CANCER IS MOT INCURABLE Time was wiicn Cancer wsw considered as incurable as leprosy. Phvsirinns aihI friends could rive little relief or encouracenicnt to one afflicted with this terrible disease. Even now doctors know of no remedy for this fearful malady ; while admilttug it to b n blood disease, they still insist that there is no hope outside of a surgical operation, and advise you to have the Cancer cut out but at the same time cannot assure you that it will not return. You may cut or draw out the sore, but another will come ii its place, for the disease is in the "blood is deep-seated and destructive, and beyond the reach of the surgeon's knife oi caustic, flesh-destroying plasters. The blood must be purified and strengthened, the system relieved of ull poisonous, effet matter before the Cancer sore will heal. S. S. S. is the only medicine that can overcome this powerful and contaminating poison and force it out of the blood. It builds up and invigorates the old, and supplies new, rich, life-giving blood. S. S. S. is a purely vegetable remedy ; no mineral can be found in it ; the roots and herbs from which it is made contain powerful purifying properties that act directly upon , the blood svstem and make n safe and permanent cure of Cancer. It has cured thousands, why not you ? LUUUCr IS IIUl 111 Wit VI- lllllgillCU , Hll lUlllll UUt UC lice 11UUI Ulll lit 111 UUt U4UUU 1111 UV-VIIIH. JUItUVkU llltlk 11 DCtCIC ' -, it.i" e f ... - li aim suiuuuni lunn ui me disease ma develop from a sore or ulcer on your tongue or other part of your body ; a slight bruist or hurt, a little 'nimDle on the evelid. lir or nose, a small lump on the jaw or breast, a harmless looking wart or mole, and other causes so insignificant as to attract little or no attention. If you have an obstinate sore, don't rely upon salves or ointments to cure it begin with S. S. S. at once; it will cleanse your blood and prevent the formation ot cancerous cells. Mrs. R Shirer, Ia Plata, Mo., writw : " A small plmnle came on my jaw about one inch Iwlow the ear on the left fide of my face. At first It gave me no trouble, and I did not think it was anything serious until the Jaw began to swell and became much inflamed. At the same time the sore liegan to spread and eat into the fresh, and Rave me intense pain. I tried everything I could hear of, but nothing did me any good. I then began the use of S. S. S., and after taking several bottles the Cancer healed, and there Is now no sign of the disease. Thus was two years ago, and I am still enjoying perfect health.'1 Send for our special lxxk on Cancer ; it contains much information that will interest ou ; it is free. Write ourphvsiciaus about vour case, and for anv advice or information wanted : thev have made a life stttdv of Cancer and all blood diseases. We make no charge what ever for this. Address, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA. GA, impure Blood Invites Disease, sss The Dalles Daily Chronicle. rBttiai; cumit. ami ntu.vts. Good music anil first-class perf irtua'tee under tlio pi.vilion free to ull. Refresh menu can be proeucod on the crounils ' if desired. frilv&snt ) lieni.'tnuttr That Cha. .Stublitig 