The Dalles Daily OxTZt'D WEDNESDAY JULY 25, Tor l'tlrtnt WILLIAM M'KINLEY, or ohin. For Vlre-rreslilent THEODORE ROOSEVELT, tlf m York. CASSOTHAVE the earth. proper 1900 citizen against another citizen. I'hnt is the duty of the courts, and ns Mr. t jCorbett is amply able to employ! 'lenrned counsel and take every ad-' ot the law, uo one am ' doubt that he will secure at least justice for himself. "We believe it ; is the first time that a charge of im morality has been urged as a good reason for conferring senatorial bon-, ors. As well might Mr. Corbett's opponent in this suit ask for vindica-( of blackmail The Astoria News makes an earnest appeal to the citizens of Astoria to rally for an organized , lion from tbe cuare figbt against Gsli-wheels and traps. ; bl0ugut against him by Mr. Corbett, It urges the holding of mass meetings aml in addition be misbt ask the and the frami legislature ion ana, m me event ot tnese uotues Ttje cuarrre tbat there is retnstng to neect tueir uemanas, an, ni;i cinnixnTO in t).i suit fn ultimate appeal to the general gov-, d : th fHh Tucre( T uticura 5UAP w - n- aD( m aaniuon ue migui usk tuuj raming of resolutions to the ; ,ecisialure t0 compCljSe him for, es of Oregon and Washing-; lh ,05S of hts wifes "affections." anv ernmem ior me ciesirea reiiei. " lS n0ne, except such as Mr. Corbett j asks if tbe people of Oregon are j bas atten,pted t0 make in connection j going to permit the ruination of , wUh h .5alem Statesman. ' their fisheries that "a few trap and ( 5 j wheel-owners may be enriched," and j A democrat exchange learns that .' if tbe city at the mouth of the Colum- Eugene Debbs, the candidate of the ; bia is "to continue to be a city or a j socialists for president, will witb mere way station for a few trap and . draw from the race in favor of Bryau. j wheel-owners a fishing hairnet with-' Why should he not? If there is not iut fisb." enough of socialism and free riot in It does not seem to have occurred , Bryanism to suit Debbs he must be to the News that the thousands of mighty hard to please. gill nets and other murdering devices used on the lower river ever do the least bit of injury to the fishing in- $ -3 Nasal CATARRH destrv, or tend to lessen the annual in ail its km there catch', vet in the local column of the . J""- . , , , , , I I3y Cream Balm same issue of July 21st that demands eiean..soo:hacdha! summarv aoolitlon of the wheels, membrane. I: core catarrh and cj:7es the News informs its readers that : mj a coi& is the head "one gill net man is reported to have Bat u ped imo to nrri!S ,d, CSUgbt over 3 tOtl1 the niabt before , otct tht membrane and U Absorbed Reaf it lo- . . . t TTiPl!ap and a rnnp foflnvn. 7t U not drricf 1d4 For Red Rough Hands Soak tho bands, on nurinp, in strong, hot lather ol Ltm- cciva SoAr. Thoroughly dry, and anoint freely with Clti ccra Ointment, ELe irrwit akin cure and purest of emol lient. "Wear during the night old, loose kid gloves. For red, rough, chapped hands, drv, fissured, itching, and ievensn palms, shapeless nails with painful nnper ends, this ouu night treatment is simply wouderful. For Sanative Uses Its remarkable emollient, cleansing, purimng properties, de rived from Ccticura, tho great skiu cure, warrant the use of Ccticura Soat, in the form of baths for annoying irritations, in flammations, and chafings, for too free or offensive perspiration, and also in the fonn of In ternal washes and solutions for ulcerative weaknesses, and for many sanative anti septic purposes which readily cuggfK alp and hair ot tuemelves to women, ana especially iu crusts, scales, and dandruff, supply the mothers. The use of CtrncrrtA Ointment roots with energy and nourishment, and with Ccticura Soat will also bo of make the hair grow, when all else fails, advantage in the severer caes. Coinnlate External and Internal Treatment of Every Humor. CimCDRA Cmntnt ot Cmccni 9oir(tSc.J. to elnw llimin. Cmrr Omtpunt f. to Ut tuc cr-r e, or leftlnr ud bl ta rtln. nl Ctricc Kitoihii (AV ). to con and eUinw th hxl. IBtL1 3 AaiaaWaat stun aafllnast to eur tM atr'. aumor wti !lUt UiU. IMTTIC UlSfl ass Csxx. CotT- SoK tTcpa Ucaus. lisv to Cun trt.-j llaao.