The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 28, 1900, Image 2

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The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
. . JULY 23, 190O
For rielilent
or Ohio.
Tnr Vletl'rctdrnt
Of .Npb York.
the paper to .1. 51. Johns, a former
proprietor. It is rumored the'
Record and Independent will be
consolidated so thai Arlington, ns
f riinl tt-ll lint) ! t rr n no finf. 1
I UtLillliJt i 111 lit UtIM V i f - w
, Mr. Johns is an able, conscientious
1 writer and Tut Chi:onu li: welcomes
'him back to the editorial Bold.
G-nardian's Sale.
...GOliUpBlA BREWERY....
Oi the iiMilne' li. wi-li ki.ottn nrrwerv urn United Stnti-p Health
cific stales, he says :
"The Philippine question is
.. , .. . .w ... ... . . II. I
1 police 15 nwei'i (llHIi uai 'i?uniu M' ii- ,
' oue snd order of 5le made nnl l-iutd to ra f
In rare moments the Hon. James t . jruardmu of the rer-mus r.nd c.titc of li
. Mooie atm Gntfield Moore, minor., by SHe
Hamilton Lewis of ashmaton ree-, tountr court of the state of Oregon w sc (
. ,, I fountv ou the Cth day nf Juue. I'M, 1 will, on
ocnizes a fact, sneakine of the Pa-. the ;t: day of iuij. i'-o at the ronrtin ue
, uoortn italic tit j. sunt noumi - ocioc ji. ;
1 m. of Mid ur. set! to trie DlirneM otcuer lor i
. cash in band. Hit of the Inteift of said minors
the I In ami to tho real tenperty hereinafter do- '
. ... t .i tiiaef!. nia imeresz nejnz n coiuinc-iu iwo-
HlOSl trOUDieiome one Willi WUIC11 me , sevenths tnterwt !u r.nd to the W, of the SKV j
flpmnrrnl hive to denl on the C03t. sh rE1,4 of thc sW'u.and Lot-tof See it, audi
utmotrais nave iuhliu ou mt -u. , j jn(J 2 or , s m.j ,DHt e,rtalu p.ntei
TitC people Ollt there look Upon It ns of land lt:nded a follow- Cnmmeiieiiic at a
i,. ' . i :, i.,i state on tnt- north line of the Victor TrcvilM
a UUSineSS proposition and It Is hard , )ontiun Land Claim, where It cn,es a dlteht I
TO r-t them to listen to the doctrinal therm? iti outherl direction across the bol '
VICW of the democrats, thence wvttnrods- thence norihwpi: M) rtl. i
. I thenee along said line rod. to the plice of.
UOmmeniinc ution lilts sctnsitia- ., oeiup a an ns tne victor i revet
, , , J INinattoii Land t laim, in Sec. II, al aid lnd..
tion of the Honorable Jim Ham, the: i-ein? m Tj. i n. k ise.w. si. a;o0 litem
, terest In and to Lot 12. and 1C? feet oB tne west
INcw lork Min verv appropriate! v side oi Lot n in Meet o of Laui.hiin'5 Bluff Ad
" . " ' dltton to Dalle City. Or
savs: " The trade with the east is a 5u liosifcK w. sioor.K.uuaniian
very intercsline business proposition i
to the Pacific states. They have had
est and it cuti w neA with tin- trtiiteH' heiu'lit iitiil sntlffiietion by old tnA
icm'if:. Its its' enh roiifi-ifiitioni'ly bo irscribed by Iho phvslnnrm
tliKivrcaintv that a bettor, purer or worn wholeeotno bevenipe e iulj Jl0
p.nkiii'y u (-uad.''
Bust Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
Notice of Sherin s Sale.
Tiractiua! nroof alrradv of the value! .By vltttie of an cution duly lntd by the
cier- 01 ine circuit courr ox tr.eiounty
of the Philippines to them. It is
useless to chatter to them about an
imaginary ' empire.' TJugaboos can
not frighten them into forgetting
their own interests and surrendering
a positive advantage the value of
which will urow from vear to vear.
oi w a
co. state of Oietron. dated the L'nd day oi June '
ln.J, in a certain action In the ciicuit court for I
said connty utid state wherein V. a. Scocsin a ,
Vla'utlt! rcwered judement against X. w Wal- i
law, Cefendant, for the sum of ninety three d.'l '
lnr and twentT-one cents damnze. which .-ndc ,
meat was enrolled and dncSeteii In thooler- sof ,
fice in said cnurt.on luner, liiand whcieas. on
the leconrtdayof Jane. !. bv an
made and eutertd on .-aid court and caue. Sirs.
