e I) c Dn II co VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1900. NO. 290 Tlio Kind You Have Always in uso for over 30 years, nncl fflj1-1, sonal All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are but Experiments that triilo with and endanger the health of Infiuits and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Cnslorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys AVornw uml allays Fevcrishuess. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Pood, regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Pricud. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS S7 Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THt CCNTftim COMMNV. TT MUNMV THCCT. NEW TOUR CITV. ENGLAND HOPES THE END IS NEAR Hritisli Armies in South Africa Now on the Aggressive Roberts' Flan is Definite Xuw Voitic, July 27. A dispatch to the Tribune (rum London says: South African news, while confuaad, is reassur from th Hritisli point of view. Lord lioburts hns contiuuud his advance to lialinoriil. where General Hotha estao- lislied hlti headquarters for many week?. The Hours were in full retreat eastward, 'iu umeraiB i-rencn ana ilutton were driving the commandos before them on each flunk of the railway. Lord Roberto Iibb clearly Hot an objective point before his liriuy, liiiil iu iiimltiir In itrlvn P.phI. 'Jeiit Krtiger and General Hotha from the railway into tlio Lydenburg district, where thuvcun bu starved out at leisure, when the railway cotnmuniactious with Delagoa n,vy ,iro broken off. Newt) from the Orange River colony, while indecisive, shows that Generals Hunter and Clements have boen closing upon the remaining Uoor force in trenched in a natural stronghold, and l"t, wtiilu there has been stiff fighting ttll a repuleu of the Sussex regiment the advantage on the whole has been on the Wish side. General Dewot evidently "'I hoped to divert General Hunter ro' these operation, by breaking trough the cordon, but Colonel Hroad d sunt after him, and the bulk J t,lu ,5, iti8li force remainod to complete "'entrance of the eastern section of the olony and has captured one strong position and compelled the Hoers to vacuBto another. General Dewet it 'Ming northward, and Sir Kedvere .,, . ,'8 "fuy and General Bundle's 0,1 ",u 0lly partially occupied. 1,10 rt)Ha are not yet positive in uuy um, hut the Uritishurmiei ure mov lH and attacking the Boers with great J"r. The long halt seams to have "'"otl, and the weary Hritisli public is lniiK to liopo that the close of tlio "Plgu is in sight. 'uk r KngUnU'i Auuivrry. hosnox, July 27.-"The Old Lad v of ''feuUneudlo Street," knowu otherwise '0 bank of England, Ie today cole 'lug her 200th birlbday, and from a i s a Bought and which has beca lias borne the gijpiatnrc of has been made under his pcr- supervision since its infancy. Signature of inoi.otary mid high business standpoint she h much further from being "broke" today than stiu was 200 voars ago. Asa financial institution it i3 the greatest in the world, where no personal deposits of lees tfiau $2500 aie taken, and n corpora tion account of lees than $2o,000 is not considered worth the bother of entering on the books. Crtiklinl 1'inlrr a Wuemi. lloon Hiviat, July 2". Willie, aged 8, son of John Forbe, of this place, was killed today, lie tried to climb on a heavy load of lumber while the wagon was moving, and fell and the hind wheel passed over lus body diagonally across his chest. After the wagon passed over him he got up and ran from the road to the house, but soon became unconscious and died in about fifteen minutes. Worm Kut the Apples. Okkqo.v City, July 27. Postmaster E. M. liar .man, of Marquam, was here soday, and stated that in some orchards the army of cutworms hid begun on thu apple trees and were doing consider able damage to the unusually large crop. Thr At tlio I'vnliciillRry. Kai.I!.m, Jul v 27. James Kosx, sheriff of Hentou county, today brought to the penitentiary V. Hake' and Hert Griffith, charged with etealiug and killing cattle, to serve three years each; also Walter Hen, n Siletz Indian, charged with lar ceny from a store, to serve two years. GOING EAST- Jf you intend to take a trip Kast, ask your ticket agent to route you via The Great Wabash, a modern and up-to-date railroad in every particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or 8t. LouiB to New York and New England points. All trains run via Niagara Falls uud.'overy through train has fre reclining chair cars, sleep ing and dining cars. Hton over allowed on all tickets at Ni agara Fulls. lions O. Cmnk, racittc uoast rass. Agi,. Los Angeles, Calif. 0. S. CiUNK. G. I A., St. Louis, Mo. NollOK. All persons aro requested to give credit to no ono on my account without au order from me. M. TiiounuouitN J18.1W Wuntvit, luiuidluttily A good harnei-H. maker. Apply to JJ. Krause, of Wasco, Or. j-'tf. Clarke A Falk have received a carload of the celebrated Jame r.