The Dalles Daily Chronicle, , FRIDAY For I'reoldent WILLIAM M'KINLEY, Of Ollln. Fur Vlce-rrelH'iit THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Of fir York, JYO IMPERIALISM IX OUR'X. It may be. But, as Roosevelt Las tbc power to , JULY 27, 1900 fire Van Wvck, which is doubtful, - if be made tbc attempt tberc is not a j Bryanite sheet in all tbis broad land i tbat would not denounce the net as ! inspired by base, political deviltry 'and a sample of high-handed tm-' ipcrialism. If tbcre is any tiring to ( ' be done why does not tbe Bryanites : take the initiative and, themselves. ; fire tbis trust magnate from the place J 'To establish a coloniel govern- 0f honor tbat be holds in tbe councils mem in the Philippine Islands will of the. party? necessitate a vast staudintr arm v. ' " ' ,. . PERTINENT PRESS COMMENT. J The army is under the control of I the president, and what is tbcre to ' Tbe Chinese have one reciment of binder him turning tbe army at any ; me" "de nP of )vho are ter' ' , . " i " i , , rifv the enemy bv howling. This is a, time upon his own people, and de- .... ' ,. ' . ... base infringement upon the populist t ciaring mroseu a monareii. as- mode o( campnjpnns. Washington teemed Contemporary. .'Post. Everything is to hinder, you dear, ! a democratic exchange says that nine timorous, frightened darling. Every-1 ty per cent of the commercial travelers thins is to binder. McKinlev, him- j Rre for zryan tins year, whereas y- per self, stands in the way, for there i not a scintilla of monarch in bis make-up, SAVE YOUR HAIR WITH SHAMPOOS. OF . cent of them were for McKinley four i years ago. An equally reliable repnbli ' , can organ savs that "the traveling The man who bared bis ; are for McKinley to a man." - And Youthful breast to rebel bullets In there you are. Telegram. ."'' -t " order tbat tbe American Union Chairmen Jones advances sixteen rea- migbt be maintained and the flag S3ns ,w? Mr- Kr?nxi will win. All of i .:,!, r,..- them are like the sixteen ounces of sil- preserved, without a stripe erased ... , . , . i ver to one of gold, not worth over -1; per or a star dimmed, is not the material cent of the onfi rea.on why Brvan wo,t out of which monarehs are made. ; be elected because he can't get votes Several hundred thousand, brainy, ' enough. Telegram. fighting, big fisted republican editors In 15 Mr. Bryan was regarded as a and moulders of public opinion Stand ' dreamer and a declaimer. In 1900 he U 4 ...... t (t . rt seen 10 ue h aiuiaisr. in ioyu nib 101 in TliA ito n on irlir lr t line nnnn M1V 1 1 " UW A VS V Si-It W V I J - a , - , . . ... . . . lowing was regarded as one that had try, its institutions, its constitution, temDorarl,v vie)ded t0 an emotional de its declaration of .independence andjU6ion. In UO0 his -foUowin is seen to its present i.nd future glory. These ' comprise those who are collectively as stand in tbe wav. And seven million chronically insane, on certain important Stalwart, republican voteis Stand ln ; Plic objects as a solitary inmate of THE CELEBRATED ; ...GOLtUpIA BREWERY .... AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of thi product of II. w htiown brewery the United States Health Iltp-rt for June l. I11'1'1, f'.vs; "A mr-r snpeiior brew never entered the Iahmtorv of the l'i:iti'd .tMlef Health noit. It in absolutely devoid cl tl.e -iightest trace of adulteration, but on thii other hand ie composed of the bet of malt and rhuicest ol hops. Its tonic qualities are of tlm (dpi,. et and it can he uvd with the grPatest benefit and fatlsfaclion by old and voting. It use can eomHotitioiiily he prescribed by the physicians with the ct'rsalnty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not pistihlv be f nind.'' East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. And .fight dressings of CUTICURA, purest of emollient skin cures. This "treatment at once stops falling hair, removes crusts, scales, and dandruff, soothes irritated, Itching surfaces, stimulates the hair folli cles, supplies the roots with energy and nourishment, and makes the hair grow upon a sweet, wholesome, healthy scalp when all else fails. