The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 27, 1900, Image 3

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What !
are wo
thronged ?
is the
alt motion ?
In hot and sultry times like these, it is only
tin- UNUSUAL BARGAINS that don't go
n'bcgghiK. Values, and big onus at that,
alone possets tho power to interest.
Sunstroke Itself
May ho braved to get your rightful share
of what wo ofTer this week.
Read the Record,
then Run the Risk.
MEN'S MONARCH SHIRTS; this season's, regular $1.00, f 1.2.) e.nd if 1.50 vnl-tie-,
rhmratiee price 95 MENJS and BOYS' 1 i r
STRAW HATS ut lldll pilCe
M F.N'S TROUSERS; new good, embracing
w r teds, casslmeres anil cheviots; values that
r..nge from .f 1 .50 to $3 50; clearance T
bOY.V WASH SUITS; new stvles and all
;';rw:,H.?ei..lo.b: half price
What vc say wo do, wo DO do.
Saturday Special.
Regular Prices Cut
Deeply and Remorselessly.
Only one thought is behind this sale, and
that is to mako a prico that will sweep everything
beforo it like an Alpine avalanehe. So we print
in big letters tho email price, so every eve will be
enchained bv it.
The Coolest Shoes
for Summer.
Remember, wo aro still oflering
you $1.00 for 75c in all purchases of
Tan Shoes.
Your choice of any Man-Tailored Ladies'
Suits in the house. Let the price burn in your
memory, for the
Regular prices run to $2
Sale Saturday morning at 8.00.
Misses' Tan, button or lace;
sizes 1 H to 2
Child's Tan, button or -lace
sizes 0 to 1 1 :
Small sizes Ladies' Kid,
button; 3, 3A-, 4
All Got'.(Js Marked
n PIHn Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle,
Telephone A'o. 7.
- - - "JULY 27, Ti00
newly acquire, possessions to govern Schutz, and, as a firet step, Mr. Schutz
tlierr.relves." i today sent a letter to the publishers of
Th Antelcpe Republican suggests the
1 propriety 'df reviving the Stockman
county project, and thinks a small
county 'formed out of tontheactern Was.
At Andrew Keller's.
B. Wolf is quite ill at his home in this
the Reports and asked if it were poesi
ble thAt the Reports should have pub
lished an analysis of Baker City beer j N. Alexander, of Victor, is registered
clothed in the' very same words, from at the Umatilla House.
W. A. Johnson, wife and eon went on
this morning's boat to Lyle.
co nod -Forthern Crook coald be run to last, save only in respect to
with len burden to the taxpayers of T.amee, as Dr. CJrey's analysis of The 1
that Urctrlct than ehey are bearing nor.-1 Dalles beer. H.N. Blackerby is at the Umatilla
in collection with two large counties, j a sowirr-. opinion, ami,. 1Iouee fr0,n Waeco' Sherm8n conntJr-
I I miss nannan nrauBS leu on mis
oenrKcuni jiiHrietj n. ueemB, ui voni-1 morning's boat lor Ocean I'ark.
Mie. Henry Klindt left on this-morning's
boat for a Bojourn at her cottage at
Ocean Park.
I The Paul Merr Portage Company
I nave wkcii a ctw up to t'aeoo to operate pany K, 47tli U. S. volunteers, writes a
, the eteamer Frederick K. Billings. The ' lolll aI)(1 ,lltereetinc letter to an old
liillrngs will rrun between t'asco 'end
Columbus, which is situated at the
friend, Charles J. X'ickelseu of Boyd,
whom the sergeant used to know when
- . ' upper end of 'the portage railway eround
Dtiriiie te remainder of ttm smnmer J'Cdilo Kallf. The firet work of the
fceaou rrr. (is Nos. I and 2 will top nt Billings wild be to carry lumbeT to be
Cascade I ocks Sundays on being-flogged. 1 weed in constructing landtags along the
Whv i,-at the homo tlwee hot iuys by (rolv, wliicti will be uee lor 'l:mlling , claiming e to tho "pernicious effect the
co kuif, hen nil the delicacies Of the , tt,e '-row this fll. j teaehincsof tbeeelf-styled anti-imnerial-
feu(!ut: r.rc served at the Urnntllltt 'House At. 'i o'clock this afternoon tfie resi-! ists is 'having 01. tho efforts of ocr
yrili rottii" ulenco of Mrs. Paul Kxelt, Tenth
A tnu-t of 7500 acrees baa been nur-; street, ;ai practically burned to the
George T. Prathet., of Hood River,
he was a mere lad bv:k in old Pennsyl- j was in town last night and left for home
vania. Wc have raid the letter and it' on tue no train.