-. ration, etl icily pure liquid paints MINISTERS ON WAY TO TIEN TSIN But the Powers Fear it May He Part of a Plan to Conceal Date of Pekin Massacre. Washington, July 27. Minister Wu was quito elated this morning when ho was informed by a representative of the Associated Preen, that it was reported tlio surviving members of the diplomatic corps were being conducted to Tien Tem by troops of Jung Lu, commander- in-chief of the Chinese forces. He said he would not be surprised to hear nt any time of their arrival at Tien Tein. Minis ter Wu said lie tiau received no news from China in the past twenty-four hours. He did not expect to visit the state department today unless he heard from his country. The alleged departure of the ministers from Pekin has led to a reasaertion of the belief that the story is part of a deep laid plan by China to conceal the date of the massacre at Pekin, the suggestion being that Chinese officials will claim that the ministers left Pekin under strong escort, but were ambushed and massacred bv Boxers en route to Tien Tsin. However, nlthough it is still be lieved that a massacre has occurred of the colony at Pekin, the disposition now is to think the ministers were somehow rescued from a tragic fate. Washington, July 27. The United States government has absolutely re fused the Chinese proposition to suspend military operations against Pekin in re turn tor the delivery at Tien Tsin of the foreign ministers. Hlki.in, July 27. A dispatch received here today, dated Tien Tsin, July 24, sayE: A messenger who left Pekin Sun day July 15, brought today to the customs oflice here news that Prince Ching's soldiers had been fighting Prince Tung's troops and had been defeated Tlio foreigners were defending them selves in the Northern Cathedral near the Forbidden city. Thu Ore ton Docked. Washington, July 27. The navy de naitment todav received tho following cablegram from Captain Wilde, com mender of the Oregon : "Kure, July 20. Secretary Navy, Washington Shin docked1 Structural strength intact. Wain:." While thedlspatcli omits tho technical details of the the injury received by the Oregou in running on a rock in the Gulf of Pe Chi Li. Captain Wilde is known to tiave supplied some of these details. They iudicatethat,although thestructur al strength of the great-ship is still intact her injuries were of an ugly character. None of the longitudinal frames were injured, but the vessel's battom was badly torn, and some of her pumping connections broken. The main injury sustained was to compartment A, as it is technically known. Crptain Wilde, in his cable message of several days ago, estimated that it would require u few weeks to make temporary repairs, and at least four months to make complete re pairs. The navy department authorized Captain Wilde to patch her up with temporary repairs in order that she might return to thu Chinese coast for service. Theseordeis will stand, unless. after full consideration of the character of tho Oregon's injuries by the bureau chiefs at Washington, it Is desirous to proceed immediately with the necessary permanent repairs. Jtviueiiilivr That Chas. Stubllng is still doing a retail business at his new place. He sells In quantities to suit all customers, from one bottle to a barrel. Family orders delivered promptly. Kur Wle. We have at Portland a stock of fine lubricating oils and greases. Prices and terms are right. Write for prices. Cen tral Helloing Co., Cleveland, Ohio. ' Vui'o Headache Quickly. Haldwlu's sparkling effervescent Cel ery Bod a. A harmless and effective cure for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, brain fatigue. 10 and 25 cents. Sold by Clarke A Falk, druggists. jan24 6w FEMININE FRILLS. Note mi (lie I'll III on for i;ii-lo-l)iUo DriKHin-Clnvi'K, Milliner)-, ltc. Khaki comes in dilTerent shades now H suit (lilierent complexions. .ov that we l:nov the beginning of hlniki it would be interesting to remember to follow it in its career to see how far it will get away from the original idea and still keep to the nnine, says the New York Times. Brilliant crimson kid gloves in the shops show the popular taste for that color. Iteally, people who are sup posed to have good taste in gloves do buy that shade to match suits. It is true that hardly u bird or a feather is to be seen in the spring millinery. There is tho thin material that hi been seen all winter in feath or etieets in hats, straw ornaments simul.it ing them and whole birds arc made of diiTerent shades of paillettes. I'lie serpent, which is always more or less in evidence in some form or orna ment, now renrs an iridescent head from bunches of fluffy material at the, sides of hats, and hns a .self-confident air. iik if he were coming into his proper estate. In sonic instances he is combined with feathers, and in one where ins unpleasant head is sur rounded with dove feathers there is too much Miggestiveness to make the ornament an agreeable one. Flower gardens are still to be found on handkerchiefs, and often they are beautiful, with charming though bril liant color effects. One handkerchief hns one corner, almost an entire fourth of the handkerchief, filled with n cluster of brilliantly colored. flow ers artistically arranged, a real little scene, while in each of the other cor ners is a butterfly. That handker chief costs Some pretty little handkerchiefs have baskets of differ ent colored flowers in the