Slarparet A icopinn as eiecntrls of the U-t
will and testament and estate of the 5alu . A.
ceiin. decese.l, was 'ubitituteil for the faid
It is anions the most diflicnlt prob
lems of np'.urnl ecience for one to becoini
W. A Scosrsln in said eaue. notice i hereb
" Oreson has accented the business , R1,en ,ll3t 1 w" 011 sio!.da, the 27tbdaTo; ;
1 i Atizut, W-0. at the rounty coutt house dsor in
proposition. California and Hash- "-' '''!v-';' ''"f " '""
11 t clooi: in the afternoon of said dav. tell at pub- i
ington will do the same. The Phil-; Jic auction to thr biche.,1 bidder for cash, the . ,
I followinc descrit-ed pr.itty, to-wlt i A TiH-i-ii1f Pr-KI .-i-ii
lppiaes as a bus'meSS liroposition will I Tne southeast quarter of southwest ijuartcr. ! T J llltL.LllL i. lUIJl.lil
snuin nan oi !ouineu5' quarter, ana tne nurtn
llOt be rejected bv a Practical ' eost quarter ol the suutnen't tjuartcr In section
J - 1 wenty-ciiht ( township seven (7t south.
neoille. iranjre seventten 1 17, east. . St.: also
A 4
" 1'bis instinct of busine
ported b a deep and unconq
sentiment, patriotism, the feeling f,:-dr? ,t0 ti-'r the said jndpmtut in favor of
' . W. A. scofTSin a?ai s: sa'd N. V. Wallace, with
that the inteiriitV Cf American terri- ' interest t ereon at the ratf of eight percent per
D - i annum from the :xl day of June, 1MJ0. tosether
tory must be maintained and the "Stb all co-its an dibutsemcn-j that have or
j may accrue,
preatine of the American flag must . . R.0BI-RT kelly. sheriff
Iated at Dalle. Uty, Wasco County, Oreeon,
xtot be lesseued. True Americanism JuirM.i5oo.
Red, Rough Hands, Itching, Burning
Palms, and Painful Fingef Ends.
Soak the hands on retiring; in a strong, hot, creamy lather of
CUTICURA SOAP. Dry, and anoint freely with CUTICURA,
the great skin cure and purest of emollients. Wear, during the
night, old, loose kid gloves, with the finger ends cut off and air
holes cut in the palms. For red, rough, chapped hands, dry, fis
sured, hching, feverish palms, with shapeless nails and painful
finger ends, this treatment is simply wonderful.
Complete Externa! and Internal Treatment for Evory Humor.
C-5t!lslincof Ccricuni SoAriSJc), to cleanic the i4Iii of crut and
42 X JAI11. cafM and of ten the thickened cuticle; Cirrti cia Ointment (),
1 II fl irjl t instantly aluy Itching, lntlammatinn. and lrrlutlou. ic.uV unJ
KJLI1UU1 -J hea . ana Cracriu Hxolvkst fKV '.to ol mid cleann tlx blood
THE SET, $1.25
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
A rilsaLi: StT li often uflltlsnl to cure the niot tortnrm. dli't.autins,
and humlliatinc: kln. alp,and blood Imtnors, with lo of hair, when
all else fahs. I'orrzr. Duuc anu L'ueu. Com-., tsolc 1'iuih., llwton.
Wasco Warehouse Compaq
(lot number three (3) in block number three esper; in several lines. J. r.. Ailcox iV
S IS sup. . p) In I auchliu f addition to the town of Ante-, Co., bv their combination, have over
1 lot, in Waieo countv. .Liii nf On "nn. taken .. , ...
uerable "tia I vied uponas theprotcrtyof thesald .V ! "ome mis oi ncuity in a practical inan
V. Wallice. or s much thereof a- mav te nee-1 ner. J. h. Atlcox IS nn esnert wntch
and business sagacity are on the re- j
publican side in this campaign. ISo- j
mantic sabble about empire ' and :
' greed ' will be vain against irre
sislable fact and fcelin."