-," frH. For the Comolexion To purify and beautify the skin and prevent pimples, blotches, black heads, redness, roughness, yellow, oily, inothy skin, chapping, tan, sun burn, and many other forms of skin blemishes, no other skin or complexion soap is for a mo ment to be compared with Cuticura Soap, because no other soap reaches the cause, viz., the dogtd, irritated, or in fiamtd condition of the Porks. For Hair and Scalp Shampoo with Cctjctra Soap, rinse with warm water, dry and apply a light dressing of Cuticcra, purest of emollients, gently rubbed into the Ecaln. This simple, refresh- Xj Jw Jf ing, and ineipen- give treatment will soothe irri tated and itching surfaces, stimulate the hair follicles, clear the scalp and hair of 1 THE CELEBRATED ...GOIiUJUBIA BREWERY.... AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Oi the nr. due! A 'I i on br wi-ry the United States Health Keport- for .line JS, 1K'.', ns "A imr.' ttipciior brew never entered the Jabratorv of the Uoitf i SMte llf.nllli reports. It is ahralutcly devoid of the 'lichtt'St trace of ndnlleriitioti, but on tlin olhor hand Is composed of the bft of malt and f hoicfM A hops. It tonic qualities nrn of tbo high tt ami it caii U uwl with the grvstcst bene fit nnd satisfaction by old snd von nc. Its ust- i-nn ronseicntlonsly ha prescribed by the physicians with tbe cersointy that a better, p rer or more wholesome beverage could not pjsbly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. V A PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this "well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. no: prodace Kieezinp. large Size, SO centi a: others made catches varying all the! cinur, by malt; Trial Sizt,io cents bjnuu. i -n , -ii.i i. j! IKT KWTHEES, 54 Warren Street Sew Tork. "at Crescolt's cold-stbrace warehouse tbf deliveries were about twelve tons, including steelheads, up to sis o'clock this morning, while at Allers and Schmidt Brothers' the receipts were still greater." In still another paragraph the News informs us that "at bis two seining grounds, 3-ester-day, W. E. Tallant got four tons of salmon. The Fitzpatrick ground yielded the greater part, being cred ited with three tons." Let tbe News compare its own re port of one night's catch with sill- i . . i , , tieis auu seiues on me igwgr river j Children for Adoptioo. Tin girl babes 5 months old; one girl babe, 1 month; one girl 3 years; one Doy i year; one boy years; one,Sent bv boy 9 years. Apply to I. F. Tobey, 1 prompt superintendent Children's Home Soci- j Watch.' e'.y. ibe superintendent will be in The Dalles this week and will receive written application? at this office. A Difficult Problem. It is among the most diflicnlt prob- ' lems of nptnral science for one to become . expert in several lines. J. E. Adeox & , Co., by their combination, have over come this difik-alty in a practical man ner. J. E. Adcox is an expert watch-' - on jewclrv, optical , wort and enpravsne. hi Ihnn. H. Liehe is an expert optician and is good j on watcli repairing, jewelry work and , eneraving. Their price is as low as con sistent with goid workmanship. They t are prepared to do ail work in their : several lines, on short notice. Work mail or express will rereive attention, sign. "Big Red i BUSINESS LOCALS. at Ladies tan low shoes only DO cents the New York Cash store. i Orders by telephone or otherwise are I I promptly filled at th6 McXeal market. ! A fresh supply of Lowney's chocolates ' received today at Blafceley'e pharmacy. Clarke & Faik have on sale a fall line -wita trie lact mat scoies ot wueei5j o p2int and arti5.-a brushes, on tbe upper river have not madej a full line of Eastman Sims and sup running expenses during the season,; plies just received by Clarke & Falk. that many of them have done prac-: Paint yonr boose with paints that are tically nothing and not one in a ' Inlly guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk and then S3y if it that the trouble OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. The CLARENDON EESTAUSAJiT And CAFE. J. B. Crossen & Co., Props. S7 Second Street is not pOeib'e ' Clarke & Falk have received a carload j 1 C. F Stephens Complete Cipe of Drills at M. Z. DONNELL, TH DRUGGIST. strictly pure liquid paints Tropical and homegrown fruits, choice vegetables, also that chicken for your Snr.dav dinner. Callup2T8. 