'r, )vtmkk. 4? VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY. JULY 30, 1900. NO. 297 vvnwvww KING HUMBERT ASSASSINATED Tlic Kind You Ilavo Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne tho Biprnatiiro of and has been made under his pcr jC&fflfAS Hoiml supervision since its infancy. uzryy. cucUX't Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good ' are hut; Experiments that trifle with nnd endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic wibslaiHH!. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fevcrlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tlic Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Anarchist Assassin Bores His Heart King Had Been Attending the Gymnastic Exhibitions at Monza Health Result. J The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MUKIMV STntCT, NCW VORR CITY. HOPES OF EUROPE ARE ABOUT GONE Europe Has Lost Faith in Chinese hiiiuiices I'ekin Advance Will He Pushed. London, July li'.).Tlit hopes of Hiiropu lor the safely of nt leuet hoinu of tho incmK'rH ot thelegatioimit IVkin, which earliur hi tliu wwuk liml commenced to I upon the speech of limperor William, J enyB that it in the earnest wish of the Pope n tul Ciirdinul liampolla that t he ! powers eh'mid not lei-ort to u policy t ...... If...! 1 1 it... ui lluuuiiLiuil iiiiu vcii;ruiii;r) uuu wink no power should ho permited to do t hie. The I'opu has inPiied 11 letter directing As- prayers in nil churches for the oafety of tho Christians, and, instead of motives j of revenue, ihu letter expresses the hope thut the Almighty will inspire thoughts of concord mid pence, which will prevent fuither ruin mid massacre. Cold Slfcl or Dfulli, "There is hut one small chance to nave your lifo mid thut in through an operation," wits the nwful prospect set revive, lire now flickering, mid at the j before Mrs. I. 15. Hunt, of L'iiio Hidge, Jioine of cxMuguiHliiuent. it has been Wis., by tier doctor iiflur vainly trying pointed out ttiut there Iiiih been ample J to cure her of a frightful case f stomach trouble and yellow jaundice. Ho didn't count on tho marvellous power of Elec tric Hitters to euro etoniach and liver trouble?, but she heard of it, look seven bottles, was wholly cured, avoided stir eoii,H knife, now weighs more and feels better than ever. His positively guar, auteed to cure stoinuch, liver, and kid- ney troll Dies hum never ui-f hiiuiiiih. 1i ice OOu at Hlak'-leyV dniL' More. 1 Ullie tU CUL lllltlielilin mnoum.i.u uii.im.l ami (luted by the ministers. LTt.til tuich aJviren mv,, buMi received or until tho ntinitittrfl mvo been handed over in the flesh, the general public and tho govern, "icnts interested will not ul'.ach any credence to further Chinese statements " coneunt to stay preparations for the otlVMicu of tho relief force toward I'ekin. The te8t story originating in other '"ii Chinese sources is a special dispatch ram Che l oo, dated July 27, according o widish Missionary Wilder, who started ,or l'fkin a fortniehi mm. liuu inut ri. uned, m,d reports that he found thu j "I'vriiii unnusu forces couipletelv eur wundlnK the Tartar city. lie was uu- B l ,,uliv,,r message to the legation, mi hi reply tuhlHlntreatles the Chinese au they euuld not allow any one to pass forelgnum. According reports "'ntloclc on tho legations censed tho a ternoon of July W, jSvervthiug was in o ttlurliiB thu roniainder of MIhsIoiiiuv " Wor e stay. Wtu,n he left, July 18, a ree had been issued commanding all i reons ,0 ,iroU,ct 10 (ort(1,m,t8 , Returning ho saw no troops for . " '"lies south of Pekin, but he P"n V'"1 ti0'000 ' were in the tX ,,ood f Ym Th"" ,V1 ordhik- to this morning's Uerlln (tin on, tl", 00"'vtlvo government -on ii B,"ri' tl,ul 1Sl"lror Williatu'H Drp ' ", "numirlinveii have been inlsre- tl MHbrm1, Th Krm """K the I.! , wns "m'r '"tended to convoy DriJr . ,,,u lrool", not nink m one,,, but that the flern.au emperor S'lll,td 10 tl,u '". "' " imrdonednor umde prisoners." aiol tho Vatican, comuieutioK GOING EAST If you intend to take a trip Kast, ask your ticket at!0tit to route you via The Great Wabash, a modem and up-to-date railroad in eveiv pailicular. Through trains from Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or Si. iuis to New York and New KiiKhmd points. All trains run via Niagara Kails and every through train has free reclining chair cars, sleep ing and dining cars. Stop over allowed on all tickets at Ni agara 1'alls. Hn 0. Cu.sk, l'acltlc Coast 1'ass. AkI., L'ih Angeles, Calif. O. S. Ciiani:. H. I. A., St. Louis, Mo. Ki'iiieinlier That Chas. Siubling is still doing a retail buHinesd at his new pluco. He sells in quantities to suit all customers, Irom one bottle to a barrel. Family orders deliwre l iimmpll Nullee. AH persons are reoriented to give credit to no one on me account without an ..rrlr fniMi me. M. IIIoUKIioui Monza, Italy, July 00. King Hum belt has been utsaesinated. Ho was Bhot here laEt evening at 10:45 by a man named Angelo Ilreesi, and died at 11:110. Tho king had been attending a dis tribution of prizes in connection with a gymnastic competition about 10 o'clock. He had just entered his carriage with his aid-du-camp, amid tho chears of the crowd, when ho was struck by three ' revolver shots fired in quick niceession. I One pierced the heart of His Majesty, (who fell back and expired in a few minutes. ! The BHgaeein wob immediately ar rested and was with some difficulty leaved from the fury of the populace. He gave his name as Angelo JJressi, de scribing himself us of 1'rato, in Tuscany, lie cynically avowed his guilt of the crime. Jean Marie Ferdinand Eugene Hum bert 1. King of Italy, wna born March 1-1. 