1 i .-Ai 5 i J 1 : Pi Sores and Ulcers That old sore or ulcer, which hast been a source of pain, worry nml anxiety to you for five or ten years maybe longer doesti't heal because you are not'ttsing the proper treat ment, but are trying to cure it with salves and washes. While these are soothing and relieve pain to some extent, no real, permanent good can come from their use, because the disease - - At - i i if i . . . r t l ; . .' is m uic uioou ana iar ueyoim uie rcacu ui external upmituuui.!.. A sore heals promptly when the blooil is in good condition, out nmvmr if it is diseased. Tin tendency of these old sores and ulcers is to grow worse, spreading and eating deeper into the flesh. Thev are n constant drain upon the srstem, gradually but surely ruin the health ana sap the very life ft " i -. r i . . 1 " V.. ' a a .1 . t H DRAIN THE SYSTEM, ENDANGER LIFE. A person's capacity for work or pleasure is soon lost in the great desire and search for something to cure tin t vci waste valuable time experimenting with them S. S. S. makes u rapid and permanent cure of old sores and ulcers, and is the only medicine thn' are too weak and waterv to overcome a deadlv poison that has taken possession does, because no other can reach deep-seated blood troubles. Ordinary Sarsaparilla and potash mixture rcome a deadly poison that has taken possession ot the blood. Do no g with them. "Some years ago I was shot In the left lee receiving what I considered only n slight wound. It - ..unit CU3 .iki ft naa auuft ill inn icii ica:. lEkmiift A taUnSIrOZ ,je reloped into a ninninc sore nnd save rac a crest deal of pain. I was treated bv many doctors, aw! mm -J took a immbi-r nf blood remedies, but none did me anv cood. I had heard R. S. S. liitrhlv reenmmend and concluded to give it a trial. The result was truly gratlfyiuR. S. S. S. seemed to Ret right nt th? trouble, nnd forced the poison out of nay blood : soon afterwards the sore healed up and was cured sound and well. I now , have perfect use of the leg, which was swollen and very stiff lor a long time. J. II, McUraycr, I,awreuceburg, Ky." S. S. S. is the onlv purelv vegetable blood purifier known ; - i . i t V . t. . , ;r a: is maue oi roots ami nerus oi wonucriui puniying properties, which no poison can resist. S. S. S. quickly" and effectually clears the blood of all morbid, unhealthy humors, and the old, troublesome sore heals. At the same time the general health is invigorated and built up. When a little scratch or hurt fails to heal readily, you may be sure your blood is bad. S. S. S. will soon put it in order and keep it so. Our Medical Department is in charge of experienced physicians, who have made olood diseases a life studv. If vou will write them about yo'ur case, thev will nladlv furnish all information or advice wanted, without any charge whatever. .ddress SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA sss I The Dalles Daily Chroniele. BUSINESS LOCALS. GOING EAST If you int-jnd to tuke a trip East, ask ONE MAN'S ODD SUPERSTITION Orders by telephone or otherwise ure your aRl.t to route you via The promptly Hlletl at the .McXeal market. Groat Wabash, n modern and up-to-date A fresh supply of Lowney's chocolates , railroad in ewry particular. ciiicniriHiii ini UniUh, ltnin or received today at Biakeley'd pharmacy. Through trains from Chicago, Kansas shim-, iinther Timu ithir Clarke & Fa!k have on sale a full line '5'i Onii.hu or St. Louis to New York 'liiroiiBi.ii liuim-i. . . ,,., ntltl y,,n- Knc and nornls. .1 trains of paiut nnd artist's brushes, "Nearly over., man lnii-his supert-ti- A lull line of Eastman alms anil sup tiou." remarked ti 1m alli- street plies just received bv Clarke & Fnlk. liroker to a friend us thev