Otrrniicle. VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY. JULY 21, 1900. NO. 290 Retiring from Business. Closing out my Regardless Dry Goods, Clothing, Booto and Shoes, at much lest than wholesale prices. Will Bull in bulk or in lots, or any way to suit purchasers. Entire stock must be closed out before thirty days. All trnnrte will bo Hacriflued except Thompson's Glove-fittiriR Corsets nml Hutteriuk I'titterne. Your prices will be mine. Call early and secure bargaino. J. P. McINERNY, Corner Second and Court Sts. MINISTERS ALIVE LAST WEDNESDAY Their Stinimliold Under Continued Shut and Shell, and Quick Relief Only Can I'revent Massacre of the Oc cupants by Chinese Troops. Wahiiimiion', July 20. The following statement has been elvun out at tho state department : On the lltli of this month, thestatedo pnrtuienl umuinuuicated a brief mussnge, asking tiiliiicH from Miniater Connor, In tho fltato dupnitmont cipher. Minister Wu uudurfllook to net this into Minister Connor's hand, if ho were alive. He hits succeeded in doing 1 1 1 1 u . Tnis inorn iiiK the state department received a telegram nun GotiHiibUunorul Goodnow at Slmnj,'liiii, saying: "Tim governor of Shan Tunc informs mi' tlmt lie Iiiih received Unlay a cipher iiicssayii froin Conger uf tho J8th." A few minute" Inter Minister Wu ap peared at the state department with a telegram (rout Taotai Sluing, dated tho -'Otli of July, which had been received by Minister Wu at 8:!I0 o'clock this morn ing, reading as follows: "Vour telegram whb forwarded and, "9 requested, J send reply from the Tming J.i Yunuin, as follows: " 'Your telegram of tho lfith day of Una moon 11th of July) received. Tho state departiuunt telegram has been handed to Minister Conger. Herewith is Minister Conger's reply to tho stnte department.' " Mr. Conger'H eublegrani is as follows: "In ISritish legation. Under con tinned shot and shell from Chinese troop-, riii.( 0y ea prevent gonurnl luansauro." The nifHsngu is not dated, but it is I'lnlerHtood was sent from Pokiu on tho lHth. 1'hifl reply was in theHtatodepartineiit lln;r, and it is regarded by the Htato depirtnimit as genuine, inasmuch as 'orgerien seem, under the ulruumetancos, hnposMole. )Vahius(iion, July 'JO. Ah booh us Minister Conger's cablegram had been tmnelati'd, ii cabinet council was called hi the ollk'e o nu, secretary of state. In reply to u quentlon, Adjutant- U""ur"1 Our bin said it was IiiiposHitilo to (.ay ,I0W w,lVt liYwX lu) n,(!(,i)t of 'blister Conger's message would have 01,oiiunilltary operatlouu In China or llr preparations here. Ho did not know uiUtlmt increased military bantu might I'il Pluto iimtlurii in China. "id iMbinut council between Seen). ., H ""' ''""f and Uoot lasted about ' ''d'imes. Tho poHtuiaster-general 8t,ufutry of the treasury did not um N fltatenunt was given out aitur thu conference. Usno.s-, Juiyoo.-A special dispatch "in H(1g Kong says French gunboats 'vi lau.lod !100 Aniiniiiosu soldiers to IToit-ot Shatnlet, a suburb of Canton, Wakiiinoton, Jul y 'JO.-Seerot.uy Long Entire Stock of Cost. has sent tho following cablegram to Admiral Homey : "Conger telegrapliB that he Is under Qre in British legation, I'ekin. Use and urge every means possible for immediate relief." Catarrh t-'uiiiiot Itu Cured with local npplicatious, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Curo in taken internally, and acts directly on thu blood and mucous surfaces. Hull's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for yecre, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifieis, acting directly on tho mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of tho two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. V. .1. Ciiknkv & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drruggitits, price 7c, Hall's Family fills are the bent. 1'-' Uiiliriirulu Wht'iit Oroi. Siock'ion, Cal., July '20. Experts in this city siiv that the wheat crop In Cali fornia this season is going to full below the estimates mndo six weeks or two months ago. This shortage is said to bo due in some localities to several days of hot weather that swept over the state about tho time tho wheat was whnt is termed "in the milk." In other sections an Insect worked on tho roots of tho plant until it reduced tho sup i:i the stalks and atlVcted the grain. Jt Nuvcil HlH I.ftf, I A. Diinforth, of LaOrande, Ga., Mitfcretl intensely for six months with a frightful running sore on his leg, but writes that Uiicklen'a Arnica Salve wholly cured it in ten days. For Ulcere, WouuiIh, Iturus, Ifolls, I'ain or Piles it's tho best salve in tho world. Cure guar anteed. Only 'J5o. Sold by JJlukeley & Houghton druggists. 