etronglycatifirniflF.ll that the friends of j Major Hall, claim agent of the O. R.
the piesent ndmvr.istration have been i& X. Co, was " town last f ight, the
......... nf . 1. . . T T 1 1 .. IT ....
State Senator J. N, WtfHamson, of
Prinewlle, arrived here on the noon,
train, on his way to visit his mother
who rs III at Portland. '
R. iR. Ilinton and family, of Bake
oven, returned on the noon train from a
Ameiicen eoldiera to bring the Filipinos
into selection. "Sargeant Deems tl6
not think the -war in the Philippines
CmroC m tho Grand Rondo vttlley, or. 1 Konnd. i tie lire pecuiitny uis
which t is tiiider,8tooA a-colmty of Mor- J treesiug; from the fact rat only two days
none uid settle. ' a-'0 remains of ithe hiwband and
W m purses will be efiered nt the
i ... .1 itUtfH ffvirii Him iniiin.iruv Hint Ih nnw in
n wibpeuir wliicb will 'Le held -tins , " t, ' .;,, 'Cwiipbell hkI her twcchildren, Mr. and
3 ivo of the bet race -horses in t:ie I U8,lee- nl (t!W 1 ro"1 the 1 irjm. gets to be presit lent lltt v.i.l tet j Mffl w ,f Young ind .Mrs. M. A.
cirrc'r of Hasteni Oreron urc already in ,!OI,l,H were e"vja J ,oru uieiv.ufiejiei.uencu. man, jrienaiinr-, Miller. left -on thia .morning's boat for
Ill U FAI i IIUI! I IIIHL Vi'l-O UUII. lUUUa I CU. f k..V mi IIUIIUIU lib IUI I llVi c VfiMV II lU l r. UllllllK '.V Vlllllll I M It ( .I1IDII.
will w:d coon. The "niggers," as lie! sojourn in 'Portland find at Clateop
calls the FiliphicP, "are no nearer peace 1 beach. Mr. Kintou in 'much improved
than I6ey were year ago. Tliey are ,n'"ealt"'
waitim; on W. J. Brvan. Thev think if .. .I)nrt.v consisting of Mre. H. II.
traiiiu g on the Antelope -track.
A' f ' ci eat council of the Red 'Men,
Mr. Henry Leaiated lelt at this ollice ,u" oomnicnuy 01 wigger luuiane.
wliwil ,'..i !..... 1 , . 1 today lour aiipleti 01 tlio ied Jilelig- -"it.. w. muco,
1 jrni up niiiiuui ineeiiiig niB- . .
lone .e-unlu v, John Michell, of -Miia ,,vi"'r rieiy, HKgru,
r-itr na 1 1 ...... 1 18 fovr pouude and one ounce. One of
M Ul.lifiliili. n nt tl,p ,D 1 P""
fou ',.,. ,. i.UVH hh .,,, ,i,li tia ounces unit meas
J'Cin .t. me of tho great tTUBtees. I
'i... Ourothy, tlio'intuut i'lwli of 1
Mr u 1 irH. Willi,., f!
" tiitvi iMl.lltllHLi UI llli.
Ui! I r
fro-i, ,
1 thiK morniiiK "t l:lfj o'oluk.
ires fourteen iiiclma in uinwiiifeienre.
