The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 28, 1900, Image 3

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arc wo
thronged ?
What attraction ?
In liol niiI millry times like those, it la only
tho UNUSUAL BARGAINS thut don't ko
u'lii-ircing. Values, ami big ones nt that,
alone possess the power to interest.
Sunstroke Itself
May lie braved ti pet your rightful tharo
of what wo odor thin wee I:.
Read the Record,
then Run the Risk.
S F.VS MUX A KOI! SHIRTS; this scnsou'ii
i-.: regular 1.00, $1.1:5 and Jfl.50 vnl-
lie ; ch'aratieo price VjC
(inr MEN'S and HOYS'
l'RUVHATSat Uclll pHCC
MLN'S TROUSERS; new good:", embracing
w ' teds, citCHime.res and cheviots; values that
r, life from .11,150 to $:f0; clearance
HOYS' WASH SUITS; now styles and nil
..... ;ro; uoods; to to half price
What wo say wo do, wc DO do.
Saturday Special.
Regular Prices Cut
Deeply and Remorselessly.
Only ont; thought is behind this sale, and
that 'ih to make a price that will sweep everything
before it like nn Alpine avalanche. So we print
in bin letters tbo Email pi ice, so everv evo will bo
enchained by it.
Your choice of any Man-Tailored Ladies'
Suits in 'the house. Let the price burn in your
memory, for the
Regular prices run to $23.
Sale commences Saturday morning at S.00.
The Coolest Shoes
for Summer.
Remember, wc arc slill offering
yon $1.00 for 7oc in all purchases of
Tan Shoes.
Misses' Tan, button or lace;
. sizes 11 -Mo 2
Child's Tan, button or lace; -
sizes G to 1 2 75
Small sizes Ladies' Kid,
button; 8, Zh, 4 4 1 .OO
All Goods Mnrked
In Plain FlKiires.
The Dalles Daily ChNmiele.
Telephone No. 1.
s-V'M KDAY - - - JULY
At Andrew Keller's.
brief but decisive battle, which resnlte
in a victory for France. No lives lo
ami nui siignt wounds on enner sie.
. ! At last accountB both sides were resting
28, 1900 1 on their arms. Dufur Dispatch. j
! There will be no services at jion
(g) 1 Lutheran church after August 30th un
til the first Sunday in September;
will the Lutheran league hold meeting
flltrmiv ttint m.rtml niiilav cnVinnl will
continue, however, at JU a. m. ever
present, act as solicitor for the Weber
nurseries. He was accompanied by hie
wife's mother, M-s. Jane Turner, sister
of Mrs. X. W. Wallace, of Antelope, and
aunt of Mrs. Olivia Morgan, of this citv,
who will make her home with Mr. and
Mrs. Weber.
r Professor
Landers is sojourning at
Over 100 persons are camped in the!
neighborhood of Sprnguc's Landing. 1
During the remainder of the summer ,
e.non trams Nob. 1 nnd 2 will stop at'
Cascade Locks Sundays on being flagged.
Goto the Hiildwin restaurant tomorrow i
for your Sunday dinner only 25 cents. .
Ice cream with dinner without extra!
charge, from 1 1 :l!0 to 5. !
Why worry yourself and heat your J
house with getting up a Sunday dinner ,
when you can gut the same at the Uma-;
tilln House grill room without bother i
ami with less cost. '
Two y Jung lioming pigeons belonging
to Sutn Wilkinson of this city were'
liiiernted at Pendleton last Sunday. One
returned to The Dalles the next day and ;
the other yesterday.
niie of the most notud cake walkers
1" Oregjn will take part in the calk
walk at liimncville pavillion tomorrow,
"un't fail to see It. Hound trio fare by
O. it. & trains, 60 cents.
Stevenson is going to have connection
with the outside world bv a telephone
The height of modesty has beer
I reached by some women who objected to
being saved from a wrecked ship by us
ing the breeches buoy. To overcome any
eui'h objection in future it is suggested
that a canvas skirt lie sewed on the out-
Bide of tho breeches.