corners, Tlrbragas or Bulgarian strips, the hand embroidery of the Armenians on hand-woven linen, can be bought at a comparatively low figure. Much of the work comes in stripes which i. beautiful for insertion in wash gowns, i'here are only two small pieces made alike, and one is always sure of get ting something that cannot be dupli cated, and as a trimming the stripes are stylish and serviceable. They weai forever. The iwo pieces of work niakt handsome bags, small pillows, or are pretty for handkerchief cases and dif ferent things of 'that kind. One piece ol the cam as will have stripes enough to use for insertion in one waist, and a good piece can be found for $1,50, and sometimes for less. Little girls of live, six and seven are wearing little short puffed sleeves to their wash gowns.. Some mothers make little gimps with sleeves to wear with little low-necked gowns, and in the hottest weather remove them, leaving the neck and arms bare. Some of the sleeves are in odd little shapes, fitting in at the aniihole and then .slanting out like a straight little (low ing sleeve to the elbow, stopping just above it. One little gown with n puffed sleeve has what has the appear ance of a cuff longer at the back than I he front set into it. The woman who wears her seal or intaglio rings on tie same hand with her rings in which are precious stones makes the same mistake thai llie woman does who in hanging her pictures puts paintings, engravings and photographs in the same group. She shows bud taste and spoils the ef fect of all. The KiirIUIi Coimtitiuiril. First anil foremost, a coastguardmau is a nian-of-war'.s-nian. He belongs to particular ship of war, on board liieh he is liable at any moment to be tiled iiniin to report himself. He knows his place and hisdutleson board 'Jiat vessel r and he and His personal belongings are in a perpetual state of 'dullness tor active service on ner leeks, in her stokehold, or otherwhere, as the case may be. We learn that he must have served for at least ten years In the Koval na v. alloal. before iolulntr the coastguard; and that he is kept in touch with tin1 latest nautical practice bv vearlv nerioils of training- on board an iroucladr- ('hambers' Journal. A Well-Merited Itelorl, ICx-Assistaiit raited States Attorney Sutherland Tenny, of New York, was graduated from I he Columbia law school In 1S75, when he carried off the first prize of $300, A disappointed com petitor congratulated l.liu, ami added: 1 suppose it was because your thesis was illegible, as usual, and the judges gave you the benefit of the doubt." Mr. Teiiney, unriinled, replied: "How much bet ter you would do if you adopted that practice in all your work." Saturday Kvenlng Post. BUSINESS LOCALS. Clark A Falk'e drug mock is new, fresh and complete. Lidies tan low shoes only 90 cents at the New York Ca3h store. Clarko & Falk have on sale a full line of paint anil artiet'a brushes. You will not havu boils if von tako Clarke & Falk'a sure euro for boils. A full line of Eastman films and sup plies just received bv Clarko & Falk. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are tho best. Ask your grocer for them. Ladies' tan oxfords sizes 3 to 5 only 90 centB at tho New York Cash Store. A fresh supply of Lowney's chocolates received today at Blakeley's pharmacy. See our west window for bargains in ladies low shoes. The New York Cash store. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Paint your house witli paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Why pay $ 1.75 per gait, n for inferior paints when you can buy James E. Patton's sun proof painn for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Falk, agents. mI7 For the convenience of parties want ing ice in the afternoons, the Stadelman Ice Co. will carry a stock at their store, corner Third and Washington streets. Phone No. 107; long distance 1S3. "King 'em up." ISm-tf (51 irk fi Falk are never closed Sunday Don't forget this. Retiring fi? om Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and pi ices. Will sell, iu bulk or in lots, or Entire stock must "be closed out before thirty days. All goods will be sacrificed excopt Thompson's Glove-fitting Corsets and Hutterick Patterns. Your prices will be mine. Call early and secure bargains. J. P. McINERNY, Cornor Second and Court Sts. X t'AVATXV 1 AM JCVXA-l A I'AT ft V V v V v V w 5- ...Geo. C. Blakeley... Successor to Blakeley & Houghton, Wholesale : and : Retail : Druggist Largest Stock of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries in Eastern Oregon Country h and JVIail Otdets Will Receive PROMPT ATTENTION. tj 175 Second St. THE DALLES, - -v A A. 1. 'AA A CLiOUD CAP W NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON. Magnificent Scenery. Pure Air and Water. Perfect Rest A MANSION IN THE SKIES. Huy your tickets from the MOUNTAIN STAG K A UVKUV COM PANY, Hood Ulver, Oregon. jlyl'J Waiters' Jackets... White Drilling -White Duck - -White Duck - -Black Berlin - -Black Sateen - - ALL SIZES. - 75c $1.00 $1.25 45c - 75c A.M.Williams&Co. Shoes, nt much less than wholesale any way to suit purchasers. V VVV V V VVVV Phone 300. - OREGON. A, A A A, A A A A V A, A A A