1844. He attended hie father, Victor Emmanuel, during the war of Italian independence in 1859. In 18G0, when Italy lought with Austria, the prince took the field as commander of a di vision in General Caialdini'e army, and was present at the disastrous battle of Cuetozza, June '-'3, ISoG. After Home was occupied in 1870 bv the Italian troops, he took up Iiib residence there and upon the death of his father, Jan uary 0, 1878, eueceded to the throne of Jtaly. lu rxovemher ol the same year an atteufpt was made to atsassinate him, but it failed. When the would-be nseupfcin was condemned to death, Hum bert commuted his sentence to imprison ment at hard labor. During thr cholera epidemic at Naples, he exposed himself frenuentlv iu his endeavors to alleviate tho sutTeriug of tho sick nnd dying. By these and other acts of kindness the king won the affection of the Italian people. In 180S ho married his cousin l'riuceis Marguerite of Savoy, and i eon was born of this marriage in 18C9. A NlKlit of Terror. "Awful anxiety was felt for tho widow of the bravo General 5urnham of Machias, Me., when the doctors said she could not live till morning," writes Mrs. S. II. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night. "All thought she must soon die from Pneumonia, but she begged for Dr. King's New Discovery, saying it had more than once saved her life, and had cured her of Consumption. After three small doses bIio slept easily all night, and its further use completely cured her." This marvelous medicine is guaranteed to cure all Throat, Chest and Lung Diseases. Only 50c and $1.00 Trial bottles free at Jllakeloy's drug store. 1 jl8-lw IViiiilril, liumrillHttd). mind haiiii'cH.iiiHker. Apply to ii K'r.mu,. if WaMi'o. Or. '-'tf. Clarke & Fa'k have leceived a carloBd of the ceinbiatd lame 15. I'atton strictly pure liquid paints Alllltll 1'UkM J!UOUt-l, Saum, July 28. Captain S. H. Ormsby superintendent of the Cascade Forest Hewer ve, has announced that tho old Miuto tril over the Cascade mountains has been reopened. This pass was dis covered by Hon. John Mlnto about forty veins ago, and connects the Wlllatnetto valley with Eastern Oregon. It has been closed for Bome time owing to the con struction of the Corvallis & Eastern railroad to Detroit. This news will be gladly received by many, as it is the beet pass over the uiouutaius, Captain Ormsby has been working two years on it, keeping four men constantly employed last year. I.lku Iliu Auiericau Kule. Havana, July 20. Tho decree calling the constitutional convention and pro viding for tho election of delegates meets with almost universal approval at the hands of tho Cuban press. The element which has always clamored for inde pendence sees lu the convention the con summation of the plans of a lifetime. Thu autonomists, Cuban capitalists generally and Cuban merchants alike look with concern upon the prospective devolution oi large responsibilities upon inexperienced hands; and the word has gnno atound among them to try to elect tho very heat class of delegates po3MUe. Probably they will rally to the banner of the Union democratic party. From this time on those who share these appiehenMons will uso their funds and influence to secure the full registra tion of the belter class of voters anil to educate the people up to tho idea that it would be advantageous to continue the American intervention eeveral jeara longer. Ilatliltnnn In .fall. Havana, July 28. EsteaG. Rathbone, recently director-general of posts in Cuba, was arrested here today at 11 o'clock. Mr. Kathbone remained in the courtroom all day awaiting the decision of the judge in the matter of acceptanco'of Francisco Gamba, one of the richest Spanish mer chants of Havana, as hondeirnn for $25, 000. Kathbone was obliged to go to the guardhouse tonight because the judge ruled that Gtmba could not go on the bond without the consent of hisbusinebs partner. Mr. Rathboue'a lawyer's say the bond is unreasonable, aa the total amount of fraud nlleged is not over $4000. Four chargea were filed against Rath bone, one based on each of the two $500 warrants alleged to have been converted to his persona! uee and no vouchera of fered : third, on the alegation that lie paid hia coachman, footman ami gard ener from the postal funds; fourth, on the alleged taking of $5 per diem without authority. During last May an infant child of our neighbor waa suffering form cholera in fantum. The doctors had given up all hopes of recovery. I took a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy to the house, telling them I felt Euro it would do good if uaed ac cording to directions. In two days time the child had f nil v recovered. The child is now vigorous and healthy. I have re commended this remedy frequently and have never known it to fail. Mrs. Curtis Baker, Brookwalter, ,Ohio. