The Dalles Daily Chronicle. nlm,',i,1c(1 u; ,hc oroumi J i the little valleys along the ranges of SATURDAY JULY 21, 1900 For l'te-ililtMit-W1LLIAM M'KINLEY, or (ihiip. Fur VlCfl'retlilrtit-- i THEODORE ROOSEVELT, (I r New A'urk, " T1WSTS AX 6 Tin: PEOPLE. j "Tiie larce trusts and combinations 1 the Kockiea and the Allcghcnics. In the ocean's wnters wo find whales and some very small fishes, nnd when the whales conic along the little fish have to hide out. "1 am an expansionist, and I be lieve that .one of the causes of the stringency and shrinkage of values) in this country is because wc have not gone out over the seas with our j products as wo should have done. . While there is n demand for ouvj already formed and being formed by 1 r.fTfTinrrnt lmi.i nf nntiltnl nrp nnnsidpreri i .. , ,i , ! products of the farm and manufac- liurtful to the masses and the com- 1 tory oi mis country mere win always mon people," says the Uev. -Sam P. Jones in the Manufacturers' lleeord. -"This is a theorv. Theoretically, a thing may be so, and practically it may be very untrue, w nen we speak of triiete and combines we think of the Standard oil trust, the be plenty of money; but when wheat and corn and cotton and all kinds of manufactures arc a drug on the market, and no demand for them, then we have stringency and hard times. But when the highways over ' the seas shall be laden with our sugar trust, and the tobacco trust, t t,., 0. , , ., . ...J products into foreign countries, and etc. When the .Standard oil trust 1 n , , , .. the gold is brought back in the ships, was formed 1 was paving fortv cents ! " n 1 " " .1.-11 11....-.V.I. A a gallou for kerosene oil.; 3 am get ting it now for ten cents a gallon. 1 was paying 124 eeutefor sugar sev oral years ago, but when the combi nations set in we got it at 5-J the whiskey trust was organized J ! was in hopes it would put up whiskey where the poor devils couldn't get it, but they have seemed to cheapen that down to where they can pay the government 1. 10 a gallon revenue on it and yet sell it for l.27A, which demonstrates that they are making it and letting the public have U at about 12; cents a gallon. "There is no doubt about the ag gregation of wealth, with brains con trolling it, that they can manufacture ! then wn shall flourish norenia lv. A negro and an old mule can make corn and cotton; a fellow with a 200 sawmill cau make lumber; but only yuon j aggregations of wealth can build ships and open Jauds." markets in foroicn ISlKiuarck's Iron .Serve Was the result of his aplemlid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where Blomach, liver, kidneys and bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pill;. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25e at Blakeley & Houghton's drugstore. G THE CELEBRATED ...COIdJlWBm BREWERY.... AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Thi well-known brewery is now turninc. rut the best Hoer anil Porter cut nf Hie OiwiMiles. Thei Intent appliances for the tt.nnufaeturn of Kom henithful Ileer have been Introduced, and only the llret-tiliiea article will he placed on the market. Enst Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. nils striking photograph represents the three-vear-old sou of Mrs. Jess. Potter of 394 South First Street, llrooklyn, X. Y.j who says, under date of Sept. 23, 1899, regarding his cure of a disfiguring face humor: 3ly baby's face was covered with ringworms. We could not lay a pin between the sores on his face nnd neck, and he was n sight to look at. Two doctors attended him for three weeks, without succes-?, when I heard of Cutleura. I got a box of Cutleura Soap, and a box of Cutleura Ointment. 