The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 21, 1900, Image 3

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    Regular Prices Cut
Deeply and Remorselessly.
Onlv one thought is behind Una TRADE.
COMPELLING SALR,. nnd that Is, to make
linen ilnit will ho sweep everything before them
likn mi Alpine avalanche; ro wo print In big let
tern lli" I'liiiill piieus, bo every eye will bo en
chained by tlioni :
$3.85, $5.85, $6.85,
$9.85, $10.85, $12.85
Your choice of $0.50, $7.50,
$10, $12.50, $15 and $20
Ye, ittpeiit it j let tho prices burn in your
mo i ory, fur the reuuliir prices on the snilH rung
iil from $11 fiO In $20; but the big business t hla
Ht'ii'ii mi cut into the regular lines that we have
gathered totrttt litir nil the broken lots, mid said
with u' a thought of present profile or anything
elsi1 hut a quick riddance):
$3.85, $5.85, $6.85,
$9.85, $10.85, $12.85
These are all sizes of stylish Summer .Suits of
worsteds, easslmeies, oxfords, tweeds, e.hevlotp,
serges und striped flannel. Every suit is sewed
with pure dye silk, and all have pure mohair serge
anil Farmer's satin lining.
Come today; come instantly, and get at a
ridiculous price a .Slimmer Suit that'll give you a
s ai-uii of splendid service for remember :
"What wo say wo do, we DO do.''
Special for
Saturday Only
1000 yds,
per yd QC per yd
The Scarboro Cords area close re
production of one of the latest foreign
Wash Fabrics, being almost the ex
act equivalent in quality and style,
yet offered at a price in comparison
that is surprisingly low.
Real value, 8c.
Saturday only, 3c.
This is a bid
for your
A. simple business proposition of
offering you
$1.00 for 75e
"Yo want to clean out all TAN
SHOES this season. We have cut to make them go.
All $5.00 values go at $3 75
All $4.00 values go at 3 00
All $3.00 values go at 2 00
All $2.50 values -go at 2 00
All $2 00 values go at 1 50
All $1.50 values go at 1 00
All $1.00 values go at 75
See our show window for best evi
dence of genuine bargains.
This sale includes all Tan Shoes
except Queen Quality Shoes.
All Goods Markoit
In Plain FlpuroB.
The Dalles Daily Gtoniele.
Telephone No. 1.
SATPKDAY - JULY 21, 11)00
At Andrew Keller's.
A marriage lieoiiHe wb iBBiied yester
day to Alt. Kolsuy nnd Alice Bull.
Ladies' tun oxfords sizes It to 5 only
DO cunts t tlui New York Cuah Store.
Tim Imainess man who is too close
Hated to udvortisu 1h generally too close
fisted to give bargains.
Several cows have died recently at
Hood River from n diaeiiBe that the citi
sena do not know how to treat. .
Trunk Mi-nitfeo was yesterday up
pointed administrator of the eBtntc of
tlie late .luines Grey, of Wupinitia.
Hiftwetm now and January lnt the O.
R & N. Co., will expend I00,000 im
proving tl,u road hed between The
iMlli-diiuil Cuecudu Locks.
"Hi IMIIuh "JeJIersouian" democrats
liuve decided to poHtpone thoir ratiflca
lion meeting till tho "Jelloreotiians"
return from tlioBummor resorts.
Wo learn that a lire occurred ut a place
nenr Wasco, t li Ih afternoon, that burnsd
coiubiiied harvester that belonged
to .Mr. .MuPherson and destroyed 'J5 to
30 acres of standing Krain.
Tim UniBB Valley Journal says that
Krnest Sherur recently iiad 1700 head of
8lif poisoned near Flah lake, forty
"ilea east of Spokane which he was
taking tu the eaateru uiarket.
"SiickUiaB Jerry Simpson after a long
trkK) to stave otr prosperity for him
elf and l.ia country, has had to buc
ciinib. Tlie assessor in Liarber county,
Kansas, lain Bcheduled him at fJO.OUO,'
ea'u "i Tiicoma News.