Xotice is hereby piven that the undersiened
i have been duly appointed bv the honorable
i county court, of the state of Oregon, fjr Wasco
i coumy, executors of the tnlaU of Horatio for
! son. deCGid. All tenons havlnt? claim!!
j asalnst said estate are hereby uotllird tt present
. the same, properly veritied, to the undershrucd
i Charles K. Cor.-on, at Wasco, Sherman couutv.
I Oregon, or at the oihee of our attornevs, Slene
new fee j: Wilson, at Tne Dalles, Oregon, within sii"
iiiimin- jrom inenateoi tnis nonce.
July 4tb, 1900, developed
microbe, which now ailliets certain! Dated July n. huj.
. . K. ,. OHAI'.r.E? r.. CORSON,
minds with a new disease ' Bryan- si k. cordon,
, Esecutora of the estate of Horjtio Conon, rie-
itis, saj-s the Globe Democrat. For-; ceused. jiyji a
tunately, the remedy is a simple one, '
notwithstandinrr the conclorneralion
maker nml is dod on jewelry, optical'
work nntl engravinz, while Theo. H. ;
Lielie U an exprt optician nntl is pood
on watch repairing, jewelry work and
enuravinj:. Their price is ne low ns con
sistent with pond workmariHhip. They
are prepared to do all work in the;
severnl lines, on short notice. Work !
sent by mail or express will receive
prompt attention. Sign, "ilig Red
' V.llM. t iifH-iiVit ftK-jiti liit the nnfiprsiTiiwI
Of elements in the aftliCtioB. A can- ha's ken duly aii.oiuttd by the honorable court
1 of the state of Oregon, for Waico cnun'.y, cs
llidate who forced his Own platform ecutorof theestaie of
1 cea-ed. All persons having claims against sain
upon delecates W UO went into COn- estate are cercoy notmtr. p- pre-ent the sume. .
- properly verifi!. to tht underslsntil George I. '
vention ostensib v as freo agents, . J" " ciumy, oregon, or
" ' , at theoflite of bis attornoya, Jlenefee .V; S 1 on,
and Who now Stands upon the moat ! ?'TIl!. I'allfs. Oregon, within .lis months from
1 the date of tnls notice.
grotesque mixture of "issues' ever Dated this, nth day of July, isco
Presented to the neorlc Of the United Esecutor of the estate of August Uachmnn.
States, can enpect to be met m only ;
nnp irnr n tlin nnlls Tlio romofU- C-rlTTAITlcriCTa2
, And CAFE,
J. B. Orossen & Co., Frops.
S7 Second Street
( C. F. Stephens
for " Brj'anitis " is to vote forj
L. Lane,
McKinlc. It is idle to even cou- i
sider a democratic ticket. Thc,jj
democratic parU' expired m 1890,
when, instead of preserving a basis
of organization by an exhibition of jjy
their voting strength, the great ma-iS"
jorily of democrats who stood for jj'
"sound monev." good government;
aud principles of democracy voted ;B'
for Mclunley instead of the ticket of i
their own creation, which represent-jR'
ed their party faith. It is true that p
anxtetv lest an immeasurable injury
should befall the people led lo their
course. It was, nevcrthelss, a mis-' fcV.,,. Jj
uihuii uue, in mm. it ieii democrats
without a party. Confronted as
they now nre, with even a greater'
danger than before, there is but one
refuge vote not at all or vote for
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Gents' Furnishings.
HogU, Shoea. Hat?, ap, Nidlons.
for W L. Douglas Shoe
Wagon and Carriage Werk.
Fish Brothers' Wagon.
fflrt aud Jeirmi. Plume 159
j Telephone Ko. g
fp, 1JI fcecoud St.,
.Dealer In.
Who Tlnllnn (n
iUL) uauijiS, ui, C,
ASt. j'
Headauarters for Seed Grain of all kinds,
i Headquarters for Feed Grain ot n ian
Headquarters for Boiled Grain, ai kinds
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, SPmiIIlSS)
i Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton FlOUr 1 ll,s 1u,,r ' '"'"'Ubtrturyd I'sprennly for fanlii
! ' use. uverrfui'k ib cnnriiiitecd to rlvt? entislficisos.
W? eeti our "oods lower than any boum- in the trade, mid if you don't tlunlc
: cad and t;tit our prices and le couvtnet-d.
; Highest Prices Paid for Whoa.t, Barley and Oits
Just What
$1.00 per month.
