The Dalles Daily Chronicle. AX" "ODD HUiN EY3LOOX. FASHION'S FANCIES. Texas Congressman's Tour by Wagon. Bridal llrtpht Colors trr iirrd liner) I'npulnr Notion la llonliTT. GOING EAST f tf fnn tntn.wt fn ft.L-n a i TI 11 Ksnl. SftV i 11 . -. - -r i in mil vonr ticket uceut to route yon via The Alilril iu !11 Iiiliudlloii li III llrl4 Vbllr I'erfitruilnp lite Offlrm , ut a llnelvrpml Ted- ! ngocue. j There are a few men in the proent t'nsrre!'s whose early historie art linked with what they still call the "sood old dart-" when they hid sititl carved ibeir careers. The ce whose story lullmve has 6J.- lines sbont hurct'f in (he contrresicmrtl ill rectory, says the fttisktatTton Star. He ua in his room the other uitrbt reading C'esarV CotJHacntarie when interrupted a .isittw. a politician. When the busine talk was over the I ri-itor went ont am'' mr ance. to whom he said: "1 i-it tied oa a Texas Great Wab.tsb, n modern and up-to-date railroad in every particular. ; No on,n need thiol, that sheen,, , Through trains from Chicago, Kttia. not have a handkerchief wair-t staph ! C,,V. Omaha or St. Lome to ?ew Wk j bevnm-e some handkerchiefs cost fivlana cw Enpland point?. All trains, dollar apieee and entire vaits 20 run via Niagara Falls andvery through j There are other.-,, and pretty waists train has free reclining chair cars,-sleep- too. that sell in .-unit- of the best de ; iup und diniac cars. partmeut .-tores for $5.75. says the Xew ' stop over allowed on all ticket at Nt-1 Vorfc Time'-. " f araru Falls. Koss. C., j ! Pacific Coast IVr. Apt,. Los Aticele?, Calif, j C. S. Ckaxk, G. V. A., St. Louis, Mo. ' I)l".nUu)iin Jtctice. I he small jnrl is- to be as brciloDt ai : a linmir.irtrr bird this season. She is ! wearinr all kinds of brirfat tnthe- it ' dowered and brirht -colored ribbon and red is one of tlie colors most oftei i j seen in her hats just now. Red tvrm The copartnership business heretofore to be popular anyway, aud cherries am conducted at 175 Second street, under' currant vie with nuiK.ppks. A ttowei tue rm UR,ne ntl style of BIafccler & . bat entirely of poppies and a bijrhat ! "oujrbton. is this day dissolved by , at that. 1 a brUlfwit affair, and i i v : ;.i J.' ' ..";" .Vii ! a collese i a while ago and found hi: Latin. I didn't know lie ww wan. The visitor's inference was cor-; reel from where he stund. lor be is one of the present ireneratkm. But , 3 years arro no one was suspected of ; berotr college-bred i-imply because be covld Translate Larin. The Texas rep- nwcK eie von accentuates us on; i -j. , ,,,. i. r;n r ' - iBInkeley, at the old stand. F. L 1 he hat vary from those with rat hei t Uottzhton will collect all accounts and ,- ' stiir rim n' an crowns lo itm flati" ( par all liabilities of said firm. j ' Hcqnatnt- f and hp e ,atfer7rtluentH have. aft ' The Dalles, Orecon. July 2, 1CK0. ! he hat ii trinrated, eoverimr f tnSb ' Geo. C. IiLAKEU: , j MiHitriu.mnii a tlhtvr, still 1 o often at the 1 : K li : .. ir.r the other cover the rims of spnm I , -liucr' ei .mm.r K-t v k i S'VtDfS the C!ub of the winter. The cn wns are of tht ! Commercial saloon in Canadian style chiffoii. Green or white rrrape an , that even his victims appreciate it and , the one form of decoration all milliner? challence htm ncain for a real "lone of nil degrees &ai-ui to ajrree t:xu thi.