13 still (loin:; a here reta'' ''iiaiiieia ut new place. He ! sella in quantities lo Eiiit all custuinerj, ironi one bottle to n barrel, raimly ntilers delivered promptlv. F. S. Gunning, EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. J. A Croen, ex-tmitnuster city, is lien- viMting friends. Mrs. Hubert Mars, .!r., arrived on the nooti train from Antelope. Mrs. 0. L. tiiilinrt left on the noon train for her home at Hood Kiver. Mr. .1. M. Manten left 0:1 this morn iiia'" for an outing at Cascade Leek-. Colonel Nye and wife, nf Prineville, were i-sen:ers on this morning's boat for I'ortl inii. . All peri n-linvinc claims against the c.tate Mrs. Olivia Mnran was a passenger olthe.wid Kvall e Kvans are hereby requited rn this tnortiirit:,e boat for an oiuini; at ' to present the Mime to blm. properly vcilned, as r;,.T,I,. I nfb-j " 1 by law required, nt Mosier, Orcsun, within six OnsiaciL LOLt.3. months from the date hereof. a 1..1. I 'his IOtU AV OUtlUC l'XO. Antelope' i.kaNUKI: kvaxs. Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. 1 Xotlce is hereby given that the undersigned ha ien duly nppoi terl by the county court, nf the state of Oregon, -executor of the itt will Max Liieild-mnn of (the Herald, it- in the cny the guest of the , Umatilla Houee. Sum Waters and family, of Golden dale, were p.i-sena-rs on this morning'e boat for Portland. I Charles Llenanl, n prosperous Crtok! county sheen man, is in the city looking ' after his wco! clip. C. L Schmidt and family were pas-sciiC-r-' on this iimriiing'ti boat for an outing at Hood River. Mrs. Frank Taylor, of Three Mile, ac companied lier relative, lira. J 1,. mv Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. nor Second & Lansbliii. THoue 157 Executor nf the last will mid testament of Kvallne Evau, deceased. jutilO-II : NOTICE KOR PUBLICATION. j Liyu Omen at Tnz Dalle.. OitKnox,) j luly a, liw. Notice 1? hereby given that the following' ' nannd settler has tiled notice of his intention to j mane limit proof in support of tils clim, un.l that said proof will be made before the Kcgister ! and lteceivcr at The Dalles, Oregon, on Tuev day, UiKUst'Jl, P.X, VU' I lloiace L. 1'ntti rm, nf Tli llullfs, l)r , II E. No. 31-1 for the 8WU BWU, nee. CU, and NK. NWU. Ecc. 31. TP. y . R. 1' K . VV. Jl. He names tne following witnesies to prove hi i conuuuom lesmence upon unu cultivation ot Chicken Lice Ciprei. USE Carbolineum : Avenarius. The moit cfileient Wood l'ruorving I'.ifnt m1ou Itadicil Iifiuedy agulust Chicken I.h'". Its ppli iitlon to in ilde HiilUof poultry huuse" will jwr iniinently cxtrtniliinte ull Ilcc. Ke-mlts- healthy chickens, ji enty of regs. w ilto for circulars ami prices. Mention this paper. f r r in f t i' t ? I" ; ? f I S f i; ! I : i I ! 5 f ? . t , i :St ' : 1 KT?,J J 1 1 i rrm . ,1 ttt ti.mtiMi i 3B. The Dolluu, Or. The Chronicle, dob Printers i 't SfJ ! I 'If HE a: i as 4S I DM .