sores and Ulcers DRAIN THE SYSTEM, ENDANGER LIFE. That old sore or ulcer, which has been a source of pain, worn nnd anxiety to you for five or ten years maybe, longer doesn't heal because you are not using the proper treat ment, but are trying to cure it with salves and washes, "While these arc soothing and relieve pain to some extent, no real, permanent good can conic from their use, because the disease is m tue blood anu :ar bevonu tne reacn ot external applications. . .1 . t T ! 4 .... e i. i? . mi A sore neais prompuy wncn me uioou is m goou coiuiuion, mu n&var it n is uiscnscu. Hit tendency of these old sores and ulcers is to grow worse, spreading and eating deeper into the flesh They arc a constant drain upon the system, gradually but surely ruin the health and sap the very life A person's capacitv for work or pleasure is soon lost in the great desire and search for something to cure t ' ' 1 1 . f 1 .1 , 1 ... 1 11. , 1 " A 1 f. a. S. inaKes a rapiu anu permanent uire ui urn mjius uuu uii;t:.s, nun is me oniy jiieuiemc ilia if- . ... taa does, because no other can reach deep-seated blood troubles. Ordinary Sarsaparilla and potash mixture are too weak and watery to overcome a deadly poison that has taken possession of the blood. Do no' ' waste valuable time experimenting with them. I what I considered onlv n sltclit wound. It . 4 "Some ytais ago I was shot in the lift le;c. reirin: A UUnsnOI enveloped into a runtime sore nnd cac men pieat deal o Wound. mm. I was treated bv many doctors, anil toot a number of blood rcniedit. hut none did me ativ Rood 1 had heard S. S S highlv recomineitfied and concluded to civc it a trial. The result was truly frratifyiUR S. S S seemed to"cet right nt th! trouble, and forced the poison out of mv blood : soon nf tenvnrd- the sore heated up nnc was cured sound and well I now ha-- e perfect use of the leg. winch was swollen and very stiff for a long; time J. II. Mcukavcii, Mwrenccuurp; Ky . S. S. S. is the only purely vegetable blood purifier known ; is made of roots and herbs of wonderful purifving properties, which no poison can resist. S. S. S. quickly nnd effectually clears the blood of all morbid, unhealthy humors, and the old, troublesome sore heals. At the same time the general health is invigorated and built up. When a little scratch or hurt fails to heal readily, you may be sure your blood is bad. S. S. S. will soon put it in o-der and keep it so. Our Medical Dipartment is in charge of experienced physicians, who have made Dlood diseases a lite study. It you will write tnem about your case, tuey will gladly furnish all information or'advice" wanted, without any charge whatever. Address SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA sss The Dalles Daily Chronicle. The Ditilp Markets Wheat Xo. 1. .H) cant?. Hurley 14 a ton. O.tts ?l.lo cental. Wheat hay $7 loose; $5, naled. Potatoes $ 1 a sack. Flour Diamond mill?, $3.40 bbi ; Da fur milk, S3. 