I The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TOR THE HOUSEHOLD. PHOENIX'S SUMMER BEDROOM. ' Arlaoaa Oatrli rr to lnrirMf tkr rolMlltj t.f Getting m l.ltllr Mrrp. Blt ol lafarmatlun Vhleh -Mj of Tatar to thr lluij Hfirn tf e. Br GOING EAST. If you intend to Uke a trip East, aik roar ticket agent to route yon via The Great Wabash, a modern mnd up-to-date j rauroau in every particular. The ootionncock have shed their Through trains from Chicago, Kansas caterplrari: there bs leeii a tbwJHVr-' Citv, Omaha or St. Loute to New York I -toriu: tne.-qnite wood ha fallen in ; aai - England point?. All trains 1 .t., tiac fma .oil thine MiBir ran o (W1 Ion:: iven oct: oraure? are in bloom: .' tree i, puttinr out it '-b-"-" " , fifc:,ll tb,.. ntNI. Pacific Coast Pass. Act., Los Acceles, Calif. C. S. Cka.ve, G. T. A., St. Louis, Mo. Illolutliin Notice. I price: Indian?- art Hinr Iv w. ai Cloths ued fir oiltmr and waxtn? rows-:, the rr nl the oleander floor -bould le kept clean by xvikiasr ; theat for half an hour in a troc t .-oi::k-H of sajoda. Stir with a tick. ! "5 irr water boald be hot. six! the i c-o:h finally rin-'tl in the water that ' ha a littre oil in it. generally osinr ' two tWejiBfab of oil to two qnari- of water, say the Was-hintrton tr. ) in thi connection, airain. coaie the ( -word o' warning a rain- the whole- : le e of oM rates for cieanin:r tHir- poes. It is a fate economy to fur- f tM domctic with 1 rayed dnter. ! linty tewcts and mop.- awl -crubbinc J summer, and the bedroom n:a which tali to pwce.- to in ; iiKtn a mod -hnn- of the nlnmber's ' of wire scree n of Sne biHsTaran.t which e tnvrhrh o bit- s Phoenix moquito i niicro-cajric in 1erly come by reason of thoe very It furnihed. according to t he ra and hrwl. which -oon cloc the taste of tbe occupant, with interior ptpe- lea-fmr from lath and iuks. ! eurtam. to keepont the tnormnc ton. Jietore ronvuirncinr the i-ttrin? ekan-' tbr psze of tbe cariou? atnk the .-and Sajilins: Albert is not a fighter, sti.l the wie woaian triB ee to ! f.orm. he f TJBj:: the Oinb so o!ten at the the ombreUa leaves: last uinmrrV uct ekniaed and pre.-ed: the small boy hs- , pone swimmin-r in the eanal: thewie , man .-tays up nirht- and steal- irritra tin: water from neiirhbors: alfalfa is. most readA- tocnt: strawlerries hae been -htmn-d: tnnUHrnes are necr.y , The partnehij, bnsir.c? heretofore ripe: summer iU oou be here, and . conducj a. 175 Seciod street, nr Jer tbe Phoenix uaraer indroom will oon J t,e firni natne arjd ;vlf of Blakeler ?; be a .necessity, tays the Arizona Honjrhton, i? this day dissolved by Graphic. mutual consent, F. L. Houghton retir- Phoenix, sleep oat of rioor- iu the f ing from said Orm. The business wi'.l rn of w? cooaucsej in tne ininre oy uea. v. ... .u- ' Houghton will collect all accounts and ot wire screen 01 Sne msl. far the . 5T. i:.v.:i:.. 1 .sj the Dalles, Oregon. Jnly 2, 1SKV. Geo. C. I5t.AiCEt.ti. F. L. HOIGHT-. V. 1U!T that an abundance of whole eJeanins i cloths, snitaWe for windows, wood- work and door. are in readme?-, and that as each day"- work i- finished the j -lotb are washed out susd dried ready 1 for the next day. j The .