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton. BUSINESS LOCALS. 1.1 Hunt; Chunt'H Mensage. New Youk, Julv 28. The Tribune publishes the following dispatch frooi Li liung Chang, dated Shanghai, July 27, and received at 1 :15 this morning: "I'ekin reports ministers alive. Safety assured. Allied forces entrance Pekin unnecessary." This dispatch was in answer to a message sent three days ago to the vice rov, asking for a statement as to the safety of foreigners in Pekin. Another Maaiucre. Shanghai, July 28. It is reported here that nine members of the China in land mission have been massacred near Chang Chow. Tluee additional warships arrived to day. There are now 2500 troops at the Woo Sung forts, seventeen miles from Shanghai, on the Yaugtse. Three ad ditional troops are now at the arsenal. Small detachments are arriving hourly. Ciuton is reported quiet. A Milliliter Ilovll l''ili Destroying its victim, ia a typo of con stipation. The power of this murderous maludy is felt on organs and nerves and muscles and brain. There's no health tlil It's overcome But Dr. King's New Life Pills are a safe and certain cure Best in tho world for stomach, liver, kidney, and l.owels. Ouly 25 cents at Blakeley'a drug store. 1 rhllliilue itrceliln. Wasiiinutos, July 28. The treasury receipts in the Philippine islands during May, lUDU, according to a statement made today by the division of customs and iusulai-Hltairsof the war department, were $70(l,H2O. Of this amount, $028,881 was credited customs teceipts : $311,006 to internal revenue receipts and $44,225 to miscellaneous receipts. Friini'o KuvelvvM loirrnl McMimgu Pakis, July 28 Tho Chinese minister at Paris, Vu Kung, has received tho following decree dated July 24 : "Tho foreign ministers are happily at present safe and Bound, except Kettelcr. Wo aio h iving the foreign legations sup piled with piovisiona and fruits, as a token of tho interest we fee) iu them." Cure Headache ljulckly. Baldwin's spaikling effervescent Cel ery Soda. A harmless and effective cure for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, brain fatigue, 10 and 25 cents, Sold by Clarke & Falk, druggists, jan24'tiw Clark A Talk's drug stock is new, fresh and complete. Ladies tan low shoe" only !10 cents at ' tho New York Cash store. I Clarke & Falk have on sale n full lino of paint and artist's brushes. You will not have boils if yoiitnkn Clarice & Falk'a sure cure for boiia. A full line ol Eastman nlma and sup plies just received by Clarke A Fall:. Clarke A Falk'a flavoring rxtracta are the beat. Ask your grocer for them. Ladies' tan oxfords sizes 3 to 5 only 90 cents at tho New York Caah Store. A fresh supply of Lnwney'a chocolates received today at Blakeley'a pharmacy. See our west window for bargains in ladies low fihoee. The New York Cash storo. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke A Falk. Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke A Falk have them. Why pay $1.75 per g.UI. n for inferior paints when you can buy James E. Patton's sun proof painis for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 yer.rs. Clark A Falk, agents. mI7 For the convenience of parties want ing ice in the afternoons, the Stadelman Ice Co. will carry a etock at their store, corner Third and Washington streets. Phone No. 107; long distance 183. "Ring 'em up." 18ui-tf Clark A Falk are never closed Sunday Don't forget this. Waiters5 Jackets... White Drilling -White Duck - -White Duck - -Black Berlin - -Black Sateen - - ALL SIZES. - 75c $1.00 $1.25 45c - 75c AJ.Williams&Co. Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, at much less than wholesale prices. Will sell iu bulk or iu lots, or any way to suit purchasers. Entire stock must be closed out "before thirty days. All goods will bo sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fitting Corsets ami Butterick Patterns. Your prices will he mine. Call early and secure bargains. J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sts. fi' V 5' 5' i $ ...Geo. C. Blakeley... Suooessor to Blakeley & Hough tou. Wholesale : and : Retail : Druggist 5J Largest Stock of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries ? 2 I Country and - fIail h Orders Will Receive PROMPT ATTENTION. 175 Second St. THE DALLES, - Phono 300. - OREGON. CLOUD CAP IfW NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON. Magnificent Scenery. Pure Air anil Water. Perfect Rest A MANSION IN THE SKIES. Buy your tickets from tho MOUNTAIN STACK A LIVERY COM PANY, Hood Klver, Oregon. ' jlyia