0 CiiHtlo Unit; liuriuid. San Fkascisuo, July 20. Wot d has been received heio that tho hotel at Castle Ciag, Shasta county, burned to tho ground at I o'clock this morning. All the guests escaped with their baggage. Ciiatlo Crag Tavern was a faohlonablo Summer hotel, high up in thu mountains of Shasta county, and was owned' by the Pncillo Improvement Company. It was crowded with coeloty people from San Francisco and other portions of the state. A Clonil UiiiirIi MmlU'liie. Mimv thousands have been restored to health and happiness by the ufo of Chauiburlain's Counh Kenieity. ii ni llle.ted with any throat or lung trouble, give it a trial for It Is certain to prove benelleial. Coughs that havo reslsteii all other treatment for years, havo yielded to this leiuedy and perfect health been restored. Canes that soemed hopeless, that the climate of famous health tesorts (ailed to benefit, have been permanently cured by its usu. For rnlo by Ulukeloy e; nonunion. Clark & Falk's drug stock Is now, frosh and complain. Subscribe for Tim Cuko.niou. POLICY OF THE UNITED STATES Will Endeavor to Prevent Partition of Chinese Empire. Chicago, July 20. A special to the Times Herald from Washington says: A result of the cabinet meetings held Tuesday ar.d Thursday, the policy of the United States concerning tho great world's crisis in China is fully and definitely decided upon. The substance of thia policy is as follows: 1. The United States will under no circumstances join in the partition of China among the powers. 2. Tho United Stntes will uso all its influence, to the utmost extent, Ehort of war with European nations, to prevent dismemberment of the Chinese Empire. o. The United States proposes to have a veritable setilnnient of the Chinese troubles, and its voice will ever bo raioed againBt spoliation and in favor of preservation of China's territorial and governmental entity, along tho lines set fortli in Secretary Hay's note to the powers, dated July 3. 4. The United States will not declare war upon China on account of the show ing of facte, no matter what other powers may do. 5. The United States, acting inde pendently nnd for itself, will co-operate with the other powerH in restoring order in China, in punishing all officials, high or low, found guilty of crimes against human life, and in setting up a stnble government that may give guarantees of security of life and property and Ireedom of trade. Story or Mluve. To be bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease is the worst form of slavery. George D. Williams, of Manchester, Mich., tells how such a slave was made free. He says: "My wife has been so helpless tor five years that she could not torn over in tied alone After using two bottles of Electric Bitters, slieis wonderfully improved and able to do her own work." This supreme remedy for female diseases quickly cures nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, headache, backache, fainting and dizzy spells. This miracle working medicine is a godsend to weak, sickly, run down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. 0 Uurrii llrwluelie Oulckly. Baldwin's sparkling eli'erveecent Cel ery Soda. A harmless and effective cure for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, brain futigm. 10 and 25 eents. Sold by Clarke & Falk, druggists. jan24 Ow For Nllln. A good etconibbahd threshing ma chine for sale at L. Lane's blacksmith hop, on Third street. j-l-d&.vlm Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E. Patton'e sun proof paints for $1,50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Fail;, agoutis. uiw Wo are offering special values in ladies' tan oxfords. A $2 50 silk vesting top, tuin-eolo oxford for $175 while they last. Every dy Is bargain day at ttio Now York Cash Stoie. Dining tho entire week there will bo a sale of street hats and sailors at tho Campbell & Wilson millinery parlors. Great reductions. 