0.R.&R Skin Diseases 4 TIM WISTiCH. I'EOX IUU.KS. r the nx;rrUr orjr? :s3 to carry o5 the wisss n.:r-i. f-oa tht sisters, there is aa sbnor--cT- f er$ttsrtrr which pouoss and clog tht blood and it becomes BOUT and acid. i to 1 I raj; Salt Lake, IVntc Nail Worth, Orn:., K' K p. m. ntjr, tt. K ' Chicago and Cut r i to powier? tr.ij allay the itching and brminr bt never cere no matter how lore and faithfully t ct-rUrne-. and the coro is o:t ijjravated ai st permanesUy injured by their use He disease is mnt man sin leep; mc cuirc clrcilitM is pttstKA Atlantic tt tats. Iteam ft Kxprv Worth. Otaai;, Ks 12 a. ta.' a Cttr, Pu Lw VU Hunt- Chicago and Eait. 3S i ei.3i. " - I 7hi5 pctsoi i cim si through the rsert circl:ia to a parts o: tht body, ana upon reaching J tht si.: V- ic; then is a redness and ertrptios, aad by ecrir peculiarities we recognize Ecera, Tetter. Aze S-.i Rhecm, Pioriisr. Erysipelas and masy othe scia troubles, rrwre or less severe. V While : fiar. is the seat of irritation, the real dae&se is ta the blood. Medicated lotions aad x The rnasT preparations o: crs and V-sa lows the coastitrjtion 5 S sitnre's pwn remedr erjscrillv crss blxi &r shiz troubles, tweass it coes direc : rre-cury. potash, etc, not only i not cere 5u diseased, but soon rain the thgestio: sie of roots, herbs and brs. of great puriivjag and tonical properties, quickly ant es. becanse it roes direct to the root of the disease and stimulates aad restores normal healthr action to tht LSret organs, ci-se and enriches the biood, and thns relieves the svstem of ail poisonous secretions crres t rrm;te-- becanse tt leaves none of the oricinal poison to referrneat in the blood and cause a fresh attack. Healthy biood is necessary to preserve that clear, smooth skin aad beautiful com pleriou so ranch desired by ail. S. S. S. can fe relied upon -with certainty to keej the blood ia perfect order 2t has been curing blood and skin diseases for half a ccn tury no other medicine can show such a record. S S. contains ao poisonous minerals is purely v; citable aad harmless. Our medical department is in charge of physicians of large experience in treatin; bl xI and skin diseases, who will take pleasure in ridin g b? their advice aad direction al who desire it. Write fully and free' v about your case ; your letters are held ia strides i conadence. VTe make no charre whatever for this service. Our book oa Blood a.ur 5ir. Diseases -srLl be sent free upon application. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, CA sss ihz D.iles Daily Chronicle, EX ECCTOK s NOTICE. N $mc : iwrvtrt- z'-'vt. t: me aiwkrsir: a ts daij teti k taw; eourt -- the tai a: 0:--tto. exatur of tbe U: v?.' rot tatvtnea: o valine 51 ram. deeea-ed. A"! hxrloe efaiOM szxitut the tiU of Itur -iJ E-. all e Et s.c terv :;oirwi to preo: -xnt u aim. c-ojwty ven-ee. at to Mv reirafc i. at Master. tKtom. wilh.-r. ix aieUn 'ram (he dut hereof. 