--cro: of haria- croquettes firm j and not rrease-soaked !ie in their le- iar mixed for a; least two hour- be- fore n-inr. Tbe meat shottli' be i chopped very fine, beinsr freed Srt from every particle of fat and srristlc. I A$Hw to each pint of the meat one half pint scalded srilk. one tablespoon ful of batter, two tabhrspooBtaks of ttocr. a taWespoocf ul of chopped pars--ley. a teaspoGofal of ait. a half tea poaniBl of pepper, a quarter tea ajoonfttl of outtne-rr or crated leaaon peel.' as. preferred, and a !eKKKaful ett oaion jaice. Cook the bntter and floTtr toyethnfr. add the milk lrrtie by fhtie until yoa bare a tiiick. satooth iat.. The sesfoned meat if hec jnWftx to the whice sauce, atixrd tbor oe?biy. and the whole torned oat to cop!. XVKen ready to use. mold into j-rans. dip ficst in beaten egg. '.hits im ftae bread crumb and fry xa -vrarrfuBg bat fat. f:jaJl potxmes wbiefc are wasteful i peei and eottfc with larsfer ones sbonid be ecrted at and utilised in saiad. Boil these smaB tobers with i:"a.-ir ckh on and while still warm j-t sl and slice this. Mince parsiex antl c.ioa very fine, jiurt a iitrle of estch. Mi?l strew over tbe potatoes in the 2lsd bowL SprinMe with salt and pepper, poor over two or tare ble spscsttnhr of beirt olive oil. and moisten with wetafk vim rar. addiar water if jMiresaary. that it may not be too &er. Potatot- may be osed n eo roVj; nation wifb a tsnwber of tbingrs. Jftu-b a psokled beets, a fresh ?--jrcir.beT sliced, a Onteh berrins. cut n-j. ezasJL or a few sardiises. minced. OnJy one of these things at a time, be it sxiderstood. an'' it should be mixed with the potatoes before adri ix the oil and vfnejrar. The salad may be garnished with' pickled beet chopped fine and pu? diagonally -scram the dih. or aimpiy ent in fancy aha pes. and Jettuetr leaves. On ironing day. whea the iron won't beat fast enonjdt to supply the 1 demand, try placing tkem on the pan- -ake yrklrtle art down close to the coala. Tbe drippKtfr pan tttrned over them will aid in cottrrinr all the beat, even with door.- and window pned. The best -sconriiur material for st'-el kniio can be found in half a new po tato and a little fine wood abbes. The patat'j is also much easier t? use witb harb brick than a i.it of ra which the ordinary maid of ai! work is apt to! employ for thi porpo&e. j Hauatm Pie. j Line a pie pat w ith a eras' and bake ; in a hot ov-c. Vhei done ct'ter the ; bottom with &Uce of bananat cut lontr and thin. J o nxall bananaa are -nturh for om prr. Then nil the pab , svith the fcilowinr custard: Two! tfTlase ot milk, two tabteKpoonfuk of ' Hirt, rart-h. wLicb has been diolred ; u a '.ti'f milk: to!U of to tf:v. one ' teakpt-t 'tl of tani!!a extraeu Koll ; This it a j. t!.- bolter until it thickettN ' then potr : s. he pi. pan. Cover tbe top f with fhe a i'.'e ' the vgv&. and piace : to the (iul wut iocjr enourh to sriie f it a rich. sr..'