The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 23, 1900, Image 3

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    Told at a
The Coolest Shoes
for Summer.
I'horoforo glanco at this; it moans
Niiisr.u-tion and money-saving to
you. Any pair of our
; $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00
Straw Hat Prices Halved.
A niniwlfh'ent nrrny of newest ttyles. Tliey
1, 11 k nicer than over under t lie now ptloos.
Imc (if Mi'ti'fl Sum
mer I'ndtirwiMir ; near
jy iv l b z h ut
25c each.
hunts and Drnwurs.
A few of those odd
Suitfi left nt
$3.85, 4,35, 5.85,
which is less than half
tliu orisinnl price.
A Between-Season's
Offering of
Summer Underwear.
To clean up some odds and ends
of Ladies' Vests, we offer you some
astonishing bargains, The goods are
all new only;a few of a size.
Lot 1 .-Ladies' Hot-Weather
Lot 2. (iood 10c values .. ..
Lot I!. Silk and Lisle Thread
Garments Hi, 15, 17, 19c
Lot 4. Extra Egvptian Lisle
Thread, 20, 2$," 25 and :!0e
Lot n. Special values V5, 40,
-in and oOc earmonts
Odds and Ends in Wash Fabrics.
In this lot there are values
running up. to 85c; going at
When in tliu store, don't foiget to look at our
other HAIiUAlNS.
Kememher, we are still offering
you $1.00 for 75c in all purchases of
Tan Shoes.
Misses' Tan, button or lace;
sizes 11?. to 2
Child's Tan, button or lace;
sizes G to 1 1 ..
Small sizes Ladies' Kid,
button; 8, 3i, 4 ...
: $ 1 .00
All GoocIf. Marked
In Plain FiaureB.
fhe Dalles Daily Ghyonisla
Ti Ujilwne A'o. 1.
M. Miller conducted the fmierul services ; LESSONS FROM NATURE,
nt the house of Andtow MeCabo. ;
r 1, ... , , , , , , A Dulles I'nMor Turiih lll Summer V-
I. C. .Nielsen hml tliu misfortune to (,tlu ,,,, ,.,.,.,, M.-.iiitin.-lose
iiia family cow yesterday. 'Hid tor thu fiiiiiinnce i.r in rioch.
JULY 21!, 1000 j nuiinal had turned around in her Etnll
'"f" - ! with tho evident intention of going out
doors when she clipped nnd fell to the
ground and apparently broke her neck.
When discovered she was
At Andrew Keller's.
li )'it beer, rue dollar u iloxen at I'easo
& Maes' grocery department. !it ' 1Jul 11 waa !l ver?
m u i i. i. ,! a very close call.
ltev. Ulysses F. Hawk, pastor of the
First Methodist church of this city, took
for It is subject on Sunday morning
stone dead. , "Fishers of lien." Hie text was "Fol-
i She was a thoroughbred Shorthorn and j low me and 1 will make you fishers of
! Mr Nielsen would not have taken $100 'men;" Matt. iv:19. He said in part:
( for her. It is my purpose to try to take your
The six months old child of Deputy j lu'wls away from tin's warm room this
'sheiiir Sexton this morning accident- j morning to some cool mountain stream
f ally tasted some water from a plate in nnd ask you to study with me the science
,,1,1,.!, IN- ,,n,.r I,,,, I 1,,,,,,, a., t n ru t u,1 lO UOUt U S tl 1 1) tT. Ill III V teXt VJIlMSt III- I
Willi. tt. rumilt !t ,,.., K- lnct ii I v!te.- some plain llehermen to leave their akL' "ol11.
lllliM'latw.vl,,,,!.-.!..."!,,!;-,,,,!,.'"!!!,, IW fiMiimiwhirUm- u-nn "nm, t 1 v I (is ll i III! illdllSt t V itfld f Ol 10W ll i 111 Tl 111! llO I " tlt L'r f tmS
OJtvn'Kat the New York Oil Store. , called, and after hours of hard work "ill teach them to be fishers of men. wuikou a a t UOod judgment, to keep
' i i ..11 llltl lltinl .,(1 lllik! 1 ..... f .1...
I.... !.. : ii :,.i.. i l nerp are innnv neon e w no cannoi 10 M" ""' nut, 01 uiu
niiuv l-uihu in iiuin ii. uiui uic tiicir, - i--
sick child and it was i 'ow hrtei uecanso 01 tneir impenect,
1 lives. They havo no trouble pliybically. !