- j cue." Orders for Canadian Club live j year. They are to be seen everywhere ' -XiU-nx- i,v t..1 M .1 V. VU A To. I tolerably wli p in ciasiies. He is j so proficient in the higher branches- of j mathematics that few college men could puzzle him. He ii a lawyer and was a ipoldier in the civil war. a bad prospect for the staying ijuaiitit- , usually. There are nuuiy of the chiiuai am' j othtu- thin material roues, and tin ! ! woman who make her bonnris at ! corner Third and home will Hnd rbem a boi.n. for th-v Phon "o 107- When he married 33 years' a-o, he ?w pTty "! hryroate at 1 ..R,np Vm 0 . cauia reaa and write. JJevonc! that :. : Irnon lft,1 ! ,BaI UP TO 1 wo or ' " OliU art . For Ihe convenience of parties want i:i" ice in the afternoons, the Stadelman j Ice Co. will carry a stock at their store, ; Washington streets. , long distance 1S3. ; lSm-tf 1 ' - uvjvuu IUB1 : . . . , ... . s r. . it . . i .. i 1 t t. " ..... nai up to iwo or tnreeut!tar. aiiu art . i-uir. iimu.nn yu.i., ae uiHuiieu uuiumjr. Knew uuie I i . .... ... , . ni.i .;.. ,.(rrvc0. r.A. of the history of hi conrrr. His! Z " . . ' 1 - nonevmooi, journev was made in a I A" Sorts f slocking art ! ery soda. A harmless and effective cure two-hore waifott from his home to I seen ,n a,i Pa"1"- tti,tl , for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness. South Carolina -to what wai- then a re- "nv al th stotk,?s " red 01 f brain iatisue. 10 and 25 cents. ..'d mote settlement in Texa. He started u" J"r lRe "STlP : by Clarke A Falk, drn??ists. 0w on the day of his weddiusr. He reached t I If J M f The Dulles, Or. 5 The Chponielc, Job Printers W-.l e: f Iff,: ! 5:' .t;j.iaiiJ m-tjj' ac.-a TitnirnimTTHiiimiitinTnifiniimj a.R&M IlKrAHT I TIMK 5CIICtlULS, A!?" rou I From Uallkh. Fnoi Knt Mnll 12.10 l. m Atlntitlr n. 111. Via limit-IliSto". 8nlt Pcnvor, Vt. Worth, Omniin, Khii mi trity, st. liul, OiIchko Bud Kiut. Suit iJiko, Pciivcr. 1't Worth, Oinnlm, Knti hx Uty, Ht. Units, CIllCIIK" IIIKl l'.nvt. SwikHlio Wnlln Wiilln, fiKiknur .Mttilii'iilxtllH, St. I'iuH, I Oil, Clilrnco mid Knt.1, ni I Sfoktmonttl limiting Inn; itlM) nil oltit In I Wimlillii;t(iti mill i-.HKt I etn Orcsmi. eUiKHli Stiill mid Ksjiros 'S p. in. S p. ra. V'noM 1'outi.akh, Occnti stt'niiulilj.'i. For &Mi I'mueliieO' -Kvcry Five Ias r.t Mali 30.a 1'. ta. S p. m. Ex.smnluy Columbia Uv. BK-Hm -m ITo ACTouu ucl Vy Hfttiirdny , 2mttliij;i. 10 p. in. . 1 1', m. tX.Suudl 6 n. m. WIM.AMKTTK IttVISR. 4 3t)i.a. F:r..z,uiiliiyiOreiroii City, NouU-fC Li t-undiT rinlein .t wity IjuuI s ai. Wiu.Arrrr. xvu Ya Tnwi.liiur. inn. IttvLi'.H uil Mil. 'Orcpim Wty, Inr.t-.ii ' mill Wnj'-ljiiiJuigv t.v llljitrln itliy s a. ra. 1 ANA KB UlVKU. Itlpurtu to :triMor. 