.dee brown color. Home ' Ma? trine. j Kcc ltb lirprn I'rft-r.. Chop two iar?e t'reea peppere an. Srt removinr all he seed. Pot them into the chatter d:h, with two table. -sp&ocJuifc of butter, and sfter thU ha incited kt the pepK;r cook for about two minute. JitEt up hix errfc' Hi a iowl with a -cfit cupful of mi'k. If it is half cream. much the better Put this into the chafing' dbh with the butter and p-p;.er, cook until tfciek. ebMlI: with a little alt and erve . Ootid Hoosekerping. The bed I? a cot of canva- or woven OamnieiriBl saloon ic Canadian stvle wire, covered iK-rha with a heet. taat evea hi victims appreciate it" and mu4 e.eu a -aeet leeis e u iea.ner bed on a Phoenix summer nisrht. The challenge hitn again for a real "long one." Orders for Canadian Clnh Rve . hitkev by Te'.. J. E. fait & Co. j For the convenience of parties want ; ing ice in tbe altemoons, the Stadelman i Ice Co. wilt carry a stock at their store, ; ! corner Third and Weaning ton streets. Phone Xo. 107: long distance 1;3 ''King 'em cp. bed covering i- tbe roo: of the bed room and earele folk- who consul' their comfort oair don: wear nirhi -hir:. Phoenix is proud of its climate dur ing etarht mouths of tbe year, but it doe-nt talk much in public about it-rcids-uinmer. 1: i a ri?ht warm da wbe-n tbe rovemment weather bureau doesn't know- what the -on tempera ture L-. and is unable :o determine it and that is bow ho: it ?et- in Phoenix I called on Observer Burns- one day la-: July and aked him what the "of Scial" temperature way in the sun He said he did not know, and ?ha tbe forerament coukhf I altonl to ex perimnt to that end. Be aaid he bar attempted to catch the Mm tempera 9aatfa twaaw kn t XLtl t ' . .1. i suite in ouautitiss to suit all lf-m-if Cnrc Headache Quickly. ," Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Ce j ery Soda. A harmleh: and effective cure ! for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness j brain fatigue. 10 and 25 cents. d ' by Gierke A. Falk, druggists. jai.-4 t-n J -i SE 1 fl to 1 to to Thi Dalt, Or. The Chronicle, Job Printers. I 3 nTrnmmm:iiimiHTt rrra nnn minm m rrtn x tiriiTn TtnHft VllfTTJ 0.R&H tir.rxRT roa Tint cciitDDLr.. roa tuiitt, I - Kant ;ftt Ikc, Denver, Kt. Ntl wotth. Otnt, Ku tl 10 p. m., Cltv, St. Uuh liuciwo ana r.ut. 1 Atlantic !stt Ijitc, lenvcr. Kt worth. Omntia, kmt Cltr. Bt. UU Chicago and Kat, Kxprns I2:S0a. m.1 : Via Hunt ' Insttm. J ?tkanc .Moll mid Kxprcss ? 2 p. in. Walla Walla, Spokane MtnntapoUii. 5-t. I'am, tiu tuth, MlUsutt-e, Chlcnto and K.t.Ti Hfokancakd Huntlnc ton: alio all iolnt 4t. Wnshtnctoii end hsit ern Orvgon. S p. m. Kaoa PorrLaxn. I Otran StcRlnnhlpj. For San Krnclcx Kvcry Kio la Spiktnt Mall , na ram p.n. P- n. j ., Ei.sundarColunbJa Rr. SteamTn. f.x iiStn TO AT0ta and V.ay , Satutday ' ludlngv top ta. Ca. ra. Witlastrrrc r.rvr.a. t.aijin. Kr.aundy Oztxosi City. Ncwto-rc Etsuaiit Salem A W'ajr Ijitid Ta si. Wiu.Axrrr xNn Yam Tue.ihur. kill Kiveka. and iat Orcro" Cltj-, py u and Wsr-Ijuidittro. I v tularin i il ta. f x jiltr Hivcn. Ulparis to JwlktuE i.30n.m. Mnn.,w anlfn. LklTI I.t virtus dallj Wa.ii. llcmeralirr Stublsnr is st Taat Chas. retail business at his new eter in tbe attempt. To please- my I curiosity be hunjf a thermomtiter it the sun. watched it until if reriateret 136 decrees, and then took it in. fear inr it would break. The drynejR of tbe atmotmbere re Jieves thi ereat beat at any ter rors to all iivinsr things except womer and cat-. There is a Baying- in Phof