The Kletigheifiier iue. fall apple. Thete
are beautifully fornxid Hnilnre without
epeok. or Haw. TJmy aro the ?5 rst jirod-
net of a young tree that .yielded live
I Inn been ... poer health -from hs lMAnstial ,plluH!,iH neHr Ull, impnmty, they ill hack you to uiucce ton.
ui"! Hh death wnBinot.iir.ex
!'' funeral will take place
i evidence tomorrow.
In t',.
ami h
tn lit -i,
in w I ,.
Put Conrey, a prosperous young eheep
luan lute of'tiradeCrook county, loft on
eotue -partiailv civilired but the roosorlt v t,t0 'PMPenger I'.dt niahc to vieit his
uncivili.ed barbarians. They are nlV mot,,7 V i "ii 1,0 comity
,. . ... ... , IrelKatl. He expects to bo gone
utterly without eympathy or gititude. u)01,t three months, that ia Ui sav, if
Voii'Mjay treat them with the atniotit the girl ho loft behind him wjlljiot eon
kindnecp, give them food, clothing, Ke,lt l) u,tt buol; with liiiu sooner.
nioiK unytliitjg they may iveed or iiiwiin.
decke, and tho next moment if thty have j ,,,...,., .u ,,
a eliinH;e, anil m hope to etcuiw with -fiiti, i M-j.n-u.knf w u''..ii,.., ..
Meyets Hw utii eoventeen iu5Ihm
I HBiilppl liver., hctucen Alton
'"Hie, in threw hontp and twenty
He I. ml made a wager to-ewim
. ii
with tlK'ir boloa. So expert are they in
J the iwe of these, weapons that J have
j one of thoiu, with one stroke, split '
i a nian'V, head onei down to hie shoulder. I
j 1 mil irltwt to soe 'from your letter that
old gnriisou f.tubli'C. Wlio 'nn beat
Frank Metier and W. M. Kllliiign.
worth aro in the clt-v repnieiutlng the ;
Portland chamber uf commereu In a!
epeeUl scheme for advertising it-e state .
in !enenil and iudivldufet towns and (lis-1
lIllll'S III five .hours, -hut a . irl,.tM In imrllontur. 1J'luv urn atJicitim.
''e up and swam.ped the 'baat ' BiibtcriptioiiH for u booJ: tknt (Its i
..... 1 1... . i . '
" um inner auu iue mivor. . itato an ordinary vest pocket wid is
" t Uvm Will iiM ii tJmrf iitru in fllliwl u lrli VAIiiiiMit r-t :i'.4lt ICS fill V0rV :
.... , .,....,., i mi n. ')r,louu "igglo iu-re
" 1 ' wwr ni.i n Jm.'i miuj..., """'-- ,.... .. I,,..,,... Ammn
gon. ilie uook is wild uv iive cei.:iB a
piecJ1. In any ouantily, and a town (Ike
live pnne
In this -ity, Friday, July 27th, to thu
wile of Gc3tiitrthur, a son.
TrnclirrK' Kxnmlnatinnii.
Notice is hereby given that the county
superintendent of Waeco county will
hold the regular examination of appli
cants for elate and county papers at The
D.ille", Oregon, as follows:
I'Ori HTATI! l'.M'UltS.
Commencing Wednesday, August 8,
at nine o'clock a. m., and continuing
until Satuulay, August 11th, at four
Wednesday Penmanship, history, al
gebra, reading, school law.
Thursday Written arithmetic, theory
of teaching, grammar, book-kceninc
physics, civil government.
Friday Physiology, geography, men
tal arithmetic, composition, physical
hatunlay Botany, piano geometry,
geneial history, English literature,
ron'roiJNTV 'papers..
Commencing Wednesday, August 8th,
at nine o'clock a. in., and continuing
until Friday, August 10th nt four
Wednesday Penmanship, history,
orthography, reading.