-ia m limn1" .iiumtnirn :minf Muti'Mnii.iiiir-iiimHii.ninrtiinHii'iM ,-m 'uiU.'I CTd I tviiTTfiiYrrttxTrtyTrttirftltTtriiritWlTrtiiiiitTfiiflifTftiifxiiiff nit nrmr""J Inr. nri lliia morriitit.'A h.,!,r n ftir n th : $iid laud, viz: l,1(.i.a " K. v. I'-tterton, P.J Kobertf, A. T. Uobcrts 1ULh-" L. E. Huberts, all of -Mosier, Oreion. Chris Dethman, a prominent fruit JAY I' I.UCAS, man of tlio Hood Kiver valley, was m; town last night, the truest of tne Uh.ii- j tilla Huuse. JMl-t Itesister. DISSOLUTION NOTIC?:. T. A. Hiulon returned here this morning from a trip through E.tstern Oreiton in 'lie interest of the American I Fire Iiuuratiee Company. Miss Lettie Powell, of Prineville, ar rived here on the noon I rail on iier way to visit friends in Portland. Mr. and .Mrs. A. L. Mcintosh, who have been unesis of the Umatilla Hiiue for a few day, left at noon today for their home at Paulina, Crook county. Mrs. C i Notice is hereby given that the partnership I heretofore exliling retv.ttn E. 1!. Ilufiir and ' Frank Menifee, nt The ImIIcs, Oregon, nniler therlrin name and style of Dnfur A Menefee. I" I this da dlsyohtd by consent, E. II. Dufur retiring fr.m initi Una. All unlitilshul cae in which Mild firm is Interested as nt- i tornevs, will bo attciidtd to and complettd bv i both partners the same aj though no dissolution had occurred. i Frank Mcncfee will retain tlio books and ac- ' , comity nt the linn, and will pav nil debt.i and . claims againsi sulci Hrm.and nil partio- Indebted ! to tht firm of Dufur a Menefeenro rtiiuesttd to i iciiiu iuu .-ame wun mm iiuii eariy unie. iaiei at mo Danes, Oregon, tins Jos.T. Peters & Co., Till: I1AI.I.KH. IIItKOMN. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE 1st (IaV tit L. Richmond and children, of i iff!'"- ,?v'A.iL.7 Xho DaIIh-, ure s.DenduiK the vacation nt Charlie's ranch in Ferrv Canvoti.I Mrs. Richmond visited .Mrs. T. G.John eon -Monday. Condon Globe. Ntnto I'alr. The state board of agriculture is mak- inp a reat efl'irt this year to make the atato fair n representative agricultural and life stock show. The premium list is out and is being thoroughly distribut ed throughout the otate, and personal efforts are beint' made to attract the at tract the attention of farmers and stock men to the very liberal premiums offered. Several emintiee in the state are pre paring a county exhibit fur the fair, for thoy really it will he a jiood opportunity to advertise their county in a most prac tical way. Much exhibit will be a lec ture rouin, and nn (ibj-ct lesson for the liorne-teeker, where he can (."it informa tion along intelligent line-, and will ho worth many dmla-e in advertising the county's resources. The live stock 'show will be without fiuestioii the best over held on the coast. Breeders all over the country are pre- ; paring to exhibit nt the fair tins year, j There is an opportunity hero in Oregon for the farmers who have been runniin.' in debt raising wheat to turn th-irnt-! tention to the profitable production ofj heel, mutton and pork, or ongnut- in dairying, which lias, already tnk-n its place as a leading paying indnnry in this sta'n. Thero ib a dennind for the beHt sptcinif iH of all breeilc, which w ill continue lo yrow for years to come, and there is nothtnir that will encourage this industry so much as stock ehowa at statu and county fairs. Kpciid Holiday lit IIiiIiiih vlllf. Put up u lunch and unt aboard either of tlio 0. H. & N. trains leaving Tlio Dallea nt 4 :50 a. ni, or 12:35 noon, and apend tlio day in the refreshing ehnde of tlio trees nt lioiineville. Fare ie only 50 conta for the round trip. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned I hnve been duh uppoliited by the honorable county court, of the state of Oregon, f.r Wasco couiuy, executors of the ealuti of Horatio Cor- r.ii. uvtvjriu, .vii iieituiis iiani); eiltinis asf.iinst said citate are hereby notified to present the same, properly veritied, to the undersigned l harles h. Cor.-on, nt Wasco, aherman couut ureifo , or at ine oinco oi our aitorucvs, .Menc fee .'c Wilson, nt The Dalles. Ures in, within ilx niouths from the date of this notice. Dated July 11, 100. CHAW E E. CORSON', WlI.I.IAJl K. COitSO.S. Execulois of the citato of Horatio Cornon, de eeattd. jiyji a KXKJUTOU'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned hu been duly nppoiutid by tho honorable court of the ttate of Oregon, for Wasco county, ex ecutor of Ihe estate of Auvtm llachman, do-cea-ed. All irnuis having claims Hculnst mlo estate ore hereby notified to present the tame, proKriy turlflul, to the iiiidurMuiit-d (ieorgu D. heed, at I ho Dalles, Wasc j county, Oregon, or at tboomcoof hh iiitorn-). llenefeo v WI on, at The Dalles, Oregon, within six n.onths from the date of tnU notice. Dated tlthdayof July, ltl. (iKOHUh I). ItKED, E-xecutor of the citate of August Uaehmari, rtecortstd. l)Ml race Marks C0PVRIGHT3 &C. Anyone sending nskelrh and te?crlntlon ma nulclilr rjeciaui our opiiilon frco whether a invention In prolmbly p ilnitahlo. Comnmnlrf llomslrlctlyronihletitlal. Hand book on l'atcntt lent free. OMojt itL-Piicy for ocunng patents. l'atei.ta taken tliroiiali Jlurin li Co. receive ifxclal notice, without charge, latno Scientific Jfttttricam A lianrtfomcly lllinlr.ilfd weekly. J-nrce3t rlr riil.ii Iim of r.ny fricntiilf! loiirrul. Terms, 5.1 a reir: four montlis, tL Ecildbyull noiTKlealer''. MUNNCo.3C,a New York UrcDch Oflleo. (25 V Si , Wahiuaton. V. V Tin: CI.KAN.SINO AND JIKAI.INO CUltt: J'Olt CATARRH Before you place any orders for a tombstone or for curbinc, foiicing or other cuuutterv work, call on Louis Comini. I will not only give you all the information you need but I will ipinte yon prices you cannot beat nnytvhere. Lot no one bluff you. It will take only a few minutes to call mid eeu me. If you havo a neighbor who ever did business with me consult him as to the price and quality of my work I nllJn Pnniri! mid abide by the result. ; LUUIb UUlTl llll CLEANLINESS. :s being advocated by all parties reardleis of race, color or pre vious condition of servitude. H-member wu make our custo mers glad when thoy buy or Pure Prepared Paints. Tlioro is a finish and u'lois to its work thai is admired by all. Paints, Oils, Glass, Picture and Room Moldings He sure and inspect our stock of Wall Paper .. DcqIkii; for l'JUO on Display. . . H. GLENN & CO. Washington Street, between Second and Third. Ely's Cream Balm t IK 0.RM DKI'.UIT run Kant Mall III p. HI, TIMK SCIIKPUI.K, FlIOH llAM.KH. Atlantic Express 1 .::) a. in, Via Hunt, Ingtoii. iiMikiiuc Mull nml Expieii" U.'i'i p. III. 8 p. in. Halt Luke, Denver, I't wottli. Oiiialin, Kau nas City, Kt. Iuls, Chlctigo Mild East. Altnivt r0K Kutt l:-T i a Halt l.ks, Denver. I'tJ Worth, Oiniiliu, Kim.' mis City, Ht. biitis,, Chicago milt East, I -Sa.m. Wnlhi W'nlla, HpokAlic,i Binkum Mliini'..pollH. Kt. I'iiiiI 'j,? 