1(3. lw Fresh cracked Notinibiui corn at the Woseo warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mc!i25-u Forcholuo fruits, fresh vegetables, llsh, poultry and all kinds of feed, call on tho MeNoal market. PliouoS. lMwk Tropical and homegrown fruits, choice vegetables, also that chicken for your Sunday dinner. Call up 278. lMwk To Onri' u (Jt.lil ill Olio Oity. Take Laxative itrouio tjuluiuo Tub lets. All (iniugisis rHfund tl u money, Seo our west window for bargains in ladies low shoes. The Now York Ciit-h store, r Clarke & Falls's flavoring extracts are thu best, Ask your grocer for them. You will not have bolls if von take Clarke & F.ilk's sure euro for boila. lllrckhmn Ilennmlnitted in Kentucky. Lexington-, Ky., July 20. Governor Beckham was nominated by tho demo cratic etato convention for governor of Kentucky by acclamation at 3:05 this morning. After the names of Judge Black, of Barboursville, and Judge Tarvin, of Newport, were placed in nomination the roll call ol the convention was begun. When McLean county was reached at 3 o'clock, Beckham had the 547 votes necessary to nominate. Then Black nnd Tarvin's names were with drawn and the latter moved that the nomination of Beckham bo made un animous. The motion carried, and Beckham was escorted to the platform, where he made his speech of acceptance. BUSINESS LOCALS. Ladies tan low shoes only 90 cents at the New York Cash store. Orders by telephone or otherwise are promptly filled at the McNeal market. A freBh supply of Lowney's chocolates received today at Blakeley's pharmacy. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint and artiet's brushes. A full line of Eastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke & Falk. Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. DeWitt'a Little Early Risers are famous little pills for liver and bowel troubles. Never uripe. Irevf-utvd n 1 meetly. Timely information given Mrs. George Long, of New Straitsville, Ohio, pre vented a dreadful tragedy and saved two lives. A frightful cough had long kept her awake every night. She had tried many remedies and doctors but steadily grew worse until urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle wholly cured her, and sho writes this marvelous medicine also cured .Mr. Long of a severe attack of Pneumonia. Such cures nre positive proof of the matchless merit of this grand remedy for curing all throat, chest and lung troubles. Only 50c and $1 00. Every bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's Diug Store. G The Kent Kriiinly for Stoiunch and IIiiivhI Triiuulng. 'I havo been in the drug business for twenty years and have Bold most all of the proprietary medicines of any note. Among the entire list I have never found anything to equal Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy for all stomach and bowel troubles," says O. W. Wakefield, of Columbus, Ga. "This remedy cured two severe cases of cholera morbus in my family and I have recom mended and sold hundreds of bottles of it to my customers to their entiro satis faction. It affords a quick and sure cure in a pleasant form." For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Dissolution Ivotico. Tho copartnership business heretofore conducted at 175 Second street, under the firm name and style of Blakelev & Houghton, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, F. L. Houghton retir ing fiom said firm. Tho business will lie conducted in tho future by Geo. C. lilnkeley, at tho old stand. F. L Houghton will collect all accounts and nav all liabilities of said firm. The Dalles, Oregon, July 2, 1000. GKO. O. Bl.AKKI.KV, F. L. Houghton. GOING EAST- If you Intend to take a trip East, ask your ticket agent to route you via The Great Wabash, u modern and up-to-dnto railroad in everv particular. Through trains from Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha or St. Louis to New York and New Enghuid points. All trains i mi via Niagara Kidls and every thiough train lias free reclining clour cars, sleep ing and dining cars. Stop over ajjowed on all tickets at Ni agara Falls. Hums C. Ci.inu, Pacific Coast Pass. Aut,, Lou Anueles, Calif. C. S. CitANi:, G. P. A., St. Liuis, Mo. For tho convenience of parties want ing ice in the afternoons, the Stadelmnii lee Co. will cany a stock at their store, comer Third nnd WiiHhiintton sheets, Phoqe No. 107; long distauco 183. "Iting'eui up." 18m-tf Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celobiatd Jaine E. Pntton btrictly pure liquid puiuts Wuuti'il, I in mt'il lately, A good harness-maker. Apply to II, Krause, of Wasco, Or. j'Mf, Who Hath Woe? Man who is married to a woman dur ing house-cleaning time is of a few days and full of carpet tacks. A cloud oh scureth his vision nnd great gobs of dark brown gloom possesccth his soul. He riseth up betimes and sniffetli the morn ing air with a heavy heart and obscureth nose. Ho snatcheth a few pancakes from the griddle and rushcth to his labors depressed in spirit and saturated with dyspepsia. Ho returneth at noon and falloth over a mop. The dull sick ening tlind of helarruped carpet iB heard in the land.