1-alc- :hb- tetts dj of Iudk. IWBl wan fe- c r.':su-J iB't-fod-iiS to pa. I- Ev -.-.j... ajm.s. janlfri: GEMESAL NEWS, i. Prtmi. -oSr own-r of 'iie Eva- toe &t Taenia. ii burb: tns- Tae m L-rlr-.- and xill ron ic a siMjcr tf-iMira ;m jr. Tlie Xt- ; F- S. Gunning, W. . Cra. "0.-r2O3 C-'tf, UTr, fa jp- J-taa-yOrr. SvOth Afriea. bark ?-r tw -t;4I- ct bs- Sr-.thr thfZ" last rt-t Mr. T?f-o Unui ru to -Oth ilriea Svr rfa". Be - l-f r- irofug th-re in .VOTiCE FOR PC3LICAT10X. i-i'! Pmcr At Tbx iM.r. Oumi.i fe rebv nnr, tba tbr foUowute nawd tsxler ha- fiil -!tirt ao &troUoo in a' c Seal jcooi in cpv"'- oJ clntss. aal :aal sid ytivA wUl b- sale l-'fosv Uw Rtcti'.er aati Ktcdvic a: The ttaOts. OrespTn on Taw day. nrasl -I. I5. viz Hurjcr X'. I'att-r .K, of Thr Iltllr.. lr . i r- l ! l-i.- Jaw na.m-r -h at ric nacf-s tae kdhxrtn vkm. u yrnvt- hi - onuHB jmaiTMu upas caa csjmauuu n i3-l mt. riHi; euatsaainr the -M fauMt. te: pewr - lsr Jo&Zt vmrsr, j 1L Jt-jhcl. ait of Ussier. 0kob. d-"- i5? u Ho- ieti fi lha JAY F U'CAi. 7J" ):- Mar re cocntJT. Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Oealsr in Blacksmith Supplies, fisr Stont & kEtto. Ttone 157 r Pnir-rDn T ;p3 Pr.nnTiDrofi Uilll-i'JlI UiOu U'jiiquUlUU. Ml SatUs, Or. The Chronicle, Job Printers. 's 3 irfnitminiiiininiiittmHtumimni: ; - - - -.-V " t - LJ 1 DiSSOLUTfUN NOTICE. Si-'Sec Is 5tT 3TtWP ta; tie rartn-ri.if beteieaE tiiajsirc niarter. i. B. Imiar and 5";mt Mo-e. at The iwi:- o-t?&. auSer C li aaaae not! slrle : Lu!-r Msoew. t toi. Oai tffoy-- ct U? is-real r25i- E. ft. ' - " -i ...... jncaw. wtl: w a:dHHlI w timber f tbt 5alt t ea Bryjtaf. eo'ftSy ele-s- JM-v-iy-third hinhflay, fnr- aci i.oiZ,i-?6 i,t 3rv c! is aUi Sme Siie swe a lfc'.u uo d-U:un thr iart -rvtrc of & rr-aiartaW) isroiit. Trtat Menvfm xriit ieu.i. : " bnoij asd uc- , i enajau o: tat arm. and ta? (1-iBte am! 4. H -i V-. . ..f t'ttttitud, br;rr- back eiaiin rim" Mud firsi. mc yr:c. -.udebb; .- . -A -i sata-ftioioiInsSu-,4. Mer.tfar-.- re.,lJ u . ...... . - i sJte Sn-aeat w:c Juie at ear J t:e- use Carbolineurn : Avenarius. Tie n. ; "Sice: prt-f. :r.r :sr .L". a Jlai RvcmJj asi: : ' ai-ier. Lie-, lie fWt-Tj:;or. to iu s;s. .is poaJirj iuaM.-. ciil uor mar.' ". eilermiDate ai R j.s BaiJaty- cticteas. i- er.ty esr- w "if ( i circulars aud prri. th.i pop-jr. Jos.T. Peters &. Co., THE. ll t LLCs. UUEGON. . - Jb.mu. i. B : ' r ' K tT i t cfii: -aiSS he- aothizi;. iyT-w ri.xs j:5 r.Ft. Th- fc-c. - li-fa oibi over Se . 7 timrs. Tbr- are 1 of saalij-ii: " f -";ICx.. aad tunc . : a-on.oaia. Tberf- ari- oCO Koik i herr- -ec : -:i r-r aeve lneri Ci-.i '.moraT-i't - -.r-i tt- yn peopir '-t do i.sr-- not each, no ctmclr atari. : rar at . r a J . a . 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE won. .'.-i the sa. prr r 'eriio! imai- rein-its! prior Ohcu . ofat:.'ic . c.r jjwwe?- '. cill K .r uwB.n war, n'iii - - a5er iont . JnJy i. Has. ! WlIXta.lt K. t r'.