The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 30, 1900, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.) Guardian's Sale.
Kur I'leslilt'tit
Of Ohio.
Kor Vleil'reltlint
Of w Yurie.
N'nllre Is lierebv clvcn Hint vmrMinilt to n 11-
JtTIA" SO, lDOOjcciiM nml onlcrnf siilenimlc nrit liieit to me
as giiiiriiniii in me remuis mm nm .im
Mooic nml (iiullclu Moorc, minor.'', by the
County Court ot the Stnte of Oregon for nco
1 county on the fith liny of June. 1HW, I will, on
tho 3lst ilnv of lulj, 1NM. at thu rourt hmuo
i door in Dulles. City, t the hour of p clock i.
'in. of Mild l!v, ell to the hlKliet btililor for of tho mterei 01 tnn minors
in" mill to tho rcl tiroierty hereliinfter ile-
1 seiibeil: .iiil interest uciiik 11 ennuiis'iii mo-
... , , .,, , ,-n,,a Pollution l.anrt i:lnlni, in .ce. II, nil v-ili
country is always going lo the dogs. MlXf, , Tl-1 N( K ,3 K) w. m. ai-oh
. i.i.:., 1 5 Merest In mill to Lot r.', nml Itj fwt oil' tl
bonicbody is robbing tlic l. fc. , sllI(. , nm block c of Lnuiiiiiin' in
' ...tiittt lntnr,.t fn nml to (hp V. of tho SK1
the &r of the SW'.nml Lot i of See. ll.nml j
i.nis i nml oi itx'. i.n ii nai I'vnwiii mui-i-i .
l . of liiml bonmleit ns follows: I'oniincnclni; nt ii
.t.ike on the north line of the Victor Trevltn
,, , , . , ,,. i,ii- i.nnl, 1 Donation I-anil Claim, wnere it croSv"s n iiiiciu
J lie democrats lOVC to llOllcr UOOll.! thence Inn southerlv ilirtctioii nerovs;
.... .i ci . Ciin-. r,..,,.., - lorn on the line of 'the iueent fence Ml roils-
snys tllC balcm btnlCsinan. 1110 thence west rods, llienre northwest 0 roils.
, .... ,,,, Tim thence atone saiil lluoM) IriKli-, to the ilce of.
always have a great scare on. llic lu(:1IiniK, beiiiK.n j-art of the victorTrevtt
lionnilon i.ann i:iiuni, in nc. ii, an siw minis
a line in
tho west
uiu iv Ail-
treasury. .Somebody wants to wear ; m$ff "a"u)iil:ii v. mooiu:. Guardian.
a crown. England is always either , - 7-;
corrupting our statesmen or building J Notice Of Sheriff S Sale.
forts up in British America to blow, m-virtue of nn execution duly isui by the
, -r ' cleric of the circuit court of the county of Waf-
US all into the GlllC Of Mexico. I eo. State of meson, dated the I'tiii day of June,
, lvOO, in a certain action in the circuit court for
"When a Uiail gets to be a thorough , saul county mul state wherein W. A. ScorkIii as
. iilatntlll re-overed Jndpnient aealnst X. W.Wal
(leinOCl'at he lias tO get lip twice ! We, defendant, for the mm ot ninety-three dot
, ,. , i lars unit twenty-one cents iliuiiiifte, which Juiljr
CVCrV lllgllt tO tremble. llieil lie ment was enrolled and docketed In Iheelert'.s of
v . ! llee in saideourt.ou lutie:!,lf?0,nud Hherea. on
EOeS back tO be.l and Sees Visions the K-coinlilaj-ot June, UK), by mi order duly
, , , ! made and entered on said court mid came, Mrs.
and dreams dreams about men on , Margaret a. bcopKiu as executrix of the last
will and testament mid estate of the s.iiil W. A.
horseback, can yillg i words and WCOr- Scogein, deceased, was substituted for the said
S 1 I V. A. SecR2in In mill eiui'e, notice is hereby
iug crowns, 111 Grant s adllliniStra- . civen that'l will on Monday, the 27thiIavof
.... Ausust, VM), at the eountv court house door in
tlOIl tlieV always pictured llim 111 , Dalles City, In said aeo County, Oreeou at 'J
. o'eloek ill the iittemoon of said day, sell at jiiib
their uewspapet's as thirsting to wear, lie auction to the highest bidder for cash, the
, . ,, followitiR described property, tn-vrlt.