hoarded a car, aeeordhifr to the t'hiengo li.ter ' Nasul Catarrh quickly yields to treat Ocean. "I came neros a little storv meut by Ely's Cream Halm, which is ngreo the other du on that line. Umt ably aromatic. It is received through tho morning. vear" in and year out. with the nostrils, cleanses and heals tho whole sur-a- r c- i face over which it diffuses itself. Dmucists exception of Sundays, a prommen- -0c 8- gize b Jfc w .North side biiMiifSN. man irets on the c(.uts. Test it and vou are sure to continue Clark street cable car at Piillcrtoii ave- the treatment. 7iue, rides to Illinois and l lark streets. Announcement t hen nnsrhts and walks to his olhce rras i run via Niagara Falls andevery through , train bus free reclining chair cars, sleep ing nnd dining cars. Stop over allowed on all tickets at -N'i-agara Falls. Knsh C. Clink, Pacific Coast Puss. Apt,, T nu A tirrolna Hiilif C. S. Cisa.sk, G. P. A., St. Louis, aMo. P , Utirv Ileuilnehu Quickly. u ISuldwiu's sparkling effervescent Cel- fi ery Soda. A harmless and effective cure f I for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness. ! K wineii is witluh a stone throw oi to tue use ot atomizers in applying liquids ; brain fatigue Salle and Kancloljih streets. into tne nasal passages tor catarrhal trvit. "The ot her dav a rentleman w ho va.- bles lhe proprietors j)repare CrenmLalm in visitintr this man's' house rode down- form, which will be known as Ely's town with him, and cm arrival the jfg corner of Illinois and Clark street ex- j;,. Tho liqu!(1 form euibodies tho med- pressed his surprise when the Chi- icinal properties of the solid preparation. capo man, with an apologetic tone' .usked him to meet him at his olliee. Dimoiutiuti Nutict-. us he alwavs walked from this place ! . . 7. T .i... ,..,., ..., ' .... The copartnership business heretofore . -P, I '" w.eaet- ,o t ,e , conducled at j-g Sec.,nd treut j .ofhee. Phe visitor, rather fancying the ; the firui name aDd Bty,e o( mi- ,5. ' .wv uimsen, sHuutf uu me ear wmi Houghton, is this day dissolved by his friend. ' mutual consent. F. L. Hoiiphiim rntir. 'I f f f f f IV 1 8E 3 as f Thn Dnllon, Or. The Chronicle, dob Printers f ! S. i:s, i:r Ms1 !3S 1 !: u : :-c 1 J 1: O.R.&R IlKPAItT I roK TlICK XCIIKDULK. FKOM IIAI.I.ICH. Atin:v Via 1 1; Kiist Mnll : 10 i. lu Atliintlr llxjircss 1'.':.' h. m. VU Hunt-llitnli, i'lixikiiiic Shill mill i:.nc! '.1 ..'1 p. in, S J 1. 1U. h i. in. Suit I.nkr. Denvor, Ft. Worth. Umuhu, Khii m City, Kt. Um,, CIiIciiro mid Kant, Ft is:s . tt m.I '-"Its. Dcuvpr, Ft I is 11 m Worth, Oninlm, Um ,n ens i:ity, Ht. liulu, CIiIchko niul Dust. .MIlltlfHpoUH. nt. l-HUli 'j," " 11 1 11 v 11, Milwaukee, (.hlmen nnd Kimt, via HnokiuiCHluI lltiniliiL- ton; iiIkii nil (mint In nnmiiRKin iiiui 1.11-1 em OrcRiiti, Mali , mid l-xpn-si " aim From 1'oi:ti.ami. Oeeim Htcntiislilpi. For hail Fritucl ' l.vcry Five Pav. P- m. l-.x.SUuaa- CohimblH Kv. Steniner. r.x.Siiiid. 'To AnTiiniA mid Way r,i,sulia,I rtitttiriJjiy 1aaii(I1iik, to j.. in. j uuutiii ft ixuliinumiui uamu iu u uj uujjjuv,,; fill. 111. Vll-LAMBTTR UlVKR. :J), m huiHtny ori-coi. Cltv. NeulrK, Ux.feunSV I Halem A. Way IjuiU', , Wll-l-Alll'TTr IKhVlu -I'm.. 1 tic. 1 imr. hill KivKKi. n.i'ii.Avr OrcBnii City, Iiuymn, aua Frl. ' nnd iiy-I.iulluss. 7 ni. ue. I lit anil rut. I.v Itlparln dully h n. 111. S.VAKII I'.lVKIl. itliiirla tit Ia!w1kKiii, I.r.AVi I.KW11TMK dally 111, b in. .5 nr 10 mid .0 cents. by Clarke A Falk, druggists. K,1,l i,lr"J (It 1 l ltonFiiilif-r ' that Unas, btubling is still domya.K retail business at his new nlace. ile'fi soils in quantities to suit nil customers, from one bottle to n barrel. Family orders delivered promptlv. W not s your idea in wnlkinp ever ing from said Orm. The business will morninpV' he asked the Chicatro man. ; be cooducted in the future by Geo. (J. 