- i B , O.R&M I CONTAGIOUS BLOOD POISON Contacioiu? Bloou rowm i the most dotptulutt; aud destrnetire of all diseases, as it vitiates and corrupts the entire system rrm i rnc nrsi sore or mcer is ionoweu oy i:uic reu pimpm uu mc uuu; , uuw wiu uumi muwc auic, ui glands enlarge and inflame, copper "colored splotches appear, and hair atid eyebrows fall out. These an some of the milder symptoms ; they increase in seventy, finally attacking the vital organs ; the body ii tortured with rheumatic pains and covered with offensive eating sores. It is a peculiar poison, and so higlily contagious that an innocent person handling the same article used by one infected with this loathsome" diseased may be inoculated with the virus. It can be trattsniitte from parent to child, appearing as the same disease or in a modified form like Eczema or Scrofula. Manv an old sore or stubborn skin trouble appearing in middle life, is due and traceable to blooc Kisou contracted in early life. You may have taken potash and mercury faithfully for two or three yean and thought vou were cured, but you were not, for these poisonous minerals never'cure this disease ; the; drive it from 'the outside, but it is doing its work on the inside, and will show up again sooner or later You may not recognize it as the same" old taint, but it is. S. S. S. has cured thousands of cases o' Contagious Blood Poison, and it will cure you, It is the only purelv vegetable blood purifier known and the only antidote for this poison. S.'S. S cleanses the blood thoroughly of every particle of thi poison there is never any return of the disease Ukr lAI inri r UAIIE Send for our Home Treatment book' LI Kl fill Krl IT A I IllrNlr. which gives a historv of the disease iu al close study of blood poison and actual experience iu treat ing it. You can cure yourself perfectly and permanently at" home, and your secret is your own, Should you need any information or medical "advice at any time, write to ouf physicians. They have made a life "study of blood diseases, and will give your letter prompt and careful attention. Consult them as often as you please ; we make no charge whatever for this service. All correspondence is conducted in the strictest confidence. Address, Mrs T.W Lee Mont somerr Ala- writes " Bev-fat year ngu 1 as iuociilatrd wi:h tx)ion by a diseased nure who lufected ay babv and for sii lecR vcars I suffered CKtold trsi-ery. My t?ody u-a oivered wttb ores and u'.cer. i-ev eral phvsicians treated ta:. but all te nu pur TOe. Themereurrsad pstash they pae use seemed 1c add fuel to the awfnl flame hich was ilecuriiic me friends advicd me to try.S S S- I be ran tak ing it and improved tram the start, and a complete and porfea care wu tie result." 