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this "well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. the wav: men whose boast it is tbat: personal matter. Mr. Bryan is now a they belong to the party who pre- dancer. That which follows him am- served tbe Union that the fathers which calls itself the democracy is now founded, and in whose ranks there : ti,e concrete embodiment of the danger sever breated a traitor to bis eoun- ' try or its flag. ThtJre stand in tbe wav; and it more were needed, millions of democrats, Xorth , ons tendencies in American Iie. In j 1S96 the American people supposed they were lighting a wind storm. In 1900 they realize tbat they are fighting a corn - aud i pact union of ail the arrant and vtc:ous South, and millions of Brvanites ' force that tan be marshaled under the East and West, who now roll their j ban,uer ' a thatStan - i make politics their pretext, while thev eyes ana tear their hair in presence nMy ,mVP revolutloa their obj.ct.- of a phantom of their own creation, (.Brooklyn Eagle. could surely be relied on to castj their javelins at tbe spook, should il . Jt ST'", Hlh Lec' ever evolve iuelf from airy nothing.; PJ A' Din.h, of LaGrande, Ga., ccr , ... . . .. . . suffered m.enselv iur six months with a gf(! ?otbe nsdt in tbe trappings ; Wghtful running sore o.: but Compteto External and Internal Treatment for Every Humor. cnln and noftcn the thickrDMl cu;Me; (""t-rirrr.A Ol.VTHr.XT i-Wc ', to Instantly ollay Itchlne. lnflmiutlon, and Irritation, and iwlhe nd heal: aud Ccncuiu UsfULTCS'T W)c cool and clratinc the litoml. A SrsoLE Set U often mfllelmt to cure the ruct tortnrinc. dlntimtrine. and hnroitlaUnc skin, scalp, and brood humor, vrlth low of liair. when ji elfc faita. Pottes Dauo Aiu Cum. Cocr.. Sob lroue.. Boxtoa. "All Aboa: the Et!o,EtoJp.4nd Hair," ires. (uticura THE SET, $1.25 A Difficult Problem. W It is among tLe most difficnlt prob- lems of natural science for one to become expert in several lines. J. E. Adcox A Co., by their combination, have over- i come this difficulty in a practical man ner. J. E. Adcox is an expert watch-1! maker and is pood on jewelry, optienl , work and eneraviinv ivhilp Tliwn H .' Liehe is an expert optician and is good on watch repairing, jewelry work and engraving. Their price is as low as con sistent with pond workmanship. They are prepared- to do all work in their several lines, on short notice. Work sent by mail or express will receire. prompt attention. Sign, "Big Red Watch.' Complete Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. I Headquarters for Feed Grain ot rii kin 'Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kind Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, o?m?llfeed j Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle- ' tOn FlOUr ThlB Floor ""ufactured expressly for fainllf . , ' ue: every peck io guaranteed to give satisfaction". , Y e eel. oar poods lower than any honoe in the trade, aud if you don't think so ! call and get our prices and Ikj convinced. I Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats and habiliments of reulivj'; writes that Bucklcn's ArBl'v? SaIve j wholly cored it in ten. daye For Ulcerr, t OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. S' BiaoKsmiin Thev do tbings differently over in j Wound?, Burns, Balls, Pain or Pike St'i British Columbia. When a party Gi . k" ili yu ;u,', vutc 1500 fishermen, attacjied to the lortv. ; sleeu. Ouiy 25c. Sold by Blakeley & E , . , ",! Houghton druggists. C seven canneries at StCveston, refused . ,. , , P, ,i . Clarke & Falk haye received a carload the other day to fi3b or allow anj- tbe ccIebmed Jame E Patton body else to Gsb, a requisition signed 1 6trictlv pQre liqujll paint. by three Stcveston magistrates; To care . com ,noDBy. brought promptly to tbe scene of tbe ; Take Lasative Bromo Quinine Tab strikers three companies of militia ! le. AH droupBtrefiinrtthe money, whose commanding officer informed Clark & Fnlk'e drug fck is new, tbe rioters that his men bad not:treD a"d eoniplete. come there for urousement, but for Clarke &.Falk'e flavoring extracts are i business; tbat each man bad twenty-; the best. Aek your grocer ior them. four rounds of ball cartridges, and that at the first sign of inlet fcrence , i n-irli Mm tnnn wlin ilfiref1 tr wnrk ' 3' nt the wages offered by the canneries . Oi ills nit'li nuum in i", uiiu uiui iut vrotk would be short and quick. "The strikers," we are told, werelj, so much surprised at that kind of 1 0 talk that all idea of violence was 'Si' temporar!; banished from llei"j. minds." In this Cou'utry the autbor- j j' ities would have temporized with f tbe mob till a score or two of in-: r uocent persons had been murdered. ' Tbe civil officer who would be in- ttrumental in calling out the militia j would bo dpmned by nl! the deinn- f gogues from Idaho to Lincoln, No. lirasko, lie would be branded as a tyrant, a subsidized hireling of plu tocracy, an agent of the money power, a usurper and an imperialist. The Sulzers and Lenlzes and Townes and PeUigrcws and Sovereigns would make the air blue with demagogic ' appeals on behalf of liberty and i human rights; when as a fact the' only tight involved in the whole j business is tbe light for a man to .