The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 30, 1900, Image 3

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    Bright and
opportunities tn euvo money in SUMMER
,slTITS. You can't, wear thorn out now
during the rent of tho hot Bptrl I , hut tit Hit)
pi ire it wlli pay vou to put them on now
a rid finish them next Summer, You can
afford to carry thuin over, hut. wo can't.
tmlt tint wnro $20.00, $1800 and fT Q
$111.00. NOW 13.05
Mills that were $15.00, $i:i,0 and
Tl2r,0, NOW
mi'iIR that were $10.00, $0.00 and
.S.&0, NOW
suiip that were $7 50, $1)50 and K Q
$')00, NOW 33,C)5
g0 Kadi now acquaintance) mentis 11 new
frii'iiil here.
flirt T hIa TXir i''H'fl wintry
J timi he can tumble around in, anil though they
tin not look quito 11a well us before the tuinhle,
hM'i lie will look respectable until it's time to gel
l,,in another. Hi might just as well wear it out
1 hating u good Hum as to outgrow it trying to pre-
ff' Vl' till! hllit.
sn-lN that were $:i. 00, $2.50 and .f2.25,
, NOW V)I-Vv")
1 What wo say wo do, we DO do.
A vast assortment of weaves in up-to-date
straw goods for Misses' and
Children; all new, the majority of
them have not hecn in the house for
more than one month. Your choice
There are hundreds of other bargains
that we are offering. This is a big
store and our welcome to 3011 is big
ger. We suppose you come just
now mainly to buy, and so we make
buying as easy as possible. But, if
you come to look, it's ail the same,
looking is ansy, too.
0 VP
suggests cool, comfortable clothing.
Keep your feet cool by wearing
They are cool and dressy this hot
weather and wo are making prices
that is rapidly closing them out.
Men's $4.00 RUSSET
Shoes for vP.UU
Man's $3.00 RUSSET
Shoes for JI.UU
Ladies' $3.00 RUSSET 0
Shoes for 2.UU
Ladies' $2.00 RUSSET
Shoes for 1 .U
Misses' and Children's at half price.
All GoocIb Marked
in Plain Flirureu.
tVn riiM'lenH A limit It.
Nun V-m I,i,iit l,llo I hl
That spot will grow unless you attend
to it. Dandruff Ih the disagreeable scurF
that forms on thu head ita a natural ex
cretion ; it. dries, and comes off In small
scales. It causes irrilation, which is,
sometimes, unoomciously, followed bv
constant scratching of the head in public;
nnd private. It is annoying to people
who wear dark elothts, and if gradually
affects the hair, causing it to fall out.
Keep the air inside I he hat. from get
timt foul hy wearing Eldrod's Anti
septic Hat Pad. ami nature will do
tho rest. The heat of the head votalizeB
the antiseptic? and dit-infectatits in the
pad, making the impure air pure.
Price. 50 cents each.
For sale exclusively hy
Pease & Ways
fce Dalles Daily Chronicle,
Telephone No. I.
JULY :jo, J 001
At Andrew Keller's.
Huv "lie of our straw hatn and reduce
three Honn of Captain Newpome, tho
boat's former owner, Ira, Alfred and
David. So says The Dalles Monthly
Y The father of F. V. Ilabenicht, who
NUmih killed on tlm 14th instant fourteen
(5) ' miles this Hide of Arlington hy being
I struck on tlm bend hr a sand hoard
wlii 1 standing on the steps of a railroad
car, writes ti Tiik CintONici.i: from tlie
Musicians' Club, Detroit, Michigan, ask
ing for a copy of Tin: Ciiito.vici.r. giving
nu uceotint of his boy's death.
Captain II. C. Coe passed through
I town Saturday night on his way to Wal
i lulu to take command of the steamer
Billing for the Paul Mohr portage com
pany. It is now some 11) vears since
i steamboat trallic was suspended between
the temperature. 1'easu k Miivh.
Ili-nrv Johnson, formerly u black- Celilo and points above, and it is said
the O. It. & N. Compaiiy'h , that only two of the old upper river pi-
I elnps at this place, died at Albina lust I lots are lolt, all the others being dead or
Fridiiv. , having gone elsewhere.