a Crown, Grant was the same horrid I The southeast imarter of southwest quarter;
. ' south half of southeast, quarter, and the lmith-
motlSter jlcKinlC IS, he wanted to east quarter of the simtheast quarter In section
, , tnenty-elsht ( t), township seven (7) south,
found an empire, he wanted to be an , range, seventeen (it(, v. .m.: also
. lot number three (.1) In block number three
emperor. xSOW what (10 tilCV say OI I :y in I auchlln's addition to the town of Ante
, , , i lope. In Wasco eountv, State of Oregon, taken
(rant." lliey dOll t say lie Was a jam! l. vied uponastheprorertyof thesald X.
i W. Wallace, or s much thereof as may be nec
mODSter any more than they sav essarv to sati-fv the said judgment in favor of
, . , ,, , ,. , ! W. A. Scoggln ngaii t said X. W. Wallui'e. with
Lincoln was a babboou. as tilCV did . interest ti ereon at the rate of eight percent per
llieir talk i with nil eo-s mm disbursenieiiis that have ot
liny accrue,
Dated nt Dalit' ( ity, Wasco County, Oregon,
July jr., lPoO. 'J--ii
Of tho prodiifl til Hi w'll kion brcwury tho Unlti'd Sluli.a Hcnlth
Iiui.orm tor .bint' HHUi, wiyo. "A mr.r.! aiipoi lor brow ncvor ciiierpil
tin- lalinitnrv of tht- I'niU'l StttU'H Health ri'portH. It la nbpnhiUily tluvold
el tho HligliU'Hi trm-o of nihilloiiilion, lint on th othtir huiiil la con pnacil of
tlio heat of nmlt nml rhohvHt of hops. Un tonic iiuulitioB nru of tho hijjl,.
oat and It nun ho nxed with tho croiitfttl honi'llt iinil HiitlHfnction hy olil nj
omiu. lie imo ran enneiiiiilioutly Im pn-purilicd hy tho ihyulciunH wttti
thiM-ersuintv Hint a buttur, purer or nioro whnluHOino hcvi'ruKiu'.oulil UQt
possibly ho found."
East Second Streot, THE DALLES, OREGON.
when he was president.
about imperialism is all bosh. They
kno.v it, but they don't fool anybody
but themselves ant! they are inclined
that way naturally.
Xotice is hcrebv given that the undersigned
., . ... T, , .! i .i ' have been duly appointed by the honorable
-I lie Prineville Review thinks the , county court, of the suite of Oregon, fur Wasco
, . . . ,, , . J eountv, executors of the estate of Horatio Cor-
cause for the existence Of the Ante- SOu. deceased. All persons having claims
, , , -. i i ' against said estate are hereby notllitd to present
lope Republican appears 111 Its lead- . the Mime, properly verified, to the undersigned
,. . , . ,. , . . I Charles K. Corson, nt Wasco, Sherman county,
lllg Cdltorifi) III Its last ISSlie. I lie , Oregon, or at the ollice of our attorneys. Mene-
1 leo.v wuson, in i lie uanes, utegnu, wuniii six
mouths from the date of this notice.
Dated July II, l'.OO.
K.xecutor.s of the estate of Horatio Corson, ile
ccased. Jly'Jl Ii
question of "Stockman County" is
advocated and it is suggested that
the lines be drawn the same as the'
were before. It further says that
both Crook and "Wasco counties
should be willing. The Review is
glad that its neighbor on the north
has made known liis intention. That
Xotlee is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly by the honorable court
' of the state of Oregon, for Wasco county, ex
I ecutor of the estate of Aiuust Uachman, lie-
f.p;i,vi. All rprsnns hnvillL' clnims nirnln.t snln
... . . , ,, . . , estate are nereoy noiiiieu to present tnc same,
paper Will resist With all its might proKny verified, to the undersigned George D.
, . i rtevd, at 1 lie Dalles, Wasco county, Oregon, or
the formation Of n COUnty as pro- at thcolliceof hisnttorm-js, MenefeCiV. V.Tsou,
, . . nt The Dalles, Oregon, within six months from
nosed in the Inst legislature, and it is i thedntoof this notice.