'Like the exercise, 1 Kiippose'.1' " i Blakeley, at the old stand. F. L. "'.Vo, not particularlv.' rejoined tin i Honghton will collect all accounts and other. -Superstition, .'reckon. Some : '".J.'11'11'"'" of sa'd ,rn'- 1nnn ten years ago I u,,S riding through the j rLe D1,ee' 0regSnE'oJucy & tunnel with a friend and we occupied ' p l' Houghton ' a seat on the "rip car. The car was I ! 1 very crowded, pas-entrcrs .standing Smiling Albert is not a fighter, still upon the foot board of the f,'rip. The , he s-vings the Club so often at the movement of one of these pirengvr.- Commercial saloon in Canadian stvle accidentally brushed my friend's hut : that even his victime appreciate it' and rrofn his head. In making a frantic chaIenge him again for a real "long attempt to recover it he pitched- for- , ., t, r, .1 1 r i- n. . r. ward 'between the tunnel walls and ! e.' , 0 d" fr Canadian Club Rye the car. In spite of frenzied efforts ) whlsk' by lei, ol. J. h. Fait & Co. ujion the jiart nf myself and others tt -irag him out. he was crushed- to death ! before the car could be stopped. "'Since that time I have ulwiivs hat a premonition that shouW I ever ridt apain through the tunnel my end woulc be the same. You may think me foolish aind attribute this to superstition, but 1 liave never been through that, tniine since. I walk to Illinois and Clark street in the evening and take a can in the morning I always alight nt that corner, rain or .shine, and walk to m. ofllce. If I accompany my wife tc the theater I leave her on the cur al this corner and walk to the theater I would not g-o through that tuune. again for $5,001'. The strange part ol nil this is that the other tunnels pos .sess 110 terrors for me. I frequently ride through the Washington and Vai Iluren street tunnels without i thought of danger, but the La Sulk street never.' " Aiipli- 11 11 11 Cttlvr- hnlnil. A jlelicious salad may be made from apples nnd celery. First, chill them in fold water. After they me diced mix equal parts of both together. Salt to taste and blend thoroughly with may onnaise dressing. Serve cm lettuce lea ves. Cincinnati Enquirer. Sour C renin Cuke. Mix one cupful of cream, one cunful of sugar, one egg, one cupful of itour into which n tablespoonful of soda has been sifted, one-half of a teaspoonful of salt und one-half 11 small nutmeg. Ilrooklyn Eagle. Ladies tan low shoes only 00 cents at the New York Cash etore. For the convenience of parties want ing ice in toe afternoons, the Stadelmnn Ice Co. will carry a stock at their store, corner Third and Washington etreets. Phone No. 107; long distance 1811. "Ring 'em up." 18m-tf Ladies' tan oxfords sizes 3 to 5 only f 90 cents at the Now York Cash Store. Tlie Heat Itemed- fur ritoinach mill liowel Trouble. "I have been in the drug business for ! twenty years and have sold moat all of the proprietary medicines of any note. Among the entire list I have never found anything to equal Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for all stomach and bowel troubles," says O. W. Wakefield, of Columbus, Ga. "This remedy cured two severe cases of cholera morbus in my family and I have recom mended and sold hundreds of bottles of it to my customers to their entire satis faction. It affords a quick and sure cure in a pleasant form." For sale by Blakeley &. Houghton. CATARRH THE CLEANSING -AND HEALING CUIUS i'OIl CATARRH Ely's Cream Bali Eay and Dle&iant to lias. Contain no In jurious drug. It U quickly abforbed. i Give iieiief at once. It allMflia ami fLanaftftl a'Ks COLD HEAD YyK' OElHENlMlltrrEB Physiciau and Surgeon, Special attention given to