10 iMi In t Ii, .Mlluuukiv, ,,j Chicago mid Kant, via V.xmm, i..,l.,iiin,,U,l II,,,,, i., '"law ton, ulrti nil point ml tt iiHiiiugtou mm eru Oregoii, 3:3) . a, FnoM roitTi.ANii. Ocean Htenmihlpt. Kor Bun FimiclM.'i Kvery I'lve llnvo. ' !. ro. S p. in. ' ' I ii m K..hittulnyColumbla Uv. Hteainers. Ex.hundM I To Am'oiua mid Way ' Raturday Uiiidlugs. 10 p. III. Ii I!. 111. Kr.Sumliv ! WlLLAUETTK IltVlilt. ItSOp.m, .Ort-gon (Mty. NewU-rg, Kx.SutiJir i Haleni & Way IjuhI's. ' T H. ill, WtLLAMfTTTIC AND VAM- iltflptn : Tues.'l nur. iiijli. Ittv;;it3. .Mon.,Wui ami tnt. Oregon City, Dayton, anil KM. I and Way-IjiiiilliiKh. I.v lllparia dally .1 .'CiM. Ill, K.vaki: IttVKIt. Ulparla to lwlstoii. Ixavh i.kwikto.'i Ihlllr OiCOu.m. Grandall & Burget DEALERS IS Jjoj fill kinds of TjNDEKTAKERs Burial Shoes Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. Tho Dalles, Or. CJf" l'nrlles ilralrmg to gu to llvpinicr or points mi Coliiiuhiii .Soutlivrn via lllggi, tiuM take .No. J, leaving 'I ho liallixi at I'i 10 p. a. making direct coiiiieciloiis at lliippncr Juiictlon mid Mlggs Iti'tiiiultig iiiaklngillrwitcoiimctloii at Hepinier Jiiiu'tlon mid lligga ltli .No. l.u riving at Tliu Dalles at l'J::) p. m. for lull particulars call on O. It. A; N. L'o.'i agent The Diillua. or uddrein W. II. IIUKMH.'KT, (rn 1'n.t. Aut.. rortlmiil, Or, Northern f ii Yellowstone Park Line, THK HIXIN'U CAlt ItOl'TK PltOJI 1'OKTUNH TO thi: KAHT. Tin: O.VI.V DUIKCT i.ini: TO Till vi:i,i.ow K10NK I'AIIK i.kvvi;. Union Depot, rifihand I Sis No. "J No. 11 10 .No. I. lltU) 1'. JI Fait mall lor TiiRoniii, Ki-attle. Olyiiipla, tirny t. iiauiiir if, ii Koiitii iieim potuln, hpiikaue, lto. laud, Ii. ;., I'ulhiimi, JII.M'OW, lJl ihioii, mil . II. (alolliiinp mining cnuii iry, iiulcnii, Jltiiuvapo lls, Ht. I'aul, llimilia, Kiiiimih City, Ht. 1-oiiU. Chicago mid all hiIiiIn i'ii-t and noiilhiaHt. ruirul hound l-.xpress lor Tiiconia and Heattlo 7;0)A. M. mid liitermcdlatu pnititr 0 o l'.il, No. 3. Laiy mid pleasant to in '. Contains no In jurious urn". D Is quickly nbsorlntl. (live Itellcf nloiict. It (li..nn fati.l 'l..n,it..u ' COLD 'N HEAD Hcali and I'rotc'H tlio .Msuihranc. Ittorw tho Hnos of Tantu and bindl. I.irgo fiiz, M ct-nls nt Druggist or hy mall; Trsl Hie, lOcenti hy mall. KLV DilPTHIiits, M Warrcu fetrtet, i, ew Vork. ia PSGRiilD GO PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKACTUUKlta Oi-' Fine Lard and Sansages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON KIKP BEKF. KTO. Y)n' kihi:ni)(uki'ki; Pliyfliciaii and Surgeon, Hpcclal attention given to suwry. Uooms 21 iind 2-.', Tel, ifii Vogt Ulock WMF the lLfif2.fe5?fe m, ueljw the team, haves weir ntul ipa e.i.'iiic. om overvwiiere. i .mm Da e? at? a. M. 2' I DVMlay n 'ii, ,,,.,! ueljw the team. Saves weir ntul expense, -.old ovcrywlwrc. CTAIIDAHO OIL CO. T)lt. V. T. H.UITI1, Str. Rcculator. I.v Thiiitdav . haturday , Arr. I'urtliiiu! at i. h. UP. . I' at 7 a m. Mouilaj