Thutsday Written arithmetic, theory
of teaching, grammar, school law.
Friday Geography, mental arith
metic, -physiology, civil government.
" "puimauv cnimncATES.
Wednesday Penmanship, orthogra
phy, reading.-
Thursday Art of questioning, theory
of teaching, methods.
Dated The -Dalles, Or., July 27,1000.
C. L. Gii.DEnr,
j27-10t School Supt. Wasco Co., Or.
Aiiotliei Pioneer Gone.
mays Crowe
Mr. E. Selden Brooks died at Wood
ville, Or., on the evening of the 26th
inst. "He was born in Cass county, HI.,
January 31', 1839,-and came to Oregon in
1850, in the territorial days of this fa
vored land, with hid parents, the late
Linus and Eliza Brooks, who shortly
after their arrival located and Bettled on
the donation land claim, where now is
Brook's station, in Marion county. He
was married to Miss Emma Perkins in
187l"and lost his companion, in 1877.
He never married again. He leaves two
daughters, Mrs. Iva B. Collins, of The
Dalles, and Miss Emma Seldena Brooks,
of Toledo, Or.; be also leaves a sister,
Mrs. Wm. E. Brainard, of Mt. Tabor,
and two .brothers, Mr. Sam'l L. Brooks,
of this city, and Henry J. Brooks, of
Portland Or. '
He was a man of sterling qualities; a
man whose tender heart and sympathet
ic nature were acjmfort to all those who
were in need and distress that came un
der his notice.
Sunday Kxnumlun to,lniievllle.
Take either the Pacific express, leav
ing The Dulles at 4:."i0 n. in., or tho
Portland special, leaving The Dalles at
12:35 noon, for; tho Bonneville picnic
grounds Sunday. Faro 50 cent's for the
round trip. Good music, vaudeville
performance, euecialtiee nnddr the pa
vilion, free. Return on tho evening
train. frdy&sat
In Your fceak.
All comity warrants registered ' prior
to Aug. 1, 1890,,. will bo paid at my
office.. Iutwreit " coasea after Juno ,'10,
1030.. J. F. HAJtrsmiiK.
Countv Treasurer.
onr west, window for bargains iu
ladies low Hhnes. The Now York Cash
, -.jjii.'y
. - i
Tho only store ft
thin clly where the
flenuinc Imported
Ware is sold
A little higher in
price, but outlnstf
a dozen piccer of so
called cheap enam
eled ware.
Other wares look
ino has tho name
Stransky Steel
Ware on each piece.
Do not be deceived
First prize at 1C
International Exhi
bitions Highcut
award at World s
Columbian Exhibi
tion. Chicago Pre
ferred by tho lest
certified to by the
most famous chern
ists for purity and
durability it is
cheapest because
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled ware is special
ly imported for and
sold in this city ex
clusively by us.
It doe3 not rust
nor absorb pjrease,
does not discolor.
nor catch inside, is
in frutts or
will boil,
stew, roust
and bake
flavor o
food nnd
will last
for years.
We cau
tion tlu
:mi:a;ic .4
Aunuul Fire Blectluu.
Annuarelectioh"-of'.fire chief and as-,
sistant chief will take place r.t the city
tire engine house, on Third street, be
tween the hours of 5 and 7 o'clock p. m.r .
August 0, 1900. Active members in
good standing in their respective com
panies are entitled to vote.
By order of the Board of Firo Dele
gates, Dalles City fire department.
j27-2t 11. C. Likbk, Secy.
Spent! Siiniliiy nt llonne vllle.