15 Es5--2J cents a doz-n. Butte: Creamery, 55 cents; dairy, -55 cents. Cnirkens $3.75 to $4 a dozen. Broil- ! comy er-, su'.ou. Apples Table, 75 cents ; cooking, 50 to 60 cents. reaches 25; Crawford, 50. Mentions, as iney cannot fSSrS oompn PaciriG Co. Shasta Route ; Catarrh Cannot lie Cured , with local applications, as thev cannot reach the seat is a blood or cons in order to care nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure I? taken interiiidiy, nnd arts directly on the blood and inncous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best j physicians in this country for yec-s, and is 3 regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with . the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect ination of the two muredieuts is SOUTH and EAST via Trains lenvr The liu.'lc for Portland nnd way station at t.2i a. m nudSp. m. l4vc Portland , ' Albany .. . . n m n as si 31 i n tTjTijtm tntiini n r 4 I r i 'to to to The Dq11c&, OP. rA ft. The Chroniele, dob Printers. Artlve Abhtuil 12:iam ' facramuto 5:CD)m " siiu.Krauciieo 7:&im n nd what produces such wonderful results in j Arrive Osdon curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,! " I'.envar ... . . ' " Kunsastlitv. free. j chtoaso.... F. J. Chexl-y & Co., Props., Toledo 0. Sold by drrnycists, price 75c. Hail's Fsmilv Pills are the best 6: IS am 9:w) n m 7:' n m 7tts a m 12 Tlif Het Itotncrt.v for Stiimuii liowl Trouhli'i. 'I have been in the drus businrss for twratv vears and have soid most all of "r a sl"v,' the pmp.-ietury methc.nes of any note." To be tound hand midfoot for years; Anions the entire list I have never found by the chains of disease is the woretj anything to equnl Chomberlain's Colic, , torm ot slavery. George T). Williams, of ; Chulera and Diarrhoea Remedy for all Manchester, Mich., tells how such a 1 stomach and bowel troubles," ejvs 0. '. slave was Iliallti ,re-'- 1Ie S3.vs: "My I W. Wakefield, of Colnmbus. Ga. "This 1 lias Ln so helpless lor five years , Arrive Los Angete a Pa,o ' Fort Worth.. . City of Mexico . " Houston " New Orleans . " Washington " New York . l:?0jrn 6:00 pin 6: h ni . U:r. n m l:Ctnra . f::J5a m fiU J n in .12:13 jm era,...,.,., ,.. r :cr. i m 1 10" A' j m 11: JO a m ' 4 :." a m 5 - (;:': 'in! V IBI2m991 U "im J. 4 .0) a in , 4 d-'l'i ii ni t' Will JJUlfLIlJIUiUIW!!l..UUUUIi:lJ.lUll,L. UWIU 41, DJRftN. IlKIMllT I'Oll Mull l.V ltl i. Ill, Atlniltle Kxiurss 1'.:.Vii. in. Via Hunt-tiigton. Tivr. .iciti:iiui.r. I'ROH l).VLI., gnlt I.nkr. Denver, 1 1 W.utli, Omiihn, Khi mix, City, t. Uum, Clilcnfo mid Eiwt, Anr.:vi l HUH f't ,3111 Halt Ijikc, Denver n Wurtli, Ulnnlin, Km, Hun City, HI. . Clilcnpo it tut Knnt. 1 HlMikntic Mult nnd Kxtrc!is i v V p. in. R ). m. ttiilln Wnlln, Hiiokmn .MtlllH'llMllK. Ht. I'm i, iHl 1 ti 1 1), .Mllumwtr, ChtciiL'O nnd i:m,t, i Sl-okiuieiikd KtintluK tun: nlw nil points WiihliliiKton una l.nst urn tiri'cim. l'lKlM I'OKTLANII Oeeiin Stenmnlilii. Pnr Shu rrulidn'ii Kvcry five UtiYsi Sfxikaiit Jlll nnil I.X pit! V. m. S Ii. III. Es.Sili:any;Coluti.hla Itv. Stcamcn Kx.Sanrt To AsTOiiu and v,u- r-I,3,1MJJ 10 p. m. 1 II. 111. I WILL.1KETTK ItlVKR. l'.r.suntlr'Ori.'Boii City., Ni-wt.TB. Kx.KuiaiT niilem A ay IniJ t 7 b. in. .WiLLAHrTTB Ar;t Yam i Tuir..Tliur.' mi.!, luvr-ns. I ami bat. orcp'in !lty, Dnyt.m I r.rnl U'liy-Iatiidliigii. I.v Itlimrln imiiy t UA B. 111. t Snaki: HtVKH. Iilinr!s til Ia'wIhoi: 3 Mp in. iIoi...Vea mid r'ri. I.KWIT).1 dniir ' Wll. 10, -jkTatnc r A"A:r a-atsj a-' a a-i a A-nt a-ata "-a At IT-A REGULATOR LINE DALLES, PORTLAND k ASTORIA KAY. WAXY j; Hlinmcre nl tin. lti-vulitlor Lino will run h r tin lid P ottiiir; neliiuule. the Comiwuy iwcrviiiK the right ti cIiuiiki J) PVHLUKH Ml. IIUll. .lUlllt;. OP i'nrtlci' iIiI.