They have eiroug bodtesandsood mindF,
but .they are dead in treppusses and in
sins. Ulirisi never speaks to ueau peo-
pl saying '"follow me," but to the li v- j
iiiK. Ch list- cannot use "sick-a-bed" i
, ,111.. .1 .1. ..f.
cniiHiians. i ne cnurcn una uuen irmi ,
the spirit, and it must be. h',rmvs with
faith, if it lack
will break at tho first nt-ing. The line
must be thrown where the fhh are.
I Ho v often is .ho lino of prayer misdi
, reeled, and the iiook found to sink to
the bottom of the stream and is being
; covered by the sand. Did you ever
I think how bit: a fish you can c.itch with
a small hook? It is not so much the
si.a of tho hook as the quality. Tho
j strong small hook is the bust. You are
fisliini; in deep pods of sin; you need a
j "sinker." The s'nkur on the line of
prayer is lovf. Love will lead the lino
l,l,u.ii (,,, I... 1 .1... t i.
,.,', mil. tliU L llllli IHC ,UIV M 111
When fishintr in the mtiddv
world it is neeesc.irv that
fth' pnHiti in of cashier of the Umatilla
Hume reoliauant.
We leiiret tu learn that Attorney J
f H. Storev. Into of The D.UIen, now n
. WViHer, Idaho, is ill of diabetes and no
V expHiit,.( to iv,..
The Astoria iron works has purchased
from tho government 100 tons of tho
oM cuiiion balls that havo been stored
funears at Fort Stevens and Canby,
mil Ui milt Hi. m up.
Wor t caiiiti to town this morning that
3S) i fce of iriaiii belongim: to Davo
I'liltm, of Sherman county, were de
stroyed yecterday by fire." The fire
uriidmued from a spin k from a traction
eK ne. Three hundred acres were in.
mi ml.
S'liiliuj; Albert is not n fit-liter, still
li" s'viiihh the Club so often at thu
Coinniureial saloon in Canadian style
that even his victims appreciate it and
cliall iii-o ,iln Klli, for (l
''ti." Orders for Canadian Club Hvo
whukny by Tel. 51. .1. JO. Fait & Co.
it may hoof Interest to u number of
huilrCWives 111 Lhlt l.HHt iirwl nf llw i.ilu In
know that Louie Comini's noat was
token on u sumnier vacation to tho
i!)iintry yesterday, and will brouso dur
iK the remainder 0 ,m heated term on
fasu brush instead of callu lillies mid
I" the caso of Mays & Crowo vs. W.
W i tiutif , involvinu a juilKinent for
and .fill) attorney's fees, tho sale
of l-'O acres of laud in the IJood Kiver
vlly to Hiiiisfy thu judgment was
PC8t.ond Saturday by Slieriir Kolly, for
'" of bidders, till tomorrow morning
' 10 o'clock.
A party i lortlunderB who Hsceiitled
Motiut Hood last Thursday report that
''ro me inion ,l0 chaiiKe on tho south
l,,u moniitaln, all reports as to
"I'heavuls or convulslom of nature to
J, '-""trary, notwithataiidluu, the snow
"io heliiK reaohed Jjy the same trail as
w the last ten yeare.
A HOoirank M.rsh of Eight Mile,
W elevou inont!o, died H.turday of
J uinuier complaint and wai burled at
" Kht MllecomeUiryyMlerday after
w lii presence of a large number of
"trowing frlende and neighbors, Mrs.
A. Anderson, the contractor mid
aichitect, this afternoon tinned over to
II. Wakefield the mnv cottauo built for
Mr. Wakefield on tho lot immediately
east of the Methoditt church. The new
.building has all modern improvements
and is ;i model of neatness and con
venience, reflecting credit alike on owner
and contractor. It will Ikj occupied by
i the family of C. M. Crimes as soon as
mud and sand. The iso man said,
"Lean not unto thine o'fn underst.ind
ing." The bnile. is the bait bos. I
mean no irreverauce. Is the bible not
full of passaHs wish which wo may bait
the hook. "For God so loved the world
that he gave his only begotten son
that whosoever believeth in him should
to put them to work, but it is a mis-i 1101 perieli, but have everlasting life."
take; they disappoint in every instance. Iau lvu "ll,st 11 r the halt ; "heaich
They need medicino first ; the fever of j scriptures ; they are they which tes
iinliHi'reiieH must he removed first bv ' me."
Tho Kind Yoti Have Always Bought, and which has hov.v
hi An over JJO ytdirs, lias horno tho Kiiriiiitnro of
and has urminale under IiIh ner-
t&QQyT-, Nonnl suncrvlHion Hintio its iiii'ancy.
yt CtcStivt Allow no one to deceive you in this.