Constable Frank 1 1 1 1 1 returned today
(roni Albany with Hon Forrill, why is j
A Portland boy tramp was tun over
1 bv a freight train vesterdav evening at
accused of Bidding u gold watch from ' fl,oint , 0 . & jf." r0ad ubout
Mr. Huge, s, of Hood River. live niilea below Hood River. The lad
Straw hats. Stylish. Hciviecnblo light , tm wvu boating his way, and claims ho
weight, good construction. Isn't it the I Wis thrown from the car by one of the
kind that gives you the eiiinmer resort j uain men. One of his feet was so
fedllng when you wear one? l'eams A i mashed at the ankle that it had to be
Ma'P. amputated by Dr. Watt, of Hood River,
MiuhIi.iI IIiii.Iuih in liuvim. n liriil Lnt ' where hu was brought on a hand car for
iullt hi Jackson street, near the lino I treatment. Vo did not learn the boy's
mtwi'iMi the. Wilson and Howe property, i nniutv
he sl'ia of the old bridge had rotted ! Tho steamer Hilling?, of tho Paul
H. & N. Company, tells a good story tit
the expense of tho very considerable
obesity he has developed since t lie loss
of hie right foot. Charlie met an old
friend last Saturday who declared the
retired engineer had got so fat he hardly
knew him ami added: "Come and see
liv wife. I'll bet she won't know you." COMINU AND GOING.
airjnxuuMHif ww j
lllnim N if I!
J. II. Cradlebaugh
on the noon train.
went to Portland
To the wife thev both went and tli
husband introduced Charlie by saying
"Here is an old friend of yours. I'll bet
von don't know htm." "Yos I do." !
said the lady, "you just wail n moment A
.til t - li I .; ,i t f f,
nu j recMi oih nuuie. in iv ie eei
onds the lady proudly raised her head
and said, "I knew him the minute
taw him. Why it's Mr. Hull Hun Joe
Teacher.' KAUiiilnutiiiiih.
tf ,1. i. . i n l l,
' this morning's boat.
Hev. D. V. Poling returned last
to his camp at Uaecaue Locks.
Manuel Stciiel is registered at
Umatilla House from Portland.
T. H. Lafollette. a prominent sheep
man.Jarrived here today fioin Prineville.
itev. U. t. Hawk lelt on tins morn-
inn's boat for his camp at Wind River
R. H. Weber, the nurseryman, left on
the noon train on a trip to outhein
O. F. Paxton arrived yesterday from
Portland and returned home on the
noon train.
ilnw. '
V'lv- -Mohr portagn company, while makirfg
Yiieup. choice and charmlm- nro this ! her 11 i ft trip from Walluln to Columbus
negligee shirts. Without n i yesterday, run on the rocks at Qulnn's,
Regular $1.00, if 1.20 lind if 1 j thia side of Arlington, and is fast there
shii tH for 1)5 cents. See win- i with her bew completely smashed in.
''Hde A Miivh. !The above information was received
Two , mds of fat hoga were fed at the " tllia "00" h' '"'I'l'lione. InquineB
Salliiiarhlie stock yarde this mottling. I ' 1,10 m,le of the Central Navigation
They helonyed to Kiddle Uros. and were ! Co any continued tho news, but add
on the way from leliunl Uily, V:Uou i l'lJ 'rther iiiformntloti.
cuiuiy, lo Troutdale. ' ! Messrs. John Merriaui, W. J. Sin
clair and II. W. Furlong, of the Horko-
A carload of horses belonging to Fraser
ley university, Calif., are in the city on
ailll Ml. I mil. ,.t !,.!! 1 .,!.! ,.l
j win iiim i jiii i iii ii I nu v Diy.,n
yards esteiday. They hud been put -uiascil
hi the Jolm Day country.
Septniuliur wheat rold today in Chi
ito at 7 1 cunts a bushel, u fall of .,
coats from tho closing price .Saturday.
A cabl.i dispatch of this date nays:
"l.lveipnol one penny lower. Fair offer
'i!s hv foreigueiH,"
U'il 1 1 .... ... ..
" in me uwner oi 1 1 1 lit cow wiin a ueu i
hunt on tho forks of ll.o John Day.