11-lwk that agitates the minds of tbe good people of Astoria) does not find its cause a little nearer! borne? Let such legislation for the preser-.' ration of the salmon fishing industry j Wr-V!A5Ay:'f;::Tl tT3rnit?g s is uecessarv ami ciiuuauie oe en- v acted, but let the News be well j assured that the legislators of Ciat-if. on eountv have n bis ftfintrant nn k .Dealer in.. e , Dry Goods, Clothing, hi Jci.i, WUat Gents' Furnishinqs. ft uusc W Mt Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot f 11 kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, ;?iffLklfi ( Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOll FlOUT T''s I-1onr ,b manufactured expressly for !nilj use . everv sack is gnarauteed to give satisfaction, W eeil onr poods lower than any honse in the trade, aud if you don't toiakm I call and get cur prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oits r I oKii 1 S'tts The Dalles, Or. Hoots, 5hiK-s. llnu, Ciijva, Xclion. (or W I. iMaglak Hhtn. vet. 13 ; J ! 5 Yoa uiant. tbeir bands when they undertake tOjji' have Jaws passed that will discrimi-j nale against every salmon-kilflngjg-device that cannot be used with ' proGt by the Gshernien of Astoria. GEKEKAL iiniili ..AND. VJSblCATIOS WASTED. Horsesnoe Hon. II. AV. Corbett, of Poitland, having been made defendant in a' damage suit charged with alienating isome woman's wifely affections, promptly responds by announcing himself as a candidate for tbe L'nited States senate, and the Oregonian insists that it is the duty of the people of Oregon, by their represen tatives in the legislature, to "vindi cate" yir. Corbett, and not '-strike him down in bis old age with calumny and distrust." It is a pitiful and ridiculous appeal, a disgraceful at tempt to play upon the sympathies IJ' STURDEVANT, Wagon and Carriage Werk. ,5 Fish Brothers' Wagon. ?, Thin! anil Msxm. Phnnp. HO -5 ONE FOR A DOSE. nmrt Pimply pTent l.i ..t.n.nwu, I'aniT the UIwmI. ..cHfls. mU- PILLS Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Kev on draught the re!c bratwl COLI'JIIJIA KKKlt. i-ckmiw. wisrt-d the U-t Ucr lu Tbe Ihtllca, atthcuiual prloe. Coror tr.. try itnud U. cocvltiCM, Al.o the r'iii-nt hrmidi o( U'laen, U juttr and C'i:r. Sanduuiehes of ol) Kindi alwaj on baud, f . New idea m Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single bUHc. Keal imita tion creton effecte at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorinne, yours for a ftinall price, at our store on Third street. Also a full Hue of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. $1.00 per month. Strictly firet class local and long dittanee telephone service within your home. Lines do not croef-talk. Your con versation will be kept a secret. No cost for installing. You cet the standard Harming Loop Distant Instrument. Continuous dny and night service. We will accept your contract for ten years and allow you to cancel same on civiinr us thirty days writ ten notice. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE COS. 3 ilt mmmK i w r v u r www rm ' JIVJJjL news to Good Dressers.... He m. , 1 l;x,eni u cordial invitation to all to insnect the samples of torn TailorTm lhL' CRWN TAIL0R,G CO.&ASw Ca f faults to Measure, $8.75 up. Fit, workniauship and entire satisfaction guaranteed. T JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, Agent, j Prealdeac, H. M. Utklt, C. S. Smith, THK ol llie people in order to secure a verdict from an incompetent tribunal. It is the "plain duty" of the legisla ture to put aside all prejudice and send to the United States the man best qualified to serve the interests of the slate of Oregon, and .nut to resolve itself into Iieiitist. umc 3 m vj r jencn a to. isauK fhii';e C, THE DALLES, OBEUOK ' Jjl!. E. K. rCKGl'Sliy, Physician and Surgeon, OiScc, Vct 11 lock (OTtr Purtotice). committee of , 2e.plratHdw the cauleh, oseoon. First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight irii or vudck. ' iJ p-to-d a te G roeer : 00,1 si! s&ss V. TL w- r4v "ii Hutu VB Butter a specialty. 2d Street. DEALKI& IN" All kinds of Funeral Supplies Grandall & Barget UNDERTAKERS tf EMBALMERS Tho Dallos, Or. Robes, Burial Shoes Etc. a s Humua-roK u wiuon UMTIN0T0H W1UK)K, ATTUKUKrh AT LAW, OSc ovr rint Nil. itut land. D1RBOTOH Phone 270. eo. m. wiuuw. Gto. a. lim. H. M. Bialu FRKU. W. WILSON, ATTOKSEY-AT LAW. . .... JJIE DAU.KU, OREGOJI OB'jc ovei yirr Nat. bnk. State flotfnal School, MriMllm i -w i . .. - . OREGON. Fall Term Opens September 18, 1900. KrttdTulo,?.,!,:nU uf "l School iml t0 tak0 H ta Coftlcl(to lnmtMM -iSSSKr- tot caMugiu full anmmiieenwnu M.KM . L. CAMliKM rru,iUoi1t, or W A. WANN,SUr u( OP