AH Counterfeits, Initiations and " Just-as-fjood" are hut
Experiments that trillo with and cmlanjrer tlie health oi
Infants jind Children Kxiieriencc sijrainsfc Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless .substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
suhstaiicc. Its age i its ruarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Foverishness. It cures Dlarrluea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Trtmble.s, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates thu Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy ami natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The KM You Me Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years,
indillerence must he removed first by
a irood dose of divine urace. Then they Ttic ''s''i"K tackln is now complete.
will bo able to follow ipiw
There are live thinus the (Isherman tries
tho c.irpets aic laid and the window
till IlllllS tlllUl,. , ..,.. i., , f..n,.. m, ..let . i., to conceal himself, the line, the bunk.
lltlilllTlUII Ullll lUiUHUIt VHIICi) Wit, '
mo iiauer i,ny nepuuiican Biy : ; J0 ei,y8 "and I will make you tiehers of "0ttt n,,l einkor; the bait is tho only
men." It was three yeaie ami a half i '"' llB t t'ut the hsh to see.
nfinr IVter hud been converted until he 'rl'a is " christians should learn.
at The Dalles have piactically made ar-j , lmI)n.o(i to follow Christ no-1 w m,liit '''" ourtdves behind the
inuffmenta to open a like institution j uep(ui,y . l)nm l0 waiJ n'llei' with tbe'ul0SSi 6elf ,11U!;t l,t) hidden in Cbiist.
here. They carry n stock estimated to j p)jri( ,lU it )(,1(j nQt uo g0 wit, j Did you ever bear theory "Where is my
invoice about !ilir0,()00, and they will in-J ..j. 'j j ,n (()e (lolv HI) wnen v0 ! lishliin tackle?" Then there will be
. i - .!... i.. (... ii,:, , ' " I.. i . . . .
believed?" If not you must havo him I bouiciuhr arouuu uie nouso irom mo
before you can do any acceptable tishinn.U'"1''1'1 tu "'a Ur. Brother, sister,
Wo need not wait until alter we are ! where do you keep the fishing tackle?
converted to see if (iod intends ueimr us I (" '" 'i'"' " " hen you wish to use it?
in his service. The words come to us i Keep the tackle where vou can easily
crease the quantity of oods for this city
up to about $200,000. They am mer
chants with unlimited capital and in
lluonce and havo fecred a success in
every town in which they locate."
W. F. McCluro died at his homo at 1 1,0 moment we. look upon him, "Come,
Victor Wednesday, July 18th, Mr. Mo ' follow me, and I will make you Ushers
Cluro was born in Jowa fifty-one ) eats j 0f men."
auo, and came to Oregon with his j j,ut us for a short time study thu
parents when only live veins of ae,
settling in Linn county. livelvu
years uo lie canio to this county, locat
ing on a farm at Victor. He was stilck
en with heart disease July Ith, while at
thu Warm Spring agency, and was
bt'lencoof fishing. Fust, the fisherman
will dress suitably for his occupation.
He will not wear u showy attiro that lio
may look attractive. No, it is his busi
ness to entirely keep himself out of
eight. Tho jeweled hand might bo the
brought home immediately, wheie ho i first thiny noticable and frighten the
lias hovered between life and death ever , Hell away, spoiling tho catch.' So
since. Ho loaves two c.iildron and sev
oral brothers and sisteis to mourn
peath. Dnfur Dispatch.
Hud it, and do not let tho bait get stale;
but keep it fresh.
When wo fish we must go where the
fish are. Vou aio a poor fisherman if
you do your (lulling around the church
pew. They are the "sick-a-bed" Chris
tians that llsh around the church pew.
Von must go out in the highway and by
way, to the business house, the work
shop, the ofllce; iheto is vihuro you will
llnd the sinner fish. Mountain stream
llshi'ig Is done with delight; climbing
For Infants and Children.
Thy Kind You Have Always Bought
bv- j Christ's fishermen must keep self out of ! i crawling over trees and tlnough
1,18 sight ; tin y must stand behind tho cross ! l" brush. What cares thu llshei-
of Christ while they are llshiug. The sucn (illllculliesY tlo is catch
necessity for Hiding self often renders n tug fish and the basket is being tilled.
elondv dav thu best time for flshinir: i ihis Is ilio condition of tho faithful lish
days when the Lord has hid himself be
hind same cloud of sorrow, when we
can say with tho poet :
Bears the
Signature of
UmIi In Vour Ctteim.
All county warrant registered prior
(o Aug. 1, 1890, will be paid at my
ofllce. Interest ceases after June :i0,
1900. J. F IlAMi'eiuiiE,
County Treaiurer.