-u t Cxaetitaea of Ike tatt oi Wnait.to araa. ut ill ca t I. i-S, cSe. - ' l&SJ' J. F. EaXPsHISfi. 1 J filH ice any orderi fur s toraV-rJoae or for v-jrk ca.'. oa LoCi C-n:ioi. I Before you cp; enrbia;, fecc:a? or ot.er cemeterr tue infuricstioa you nted but I viii qu'.tf yoa pric yon cannot ijat suyu here. I et no one W.a'S yna It ui.i take only a ex minutes to ca.il nd - m-. If yoc bate a ncijbipor wbo ever did buiics with taf con-c.t htm a; to the price and qc&atr of tay work and abide by the resnU. Louis Comini EXE-TTOE"s .VOri'E. Smiling Ai&ert not a fizhter, EtiM hr -to.- m- C5c o oiten at the Cajaiitureal ina io Caaadin Plrlt- i bcrb- s:twl stat .. 'a(S-:riB: Cb'la - i.ita -Etrt f jr a tnl "loit- raw of the u of Aaic.t Buehsiac d , " r. j. ' ee-l. AJ1 pro batia; elm asaitw; ao Oi e. 0-l- fcir Ceuadiaa Oct Hvc uu:e t teiti!' nwiri iutw: she 3am wai-c y i- j. j.. & Lu. -tt: 4. rbt laiws. waM,, c3u:r, Onso . at ttt otaw nt fait atory. Mosee : Dariar .-: Mar aa loiaa: enild of oor a: 7r. !MSit rt. wlihui .i t.ucU-. in,!.. arjrhhnr a- -iSerior form cboitns ta- imitc tin utt ta; oi .'-ilj. 15; fM.w.01. T. ft.tor had s:ife up zii -.i. r f :l, X iJlit. isopei er.;v-rr. I uxtk a bott-e oi i - C(katb-ri. i- Co i ir. Cbotrra and Diir- rh f H-us -1 io the Lsre, tt-I'ior tb(rii I Ht -nr- i- tie sood cfed ac enrei .-' euunr. iji to days iitti thv e-i 4 toily leeovfrd. Tbe e:td ii ox vi. oroo aad besitby. I nave re-oooru-Ll-d ir,- remedy frufKt-tisiy a'l biv fc . ti h tefail. Mrs. Ccrti- Bkr, Brfc jrihfcr, Ohio. ioid by Lis '-' H-nrbtnii- COYRICHTS 4.C. - v ?i t - . . Iiiidc-xii i-t. fssntt a- , - -r-r -r - iroaj iiueta. !"--'- - titr trn 3tur.5 i C..-. relTr 4" K mtuv r . tvooi. ctur zn tb Scknilflc Jftnerican, iti a 4 r MUNN a Co. fans o-vce c& I' F . T iibitrton. I). t CLEANLINESS. : b-'.ng a'S jcalefl by a:i par'-e Tfrl.ea of rc. cL -r or j re v.jc cnd.t. -r. of rv.!tid- I; a.fo.--r wv ninke cur tato mt'r c ad wbt-n tLev huy r purc IrHUarM I'a.i.ir. Ti.t-re it a Cnirii aoU gioij to ;:e wo't tl.a; : a'iu.ired bv bit. Paints, Oils, Glass, Picture and Room Moldings Be snre and tnjx-ct oar "t'rk. ' Wull Paper Lesign? (or l KX-an D-'p av. H. GLENN & CO. Walir.2t-':i Street, brtvte-r "'-ond and Tf.'rd. CATARRH i;.Vnc Walla Walla. S-k1isi Mtneraioiis. m 1 1 . tiulnt c, i!lliuiw Chtra;o end Ea t rVanc at. a Until; it ton: hImi alt 'ir.t Waiilt4:toa aud t res Oreeoc Malt lUj-rc j 8 r. a. ' f'toa Iotn.T Ocean Stra,rnfc!tw. for Sa rrcrscio--Kvcry rtrel-.s EjjrtM Ex.itr3.iar ColnmUi Hr. Steio F.iiS',, To Atroua and i .mrdj- :n3l!iev ie5. a.' ( x. ta. Stln A Vay Usi t x-5-1f To.Taar. biu. i:jrt ,Wr; nd .-t. orccon C3ty, tij;. r acd fri and Wr.Iat3d;ns l.r Ktjarlt ditt.y v a. ta. SxitE Rrrrt UiTt Ixnm da!Jj r0. b. j Crandall & Barget DIALED I.V 03eSj RJi kinds of uroEHTAZERS Burial Shoes Funeral Supplies p.