5 5 5 SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, fiA, The Dalles Daily Chroniele. PEOPLE COMINCJ AND tiOl.SG, Good music and first-clase performance uniler the pKVtlion free to all. Refresh- , uient can be procuced on the crounds if desired. frdr&snt C. H. Steven nits in town tOilay from lteiiietiibrr F. S. Gunning, That Cha?. .Stubtin? is still doint: a retail business at his new place. He Joi n Havelr, a prosperous Hovel irtrui- ae ; qt,iW,tities to cuit all customer-", r, was in ton today. . frow Q ft bjrre) Yam M-e. E. Berk v.n a passenger on this 1 orders delivered proniptlv. ! morning s boat for Portlaud. Father Broncetst v;as a trie beiali-d noon train for pneipngr Portland. on EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Hon. F X Jones came in yesterday fiom his ranch near Sher.tr's Bridge. Mrs. H. A. Curtiss, of North Dalles, left on this marniny's boat for Portland. Frank Aldrich, th" Goldential" wl eat-' buyer, i: registered et the Umatilla ; House. .Mrs A. A Jnorain? to II : " mver. j -Jlis? Maude Gilbert bus cone to ?pend a month with her pa.-entE at Hoijd River. "Mrs. E. C. Pentland, of Independence, is visiting tor si-ter-in-law. y,,s. s. L. .Brooks. . Jayne left on the boat this join her family at Wind as-enger on the for tt. Martin's Mrs. Grirrso was a "bo.it Uji1! rucninj; springs. W. Menefee and family left on this moriiiii'o uom for an outing in the Wind River country. . James Snipes and daughter, Miss He ' aie, wi-re pasjentiers on the boat thid mornuii: for Portland. Notice i hereby Rieen that the MuUTsicued ! ha !cen duly nppoi teit by the county court, of I the ybite u Orecnti, executor of the last will j nnd te-)tatnent of Kviline Evun. decci-ed. Ail I'T'oii!, lmviue cli;im- iipaiust the estntc of the stid Evull e Evans are hereby required ' to present the mine to him. projierly veiilied, as by la riiiulrcd, lit Jloier, Oresuti. within ,-i.t i month from the diite hereof. i I'uted this 13th Uhv of June. U. 1.KA.VDE1: EVANS. I Executor of the last will aud UMament oi i Eviiliue Evans, deceased. juulti ii NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAVD OlHCE AT TlCE I'ALLES, OltERON.I iui , iru-. i N'oliee 1.- hereby civeu that the following nunied settler has tiled notice of his intention to muse tinal proof in support of bis cluin;. iin.1 that said prtxif will on made before the HecUter and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Tue? dK.v. ii2U''t at. viz flfiraci- X'. I'ntti r-no, ,if Tlip Dutli'x, Or., ; 11 E. So. -)!! for the ?V!4 SV(., jtc. and j Ns NWi.,. gee. 31. Tp. -J .V . It. 12 E , V. JI I lie names tae ftdlowlns witness to prove his . continuous resideuce upon nnd cultivation of std laud, viz: K p. 1'itterson, P.J. IloberU. A. T. Huberts L. E. KobcrV". all of 3Io?ier. Oreou. jay i- i.t i AS. JU1I-1 Kesister. Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, .1 f f ; 1 4 i I ? ? i j 1 ? h f I 9 i . !: i i i t 1 : ? Si t i ' ; i ! f 1 ' 5 ' gs t '31 V ! 3E t si ' ( 5 r. f, 5 i i I The Dull, Of. The Chroniele, Job Printers. 9: i yts, i as 3S :t: :i ;! B JTitn nintn m irnminiiTrnnT 1 1 tni ' Ciiicta Lice Conprej. USE Carbolineum : Avenarius. Tim raot efficient Wood I'rc-en ins l'.iiiil nlsoH l::ulicjl Ileniedy iipiiust Chicken Lit": Its npplifntlon to in side wnlls of jiouitry house will per miincntly estermiunte all llee. Ke-sults--liealthy chickens, p.cnty of ecKS. rito for clrculitrs mid prices. Mention this paper. Jos.T. Peters & Co., THE DAl.I.LS, OltUUtlN. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Cland McCoy came dawn yesterday on ' a short vi-it frvta Pc-niileton, where he is encsetd in the !?t. tieoree hotel. i . S. G Partis left on the noon trnsn for Arlington. v,-here he lias nlituined a jK)sition a? foreman on Ihe Record. Miss Httie Gunn. a teacher iu the Goldeiidaie fchouls. for the p-i: eix ' yeitrs, is in the city vistttnir her is'T 1 who is under the medical care of Dr. Sm'tn. Notice U hereby -;lvcn thut the partnership heretoforu cxistins ctneen E. IS. Uufnr and hninic Jlenwec. lit lhe Ilalies. O.-econ. under the firm nnmenml tyie of D'lftir A. ilentfet. is this dn (!I.i5olvtd by mutual consent. E. II Imfur rotirius fr.mi said linn. All uuliuishid ea-e in which said tlrm is interested as at torneys, will be utteiidtd to and completed by both partners the same a thoush no diso'iUlPjn hud occurred. Fmnt Menefee will retain the boots nnd at. counts of the firm, nod will pay all debts nnd claims- asalim suid firm, mid all partle indebted to tht- lirni of Uufnr A Menefee ure requested to settle the same with him at hii early date. ! Datert at the Dallei, Oreson, this 1st day .if . . , . , , ' July, l'.. K. B. hi Ft It. VaptRlll John Nlineld find ivifo, of JlyT-w . FllANK MENEFEE. Goluinbas, spent yesterday In the city -1 the cuests of the Ob-irr hnlel. The cp- j tuin is matter of the steamer Nellie that EXECU TOR'S NOTICE. plies between Colnubus nnd Grants. ; Noltcc hercby Riven hat 10 undc.rijiIie(i a n v n ii i . .i i have been duly appointed by the honorable tev. V. . Polinc left on this room- county court, of the state of Oregon, for Wasco ! ing'g boat for Albany, to conduct thu eoumy, exeeutors of the esiat; of Horatio Cor- ' PervieO" over the reiiiins of Irtin ' nn- dwenscd. All perons liavitiK claims) frii.u, oer me riiimms oi -VH,rcln I neiinst -aid wtat.Mire hereby notified to present , iayne, n pioneer of 49, who dlt-d at ' the same, properly veiilied, to the underslsned tlia' place vesterdav of cancer of the ''harlea E. Corou, t Wnseo, .Sherman county, " 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Before you place tiny orders for a tombstone or for curbins, fencing or other cemetery work, call on Louie Comini. 1 will not only j;ive you nil the information you need but I will quote you prices you cannot bent any w here. Let no one blull' you. It w ill take only a few minutes to c.ll and see ine. If you havo u neiglilior who ever did business with me consult him lie to the price aud quality of my work arid abide by the result. Louis Comini I RACE iVi ARKS JESIGNS Copyrights &c. Anrone leniiliiK p. sketch nnd deicrintlon ma nuli-kljr aert.nn nur opu ion free whether a invention probable p urntnliic. "onmimilr. 'lomnricMr i nUilcniia! Hnmluooicun I'nieuts leu' (ree. Oldest nsencf for se'urtnp patents. P.itp..'!! taken throush Munii S. Ci. recclvf W.ial nutlet, nitiiout churae. In tho Scientific AmericaiL A hnndnmpl7 lllnum'ed vrocltlv I.nrzcJt cir. tiilatlon of nny m ion-in ounial. 'l'ernia. 