3 30 p. a. M in .Hea una F;L I.nrit I.WM0J dally .1' , n. his desunation, which has been hit home ever since, on Christmas eve. There were more Indians iu the set tlement than whites. shotgun were as necessary as the j plow. Ater the younsr South Carolinan had cast about for a means of liveli hood, some of the neighbors smrjrest ed that he take op school." That was the way it was expressed then, nud the expression is adhered to still in some of the south. He went home and told his bride the work will show nidi low unties. There are stripes that run lentrthwi.x and others that run the ether way a&d there are potku dot v of cours-e. and The rifle and 1 ,ur um biohiv ennnneu in sarr as th ! ,n iateP One pretty style of stock- ic? Ii8k stripes .separated by lace stitches, nud on title male stripes is the ettect cf feather .stitching one iu oi. color and cue in another. Pretty underneur which will delipht people inclined to plumpness, who ran auiim to wear ft, is ioc kiik jtrse-. P trimmed with fciik law. It come in ! ta,dt B?ent2 tteuieiiiher That Chas. Stublins is stii! d iin a retail business ut his new piace. He sells in quantities lo suit nil custou,ers iroui one bottle to a barrel. Fau.i.y orders delivered promptly. W!iy pay $1.75 per gcllon iur inferior paints when you can buy James E. Pattori's sun proof paints for ?1.50 per ! gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & ml" sets, the three iiuiierirarnieuts. but thr He knew she was capable of teaching! i I'?!e' caB 06 banBl fceparaiely . I hey j and the proposition vas made to her, She dissent l and told her husband to accept. He reaHzed his inability as an instructor. His wife urged him to take it. "I will help you." fahe said. He became a backwoods pedacroarue. and the first few weeks hed uo trouble iu his work. His pupils were nearly all of t he kindergarten clas. or would be so considered at this time. Later tder and more adtaneed pupils came into the sicbfol, and the young peda-;-oui- was troubled in mind. He :.ssii.-ned the lessons far the advanced pupiSs a day ahead, and at night he, with hte wife's usi stance, labored late over the problems for the next day. He heard these classes first while die lessons were fresh in bis mind. But occasionally an "overly smart Ixf " as he said, "w ould want to know something I hndr.'t thought of, and I would be floored, but 1 knew it would never do to show my isrnorauee, and That is where 1 learned my first lesnon in whatever diplomacy I may hae. I v.-h always, on rhe alert for the smart scholar who knew more than 1 Icm-w. and iv hen he asked me a stump er I hnd some eciise ready and put him off unt;i the n.i.t day. i'hen when J went home my U and I would tackle the smurt boy's poer, and maybe we uould work on it until juite lute, l.ut we always mastered it, and wheu I called school next day 1 exjMtiutetl learnedly on the ques t ion. "Hut to this there was a serion ob jection, for my leurr.ed di. quisit ir.i, nearly always arouseil the latent c riosiiy of some other loy, and ! would come -t me with a prupositiot. which J would hate to sidetrack unt;, the ut-xt day. -Preparing' leon;-. in Texas in iho e days had lit, (I; u.'.Ts. The Indians did their mischief :-iUrt nernllv, in tin- nl..U. ... ,1 :.. .. '"n"1' ,;'- unt"ijneiiie IIIOSI W ftites were s'r:ii! to 1 .;t lighted C: ndh-.