Clarke & Falk'a flavoring extracts are
the beet. Aek your grocer for thenn
I Abide with ate! l'nht 1'iitla tliu even title:
Tho Inrkni')-sUvn'iit.! Lord with mo abide1
I When other helpers full ami Comforts lleo,
Help of the lu'lplosn, O, iibMu with niel,
1 need Thy prou'iieo eery imping hour;
What but Thy grace oim foil Iho U'nii'U'i'h
1 v lii), like UijM'lf, iny guldu and sttty tun bu?
TliroiiKli cloud (uid suimliine, frd, abide with
A good line is needed, long enough to
reach the fish; but not too long. The
line is an emblem of prayer. Must it be
too long? No; hut it must be woven by
erman. Hardships, he knowns them
not. Ho has "a right spirit within."
I hi is catching llsh for his master.
My brother, halt thu hook quickly; do
not spend the time holding the hook
and halt: the opportunities are getting
less every day. Throw tho line skill
fully. Do not get the lino caught in the
branches of the overhanging trees, It
is not skillful fishing to begin to talk
theology or the church; Christ must be
our theme; Curie t is our salvation. It
is our business to help men to see Him
in all his goodness and greatness, and
then they will serve him and crown
Him Lord of all,
Mr. J. W. Adkins has taken charge
of the Umatilla House dining room,
where ha will conduct a first-class res
taurant and grill room. After today the
meals will be eerveil a la carte. The
restaurant wUI be open from 0 a. tn. to
8 p. m. Mr. Adkins intends to have si
testaurant second to none on the coast
All the delicacies of the market will be
found on tiie table, served by the best
caterers. .Mr. Adkins is a thoroughly
competent restaurant man, having spen'
his entire life in tho business and been
connected at vaiious times with the
best restaurants on tho Pacific: coast
The new departure will undoubtedly
prove popular, and in any event Mr
Adkins. w ill spare no pains to make the
Umatilla House restaurant second to
none anywhere. jU-'.'t
To C'llro a Coin ill dun !:y,
Take Laxative ISronio Quinine Tab
lets. All drui:u'iats refund the money.
See our west window for bargains in
ladies low shoes. The Xew York Oah
Give the top
of your head the same chance to-breathe
as you do your lungs.
The only store it
this city where the
Genuine Imported
Ware is sold
A little higher in
price, but outlasts
a dozen pieces of so
called cheap euain
eled ware.
Other wares look
ino litis tho name
Stransky Steel
Waro on each piece.
Do not be deceived
First prize at It'
International Exhi
bitiona, Highest
award at World
Columbian Exlubi
tion. Chicago Pre
ferred by tho best
certified to by tiie
most famous chem
ista for purity and
durability it is
cheapest because
The first thini; a physician docs in
caso of sickness is to look about for any
place of contamination, nnd it is attend
ed to with a firm hand to prevent con
tagion spreading.
Hut tho top of your head, no one
thinks of that. It's at blood heat, 1)8,
and generates enough foul air in a hat
worn constantly for an hour to kill ten
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled waro is special
ly imported for and
hold in this city ex
clusively by us.
It does not rust
nor absorb fjrease,
does not discoloi
nor catch inside; is
in fruits or
will boil,
stow, roast
and bake
w i t li o u t
Unvor of
ti o o U o d
food nnd
will last
for years.
Wo can
tion tlu
Keep the air inside Hie hat from eel
tin foul by wearing Eld rod 'a Anti
septic Hat Pad, ami nature will do
Iho rest, The heat of thu head votalles
the antiseptics and disinfectants in the
pud, making the impure air pure.
Price, 50 cents eaoh.
For sale exclusively by
Pease & Mays
j 1 Nnsul Calart'li quickly j hid mi timt
nient bv KIv'h Cioaiii Halm, w Inch i nan o.
ably aromatic. 11 is received tlnoiinli tho
nobtrila, cleanses and heals Iho wliolo uur
faco over which it dill'iises itbolf. Druggist
soil tho COo. hize; Trial hize by mail, In
emits. Tebt it and you are buro to continue
tho treatment.
To accommodate those who are partial
to tho use of atomi.ors in applying liquids
into tho nasal passages for caturrhtil trou.
Ida, tho proprietors prepare ('renin Halm in
liquid form, which will iiu known as lily's
Liquid Cream Halm, l'rleo ineliidhig tho
prayiuR tube is 75 cents. Druggists or by
mail, 'i'ho liquid form embodies the med
icinal properties of tho solid prepaiation. j