Put up a lunch and got aboarifeither
of the O. R. & N. trains leaving Tho
DUIes at 4:50 it. m. or 12 :S5 noon, and
spend the day in tho. refreshing
shade of tho trees at Bonneville. Fare
is only 50 cents for the lound trip.
rinn.t .....:., .... ,i ii. i .....
under the pavilion free to all. IMresli1
nients can bu procuced on tho grounds
if debited. fnh&sut
111 lueticii to the Spufurt it Condon i
you honor the old.'lag and have faith an Telephone ComjiHiiy, it ought to ho eahl I
.ne lepuiMcan pr.ny. Aiay uou uieeti '
you and save you anil our common
country frsiii the election of a president
who?? followers and admirers have done
j more than anything ioIso in the world to
mil to Feud
lad to the
t'w (
t'lllt ' 1 , r. fa,),,, ., ,, ,,!,.,,.,, 1.. I rim tj uilrl til llvi. itn 11 '
JlHftij. ,,t pruno sections of Oregoa pieci, in any quantity, and .1 toi.n flko ' -
;0r ' l-u poso of contracting with! The Dalles buying, say mi worth, is j a.u,ii,i i-iu.-r.
V. ' gr.JlwrH for Hup ye.u V rr.op that 'iitilled to a special write-up of four or j I'ollowitig is tho list of letters remain
.) in.iv be tbiu t0 imn'jiy orders thev : five paitfis. Messrs. Mottr and Killing-' iB i tho postolieo ut The Dalles nn-
.tve r. ','ive.L worth were Holiclting pubccrlptions from ' wiled for July 27, JW00. Pereons i
Jl1- L. D Shattui'k of Poitland busing men this afteinoon, nnd . -'III"K for tlie Haim. will ive date on
bin rwldenco in that city nt 4 1 wport fan miccese. j which they were udvoi tlHcd;
For the
Nectenhty afternoon.
I'll" 'HO
1 . ,
l"" 'H was not confined to bed till
wont a wi'i'L- u ii.. i !..
t "to" V II III
I (IlffM-.
If. .11.... Mt. Wll.. rfTI., . SI - tii
yeiiiH he ul been in poor t,lBUl browr l.i 11
IV H u ii-i. ...... II I I .. 1 1 1 1 . . . . I r . i.
Douilv, troui tiio wain's piipeih an arii' i w.ifcony, prances r.irroit, AiieK. Jennie
cle published in the United Smtes Spi'iiser, Kvin Suilth, Mrs ,S;n
1 ... Klllllll MIuu liul..
that the lito aUrm this a'ternoon was I
turned in by the key at their central, 1
their telephone Him ut the engine house
net working on actjouut of ite being cut ;
outjthrough the negllgoncoof the Onui n j
Telephone Coiiipany"ii leaving n who '
lyiiu; iieroPH the drop. The wire, of i
course, was out down nnd coininunica-1
tion in now open. j
Oiia... F, L.wi:i!.
Chief Firo Dept.
lilliln i) rnr Aili.lliin, j
Trtin girl babiw 5 months old ; one
:. i.,, i,.. i ..,.,.,ii.. ..i.i i
(i'" i ui. linn, nun nil i) yi-nre ,
ono hoy I year
A HmihI C'liiigll .Mt'illi'lui'.
Many thoupands have been restored ti
-- j health and happinesH by the use of
ttr.xi k n.h i i Chainbei Iain's Coiuh lmedv. If nf-
f IHST YOU HAD DANDRUFF i Miut0'1 witu"v ,liroi.u oi ln,, irmbv
i Bivo u h iruu nir it id coi tain to prove
I beneliclnl. Coughs that have resisted
j all ntliur treatment for year.", have yielded
to this lemedy and perfect health been
restored. CafCM that seemed hopeless,
that tho climate of famous he.ilth resorts
failed to beni'lil. 1ihvhIhm.ii iu.i i.,i.i,..,ii..
(lined by its use. For rale by Blakrley
iv Houghton.