-The lights attract--! ijn- IniMaio. p.n they would corn. , nd d inm-d adroit lance. If the i.ue was r';..rken 'i they were lews liauie to annoy. Mau u night my wiit 1 as darkenel the windows with what few w, could spare and we prepared our les ion by the light in the Hrepla-e." In this way the youri pedno,'iie worked until by his own exertion and the assistance of his wife he was. fur ther ndianeed than the average pub lie school pupil of to-day fu his third year. In time he was ahead of his pupils and no longer dodged problems from one daj ur.tll the next. He studied law and wns admitted to the bur. He was successful. The civil wur interrupted him iu his work. He enlisted ns a private in thti confed erate cause. He was reelected to the I-'ortv-ighth congress and reelected four times in sutcesoion. Then he de clined, but two years later was elect ed again, and has been reelcted twice Alnee. ase scvi-ral dollars each. The tinder waists, which anther in t the ait and do not basque below, are from $2.50, up. The chemise is one of th j prettiest of the garments- when 'ini j liroldered with the French bowknots. ; Wantrit. A position to do general house work, j Inquire at Mrs. Bauer's residence on s 5 .5 i! A t 4 IS REGULATOR LINE. liALLES, PORTLAND k ASfORIA XAV. WAXV stcamet. ol thi IteKUlatur 1 jnc wilt run r tin (1 .: . srhccluk-. the C'dniiwny tmcrvlnj the rtglit to phuiiRf uli.a- w ithout notice. f l rurtk-s UtistrittR to tt" t 11 i?icr ot l-ottits im i .'iimliln Houthrrn v id I!ks utioaM tli- ,, .', Iirnvlti: 'Mil" Ditlli nt j In p. n. ihhhhv ttlrn't nii)eetlm nt Hepi tier junetlon surf Riptft, ItcuniluR uinUtiiK. n' iiifctlon IIs'ii:m. ;unetlnn i.uJ lllcs '! S l,tr liiiig nt '.'he ttnllc ut li ttt) ,, n f'.t'. pnriicuirs cnll on O. It. S Co.' r' "t Tin l)j.tlui, or iidilrtms w it in in"- tT, den Pus. Act , 1 i' ,ibu(1, 0;, Str. Regulator '1? A X Tiitsdiiv T.'iuitila", .-.lturUnv . Arr Htiftlautl ot l : v. x. rp r..rti md If ' a x. Mh.'hJb; W tlillt'SflHj Frulu Art l)n!lt at 5 V. Ji. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. 5 TIT Str. Dallas City. jj 111 OWN IT. '5 I 1 bailee l.t I'ortlHtid t J l.v. Diillw at 7 a it Arr. rnrtlHiiti lit I :.n; I'. X. ri ra Pa p 01 Ninth church. Ireet, opposite old Lutheran ; jlyi'0-22 Ut 7 (V A X. Tutily . Tliurtdsy Kutunluv Arr. Hiilitm ut r. x. Yellowstone Park Line. For !. j We have at Portland a stock of fine j lubricating oils and grcasua. Prices and terms are right. Write for prices. C'ext- io. FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Trim! !y tin SteurntT'- (if the ll tru atnr Line The (.oni-iinv will enijimvor to give ita put run tin host -wvice Mbaiblt I ir lurtuer itifurmiitinii otldren 5,'TIII. l'IMSU C Alt KOPTK Hl"M i'1 . TLVKli i ro thi: KAtT -1 t hk usi.y iiinutn uni: riut i i.iaw morj 1'nacljtril Esx 1 1 ft ... v v .trt i'i f ill I . i ti 1 o n , cottee cup and sprinkle it lightly willi j tra- lficiag Co., Cleveland. Ohi suit and pepper. Hare ready a buuiII , for huir. stewpan conaimn? some boiUng leef A rood stcond-hnud threshing ma tea which hut- been' nicely seasoned: I chine for sale at L. Lane's blacksmith carefully slip the egg iuto th- pan s hnn on T.-rl, Uwi.t-i,,, 1 t. 1. !.. .1 .......1 111..... ' " ' ' ' ilUU JWS1.-U I . u L lit if n il.t I ...i 5 I'.'