nb that in Ktutuner women and eats art nervously prostrated, while men aa doe thrive and stow fa; from one bottle to a 1 y.nz a place. He cost -a-tri. barrel. Fa:i I orders delivered proniptlv. Why pay $1.75 par gallon for inferior paints when yoa can buy James E. PiUoa'i sun proof paints for ?1 50 p-r gallon, snsrantetsd for b years. Clark &. Fa'k, agents. m!7 fa imw 1 a ammamMmw REGULATOR LINE. I'ALLES, IWU.MI i ASIUR1A M. COMPANY 3 rtcarser ai :bt Regulator line wU! roo a er the ; - thSnle. tbe Company nacrvlsr Sb riht u ( haucf e without aotice. Str. Resr. atu-. I IVanted. A position to do 'jieneral iiocse work There uJ 1 1 inijairt- nt Mrs. Batter's residence onij luxury in quenching one's thirst dur Ninth street, opposite old Lnthran f in? the sunaner beat that is p-js&tb:. ', cbnrcu. j r 20-22 nowhere this aide of the hereafter. an I ; ' notbinr will ouencb it so uel! u, ollr ur teIr" ,s water. Tbe average mcrtal can drini ) v,'e Baw a' Portland a stock of fine a g&Bott of water per day dorin? th ) Isbrieatiot: Otis and greafes. Prices and .heated time, and apparently every drof terms ere ri-.-ul. Write for prices. Cen of it comes out thronrh the pores of 'h u-i P.eucinc Co., Cleveland. Ohio. -aa. . lh..il- at 7 A X. 1. Thatadai' . . atntdav . Arr fortlaad I J at i a r. x. Ship your Freight via Str. Dallas City. a- t a. a. Mori da) Wed neats r ii.SSg Regulator Line. at 5 1- X. tioKJt Lx. batlca t 7 a. i. Monday Wneaday . . PrMay Arr. ISirtUlid at t . r. !. at cr Kortlat (1 Tudii5 1 hurirfUT SatutUav Arr tatl ttt 'it I'. K. FOR COMPORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Tra-eJ "oy tht steamer (,i the KefruUitn- line. 1 hf rou.w;iT wii; t-n-loav (ir t-.. g:: t lit pat ior :ue b9l service V"'!" I r furtf :u!trnu-.ttoii nddrvs t& rrtlf Uelriri: t" gr t Ilt'iotift o: mtntKin I'ntumbia outhrrti tia '",;. ahcaU take .i , Iravtnc the !!! a! (J p. o. maiiKc alrt-t oonrrotltou at H.f jutictta :mJ hIkei Returning aakinc' r itinecioo at Hcjipuer ttiir:iou and IIIerh N rltl-i; at The Dulles at U c ; ' i'c full particular call na O A V. Cui utreut The Dnll'j. or addma W U I'- 4 r RT, Urn I'a. Ar' -Ma,!, 0;, lien Pacili :la.id '3j.x l.-rk W. C. ALLAWAY, Gon. Agz. Yellowstone Park Line. THL UININU CAIC lion E tf.- . KTIAXU TO THK EArT the o.vi-v uinwrr ust t - riwr r10N"E I'AUt; u:VE. y -a BlaDSfM,!irtts4 E" . inSCELLAKEOUS ITEMS ; For alr. A roiid second-hand threshing a. a chine for ale at L. Lsne's blackcrr.itu fctitehem in a ' hoc. on Tkird Mreat. i4 -difcarlm There are nearH pair of hand-KWi boat. Xeariy half a aiiiiou people bathe everv vear in L tali r lake. i Bermuda ti funtihed Xew York Campbell & WHioa lailiin darist.-, with lily bulbs far many years, j Great rednctions. Twelve camel, abipped from AI- . riera to Xew York died oa the voyas--- J across tbe Atlantic. Tbe import, of crude rabbar to tbi country have in the last 36 years, in- j creased t'M per cent. ; Some one hak ealeubtted that the! loc will not have boils tl vou Xhiting the entire week there wi.! be a ; sale of sirfret bats and sailors at ti.e y parlor?. 