t)tmitk. vol. xir THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1900. NO. 294 BE AYcgclablc Prcparationror As similating llicFoodandRcgula liwi, tlic Stomachs and Dowels of Promotes Digcslion.CheerfuF ness ciiul Hcst.Conlains neillier Upitun.Morplune norUncral. I Not :nak c otic . h.iv tjrouMrS.vwa.nrcHEii JU.Smnit ' Iwtkrtlf ShIis - Srrd t Jhin-ntUMl -li CmiKMuUtSuLt ft? S?i Clnififd Sueur tluty"i ftaivr. A perfect Remedy forConslipn Tion SourStomach.Diarrlioca ontl Loss of Sleep. riu 5'jnilc Signnlurc of XEW YORK". wT COF V Of 'WRAPPER. ANOTHER MESSAGE rrni i- n f" nU VI VjUINv3L.n n Jul the Chinese Arm' Was the ' I Unit Government in Pekin .. .,,1 ' UIIU ' mn imeruiitieu on the siatiiMiter ofliun Foreigner in Pekin. W'asha-.us, jy o. The following 'Ablecrnm WaB received at the nuvy de- "(lii h )o, July L'l. Navigation liuren'i, itPhnigton : A written message signed .y ( ;nVir, dated July -1, and ri eeived at Tien Tsin on the L'let Hays : "M'.ffn besieged two weeks in the hritlsh il'iiati n. Gravn dum-iT nf cimem! massacre by Chinese soldiers, who are elie nK tiH. legation daily. Relief must omo fc,,n ,f ul uif city ia without Koverutunt except by Chinese- army, which ib ueterinltird to massacre all fore.iriier u, Pekin. The emry of reliet for-o in -j the city will probably be hntlv v .'eted.' Tiimun" The iif ssngo is from Captain Charles ii'Jii.ne, commander of the Brookl y 11. W Mis.rw, July 25. Tho message Miikiaffr Cmger which came over liouirua fr Jin Captain TIioiiihh thin ioni,i,K was the 11m communication of imque-i Jiiable tiuthonticity which Iihh Iwmi received from the Ameilean mlnif jw nt IVlan fclnco IiIh urgent appeal (or "dp of July 1j. It cBtablitiheH clearly io fact thm tbo Ameriuun minister and Probably tbeot her leatiojerH wore alive J' July -1, tliotiuli In oro HtraltH. There "Jri it completely and linully diopaoee " the iirst Htories that were publitdied jfotn BiuuiKliui ol the iiinaBacro of Juno is true tlmi It irmu i.. tiunii .,,.... "v the oubaequont reports of tho iiiiibHa "on June 0, two dam later than tho ol the dlnputch, but tho ottlclalH "MUM that there io quite an much 80,1 10 IHove tlut the necond report as ,lll6u. in the caee of the first re I'rt, now Dhowu to have been erroueoue. Vlt to.y for Hilled ruroi. Clin Alio. )r. a -ii I' -" a uiepmeu io vne JJrd from Tien Tuln, dutod Saturday, n! f ' Vla Sl,nniii y; Today's SI n!",'nc6 wlH break tUe lckbone of UhinoBo wnr nartv. At davlbri.i .i. i. u .m ,a iri I GASTORIA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought At Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THC CCNTAUH COUNT. MCW YOUR CITV. I this monmi.! the combined forces turned , their titti.ek upon tho Chineso left, whic'i was penetrated. As the Rus BnmH f'i'fJ make a suitable bridge j actors ilits canil, the Chinceo made a ! smart rouultir attack on our right and left outposts. This was repulsed by a handful or two of men, who fought with . i ..... .. ;.t. , i Kreiu urnvery, uui nun neavy casual- . . . . ties. io Americans were injured At j 0c cck in ,1L. afternoon, the allle.-j bombarded the native city, and, afier an hour of magnificent work by two four-inch kuiib and three twelve poundere, the fort and adjoining mili tary pagodas were in flames. Their de struction wab complete. The fort re plied feebly with u few roundc, when I one pun pot the exact ra life aud fired j H-veral lyddite shells. This is the fort that has been bhellinj; Tien 'I ein since June 17th. The allied forces have spared tbo por tions of the native city fiom which oper ations have not been diii-ctfd. I'li vented u '1 1 lie"''!' Timely information given Mrs. George Lotiir, of New Straitsville, Ohio, pre vented a dreadful tragedy and saved two lives. A fiuhlful cou,.'h had lonu kept her awake evi-ry niht. She had tried many remedies and doctors but steadily grow worfe until urged to try IJr. K l lie's New Discovery. One bottle wholly cured her, anil she write this marvelous medicine also cured Air. Lotitfof a severe attack of Pneumonia. Suuli cures aro nositivi; nroof of the matchlet-B merit of t liia yrand remedy for ctirlmr all throat, chest it ud lung trouble. Only 5(lu and 1 00. Every bottle L'uaranteed. Trial bottlee free at I'.lnkelev & Uouthton's Druj; iStore. 0 , Mil l ll'MIIH l.UIMl Ut I'llKU. fiiiANOHAi, Tuesday, July IM Two thoiisund American troops liave ui rived at Ttiku, as well as eight transports filled with Jlritish troops, Hull) detachments are deficient in artillery. A cable steamer has started to lay a Jbablu from Wei Hal Wei to Uhe i-oo and PPulrll tnnui Hlmuurolt'ii I run Hurvv Was the result d his splendid health. 