The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 24, 1900, Image 2

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    1UC UdllCb Udliy WUUilllalC Ms meant olely
whether ."( is
would scans the people by a ghost.
to deceive the people,'
proclaimed from the
Tor Prci!nt
.111 24, WOO; 3a,p0r condensed Into print. It is a '
Hrppt insult to ihp intillit?euet and
j patriotism of the people, for there is I
Ko r ). r-rrt-iilmt
f ew York.
"Talk about imperialism," a dis- J
gristed democrat said at Kansas City
on the closing dav of the convention, 1
"that fellow at Lincoln sits with his,
legs crossed and needs onl a crown
to be the emperor of the democratic
party. Two-thirds of the convention
were opposed to the platform as we j
adopted it. Eighty per cent of the
leaders believed that it was unwise.
But that fellow had us. He had re
ceived two nominations, one from
the populists and one from the silver
republicans. He said he wouldn't
take the democratic Domination iff
we didn't put the silver plank in as !
be wanted it He would have re-i
fused, I Lave no doubt, and would
bve accepted those other nomina-'
tions. Then where would our demo-
cratic organization have been ? There j
was no help for lis. VTe had to do J
at his dictation what cicbty per cent
of our leaders believed was unwise.
Tf that wasn't a case of imperialism,
what was it."'
inot one who utters Jt who does not'
; know that imperialism never for a
j moment entered the mind of Mr. Me- i
; Kinley or any one near him ; and more,
' that were any snch purpose to appear
' from anv source it would instantly be
stamped into the ground.
Tlnn AT TlinL-ink.ln trfirt trie rwet '
master-general under Cleveland, is
out against Bryan and in favor of
McKin'ey. Dickinson takes the view
of Bryan whicb is taken bv most of
the honest money men of the coun-'
try, democrats as well as republicans. J
He declares he would not trust Brvan ! pooketinp the roll of bilLv
A 9tre "t llookkcrplnir the Aluent. i
Jflnded llrltli-irrtiniii Iarnrd
from Hotel llenUtera. !
Judge James Fitzgerald, of the New '
York supreme court, is tin excellent ex ,
ample of what perseverance and sin '
clenes.- of purpose wiM accomplish '
says the Philadelphia Saturday Even
injr I'os:. i'lie judge, who is about 4i
years old. supported not only himself i
but helped his family while serving as j
a cash boy in a store, and at night hi I
attended Cooper Union. Later he rent j
law at night and managed to be admit ,
ted to tbv bar at iie same age thai i
most young men legin practice. The ,
judge has had more than fair sailing
though, since he became a lawyer. 3I I
is a powtrfni man phyiieallj, ruddy i
and as active as a lynx. To his nativt j
Irish wit is added a power of speeeli j
that nearly approached eloquence. Ht ;
soon took a prominent part in politics 1
and was for years a member of the leg .
isHiture. 1
Several years ago he was appointee !
an additional aitant district attor
ney at the comfortable salary of 5T.50" '
he year. Before taking i:!h-e he mar- j
ried and went on a prtilongul wedding
trip. When he returned n month's pay j
was due him. and he went to the otiiet
for it. Durinir hi? lionet moon he had
traveled over u irood part of this coun
try, and as hi.- funds were low he went
direct from the train to the otliec.
"Jlere i our money, counselor,"
said the pay clerk, deferentially, nftei
his kind.
AH right," replied Mr. 1'itztrerald
For Red Rough Hands
8oak the ban dj, on retiring, in strong,
hot lather of Cun-
ccra Soxr.
dry, and anoint
This well-known brewerv is now turning rut the beBt Beer and Porter
e.tst ol the CiircudeB. The latent appliance- for tho n.nnnfRcturo of roqJ
healthful Heor have been introduced, and only tho first-class article will
he placed on the market.
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
For the Complexion
To purify and beautify the akin and
prevent pimples,
blotches, black
beads, redness,
roughness, yellow,
oily, tuotby skin,
chapping, tan, sun
burn, and many
other forms of skin
blemishes, noother
am or complexion soap is for a mo
ment to be compared with Ccticura
Soxr, because no other soap reaches the
cause, viz., the dog.qed, irritated, or in
flamed condition of the Poaxs.
For Hair and Scalp
Shampoo with Ctrncuaa Soar, rinse
u nu warm wmer,
dry and apply a
light dressing of
CirrictrRA, purest
of emol lients,
gently rubbed into
the scalp. This
simple, refresh
ing, and inexpen
sive treatment
will soothe irri
tated and itching surfaces, stimulate the
hair follicles, clear the scaln and hair of
crusts, scales, and dandruff, Eupply the
roots with energy and nourishment, and
make the hair grow, when all else fails.