John Dye and "Bob" Uofcan were
"limped in a sailboat ou the Columbia
"tjver, .opposite Underwood's Lauding,
' '"Kilt of tho Kith. I)yo was rescued,
jiu Ilogun .,, t.rruii ttW(kyi Rml i8
M'ougtit to have been drowned.
too-1'" ''x,,ort tnu, of 1800-1000 wbb
1227,000,000 larger than for tlie two
years previous. Bryan thinks we should
'"ive free sliver, anarchy, free trado and
n lot of Ot,or conglotnuratloiiB in order
w reduce these Ilgureii.-Wulltt Walla
A lawn social will be given by tho
yni! ladles of the Eoworth League
't Wednesday evening at tho Smith
C""ch ""Metice, on the corner of
"rili and Union atroets. Refresh
"V'it8, consisting of ice cream and cake,
will be served.
Under the operation of the Wilson
ee trade tariff for revenue only, there
whh a deficit of $108,000,000 in thirty
five mouths. Under tlie Dingley tarifl'
for protection there was a surplus of
$10,000,000, in thirty-two montliB.
I Eugene Citizen (Ind.)
A party of woolbnyers and otherB,
wiio are wont to bathe of evenings in
I tlie Columbia at a point near the old
(.). 11. & N. Co.'h incline, yesterday killed
a ruttle snake at that poiut that meas
ured three feet and had eleven rattles.
Tliia iB a rare occurrence for this neigh
borhood. 11. C. Oordion brought into town this
morning pumples of GraveuBteiu apples
' one of which measured iu,1.. incheB in
j circumference. They were grown on
j the hill west of Odd Fellows' cemetery,
I without a drop of irrigation and are
j mere sampleB of what is going ou there
! all the time.
I If you know o( any dead-sure remedy
Unit will bring back to life about thirty
bountiful house plants, make an offer of
I it to Ed Kurtz of tlie Pacific Express
Company. Ho may not buy it, or even
accept it aa a gift, but lie needs it, all
the same. Following the advice of a
Son of Belial yesterday Ed "fumiguted"
hie plants, with the result that they are
nil dead.
Crook county possesses some remark
ably natural feutureH of landscape,
, among which is un immeuse column of
rock ueur the head of Mill creek known
re Steina' Pillar. It etands on a ateep
hillside, ia about 1-0 feet in diameter
und '.150 high, towering to this height
with perpendicular wails, it being fully
as large at the top aa at the base. Us
summit will never bo desecrated by the
foot of man, unless it ehould fall down.
Major Moorhouee, of Pendleton,
furnishes tlie information that the Key.
Perce and Umatilla Indian name for the
peak of Mount Hood Is'SMatsum hi-hl,"
which, in the Indian dialect, means the
"breast of tho mother." In the lan
guage of these tribes, which is based on
symbols, the earth is made tho mother
because all living things receive their
nourishment from the earth, hence the
reason for their naming the snow white
peak of Mount Hood, tlie breast, or one
of the breasts, of the mother.
There is an odd streak in the Miller
family. Joaquin Miller baa a brother
in Eastern Oregon known aa "Cayuee,"
tall and gaunt, who wears hla light col
ored hair on hie ehoulders'tied near the
center like a school girl's. He wears
overalls, jumper and broad brimmed
hat, his overalla stuffed in heavy boots,
fastened with a belt at the top, a foot
wide. He iB a Uamstcr and etockman,
110 years old, with u wife and children
and' has never had his picture taken
and never will. Ho ib about to spring
upon the public something that will
make him more famous than his brother.
Mr. J. V. Adklna has taken charge
of the Umatilla Huubo dining room,
where he will conduct u first-class res
taurant and grill room. After today the
meals will be served a la carte. The
restaurant will beopon from 0 a. m. to
8 p. m. Mr. Adklns Intends to have a
re'iUurant second to none on tho coast.
All the delicacies of tho market will be
found on the table, served by the best
caterers. Mr. Adkins is a thoroughly
competent restaurant man, having spent
his entire life in the business and been
connected at various times with the
best restaurants on tlie Pacific coast.
Tlie new departure will undoubtedly
prove popular, and in any event Mr.
Adkins will spare no pains to make the
Umatilla House restaurant second to
none anywhere. j20-2t
On the Little Klickitat, near the point
where it enters the Big Klickitat river,
several Goldendale men have recently
filed mining claims. In the party are
Messrs. Wm. Van Vactor, the Coopers,
etc. The elder Cooper, who is a miner
ol experience, in connection witli Mr.