13 a veir: four months, tl. !Jold b j all newsi!ealer. MUNN & Go.aciDd-v. New York branch ufflos. Gi V H .. Wjdiiustmi, V. V CLEANLINESS. :s being advocated by all parlies regardless of race, color or pro vioue conditi.in of eervitude. R -inembfr we muke our cunto mers ulnd when they buy or Pure Prewired Paints. There lb a hnish and gloat to its work that is udmired by all. Paints, Oils, Glass, Picture and Room Moldings He sure and inepect our etock of Wall Paper Deoiwiis for I'JUO on Display. . . H. GLENN & CO. Vnfeiijnyti n Streot, between --eeond Biid Third. utomauh The follow inc campers Ornsu'i. or nt the ollice of our attornevs. Meiic fee i Wilson, at The Dulles Oreg in, within six I ' mouth- from the date of this notice. luted July 11, lHU. ; (JHAItI.E5 E. COR3ON, I ! WILl.i.VM K. fOK-iON, , E.teeutoi . of tlie estate of Uor.ttlo Corson, de-; , ceased. Jlyjl ii Dilleites visited the at Cascade L'lefcs vesterdnv: J. Lneas, Silii--nn Bolton and wife. Fred Fisher, wife and daughter, M. M Cuh in and dnui.'ti'r, 11. D. Parkin. W. H. Ilobson and dun.'h'er. Earl Sinder, Mr. Smhh, O.is Patterson and family, Luellrt Nnleon. Florence Saranfion. Nut- tie Frdden Mr ai.d .Mrs (! ! F'hl! ! J-'otice Is hereby given that the undersigned Mr, Vrnnb T,- nf P.J U'iili'o i t ''?cn ,lul' l'poiited by the honorable J!urt Mrs. frank laylor, lu illiain. G T . n( ih. st.it. 1.1 rirU.nn. (,.; u.,. ,.,,,,,,. ,.v. CATARRH IlKPA r.T I I roit 1 TIMK HCHKIlUI.lt. KBOM DAH.KB. Annrvt rBO 1'imt Mull I.':1U p. hi, ! Atlantic Kxpri'M I 11. 111, ' VU Hunt' t lllKtliU. Spokane Stall nnd Exprcsc Salt hfikr, Denver, Vt. P.,, Worth. Omaha, IChii. Chicago and East. Halt ljika, Denver, Ft' 1 p, , Worth, Oiimlm, km! ",mi rnic City, Ht. Ijiuls, Chii'nRo nnd East. !.i p. 111 I I W'hIIh WhIId, HmiI:rii, MIlilH'Hpolls. St. l'liiu, 1)11 111 tli, Milwaukee, Chlrato mid East, via hlKikaiieakd Iliinthie ton; also nil points In WttNhliiRton nnd East ern OreKou. Sfokint Mull , ni -prcw !liS1.a p. m. s p. to. From I'oktlanh. I Urian HtcnmihlM. Tor Sun Krnnclsro 1 Kvery I'lvo Diiv, " I'- '"' ' Inn i:x,.iuuda Coliimb!a ttv. Steaiiicm. Ex.8u.ndii 'To Aktokia and Wuy ' Katlirilay ' I-llldillKN. ii) p. in. ; fin. 111. Wiu,ASir.TTK lltVKii. IMOnrn i:r..hiiiidi-y Orciron City, NewberK, Ux.Bundi'i Salem A; Way Latid'k, 7 a. :n, Wiu.axttk and Vav- 3:.inn.ni TucK.Thur. IttVKKs. Mnti.,Wcd and Mit. Oregon City, Dayton, and Frt. Mild Wny-ljitidlngh. I.v It I pat Id 1 ilaiiy a. 111. Snake IUvkk. Kip'irin to l4!ltoii. I.K4VI I.KWHTOS dully V.lOn. m. Grandall & Barcjet dealer in Robes, fill kinds of undertakers Burial Shoes Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. Tho Dalles, Or. 1 CF I'arlles del:mc to rro to llepimcr or iHiiiitHon Coliunlilu .Southern via IIIrrh, nhould . tnki-.No ., IciivIiir 'lhe Dallcii at VI la p. m, niakliiK direct cotnieotlotix nt lleppner junction , utel UIbkh. He'.iirnlhK uiaHiiKdlrectcoiinwtloii , nt Heipner Jiiiititlon mid llii!K with No. 1. or , rt tiir at Thu Duilex at 12:Mlp. 111. I I'n full i,Mrr(.n1,irt. ..,n .... t' T 11. t. iigciit The Dalle, or uddrens W. II. HUKUIl'kT, den I'ufi. Act., I'lirtluud, Or, lien Fa Yellowstone Park Line. TI1K IlIXI.Nt. CAU ItOl'TE I'KOM I'OKTLAM) 1 TO TIIK KAKT. j TIIK ONI V DIKKCT LINE TO THr. YKIXOV. 