surqerr. H ioms 21 and 22, Tel. Voct Block Why pay 1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E. Patton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Falk, agents. mI7 Wanted. A position to do general house work. Inquire at Mrs. Bauer's residence on Nintli street, opposite old Lutheran church. jly20-22 Fur Hale. We have at Portland a stock of fine lubricating oils and greases. Prices and terms are right. Write fur prices. Cen tra! Refining Co., Cleveland, Ohio. for Mule. A good second-hand threshing ma chine for sale at L. Lane's blacksmith hop, on Third street. j-i-d&w'lin Duiing the entire week there will be a sale of street hats nnd sailors at the Campbell k Wilson millinery parlors. Great reductions. 10-lw Notice. All persons are requested to give credit to no one on my account without an order from me. M. Tuoimiioim.s- jlS-lw louwill not have boils if vou take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday Don't forget this. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the waeco warehouee. rinest kind of chicken feed. mch26-tf Wauled, liiiniettlHleljr, A good harnesB'tnaker. Apply to II. Krause, of Waeco, Or. j2-tf. Subscribe for Tim Cuiionici.. l'nrllcN ili-Hlrinir to iro to lii-imiinr T.T1ITTT A mrtT. T TT"T1 1 l'"tHt- "II Clilllliiltln i?nti tlierri vln IIIl-i-. hnnM XVJ1I.X U 1 f I 1 ' rVr JiliN Jll. t , ,M luuvlliB Hie Indie, at 1. ID ,,. n. 51 liii.Lliu:.ll..rteotim..rtlmiHiit llei.itiur)lilicUo!i 1 Mini IUbi. UiitliniliiK innkllictllnrteoiiiii'otlnii DALLES, PORTLAND k ASTORIA NAY. COMimJ Kir lull particulars mil on O. It. V .V. Co.'i SUiimcrs of the Kcculator Line will run ni )K-r tlie fol 'J nwiiip celicdulc, tlic C(imiaiiy rtsLTvliiB the rlBht to cliuiiBe ' schedule without notice. Str. Regulator : -- ! I.v. Dalles ( at 7 A. I. Tuesday . .. !. TliuiMlav ... W Haturdny. . . ? Arr. I'ortland C,at i:t p.m. I ur. I.v. I'ortland nt 7 a. x. WediiexlHy . . Friday Arr. Dalles ut & v. M Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dalles City. DOWN I.v. Dallen nt 7 A. x. Jloiidny Wpilianrtuy. . Friday. Arr. I'ortland at l:30r. m. sc I t. I'ortland 5 ut 7:11) A. M. f i ueituay g I iitiri-ciay niiiuiuuy .rr. DiiIIi-k ' at.'i i'. tt., iiBeut The Uullvi. or uddrt-i W. II. IIUKt.Ill'ItT, (ien I'nii. Aift., I'ortlmid, Or, lilieru Psiiii R FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, inici dj inc fatcumcrh oi the KvBiiIntor Liitc. 'J'hc Comimuy will piideiivr to zivc its uU j. . . .v.. j-..., ut Kittitvi lUtllIUlUllMl UUUIOH ' I'ortland Oflicc, Oak-3trct Dock. VV. C. ALLAWAY. Con. Atrt ' " " C rTtart r t.-r i v t ir n t ; r , xlx.uwi tat i.t, t.T.i ri.t Irlxjjrjxi TajtttrAi jtj.tl rj Yellowstone Park Line. Chicken Lice CoipreJ, use $ Carbolineum : Avenarius. 0 The mast cmclent Wood I'ruturvhiB Jvlut also a Kudlcal ttciuedy agaluit Cl,! .Hen Llco. Its Hiijillf-utfon to in elde -Hilt of poultry houibt will per manently exterminate all Ike. He UlU lieutthv chlckeiin. wril. tt rite for circulars and price. Mention tills paper. Jos.T. Peters & Co., TUE DALLEfl, UKKUON, F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. , r. MCOK, joilK OAVIM MOORE k GAVIN, ATTOKNKV8 AT I.AW Kooms S3 aud 10, over U. S. Land Ofllce. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor Second & Laneblin. Ttiooe 157 JjU. V. T. HMITH, Osteopath. SINGERSU Stop and see them. Tho best Sewing d Machine on the market for the least price. For cash or on time. : : ; " urn J The Jacobsen Book & Music Co. flit. Angel Gollege and Seminary Conducted by the Benedictine Fathers. Located -10 1 inilee eouth of P.irtlnnd on one of tho moat heallhful am ota of the Willamette VHlley. The ideal place for you boy 1 abBical, Commercial ami Scientific Course. MuhIc a specialty spotH CI For particulars apply to tho President. d attractive reparatory, julyl8octl8 BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE 'muHr Trade Marks UC8IQN8 CovmaMTm Ac. Anrone in(tlnir a nkftnh and description ma qulcmr mcerlnlii our opinion freo whether Invention I probahly nalentablo. Coiiiniunlc tlonsatrlctlrcfiiiadeiittal. Handbook on I'iwnu lent free. Olrteat nuency.for securlnfpatenU. 