-embalmers Etc. The Dalles. Or. iniiU on ".Jarnt)ii skmtjKTJi ' : Sotil: taXt- n . kwrtc; llr rll a' i. p. o. mHtP7 atnr; Mincrrtiou al Htv. ,xsctS aj Ktra Kfarnlnp tsiu.c . -.aaran , at llrjiptic.- ;atiitioij al Itltr- . . La; :.; at at 1. a) : - , I'--- tu'.l parUcniAi call oa C u. i X tt'i J Tbr I'allta. ox addrrM I W H IT P. S'ET C.a Pi. Ar i -al,0:, Irita Pai c m Yellowstone Park Line. Tilt t av. KonEFK' . -ktusI' to TUf EA-:r Tilt "S. Y U1KECTUNE TuTlif MUD- flOSE 1'AUK tt i vt. esisi Dtjet, Firii ati : r: trtt. a. a. y Fat mall ler Tunr... -attie. OlywKia. Harbor a' O south Jk;t . txatit?. p-ikaof. K !tl. B -'., I'uUilh. Miwor, llton. H . falaflismv raining aw. try, Htrfttia. MIudcsi lit, st. 1'aut, Omaiin Kno I'ltj-, St. Ifj.- ulcgn end all t .-. 13-1 ul,3 .lUltltH't. 1'aeet fMiu nd Ki:-r"-lor Tonraa arid frenttl and lcteriucdiaf M:ir- . y.n. N.i 5. iV. 15- faUraan first cln and tottr.- tea U I vinoan;4l.a(. 1'aul and Mlr -. jiolaB ' without t'bonjt. Ve:ttrtil. trnlnt. Union dc;t .cti jc i a jiriiicil-.l ciiic. hmjtxv oiitrlivd to desttnn:!":! '' ' H'r banrtsoini-lj-IHunt BtfJdiT.cr: .. rBit!:. ticket. Uvi.2ng car itnenrattunfs t'.' " on K ' write f A. D. CHARLTON, .U-i.tant ..cnerl rwnrcr Am.- - M0"1' -it. Strw.t,t irii TliUC, I'ortlind ''V00- : TUB COlUmDla PSGEIBO GO-, PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MJLSXrACTTKEHS OT Tm ' ti-. SLBbtitt- is stilt doiti? z TtUii bo-'--? &t uir place. H trll? in tjotnl'i to fct'tt a't cotomeri, from' imir to a bsrrd. Fstriy orders 5t:liTr-1 .rttiapUT. F-r ext.iTC.eDeT o rtic int inr ee iu iir a.-teruoon. tb ibudelrasc Ic B-iit erry t rti it tbeir ctOTf-, st' T-a -nd WEbiBVjn itrect. Phoo- in. 167: Jorjj disttsce 153 "Kinir '-ju op " Hm-tf Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON DUITD BEEF. E1C. THE CXllVXr-IVG AD Jlt.i.LI.VG cn:E roi: CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm Ejajt arid pilars B-. t.l'O-JU nj H'M.a at . J- jtr V Scrijnt. I:tai.rt tie ! ar n , Lars S-x. it otzsu a: S-VT tr . i sat. C cer;t T aau.. REGULATOR LINE. DALLES. PORTLAND 4 ASIOHIA NAY. COMPANY I Jj Sir. Regulator. SOUTH and EAST via ittrn Pacific Go if feuaaten ol tin, Ktgolawr lje will tec a I'jt th lot 'J ebdale, the Corai-any ttnenriee trie rtjrbt to enaoge 'i ..tduje vitboet aatice. 5 - V BKOtHSto M Warrtn Ssrwr-, Jferr 1 or fc. Guardian's Sale. Notice U fccetj ji3 that pun-ict btu (inj- and Grtr of ai tcad ar C ictj to tst a rutsu ol tr. tersom a&d utate o tna Xdoie end ba.rr.id Jloott. raliitfri. br tnft toatstr ttcrt oi to: iute o Oxeeon lor jnsr oa trt 6tt aT "4 Jca. iy., 1 wilt on Mica 'Axle Crease lighters the load shortens the xaad. C bO.v f at" a. X T Tii-arf a a J, T&niada! 2- Arr furtland f a: 4 a r. VP. Lt fortUnd a i a. x. Wtdntacar Friday Art DaU at i r. x. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dalles City. novrt Lv. Ihtllcs at 7 a. a. M.ilifUj .. w-dntadey . . frloajr . Atr. l'ortiand a! 1 .3) t. x. A ur 5 U Vtwtlor,d,i atT.W . x. f Tbutuday 5 ratutdij S Arr Dalle 4 atJl-.a. i Shasta Route Ttn leave Tlie Utx lur IVrtl j -ad wJ utatlunv at I & c ix.. nnd S . m. ; Urc Portland , 1 " Albunj- . I Arrtve AbUnd . h:a a m .12.30 6 in ftaClallli'UtO . i:lj.ii. . 7.ii. n. iitm Arrive Ondon " iK'UVft " KuusatCity " Cbicso .. 5:ISb m . M a ir. 7:-J5u TO FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, r T:ae. b7 tht rtniT cf lit KBa;tr Line Tht Cotntwnr will eodsaror to eivc it ui S w tie l Kirlc JMlniv. For lunneflnloroatton i add:Ur J f, fortUnd Offic, Oai Atiwrs iwci. W. C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Art. E" rAar,a-aarariagw'iig.y'w.aa'.C-'t,'.Ttytw;:w;. Arrive l Anck- . ' K! l'a.o I " fort Worth " City ol Mexico . " Ilouiiton " New Orlmiu . " Wiublnfct.iu . " New York. ... .. 1:40 pm . . t.:0o m . . C:Ji a m . .. 'j-.Wie. m ... 4.u)a in .. t:aB . . 6.4.' urn .li:l3pm 10 , 1.0 pm f, SkpBI . I3p H-.ltf-cMrint fcrenot Inrsrlw, tbeT n slit Jar of I"' at ti tcrt rnjc . . - .. i.. . i t- . , , door It Illrt City, at Use fcocrrrf 3 o'tftrt p tre ii-o--lt-. A loll Iiiie of cool tr.d c o ald day -u tn tt fcbi: Udder lor relrh ra.rat Ster and bJ SrS tr-i i-j c ic. Take a trtttlv horct "'Rd itirm: stcj a eonunz-t iwo . r- t -.t i- t- ectlu interest la and u st v ,of :r.e it.il. t'jr jji- C J. stabling. Pnone 23-5. ttt :t i tU tW'50lMiJ.'ii ii.4 Ltf.t i and -ot r-ee. i'. ar.d :ca;tuin patce! -a-r4ri lof TKS CaUrKtCC 1 lacd koended a loUov Uimtaeietiir a: a ! iie jc tt nrto un c tie teMrf Trerltt iim ! Iunatius laid Claim wtee it c:va a ditefc uci:fjaa "otbeilj- dsrurtlos tctuu tfce to: , hj. o ice uar ot jo preaeni tecee i tvu hchrs the team. Ha-sts vrear gad exj&e. .Sold everywhere Ml-r. yr BTAMBAM OtL CO. JjK. C. T BM1T1J, Osteopath. e-Ul aju&e iu.aKierr. -iBa TkL Vcti Ex.tru 10 and 11. Clutrtsan Bloec. Tbe Ialia. inence sort-sea: wi nxU. Urccon. 7 ueada; and Frldaja, a. m. to I?. IittiOB Lat cUlrc, io ne. 11, all nit land Its 7MS, KUK.W. St. A-oaUieln tertat Is and to Lot 12. and 1 fast oS ttt areat tide of Lot 11 in Lloe. t cd Latn' Klce Ad Citloc lo IraliM Cltv. fr. .- UOM '. 21&0KL. Ocardian. majrlMns . f. xcoat. ;ou cavw MOORE k GAVIN, ATTOEKCY6 AT LAW K-au33ad ID,bTcr C.K. UaiOAoc CliOUD CAP If4J NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON. iapfficut Scanry. Pin Air an. Water. Perfect .Rest A MANSION IN THE SKIES. , I'ulltnaa and Tourl.t car on b"tn twin Ctalr i r Hactamento to Ogdcn and I ' ' and tourUt cat to Chicago, Ut loU, NeUI leant and Woahlngtou. Connecting at Kan Krancltco wltu wW Meainsbip tlnw lor Honolulu, Jtu. ' w10'' I'titilppiiiei, Central aud boutli AmuricA Sec asent at The Dallen aUtlon, or d1fw ; C. H. MARKHAM, ' General faawmjar Agent, PorHoi'd, Or. T. BROWNHILL, JUSTICE OP THE PEACE. Puolle. Collectiuca promptly attendaa to. Money to loan. C. E. Byrd e ol ice, Tbe Dsllee, Oregea. 'Jj; i-LW-iA.tflij;-i': V . . I