1 1 HiONU I'AIllI I.KAVI.. No. : UniOIl DSEOt, Tint! audi StS Ar.nivr.. Knnt nnd I for Tacoina, Keattlf OIuinla, (iriiy h Harbor ii 'd bouth liend pomtn, bp.ikani'. ItiMh laud, II. ('., rullinaii .Miisrow, Ia;" Iston, lluf 11 15 A. M. fatolllliiip iniiiiiiK 001111 try, Helena, MliiucapO' IIh, ht. I'iiiiI, Omaha, KallxaH ('liy, cH. LouIh, ChlraKo and nil point No. 1. ' ea-t null feouihi'imt. I'uiret tiouud Kxpief.s 11;30 1'. M. for Tacotiut mid Heattle and Intermediate points No. A) 1'. M. N 3. A, M. I'ulliiinn llrHt elitnH nnd touriit Hlo'cero I" MiiineapoII.i, ot. l'aul and lHouri river point vlthoiit I'haiiRe. VuHtlliulvd traliiK. Union depot cotintctloti iu all principal cltle. lhiKiruirv checked to (lentilinlloii of tieketi, for hainlhotiielf Ilium, ili.,.i-rliitiveinutlcr. tlckciH, hleeplnn ear reservatluiui, etc., eall on or I write I A. D. CHARLTON, ! AHNlntiint Onenil I'ui-scnirer Aeeut. i Morrl koii Ktreet, corner Third, rortlatid, Oicbhii. EXEJUTOK'S NOTICE. Fair, W H WiUun, V E Walthor, M. ilarkillie, W. Williame. Why Mir A ax llurreil Out. Mile. Jeanne Chauvin, who is a pro ftSfcor of law in n woinitn'h college in Paris, hub sent a speeiul invitation to lhe Portitji; of this country to visit the -xpo.sltion. Mll- Cl.auin 1 slight, pretty and wii vm.e. In her plea he fore a famous I'urisiun judfre for ad iniiihioii to the Imr slu- htiid: "I am c Ioetor of plithiMipliy. a doctor of laws suid a haehelor of literature." The judf-f replied: "I do not doubt your word In the least. Vuu are indeed an t'licyHopediu in miraatiire nnd we are atll ho afraid of yon that f nm hure i wil he impohhible to admit you to our j-niike." Saturday Evening Pout. n .VlUllliliiKe. Youiitf Urlde (ecHtiitically I can Tii-ver hepin to tell you nil the ex- jiii!)ite (Ifliifhts of married life. Now, every nlclit, after dinner, my hunband inu to rue. Old Maid My teakettle does the mne thlnp. N, Y. World. eeuior of tlie e-ttate of Aueust Ilachman. do ; ceu-ed. All perdons havin; clalrnii ug.itnat bala estate are hereby notified to present the same. I properly verified, to the undersigned Georire D. id, at The Dalles, Wiiscj county, OrcKon, or 1 at the ollice of his uUoruy, iletielee ,V W i'aon, I at The Dalles, Oregon, within sis mouth-! from the date of tnli notice. I Dated this 1 ith day 0 July, lso. UKOKOK D. UKED, Executor of the eitate of Aticiit lluchmau, j deceased jlj-'MI mi: CI.KANsIXG AXI HEALING Cl'KK I'OU CATARRH ia Ely's Cream Balm Easy and pleasant to tii". Contains no in jurioiM drntf. Ir f inilckiy aloried. Give Itelief at once It Op-'is and t IciriiC!! the ;,aal roi-asei AILite Iiiuainiiiatinn. Heals and Protect the .MenibMnc Hc jiorH the Sii-es of Taite and .Smell. LurKO Hzc, to cent at Vt"2la or by mat' ; Trial 8Ue, 10 cent by mail. 1.LV DUOTUEHS, M Wancu Strict, New York. f - A--A-f-crxTA-rAyA-T--rai-r-A' COLD 'n HEAD REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASI0R1A KAY. COMPANY Hleamern of the lleKUlator Line will run n per the fol- J 1 ou.ntf MJiKdule, tho Company roervli.K the rlRht to chanee 2 I H'hediile without notice. ,5 W SOUTH and EAST via I 1 Sniilfifirn M?, Rn I Shasta Route Trains leave Tho Dalle for I'ortlnml nail W Htiitioim nt I Si a, ut. nuil S p, in. Str. RoKUlator. CHlli,ieil Flak, Takr tiny cold holled hull, fill nn ttsirlhen dinh with layers of fish, bread crumbs, butter, hall and pepper; have hreud cruntbK on top; nearly fill the (liiih with milk, bake In a tjiiick men -half an hour.