-iiir to pu to llrrninrr or tuiiit on (;ilmiilila Hiiiillii.'ni vi lln'.z tliould tnki' ,n .', lfiivliiu 'Hie Diillii nt l. 4o p. a, nmi-lni; direct tHititM'dtlnitn nt U' lipitc! juiictlou nt HIksh llcuirnliie innklncdlr-ri' iiituslion hi il'limcr . 'unction ni H'tsu ur.ii u. i, . Ht'i r.t The DmIK'iihi 1? Ji j, ni For lull iHtrtlculan. mil ni o ); , (:0,i RRcnt The l;allt, or mlii-iw W. II JI l , HT. .cit, I'm. AKl . J' miiil.Or o 12 u in i u, 111-13 p ID Str. Regulator remedy enred two severe cases of cholera morbus in my family and I have recom mended end sold hundreds of bottles of it to my customers to their entire satis faction. It affirds a quick andeure r-ure in a pleasant form." For sale by Blafceley & Houghton. that she could not turn over in bed alone After using two bottles of Electric Bitters, sheis wonderfully improved and ; able to do her own work." This supreme i I remedy for female diseases quickly cures : nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, j headache, backache, fainttni; and dizzv I . , spells. Tins miracle working medicine : Lf I'nllmaa and Tourist cars on both trains. Cbair cars Saurameiitn to Osden and Kl l'uio and tourist cars to Chicago, s: Xxniis, New Or leans and Vahiiigtoii. Couucctinc at San Kmnclbco with several line. for Honoliilu, Japan, Cliiun, I'lilllppines, Central and south America. See ascut at The Ualles station, or address C. H. MARKHAM, General l'dii3er ARcnt, I'ornund, Or rwiw v j. I.v. Hallo ' nt 7 a. k. r-Tiiesdny TlmiMlay K tiaturdav . h' Arr. I'orllaiid 2, at l:a r. M. IT. I.v i'nrtl.iud a 7 A. l. Monday Vcdneny . Friday Arr Dulles at 5 P. :. Ship j'-our Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dnlles ' JMIWN I.v. Ialli nt "A.. Jlnuday Wi-dnemlay Friday Arr. l'ortlimd at I -at r. n. Jlnta M at 7 Kl A M. Tuesday . Tluir.diiy .Baturdiiv Art. Haiku nt r. : f FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, 5 Tnid hy the Steamers of the r.csulatnr Line The ( ompnnv wll. endeavor w ciu il imt- rons the best service K.'saIliIo. l or further liilormutloi, nddres tf Portland onicc, 0k Street LMcfc W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. Atrt. tifi-i is a L'odsend to weak, sickly, run down : people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only I 50 cents. Sold by Elnkeley & Houghton j Druggists. 6 I'rereuted a Irasedy. Timely information given Mrs. George Long, of New Straitsville, Ohio, pre vented a dreadful tragpdy nnd saved two Physician and Surgeon, Sptsinl attention given to unrery. ! Koorasllaad ?i. Tel. SIS Vurjt block Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat ment by Ely's Cream Ualni, which is agree nbly aroma'.ic. It is received through the nostrils, cleanses and heals tho whole sur face over which it diffuses itself. Druggists eell the 50c. size; 'i'rial size by mail, 10 cents. Test it and you are sure to continue