J. S. Stump, a pioneer river captaiu,
lias bet n selected to take charce of the
steamer BIKings next Monday, July
."0th, now at Pasco on the upper Colum
bia, for the Central Navigation Com
pany. The
traffic service
tiie present will he handled from the
Parsons wharf at Big Eddy , above The
Dalles and seven miles below Columbus.
Bob Hahn left on this morning's
lor bprague Land mi;.
C. J. Crandall was as passenger on the
noon train for Snaniko.
Grant Mays was a passenger on the
noon train for Portland.
I Harry Williams has returned from
I the Siunpter mines to his home on
Eight Miles.
Billings will enter general Postmaster Hiddell and wife left on
the Columbia and!""8 uiorninge ooat on a ushing trip
, . m , i , , i uown t ie liver,
rivers at once. The freight fori
iirs. loorney, oi uie uoiuinoia notei,
left on th's morning's boat for an outing
at Collins Lauding.
Mrs. L. S. Fritz and children have
M. J. Anderson and T. H. Jobnsto arrested at Albanv Ben Ferrill,
spent several days last week in thfc etolo a gold watch some time ago frobi
mountains prospecting a ledge of granii- C. L. Kogers, of Hood Kiyer. Tiie
rock. They are not blowing much bi watch was found at the shop of Adcox
Sheriff Ivellev has succeeded in having ' gone to Portland on a visit to Mrs.
ttittilr thai liuvu fr.iiftrl unmiitlilritr ipnnrl
wliich tiiey prppoeo to develop in the
near future. Dufur Dispatch.
A. F. Evick, poMinuster am! merchant
at Victor, was in town today. On the
first of August Mr. Kvicl; will add to his
other business the management of the
hotel and liverv stable nt Tygh. Sam
Broyles, the former hotel keeper, will
move to the Willamette valley.
A good blacksmith is much needed at
j Victor, tiiis county. A competent man
can have all the work lie can do, and
j have the use of a suitable building prac-
tically free. Of course he nmtt furnish
Uiis own tools and stock. Inquiries
I made of A. F. Kvick, Victor, will be
promptly answered. al-Utw
John Lelaud Henderson swam across
the Columbia river lust Thursday even-
Hint ni 1 1 ...qu u... :..
.1... f,.i. , ... ing, making tne instance in minutes.
'iieiiuiH. Hie contract has been et for I . . , , , .., ,
tl,.. ..,. ,, , ,, He started from tliH Davidson mill and
we eonat ruction of the 1 no. t, , , , . , , t, ,, c. i
. . landed just below the White Salmon
It is said that arrangeii.entH have been 1 wlmrft jjrtrrv H,u,8i,erry nnd- Ju1;ks
""" for stages to tun through from . accompanied " liiut in a row boat and
flmi.iko t pfineville in daylight. At ct..d as time keepers.
ImSh"".!? VW Krelt and family desire
tehng public will greatly appreciate ! li00gi Tm; Cm0NR.,K t0 L.xpee8 their
' 'heartfelt thanks to the Woodmen and
I.. I hillips returned today from a tnt) nPBOciute orders, and to the friends
"rt llnhiiig trip on Hood Itiver. HeiIlti neiuhbors who have extended so
tilled basket of ,m.ii Hvinmithv and exhibited so much
kindness towards them during the slck-
& Co., of this citv, where Ferrill had
left it to have the name of the owner
scratched oil' the case. It wao returned
to the owner and Ferrill narrowly es
caped arrest, fjlieritt Kelly sent on
notices of FVrriil's crime, together witi
a description of the thief, and has fina
ly succeeded in locating him at Albany.
wlj5, 1 Fritz's sister, Mie. G. E. Phelps
Jed Wicks, oi Mill creek, has relumed
from a protracted stay at St. Martin's
Springs much improved in health.
Miss May Barnett lest on this uiom
ing'B boat to spend her summer vacation
among friends in the Willamette vallov.
Mrs. W. H. Wilson and daughter,
Winnifred, returned on this morning's
boat to their camp in tho neighborhood
of the locks.