Complete External and Internal Treatment of Evory Humor.
CUTICURA cocittnn ot ccricrt soir (Vc). to (! thikin.CCti'i ' Uintauntic.).lnH
THE !FT ct -; Ccticui. Kmoltit Vr.t, to cda! tail clem- ei. bloS.
J'- - AlinilMt1.n(lMltffnn,rArM l,.uiM..h !mnFH t!I,!l.filtj PllTTfC tlltil
asd Csxx. Coir., Zoic fropa., liwtuo.
freely with Ccn
ccna Ointment,
the great sain cure ana purest oi emol
lients. Wear during the night old, loose
kid glove. For red, rough, chapped
hands, drv, fissured, itching, and fevorish
palms, shapeless nails with painful finger
ends, this one night treatment is simply
For Sanative Uses
Its remarkable emollient, cleansing.
purifying properties, de
rived from Ccticcha, tho
great skin cure, warrant
the use of Ccticcra Soai
in the form of baths for
annoying irritations, in
flammations, and chafings,
for too free or offensive
DersDiration. and also in the form of in
ternal washes and solutions for ulcerative
weaknesses, and for manr sanative auti-
septic purposes which readily suggest
themselves to women, and especially to
mothers. Theuseof Ccticuka Ointment
with CraruRA Soai- will also be of
advantage in the scvorcr cases.
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
liow to Cure ETt-y Uanior." Itn.
on any sort of a platform. Bryan,
be says, would be a repudiator even
if be stood on a platform which
favored the gold standard and de
nounced repudiation. Dickinson pre
dicts that "Bryan will not get within
2.000,000 as many votes as be got in
1896. The republicans, however,
ate not counting on any such drop
as tbis in Bryan's vote. The repub
licans believe Bryan will be very
far in the rear in the voting, but
A Difficult Problem. ----
It is among the most difficult prob
lems of natural science for one to become
expert in several lines. J.'E. Adcos &
Co., by their combination, have over
come this difficulty in a practical man
ner. J, E. Adcox is an expert watch
maker and is jjood on jewelry, optical
irnrt nvift imnrmiinn trl.ll.. Tim. tl
'Sip th-paj roll, please," continued Llebe is an ex-pert optician and is good
on watch repainnp, jewelry work and
engraving. Their price is as low as con
sistent with poml workmanship. Thev
are prepared to do all work in their
several hnee, on short notice. Work
mail or esnress will receive
atteiition. Sitrn. "Biir lied
i Watch.
the clerk
"Of coure." msponded the bride
if room. and. absentmindedly, he wrote
as follows:
".Tames 1'itzferalil nnil vrf "
And the entrv is on the citv books to j Bent Dy
this ilnr. ! RlamVy
-Vol at Home.
Visitor is your father at home?
Little Daughter Whut is your
name, plea;--'.'
Mnxt tflt him it is his old friend.
"Then he isn't in. I heard him tell
- ninmnin if l.lllo 1
A . . , , 1 " v lie hiimi i
wicj wu uui. ejtjMiut io see Uls canvass: at home." .Stray Stories.
entirely collapse. Cleveland, Dick
inson, Carlisle, Fairciiild, Buckoer,
-.u m, 4pe nociy oi me : etrictly pure liquid paints
honest money element of the democ-?
racy Will cal atrniohr. rnnnhtlnnn f
ballots on JTovember fi.
j Clarke c; Falk have received a carload
, of the celebrated Jame E. Patton
J. B. Crossen & Co.. Prons.
87 Second Street
"Tbe Philippines arc ours and
American authority must be suurfrffifc,
throughout tbe arcbipelago. There ! Lettere ol ditt i8Bnd available in the ,
. . , , , , Eastern Statee.
will be amnesty broad and liberal, : Sight Exchange and Telegraphi.
but no abandonment of our rights, Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
i St. Lome, San Francisco, Portland Ore-
Yin nnnnnnnmnnt fif rif rirttv rVinm cA.,il. II I. .1 i
must be no scuttling policv. o out-' Ini)W0 and WwhiiiBton. j
Collections made at ail points on f&7-,P
side interference blocks the way to i orable term.. 'f
peace and a stable government.
Obstruciionists are here, not else-jjp
hl.,l Tim,. m. r.nor.nnn !.., l.. ,i'
cannot defeat tbe realization of the
high purpose of tbis nation to restore
order to tbe islands and establish a
just and generous government."
resident iMcKinlej'. !g-
Within a short time Governor 1 5'
Geer tvlll be required to name tbe-fc
school book commission provided for i f '
in the Dak law passed by tbe lastj
legislature, The appointments will
tie one of the most important official
acts the governor will be called upon
to discbarge during bis term ot office.