They aio very much pleased with tlie
result of their trip. They penned about
two tons of fossils of anlnia'.s, some of
which are very valuable. They secured
three heads and portions of tho bones of
the species known ns the three-toed
horne, besides numerous bones of mas
todon utid rhinoceros.
A small boy, who is iv close observer
i that iincturimlly seteniideH tho citl- niUi somewhat of a poel, gave u hletory
'"is en I'ourth, in the neighborhood of 1 0f his father's panta as follows : "When
Liberty, please look after her? There j ,irtlj i,n9 worn Ills breeches out, they
I only one man In this town who likes
l hear such jingling, namely, the
it Is said the Chinese pheasants me
vry plentiful this year. A fanner on
tlie Mohawk eaya while niowln hoy tho
other day hu spent half of bis time kick
'"B the pheasants out of the way of thu
sickle to prevent cuttlim their heads
off ami violating thoguine luw. Kugene
New Mint the Iralda is a Dallea boat it
will lie interesting to Dal lei people to
uow tiiu ngne i,ai,a jB derived from
tlift (I.., i I.. . t
"mi two letter oi tlie namei oi me
pass to brother John, then tun she trims
them round about and William puts
Ihum on. When William's legH too long
have grown and the trousers fail to hide
'em,- then Walter i.lalms 'em for his
own and hides himself inside 'cm; next
Run'a fat legs they close Invest, and
when thoy won't stretch lighter, they're,
turned nnd Hhortenod for me the
writer. Ma worke em into cafa aud
ruga when I have buret the stitches.
At doomsday we, perhaps, shall ese the
last of dad's old britches."
Charlie Evans, the old-time and ever
popular locomotive engineer of the O,
Notice is hereby L'iven that tho county
superintendent of Watco county will
hold the tegular examination of appli
cants for state and county papers at TJie
Dalles, Oreizon, as follows:
roil MTATIJ l'.U'KISS.
Commencing Wednesday, August 8,
at nine o'clock a. in,, aud continuing
until Satuiday, August 11th, at four
Wednesday Penmanship, history, al
gebra, reading, school law.
Thursday Written arithmetic, theory
of teaching, grammar, book-keepiii,
physics, civil government.
Fiiday Physiology, geography, men
tal arithnietic, composition, physical
Satuiday Hotany, plane geouietiy,
general history, English literature,
Commencing Wednesday, August 8th,
at nine o'clock a. in., and continuing
until Friday, August 10th at four
lhT, 2ND AM) 3l) (JltADi; ClIlllIFICATKS.
Wednesday Penmanship, history,
orthography, leading.
Thursday Written arithmetic, theory
of teaching, grammar, school law.
Friday Geography, mental arith
metic, physiology, civil government.
I'lll.MAIIY Ci:ilTinCATKS.
Wednesday Penmanship, orthogra
phy, reading.
Thursday Art of questioning, theory
of leaching, methods.
Dated Tho Dalles, Or., July 27, 1000.
j'J7-10t School Supt. Wasco Co., Or.
At 7 p. in. next Tuesday evening all
the (lie alarm boxes In thu city will be
turned in as a test. Citizens ami firemen
will teinetiiber the hour and govern
themselves accordingly.
Ciias, Lauku,
2Sjiy 3t Chief Fire Department.
Healthful drinks aronot luxuries, they
are necessities. A full lino of cool and
refreshing porter, ale, mineral water and
beers kept ou Ice. Take a bottle borne
for lunch, O. J. Stabling, Phone 2.H.
To Our Cold tu Due l))r
Take Laxative Hromo Quiniue Tab
leta. All drugglata refuud the money,
T. S. Hamilton, a wealthy sheepman
; of Asli'ood, Crook county, "arrived heie
on the noon train. -
Mis. Chas. Stabling and Miss .Stublmg
left ou this morning's boat for an outing
at Collins Landing.
Dr. Hay Login, of Shaniko, spent
Sundav in The Dalles, returning to
1 Shaniko on tlie noon train.
Rev. Mr. Rreniier, of tlie Lutheran
onurcli, left on ttiis inorninn's boat to
pend a few weeks at Collins Luidlng.
Y Harry Hampshire, Charley Snlley and
Jack Powers got back Saturday night
from a week's camping at Trout lake.