- Oootl Hounekeepinf;. itieCoioiiaPacKiDgCo., PACKERS OF PORKandBEEF I MAh'UFACTUKERB OK 1 I Pine Lard and Sausages i Curers of BRAND x)EIED BEEF. ETC. J-)K OEIHBNDOItrrB Pliysician aud Surgeoii, HpecUl attention glveu to surgery. Kootnt 21 and ii. Tel. S28 Vogt Block 1 "R aP iLLkLH Lr LW aH SB iniu if f AXLE shortens H , IUREASE - I l I helps the team. Saves wear and B , Lcxjensc. Sold everywhere. , p . H3I1TII, I how:;. P., I.v Dalles K ntT.i. x. E' Tuesday TlitiiMlay i Haturdny . K- Arr. Cortland E, ut i-ji r. m. up, I.v. I'ortl.ind m 7 a. M. Monday Wcdnesflity Friday Arr. Dalles ut 1'. M. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dallos City. hows I.v. Dalle ut 7 .1. a. .Monday . . Wnliiwduy Friday Arr. 1'ortlaiid nt I :'M v, x. CP. I.v . I'ortland at":W a. . Tuesdi .. Thnrd hutiirdi Arr. Dalleii ) at 5 l'. M. day ,j day f lnve i'ortlnnd " Alhaiiy . 8:Winm 7 .mi"" Arrive AhIiIiiiuI f.iu 11 m " hHeraiui.'iiUi f:U0 ) in " Han Krauciieo 7: 16 ) 111 FOR OOMFORT t. Travel by the Steamers of tho lteaulatnr I p roiia tue otBt aer I'ortlnnd Ollice, Ouk-Htrect Dock. i Arrive Ocdoii " Denver.... 1 " Kuima lilty I " Clileajjo ... 0:1.1 n in 11:00 11 111 !::: 11 in 7:1.1 11 111 T ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, teKUiator Uiie. The CoiniMiiy will endeavor to clvc itn t.nt- vice i-oislhle. l or further Information addrUi b 1 4ti W. C. ALLAWAY, Gen. ABt. Arrlvo Iah Angeles 1:V0 i m " Kl I'nuo liiftO i 111 " Kort W'ortli G:isi u m " City of Mexico uiftfiini " lloiiHtou .;ou a in " New Orlenuii Gi'Jntn " WimliliiKlou C; u 111 " NewVork i-j; i:t m IlKrtam 1 ;ium h 15 am li 1.1 11 m U:l0itin ; a in 11 jo 11 ni 7 ;li) n m i; ,i ! m ii,;itm 11 m l:m) in it i!)'W I, Uuw w o p " Ostcoputh. Itoouu Wand 11, Cbai.iiiaii Dlock, The Dalle, Oregon. Tuesdrtyi, aud Friday, 11. rn, to V.'. maylS-lrn , F. MCORE, JOMK OXVtM MOOKE & GAVIN, ATTORNKYH AT LAW iloorru 39 aud 10, over U, S. Land (Jfllce. CLiOUD CAP Ififi NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON. MagnificMt Scenery. Pure Air and Water. Perfect Rest A MANSION IN THE SKIES. .wvvUyLy,our.t,i.t;keU,roin lLe MOUNTAIN STAGE & I'ANY, Hood Wver, Oregou. " LIVEKY COM jiyi2 riillmun and TourUt earH on both, traliii. Clialrcum Haerameiilo to Oirden and l,AJ?' mid toiirint cum to Chicago, Ht iui, f' 0r Louiieotlng Ht Huu Krfuielsco with i-u'"1 le'!Milp lines for Honolulu, Jiimu, 1 III'1' I'll t J )! ucH, Central aud Gouth Amerleu. Hee ucent at The Dulles Mutton, or uddtet" C. H. MARKHAM, Gcueral fwteiif er Agent, I'orttnu'l. Or, T. BROWNHILL, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Notary Pa ullc. Collection! promptly ttenueJ to. Monev to loan. C, E, Buytud'u of Ice, The Dalles, Oregon, .iv