M'ss Grace Scott, of the Cmto.vici.K
force, and Aliss Martha Schooling, of tho
Constable Hill left here this mornlni: to I Oregon Telephone ofliee. left on this
of TlIK
'"iiigl.t back nwell
ueniiiful trout. The editor
"iso.Miu: acknowledges tho
vi a ueiicioiiB mess.
'I'liere will he.a grand cake walk nt the
pavilion at Jionnevllle tomorrow (Sun
"')'. July 'JM0. Fro for rouul trlp
r("i The Dalles CO cents. Take the
trnl . I.,. titi .. ....
'aiiesttt-l:f.0tt. in.orillHH tliercd together at
p. in., retuininir on either of the Mrs. Lang in The Dalles.
'"""in iraius,
A local p,pt.r roports that while hyp.
'"lists were In an Iowa town they
"Tied a youiiK woman and let her re
'ui In the ground three days. When
f M'' whb none the worse lor the
orauttl. She had clerked In u Btore that
nevor advertisod.
News readied ttl office Monday of a
fwilly battle las Friday between the
' K"ardfl and, French r.ouavos of
Mngjiey, After 'conaiderable-Bkirinlah.
t,,e conleatanti come 'together in a
uess and burial of the husband and 1
father, and the loss of their homo by J
tire. I
Wi liml Mutt tiliutaiin riinttntlv rif nn
inspection of the exteuelve collection of
ludinn curios which Miss Anna Lang
thn home of
Jt is a rare
collection, filling shelves and the walls
of several rooms. Miss Lang makes a
study of this work and can read the
relics like a printed book. As each ar
ticle has Its legend this makes an in
spection very interesting to the visitor.
Moro Observer,
II, W. Weber, brother of K, IL Web
ber, of this city, arrived here this week
jwith hie family from Kendrick, Idaho,
...Ill mnlra lita fiil'lPM Immf Iiava
Mr. Weber, like his brother, is an ex
'Lrienced ntireeryman. He will, for the
bring him back for trial.
Tho Dufur Dispatch says: "G. W.
Drown, teacher of the intermediate de
partment of tho Dufur public school,
came home Monday. Mr. ISrown has
been with the suf veyors, wlio are sur
veying tho railroad line from The Dalies
to Prineville via Dufur, for the past two
months. He says that they have
reached a point about two miles above
the old Maupin ferry siteon tho Des
cliuteB and so far have found an easy
inexpensive loute, with exception per
haps of two miles, and even those two
miles lie does not eonshLr exceptionally
bad or expensivo to build. The camp oi
the surveyors is on tho evo of being
moved to Trout creek, Crook county,
and Mr. Brown disliking the idea of get
ting so far from home, resigned his posi
tion and returned to the losom of his
A. fL Fairciilld is in town from Grass
Valley. Ju company with his son, K.
A. Fairchlld, and C. A. Heath, Mr.
Fairciilld lecently went on a prospecting
tour through the Siunpter, Greenhorn,
Prairie City, Strawberry Utitto ami
Granite districts and was rewarded in
finding five claims that they think will
well repay development. From these I
points they went lo Trout creek, ju j
Crook county, where they located three
claims of twenty acres each and did
considerable development work. Assays
of gold and sliver from these claims
were very satisfactory. Mr. Falrchild
thinks the Trout creek or Ashwood
mining district has a bright future be
fore it. Jn Ins opinion no one need go
to Klondike in seaich of gold, as there
is more gold In Eastern Oregon, almost
at our very doors. Mr. Falrchild has a
high opinion of the Golden Eagle mine
in the Greenhorn district, that is owned
by Dalles parties,
tho river.
Charley K vain, the old-time locomo
tive engineer on tho O. II. it N., who
lost his light foot in an accident that
occurred near Arlington about n year
ago, is in the city visiting fiieuds'and
looking hale and hearty.
At ICingsley on Friday, July 'M, the
infant child of Mr. and Mrs. John illx.
Congregational church corner Fifth
and Court streets, iiev. Poling, pastor.
Morning worship nt 11; Sunday school
at 12:15; Junior Endeavor, 5 p. in.;
Young People's Society 7 p. in. No
service in tho evening.