Fred A. and Mrs. Young and family
and Miss Young, of Hidirwway, were pas
senders on this morning's boat for Long
Mrs. F. W. McEwan nnd Misses May
Jones and Lucy Fox were passengers on
this morning's boat for tin outing at
Lee Moot house, Pendleton's famous
photographer, anil J. E. Luhrop, of the
East Oiegonian, came down on the early
morning train yesterday from Pendleton
and joined the campers Cascades, ac
companying a party of them to Multno
mah falls in tlie afternoon, where they
obtained a number of splendid photo
uraphio views. Thoy returned homo on
tho night train delighted with tlie day's
outing and tlie hospitality of Dalles peo
ple whom tliey met at camp.
nihHiililtltin -Millie.
Tlm nniiHrl iiurtiliiii ImsmosQ liDmtnfnri,
conducted at 175 Second ttroet, under
the linn name and style of Hlakelev A
Houghton, is this day dissolved by
mutual consent, F. L. Houghton retir
ing fiom said firm. The business will
be conducted in tho future hy Geo. C,
Hlakelev, at tho old sland. F. L.
1 lough ton will collect all accounts and
puv all liabilities of said firm.
Tho Dulles, Oregon. July 2, 1000.
(Ji:0, C. III. AKEI.DV,
F. L. Hoi'fiHTON-.
A Dalle I'mtnr find Nimv Totmiipnt
Truth. In OM lYMiiMinnt Imagery,
At tho M. E. church ycsteid iv Pastor
Ilav.k took for his text Zech.irlah iv :2 '
and 2 verses, "What teest IhouV Andj
I said, I have looked nnd behold a can- ;
dlesticx all of gold, witli a bowl upon
the top of it and liia bovhii lamps there
on, and seven pipes to tlie teven lamps
which" are on tlie top theteof. And
two olive trees by it, one upon the right
side of the howl, and. the other upon the
left side thereof." Tlie preacher said in
In tho vision of tho candlestick, tiowl,
pipes, lamps and olive trees we have an
emblem of tho church of the living God
and her source of strength. The can
dlestick represents the church, the
olive trees on either side, with its ber
ries of oil, symbolizes the goodness of
God flowing into the bowl, which is
Christ, the mediation, through whom
alono all grace and mercy descend to
mankind. The pipes- are a sign of the
means of grace, as reading, hearing,
singing, praying, the holy sacrament,
etc. The seven lamps are emblematic
of the spirit of God in all His plenlitude
of grace, gifts and light dispensed
through the church into the hearts of
men. The church is symbolized by tlie
candlestick, which is made of gold, a
metal noted for its durability. Lead,
Iron, eic, can be melted till they waste
away, but expose gold ,to heat, melt it
in the furnace, take it through chemical
operatiotiE am! all y appliances, and yet i
it will retain its weight and escjpe un
injured. The blessed doctrines of the
church of the Redeemer are incorrnnta-
ble; they have been tried in the furnace
of time; they have been tested by the
alloy of this world and have escaped un
injured. Christ's chureh Is a pure and
holy church, ond what she teaches must
be pure and holy also, not adulterated
witli the mixture of any novel doctrines,
such as thofu which have been added by
some to the faitli once delivered to the
saints and imposed as necessary to sal
vation. There are more peoplo today
who believe in tho genuineness of the
gospel and who are trusting in her tried
and rich promises than ever before since
tlie world began. Earth and hell can
not cut the golden pipes; tlie darkness
of the world cannot dim tlie refulgent
rays of tlie Holy Spirit. Tlie glorious
doctrines of salvation from sin are as
l lasting as time and as firm as t lie ever
lasting hills.
It is tlie design of tlie christian church
to give light. Light is frequently used
as an emblem. "Thy word," says the
Psalmiet, "is a lamp unto my feat and a
light unto my path." Thia world is
spiritually dark, "for darkness covers
the earth and gross darkness tlie peo
ple." Rut truth, light and life are found j
in the church of God. All light is diffu
sive. Tho light of tlie church is not to
be quenched or "hid under a bushel."
Individually and collectively we must
diffuse knowledge, holiness and joy; wo
must thine forth for thu benefit of men
and the glory of G od. The church is to
be a light-bearer. She is not a creator
of light, but, like the moon, the church
j shines with a borrowed light ; she de
I pends' upon Christ, the Sun of Right-
eousiiess, for every kind and degree of
(influence. If sho forget hei end, neg
j lecta her mission and disowns her de
pendence, her light will bo extinguished.
