The Blight ism Disease $ f m 1 1 'a In mat'v scrofula ami Consumption arc alike : thev develop from the same gen- Heredity, I. f er.u causes, uoui are iieroiumry aim uepeiuiciii iijiuu mi impure- mm mi twished hloodsutuilv. In cousuintitioit the disease fastens itself upon liniunT Kim TISIF. M-ltr.DULK. KllO.'I DAIM'A Anir.VK FliOM ti-A the hums : m Scrotum the chums of tlte neck ami tliroat swell and suppurate, causing ugly ruuniuc sores. fMk the eves are inflamed and weak ; there is an almost continual discharge from the ears, the linilw swell, hones ache, and white swclhmr is frenuentlv a result, causinii the diseased hones to work out tnrougli Nut -Mull .10 p. in. wnlt l.ti'o, Denver, Kt. Worth. Onmliti. Kim- I"iit Mill ia:i p m the skin, nroducitnr indeseribahlc nam and sufferintr. Cultimr away a sore or diseased gland does no ' Ms t'tty, Ki. IjjiiIj, Mfc-f- good ; the blood is poisoned. The old scrofulous taint which has probably come down through several I- ClitcuKo it ml Lion. a a fin ,iiSKS"SV Scrofula reipiires vigorous, persistent treatment. The blood must be brought back to a healthy , jUcrcurv, potash anil ruin the digestion tin The itSM condition before the terrible disease can be stopped in its work of destruction. SI ijlVi other poisonous minerals usually given in such cases do more harm than good ; they SNs"-i"' niui ienve ti1L system in a worse condition than before. S. S. S. is the only medicine that can reach deep-seated blood troubles like Scrofula. It goes do' e disease anil forces every vestige of poison out of the blood. S. S. S. is the only purely vcgetahli ic roots and herbs from which it is made contain wonderful blood purifying properties, which no poison i ' t? o o,.. It goes down to the very roota of c ulooii puniier Known. . ltoweverpowcrnu, can long resist. S. S. S. stimulates and purifies the blood, met eases the Atlantic KXJIK'VS V2-M n. in. Via Hunt- Unit Inks, Denver, l't. Worth. Oiinilm. Kim- yns City, Kt. I.null, i hieago ami i.mi. HiioUime Mnil unit l:nress THE vour child has inherited any blood taint, don't wait for it to develop, but begin at once the use of S. S. S. It is a fine tonic and the test blood puriiiet and blood builder known, as it contains no poisonous minerals. S. S. S. is pre-eminently ti remedy for ! j Clulilren. Whcutiivil milliter as mi infant a revere case of Scrofula. for which she was under the con stant arei ' rihvsici.tns for more thanti. vcars. She was worse at the etui of that time, however, niul We almoH despaired of her life. A few lwttles of Swift's .Specific cureil her completely, ni it recmcd to go the cause of the trouble. I do not lieliev it eoual for stubborn casss'of blond diseases which are beyond the power of other so-called blood remedies. S. I. Urooks, Monticcllo, Ga Our medical department is in charge of experienced physicians who have made Scrofula and Other blood diseases a life study. Write them about your case, or any one you are interested in. Your letter will receive prompt and careful attention. We make no charge whatever for this. Address, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, 'Wnlln Wnlln, SiMikrme, j Mtnniiol'g. 91, I'iiui, J Ml I 11 l II, .HIIWIlUKftV Ohloiiijo niul Unlit, vln. Hi iikiuiHiiHil Hunting I tun: iiIko nil iolnl In V IlllllllUtlin unit liMSt- iirn Oicgon. 