C. F. Stephens
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot p 11 kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, ?dM?;'ukD
Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle-
1 tOn FlOUT Thls I'lonr " 'a--"-'"ctured expressly for famllj
I , . , , U8e: evurvfack Ib truarantecd to give satiefaction.
e sell our poods lower than any honse in the trade, and if you don't think n
can uuu tel. cur prices anu Lte convmcea.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats
.Dealer In..
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Cents' Furnishings.
Boots, Shof. Hots, Caps, Notion"
for W. I. IMuelas .Sho.
L. Lane.
Telephon Ko. eS.
131 second rit.,
The Dalles, Or.
Wagon and Carriage Work.
Fiah Brothers' Wagon.
Third and Jeffernn. Phone 159
Hon. Abram S. Hewitt, Senator Lind
eay, of Kentncky, ex-Governor Waller,
of Connecticut, ex-Controller Kcklee,
and other prominent and life-lone, dem
ocrats find themselves un&b'.e to support
Sir. Bryan for the presidency on the
platform he has constructed for himself,
lint airainst the loas of (bete goldbugs
there is theeet-ofT of Mr. Webster Davis.
Mr. Davia has hut one vote, but he can
roar. Philadelphia Record. J
Urvau in the only poetical hose who '
ever dictated the platform to a national !
convention white in eesjion and forced
it to adopt what It disapproved by a
direct threat, of declining the nomina
tion and running on another ticket.
The cry of "imperialism" is an in.
vention of deeperate politicians who
OKE FOR A DOSE, nil I ft
nmot Pimple, Pr-ent I'll I m
I arelliUctieiu.lU.p-rMiV - aaf W
caoWL,draMui4. UK. 8CSHK0 CO.K
Onicjiner French it Co.'s Hank
..CfiflS. F-W--
and Farmers
Keeps on rtriiKbt the celebrated
wlswl tbe Unt tr in Tlie Uallw,
nt the uiual pifce. Come In. try
It and tit eocvliK-ed. Alio the
Pint-it bmwl ol Winen, M-jnor
and Cleun.
ul all Kinds always on band.
Just What
Yoa uiant.
tl 1 . 1 1
tw liJbr
mm, w
$1.00 per month.
Strictly first elasfi local and long
distance telephone service within
your home.
Lines do not crosstalk. Your con
versation will he kept a secret.
No cost for installing.
You get the standard Huuulng
Long Distant Instrument.
Continuous dny and night service.
Wo will accept your contrnct for
ten yearn and nllow you to cancel
same on giving us thirty davs writ
ten notice.
' New ideaB in Wall Paper here. Such
' wide variety as we are showing never be
fore graced a single stork. Keal imita
tion creton effects at ordinary prices.
Good papers nt cheap paper prices.
Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours
, for a small price, at our siore on Third
street. Also a full line of house paints.
D. W. VAUSE, Third St.
IWt. Angel Gollege and Seminary,
Conducted by the Benedictine Fathers.
Located -10 miles south of Portland on one of the most healthful and attractive
,10 B. of. V?8 Willamette Valley. The ideal place for your boys. Preparatory,
UabBieal, Commercial and Scientific Course. MhhIc u specialty.
For particulars apply to the President
h.m. iiKAi r.,
Hum e.
jjit. k. k. reitauaiiN,
Physician and Surgeon,
Office, Vogt Block (ortr I'ontolfice), '
2Cjilmo-dr TI1K PAM.K3, QHEUO.N'.
C. S. Smith,
r'resh Kgge and Creamery
Butter a specialty.
2d Street.
First national Bank.
j to Good Dressers....
& Wnril l;xtunua t!lla,LL,.'vUttt',on no oll 10 inbpect the samples of
S torn Tailo,rs0m CH0W TAILOIHNQ CO.. Chicago's famous Cm-
K Snit.R tn Mfiocnn dQ rc
w A..u.kj Jj U XX Jt
Fit, workmanship and entire satisfaction guaranteed.
ifr TntTTVT A O T T tt tr -. , . ..
w x xaercnant Tailor, Agenx.
Offlc or Flnit Kt Jlua
' A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptlj
i remitted ou dav of collection.
Eight and Telegraphic Exchange nold ob
, New York, Han Francisco and port
j land.
rnone aU. Ed. M. William, Go. A. Limb.
H M. Bbau..
W. WlLfcON,
OI.ce ovti int KtU hunt.
Sot tvt i i mi i
W Stop and see them. Tho best Sowinir r
Stop and see them. Tho best Sowing
Machine on tho market for the least
price. For cash or on time. : : :'
The Jaoobsen Book & Music Co. $