-'iaud fli ti T.i.l , On Stf et poti. W. C. ALLA WAY, Con. At. When it is done, place it on. n rather thidi round of buttered toast : thicken a small quantity of beef tea quick! v with a little corn flour and poi.r if oier the ejre. .nother way of serving a jtoarhed egg is as follows: lrce.k a new-laid eg- iuto u buttered teacup, sefcoon it with salt and tepier and place the cup iu a stewpnn eoutain ing sulBVieiit boiling water to reach to rather more than half way up tlx' cup; as soon as the egg i set turn it carefully on to a piece of hot but tered toast. During the time the egg is cooking boil a stuati quantity of cream in a saueepau. season it with a little celery salt und pepfier am) add a teasiooi!ful of chopped parsley to it: pour the cream over the egc und serve at once. A small liot-winer j plate, with a cover, should be used for ! all hot dishes sent to tin inwilid's ' room, and u-member that the cover ', should l luMfii a v. i-'.i tis the plate Wnsbiiigi'i" - :r i I Tirn 1 A:ViJ HKALING ct'iti: von I CATARRH ! Ely's Cream Balm I Ejj? mid pieajact to , ttt.-. tontsins uo ir.- junotH ar.''. J: i.i (juKKiy abaoriKl. Girw liti.ef at ot, e. tt flrvrifi nr.rl ...u Ji&SZSZ: HOLD HEAD lleaU and I'rjsecM tho .Membrane. Iteature? the btiutaot Taite and fcmftii. Latve &2, WctntJ a: ELI OUOXUEla, K Warren S'.rett, Nevr York. Doiin? the entire veeek there will be a sale of street hate and sailors at the Campbell h Wilson millinery parlors. : Great reductions. 10-lw Nutlee. All persons are requested to give credit , to no oiib on my account without an crder from me. M. Tiiocniioci:. jl8-lw ; ! 1 on will not have boils if vou take ' ! Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boiiH. ! , , . I 4 Stop and see them. The bi-l cwin Machine on the market for the leant priee. For eah or on time. : : : MONK l'AUK 0D18S D5f0t,rint2nd!S,5 S Floral lotion will cure wind chappiug . r' j.-'y-. uuu suiiuuru. jiaiiuiiiciureu or VviarKC ttFalk. ' j Clark & Fulk are never clo-ietl Sunday ! Don't fort;et this. Fresh cracked 'ubrabKa com nt the auco warehouse. Fiuest kind of chicken feed. uieL'25-u t i The Jaoobsen Book & Music Co. So -i A JI 11 U. 1- M Yntt until lor Tn'-'ii-a Seattle, Olytiipln, ,tu HarlKir n"il o'uuth 1 i' i .1 points, hptiLnnc. ltot-t Irilid, I', ('., I'ulil .n: Mim-puw, Ia' Iktntl. Dill Ih1u11uiiii uitiilnc vuu' try, Helciiii, MIiiiichim 11k. St. l'nul, Ointilin Kiinttnit fit y. St. Iauiix. ("tk'ui;o mid nil ikiIMc i ii-t mid soutliennt. 1'iuri't Sou ml Kxyrit for Titbomu mid Sentti u tul iiitvrniexllnti1 pulti l' !! V M CATARRH tVautfil, Jiiimeillatcly, A good harness-maker. Apply to H. Krause, of Wasco, Or. j'.'.tf. ubsfrihe for Tue Ciiuo.vics. Jilt, flngel College and Seminary Conducted by tho Benedictine Fathors. Located 10 miles south r.f I..rt!iwi(! on one of the most healthful and mi e of the Willamette A. alley, 'f he ideal place fir your boye. I'reoa si uiB ui me uiiiametie Muiey. Hie .ileal place f ir vour 1ov .-".w..., . wiv mi i .1.1,-1. n iu vuuree. .tius'.i ii specialty For mrtiiulars apply to the 1'resident. motive parutury, ju yli Oftlh 1'ullii.nii llrstrlHs mid tmtri t ".ftn'tii h Vlimeiipii'.ih, bt. I'aiii r.tid Mtawmr. r poltiK k itii.iiit I'liatme. uittibtitii! trains, t'uluti dctt . ctl'ilit In nil prlticiptil cltie. liiiKRHRf cliiTketl lo (leatlliatlmi r tit-et" I : huiidkouiely tlliisiHtel(leserlttl t luattef. ticKtt-, sleeping cur tescrvHtlorta, Ut ' 'i't,r write A. D. CHARLTON, -IslBlit lieiirtHl I'snsenet-r