1:1,") ii, in. Bpokiiliu ilnll niul KXirea :;in. m ip m. I 1'r.oii I'orri.AKii. I llee.ui Stonmslili. I For (vin t-'riinclfrto Kvurv Flvo lar. ATLANTA, GA. The Dalles Dally Chronicle. SUMMONS. l'HOl'hK CI) .11 INK AS I (SIMMS. Ilu.h nionn went to Portland on th Jioon trait.. of Wnscn., s- AM.rn-v O, .1. Bright, in town today. L. K Ciown was n passenger Jiaon train tor I'ortUitui. on the Mateo) ni Melinite wmit this niornim: on a btt-ini'i trip to Port tend. Mr?. .! P. Lucas left on the Ufuulator Jhis innrniiii; for the Cascade Locks. Mr. mi') Mrp. W. A. .Iiilinton left on this morninc':1 bor.t for St. ."Martin's Bpritiys. Culoiifl Nvi and ivifp, of Prini-ville, tire in ttifi'itv, the piiC3ts of the Uma- tiflH Htufc. J. A F'irilyce was innrniii-.''rt bnut on Ca-c.iile Locke. a passenger on t'lis a biiiintsa trio to N THE ( II'tTIT KV 01" THK nl ATI" uf Oregon, for V aco t.'ounty. Mrs. Kate llntlns, 1'tnintlfr, v.-. Donald M. Unvtlufri, lKfemluut. To I'nnnld M. Uaitlngs. tht iiboe-nnmerf ile-1 femlaiit: j In the Name of the ritntoof flreaoii, You ait' loreby tenuiret! tniipiwar niul a- sur llu'n m- 1 IiitlUeil ij,'unt yn in the ubuve vntU'eil lit on or lofoie the It' h d.n of July, 1J00. ntul ; if you do nut, for want tlictouf the philiittlt' will ; 'Ue Ji.ihnutnt iixnlnst Jfn ami will upl to! ihec art fui Ih" rvllef p Ir in her com t'hiint, to-wlf for a ntcrwof dUoree Irom you, ! thesfltd ilefendant, Honxlii M. Has ings. i This siifnmoiiN I s-erveil up5ii yoi. hj publlr-n-1 u n. nvoniero inuvmirt. luiideoii iiiiri i unv 'of June, 1300, hli.'h Mild order direct that thi .uniuuips oe sen ia upon juu uy puuitiniioti herrof for ix eoiisccu'fve e-k In 'litK !a:.m:s M'r.rKi.v CiiRo:;ici.i!, n newspaper pubiisliod in miIi! Countj ; lliat the lirx! pllbl i-itlon i be nliu'.o on the lith ilny of June. ln o. au1 that the defendant be required t uppcui mid aiinver the compliiint on or before the Uth dm of July, iiuju, Miii mite beiti? tne lii-t itnv or the time pro-erlbed for the :wl punlieatiou. The dale of tin- firt publieatioa of this sum-i mou- ii June fl. l'.W. w. ii. n-n.ox, JO 1 AttoriK for I'iaintiil S p, 111. Kx.aun'lay'i:oliimhl Itv. Stcnmflrs. To AflToni.v mill Way s-nttinlay IjiiuIIiibs. lo p. m. t p. m. I ii, m. JlN.tjumtni Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Oil. in. I WlLLAtlKTTR tllVlilt. 1 1 ll) p. 1TI. lijt.aitiulaylORTioii City, Novlri:,ii:..auniiii hiiicm .v ay uinu'v. ! T a. m, WitLAMTru and Ya.-i-! ,1:3U i m. Tiies.Hiur.: hilj. kivbrs. iion.,Woii niul eat. lOrtvrnti City, Paytou,, and Pri. i tuul Wny-Umilliisk. j r I.v lilimilnl dally ;l n. in. SN'.VKK l'.lVBII. llllsiria to Lswhton. i I.n.tvn IXWISTOK dally a:l a. m. Dealer in RlacSismitii Supplies. Cor Sccoiiu & LanaWin. 'Phone 151 isii i f f V? II? Tho Dullon, Oh. The Chronicle, Job Pointers 8 1 ii-itjjj-i- . .ti uluhj i-jy ijiautf'M iJ4.i'jitwa.'iiU'iiiuJKiMtiiUuj4iunt.iuium, ii'j --n j ViMiiriiHt iitifitiiirf itTiiint"iriri'iiiititiiittiiiiiititiiiTtr tift nr i Guardians Sale. I , Cimrlf-v Fran): and Charh'v Withnfl ri'tiirtiHii i ins forenoon from a lialiin trip on 15 Milu ureok. M. P. iM-nlwrp f pout la't niulit in the city and u-ft nn thii- mnrnitiB'tf boat for lii? home at Hood River. .John L. Written, n prominent Tytth