tho treatment. Announcement. To accommodate thoe who are partial t i atomizers in appiymg jiquius ; frikrhtfu! conch had lone kent I !!l?Bi?n """ewm ylc ol i.uiur & "ilincfw J into the nasal passages for catarrhal troiu inuiiuui coutn nau long .epi tlll, fla uissolvul by inutunl consent, i:. is. ', the proprietors jirepare Cream Balm in her awake everr ni,.'ht. She had tried ' hulur retirinK (ruin said ilnn. All uniinlsheit Jiqnidfonn, which will be known as Ely's ! many remedies and doctors but steadily i ?orTevl? wm'be1 m?Jx?1m.J& t,V Kn. ...... . L .. . . ... . .. J ion DISSOLUTION NOT1CK. Notice is hereby Riven that the partnership heretofore existing between i;. jj. DUfnr and Frank llen-jfee, at The Italics. Orcirnn. tinner .51- 8! Yellowstone Park Line. Till: lU.VIN'b ( Alt ItOU'lK FHO.M FOltTUSU TO T1IK KAhT. THE ONt.V lUUIXT LINE TO Till M.UW. hlUNK l'AltK J u . Y-or. 1 .1 r ,toj j I.KtVK. No. : UnlonDetoiJilitacilISis .uiaivc. SINGERS!! 1 10 least I ,...,.,1 1 nlm I. .a i rt1...l 4l.A 1 -.t" jju.iii. j. iin-iuiiiut; mu , L,,.ea. wor!e until ur"ed to trv Br Kinf'a i zril "e saiueas inougn iiouissoiul spraying tube is iceuts. Druggists or bv r. ' " , ' r: ""v"'' Tnr. . nn Unniil in-m. oml.nrliaa ). ' UlgCOVCrV. VyttO DOllle WII0IIV CUred ; '"- Will TCIO 1 tile UOOltS nilU ;i v..w- - - i cnunii oi tne linn, and will rmy ull debt. iwum uiuimiiirA ui iiiir iiuiiu iJciHiubiuu. . t'i uu cuu ..iiiua iiiin iiinrvciuur . claims airtiiiisi MHU Iirm. anu nil ac and riMrff... itirioht,..! medicine also cured Mr. Long of a severe '2,!lf A'JSJiillil." an, ri"ted to Gr.ud cueh .Medicine attack of Pneiluioniu. Such cures are, . Iaie nt The Dalits, OreRon, this m 'day of Many thonsands have been restored to , positive proof of the matchless merit of jiy 7-w lit an K mk'n E fe I" health nnd happiness by the use of ' this grand remedy for curing all throat, j Chamberlain's Ooush Hemedy. If nf. j chest hud lung troubles. Only 50c and i ilicted with any throat or lung trouble, ! $1 00. Every bottle guaranteed. Trial give it a trial for it is certain to prove i bottles free at F.lakeley & Houghton's beneficial. Coughs that have resisted ' Dm? Cinrf. is ' nit othertreatment foryears, have vielded ' A , , . ... , , , ', , ; , 1 Annual Klrc Election, to this remedy and perfect health been i restored. Cases that seemed honule. Annual election of fire chief and as- NOTICE FOli PUBLICATION. that the climate of famous health resorts ' sistanl cllieI wi tfce place st the city failed to benefit, have been permanently i fire enB'ne house, on Third street, he cured by its use. For rale by Blakeley tween tl,e honre of o and 7 o'clock p. m., & Houghton. " August C, 1900. Active members in good standing in their respective com- rtfltlCC. nntt.a nm nn.ttliwl I r. fnta By order of the Board of Fire Dele- Dinsolutimi The copartnership business heretofore this day di-solved bv 1 J-'2t H. C. Likiik, Secy. conducted at 175 Second street, under tne tirm name Houghton, is tnutnal consent, F. L Hounhton retir" ins from snid Orm. The business will lie conducted in the future by Geo. (J. Blakeiey, at the oid eland. F. L. Houghton will collect all accounts and pav all liabilities of said firm. The Dalles, Oregon. July 2, 1000. Geo. C. Ui.akelkv, F. L. Hougiitok. Land Orncr. at Tiik Uailes. Oi;n.,l July -JO, l'.uj. ( Notice is bcrebv civen thai tir fniinui.,... j nained settler has filed notiee of his intention to i i .J" 1 . 