Told at a Glance Therefore glance, ai this; it means satisfaction and money-saving to you. Any pair of our $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 MEN'S PANTS at Straw Hat Prices Halved. A magnificent array of iieweBt styles. They look nicer than ever under the new prices. A Between-Season's Offering of BARGAINS ! ON WEDNESDAY. line of Men's Sum mer I'nderwerr; near ly h.1 sias at ;ach. 2 c c lirts and Drawers. A few of Suits left at those odd S3.85, 4.85, 5.85, which ie less than half the original price. Ladies' Summer Underwear. To clean up some odds and ends of Ladies' Vests, we offer you some astonishing bargains. The goods are all new only a few of a size. Lot 1. Ladies' Hot-Weather . Peelers 4C Lot 2. Good 10c values 6c Lot 3. Silk and Lisle Thread Garments 13, 15, 17, 19c . values IOC Lot 4. Extra Egyptian Lisle Thread, 20, 23, 25' and 30c garments IOC Lot 5. Special values 35, 10, Q(J 45 and 50c garments 25C Odds and Ends in Wash Fabrics. In this lot there are values Q running up to 35c; going at oC When in the Btore, don't forget to look "at our other BARGAINS. The Coolest Shoes for Summer. TAN SHOES Remember, wo are still offering you $1.00 for 75c in all purchases of Tan Shoes. Another Special. Misses' Tan, button or lace; sizes 1 H to 2 Child's Tan, button or lace; sizes 0 to 1 1 Small sizes Ladies' Kid, button; 3, 3jt, 4 85c 75C $1.00 All Coocls Marked in Plain Figures. PEASE & MAYS I'ROFI.K CIIMINO AM) OOlNO, Trout Later, in in Hilton, of Portland, is in The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Telephone No. J. WKDViDAY - - -JuTy li00 ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM SODA At Andrew Keller's. CO WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. If yon need a pair of ehoeBngo lo Will liams V Co. a and buy tans. License to wed was issued Monday to Claude II McCoy nnd Mary Khrck. Man or woman, boy or girl, all can wve money by buying their tan shoes at A. M. Williams ACo.'p. Pendleton ie arranging to hold n street fair and carnival to commence September 18th and laet four days. About once iri a life tune do yon have j workng by will without effort make it pace a train of cars. It will be cheap, only ten or twelve dollarr. Albany Democrat. Monarch ehirtg. The monarch of all shirts. Regular $1, $1.25 and $160; clearance price 93 cents. This is an ex ceptional offer and not likely to laet long or likely to occur again. Pease Si Mays. Monday night a spark from the mid night west-bound train ignited the grass in the pasture of Mre. Mosier, of Mosier, and hurried over about 100 acres. Only a few weeks ago a tire Etarted in a simi lar way and burned over I!00 acres be longing to Mre. Mosier and her son Jeff. There line been found in London a letter written by Gladstone which leads : to the belief that the reason the former I premier did not accept a title was be- canst; he insisted upon becoming the I earl of Liverpool, which was success I fully opposed by the Jenkineon family. ! A regiment of militia wae called ont : yesterday morning to protect the noil I anion fiehermen on Fraser river, nearly I J OOil nf wlinfit ucrH nrevented from GOO union strikers. No are there. "It is the rottenest place, oh gosh, and the men ought to be shot who got all the poot devils there, 25,000 strong men lying around like a Eet of fools." Little Edwin Reed, son of Geo. Heed, been lighted in the house since early in the morning. The department responded very promptly to the alarm and in a few minutes the flames were extinguished. j The only material damage was that done i to the building, which, probably, lees opportunity to buy $1, $1.25 and j vlolt.nco wa8 o(rereil i the presence of See fl.r0 Monarch shirts for 05 eentB winilowH at Pease & May.' Dick Fisher is doing a land office busi ness with hie steam caw mill at Mosier. Tlie Ioimi demand 1 so great that the mill miming on full time cannot keep "P with its orders. the troops, and the strike is regarded as broken. The wool market is still without any signs of life apart from the fact of the presence of a goodly uumber of buyers aud the further fact that considerable wool had been onened un today for the ' 01 !)llr efsh nnd duck caps, yacht, inspection of buyere. No sales, however, tennis oi golf at half marked price. It had been reported at the hour of going ill certainly pay you to investigate to press. tills. Sec windows at Pease & Mays. The (JeorgtJ w Kder contimies to Aetorituih are talking of eecuriog n J remain at Portland. The discouraging riiini .t.i.. ....... -r .l . . . ' ,nu, in fj.