I'tdgi! fnrri-iT, iva? in town last illfht, tin-yiit-rt of the Utnatill.i House. JLolin Gei-i'iidorfTer, nl, left on the niiMii train for luime, after a sliort visii-- uitli bis sou, Dr. J. A. Ueisen , f dorffcr. j II D. Cnle, a prominent cattle and ' ilniryuiHii frmn Fulde, Wash., was in town Imfi niiilit the guest of tlie Uma-1 tilla Hun". j Mr. and Mte. Ales. Mcintosh, who! bnvu Iihhii in town for the pst three! days, left on this morninii's for their home at (Jlennwooil, Wash. Clmrli'i Dun, nf Antelope, wptit down on tin !! unhiior tliiR nuirniiiLf to e pent! N'otlee i horehi kIvcii that the rartneralilp heretofore CNlsttiifr "ctiitin '.. 11, liiitur ami ! frank Jleneiee. lit Hie lMlies, Oreiton. utiiler , the iirm name and -ivle ot Imfur .v Menelee. N i thix dm dUohid bv inutuiil consent, i:. I!. ' i ililfur rotititiK ftoin mi id tlrm. All linfiiilslu d i , , , ,, r cac in which wild arm is luteielil as at- hui lliat piirvmnt ton 11- torncs .will bv attciidtd to and completed by ill 11 1 .suoil to IllC l hnth tmrtiipr.1 the miiiii- as lhoii"li no dis.snliillon 8P l'artii'8 ileIrin(; to irn to Ileppncr or poults nn Columbia Southern via HitfJi, slum la la lie .No. .', lonvinu I he Dalles at U 10 p. in. luakini; direct conneetious at Heppuer Junction mid Hlffgif. ItolurultiK riailni;illretfoiiiiection at llcppner Junction and IIIkks utth No, 1, ar riving at 'lhe Dalles at lJ.ijOp. in. for full particulars cull on O. II. A N. t.'o.'s nent Tin- Dalles, or mlilievi w. ii. lirui.iit'UT, iteit l'a.. At.. t'ortland, Or, co W arenbuse Company . Notice Is licrcbv , cense and outer of sale mml ; n- KU.itdian ot the K-r.-on1- and estate of Lena , i,,ni ,,!.riirrfii" Mooie and iiiiilic d Moore, tniuors. bv the- Frank Menefe? will retain the bonis and in umn Court of he fctate of Orciroti for Wuvc.i , cou,,,s of tle iirm.and will all debt!, ami iom..u l lfl0f ,,l;lc11W" 1 " l"' 0,1 claims asainsi said tlrm. mid all partle. iadebted , the ill,, day of lulj, 1W . at the court house ,n thellnn of Dufur.V Meneft-.' me reipiestul to oor ti Dalles City, at the hoiirt)f p eloci p. , scIu lu f,imt. with ,llm llt eilr)y m. o sid day. sell to the hiKheat bidder for j).ltt tlt i t,e D.tlK'v, Oregon, this lt day of cjsh in hand, nil of the Interest of said minors I jj.p,. pw ! n liI'Fi'l! in and to thr real propei ty hereinafter do- j Jlv t-w' ' HtANK MIINKKKK. . soi ibeil: si 111 Interest be in: a iiintine nt two- . .. - seventiis interest in and to the W' 8 80. of tin- sr. the of the SVi4',itml Lot t of See. 11, and i Lots 1 and 'J of Sec. l'i. and that certain parcel ! of land bounded as follows' t'onimeneinjr at a stake on tho north line of tho Victor lr.!Vltt Donation bind Claim, where it crosies a ditch, i theuct. ina .southerly diiectlon across the bnt torn on the line of the piesent fence 0 rods; thence v.