1'itlei.ls i taken thruuiili ilumi A OiTrocelTw nxcial natk, without otiaroc. In tho Scientific flmcrkan. nely lllnstralMl weaklr. IJirtreat clr f nnr selentiun journal. 'I'eniis. J a t in(iiith, fl. Hold bjr all newsdealer. & Co.30,BrM New York Offlco. (US V Ut. Washloilo" 1)." " FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKANHACT A KNEBAUBANKINO BUtilNKf Letters of Credit issued available In the caawrn uutes, Hiiibt Exebanm and Taloranu Transfers sold on New York. Chicago, St. Louis. San Francisco. Portland fir. iron. Seattle Wash., and variant nntni I r . ... 7 ' Rooms 10 Mild 11. L'hai.man Blrw-lt. Thn I1.1W I ,B"W? na WasniOglOn. Urtrgon. Tuefdnyu mid Krldays, s u, m. to K. Collections made at all points on fay- wuyls-iin orable termn. THeCoioiiaPacKiDgCo., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKACTUKKK8 OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON )RIKD BEEF, ETC. Mica 'Axle UREASE helps the team. Saves wear and hk, ouiu every wucrc lightens the load shortens the road. Maub r TANBANB OH. OO Till. DI.VI.NU CAIl I'.Ot'TE FliOM l'OHTU.NH TO TUE KABT. tue oni v i)ini:cT unk to the yellow. HIO.VE I'AKK i.avk. Union Depot, rtrtband ! sis No. : aVo. Kimt mull lor Tiiconia, t-t'iiiiiu, uiympln, nruy lliirdor und houtli llcnd tXlllltS, HM)kulll!, ltlMIH- laud, II. C, I'iiIIiiuui, SlOhCOW, IwlHtou, Unt il. U A. M. (nlolIiiiiiiiiiliiliiKi'oun- b.Ml M. try, lloU'im, MlntiL.iiio II, Ut. 1'atll, Oiiiiilin, rvillinuB , HI. IrflUlH. No. I. iCIiIciiro mid till point Kt. i-iut and soneliiMint riiKut hound Expri'Hs U;V 1'. M. lor Tnooinii mid Bcuttlo , nnd InturmuUlute iolnti No, S. r.OOA. JL I'ullinnn llrnt-clnns nnd timrut lwirs to Miliiifapollh.Ht. I'uul and Missouri rim points wltliout ehniiKV. Vostllmlwl trains. I'ulou depot coiiuectloim in all principal eitlus. lluBKUBc clicckwl to destination oi tickets ror liniidsomuly lllustiatetldusurlptl.fiiiutlcr, tickets, slcopliiK-cnr reservations, etc., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant (ieuerul I'asseiiKcr Auent. 'J.V ilorrl sou Htreet, corner Third, I'ortlund, OreKun. SOUTH and EAST via iffi Pacific Co. Shasta Route SOUlfK Tralifn Ifiivii Tin n.. .to-, r. ri .m.i xvnr stations at I.Jj a. in. hikI 3 n. in. ,"vc VVirlIa1' 8:i in 7:t 11 m """"i r.;juuni ivwyt" .lftiiciam lli.'uiam . f.:llpiii -IjlL'iaiii . 7!Uil 8:10 urn Arrive Ashland . .., " Hiieruuii'iito . .. ban rrutielscu .Virive OKdou " lieuver ,. " Kansas City. . " CIiIcoko ;. .., o:t..um 11. 15 am uiOOiim u:uinm T.'X u in 7:15 n m Arrive Uij Angeles "lsvo p m '. Kl I'nso ii:wi, m Uty uf Mexico 11:55 am '!'" -1 100 a m New .Orleans 0:0111 "siiiiiKtou fiM-'um New York., 7 ;.'." in tljWn m 7:l) a in liiuu pm c,;:)ii m );,V u III -t :uo 11 in u:'J5 p in Cl'ain ,l'ft!pl8iia WW I' in l'llllllllin Hlirl T..itlu .... .....I. Ir.iliil.. n.VJ? ., "ri,.Hrioiito to OKden and El 1'aso, toll , u,HtJ"xt!,,t0 l-'I'ICHgo, fft Louli, New or leuns uud n usliliigtou. si!'.!!L'i;T.,l,i!: Ht .'rsuolaeo with sovenil I'hli I r i "Jl0".'"? Honolulu, Jnpuii. Chili". i-ivn, vvuiini nuu ciou 1 u Ainoriea. Hte UBcnt at The Dalles statlou, or addrtss C. H. MARKHAM, Ouncral I'aaseiiger Agent, Futtlaiid, 0r T. BR0WNHILL, JU8TTDR flPTHl' llfinL M..lnrv Publlo. Collections promptly 'attended )? Mnev to loan. c. E. Uayard's of Uco.lhe Dalles, Oregon.