Methodist Epifcopal church Corner
Fifth and Washington, Rev. (J. F.
Hawk pastor. Sunday school at 10 a.
in.; morning service at 11; Sunday
school at 12:15; class meeting at the
close of tho morning service; Epworth
League at 7. liev. E. linker, of Arling
ton, will conduct tho morning service;
no evening eervice.
Calvary Baptist church-Hev. W. 1!.
Clifton, pastor. Regular hi vices at II
a. m. nnd 8 p. in. Young people's
meeting at 7 p. in. Sunday school at 10a.
ui. The Sunday school and morning ser.
vice of tlie Calvary Haplist chinch will
be held at the frame school building
(ilret floor) on Union street, until their
new building is completed. The even
ing service will be held In the M. E.
Cutholli'M, Allt'lltliint
A Dominican father will hold services
at St. Peter's church tomorrow. Father
Jironsgeest will hold service at the Cas
cade Locks,
Tho Trtconnt Ledger facetiously sug
gests that "Agulnaldo i said to bo busy
having the Kansas City platform trans
lated into several Tugnl dialects."
An ofllc!r of tho anti-imnerinliat
icaguu rcicrs to rre-uieni .Mciviniey as
"William of Canton." What's the
matter with William of Lincoln? Globy
Deni' crat.
The Senttio Pnpt-Intelligencer slalom
that "if there i anything wliicl., in tiio
opinioirof Senator Pettigrew, is moito
he depended upon than thoconslitution,
It h a letter from some cheap Filipino
purporting to sliow that Admiral Dewey
promised the Filipinoo their independ
ence." Sinco tho democratic party wont over
to Bryaniem democratic governors and
senators have disappeared in tho north
ern states, and only ono democrat is
given n place on the fusion ticket, in Ne
braska. The elimination of tiie demo
cralic party by Bryan goes on vigorously.
To a people who arc at work and pros
perous, who have paid all their debts,
or nro paying them oil', there is nothing
attractive in tho untried propositions of
liryanism. The Nebraska!! had ills
best chance in the hard tunes of four
years ago. Jlus year tho people have
no moro nso for him than a healthy
man has for an undertaker. Xew York
It is an old saying tliat there's grit f
enough to go around. Tho hardest
heart felt for tho Bryan democracy when
J. Webster Davis j .lined it at Kansas
City. He had been an extreme lepubli
ean, a fire eater as to the PhilippintB
and nn all-around go-it-blind partisan.
He changed because tho president
would not deceive tho Boers by pretend
ing that this government can help them
against England.
Teachers' Kxntnliiiitiuus.
U'n Cnrtilrm Atiotit ff.
Noil Villi I.iiii I; Mlio 'lilt".
(I. ir. ',
1 MAnir
That spot will grow unless you attend
lo it. Dandruff is the disagreeable scurf
mat lorms on mo neau as a natural ex
cretion ; it dries, ami comes oil' in eiria1)
"cales. It causes irritation, which is,
sometimes uiicon-.ciously, followed by
constant tcralching of the head in public
and private. It ia annoying to people
who wear dark clothes, and it gradually
ad'ects the hair, causing it to fall out.
Keep the air inside Uie liat from get
ting foul by weiuing Eldrecl's Anti
septic Hat Pad. ami nature will do
the rest. The heat of the head votalizes
tin) antiseptics and difinfeclauts in t ho
pad, making the impure air pure.
Price, 50 cents each.
For sale exclusively by
Pease 8t JWays
Subscribe for Thu Ciiuoniuk.
Notice is hereby given that the county
superintendent of Wasco county will
hold the regular examination of appli
cants for state and county papers at Tiie
Dalles, Oregon, as follows:
Commencing Wednesday, August 8,
at nine o'clock a. m., nud continuing
until Saturday, August 11th, at four
Wednesday Penmanship, history, al
gebra, reading, school law. '
Thursday Written arithmetic, theory
of teaciijn, grammar, book-keeping,
physics, civil government.
