-Kiiti, tj,eeiiior 01 mo win antl teitauient of Kvallni) Kvimn. iir...i.i AH H'r."'" liaylne claims tho estatu i inn Dniu i.viiii' u i.vaiiti ure Hereby reiinlreil to pretcut the mine to him, proerly veillleti, an by law miulrnl, at iioiler, Oregon, within six iin'Miii. iiuiii liiiruniu nureoi. Dattii thin 15th day of June. I WW. .. . .... I.BANDHIt KVAN8, hxectilor o( tho lait will mul u- turnout of I. valine I-.vmis, UecedK-tl. JiuilC II NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION. Und OrncK at This Dalles, Oimr;oN, niiy u, iiMj. For Mile by Hlakeluy cured by Its use. t . iv iiougmon. I'nr hnle. A good sscond-hiuid threahlni: ma chine for sale nt L. Line's blacksmith hop, on Third street. J-I.d&wlm T. BROWN HILL, JUSTIOE OF THE PEACE. Nolnrv i uuiiu. vyuiieuuouB prompuy utionileu to. Monev to loan. O. E. Bvard's of fice, Tho Dulles, Oregon. ftjiuHu 1 1 if ii i iiriiiii in viiiiitnrr ni iiiw iiuim ..,,t that salt! proof will h made lforo tlio ItegUtef mill Iteeeiver at I ho Dulles, Oregon, on Tuen. uuy, lURimt'Ji, l'joo, viz: HiirucK If. I'littrr.on, of Tim Unlit-, Or., b'A l Bec. 31, Tp. a N , (. 12 V. , W. M. lie nmiies loo following wliiienies to prove bin coiitliuiouti K-slilcneo upon unit cultivation o( fciltl land, vli: t 'I- '1,Nt;,;'o". J;J llo-rU, A. T. lloberls, I., ft. Itoberts, all u( Jlonier, Oregon. JAY I'. MICAS, ItrnUter, Jhll-I , f. MCOKE, j01IK 0AVH MOORE & GAVIN, ATTORN KY8 AT hW Hoomii 39 and iO, over U. S. Land Ollleo. Claesical, Commercial and Scientific Course. tor particulars apply to the President. Music a specialty. Preparatory, jnlyl8-octl8 50 YEAR8' EXPERIENCE I , mm TrjACE Marks Designs COPVrtlGHTS Ac. Anrnnn m.iulliii' n HkolHi nmiiif.i,riniiii fliilcHlr iiscediiln our opinion poo whether a Invention i prolinblr P ilenlnlilo. foiiimunlrf llonmlrlctlyioiitMemral. HanrtUjokoii I'atcim teiilfrve. OMost iipenry fornvcurliig pulents. I'.ilci.u taken throimh ilnnn & Co. u-cclvu iptcM notice, without clmrgo, In tho Scientific American. A bandionioly lllutrnl((l weoltlr. Irgost dr. i-iilalliiii of any KlenllUo lnuwiul. 'ieriim. t l u ' in lour moiiths, tl, BolU by all nowmlenlurn. MUNN &Co.30,Droat,New Wi llmucb Ofllco. ex, V BU WmIiIukimi. I). (' FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TltANHACT A KNKKAIiUANKINO IIUH1NKH Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Eichanifo nnd Teleumniiw Tronafers Bold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Ban Francisco. Portland Ore- iron, Seattle Wash,, and various polme in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. Tne CoiumDia PackingGo PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANPKAOTUHKH8 0K Fine Lard and Sausages (hirers of BRAND HAMS & BACON .miKI) BEEF. ETC. ligliteua the load ehortciti tlio rood. helps the team. Saves wear and . 1 , 1. J T STANDARD OIL OO. flint mull for Tiit.-oinii. Hi'iitttu. Olyiiiplii.Orny initiior null ritniiii noun PoliitD hpukiiiic, lions bind, 11, ('., I'ulliiiaii MtiM-mv, U-hIhIoii, II ii f tl ii A. 31. fiiliilluiup iiilnliiircoun try, Hulcnii, .Vltmii-iipo tlx, HI, I'iiiiI, Oinnliii, Kiiiiiiih City, Ht Urnlt. 1'hli-iifto mill nil ptiluU No, 1. ent null koutla-iiNt. I'liuet Hoiiiul Kxpre.s U.J) 1'. M. (or Tiictiinii tintl K-nttli- 7iWA. M. mill liituruii'iltiitu puiulk fll'.JI. .Vu.3. I'lilliniui llmt t:liH mul tourUt hIwih-w lo MltiiR-iipolli,, Ht. i'lmliintt MlMtmrl rlvci j)lntt without ohniiKV. VoiUlhnli-il trains. Union depot eouitcctloDi in till prluulpitl clIiuH. HiiKK'iKO tibwiki-il to diutlniilliiii of tlfikct. r'or hiiudkiiiuuly UltiHtiiitetl K-rlti vo mrtttcr. tlekelb, Hli-L-pluK-ciir resorviitlons, etc , will nr wrilo A. D. CHARLTON, Asilnhuit (ictiunil PusM-wrur Auunt. J Mortl eon Htitist, corner Third, rortlmul. on-gon. F. S. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor Seconil & Lauebliu. 'Piiouc 167 J)K. V. T. HM1TII, Osteopath. Honum lOiturt II, Ohnpiimn Monk, Tl.t Otegtni. Tlieniltiyh mill Krlilnyit, 8 a. a. limy in4iii ,0 DllUC'l (0 1-'. CATARRH TIIK OI.IUNHINO CLJIE HOU CATARRH Ely's Grsara Bslm V.any ami plcannt to lino. Coillafiii no Ip. Jiitloiio tlrtiL'. Jt Uiltilcklynlnorbcil. Ilviu 1IaII. ... . thu Niual J'aiiaifi. t Ileal and I'rotccU Ilia Mcuihrne. ll,,rc'it Heiitea of and bmell. targ fl, M ct; W uV,1(fljj,'r by null! Trial 8Ue, lOcenU I'X 'J"w KtV UOXUKB,K0 Vrwn Btfit,NtJiro BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIAri V'4BBBBBBBBB) x. ail