-st SO rods: Ihente norlhucit 0 rods, i thence nlons said line to rods, to the plnce of li-RiiiniiiK. bcliiK n j-nrt of the Vlctur Trevl't ' Donallou I, md lalm, in ,w. 11, nil said lniids beinu' in 1p. 1 N", K la i;, W. M. A.soii like in tetest in and to Iit , and 1 ti- j feet oil' t' o v.ot side of Iit 11 in block iof Laii(.hlln's Illuil Ail illtiou to Dulles city. nr. jy-it uo-MKit w. Miioiu;. liuiuili iii. iiXKouroirs nohcl. Notice Is hereby Riven that the umleriliriieil n wlnif ut S'. .MartinV HiirniL'S. A year have been dulv anputntuU bi the honorahle hfi Mr D.iii as attiieked with rlieuiiia- , collnty court. o tho state of Oregon, for Wa-co NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. OnitE ai The l)ALu:f!, nttenoN, inly'.). I-joi. i Notice Is hereby alven that the followmi; nam tit settler has llled notice of his intention to make lliial proof in support of his clnim, ami that said proof v.111 In1 made liefore the l!elster and lieoelvcr at The Dalles, Oregon, on Tues day, Atnnut -1. W'. vl llorueo t'. I'iitt'Toiu, of Tlin llntli s, Or., II K. No, jl l for the HVi, MVU, Sec. N',-.. SW Sec. Jl, Tp. J .N , I! 12 k , W. M. lie name' tuo follouin;,' wltnesfes to prove his continunu, lesidence uiiqii mid cultivntlon of sifd land, viz K I', riitlerson, P. ' Huberts, A. T. Hoborts, L. I., Ui.crts tilt o: Moier. Oicoti. t.VY 1 Jlill 1 twin tluir ii'i'uced him to u cripple. A eoj'iiirn of nix weeko at the springs lin made him hp limber as a kitten. Mr. E I Wade, of Waihini-ton, U. C, a meunier nf tho corilioller of 'the cur-rt-iify p fnrci-, is in tho city in connn: tion i li soni'i buoinHH of his depart iiifnt Mr Wnile is delighted with our oilman- niul rannot tinilerstand how Oriiniiinr o iiifider this weather as iieiinr wiirtti, which ho iiisintK is cool as compaied it h eastern weather. OlilliliHii for Adoption, Twin uirl lubes C montliB old ; one girl ''iibe, 1 inoiitb; one nirl3yearn; ono Imv 1 year; one boy "years; one boy i) yniira. Apoly to I. F. Tobuy, Eiiperliiteinlt'iU Children's Homo Snci oty. Tln siipurinteudetit will ha in The Dalles this w-k and will receive u rittt-n applications at thie oflico. Itlsiniiroti'a Iron Norvo Win tli- riMult of his h pi f.n ' 1 i il health. Indomitable will ntid trcuieudoiis enerny nn- nut round where Hlntnach, liver, kidneys ami bnwcln aro out of order. If ymi wan' theft-qualitio and tho success they brim:, u-o Dr. Kinvt'a Nmv Life Pills. Tiiiv develop uvery power of brain hiii! body. Only 25c tit Iliakeley &. U-'ip.'liton'o driiL'Store. 0 son. deceased. All persons having claims Hsrnlnst -said estate are hereby notified to present the same, prorly veitieil, to the undersiirnid l hurles I'.. C'or.-oii, Mt Wmco, Sherman coiintv. Orciro , or at theolliee of our nttomevs, Mcif fee .V Wilson, at Tho Dulles Oie m, within six months from the date of this- notice. Paled Juiy 11, V.w. ciiAiti.i::; i coKbON. V.'ll.I.lAll K. CoitiON, I H.xecutors of the if tate of Hoi.itio C'omon, d" ceased. JIJUI I.IICAS, Iteuht-;r. 50 YEAHS' EXPERIENCE EXEJUTOU'S NOTICE. Kotlce Is hereby Riven that the iiiuler-iKneU , has b.-en dill iippointnl by the honoiabio contt j of the itate of Oregon, for Wasco comity, ex ' eeii'or of the estate of Atwii.t Iljchman, de- i ceaed. All persons having claims i;.ilnst sain ; ejtate aro hereby iiotllied to piesent tho same,. properly vermeo, io int uriauituiic'l iieorKC JJ. 1 Mevii, in ino uiiiiee, tnscj t'ouuty, urtvon, or at the oitlco of Jit uttorn-NS, Menefec o. Wi sou, at The Dalles, Oregon, within six mouth" from the date of tills no.iee. Dated this llth day 01 Julv, V0. ohoiiui. D. i:i:kd. I'.xttfiitor of the estate of A"naut Ilm'hmaii. decejstd tiii: ci,,-f; AND IIliAI.INCi Willi I'till Jlllil Trace JVJarks COPYRICHTS SlC. Anvnno sending