Strictly iirat c!uo loul nn.l Ioii'k
distance te'iplioii stTviie within
your home.
Lines do not rrwMalk. Your con
vurstitio.'i v,il ho kept u secret.
No cost f-ir InstallinK.
You get the ftnmbird Hunninj;
l.otii,' Distant Instrutnent.
Continuous dny and niyht Hervice.
Wu will accept your contract for
ten years and allow you toc.inctd
name on itivin us thirty davw writ
ten notice.
"- ----- . -j,-
IVraoTB I' mpi,,, Pmint
r i cow
or ful: hoc f-jr
ii ic
Jut ! "'" "' "Mnpl" fre.
nrin, ti fn.
It must have been a proud day for
Ex-Senator Corbett the day he was ,
sued for 4100,000 for alienating a
wife's affections. It furnished him ' H STURDEVANT,
with an overwhelming answer to I'CIltist.
those who bad hitherto fought Ilis: 03iC3terrrenchiCo.'Hank
candidacy on the ground that he was , e Jk dalle?, okkuo.s J
loo old. The cx-senator now asi--, j;, u, j"Kit(Ji'!iiN,
much as says: ' Gentlemen, if I am ... . . lr
i. ., I'll vu will n niwl sniiunu :
juuiij; uiiuugu io alienate '.ne uneC' ' "J mhii-uii,
tions of a young and beautiful I office, Vost Hiock (over Pouce),
woman, I am young enough to be ' !t''llin0-dw the dalles, oheho.v.
your senator."
..GflflS. FRANK.-
and Fartmens
lCi-r:.-ionriraiilit the Cilebmlcd
COLI'MUU HEEIt. nciiiow:
edged the U".U beer In Tito Holies,
nt thf umul piice. (.'ome In. try
Itund be convinced, AIo h
Kiiintbmnd of Wlnen, 1.1'iuor
and L'l(f4rt,
of all Kinds hIwbji, on timid.
You uuant.j
fQ-a !
Good News J
to Good Dressers....
ft vi . 1 ,;xU'ml1tt nrdml invitation to ull to inspect the ssiup'.'-ol $
f totn Ta CltOW.NTAILOllI.NG CO., Ci!lcaKo' fainuul Co.- $
w ' Q
g Suits to Measure, $8.75 np.
A nt, workmanship and entire,,
g JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, Agent. J
New idea6 in WU Paper here. Such
wide variety as we are allowing never be.
fore .traced a single Hlock. itt-al iuiiia.
, tion ereton etTecte at ordinary prices.
Good papers at cheap paper prices,
hlegntit deainns, tasteful colorinE, yours
for a Hinall price, at our Htore on Third
street. Also a full line of bouse paints.
D. W. VAUSE, Third St.
7 y y
J. S. hCKKNCt,
II. 31. lir.Ai.1.,
C. S. Smith,
S. A. GurJe3, who has for some
tine conducted the Arlington Rec
ord with marked ability, has sold
Public. Collection! promptly attended
to, Monev to loan. C, . Bavard's of
flee, The Dalles, Oregon.
First National Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
il p-to-d a te Q roee r : 00,1 "Szi&ti ss; rascr
New York, Han Francisco ant! "orl.
Freeh Egns and Creamery
MnMMr a ariMr.ta II t
PVina orrn ' g. P. Thommoh. Jho. B. Bcmbbcb.
PJQOne 270. j Ed. M. William, Gso. A. Libm.
H tviTuuni I H' U' BaI.I
2d Street.
u. . . ,TH5 DALLKii.OBKUO
OSce over Pint Ut. Uuxt
I UAU o, F.t H.L Jffiff. "AU-Ka' KE00
, Crandall S Burget
All kinds of . , e. A0C
Funeral Supplies embalmers Ete.
The Dalles, Or.
iatdr ' ;
1? all Term Onimc a 1 m - rsn
Kr(P,Mtt?.'ltnU'" "wNoiKiil School Me pa.,lllr(:a ,0 tllke , H . cv.rtlflc,0 m.midlat
t or ciloKue containing full uiuiounceinenu dd,t,N
I'. L. CAM CiiKLL, I'ru.lUc.t. or W A. WANK, SeoreUry ol ftW'
miTfm- r rmiiTj)ir Mii'fwisf yiifiL jCj, iJJliitlUjjjjj