-j ueiween jne Mtue and that city to give Dalles peo- pie a chance to attend thn reirattn. "men will bo held there BOiue time next iiontli. news from Cape Nome of late lias caused a great decline in passenger und freight trafliu to the north, nnd there is now lome doubt that the Klder will re- ....!. n ,..r.ll,.l, lilllllnuiia lit I'l T 1 1 H II (1 t(1 MIhs Dora Nielsen, uhleiit ilmii.liinr nf iustlfv another trip to Nome. -. .Melsen and a graduato oi Thej It is something of a mistake to sup JJalli'B High school, lias been engaged to j pose that women in China hao no jeh the Benson 6c'nool on Five Mile, rights that u man Is not bound to re 'e fdll term commencing sometime in ' Bpect. The idea that she ie of no im- 'pW'lnbcr. ' .,.,.... !u inp.nrrpet. In her I'hoiiiaa itrtttv eumi, in m.inv frnm ' imiiiP. us a wife, she exercises an author- Victor for a load of grainleacks. His ' ity that would make a denizen of the i en, formerly night clerk at the ! western world gasp with wonder. mat'"" House, has abandoned thej Hon, George W. Gray, one of Salem's 'Otm luisinuts, and is now managing his' wealthiest and most highly respected" ioinai,i ,.,.ro flirm mjj0nr,j, father's j dtlaeiip, dl'id at the family hoaio In that ' n' j city about 0 o'clock Monday night, agod A II -iff laet night broke into the base-1 7'veare, 11 months aud 18 days. He '""ll 01 111.' rf Mm II m. I Mimon and Odd Fellow. The left at this office today an egg, recently layed by a large Wyandotte hen, that weighs the egg, that is to say, not the lien exactly so grains, troy. it is, very little larger than a robin's egg, j and if this particular Wyandotte Biddy insists on producing that kind of hen fruit we suppose it would bring a cent a dozen in this market. Little Willie, the 10-year-old boy of Joe Nitschke, nearly lost a finger yeeter- day afternoon by an ax in the hand of Lib brother. The children had been Bplitting kindling wood and Willie's right hand came under the ax, almost completely seveiing the little finger and cutting a deep gash in the finger ad joining. Dr. Logan Eewed up the wounds and is hopeful that the boy's hand will not be permanently maimed. The following occurred in a fisher man's strike on Frazer river: "A street row between a Japanese and a China man occurred over a dispute as to whether or not a Japanese army of 10, 000 men could whip a Chinese army of 100,000 in the preEent war In China. The Japanee cut on" the Chinaman's queue to emphasize his argument, and In five minutes 1500 Japanese engaged in a hand-to-hand- light with 500 Chinete. In twenty minutes the Japanese had broken eo many Chinese noses nnd cut off' so many queues that the Chinamen fled. Four years ago C. J. Nicholson, came here from Pennsylvania and bought what is known as the Pitman ranch, about four miles east of Boyd. The ranch is nil composed of hill land and, like most others of like character in that neighborhood, had no fruit trees. Mr. Nicholson immediatly eet about plant ing an orchard, which came Into bear ing this year aud more than gratifies ita owner bv the result. Yesterday Mr. Nicholson left u sample box of his peach plums at this office that are as fine specimens of their class as wo have ever seen. The following is a bill of faro in front of a Nome restaurant: "Plain steak, than a hundred djllars would repair. CHEAP LANDS ON COLUMBIA, Can He Taken Under Desert Land Act mill Kaslly Made Worth Fully WlOO an Acre. II. J. Hyrkitt, of town. Hon. Ciias the city. John Flanagan, of Shcrar's Bridge, is in the city. .1. A. Henderson, of Bingon, was in town last nii;lit, W. A. Campbell, tho woli-known in surance man, is in town. C. L. Phillips lelt on this morning's boat on a flailing trip to Hood River. A. L. Bunnell, ol Center villo, is regis tered at the Umatilla House, John Davin, a wealthy sheepman from Paulina, is in the city. Mrs. Chas. Alden left on this morn ing's boat for White Salmon. F. II . Jsenberg is registered at the Umatilla House from Hood River. The .Tales fnmilv returned home last night from their camp at Trout lake. H Mrs. Alice Sheldon returned on last n!rh'.a hnnl fr.w.i n t-tolf ir Pnfllt.tlil C. A. Shurte and wife, of Arlington , are registered at the Umatilla House. II. W. Wells and family left on this morning's boat for an outing at Collins' Landing. Deputy Sheriff E. B. Wood, of Mosier, arrived in town this forenoon by private conveyance. Misses Mattic and Lizzie Bailey e turned on last night's boat from u visit to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilder were pas- tigers on tins morning a boat, tor ook's Landing. Miss S.tlina Phirman nnd Miss Nun oner letumed last night from mi out ing near Lost hike. W. II. Ward, theGoldendale saddler, arrived in town this noon and is Etopping at the Umatilla House. The family of J. M. Huntington were returning passengers on last night's boat from a camping trip in the