Van Vactor, have purchased a hydraulic
outfit in" Portland, which will arrive
! next week, It will be necessary to con
I struct about three miles of ditching,
water being taken out of Bowman creek.
Tests of tlie several claims have given
very satisfactory returns, and aa there
is an abundance of gravel whore their
claims are located, we hope their venture
will be profitable.
Philip C. Cox, collection teller in
Ladd it Tilton's bank, was drowned
Thursday ufternoon between Pennoyer's
mill and the boat yard of the Portland
Ship-building Company at Portland.
Shortly after the hank closed, in com
pany with the messenger boy of the in
atitution, he proceeded to the swimming
place. Immediately upon entering the
water and swimming about 100 feet the
young man was seized with a cramp and
drowned without making an outcry or a
struggle. After sinking beneath tlie
waves the ilret time he did not come to
tho surface again, otherwise Professor
Emil Thellhorn, who was watching on
the bank, may have res
cuing him.
Indians hunting ou the east coast of
Hudson's Bay have brought word to the
Hudson Bay Company's post, on the
west coast of James bay, that they
found Inflt spring a vast quantity of
wreckage, tho bodies of two men, and a
man in the last stages of the death
struggle. The Indians reported that
they could not understand the language
I he spoke, but that it was not English.
! He died whilo they were there, and
they returned to the trading post with
out bunging any evidence of the strange
occurrence. It is believed by tiie offi
cials of the Hudson Bay Company that
the Indians witnessed tho ending of
Andree's attempt to roach tho North
Polo by balloon. They had never seen
a balloon, but from their description of
the wreckage, tlie officials are firmly
convinced that it was tho remnants of
Andree'a airship.
MUMtay Kxi'iimlon to Uouuevillc.
Take either tho Pacific express, leav
ing Tlie Dalles at 4:50 a.m., or the
Portlund special, leaving The Dalles at
1L':".'i noon, for the Bonneville picnic
grounds Sunday. Fare AO cents for the
round trip. Good music, vaudeville
performance, specialties under the pa
vilion, free. Return on the eveuing
train. frdy&sat j
John Parrot t nir- II Ih f mpreBKloUK ot
the Alnl:a Eldorado.
Nome City, Alaska, June 29, '00.
To Tin: Editor We landed here June
17th and have been enjoying pleasant
weather so far, but the rainy season ie
supposed to eet in early in July. The
steamer Koeecrans, which carries the
government lumber and other materials
is having hard luck. Site was Ftrand?d
on the sand of the Yukon de'.ta and bad
to throw overboard her coal and some
of the other purt of the cargo. She had
to return to Dutch Harbor for more
coal, where, we hear, she has run on the
Ben Snipes arrived on the 2"d. He
had a tiresome voyage of thirty-one
This is a good country from more than
one standpoint. In the first place it is a
good country for a man to stay away
from if lie expects to get money easily.
In the secoud place there 1b plenty of
gold here In the ground. There ia also
about twenty men for each claim. The
beach has been very rich, but the ueHi
has been worked out. It ia impossible
for a man to get a mining location until
there are eome new diggings discovered.
There is one ship quarantined here,
and about six or eightcaseB of smallpox.
The water here is worse than auy
other that I know of. It is ice cold and
clear as crystal before it is boiled. Then
it turns red and has the taste of soap
made of rotten eggs.
This town is not a year old and has a
population ot over 35,000. If one w ishe
to see a fight at any time, all he bus to
do is to go out and look around a few
It would eeem that this place is cer
tainly doomed to burn. The buildings
and houses are all wooden Bhella In closo
proximity, and the streets are only from
twenty to thirty feet wide. A fire with
a little Btart could not be controlled.
John Paiiuott.
The following tempting fare will be
served at the Clarendon Restaurant to
morrow from 11 :30 a. in, to 0:30 p. m.
Chicken Cream.
Boiled Salmon and Egg Sauce,
Chicken Saute, Mushroom Saute.
Pork Cutlets, Apple Sauce.
Cold Ham with Jelly.
Cream Fritters, Lemon Siuce.
Beef. Mutton.
Veal witli Dressing.
Mashed Potatoes.
Pickled Beets. String Beans.
Apple Pie, Custard Pie,
Plum Roll Pudding.
Icq Cream.
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday
Dou't forget this.