. , , . ' . , i Dated this Hth day of July, 1000.
satisfied that a majority of the tux-, ukougi: d. uked,
. .. , , Kxecutor of the estate of August Ilaehman,
jiaj'ers in that portion of Crook ; deceased. uyji ii
county sought to bo cut off will
petition against the chnngCi
irxi jvwrn-.r.rii :A.-rxrxrxrxr3 sr-.crjcr
The death .of King Humbert, of ; LO
Jiuiy, ai inu iiuiKib ui u itiuu'.-iiiai,
removes from this sphere of action j
a man who was an honor to the Ik'
liuman race. lie was one of the best i
men that ever lived. Anarchy itself jj'
could not suggest a reason for his !
murder except its insane and un- j J
reasoning hatred of every thmg that ' t
is good. The society that plotted ! fj
U13 ncuvu aaii mi; ....... "..u ui.u , Wngon and Cnrriago Work.
it have no more rights in civilized Fsr, Brothors' Wagon,
society than n pack of cayoles. N
punishment can ever fitly avenge W aUUGlTGOD, Pte 159
this base and cowardly murder. g
WOMEN and Women Only, especially mothers, are most competent to
appreciate the purity, sweetness, and delicacy ofCeTicuitA oac and
to discover new uses for it dally. Its reniarkahli! emollient, eleaming,
and purifying properties, derived from CL'ticcua, the great skin euro ami
purest of emollient, warrant its use in preserving, purifying, and beautifying
the skin, scalp, bauds, and hair, and in the form of baths and .solutions for
annoying Irritations, itehlngs, inflammations, and dialings, too free or offen
sive perspiration, and aho in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses,
as well as many sanative, antiseptic purpose-", which will readily suggest
thenielve. All that has been said of CTtktka Soad may aNo lie ald of
Cutictka Ointment which should be used after the So.u', in the severer
cases, to hasten the cure.
Complete Extornal & Internal Troatmont for Evory Humor, SI. 25,
eon-lslliig of nrrti't'KA how (2.V.1, to cleanse the skin or vuts and scales and sotten tho
thickened cuticle, C'nirmtA (iixtmknt (.We.;, to In-tantly allai Itching, liitl.iiiimalloii.and
irritation, and soothe and heal, and (JfTicintA Ui:solvi:nt ::), to cool and clcamu thu
blood. A SinhlkSctU often sullleleiit to cute the most torturing, ilstlgutlTrg,uiid leinill.
i.iling .skin, fi-alp, nml blood humors, with lois or hair, when all el-e ialU. I'unu: Dauo
and'cucji. Com'., Solo l'rops,, Ilojton.
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Broad, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pionesr Grocer.
ouse Company
A Difficult Problem. l
It is anient: the most difficult prob-
loins of natural science for one to heconiu 1
expert in several lines. J. E. Atlcos & i
Co., by their combination, have over-:
come thip difficulty in a practical inati-
ner. J. E. Atlcox is an expert watch-'
maker and is good on jewelry, optical p
work and etinravins, while Theo. H.
l.tetie is an expert optician ami is good
on watch repairing, jewelry work and
engraving. Their price is as low a con
sistent with good workmanship. They
are prepared to do all work in their
several lines, on short notice. Work
sent by mail or express will receive
prompt attention. Sign. "Itig lied
J. B. Orossen & Co., Props.
87 Second Street
A Chinese peddler at Spokane is
said to have cut off his queue to
convince skeptical persons that he 1
was not a JJoxer. Here a Chinaman
flnn"! nnt. nut. riff liic miioiio -lint lio
... I'arify tho tllocd,
announces his sentiment in a aointil. u"'''Hu"han.dMiii-P!!n
" '"UTfn or trio l;orcU ech iiy Is eiiirv
ktiou of nil the picturesque cuss ' gSv,fli'?Si,
words known to the An-'lo-Saxon f3nMvu.riuu.n.
An exchange very fittingly re
marks that it does not matter whether
imperialism or 1G to 1 is paramount
so long as Mr. Hryan is paramount,
87 Second Street
DnMolllilll jprcTsl!;
...AND... j; j;
aw j .hi A ...Dealer In... Ji
nOrSBuQuBI Dry Goods, Clothing, !
!jir3 fienrR' TZrtrttn hinrto ii
Vlf; 1 " r' I
!l 5j Hoots, Shoes. Huts, tnpt, Kutlons. Agt. fjl
g ,j for W. I. DouijIu!) Shoe, Ml
2 ' 1 Tflei.lione N'o. S8. nU Tlnll
lnifceeomiHt.. lUu'lJfl lCS. U .
- m lie 1 -ait
-- - - - - - A-7v7
S2HJ!SI3L3 i mine connlif Ti mm ii. tcA
and Fatmerrs U'l' U
Id Jn
Just What
You tuant
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot rii kin
Headquarters for .Boiled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, feed
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOTl FlOUr '"''H ' '""r '""""htettired expreBHly for fitmllj
uui life . every naek ia miaruuteed to j:1vh Hiitiefaction.
We toli our (;oo(1b lowor than any house in thu trade, and if you don't think eo
call nml net our prieen and ho eouviueed.
Highest Prices Paid for Whea.t. Barley and Oits
$1.00 per month.