Tins world in which you and I are
living i-" Go. I'd larger house. Manv of
' the sons and daughters are away from
home, spending their substance in riot
oils living, wandering away from homo
out in the darkness of sin and sorrow, j
Many of Hid children are crying in tho J
night, nut tlie father of sin and dark- j
uesa will not help them, for ho has
pleasure in their misery and anguish ; j
but our heavenly bouse. father, in
mercy for these erring ones, lias placed
candles in the candlestick, that by tlu
clear light of holy affection and Christ
I like deeds, these heart broken, erring
'children may be brought homo to the I
1 caro of thu loving Saviour. Uuspo.ika- j ( "'"'' f'"- Adoption.
! ble joy comes to4the soul which lits long I Twin girl babes 5 mouths old; mm
i been lost in tho darkness of this world ' Brl babe, 1 month; ono girl II years ;
I when suddenly light appears liko thu!mi boy 1 year; one boy 2 years; one.
'light that ciino to Saul of Tarsus when hoy 0 years. Apply to I. F. Tohyy,
The only store it
this city where tlu
Genuine Imported
Ware is sold
A little higher in
price, but outlasts
a dozen pieces of so
called cheap ecam
eled ware.
Other vare3 look
has tho name
Stransky Steel
Waro on each piece.
Do not be deceived
First prize at 10
International Exhi
bitions Highest
award at World t
Columbian Exhibi
tion. Chicago Pre
ferred, by tlie best
certified to by the
most famous chem
ists for purity and
durability it la
cheapest because
Remember thia
'celebrated enam
eled ware, is special
ly imported for and
sold in this city ex
clusively by iw.
It does not rust
nor absorb grease,
does not discolor
nor catch inside, is
not affected by acid?
in fruits or
will boil,
stew, ronst
and bake
w i t h o u t
flavor of
cook o d
food and
will last
for years.
Wo cau
tion tlu
i ! i Itinirul Itluntlei
Will often cause a horrible burn,
fcald.cntor bruise. Hiicklcn's Arnica
Salve, the best in tho world, will kill
the pain and promptly heal it. Cures
old sores, fever soree, ulcers, bolls.conis,
felons and all skin eruptions. Rest pile
cure on earth. Only 25 cte, a box,
Cure guaranteed. Sold by G, G. Hlake
ley druggist. 1
Straw hate. Nobby, stylish, mtty
hats for a little money. Wear one of
our straw hats and you will be cool as
well us ttylish. Peace & Mays.
Subscribe for Tiik Cuuoniok.
on the way to Damascus.
When I was a boy wo had tho lainpj
: bunging around ou thu walls of Mm
, church, whero they c uld only give light
oneway; hut now we have thu bright
1 electric light in tlie center of the church,
, whero tho light is thrown out in every
: direction
superintendent Childreu'd Home Soci
ety, Tho superintendent will be in The
; Dalles this wu-k aud will receive wriflen
I applications at this office.
lh.) next
Itiiutily fur anil
How el 'l'l iiulilex.
'I have been in the ding business for
As Christians wu muitwiiig j twenty yea is aud have, sold most all of
out where our light can ehiuo all around thu proprietary medicines uf any note.
us. It may lie that some poor sea. I Among the entire lltt I have never found
tossed mariner will be directed to God ! anything to tqual Chiunbeilain'a Colic,
by the light we may cist upon his path-' Cholera and Dlanhoea Remedy for all
way, J stomach and bowel troubles," aiys O,
umii'iii .mri:ieu.. W. Wakelield, of Columbus, Cm. "Thia
Allcouutv warrants registered prior i remedy cured two severe cases of cholera
to Aug. 1, 1890, will be paid at my ' morbus in my family and I have recom
office. Interest ceases after June 110, ! mended and sold hundreds of bottles of
IfiDO, J. F. Hami-hiiuc, j it to my customers to their entire satis-
County Treasurer. faction. It affords a quick and sure euro
in a pleasant form." I' or sale by
Hlakeley & Houghton,
Fresh cracked Nebraska com at tiie
Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of
chicken feed, mcb25-ii
Subscribe for Tlie Chrouicle,