V.'u (.'III'I'ICSB AlKllll It.
ihiw Vim l.i,nk I,l(o Tli Im.
vfiHfltriai v r
r. " I
That spot will grow unless you attend
to It. Dandniiris the ilisagtoeatilti scurf
ilnit Inriiis on thn hmid as u uiituin! c:;
eielion ; it ililes, anil comes oil' In small
During hist May nn infant child of Dm
neighbor was HuH'oring form eholeiu in
funtuni. The diietois hnd given up al;
liojiui of leuovery, I took a bottlo of
Chaiubeihln'rt Colic, Cholera and Dlur-
linen Unnu'dy to the house, telling them
I felt hiuu it would do good if used ac
cording In directions. Iu two days time
tho child had fully recovered. The child
is now vigorous and hiuillhv. 1 have in-
jIh.'uIcp. It causes in Itnti.ui, u hleh Is ! ,,H",,, rvmmxy iicquentiy ant
nil.. Inn- .. pomoiiuies uiii'oiiii'iouslv. to owm hv '"' u luitin, ,nm. uiirns
hoy II yer. Anntv In I. F. Tnlmv. . " n """V " "K lm'mx 1,1 I"""."'
t'r iiioi.t in Dt'i tlli)ini 1 fl'lJ Hint fiuiim ,
. 4u- ij itun t niiiv ;
wrcg .,,1,,
' Paul tho other day Cardinal
'woiih was asked for Jiis views on ex.
l,a'M. Ho replied in part: "Of
0irtu wo cuunot ubaudon the ielaiida
inm i"V "Cf'H,re(J 8t not until u
'"iiiolfiitly powerful home government
been c-Htabliahetl In each of our new
PMwMloni, Thu duty of America
iiost enijibatlcnlly that mH le
Health Reports, giving nn anaiysla of
I Tho Dulles beer bv Dr. Amos (iiey, and
r-l.. .1 ll
eubBtltuted his own niiino nnd address j jj,,,,' (javt t ,
lOI'lliaiOl Allgutl tuicilier, ui iiuoinj ,
publishing the ssiiid iu the Baker
City papers as an advertisement
of his own beer, naturally suggested to
Mr. Buchler that he make It his busl
neia to see if thing of that kind can be
done with impunity. The matter has
been pi need In tho hand of Charles
Patterson, Win
1'lritlier, Jared K
iShuttuck, It B
Shut, Johnn
Wallace, J W
Smith, .Mlts Jovlo
Oibbs, Sterling B
Lewie, Capt John W
Peterson. P P j
Robins, liudd I
Scott, Walter j
Thompson, Il&rry
Walton Bros.
Illlil nriV'ilt.i I I u ii ii. . ii i M i. i. I.
Hipoilutendent Childien'H Homo Sod-! who wear dm k clothes, audit graduuW
I ety. 1 In; euperliilHiidenl will hi. in The allccls thu hair, iMiielng it to fall out.
. t t . i . ... .
Keen thu air Inside (ho lint from hi.
jthw foul by weailug Eld rod's Antl
80ptlc lint Pad, and uiitiirn will do
, tho n st. The heat of the bend votnllzes
I Dalles this week and will iccelve written
I applications at IhU nllU'c, .
II. If. RiiMiiai,, P, M.
Root lieer, one dollar a dozen at Pease
A Mays grocor department. )2J fit
For Infants nnd Children.
Thu Kind You Have Always Bought
inn HiiiiHcptics and illPlnfeclaiitH in the
pad, making tho iinpuio air pine,
Price, 60 cents each.
For salo exclusively by
Pease & Mays
Baker, Itrookwalter, Ohio, .sold bv
lll.ikeley k lloughinii,
Ue.'illhMil di inks mo not lu. in lua, I buy
nio necuhtitu's. A full llmuif cool anil
lefiechlng porter, tile, mineiul water and
J beers kept on ice. Take a hot I Iu hoiuo
for lunch. O. J. Stabling, Phone tail.
I Mi'n'fi Inn hIiihiu H ut lif.iii..)n i .....
......111. .f-i i-ui -
Her In tho season, are now selling at
2.fcfi at A. M. Williams & Co.'s.
Paint your house with paints that an
fully guaranteed to lust. Clarke k Futk
have them.