a sketch anil dcrcrlptlon ma nulem? lu'cerlalu our upliaon frcj ivliettier n Inv .lion H prolinl ly pntentiiblo. ' onuiniiilo' llomstrictlyeonlldeiillal. HjiidbooUou I'atent! sent freo. Olricit inreiiry ft ji-curuit' pitenls. I';ilo!.t taken thromrh iliir.u & Co. receive ipfciiinoEic, iin..nt cD.'irjo, in tuo sciemmc Mm A hnnii'omcly llhitr.iliil nockly. I.irjrest clr iiuatiou of nny rcientltln j .iirnal. Terms, 3 n year: four months, il. HuiiX bjrull nowtdealers. MUNNCn.3010 New York llranch onleu, SS I' Hi . Waihliiiiton, D. f SOUTH and EAST via mil Shasta Route Tinlnvleiive Tlie Dalles for I'ortlnnd and tttiv stations at I.Jo u. in. unit 3 p, m. Lenve Portland " Albany Arrive Ashlnnil . ... " S.icrnmetito . " Sail hranclsco S::) ii m . .12.;) n m .U:Xln m . ffM p m . T:li pin Alltve Ogdou " Denver " Kansas City.. " Chluago .... fi: IS a m 0-oo a m 1 .!! u m 7:l.'iit ni Arrive Um Angeles l:?flpm " III I '.io 0:10 p in " Kurt Worth 0:a)n m " City ot Mc.xlci ti '.Via m " Houston I:i)iim " New Orleans . . . . ii :i') a m " Washington .... 0 lJa m ' .NewVork li!:i:!pm 7:to p m 10:6o p m l:") a m I ;:i'i ii m 3 : 15 n m 11: 1.) a m U:00ii m 7:'J." u in 'i.Wu III 7. Uln in ii:il in d;:ai a m 0: ii n in 1.00 a m fd'Jipm f ii a 111 2 U p 111 ertcan. !. C. T. HMITIl, CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm II MlVKl lilS l.l'C P. A. Ddiifurtli, of LiUrandi', (ia,, fliifl'-rfil mts-iiHHly for tlx months with a f 'itlii 'nl riiiinini! soro on his let;, lint writes iImi Hucklon'fl Arnica rialve whnllv en'i..l it in ten davs. Fur Ulcere, Wontid', linrtiH, Doll?, I'.tin or Piles it's tho ht-'Hi halve in the, world. Cure mnir nnteed. Only 25c. Sold by hlukoley & lioimlitiin dniifuiets. U 1 '1 ltlllll.l, Oregon OslUOlMlli. id 11. ("hiiiiiiiiiii lllook, The Dalles, silas niul Kfldnys.s a. in, to 1:' mayj. lUaud 11 I'll -lm 1'ullmii i niul Tourist curs on both trains. ( hair cars Sacramento to Ogdcn mid El Vih and touihtrar.stoChlciii'o, Bt l.ouls, New or- ittins ami w inniiigtoii. Coiincctiiig at San Krauclico with several steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, i iiuippiiicn, ueuirai ami coiiiu Aineuca. See ugent nt The Dalles station, or niMrtss C. H. MARKHAM, I'aswnger Agent, I'ottlnnd, Or littii Pae Mirj (V hay and pleasant to I n . lonia.iis no In jurious drug, Jt Ni'ilckiy absorbed, (Jives Ifelif'f ..I oiii'c. It Opino and lleamos' ino i.aal i'asa. 1, AHlVH 1 Illl.HlIIIIll i.,11. IltlAM ailll 1'r iICCM lllO Mi ml.rutir. ll.iln.a II, n HL-nees of Ta-te and Kmc!), l.ire f'lzc. 60 cents at COLD 'N HEAD Membrane, lttorea tho Vyyity1?,!" !:.y ,,n?',5 Si0riO.;iit hymall. UltOTHliH.s.M Warrea Strut, Stw iork. ONE FOR A DOSE. llfraoTO Plinpl .,, VrTtnt IIill'ju.rieiH.l'nniy tli. Illocd, iru Uondai-lie iml Dijp.i3, A miivcmLnt uf tl. i,n..l. .7: VM bjiabrui-auu. Ul;. BOSANI10 CO t-hla u PILLS " in Vnur OneoKs. All (riunt.v warrants reiristered prior to Aon. 1, 1SH6, will bo paid nt my Iiiiurest censes after Juno 80, J, F. IlAMfHIIlKi:, Conntv Treasurer. ofiici MOO 'For tinni, injnnea, piles and skin tltseneeH use DoWltt'B Witch Hnzel Salve, It is tho orlu'iual. Counterfeits may be .ollVred. Urootily UdWitt'e. 4 Cliicten Lice ConQiierefl. - USE Carbolineuin : Avenarius. The most tlllclent Woml l're.ervlng I'alnt ilrtiu Itiidlciil