Subscribe for The Chronicle,
Tho Kind You Ilavo Always Bought, nnd which has hceu
in use for over 30 yenrs, has borne tho signature or
and has been mado under his per-
sonal supervision, since its infancy.
tetCSUM Allow no one to deceive you in this..
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" aro hufc
Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of
Infants nnd Children Experience against Experiment
Castoila is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
con ta his neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
fatbstance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fevcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea- and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
The following elegant bill of fare for
ynur Sundav dinner will be served at
the Baldwin Restaurant tomorrow from
11 :30 A. M. to 5:00 P. M.. for 25 cents.
Will you be there?
Le Potaj.'e aux Abattis d'Oies.
Sliced Tomutoe.
Boiled Salmon, a la Maitrc d'llotel.
Smoked Halibut with Sliced Lemon.
Queen Ham.
Chicken, a la Financierc.
Mutton, Macearoni Sauco.
(iieeu Onions.
Baked Pigeon Jio, a la Devonshire.
Pineapple Fritter?, llaishe Sauce.
Sirloin of Boef. Leg of .Mutton.
Loin of Pork.
. New ltoel.
Potato Salad.
Mashed Potatoes.
String Beans. Sugar Corn.
I.ady Fingers. Spongo Cake.
Small Assorted Caken.
Riverside Oranges.
Apples. Pcaehes.
Lemon Ice Cream.
Crackers. Cheese.
V. W. Wilson-, Manager.
Conurenationul church corner Fifth
and Court street?. Rev. Poling, paetor.
Morning worship at 11; Sunday echool
at 12:15; Junior Endeavor, 5 p. m,;
Youii People's Society 7 p. in. No
eervice in thu evening.
Methodist Kpifcopnl church Corner
Fifth hikI Washington, Rev. II. F.
Hawk pastor. Sunday eelmol at 10 .,
in.; morning servicu at 11; Sunday
school ut 12:15; class meeting ut the
cloeeofthe morning service ; F.puoith
league at 7 ; no evening eervice.
Calvary Baptist eliuich Rev. W. 11.
Clifton, pastor. Regular eei vices at II
a. in. and 8 p. in. Youu people's
meeting at 7 p. in, Sunday rchool at 10a.
ui. The Sunday tchonl and tnurtitiitf ser
vice of the Ctlvary Baptist church will
hi held at iliu frame tchool building
(tirtt floor) ou Union street, until llioir
new building is completed. Thu even
ing Be r vice will be held in the M, H.
mays i crowe
The only store ic
this city where the
Oenuine Imported
Ware is sold
A little higher in
price, but outlast:
a dozen pieces of so
called cheap enam
eled ware.
Other wares look
has the name
Stransky Steel
Ware on each piece.
Do not be deceived
First prize at 1C
International Exiii
bitions. Highest
award nt Worlds
Columbian Exhibi
tion, Chicago, Pre
ferred by tho best
certified to by the
most famous chem
ists for purity and
durability, it ia
cheapest because
Remember, this
celebrated enam
eled ware is special
ly imported for aud
sold in this city ex
clusively by us.
It does not rut
nor absorb grease
n - .
not discoloi
- . .1 . i
nor oaicil insiue; is
not affected by acids
witho.u t
it .. .
food and
will last
for years.
All persons are requested to give ured't
to uo one on my uccount without an
order from me. M. Thouiihouun
j 18. Ivy
Wo can.
tion thu
' Nilstil CiUlliTh ipilukly yKldii in lvat-
. i.i.. ... ii . i I
I mem uy j'.iy a i icuhi imiiii, nu n i n,;i
' " . , i . i . . . . .i i.i i. , i.
uniy aroiuauc. n ii loceivcu iihuuh"
uohtrils, clcuiihos and houls Iho wliolo Mir
face over which it dilhisea iUolf. Diiiggihtu
null the f)0e. size; Trial nizo by innil, 10
cents. Tobt it anil ynu an' Miro to continue
tho treatment.
To Accommodate tliooe who nro pnrlial
to tho uso of atoini.eiri in applying lnpiidi
into the uasnl passages for cuUii'rhal troti
bl(tt the proprietors prepare Cream Balm in
liquid form, which will bo kuowu oh Fly's.
Liquid Cream Balui. 1'iico includiug tho
praying tube ii 70 cents. Druggibts or by
mail. The liquid form embodies tho mcd.
ieiual properties of tho solid preparation. J