1G-Iw otlc-. All jtersons are requested to give credit to no one on my eccosot without as order from me- M. Tuorsuorns jlS-lw Yoc will not have boils if vou take powtmen of Loudon walk, together. Clarke A Falfc's sure core for bone SINGERS!! Stop and see them. The bv&l Sewing Machine on the market for tbe least price. Fur cah or on time. : : : The Jaoobsen Book & Music Co. aometbin? like 43.360 miles a day a j Floral lotion will cere wind chapping ( and sunburn. Manufactured by CSarke & Falk. i enee of tbe glebe. In the last 00 year the speed of ocean steamew has been increased Clark & Fa!k are never closed isnday from sJ4 to Ii'.t knots a:, hour. Ships Don't forget this. have been more than trebled in kenrth. i . : r-r: about doubled in breadth and "in-- Fresh cracked Nebrasca corn at the creased tenfold in di&uiacement. Tl.- WasCo warehouse. Fines: kind of number of jjasene-rs carried by chicken feed steainhrp ha, been increased from ; w IMV to neark- 2iwi. Tbe earine power ha been made M time as jrreat.whil. i uzmc.i-ioT. App, tbe rate of coal eonaumption per horae power is now only about one-third what it was in 140. The shape of the fan was originally ' modeled after the j'rm. leaf, but r now apfear under many different forms. The Ssed fan, which is the ( HHst priauttte type, was firt: con ! S4rticted from a leaf on a fctalfc- Th , "I-am-lla" mnd fwldin? fariB were prob- aoiy infrodtteed in the fifteenth cen- tury. the foktinr fan Iwing tlit mom . familiar form of modern times. Tnf ' "LameUa" fan, whieh coua'si.jd o! fclip of irory or similar material, con- j netted together at one end -by a pin ! oSered numerous opiKtrtanltiei. for f carved and pieced work in irory, horn torcoUt shell and enamel work. ft trail tor Tr s -eattlc. Oly.nt'lii. 'r. HarUir a a .uutu Su lKmitr, ,.kar.o l." land. H : , IViu iliwKivr, lx hi mi. I! .: A. X (lo!luui. :nlii.j.?i' try, tluleua, Ulunent' H, bt. rnl, Otr.at Kann City, t C'nltp' and a!! p N. I tMi't nud Ml'biit. I'ueet und hxm- 11 i J'. M. Cor Tacuinn ot,d soaf and lutertnvdlate . I'. J!- - A.l!. Ht. Angel College and Seminary, Conducted by the Benedictine Fathers. ' l uliman hrt ulait and t'ur. t pri lo iMU'-tp.tln.S:. 1'aal and Mt ' -rpolaU without i buncu. uatiliuled train. Cul'JU dep . ticctloti IB li tirlnciial eltie. Jtalf' ch-ked to deatlna'i u '. tets, f"r handsomely llltut ateddcac- ' ' taalWr. tl. sets, ak-vpluf ear rvservatiom. -Uoaaf wr.te A. D. CHARLTON, V-'a'ant ceneru TaiM-nerr Ace' Mora-s- trcet . corner Third, f ort.au j wt SOUTH and EAST via arenouse. x.nes: kind of ( L,ed .fj ee 6fuU r,, p f, BnJ ,n ope attractive mcb25-tilspu..s of the Wii.amate V, ,ev. T;.e .d,-a p ace hr your bove Prepa B anted, immediately. C.M.ica . C ir.merc a. and .-cier.t fic Course. Mu.l a sptcia.tv.' ' ' ' harne!5.mker. Applv to Pirt.ru ars appV to the President. ' yi lfc H. Erause, of Wasco, Or. j2-tf. Scivserib for The Cnto.vici:. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE I Drying preparations 6unply devel op dry catarrh; they dry up the secretion, which adhere to the membrane and decom pos, causing a far more serious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry. ing kialanU, f umet, smokes and sauna and use that which cleacsee. soothe and The Hut itmta. heals. Hy"s Cream Bala is such a remedy Either moratnp or nirbt I a good will care catarrh or cold in the head time for a colt! water bath or eten a 3y and pleasantly. A trial size will be tepid one. but a hot water bath should tBUe ioT 1( ntt. All dmgfrUts sell the be taken jut before retiring inasmuch DyBrotlwa. 