vicinity of Lost lake. Miss Ti mms. of Portland, who has been visiting for a short time with Mrs. Dr. Ferguson, returned home on this morning's boat. She wae accompanied by Miss Virgilia Cooper. Leon Hunting, one of the lessees of the Collins springs, was in town last night and returned to the springs on this morning's boat, Mr. Hunting says about sixty persons are at present camped at the springs, most of them from Sherman county. E. Hayes, a well-known saw-mill man from Cedar valley, Klickitat county, was in town last night, the guest of the Umatilla House, and left for home this morning on the Goldendale stage. residence of Mrs. H. Diet- was u Mason f'll tl i) bill IT. mill ..nrrl,.,l nil' n lr.t nl ' l.lllurnl U'ftfl held T till) allfilliCCfi Of "iily Hiipplies, A similar raid was those orders this afternoon at S o'clock". '''Hie on the mime premises two or three J ,s announced yesterday, the funeral 'no.itlis no, n j,, not j.roijuhlB tluit the ! f Paul Kreft took place from Fraternity a Hrangcr. I'4'i..ill t 4 o'clock this afternoon. It was Ton.ght on the lawn at tho resldemfe 1 larirelv attended. Tho services, both at flfcmUh French, or, the corner of Unintt i the hall and at the grve, were conduct "'I i'OUMh Xtre.otu l I.e. i...iioU ki 1 ..,i a thn Woodmen. The ball bearers , ''l"u,rl1' League will entertain th 'lenus. nstriiiiw.nal li r 111 l olii ti' 1 1 1 liu : ,aT" 0( evening, and ice crealii " cke will be served. Mr. llower, on Albany carpenter, is ork en a patent air machine which lower thinks will revolutionise Wlien ntUched to a bicycle It wcro : John Pashek, F. C. Wickmau. Jameu Harper, L. W. Brown, Henrj Harper and N. J. Melqulst. Fred Geer, a son of the governor, m at Nome. He writes home that a mant chancel there are as slim as they woull be on top of nit Kaitern Oregon eancl in ti... .,,.( ul nf liars in the worldi It 1 1 1 - $ 1 .50 ; poterhouse large, U ; poterhoute email, $2 50; T bone, $2; rib steak, $2; mutton chops, $1 50; pork chops, $150; ham and eggs, $1 ; bacon and eggs. $1 ; hot caken with colJee, 50 cents; cake and coll'tio, 50 cents; doughnuts, 25 cents; pot k and beans, 50 cents; corned beef hash, $1 J fresh nauenge, $1 ; ham burg steak, 1$; pie por cut, 25 cents; roast spring chicken, $5. Potatoes, coffee, bread and butter go with the jlarge orders without extra rfinrgo." .... f... ...1..i...a 1 f.f.ili,.ilr n t I ion IIIU1UVVB WUIVfl ' nvvn fhe started in the roof of the Lang resldeuceon Fourth street, one nf tlie oldest houses in the city, and the property cf the Dalles National Bank. The fire must have been caused by a ipark from a neighboring chimney ai Mrs. Lang was at home and not even a match had C. R. Smead, of the Smead fruit farm, Blalock, believes there never was a bet ter opportunity for farmers than now presented in tlie arid lands bordering tlie Columbia and the Snake rivers, eaya the Telegram. The land which is now worlli $1.25 an acre, in a few years, he says, will be worth $100 an acre. "It will be more valuable," said Mr. Smead, "through irrigation. , At the present time it can be Bettled under the desert laud act. Men of limited means can take twenty-acre tracts and through a device being now put in the river by Wolff & Z dicker, under the direction of the O. R. & N., will be able to irrigate that tract at a nominal cost. The do vice in question is a water motor run by the current of the river. There in no expense attached to it, once it is put into the river. Each motor will irri gate a twejity-acre tract. Tho O. R. A N. traffic department has been busy with tlie apparatus a long time and hes reached a point whore its success is as sured and irom which practical benefits will soon be obtained. "Under the magic of irrigation the arid tract adjacent to the river will be made a regular iarmcrt' paradise. The cultivated districts serve to show what tlie land is capable of all kinds of fruit, vegetables, berries, grains and grasses.' On our farm, the same hoi t of land, the pear and peach trees are loaded; the grapes are looking tine, and everything is growing with a luxuriance impossible except under the most favorable condi tions. "If an agent were to go Kaet and tell It Saved liift 1K. P. A. Danforth, of LaGrande, Ga., suffered intensely for six months with a frightful running sore on his leg, but writes that Bncklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured it in ten days. For Ulcers, Wounds, Burns, Boils, Pain or Piles it's the best salve in the world. Cure guar anteed. Only 25c. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton druggists. 