Strictly tirat cIiisb local nml lonu
dirttaiiue telupliime dervice within
your Inline,
l.inee do not eros-tnlk. Your eon
vernation will he kept a becret.
No cost for iiifitalllni;.
You net the Btandard Iluiining
Lone, DiHlant IiiHtrument.
('ontiimniiH day and night Hervico.
Wo will accept your contract for
ten years ami allow you to cancel
name on uivine, uh thirty davH writ
ten notice,
Hfraoio PimDloi, Prmt
i Iieiilist.
I I'ho'18 ti,
Olllci rucr French A C'o.'i. Hunk
THK Il.U.UKo, OI'.KtiO.N
K. K. rKlttil.'Sd.V,
. . rr . ; Pliyaiciun and Surgeon,
In the last analysis there appears to
be very little diflerenco between the I cc, Vogt lilock (over I'.ntofflcf),
IJoxers of I'ekin and thoae of St. Lonia. 1 :o"t,1""l Jw 'fin: i)Ai.l.Ki, O'tiidOK.
If thorn he any advantage It ie on the '
Bide of the Celestial Ihinr. wlin ! '''
the open instead of planting dynnmlte
bonilin mifl riuiriinu 7ii v H.f !l,I,iwfr,
("hronicle. ! i
The WashiiiKtou I'oat notes that Cape!
Cliicken Lice Conprei
Nome has reached that point where the
grave diggers aro making more money
than the gold diggers,
The New York World (dem.) aeks if
wo are to havo a more distinctively
American financial system, why not
also an American yardstick, nn Amerb
can gallon, or an American pound
weight especially when selling the
Tammany trust's ice?
Carbolineum : Avenarius.
The most efficient Wood l'reiervbiR
l'n I nt h I to ii Ituillcul Heinedy uKulint
Cliicken, iUiiiiiliratlon tola
tide wulU of poultry lioiuei will iter
inHiiently exWrmiiiRte nil lice. lie.
tult liealtliy chickens, plenty of
cuiis. U rltu for circulars mid pikes.
Mention this paper.
Jos. T, Peters & Co.,
KeepH mi ilrmiKlit the celolirHleil
COl.tJMHIA HKKlf, iickiiniv:
ulKcil tho Iieat liter In Tho Dallcn,
ut tlieiiaiial inlce. Coinoin. try
It mul be ciinvinceit, Alio the
l'liif t bninUs of SVhies, (.I juor
Hiid Ciu'arn.
of all Kinds nlwnyfi on liiitnl,
Now ideas in Wall 1'aner hure. Sneli
; wide variety aa wo aie showing never be
fore (-raced a Bingle stock. Heal imita.
i lion eroton ell'ecte at ordinary jiriccs.
I Good papers at cheap paper prices.
I Elegant designs, tasteful coloring!;, voiuh
' for a small price, at our storo on Third
I street. Also a full line of house paints,
ID. W. VATJSE, Third St.
tl. -M. IIK.U.I,,
C. S. Smith,
j Up-to-date (Jroeer
Fresh Eggs and Creamery
Butter a specialty.
- j First National Batik.
2d Street.
'Phone 270.
IIUT'IIJI't.fiu A. Wllanu
Offic oir First Nat. Mmnk
A General Banking Business transacted
Dopoaite received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made aud proceeds promptly
remitted on dav of collection.
Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, Ban Francisco and port
D. P. Thomwoh. Jno. 8. Schimuk,
En. M. Williami, Qao. A. Liauji.
H. M. Bkai.l.
FKK1). W. WlliiON,
OBlce oti Ktrt Nat. llnnk. '
& (jrood News
to Good Dressers....
I l i. .... . . ... hf
. , 4 ci'iiiiiu inviiation to all to inspect the sampiea u
W oo eitH from tlie UKOWN TAILOIilNtf CO., Chicago's fuiiious Vw W
tout lailorH.
& Suits to Measure, $8.75 up. 5
l it, workmanship and entire salisfaution gnnrnnteed.
JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, Agent.
Grandall & Barget
All kinds of undertakers Bial Shoes
Funeral Supplies embalmers Ete.
Tho Dalles, Or.
.1 I I HJ I J u-l
State floi?mal School,
Fall Term Opens September 18, 1900.
ruo School me prfp.irea to take the Hlatu Certlllcato
(iruaumoiremlllykOfluroKoodpoaltloiw, IUi.oiuo of year from IHW to 1150.
for ct, coatlnliig full announeomanU wlHrcw
I', b. C'AMr-IIKI.b, I'reiiaont, or W A. WANN, 8wrcry of Kucul f