1 .!". suI'Iori oi iiis ciuirn, ami that snid proof will be made Wore the Iteslsier nnd Itecelver at The UhIIvs, Oregon, on Thurs day, rtUgust J), I'.VJ. viz. : lull n W. Jnlintton, nf Tlie Im11-h. Or., E ' W M' 3l7C' '0r !hC SEJi S'"'C 251 T, 2 N" R V He iiiiincs the following witne'ws to prove his continuous reiideiice ujaju, and cultivation of said lind, viz' k Fried- Oiegoii. JAVI' hfCAS, KeKiiler. J. W. ilxrouls, G. V. Johinton, Krntil ley. (.eo. h. Johnston, oh of The lialk-js, 1 CASTOR! A Por Infants and Children. - Ibe Kind You Have Always Bought Sife-uature of u&$ff&c&i EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. J During Inst May an infant child of our ba 'j.'ffteSy iSJK.'SS neighbor was sutTerlng form cholera in- Id tStL Z m7v'uTv? "Vhc l2.Hl wU1 . m. i ... . . I nu letntncilt of Evallne Evans, deceased, tantllin. The doctore had given up nil Ah person havlnp elalms apalnst the estate hopes of recovery. I took a bottle of 1 1 xXKX. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar-; xl wilUin ix rhoea Remedy to the house, telling them i i'ated thU 15th day of June'. 10. I felt sure it would do good if used ac .Executor of the 1 wmW'iStamwi't ol cording to directions. In two daya time hvallne -vam, dcceaKti. juuicu the child had fully recovered. The child is now vigorous and healthy. I have re- j commended this remedy frequently and - i i t t t j The Jacobsen Book & Music Co. Stop and see them. The best Sevinir Machine on the market for tl price. For cash or on time. Kt mull for Tucontii, So. Benttlc. llmplii, Cray i Harbor mid bouth llvud jiointn, HpuLiine. lions land, II. c:., l'lilliniin Mom-ow, U'ointon, Hut 11 1.) A. Si. (iilolliiiiiiniilnliiKuoun n V JI. try, Ilult'iin, MliiiieniHi Hh, hi. Paul, Umntin. Kiiiiiiii. City, ht. Loiiln. ChlenKO and till iKdut No. I cn-t mid Miiltheiint. N" l'lmet Hound Kxjires 11. M 1'. M. for Tiicoina and Kitttle (OA, M. and lutermediiilt' poinb l'lilliniin Ilrt t'Iu.iH and tourltt Mei'iun ti I .Vlnneap'illK, Ht. I'aul and Minsouri rr er point' l wlthnui ebaiiKC. VuHtlbiile! triilim. t'ulou (U'lKit i MiuioetlonJ lu alt principal dtle. ItaKKinte cheeked to deatlnntloii of tli".ct. 1-or hiitidMiinely llllinliated descriptive mutter, I tickets, nleeplUK't-nr rvdcrvatloua, etc , mil on or write A. D. CHARLTON, I AssiHtmit liencriil l'ui'ncr Aeeut. i Morrl ! hou Htrect, corner Third, I'ortlaud. Oregon. Jdt. flngel Gollege and Seminary, Conducted by the Benedictine Fathers. .iI''ICitfid ',0,i"',l,ee 60,,t'' "f '"rtlnnd on one of the moat healthful and attractive bpo e of the .Willamette Valley The Ideal place for your boys Pre li To v Glaeeical, Commercial and Scientific Coursu. MuhIc u Bjieclulty. r-l'"iiorj , For narticutnre apply to the President. ' julylS octlS 60 YEARS-EXPERIENCE I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 1.AXI) Oll'lCE AT Till IllM.n.nurcnu I nave never Known It 10 iau. jire. uurtifi ' JUI J. '.w. I Baker Brookwalter, Ohio. hold by ' iiaXilWnku'.c BiaKeiey cc nougiuon. I Ji . ii"i iii upirioi ni cuirn, and it fittifil lim ItHiaitrckV iron ktttve Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy lire not found where stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels are out of order. If you want these (jualities and the aucceta they bring, use Dr. Kins'e New Life Fills. They develop every power of brain end body. Only 25c at Blakeley & IluueJuou'e drugstore. 