- The queen of the house hold crowneth herself with a dirty towel and a fierce look. Sho resembleth an angel. Her sceptre is a broom. The carpet fuzz clingelh to the salvage of her nose. Lnrge quantities of real estate set tleth among the dimples of her swan like neck. Her eyes glareth with the fury of great enterprise. She maketh her spouse to eat dinner from the iron ing board in tho kitchen, which re9teth on two chairs. He findeh a cake of soap beside his plate nnd a portion of the scalp of the scrubbing brush in the butter. At night he retu'ueth to his home with a timid halting step. He feareth the worst. The swish of the peach limb is still heard r. it poundeth a fifty-dollar carpet into shreds. He drinketh a little cold tea from a tin cup, and prepareth for bed. A live carpet tack buryeth its fangs in his foot. He yelleth in agony, and bumps the ceiling in a vain and futile effort to jump through the roof. He belli down on his couch and wettetb his pillow with his tears. The family dog howleth beneath his window like the wail of a dammed soul and no one in the house sleepeth. The fetid fragrance of bedhug speciffic smelleth to heaven and tho aroma of new-laid moth balls sifteth through the cover of the clothes chest. Who hath woe? Who hath Eorrow? Who hath redness of eyes and a stopped up noee? Ho who nionkeyeth witn house cleaming. Who masheth his thumb? Who polltiteth his lips with blasphemy? Who imperileth his im mortal soul? He who turryeth at home to tack down carpets. Ex. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of I.uxurlen. Healthml drinks uro not luxuries, they ate necessities. A full lino of cool and refreshing porter, ale, mineral water and beers kept on ice. Take a bottlo home for lunch. C. .1. Stubling. Phone 234. Wauled. A position to do general houso work. Inquire at Mrs. Bauer's residenco on Ninth street, opposite old Lntheuiti I church. jlv20-22 ...Geo. C. Blakeley... 8ucces3or to Blnkoley & Ilouglitou. Wholesale : and : Retail : Druggist Largest Stock of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries in Eastern Oregon Country and - JVIait Opdevs Will Receive PROMPT ATTENTION. 175 Second St. THE DALLES, - ;JY. VIt;YiTIY r i . v i.v . . State formal School, MONMOUTH, - OREGON, Fall Term Opons September 18, 1900. Tin-htudeuts of the N'urii'iil Bi'liucl me pri'imieJ to take tho Stnto ivrtlllcnto Immediately on graduation, (iraduutoi readily hcoinuKood potittonv, Kxpousoof year from llv'J to 1100. KtroiiK Ai'adomlo and I'loffuslonal Uoursw, Now Special Departure In Maiiuut '1'ralulng YclU'iiilppcd Training Department, For catalogue euiitalulng full announcements address 1'. I., C'AMl'llKl.I, l-ieildeut. or V A. WANN, Secretary of Fculy. Our Great Skirt and Waist Sale Terminates at o'clock sharp. The main' satisfied cus tomers wc have supplied today can best testify as to whether this sale was a success or not. We think it was. You have till eight to get here in if you want to participate in this feast. These lines are still on Special Sale and will be until further notice. Men's Trousers A. M. Williams & Co. Trousers a little better than most other kinds even "if we do sayit our selves." Trousers worth from $2 to $3, special. $1.50 From $3 to $5 .. ..$2.50 Noti: We advertised "Trousers fo $0 at $2 50" yesterday. Today these better ones have alreadv found new owners; tho snme will happen every day so hurry if you want the best. Cci1js.i.., Have you noticed tho good hats in our show window? Tf not, you should at tho first chance 3rou have, and take par ticular notice of tho prices in rod. $2.50 Hats $1.6S $3.50 Hats $2.50 $5.00 Hats $3.35 Cheaper hats upstairs. l m. Williams & Go. rflNBNONKSjexi 1 Phono 300. - OREGON. v. . y . . t , y . v . y t v t v j v . . v t 4 y i rv..