Friday Physiology, geography, men
tal arithmetic, composition, physical
Saturday Botany, piano geometry,
general history, English literature,
Commencing Wednesday, August 8th,
at nine o'clock a. in., nnd continuing
until Friday, August 10th at four
1st, 2nd and .'!d twtADi: ckj'.tifioatkh.
Wednesday Penmanship, history,
orthography, reading.
Thursday Written arithmetic, tlieorv
of teaching, grammar, school law.
Friday Geography, mental arith
metic, physiology, civil government.
I'ltiMAitv cmtriricATUH.
Wednesday Penmanship, orthogra
phy, reading.
Thursihiy Art of questioning, tlteory
of teaching, methods.
Dated Tho Dalles, Or., July 27, MiOO.
C. L. Gii.nnuT,
j'J7-lOt School Snpt. Wasco-Co., Or.
Spenil Smiil iy id limine vIIIh.
Put up s lunch and get aboard either
of the O. II. & N. trains leaving The
Dalles ui -1:50 turn, -or 12:1)5 noon, und
spend the day in the refreshing
shade of tho trees at Bonneville. Faro
is only 50 cents for the round trip.
Good iinieio and first-class performance
under tiie pavilion free to all, Refresh
ments can be procuced on the grounds
if desired. frdjitsat
At7p in. next Tuesday evening all
tho lire al inn boxes in the city will he
turned in as a test. Citizens and firemen
will remember the hour and govern
themselves ncrordlngly.
Ciiah. Lauuii,
28j'y Itt Chief Fire Department.
I , tl X II I i t'M .
Healthful drinks are not luxuries, they
are necessities. A full Hue of cool ami
reficshlng potter, ale, mineral water and
beers kept nn ice. Take a bottle home
for lunch. C. J. Stubling. Phono 2,'H.
Fur hale.
A good second hand threshing ma.
chine for sale at L, Lane's blacksmith
hop, on Third street. jldAwlin
To Uure Coin in One liny.
Take Laxative Bromo Quiuiue Tab
lets, All druggists refund tho money.
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn nt the
Wasco warehouse, Finest kind of
chicken feed, mch26-u'
Tho only store ft
this city where the
Genuine Imported
Ware is sold
A little higher in
price, but outlasts
a dozen pieces of so
called cheap enara
eled ware.
Other wares look
has the name
Stransky - Steel
Ware on each piece.
Do not be deceived
First prize nt 1C
International Exiii
bitions. Highest
award nt Worlds
Columbian Exhibi
tion. Chicago Pre
ferred by the best
certified to by the
most famous chem
ists for purity and
durability it is.
cheapest because
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled ware is special
ly imported for and
f,old in thi3 city ex
clusively by us.
lt doss not rust
nor absorb grease,
does not discoloi
nor catch inside, is
notniTcctod hynculs
in fruits or
will boil,
stow, roast
nud bnko
y i t h o u t
11a vor ot
e o o If o d
iao 1 and
will last
far years..
3r Wo caw-
-WWI Hon tl-j
'' cii'i.'itf
. - lur.i.!!.. d
Clilliliun for Adoiitlim,
Twin girl babes ft months old : one
girl babe, 1 mouth; nuo girlllycais;
ono bov 1 year; one buy 2 years ; ono
hoy 1) years, Apply to 1, F. Tobey,
superintendent Children's Homo Soci
ety. The fupeilntendent will lie in The
DalleB this week ami will receive written
applications at lhl office,
Miiuliiy ICxoiii nI'Mi in lliiiiniM lllc.
Take either the Pacific express, leav
ing Tiio Dalles at 4 :50 a. in,, or t lie
Portland special, leaving The Dalles at
12:1)5 noon, for thu Bonneville piculi;
grounds SumUy. Fare 50 cents for thu
round trip. Good music, vaudeville
performance, specialties under the pa
vilion, free. Return on the evening
train. frdyAsat
Ouih In inur (iliuult.
All county wurrunts registered prior
to An. 1, 189(1, will be paid nt my
office. Interest ceases after Juno DO,
I'JOO. J. F. ILuii'siiiuu,
. County Treasurer.
Hoot beer, one dollar a dozen at Pease
& Mays' grocery department. j'Ji)fts