Wcihiekoy . Irlday Arr. D.illei nt 5 1. y. r--A ;A fA-t A "A J-A-ATA-J ATATAJVmiW ATA 1'ATAJl rA-T REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASIOKIA NAV. COMPANY Htcamcrx oi tho lU-giilator l.itic- will hid m, per the fol- p ichtdulc, the Cornimiiy rescrvliig the right to chimpo'd Khululo without notice. ,fl i Str. Dnlln nitw. J UP. 3 I'ortlniiil I'tllliiiiiu HrHtcliiMs and loiirUt HleeperH lo Minneapolis, Ht. I'aul mid Mli.iimri river points without I'liange. i.tttlniK-l traliiH. I'uloii iluiiot couiicvtloiui hi all principal oltiuv. lliiggageohwked In ileittnallou of llekett. i-or iiiiiiitxiinely lllUHtiakilile.ierlplivt'iiuith'r, tie ets, dU'epliig ear runcrvatliiu.i, etc., unit on or wrilu A. D. CHARLTON, Aotlxtiuit (iuiiurnl I'tiKsengvr Agent, ' Morrl ton Htrvet, corner Third, rortlmiil, Oregon. EAST via SOUTH and h'niilfifirn Panifin fin wwT"x -vim Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. ljflWS' I I.V. DallVH at 7 A. i. Monday Wdiioilay . l'rlday Arr. rortlmiil at I :M v, a, at 7.00 ,. m. I lioilay "1 .. 'I hlirtilay ' .Batiiidav Arr. HallcH nt FOR OOMFORT ECONOMY AND PT.f.Attrw -'.-. K ; C, Travel hy the Htemncrn jil the licgulntor l.luc. Tho Compnuy will endeavor to nlvo iu i 'ii ! C. t u-ivlco iKMlblc. Kor Mrlher in .iri. at ,,n u uw L "h" "" 5 W. C. ALUAWAY, Con. A (ft. M Portland oillce, Oak-Htrcet Dock. Y Shasta Route Train leave Tho Dnll-a for l'orthuid mid way MiitloiiH at lii'iii. in, mid 1! p. in. I.iavc I'ortlaiul " Albany Arrive Aililiind . . .. " Kiiuraiiu ntn , " San iriiuvlnco ., ft::) a in . . l'J:."i) a in ..U:?:i a in . . p in ,. 7:l'nii Arrive Ogildii Usl'm in ' D;uer uiOOn in ' KaiikusiUty 7:iW u m " Clilcugii 7:l,'ui m Atrlve Un Angelei 1 :?n p in " Kt l'ao (i:ui) p in i-nrt Worlh ();w u m ;liy ui Jlesluo o:M ii in " lliiiutnn l;0(i it in New OrleaiiH Cj'jfui in ' JWmhlngtoii o. ii n in " ftuwYork lail'lpm 7:01 pin 10 oo p w 11 TO u Hi I ,:u a ni ti l.i a in 11 l)fl m j. en a m 7 -' i..,onm 7.IJ0H m (i:liclpl'l i,,J) a in Ir.ini in I cm a in O.jipia II I Jaiii 1 UI'W Osteopath. Honing 10 anil 11, Chiiiaiinn lllock, The, Orccoii, Tuewlaj. mid Krlda)n, B n, in. to li. iiinylfWm r. MCOHR. iMOOJtK ATT0IINUY8 AT LAW Jiooms 39 unit 10, over V. S, J.tnil Oillce. JOHN OA VIM & GAVIN. CLOUD GAP HMJM NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON. Magnificent Scenery. Pure Air and Water. Perfect Rest A MANSION IN THE SKIES. Hiy vout -tlckalB from the MOUNTAIN BTAGK A l'ANV , Hood Hlver, Oregon. L1VEUY COM-jlyl'J l'lllliiiiin mill Tourist ciiih on hoth train. I ( hiilr emu Huormiioiito to Ogdcu mid 1.1 l'M mid tourist rum in t'lilengo, Ht DuiiW, NuivOr Ivmmmid Wiislilngton, ! Coiincolliig nt Hau KraiKdicn with Mivi-mt m,m!",l,'' iUlu" ,,,r Hoimliilii, Japan, l hli'". riilllppiiKKi, central mui Himth Auicrlen. bee fluent at Hie Dallca Htutlon, ur imIiIkm C H. MARKHAM, (Iciicmt I'skscugcr Agont, lMrtliitiili Or T. BROWN HILL, JU8TI0K OPTHK PKAOR. Notnry I'HOllo. ColleetioriB promptly uttomle" til. MntlHV In limn n l,' Hm.iiril'H ol- I fico, Tho UuIIob, OfUBOii. ' ' 1 . I iiiwi pi i ii ! ii i mtm i ii i n i iii i i w ! i tit-.. .1., riMLafj. I M BlMBJi i 11 II I MJIH1 II Him Mifli lll