6C Warwn fit., X.T. a. it U nludae. Sr bathe just be- ; ?? B&lm "rtS i . "-lurjujiw irnute or cause aneezmc. It spreads itself Intr inX Bath'' ortr MWtWedaudiuwBAoleT. alter, instead of before, exercising, and ing immediately the painful inflammation. t 'nuc irt-uidni trtrrv cia v. iJini-" nun . ri i rsvam rbsiM w. M Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. 'mmmr Tracc Marks jcsigne Copyrights Ac. AtTtme dlnz a iketch and dwtnptkm ma qaleair unrtain rat opin: jh Iree "better a imeMKm u prohnt j pntmiable. Comiuanm uon aUKtlreunttdentlaL Handbook on I'ateuu t Ir. 0.lert azency lor erorin4r Pitenm. IMSeiAa tax en tbroush lunn k. Co, recetr. tyttUil urAv.i, without cnarse, la tM Scientific flmtrkM. A handsomely lllatrated ekty, lotrceat cir. raUtUrtj of anr cientiee yntaL Tern.. 13 a ear: lunr month. ft. uld hyall nevtoratf. MUNN t Co.36,Bfw New York He comma Packing Co.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MA.SUFACTUliEK8 Of Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON JP.IKD BEEF. ETC. Soumern Pacific Co, ; Shasta Route Train lean-The Da!!, for Por',4 i nnJ J j ktatiuus at I a n. m. nud Z . m. ! Loive I'uttland I ' AlUny .. . j Arrive Anhlcnd . . .. ! " t-acrum.'tito . " enu hranclwo , . ? 30a I .1; an -:C0pB l.'..ua. ta)15 Atrivc Osdun I " Denver I " KtttlUM. Cllv " Chicago .. . , 6.tSarn II J2 W:Wair 9.W TiSiuii' ; . u o i.. ta Arrive Loa Atiele " Kl l'MI " 'ort WVrth. . . " city o( Mexico. " llou.toii ' New Orlran . ' iixlilnet.m . . " New York .. 1 -;0irn f,M to . CM a lu ... y.55a , . . t ,W a n .. O il u in .. C-t.'o in .12:13 p in ;.(0tra 6:00 pO 4:W1 0 U l:"p tad & LsniWiL Ttone 167 FRENCH & CO., JJII. C. T. HMITli, Osteopath. Ronm 10 and n, Cbaprsan Biocl:, The Dalle, Orvgtro. Tneadaytand Friday, a. m. to 12. nayli-lm iiome Journal. agaiiirt kssal Catarrh and Hay Ferer. I , r mcotx. johx cAvi M00RE t GAVIN, ATTOUN'Ei'tS AT LAW Eooma and KJ, over U. 8, hand OOtc. BANKERS. TkAJtHACTA EN'CKALBAXKIN'Q BCttNEo , j Letters of Credit issued available in the ' Eaatern KLatM. I Sight Ea change and Telegraphi' Trasafen sold on Kew York, Chicago, St. LouIj, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Waeh,. and rarioui poinu in OregOQ and Waahington. ColUjctioBt made at all points oo far. ! oraUe tarmt. I Mica 'Axle UREASE lightens the load sbortcna the toad. I't.li...... , . tralol. I .... nu luurm cart uu Chair (r baeraumito to 0deu i'ilW. !-nd touti.e rar. to Chlcaro, et J-ouli, Ne"1 leaua and Whltigtou. ."oiinectlnr at fan Knmclco with sf.ffj1 u-iinhti. lltita for Honolulu. Jaian thiw i hllliiptucs, Ceutral aud bouth AiueiH. bee agent at The Dallea alatlcm, or dlrt C. H. MARKHAM, Geuctal I'aaaruger Af eut, PoitUndOf. helps the team. Save wear and ."i"-UK' vxiiq everywhere. uads ar C9. T. BROWNHILL, JUSTICE OK THE PEACE. N" Puolic. Collectioce promptly attendM to. Monev to loan. 0. E. Bayard'i w uce, The Dalle, Oregon.