1 Indomitable will and tremendous energy , .... -. ,. ii... i are not n U'ni wmito Biumnuu, mci, i kidneys and bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25u at Ulakeley & Houghton's ilrugnore. 0 Subscribe lor I'lie Clirouicle. WW A' ARE NOT SO PESSIMISTIC England Begins to Believe Ministers May He Alive. London, July 23. The tone of the European preca with regard to tho mes BAge dated July 4, received here from the British minister at Pekin, Sir Claude MacDonald, continues possimietic, and the endless and extraordinary succession of Chinese dispatches purporting to describe the situation at Pekin only serves to bewilder. However, the earlier unquestioning be lief that n massacre took place has to some extent been shaken, und it is now admitted, despite the heavy load of evi dence supporting the reports of the mas tacre, that as Sir Cla-ude MacDonald': letter disposed of the first story alleging that the crime occurred June 30, so Mm ' later Conger's dispatch and other Etories reporting the legations safe July 10,14 and IS, L'ive some ground for assuming I the possibility that the second reports j weie also unfounded. I Another version of the story reached General Li, commanding the Pei Tan forts, by a runner from Pekin, who brought to him yesterday a report of anarchy in the Clnneso capital, saying J that tiie British legation was being bom I barded when tho messenger left Pekin 'July 14. Prince Chin'g, this report says, was assisting the ministers, and his palace was protected by 10,000 Chinese troops. Prince Ching, according to this report, considered himself able to cope with the eituation, Tho Morning Post's Berlin correspond ent asserts that the altitude of the United States government is regarded as adecided triumph for CtiineEe diploma cy, while ttie Daily News Eays thej atti tude of the Washington aothotities is regarded in Berlin aen regrettable error. Similarly tho London paper regret "that tint president of t he United States hastaken a line that can hardly fail to en courage the Cliinete further duplicity." CHINESE SO TdTeRS ' KILLING BOXERS Many Indications of Widespread Dis sension Which Probably Marks the Hcginnin" of the find of the Trouble in China. Tien Tsin, Friday, July 20. .Copy right, UHX), tho Associated Press.) Chinese coming in from the country report that the Chinese soldiers nte kill- im; the Boxers wherever tho latter are Beeu, giving as a reason that the Boxers deceived them into embarking on a hopeless stuiggle. An intelligent China man said he regardeil this as a sign of widc-spreud distention. It was only a matter of a short time, he declared, befote ihu same statu would exist in Pukin, when, in all probability, Jung Lu, commander-in. chief of (lie Chinese forces, and Prince Citing would bo able to regain sufficient influence to m.tko pence, especially if the foreigners in the capital were safe. This appears to pretent the general native opinion heie, as far as it Is possible to ascertain it. In the meantime, teliuhlo news as to events In Pekin autl whether the foreign era are alive is entirely lacking, or is only obtainable from Chinese sources, and even this is most meager and con tradictory, It is now thought that the forward movement of the ullhs will probably tako place earlies than was at first intended, possibly bv the end of this 0101)11), nut Doming tieiilllio win no decided before the arrival of General Hlr Alfred Uaselee, commanding the . i, . . iniiiaii couiiiigeia- A runner who ai rived from Pekin yes terday reports that the foreigners were safe on July 10th, and that there lias been considerable fighting hecweeu Boxers and soldiers inside, the city, Ladies tan low shoes only 00 cents the New York Cash store, at Itn it Itf-trritt to llio Norlli. BnosKiionsT Simiuit, Tuesday, July 24, The Boers, having got wind of the British advance, have evacuated nil their positions, and are reported to he moving to t tie northeast, toward Ley den berg, whither President Kruger is going. A portion of the Boers remain north of Brushvoldt, whence they attempt to in terrupt communications on this line. The bridges here and smaller bridges to the east have been destroyed. The British forces comprise two brig adea under General French and a brig ado and a half under General Hamilton, Jt is not likely mat toe advance upon Middleburg wilt be contested. The Boers remaining upon their farms slate that ino't ol t tie burghers are anxious to bring matters to a finish, but that ttie foreigners are. persistent. Catarrh Cannot lie Cured- witli local applications, as they cannot reacli the seat of tiio disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it yon must tako inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and nets directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hull's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for yer.rs, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best touics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, iree. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drrnggi'-te, pi ice 7;"ic. Hall's Familv Pills are tho best. 12 Ciiltuu Convention, Hava.va, July 23. The decree calling lor a conetilutiorjal convention and pro viding for tiie election of delegates will be held the third Saturday in September, and tho convention will meet in Havana tiie fiist Monday in November. The eonvi ntion, according to tho terms of the decree, is called in conformity with the spirit of the joint resolution of con gress and part of its duty will lie to agree upon the relations that are to exist be tween the government of the b luted Stales and the government of Cuba. htnry if ii SIhvu. To 1)0 bound hand and foot for years by the chains, ol disease is tho worst Jot in of sluveiy. George D. Williams, of Manchester, Mich., tells how such a slave was made free, lie savs: "My wife has been so helpless lor five years that she could not turn over in bed alone ifter using two bottles of Electric Bitters, sheis wonderfully improved and able to do her own woik." This supreme remedy for female diseases quickly cures nervousiieHs, sleeplessness, melancholy, headache, backache, fainting and dizcy spells. This miracle working medicine is u godsend to weak, sickly, rundown people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 60 cents. Sold by Blniselcy & Houghton Druggists. 0 (inld StrtinUld In Trill. Washington, July 23. Mr. Roberts, director of mo mint, has been advised by tho United States minister at, Peru that the latter country adopted the singlu gold standard and lias issued a gold coin known as the libra, or Peruvian pound, being identical in weight and fineness with the English pound sterling. Tho libera and tho silver sol aro now re ceived on eqn 1 1 terms by tho banks of the country and circulated concuriently. Die coi"iigi) of t'.io former is free and eilver is used only in a subsidiary capacity. llni Iti-.l lleiiii-ily fur Stniiiiiuii mill Itutvel Trundles. '1 have been in the drug business for ! twenty years anil have sold most all of i tbo proprietary medicines of any note. Among the entire list 1 have never found j anything to equal Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for all stomach and bowel troubles," says O, W. Wakefield, of Columbus, Ga. "This remedy cured two severe cases of cholera morbus in my family and 1 havu recom mended and sold hundreds of bottles of it to my customers to their entire satis faction. It affords a quick and sure cure in a pleasant form." l'or sale by Blakeley &, Houghton. Preucli MlmluiiHrltt Killed, Pamis, July 25. The French consul at Shanghai telegraphs today that live French missionaries have beeu killed by Boxers to the Manchuruu district. Additional Attractions I For Next Saturday. FromO a. m. Io o p. in. Saturday only, wc will sell nil Fancy SI Neck litis. Worth 50c and 75c. per vard at All LADIES' WASHABLE SCARFS, STOCK COLLARS. CLUB TIES, PUFFS, BAND BOWS, Etc., Worth 23c, .13c, 40o and" 50c each at Our 4 Golf" Corset for Ladies Can bo had in drab, '.! tte, pink and blue; has four hooka, is comfortable fitting, well-boned, and trimmed with lace; to see it is to like it. This 75c Corse; Saturday OvG Our TAN SHOE SALE, HAT SATURDAY: SILK RIB SALE and TROUsER SALE is RONS Js'. l and 1 inch wide; still on. dark colors only 1c yard. A. M. WILLIAMS & GO. Retiring from Business. Closing out my Entire Stock Regardless of Cost. Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and prices. Will sell in bulk or in lots, or Entire stock must be closed out before thirty days. All goods will bo sacrificed except Thompson's Glove-fitting Corsets and Butterick Patterns. Your prices will bo mine. Call early and secure bargains. iflefATA'A t ATA! J. ! AI At AX A t ATA t A , A! A I A I A.I A.4'A! A f i V V . V V vv s vvvvvv 5 ...Geo. C. Blakeley... Successor to Blakeley & Houghton. Wholesale : and : Retail : Druggist c Largest Stock of Drugs in iuastern uregon Country h and - JVIail Ottdetfs Will Receive PROMPT ATTENTION. I75 Second St. THE DALLES, - . A A. , V V A, AAAA AA A A, CLiOUD CAP IfW NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON. Magnificent Scenery. Pure Air and Water. Perfect Rest A MANSION IN THE SKIES. Buy your tickets from tho MOUNTAIN STAGE & 1-IVKItY COM. PANY, Hood River, Oregon. jlyPJ SPECIAL, 19c yard. SPECIAL, 19c each. Shoes, at much less than wholesale any way to suit purchasers. J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sts. kTA 1 A t'A I and Druggists' Sundi'ies V $ l; .11 Phono 300. i - OREGON. AAA A. A v NAyXA N A , . " j ' - n -