llemoly again-1 (.'hiclten Uc. ltoiipplli'iitlon tolu cldu unlU of poultry liuusu. will ;r iniitu'iitly cMi rinliinto all lice. He mils -healthy chickens, p enty of eegs'. ilto (or flicillurs mid ptlcen. Mention thin paper. Jos.T. Peters & Co., '. MCOUK. M0011E ATTOIINKV8 AT l,AV Uooms S'j and W.over V. S. Und Oillcc JOHN OAVIK & GAVIN, 'Axle Crease liKhteiw the load oborteua the road. hclj): cxpi tlie team. Saves wear aud bold every wlicn iam: nv Yellowstone -Park Line. thi; juni.s'o cak uoL'Ti-: ntoji koutund TO THlv KAHT. thi-; oni.v Diiti:c.Ti,iKK to Tin: yi:i,i.ow. HIO.Vi: I'AitK i-iuvi;. Union Depot, Flttliana I Sis Aimm:. No. 2. Kast mall for Tiicomn, No. 1 Seattle Olynmln, (irny'i.1 Harbor ir il Bouth licuil. points, Hp.iliaiie, lliisx-1 liiinl, 11, c I n ) 1 111 it 11 , Moscow, lA!Isloll, lluf- 11:15 A. M, falolliimpiiilniiigcoun-' f);,'ii) 1. M. Iry, Helena, Mluiieapo-1 Us, Ht. I'iiui, Omiilia,! 1 Kansas City, Ht. Louis, 1 1 Chicago mill nil points o, I, ica-timil toiiihent. No. 3. I'nget hotiml Kxpresti UloO I'. M. for Tiicoina anil K-nttlo 70OA,M. 111 ml liitermcdiiito miiiiis I'ulliniiii flmt-olass nnd tourfct sleoperH lo .vjinie.iiMi Is, Ht. IMiilaml Missoittl liver polnu without change. Vestlhuleil traliiH. Union depot cnnnectloim In nil principal cilice. liiiggngo checked In iletiiinllou of tickets, f or himilniinely Illmit iilidilosciiptiveiuutlcr, wrlto l'1(;'J'l,l,,''c"1' ""efcorvutlijiis, etu call uu or A. D. CHARLTON, Asslntimt (Iciiornl 1'askvnvir Agent. J-Vi Jlmrl. win Htreet, comer 'Ihlul, I'onluiii, Oregon, ; it m i Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. ; Headquarters for Feed Grain ot rii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, S?m?1'l Ufa Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- f qvi "HlOUr 'I'lda Flour is iimiiiifiietured ncprnsBly for famllj tisn : every siuik is nimriwiteed to jjivn sntinftictioa. We sell our uoods lower tlnui tiny house in tho trade, und 11 you don't think eo cnll and cut cur prices nnd lie convinred. Highest Prices Paid for Wh-aa-t. Birley and Oats. $1.00 per month. Strintly first i'.Iuhs hienl nnd lone; (liHinnen teluiihoni) eervhui within your ln tin. Lines do not orois-tiilk. Your con versation will bo kept, a secret. No cost for iiiHtiillinn. You u'i't the Hlundiud Iltitiuing Loon DiBtitnt Instrument. Continuous ditv nnd tilht service. Wo will iii'cept your contract for ten years mill allow you to ciincel sumo on uivitiy us thirty davs wt it ton notice, PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE 008. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pios and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer os. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer oer. STANDARD OIL OO. T. BROWNHILL, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Nntnrv I'tiollc. Collections promptly attended to. Monnv to loan. 0. E. llrtvard's of fice, The Dalles, Oregon. 4 Good News 1 H to Good Dressers.... 5 ..r , 1 ctetiil a eni'dliil iuvllatlon to all to inmioot tho snmiiles of S m WooleiiH from tin. Cltn IV W pa r i nn i m V 'VKn'V V'H . I" n.l M m toinTallorfl. "m vjuichko u hiiiiuub w Suits to Measure, $8.75 up. Fit, worknianshlp and cmtlrp batiafncllon Kunrantecd. f JOHN PASHEK, Merohant Tailor, Agent. Subscribe for the Chronicle.