0 that ald proof will be made before the KecUUr and Receiver at The Dalle, Oregon, on Tue day, AuuuiifJt.l'AO, viz ' P. A. Oanforth, of L.Grande, Ga., TNo 5"fo suffered intensely for six months with a J "fe NVvg.Si. W 'St Vt ff 8nd rtAcc Marks JCblCNS Copyrights &c. Anyone wndlnc a 'nrh nnil riHUr!nf Inn n riulclilT lUC.TInln our opinion ireo whetliur a lliTenllon i nrntmh v tt.-iiiiinh a '-..n...l..niA. lloiiainctlrcoiouiuial. Uiim1tookon I'aleuU loiit free, CiMejt aiiencr for bccurlnir uaionu. r.iiei.m taken tbroucii Jluim A Co. reclTu tplat notkt, without chnruo, in tbo Scientific fltncricari. A haniUomclr lllntratcd wceklr. Lnrceat clr. 1'criiifl, .l a rotation of nnr rloniinn loiirrn.1. rear: fnur iikhiILi. L Hnlil limn n...,i....i,... MUNN4Co.36,BroNBW fork Hrwcli omoo. 3S K HU Wiuliiainon. U, Trie GoiumDia PackinyCo.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF ' MANnKAUTUKEKS OK .Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON I JRIKI) BEEF. ETC. on lii a !. l.iii .i iiiKwnnec in prove nu On 1116 leg, UUt COIItinUOlU l dGIltV UIWHI anil rnlltvnll,,,, ,, b Arnica Salve I "il'W.Y.1?! . ... ':. I "iwwmi, . j. liooerir, A. I. llobcrt. ay. I-or Ulcers, , 1- K. IlobtrU, all of Moiler, Oteeon. "uut,M" frightful running sore writes tiiat Bucklen'i wholly cureJ it in ten d Wrmrwla rtntla 11.. I Ti:i.n i.f. .. wHMHb, Mu, u,.r, ..III u X lino IV B , lrl1 1 !. I.. .1 I., I ' mo unv caivc in mc nturiu. LUre (filar. auteed. Only 2oc. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton druggists. fj J.VV I Subscribe for The Chronicle, LUCAS, JUdUter. r. hcoe. johucavim MOORE & GAVIN, ATT0RKKY8 AT LAW Boom 39 and i0, over U. S. Land Office FRENCH & CO..! BANKERS. TKAN8ACTA KNEUAL BANKING liUtlNKri Letters of Credit leaned available In the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer! sold on New York, Chicauo. St. Louie, San Frincisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on (a?, orable term. IMlCA I lAvf ET load 1 sVsWKai Pnortcii I heljis the team. Saves wear and cxjicii&c. Sold everywhere M HP ..... UA,,E v ssV LeTANDASIO OIL OO. .K F. S. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor Secoui & LaucWin. 'Phone 151 JjU. V. T. HMITII, Osteopath. Itoonm in and u, ciiiijniioii Block, 'Itu' l'!1''1 Oregon, Tut'iidiiyh unn Krldyi b a. m. to I-miiylH-lm CATARRH THK tl.KA.NHINO ANU HKALINO CUKE voil CATARRH Ely's Ciiin Bala tMf Ami lileoannt to i tin.. C'oiitAlna no In. JurlouB driii;. It j qnlekfy slitorlMHl. UUc. lUlltif ut otico. It Opiiiii ud CJcatmca .... .jm IIMKIIiliiailUII. ww . . iha lleaU nd I'roiccu I he Mwnbrne. lvtt V hii.e of Tiulo And Hinell. Urg 8w, w ""'f ,M KLV UltoUJBUS; M Wsrico 8Ut, KoW ,.,r,..U. , r.. ljarlr-ii ,.fr ... 1