1 onlv applied them three days, when 1 could see his face was better, and in four weeks he was cured. His faee Is as clear as a bell, and not a mark on it. In all the world there Is no treatment so pure, e, sweet, so economical. o uprcililv elfi-r. live forilistreMlnp skin ami scalp humors of Infants and children ns Crnam.x. A warm bath jvitli CuricUKA So.u and a eliiglo anointing with Cdticuua Ointment, purot of emollient skin cures, followed when ncco-inry l.v u mild dose of (Jrnroia Hrsoi.vrsT. will afford lintant relief, permit rest and sleep to both parent and child, and point ton speedy, immanent, and economical cure when all cUc falls. Sold throughout the world. Price, THK SKT.Bl.Uff; or, CUTICUHA Soai 23c CimctJKA OINTSinxr, CUTtcoiu JIesolvknt Mc I'otieu Dmjo ash CUEM. COKI, Sole Props)., llystoii. Jlow to Cure Baby Humors," free. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grooer. Children for Attojitloii. Twin girl babes 5 months old ; one i.Trl linlio 1 ninnFh rna dirl f! I'dira any article cheaper than it is or lias ono boy vear. 01,e boy 2 veare: one boy S years. ApdIv to I. F. Tobey, superintendent Children's Home Soei- been manufactured on a small scale. The great railroad combinations, many think, will eat us up blood rare. Occasionally I get on a little jerk-water road that is not in the combination, and I want to double my accident policies and be satisfied wjth a l.-miIe-an-hour gait and console myself with the idea that I ?a.ll rifle all day for i dollar, but when 3 get on the Pennsylvania or Vanderbilt system of roads, with their schedules forty mile$ au hour, vestibule trains, with parlor cars, sleeping cars, dining cars, I have a hotel on wheels carrying mc toward my destination, and all this for about two cents a mile. Give ine the road that is in the combine to carry me where I am going. "Puulic sentiment is the safeguard which is thrown around all aggrega tions of wealth and all combinations of interest. The Standard oil, the railroad combinations, the sugar trust are as sensitive to public senti ety. The superintendent will be in The Dalles this week and will receive written applications at this office. For Sale. We have at Portland a stock of fine lubricating oils and greases. Prices and terms are right. Write for prices. Cen tra! Refining Co., Cleveland, Ohio. CiMll D Yijnj Cneclta. All cauntv Warrants registered P"or ! to Aug. 1, 1896, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after June .10, WO, .J. F. Hampshire, Conutv Treasurer. A Difficult Problem. It is among the most difficult proh-! lems of notural science for one to become I expert in eeveral lines. J. E. Adeox A 1 Co., by their combination,, have over-) come thif diflleukv in 11 nriifitimil mm. I ner. J. E. Aricox is an expert watch maker nnd is good on jewelry, optical work and encravins. while Theo. H. 1 Liebe is an expert optician and is good on watch repairing, jewelry work and engraving. Their price is as low as con sistent with good workmanship. They are prepared to do all work in their several lines, on abort notice. Work sent by mail or exitrntn will receive prompt attention. Sign. "Jlig Hed Watch." OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Floral' lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A ENEltAI. BANKING BUh'INEB Letters of Credit iesued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, beattle Wash,, and various points '3 ment as the snow-bank to the ravs of in Oregon and Washington 'iv,,... .wi nmi,!. m I Collections made at all poiute on fav "M" wuu..,. (orable termn not hurt the public, but stockholders and bondholders may suffer later on, when these great bulky institutions become unwicldly and tall with their own weight. Fifty thousand men in 'the United Slates, perhaps not more, are interested in the great trusts-of the country. Those 50,000 men know that there arc 70,000,000 of The CLARENDON And CAFE. J. B. Orossen & Co., Props. 87 Second Street Complete Cii?e of Dms L. Lane, GENERAL ANDt Horsesooe r other people in America, and their jg, wisdom teaches them where bound-jC ary lines arc, over which they can- B' not go without peril to themselves g nnd (lUnQlnr tfi tltnir liiioinoac. 'n i S' combination now says "damn the public," but they have their weather- cocks out on every prominent cupola watchinnr bow the wind blows. x iiu suuucssiui man ut uuiiiuiua tion means the downfall of other1 men and other combinations. One ' preaching to u,000, twenty preachers around him consider 75 a full house, I ns: F. Stephens ...Dealer In... Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Hoots, Bliocs. lints. Cups. Notions, for W. E. UourIui Shoe. ABt. Telephone No. SS. l:Jl Second Ht., The Dalles, Or, Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third and Mgwd. Plione 159 Dr.GUNN'S PILLS Vjr'i""."-. Thef.nelthtrsrirwnor.iJkVnrir.;:,' e. bold b, UroMiM. ur (J0S4NKO CO PhlTa p. ONE FOR A DOSE. and 100 n porfect jam ; ono physician fste".. making 10,000 a year, and forty ACTfflrWii'hWSSS little doctors in the neighborhood not making their grub. A Wnna tnakcr selling 5,000,000 a yenr means many little merchants apply ing for clerkships in his store. It is the survival of the fittest, it may be. When God made this world lie made mountains towering into the clouds and valleys below the level of the sea ; He made lakes and oceans; lie spiead out the prairies of the west; JJf . STURDEVANT, Iieutist. OOlcaniH Trench & Co.'u Uank l'ho'ie'C, THE IMU.KS, OKKGON JjU. K. E. FBItaUSON, riiysiciun and Surgeon, Olllce, Vogt Block (over l'ototlce), SOtplino-dw TIIE DALLES, OHEGON. ..GflflS. FRflJi.. Bute hers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on ilrauKht tho celebrated ;OLUMHIA HEEll, ncknow;. edKl the best beer in The Dalles, at tlio usual price. Coino in, try Hand be convinced. Abo the Kim-nt brands of Wines, Liquor and Clsriirs. Sanduuiches of all Kinds always on hnnd. at M. Z. DONNELL, THt DRUGGIST. Just What You uiant. C. S. Smith, THE dp-to-dateQroeer Fresh Eggs and Creamery Butter a specialty. 2d Street. Thone 270. 8 S KUMTINOTON H 8 WIUOK HUNTINOTON WILSON, ATTOKNKVH AT LAW, THK DALIJCfi. (IHICIION Omce orr First Nat. Bank New ideas in Wall Paper hore. Such wide variety aa we are showing never be fore graced a single stork. Ileal imita tion creton effects at ordinary pricea. Good papers at cheap paper priceB. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full fine of house paints, D. W. VAUSE, Third St. J. ti. HCIIKNCK, President. II. ii, IIkai.;., t.'Hslilet FM national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Bight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, Ban Francisco and port. land. DIRBOTOHI. D. P. Thompson. Jmo. ti. BonaH. Ed. M. Williams, Gio. A. Libbi. n, si. uuAih. EKED, W. W1LHON, ATTOUNKY-AT IW, UOlee oyer riot Mat. tiauu. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, S?mu'l So Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton FlOUr Tnis I''lonr ln"fctured expreoslv for famllr , use; every Back is guaranteed to Kive'satiafoction. o eell our goods lower than any Iioiihu in the trade, and if you don't think to call and got our jimeH and 1m convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats $1.00 per month. Strictly iirat class local and long distance telephone service within your home. Lines do not crosa-talk. Your con vernation will be kept a secret. No cost for installing. You gut the standard Hunniug Long Distant Instrument. Continuous day and night survice. We will accopt your contract for ten years and allow you to cancel samo on giving us thirty days writ ten notice. PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE COS. Wt. flngel College and Seminary, Conducted by the Benedictine Fathers. Located IIJ i inllee south of Portland on one of the most healthful and attractive spots of the illumette Valley. The ideal place for your boys. Preparatory, Classical, Commercial and Scientific Course. Mush- a specialty. For particulars apply to the President. julylS-oetlS t UUUU J.1 C WO to Good Dressers.... w i 1 L;xU,,ul1u '(.,1.'!lAu.!.lVvlt,uio" t0 " to inspect the samples of J W ,Wuo 2"? ,rom 11,0 OltOWN TAILORING CO., Chicago's famous Cus- toni Tailors. W suits to Measure, $8.75 up. Fit, workmanship nnd entire satisfaction guaranteed. J JOHN .PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, Agent, j I SINGERS!! Stop and see them. 'J'ho boat Sowing Moohino on tho inurkot for the least prioo. Vox- cash or on timo. : : : The Jaoobsen Book & Music Co. f