Aecnt. .' JlWfl' .1 u street, t'urner Tliltd, I'ortltuid rujn. SOUTH and EAST via Sninnern Pacific Co. Shasta Route i EO YEARS' EXPERIENCE F. s. Gunning, . !Mm CiiiM Lice Cooprei. USE Carbolineum : Avenarius. The ratnt effirlent Wocl l'nicri uir I'ulnt h a Itadlcdl iierni-dy atrnlnst t'hickt-n Lie. lUcppllsHtlnii tolu ifde ulU of poultry houke vlll ir mancntly exterminate all lite. Rt-mlt- healthy ctiickeim, pienly ot tugs. rite for tlrculan and price. Jlelitlon tlila paper. Jos. T, Peters & Co., THE IIALL.EB, OlSBGON, i j Co Id" J Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. r Second & Lanolin, IHACE MARKS JtOIGNS COPVRICHTS &C. AnronoiirtlnK aikr'r-h mid dcucrlptinn ma up t ii tluna i n- rlctlrconinjciithil. Handbook on 1-ntemi tat' iy nji'riiiln our cpihk n trjo wh iiituhii'iti i prunauiy iittit n ilsritablc. ' oniinunlcf I lent trwj. Oldcit iiucncy tor aecunni: iiatonta. r.iici.u taken thnmti .Munri & Co. recvlro i tjxctal notice, without chnrvc, In tho Scientific JImertcait, I A handsomely llln.itretcd wceklr. Irjcut dr. I mlallon of nny icienllBs Journal. 'I'crmj, M a i lour month, it. Hold br nil iu, MUNN&Co.36'0 New York Urncti Offlco, C3 I' ft. W'HuhiaKton. I, C .TUB colli PacKinQ Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANtfr'AtTt'HKKa OX Fine Lard and Sausages ; Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JKIFI) BUEF. FTC. Train leave 1 lie Dallen fur IVrtiu. i "tiitlou.- ut I jj u. in. ntul y. in. i U-uvc i'ortliiiid 8:,HJiiiii j " Allmny U'. SO a in Arrivu Aslilutid U:innt " Sail t tntiulieo . . 7 :!,' p iu ixi p in . pm 1 ,,u a in I iii in h i ' a ta Anive Ogdou " Heiuer " KutifciK t;ity " CIiIciko ... Arrive Un Alicvlca . . " Kl I'ami " Kort Worth (:,tty nf Mexico. Iloiiitou New OrleaiiH . " "imlilns'lou htitv Vork....,, fi:i:ii in VM it in 7iJ!5 It m 7:15 u iu .. 1:20 pm . I.;U) p in . C,:W a in . . VM a in . . I: win in .. c,:'i. n in .. CtlJu in , IS: lap in I a m t in in n 1'iim 7 'D II III I, m) p m ti .jOatn l W a in 1 wi a m 0 ! V ' C 13 a m It. V. T. HMJTII, Osteopath. Iiooint HJiirid 11, Chni.mun block, The Halle, Oregon. Tuelay and Friday, b a. m. to is. maylo-lm TiODB 157; FRENCH & CO., j BANKERS. niANHACTA KNEKAL BANKING BUtlNKrl r. mcoke. johk oxvm MOORE & GAVIN, ATTOKNKVB AT LAW Itooan 39 and W, over U. S. Und onicc. Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Bight Exchange and TeWraphK Transfers sold on New York, Ohlcao, Bt. LobIb, Ban Francisco, Portland Ore- f on, Seattle Wash,, and various points n Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fa?, orable terms. Mica 'Axle Grease lightens the load- shortcut the road. nelj the team. cxjxuibe. Sold every where HE V TANBAJIO Oil. 00, , 1 ulllimn mid Tourist cura on both .f',1'1"'' Llmlri'iirn fciarniiiuiito to Oxdvu mid MIhWi , mid lourl.t nam to flilcaKO, Si hoitln, New Of Ititiu mid Wimiiiinjiou, I ComiecitliiB nt Hmi Krimcldco with teow' ftt-uiiiftlilii lineji for Honolulu. Jauui, t liln hiiippiiicg, Central und HoutU Ainvrlcu. See uKt!ut t The Dalle otiitlon, or addrtw C. H. MARKHAM, Oeuurul l'aniger Agent, Portluiid, Or 5--1 T. BROWN HILL, JUSTICE OF TUE PEACE. KoW luollc. Collections promptly attended p. Monev to loan. C. K. Bayard's of fice, The Dalles, Oregon.