0 See our west window for bargains in ladies low shoes. The New York Cash store. Give the top of your head the same chance to breathe as you do your lungs. The tlrnt thing u phyMcian does in cao of fcieknesH itn In look about for any place of contamination, and it is attend ed to with a linn hand to prevent cou laifion spieadiiig. But the top of vnur head, no nun thinks nf that. It's at blood heat, 1)8 ntwl iifiiiutiitiiu iiiwtmali f.iill .lie lit n litlt facts about the Columbia river valley, j wnrM.oiihtantly f,- hour to kill ten tlie farmers Alio are ecratching rocky, men. barren soil in New Knglnud, or lighting1 droughts and grasshoppers in Kansas, would fi't him down its the champion liar of the world. Kiistitrneis are used to hucIi Imrfch conditions unfavorable to farming that they simply cannot bring themselves to imagine a farmers' para dise like Oregon. Tho only way is to entice them out heio and let them see j for the uiii'lvue. Were it known that I such good farming laml iik that along the Columbia could be hud for $1.25 an acre, it would soon he purchased hy , thoje who farm iindor adverse cimnn-1 stanccH in tiie Mast." CASTOR I A For Infants and Cbildreu. TkH Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Biguftture of .aHSflaaaaaavaubaV BatflBBBBBBBBVDBr IBWpMlBBBaYlBT IHbQIVyMu3 SI Keep D.e air inside the hut from get tliw foul hy wearing El (I rod '6 Antl BOptlo Hat Pad. and nature will do tho rthi. The heat of the head the antiseptics and difinfectaiits in the pad, milking the impure air puie. I Price, 60 oents each. j For sale exclusively by Pease &JVIays pus i Growe raBIII Tho only store ft this city where tin Genuine Imported Stransky-Stcel Ware is sold A little higher in price, but outlast a dozen piece : of so called cheap enam led ware. BEWARE! Other wares look likoit.butthugenu ino has the name Stransky - Steel Ware on each piece. Do not be deceived First prize at 1C International Exlii bitions. Highest award at World s Columbian Exlnbi tion. Chicago Pre ferred by tho best cookingauthorities, certified to by the most famous chem fats for purity and durability it is cheapest because BEST. Remember this celebrated enam eled ware is special ly imported for and sold in this city ex clusively by us. It does not rust nor absorb grease, does not discolor nor catch inside; 15 not affected by acids in fruits or vegetables, will boil, stew, rosst and bake w i t li o u t imparting flavor of previously cooked food and will last for years. Wo can. lion t!:i pu'ilic I1 1 ' '1 ' T, " iuiiM''f. i A fJ'ioil Cough Medicine. Many thousands have been restored to health aud happiness by the use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. If af flicted with any throat or lung trouble, give it a trial for it is certain to prove beneficial. Coughs that have resisted all other treatment for years, have yielded to this lemedy and perfect health been restored. Cases that seemed hopeless, that the climate of famous health resorts failed to benefit, have been permanently cured by its use. For ralo by Blakeley it Hoiiahton. During last May an infant child of our neighbor wiib suffering form cholera in fantum. The doctors had given up all hopes of recovery. 1 took a bottlo of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy to the house, telling them I felt sure it would do good if used ac cording to directions. In two days time the child had fully recovered. The child tenow vigorous and healthy. I have re eimmended this remedy frequently and hive never known it to fail, Mrs. Ciirtin Baker, Brookwalter, Ohio. Sold by Blakeley it Houghton. Tho change from the American to the Kuropoan plan made a few days ih:o in tho Umatilla House dining room is meeting with the decided approval of the many p drone of that popular caravaiiBory, and, as a matter of course, has resulted In people going there for their meals that hardly ever went be fore. Thn great attraction of the system is that you can at all times get what you deeiro or order and can have a meal at any pi leu that siiila your appetite or purse. .... j-l !Jt Haiti In our C'iuhiUk, All county warrants registered prior to Aug. 1, ISfltl, will he paid at my office. Interest censes after Juno !'0, HiOO. J. F. llAsii'Siuui:, Countv Treasurer. I. it x it r I ). I leal th fill diluks ate nut Ins urii'H, they are necessities, A full Hue of cool aid refreshing porter, ale, mineral water and beers kept h i ice, Take a hot He home for lunch. 0. . I. Stabling. Phono .Mi.'ii'o tan hIiouh Unit bioirht $1 ear lier In the season, are now selling ut fJ.Ffi at A. M. Williams A Oo.'s. Ladles' Ian oxfords il iufi only 00 cent at the New York Cish Store. Root beer, one dollar a iloz'm at IViibd A Mays' grocery department. lit Foi choicalruilH, fnsli vege'ables, tish, poultry and all k'n is of feed, call on the MoNeul market. Phone 278, IMvtk