-..II I. if I n'l.ftn. tin IiUaSAB I ouu 111? juuui tiijuiu iiw jiicusurj and at what price he pleases; a right, deprived of which, a man is a slave indeed. The CLARENDON HESTAUWT And CAFE, J. B. Crossen & Co., Props. 87 Second Street of Drills at" ow-yw wnr.-y vvw-u-v "T C. F- Stephens li .Dealer in.. Dpy Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings, t Hoot!" Sli'ifs. Hull", ('lips, Notions. Agt. fur W. I., luuglas nhix;. i JSfste."- The Dalles, Or, I 1 M. Z. DONNEi2b, I " THt DRUOCJST. J - Just What You cuant. 4 - e . $i.op per month. Strictly iiret c1upi local anJ lont distance telephone service within your home. Lines do not croct-tiilk. Your con versation Hill he kept u Btcret. . No cost for installing. Vou cet the standard Hunniug Ijdk Dietunt Inetruuient. Continuoue day aud niht service. . We will accept your contract for ten years and allow you to cancel fcamc on Kivinjr ue thirty duve writ ten notice, PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE COB. : jsp. .AND. Horsesnoer Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third aM JefferuB. Phone 159 PILLS Our contumporary suggests tbat if Itoosevclt were honest lie would Ore VsnWyc'c out of the New i'ork ONE FOR A DOSE. nra-.T I'lmpln, I'ro?nt h 1,o.i.., fa, ifj, t h, or- llt,iuli-heod iijji. . lJi.,!-JTh'.T,n"",'"'"P'""" t-k-n- Tci' V?f '.'"!'' w"l ma in;. lrM-.or t"j t"t tftiatyiliaugmi. U. S0SASK0 CO. Phila.l'a J fi. STURDEVANT, Imitiat. Orllcj oier French & t'o.7 liank I' e. THE IMLLK3, OKEOO.v Butchers and Fapmers ..Exchange.. Ktfici on draught thu ceitibrnlcc! UiM.'MUIA HEEK. .ntnnn; etiKid the tit iKtrln The IJisllt-n, n' the UMial jiritc Come fu. try It end be i fiiiviuncrl. AIo the Kiiimt brandb ni Wines, I.liuor Mid Cit'oru. Sanduiiehes . kirQu,'- ii;Grbod News XZZX . g to Good Dressers.... iWA " I K ' ... . 1 "'t'N'l f-":liul invitation to all to Inut.eet thu nam tiles f Suits to Measure, $8.75 up. Fit, workmanship and entire entUfuetion Ruaranteed. JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, Agent. New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety ns we are ehuwlng never be-', tore uructu a hiiikIC stock. Iteal itnita- tion creton etrects at ordinary prices. Good papeib at cheati paper prlcee. Klejjaut deeiuna, taEtefui colorings, youre , for a Mnr.ll price, at our t-tore on Third . utreet. Alto u full line of house palntH. DEALKHS IN' -r ITT Tr a Trrin ml. j xj. vv. vauoxj, mini ox. nit c inn numb ui Funeral Supplies ' J. H. bCHKKf JC, Piealdcnt. U. M. IlKAII., i C. S. Smith, THE J)K. . E. jrKltai'BO.V, PJiysician aud Surgeon, Oitice, Yogt Hloek (over Poitollke), SOapliao-dvr THE DALLES, OXECiOX. iJp-to-dateQroeer Frceb Eggs and Creamery Butter a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. K 8 WILfcOK B 8 HUKTIMOTOX HUNTJNOTOK WIXSOK, ATIOKNEVh AT LAW, THE i)ALLErJ,'jUEUO Offlc orr Firit Mat. Bwik First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Buuinene transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check, i Collections made aud proceeds promptly I remitted on dav of collection. , Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on Kow York, Ban Francisco and port I land. DIKHOTOK8. D. F. Thomphok. Jmo. 8. Bchbmck. Ed. M, Wilmakb, Gko. A, Limb, H. M. Bkall. IpKKB. W. WllJiON. 1 ATTOUNEV-AT LAW, THE UAUJ'.S, OKECiON On.oe ovei rUtt Mt. BfinU. Cpandall & Barget UNDERTAKERS r EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Robes, Burial Shoes Ete. EXKCI'JOH'S XOTJCK. IhMn'&il,! t.niuij uimri.oi IliUhlalvuf OU'KUII. Ior Wum-n ' I ifi I,,.' ;,..'V1' J;".!!!"... 'vl..K olalm. I Charkii I.. CurMm, nt W.ittt., Hlieriiiuirt'uui w 'K"n.orut thcoillco or 01 r .at' !ri""y. Miiiu! OIIAItlJ-:8 i:. CORSON, kxkuutok's notjci:. , Notlw li, iK-rcby kIvuu that the im'l'" Kf. iiiubtfu duly ki.i.uIiiU'cI by thu houornW "'" of tho Unto (.1 rWun, fur Wiuoo ciiuu'l. Kiuiiir ol the cMntu ot Atiwtiht Uiu-liuinii. ffiitd. All jMThoim IimvIiik clolin UK"'1 MtHtu arc hcruby niitlllod to rcunt ' Koif-ny vcrlllud, to tht uuduiklgiicd Ot urfcO v Mtv, at Tho Uullu. Wou count)-. Or ' ' ut tho oHIco of hl iittoria-yK, Menriw 1 . i at 'I ho Uallun, origon, within lx iiioiith" "" tlmdiitoof thu uoUcf. uuioa tins nth day of July. l'JW. t .... okobok "Iltf;v,;', , hxwutor f the i-Ktuto of AuK"t II""'1 "J,? I 4'4- itfccuiitd.